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tlte next vVestllOlIIuf A duen til 1'(' The Irish Orienreer is a~~~ble sponsors O{ from all Irish orienteering clubs IRISh Compass Point ~~ or by direct subscription from r.he ornencecre the Editor: John McCullough. 9 No. 90 )une-Ju'~ 1999 Arran Road. 9 USE IT OR LOSE IT (e-mail rienteers rightly expect high standards of event [email protected]), organisation, course planning and controlling. They also Qexpect to get accurate maps. Generally the event officials Annual subscription costs and mappers try their best and strive to improve standards, IRfl.50 for 6 issues, pushing out the borders of what is achievable. A by-product of this is the trend towards professionally produced NEXT COPY DA TE maps, TIme was when a dedicated mapper or two would spend 8th August '999 months surveying an area and drawing the map. If it was a new \ j~jt ' area it might be for a regional or national championships. The C()111,,'1';;~ IJ(Jlnt CONTENTS \1\\1)('1 "'II. ,. care and dedication which went into the overall project would be Ntws 5 ",I ,'(II I \ II,!) \ II I I \1 Mountuln runnlnll nxtures 6 reflected in the quality of the finished product: meticulous \\.l~ II ('II \\ IIh lI'uers jXJllt 12 craftsmanship, auention to detail, checking and re-checking to I <,II \ \ British Chumps rtjXlrt 13 produce a work of art and of science. A well-drawn map, it was ( I'()ljl"'" lOA AGM rtport 16 Coachlnll Corner 17 reasonable to assume, was a well-surveyed and an accurate map. Eltctronlc PuRcI,'nll? 18 one which the competitor could rely on (put another way, a Evtnt rtjXlrfS 20 carelessly drawn map rang alarm bells in the competitor's mind Hili Running rtjXlrf 22 • IInl I to expect not too much from the survey either). O-ZORt 24 10SA Ntws 28 Computerised mapping has changed all that .. Even a sketchy I\fsUrts 29 survey can be transformed into a beautifully drawn map by using Aclilresus 41 OCAD. No alarm bells ring in the orienteer's mind when Axruru - OrltRfttrlnll 42 • presented with II map like tbis: only out on the course, when lI'lns'tr LttlllUt WlnRtrs 43 things don't seem to fit, docs the realisation come that all is not as Cover: 8rendan O'Connor it seems - the map may look fine but the survey is bad, 1 low can • (AJAX) finishes 01 last year's mapping awards be given if the presentation of the map is all that Swedish S-Day (A, O'Mullane) is taken into account, if all maps are produced to a unifonnl y high standard of appearance? (This is a general point - not a reflection • Printed by Denton Print. on the areas given awards at the recent lOA AGM). Dundrum. Dublin 14. Another point which arises from the increased lise of professional mappers, even for lower grade areas, is the progressi ve loss of the .plI" ,1t\\I.. Results and nrtlcles are skills of mapping. Orienteering is a house with many rooms: you <,. ,." particularly welcome on 3 1/2 might find that you are really an orguniser, a competitor, a .1\ j..~W( .. inch noppy disks or by e-maH planner, a mapper or whatever. If more and more maps are being /: . with a printed version as bacll produced professionally, where are the new mappers going to up. Please keep the formatting learn the trade? How will they cut their teeth? simple! TlO is produced in the Perhaps tbe reluctance of new mappers to get involved stems ~~:~;_.'~'!P:~<. from the increasing selfishness of people towards their OWIl free Editor's ctr!c, mostly on an Apple Mac using MS Word and time, perhaps from fear of criticism or failure, but we should be s~~~" ()III'nh'('IHll' • I" 111\ i,\.I' 01 11\ ,ni', ..,1\\ hll){"" \1.:I"·!t\, ..01' r h~'t 1\ uti! fit. PEiv Quark Xpress. encouraging them to get involved. We should be running 'it \',1., ,;\, (litH';"!II "'II'f'llj't'n H~'11' Iv .tIlrll qqIP!III'1I1 .\\ (};i,11 1ft UII'L { HinD" ...... l'u,f'l ISSN 0790-1194 mapping courses to raise standards and giving the mapping effort u1>l1( ,\, "l J'I'I U~ hun ,ltl!; \'\' ".'11"'111 11I1.j 'Ill! "'1.{11l every help. It's incredible that the lOA didn't have a mapping ~Wt u.... 1 !lUI! I Hh -rn'('1 ..lip!' CI\I'nl ...nlll' (.! , hllnv· I)tl! 1.1'.1 .llvll(I('IUlh· 1l1~liI 'lId", ',1'" I' Thanks to all the contributors to officer for the past year. Ihis issue for raking rhe time and Maps and juniors are the future of tbe sport - we have to "ir 10 Market Square. Lvrharn, Lanes FY8 SLW trouble to write articles. encourage them both if orienteering is to survive at all, let alone ~ Tel: 01253 7'l5S97 Fax: 0125.3 i3'l4{'O email: rick®compasspoint.dcmon.ro.uk prosper. Imp'Jr1('rl'. I!K U"lrihlllt>1 "I ,II \1,\ I>rtt"lltl!':nng t'tIWP'ut'''' The Irish Orienleer 3 ,-

l/Ion."."o."."."."OU'lU'lU'lO both verbally and with Barry's excellent maps. ",!CI!G>NU'lGlGtp..,G>0C71C71C710 HELPA'noc! MciC'iN":IIiNr;";';CI'i';o • The whole thing is very well done and well O Q"ww"'W~c3"'C'lCHNN The organisers of the O-Ringen and 101 w"'~II)WW w_ illustrated both with colour photos. maps and 3-D "'z8!11:o Io.N E(/) ~ Irisb Championships have a very big task ahead u.,,-w ea: Q. images of the areas. For anyone interested in W.>.-W- I-C'iw O-wJ:EQ) ED of them on the weekend of June 25-27. A small circular walks in the area it's an excellent idea. ~ (/)~g? ffi~c.l ~Q;:na? 8 ~ <,... number of dedicated people running three events ~o.w<.:l!ll: U«!II:o Q) -a: Il.ct:a:oc:i . J:U I- O.llC in less than 48 hours. including an Irish Champs j ::J«(/) J«"':: o, Q)u«l- C ,... :3 w The Miner's Way and Historical Trail map guide Ouo~u.""ww-a:- a:0(/)- L- Uo' and a chasing start is a lot of work, and they need a: ...... ::::::EIl.""OC!II:I-« ~ t- ~ adopts a similar format to describe the 118 km Wc)c(U6<.:l6~U(/){l~_,w_j 't: Q) ~ Q) t:: your help. -.~ a:UOa:~M O-t=(/)::!I« Q) .8 waymarked trail. The local detail of flora, fauna C,..)'4_, . Q. W ~ 0 At last year's World Cup Jots of orienteers from ~f-~W~Zo~a:>a:!II:J:~..JJ: a. _a::Q)Q.!l!1JI and geology is thorough and again the guide is (l) c:: ""ZZOZ'«U)!II:«ZOuz «::l Lu Q.~ clubs all over the country helped with the many WOOOOa:«zS2'«Il.:JO g (j) :r: ~ g very professionally produced. IXIUUUUl-u«ua:(/)a:a:1l.1- (Ql ~ ::J. ~ C/) .. - jobs to be done: starts, finishes, results etc. This ~_:3 ~~ . CI) 0> ~E year you are being asked to help at the Shamrock OU'lU'lIl'lIl'l 11'111'1 II'IOU'lU'lU'lG>U'I OI01G>U'lC7IOICJlOIOI "b g"._ a:: Q. Co) weekend in west Cork/Kerry. '0.9- oNcOC'iIriIriCl'iCl'i.ooilri';,.;.; E! :I: ~..ci from bookshops, outdoor shops and local shops ," N .... (,..I - - ... u ... w ...... M ... N U c: ._ -0 Q) this year for various reasons and Bob Pinker c:: o- Z «(/) (/) (f) o wCll I-~~.~ -« (/)0: (f) a: Wa:« «U C V)C ..... Mapping. Ballyredmond, Cloncgal, Enniscorthy, .Q (l) J:(/)Il.W « W > «COI-a:«. - ~ c: a:: es needs help. IOC planner Justin May and "'1-01- a: I- Ow::::E!II:COa: :J'(/)CO ~ V) --l Q) 0 E .. Controller Trina Cleary from 3ROC want the u-o r-«!II: <.:l>coWl-w C1J ._ Q, .'" ~ http://homepage.tinel.ie/-eastwest). ..J(f)I ..Ja:U!II: '«odUa:_, +- V) L- event to be a success too and they're inviting you == ~.c ~~ °h:1!Hr(/)lruC2Wz~<.:llliO!ll: 0. -s:: 0 W 'iQ all to get involved: maybe to help on one day, "'O::::E°ffiO~I-g:~Z(3iiBi~ ...... ,._ 't- · E TONI TALKS AGAIN • ~ ~ enll.l-ll. 1l...J-I..J..JW ..JZ ZQ) maybe more - whatever you can manage. We've '4_,'t: ~ our cbance to put something back into tbe discussion about my last piece tilled TONI I- I- t-ZZZZ ..J..JZi:t: Cll W • ..J1Q..J7..J0000:Z;:wwOI- a. TALKS. As I understand this caused some :J:J:J>:Ja: a: a: a:I<.:l<.:la:(f) III CO country's premier event. Cll '§_ c&~0 s: ~ ~ The Shamrock O-Ringen on Friday evening 25lh offence in certain quarters. This was not intended U'I"''''U'I'''U'lU'I'''U'lU'I'''U'lU'lIt) U C/) M June at Gugan Barra; the Irisb Champs and and I would like to clarify some issues about the .._;;.- N Shamrock Day 2 and an lor Elite race at Crohan Sports Council Grants. Last year was the first W ...... NNf")MW~W ... CO CI) .. <.lwwwww W WW<.l<.lW . C1J-. a:: Mountain (scene of last year's World Cup) on year in which I was eligible to apply for this and .. O:l en )( < N en IQI ::e I/) Saturday 26tb and a chasing start Shamrock Day was also the first year in which it became a very 1:::"tJ ._c:: c( a.e ~O ~+-+- <0> IQI~ ... ~ 3 at Inchigeela on Sunday 27th. structured system. As such it was more or less g. C/) 0 ~A Bob's phone number is 026-47119. Or try to new to all involved. In an effort to get these 0:s ::e §§ a: GtOlOlG>CJlCJlG>CJlOIO>O>OICJ1 !z ~ -E: c:: r-:N.ocON.;r-:oioioi';';NN UJ_ ....0 Miners' Way on the Leitrim/Roscommon border. bit of a muddle as we were at the World Cups in (l) (l) iC ~~l!Hl~~~~~~~~~~ forms had to be filled out and returned. Thus we W .. co.. (/) a: a: I- - 8._ UJ c: "Wicklow Way Walks" is a guide to complimenl ~ 0 o :Jco (/) wwO (j) the EastWest "Wicklow Way Map Guide" and were not very focused on them and we completed a:~oco :5ffizzO (ij them in more haste than we would have wished - ~ :I: 0 :J 0::J.. Z U U '« (( co - ~ ~ ~ details 26 circular walks based on the Wicklow eno I-Q~oc('«a:«a:a:~~ personally I was a bit annoyed that I had to do .,_ll.l-z«z«a:a:a:wa:l-l-::::E Way. Many of the areas visited will be familiar to en::::E(/)oa:oa:~coa:ucococo-:a., this in such a way with no information in front of W~Wu~u<.:lw(/)<..>Owt-ZIl.Il.Il.g: walkers, orientecrs and mountain runners: a: .... _, - c( ...... me or anything else - however tbis was purely CD (f)o«I-c(I-~(f)XO"'''''''« Marlay Park. Three Rock, Tibradden, Raven's «u.u.~u..~I=Sa:_'~~~~ .~ Rock, Glencree, Djouce, Ballinastoe, because of the way the timing worked out and not b777777c(co[j«««0 co»»»""Zu..~~~z Troopcrstown, Glendalough and so on, but many due to any individual's failing. The system that is will be new terrain. The walks are categorised as up and running now is an excellent one with few. family. ramble or hill walk and are well described if any. flaws - the timing of this cannot obviously 4 Tlte Irish Qrienteer The Irish Oriellleer 5 line there was a tremendous atmosphere as nearly be done to suit all and this year the forms were taken as a personal slt to anyone it was not UK CU.:,~CES 100 men, and 2 minutes later 60 women, stood distributed earlier in the year at the Irish 2 day meant as such and was written for a squad The UK Cup is a series of 10 races held before eager to get underway. The adrenaline and we had a little more time to fill them out in newsletter in a rushed and thoughtless manner." _ the international season gets underway during the concentrations rocketed! The starters' whistle the comfort of our own homes. Last year's Toni O'Donovan summer. It aims to bring the top British unleashed the runners and the forest was seen to applications turned OU! very well for me in the Editor's note: The article in TI089 to which Toni competitors together for quality races. tremble under the onslaught. Runners shared end as most of you will be aware and this is not refers was pub lis bed without ber knowledge. Qualification for the British Champs is tied in three common controls before splitting into two only due to my own performances but also due to though I bad cbecked with Tom Callery who with the series as is participation in the selection courses. The women's courses differed the time and effort put in by Frank and others in published it in the electronic Irisb Squad bulletin. races. It also fosters links with the junior elite as substantiaUy thus precluding the kind of head to selling up the criteria, distributing the forms, I must apologise to Toni for obliging her to they run the short races with the seniors. A bead situation seen in the men's race. This was completing the forms and then returning them to apologise to anyone sensitive enough to be runners' best six results are counted with a World composed of two first half options and two the Irish Sports Council in a short space of time. offended by such an innocuous article. Cup type points system in operation. second half options allowing four permutations This work was difficult I am sure considering the This year in a determined attempt LO raise bad feeling about the rushed nature. Once again performance levels and gain important race (say AX. AY, BX, BY). Any slip meant contact please accept my apologies if what I wrote was experience, members of the Irish senior squad are was lost and the high speed groups stayed ahead. competing in more UK events than ever before. lames and Colm Rothery ran well, on different The season got underway on Cannock Chase, combinations to finish 4th and 7th, 20 seconds 1999 IRISH MOUNTAIN 18109199 World Trophy, Kinabalu National Park. and 1.20 down on Jamie who notched up another Bomeo north of Birmingham, with UK Cup races 1 and RUNNING CALENDA R 2. The terrain was fast, a mixture of plantation victory. Una was unlucky to be on a different Dale Location Dist Climb"me Dlstanoes in km, olimb in metres. LL = Leinster League, combination to some of the quicker women but IC -Irish Championships eto. and deciduous forest with patches of open where 02/06/99 Bray Head LL5.0km 274m 7.30pm still finished 4th top of her group. Nuala For more Informallon eon tact the Irish Mountain RaCing heather reduced runnability slightly. 06106/99 CalTauntoohll ICl 13.7112612.00 improved to get 15th and LVO'S Jane Schultz 09106199 Association 01-2868180/2940376 (www.ioUel-imra) Characteristic of this area, the rounded spurs and Blue Light LL6 5.5 326 7.30 Blue Light (formerly Wilson,) was 34th - good to see Jane in PUb. Sandyford, Co. Dublin. re-entrants did not pose a serious test technically 13106/99 Glencree Cireuh LC3 20,8 1150 1.00 NORTHERN FELL RUNNERS .but accuracy was vital due to high running the elite category now. The race certainly proved Curtlestown Wood, ASSOCIATION speeds. popular with the athletes and will no doubt be 13/06/99 Doon MC3 10.0 335 2.30 Ooon, Co June retained as part of the series. An ideal start to the LimericJt. 3 Saturday 6th of March saw a short race run in H& 0: Rocky racing season and a first indication of form in 16106/99 Scalp LL76.4 2447.30 Dublin Sport 5 Br , Snowdon Long. 21 miles. snowscaped woodland which meant later runners Hotel, Kilteman. 8500 feet had an obvious trail to follow. Nevertheless small what is an important year. 20/06199 S88ftn - Ballyhouras MC4 8.0 427 10 H & 0: Binnian to top errors were severely punished and the results 2.30 Glenosh88n. Co. Limerick. 17 H & 0: Drinnahiily 20106199 Flagstaff IC2ILC417.6 92512.00 20 Flagstaff - Caliingford C Long were quite well spread. Last starter Jamie COME TO SCOTLAND Flagstaft' Car Park. oft' NeVirylOmeath. 25 H & 0: Slieve Croob (short course) Stevenson (due to bis no. I finish in the UK Cup Countries that have recently enjoyed new found 23106199 Howth Ll8 8.5 360 7.30 July 3 Selection Race 1European Champs. last year) came through to win well, 30 seconds success in World Championship orienteering GAAClub. Dungrifftn Rd Austria Junior 27106199 Slieve Ban Trail tTRC 10 201 11 AU Ireland Championship. Galtymore ahead of the second placed Richard Wren. have done so on the back of good spectator 2.30 Lanesboro 17 Brhish Champs. Ft 'Mlliam, 3.5 miles. Richard is in fine form this year as recent results support at tbese events. Britain. Switzerland & 30/06199 Maulin LL9 8.0 457 7.30 Crone Wood 1500 feet have proved. Best of the Irish, narrowly, was Denmark have all consolidated their position in 05107199 European Trophy. Klagenfurt. Auslria 31 Slieve Donard C Medium John Feehan in 9th. 1.32 down. James Logue, the top league of orienteering nations with medal 07/07/99 Sorret Hill LL 1010.0412 7.30 Lacken. August 4 Scrabo Youth Co.Wicklow 7 Br"ish Champs. Cumbria. 17 miles. 6500 another runner in great shape, was 2 seconds success backed by much vociferous support at 11/07/99 Galtymore IC3IAIC 12.0 1295 feet further down and Marcus Pinker 16th was the World Championships. 12.00 Glenooshabinnia, Glen of Aherlow 14 Lurig (to be oonfirmed) Junior third Irish finisber. In the women's' race Kim Usually World Champs. are held in relatively 14/07/99 Glasnamullan LL11 10.0 430 22 Br"ish Champs. Elidir Fawr. Short. 5 7.30 near DJouce Woods miles. 2800 feel. Buckley, also last years overall winner, won obscure (& expensive) countries compared to the 18/07/99 Slievenamon MC5 8.0 591 2.30 Kilcash 28 Anna long Horseshoe C Long ahead of fellow international Lorna Eades. Una normal travelling haunts of the Irish Orienteer, 21/07/99 Paddock Lake-Maulin LL 1210.5 5807.30 September 11 Slieve Croob Junior. Youth Creagh ran cleanly to gain 5th spot with Nuala but not so this year when it will be 011 very mucb 24/07199 Croagh Patrick IC4/CCl 7.7 7622.30 Murrisk H&D .. Hill and Dale evening league. Higgins 17th. On terrain that is very familiar to 'home' terrain in Scotland (just expensive! - Ed). 25/07/99 Nephin CC2 8.061012.00 North NIFRA President Brian Vallely, 14 Victoria Street. the British runners these were encouraging Scotland is home to Una May's 1996 British Plantation. Armagh. Tel: 08-01861-511248 results. Championship success. She follows two 28107199 Sugarloaf (& barbecue) LL 13 5.6 Details: Check the website via the IMRA site. Sunday brought slightly warmer weather and an successful qualifications to WOC A finals in 427 7.30 Kitmacanogue 04/08/99 Kippure 10.0427 7.30 Featherbed Rd exciting new experience for many-Mass start 1995 & 1997 - the only Irish person ever to have 08/08/99 Giounageenty MC6 12.0 551 loop orienteering. This promised to be fast and done that on her own running merit vs, the rest of 2.30 Batlymaoelligo". Co. Kerry frantic similar to I st leg relay races but more the world - with the hope that she can repeal that 22108199 World Trophy Trial IC5/LC5 11.00 Crone Wood intense and more crowded! Standing on the start success in 1999 & hopefuUy produce her best 6 The Irish Oriemeer The Irish Orierueer 7 ever woe performance. Hassleholm OK. I boo ,ou can help me to find a into going out but it was all in a good cause and John Feehan's recent 8th placing in the Easter JK VETERAN HOMH»)TERNATIONAL e-mail friend in your country. This is my e-mail the league points were a nice bonus in the end - Elite class puts him in contention to be the first address: ida.13@k:urir.net Alan Gartside bas taken on the managership of we got double the value for our efforts. Mick man to qualify for the Classic Men's final on his Regards, the VHI'99 team. The competition is being held Kellett did a great job planning as usual Full own merit. His commitment to every aspect of Ida. in the Aviemore area of Scotland on the weekend report in tbe newsletter I hope to enclose. The orienteering & drive for success since his junior of 6-7 November (note change from 16/17 days has been remarkable. October). very handsome trophy can be inspected chez moi CONSISTENCY in the short term. Eileen Loughman may make it to her 12th WOC Alan is asking for all vets (M/W40+) to let him The human body likes to follow a routine. One of Nora Lalor Secretary G EN. - a record rio-one is ever likely to take from her. know before the end of June if they are available the common triggers for people Who have The men's relay team were 18th in 1993 in for selection. The team will be selected from migraine headaches, for instance, is a change in America. They can do better but they need our those who confirm that they are available. SETANTA ROGAINEAGAIN support. routine. We are healthier, for example, when we Responses need to include an address (postal The second Setanta Rogaine will be on the eat regularly and sleep a good amount every What other sport allows you to spectate at a and/or electronic) and a telephone number. The weekend of July 17/l8th in Co. Wick low. The night. Spotty sleeping and eating patterns arc an World Champs, mingle with the stars of our sport history of selection bas sbown that it is usually format will be a 24-hour score event for teams of invitation to illness. & all for free? On top of that, Scottish necessary to dig quite deeply into the reserves list two starting at 12.00 hrs on Saturday and a non- Orienteering promises to put on 6 days of quality so that everyone should consider themselves as a competitive l4-hour event starting at 18.00 hrs "The same is true wben we look at Our running summer orienteering on the very terrain the gold potential candidate. on Saturday. The competition uses the 1:50,000 routines. It's not that we should run the exact medallists have run on. Any more than Ireland, O. S. sheets 56 and 62. same workout each day, and we don't have to run the weather is not guaranteed & the midges might Alan's address is 22 Ormiston Drive, Belfast Entries to Philip Drennan, 69 Moyville, Dublin each and every day to have a routine. Instead the have their say, but the countryside is superb and BT4 31S (e-mail alan.gartsidetirdedni.gov.ucv. 16 by July 9th. Entry forms should be in this key is consistency. Running every day one week, the options for the carefree tourist & outdoor issue. person is endless. then only once the following week, for example, CNOC SUMMER SERIES People who did it lust year said it was is not a very good way to increase fitness or Many complain that Elite Orienteering is remote Compasses at the ready, and that's just to find the "memorable" and I'm sure many of them will be manage weight. If you are comfortable running from the 'everyday' Orienteer. Going to a World start! Curragh-Naas Orienteering Club arc again back for more. Well done to Setarua Orienteers, five days a week.try to run five days every week. Champs shows it is not. Seeing the best in action staging their summer evening series of events for putting this event on the fixture list and Running six or four won't be a big deal, but is an inspiration to improvement for everyone. keeping it going. suddenly running every day for a month or taking and Curragh West, Hollywood North and Squad members spend most of their free holidays Curragh East all feature. The series of six a couple of weeks off completely certainly could. & mucb of tbe personal resources supporting competitions on Tuesday evenings runs from LEINSTER NEWS what is our International representation. They 18th May at Donadea, then Russelstown, Of course, it's important to know that there are Leinster is purchasing another printing finish deserve more of our support. Curragh West, Hollywood North. Curragh East times when it is more important to beal all injury clock for use of clubs at Leinstcr events. Does Young or Old (or in between!) - if you have and Hollywood on June 22nd. The last event will or recover from illness than it is to stay with your anyone know where the original Seiko printing considered you'd like to see a World Champs, feature the usual barbecue. Start times are 6 pm to workout plan. Rest is forced upon us at times. It's finish clock went? wasn't there one for Munster there will never be a better chance. If you don't 7.30 pm. There will be three courses: A (6-7 km, also important to understand that increases in and one for Connaught too? have travelling buddies - ask around - there are medium difficulty). B (3-4 krn, medium training load are fine as long as tbey don't come The prize winners in the Leinster League are probably many others like you out there. too suddenly. Your body is used to a particular difficulty) and C (2-3 km. easy). There may also listed in the results section at tbe back of this status quo and it won't be happy ifit is changed to be a string course. issue. The squad would love to see you waving the flag suddenly. There will be an individual league (best 4 results A series of summer events will run from 29 June and the shamrock in Inverness during the first to count) and tbe prizes will be given out at tbe to 20 july. week of August. See you there. last event, in Hollywood. The key is to attempt to avoid unplanned The Leinster AGM will be on 15tb June, - Tom CaJlery, Irish Squad Co-ordinator interruptions in training. Map out your training More details from 045-867183. probable location Lum ville I louse on the edge of times during times of tbe day when interruptions the Curragh, after the CNOC event. 9 pm PEN PALS are least likely to occur. Try to run with other GEN NEWS To be discussed and agreed: Hello!! people, too, since that will get you out the door on Congratulations to all club members on our great Entry fee recommendation at entry on the day I'm a 13 years old girl called Ida. 1 want days when your lack of enthusiasm migbt tempt success in Ballinastoe where we managed to events (£4 adult. £5 non-member, £2 junior) orienteering interested teenagers, who want to be you to skip a workout. Perhaps the biggest thing capture tbe Leinster Inter Club Trophy for the League courses, Provision of Dlack and Red my e-mail friends. I live in a city called is to simply make your training a priority. It's too first time. Well done to all who came out to help courses. Hassleholm in Sweden. I go in 7th grade in the important to leave to fate! (Woody Green: run the event and despite tbe cold, wet, miserable Leap frog controllers, League events to be Swedish comprehensive school. I myself runs Runners' Niche) conditions ran for the club as well. A special controlled by member of the club who staged the orienteering in a club called thank you to our juniors who earned us valuable preceding league event. Plus the usual AGM stuff. 8 The Irish Orienteer points. they were great. Sorry to anyone I talked The Irish Qrienleer 9 Current Leinster Chairman Andrew O'Mullane is clients to take part. Jban existing orienteers :.t) standing down at the AGM. He was elected lOA from running in the events. Look at how the Chairman at the lOA AGM in April. BHAA races are run for an example of bow to do it ... There is a rumour that the 2001 British IOAAGM IDGHLIGHTS and LONG WALKS From the provisional fixtures list it looks like Championships may be at Baronscourt, near lowlights Those of you who like to get some exercise in the there will be 14 Leinster League events next Omagb in Co. Tyrone and at Magilligan sand All club members are to become members of the summer and wbo find mountain racing too quick season, between October 10 tb and May 7th, 6 dunes near Limavady ... You know the stories of lOA, ... World Cup 98 in Killarney was a great or too strenuous, might like to consider the before Christmas and 8 after. These will again the Japanese soldiers being found in tbe jungle success ... Coillte now want £2 million public following: include a street-O, 3ROC are down to run the years after the second world war ended, but no liability insurance before issuing permits ... the the Gaily Walk on 12th June - Ann Taylor, 26 Leinster Cbamps on April 9th and CNOC are to one bad told them? Well, something similar lOA only met 4 times in the past year ... there are Kells Road, Kilkenny run the Interprovincial on Saturday October 9th. bappened at the Setarua Orienteers event at 24 clubs affiliated at the end of 1998 (what about Lug Walk 19th June (limited to 200). - 1850200 the day before the first League event and just a Ballinascorney on May 2nd. See how many Fermanagh?) and one associate (lOS A) 175. week after we all travel to the no trophyin Co. Eastern, Command Orienteers there are in the "Orienteering in general is not flourishing in Bangor Trail in Mayo on 19th June - Oliver Tipperary. results? Didn't ECO fold up some years ago? Or Ireland" - the first words of the Hon. Sec. 's report Geraghty 098-41658. is it part of the time-warp Ballinascorney ... Positions vacant: Secretary. Environmental Benbulben Challenge in Sligo on 17th July. - ODDS and ENDS and ODDS experience? ... A feast or a famine: after a Officer, Junior Affairs Officer, International Michael Mulligan 07L-41267. Congratulations to former Convenor of Selectors summer with lillie or no orienteering it looks Iike Officer ... Grants were awarded by the Sports Mourne Seven Sevens on 7tb August. - Jim Richard Kavanagh and Miriam ni Choitir of Cork we'll have three weekends travel in a row: the Council under the High Performance Carding Brown 08-01232-647854. o on the birth of a new oricntccr, Reggie NIOA Champs on September 25, the no Trophy Scheme to Una Creagh (£3.000), Toni Burren Walk on 28th August - Gerry O'Carroll Kavanagh, on May 2nd ... and to Irish Team in Tipperary on October 3rd and the 0' Donovan (£1200) and Marcus Pinker (£2400). 061-392285. member Eadaoin Morrish and Peter on their Interprovincials in Leinstcr on October 9th .... It now appears that these are taxable, though ... Glover Highlander in Donegal on l l th recent addition... congrats also to former Perhaps someone could clarify whether the lOA has purchased tbe Sportldent electronic September - Alan 'lees 08-01504-810834. prominent army orienteer Denis ("The Murph") Leinstcr Champs is an open or closed timing system and there will be a set with each Murphy who got married in mid May ... Championships? Do all the Provincial provincial association ... the lOA controllers list There's no Circuit of Imaal this year and you've Adventure Racing events - Thursday 20/May Championships have the same criteria for now includes 63 names ... insurance cost lOA missed the Comcragh Gog Trot (April 10). the there is a two person team event involving eligibility? And isn't if funny that if a Munster £2750 last year ... ten people were certified as Maw Turks (April 24), the Blackstairs (May 15) Kaynkingl Cycling/' 0' very close to Dublin.; club member, say. was born in Leinster, be or she level 1 coaches last year ... lOA income for 1998 and the Wicldow Mountain Challenge (May 22). Saturday 22/May. The Five 5's. 5 km kayakfflat could represent Leinster in tbe Interprovincials was £17,372 with an additional £20,900 in one- water. divided into two 2.5 legs). 5 km cycle. 5 but isn't eligible to TUnin the Lcinster Champs? off grants for things like the World Cup, control '0', 5 mile cycle. 5 km run. All pre-entry Maybe another job for AOA? '" n3sport. the coaching, etc. ... The excess of income over events to [email protected] or phone Damlen Cashin at Norwegian international orienteering news site. expenditure for last year was £976 ... Club r------r--'I HOOTS, MON. 086:8362343. Check the web site for up to date has a new address: affiliation fees fell from £6620 for 1998 to £2832 details. www.iol.ie/-car ... There are plans for a www.n3sport.com!orienteeringl for 1999 ... • Controllers Course in December... Junior : If ye cannie come tae Training Week in Killarney from August 2l-28th. OA¥ORLDRELAUNCHED SCHOOLS ORIENTEERING Details from Frank Ryan (091-753829) ... The 10F's twice-yearly publication, Orienteering lOA Development Officer Brendan Cryan made •Scotland tae support the Interested in orienteering on St. Kilda? Try a World, has been re-launched as a glossy the re-establishment of schools orienteering one Westbound Adventures sailing holiday organised WOC team (and have a magazine to promote the sport in media circles as of his priorities last year. An Irish Schools 0- by Paul McNeill of Clyde Orienteers. See the well as inform existing oricnteers about Association has been set up and the Munster advert in this issue ... Irish Mountain Log reports great holiday) ye can developments in the sport. The current issue has Schools OA ran the first official lrisb Schools that Susan Walsh of the Ramblers Club found a articles on orienteering in China, Italy, Norway. Championships in Cork with about 300 follow their fortunes on pair of trousers on Prince William's Seat, of all Sweden, , Australia, Latin America, attending. The plan is to hold the event in places ... Software Paths. the computer company the internet at Greenland (I) and Finland. There are also pieces Leinster in 1999. A Connacht Scbools OA has who sponsored the summer inter-fum series in on the forthcoming World Championships in been set up and the Leinster Schools OA is on the the Dublin area for the past few years, has been Scotland, the 2001 World Games in Japan, the brink of rising again. taken over and will not be sponsoring the events lOF development plan. Ski-O, Trail-O and For details of schools orienteering, contact www.woc99.com this year. It is hoped that they can go ahead next Mountain bikc-O. Brendan Cryan, 21 Marian Crescent, Dublin 14 L ~ year with a new sponsor - maybe one wbo will You can subscribe to O/World by sending a (01-4945926). encourage participation rather than invite its own cheque for JR£9 to The Irish Orienteer. 10 The Irish Orienleer The Irish Oriellleer 11 cagoules? who somehow started ~,»1ut a cagoule, had to fonnation of a club in Donegal and have assisted £etteJlt6 til t4e be intercepted at the manned control. given a hot with the production of at least two maps in The only advice that was given was at the start. drink. warm clothing and escorted off the Donegal: Pinner Sandhi Us near Bundoran (on When it became apparent that the courses were Ed/tllft, mountain. which a Connacht Cbampionship was held a few going over open terrain. one junior female in the years ago) and an area ncar Milford for the rCA start box, wearing a T shirt asked the start official Yes, perbaps this was Connacht's last chance. But unit in that area. As a point of interest. a ladies The Wild West! wbat the conditions were like at the top. The start maybe a wise sheriff from the east could rescue senior team from the 24Bn FCA will be official told her that it was very windy with snow the wild west. if next year Connacht choose to competing in the All Army FCA orienteering and bail showers. At the look of disbelief on her Dear Editor invite an experienced controller from another competition in the Galtees on Sunday 9t11May.". face he said, "Well you did ask!" I read with interest your article on the Connacht Province. Championships in Issue 89 of TIO and fully agree with your comments. It is disappointing I had chosen to wear a thermal top and an 0 top. Stepben Gilmore but there were many others injust 0 tops. or even BRITISH CHAMPS 1999 when an event does not live up to expectations. LVO However poor technical standards is one issue. T shirts or sleeveless tops. Nevertheless I was (originally published in "The Northwestie", May but an apparent disregard for safety issues is badly caught out. I took a cramp in my leg and DONEGAL quite another. was moving slower than normal. Slipping and 1999. thanks to Trevor Johnston. the editor and sliding over the rough terrain I began to lose body ORIENTEERING CLUB? Jonny Scott who sent it on) Can I suggest a rule of thumb? There are 5 factors heat and then co-ordination. I knew that Twas suffering from the initial symptoms of ON Friday the 7th of May. at 5:30 a.m, II juniors which can cause safety concerns with an event: This is a plea to all the oricntcers out there. I live hypothermia and must retire but I had to stay and 5 seniors met atLimavady Grammar. writes I Poor visibility in Nortbern Ireland, 11 mailer of two miles from particularly focused to get back to the finish. It Ben Fulton. We drove up to Belfast for lb07:30 2 Extremes of temperature Co. Donegal. And it's a fantastic county of was not a pleasant experience. HSS and picked up Ian. Charlie and Stephen. We 3 Precipitation mountains. forests, and areas suitable for now bad the complete NWOC team for the 1999 4 High winds orienteering. Ards Forest Park, Loughsalt When I oricntccr I do take responsibility for my British Orienteering Championships in the 5 Open terrain Mountain and the Urisbills are some of the areas own actions. but I do so with the assumption that Southern Lake District. The IISS arrived in of wbich I would love to see orienteering maps. the organisers will adequately advise me. Scotland around 9:30. and a 4.5 bour drive Having one or two factors rarely presents a So wby hasn't orienteering been developed in However. advice at the start line with seconds to brought us to tbe training event. This training hazardous situation ego poor visibility on a cold Donegal? What does the Irish Orienteering go is just too late. In my opinion cagoulcs should event was an unpleasant taster of what we were in day is not a problem if it is dry and calm. Association think of this? There are so many have been recommended. if not compulsory, for. However having more than 3 together indicates a hillwalkers and other assorted outdoor pursuits The results make sorry reading indicating that a On Saturday. the day started well with bright potentially difficult situation and over 4 factors people in Donegal. that surely the opportunity is staggering 42% of starters did not complete the sunlight waking us up; however, this sunlight means that there will be problems. At Connacht there. course. The results list in very small print the was quickly replaced by heavy rain. We arrived there was a hazard factor of between 3 and 4; the I am unaware of lilly maps in Donegal apart from names of 9 competitors who were omitted from at the Individual Event to find large sections of visibility was good, but it was cold. there were Gartan O.E.C. and I have heard the possibility of the results "due to the loss of their SI card 00 the the parking area underwater. By this stage heavy showers of rain, hail. sleet and snow, it was a mapped area near Donegal as a potential for a oourse or because of other reasons it did not get everyone was looking for reasons not to go out fairly windy and the terrain was very exposed. future Irisb Champs. returned to the registry". As I read the results on into the rain. but as quickly as it carne the rain Add to that the difficult underfoot conditions and Is there any money avail able for the development the Wednesday after the event I couldn't help went. leaving bright sunshine. The area was the cxcessi ve climb on most courses. of orienteering in Donegal? What about cross- think that tbere may be bodies lying at the foot of called Graythwaite. The courses were both long border money when some of the areas (i.c crags at Ballygawley. Without stubs did the and very technical. The terrain was mixed. there As you rightly state such conditions could not be Inishowcn, and those ncar Strabane and other organisers bave a simple and fail safe system in was a lot of fast runnable wooded ground. but unexpected in February, yet down in the Western NT border towns) have a catchment area place to check which runners were not back? there was also some Green areas on the map. registration area the situation looked differenL which could cover not only part of Donegal, but including one huge square of Dark Green right in There was the odd shower of rain, but otherwise also NT? Electronic punching does not remove the the centre of the map. All courses finished with a it was sunny, sheltered and it looked like it could You can e-mail me on [email protected]. or desirability for manned controls. Several years spectacular 200·metre downhill sprint across be a nice day. Even looking at the OS map of the phone 08-01504-341110 after 7.00 p.m. ago r was planner for an event on Slieve Croob grassland. The best NWOC result was Andrew area with a maximum height of 240m did not Jonny Scott. NWOC indicate just how exposed the open area where all which had to be rescheduled for December, on a Mein who won the M20L course. crisp winter's day with snow on tbe ground. We On Sunday the Britisb Relay Cbampionships the competition would take place would be. Yet Shortly after posting this message on tbe Irish had a manned control in an emergency shelter were held at Holker, This area consisted of open the organisers knew exactly what was ahead. Did Orienteering newsgroup, Frank Ryan informed common to all courses on high ground. We had a grassland and fast woodland. The car park. they even think to recommend the carrying of Jonny that .•...the Connacht Region Orienteering cagoules compusory rule in force but one junior. Assembly area and Finish were in the middle of 12 The/rish Orien/eer Council has been trying to encourage the VIe Irjsh Orjenlcer 13 the map, which meant that most runners were 1 123 Yvelle Baker REG 65:12 seen three times: once when they started and ran 2 114 Heather Monro -"'tROC 66:24 C> 3 102 Lorna Eades INT through the car park; then between the car park 69:01 CIl-·~ 11 109 Una Creagh LOK 82:47 "0 CIl and the Assembly Area; and lastly when they 12 127 Carol McNeRI LOC 82:56 ~~ pasted the spectator control 5 minutes from the Ailbhe Creedon CORK 0 99:26 "0.1:: 37 136Joanne Mein NWOC 111:38 We> finish. After the Relays a mad dash was made so _Ill Eileen Louhgman CNOC 120:34 as not to be late for the 7:30 HSS, fortunately we 40 142 Jane Shultz en= ...Q) LVO 123:20 _0 just made it. Thanks go to Mr. McGonigle for ToniO'OOnovan LOK mp C III driving and organising us. Throughout the whole N~ala Higgins LOK mp III C trip, Charlie (Reid) made only two phone calls to .Q::J M20E 10.200 km 695 m 17 C (ij~ his "friend" Rachel. I also feel it is my duty to 1 205 Ben Roberts EUOC 79:03 I .~ sadly report that Charlie is losing his sanity. He 13 213 Allan Bogle NWOC 99:20 o 0 started making up stories about a Teddy Bear M21E E~ 12.400 km 745 m 25 C __ '.r.•-00.s watching him through the Youth Hostel window 1 Stephen Palmer VIoCH 90:48 .,,_-~... 0 and he also claimed that this same Teddy climbed 2 Jonathon Duncan WAROC 90:53 . - III 3 Jamie Stevenson C"O into his bed whilst he had his back turned I Who SYO 92:36 o III Colm Rothery wants to tell Rachel? AJAX 96:03 "Ew 20 James Logue NWOC 102:17 :.:J C- 21 Bill Edwards SYO 102:49 C III British Elite Championships 1999 Short Race Marcus Pinker CORK 0 103:38 Q) > > 0 Frl 07/05/99 23 Steven Linton NWOC 104:15 Q) C 28 Colm O'Halloran LOK 107:08 (/)0- 0 W20E 4.400 km 275 m 11C John Casey AJAX 130:37 1 Heather Burrows ERYRt 37:36 Brendan O'Brien AJAX mp Q)C:-O._ 20 Aislinn Auslin LOK 59:06 .1:: C As you will see, many of the Irish runners have joined o~ W21E 4.400 km 275 m 11C London Orienteering Ktubb.The ones listed with limes CI:._: 1 Yvelle Baker BOFREG 29:50 but no position did not start in the main block. E Q) 2 Kim Buckley INT 31:47 -~o C 3 Helen Hargreaves SYO 32:41 00: 4 Liz Campbell WAROC 33:35 r---eompass~pOrl--' •• II) sa :J 12 Carol McNeill LOC 38:43 .2 ~ 26 Toni O'Oonovan LOK 43:36 costs only £17.50 per Q) III 34 Julie Cleary LOK 46:18 g-~ 39 Jane Shuhz LVO 48:44 year, for all the .1:: _ 47 Nuala Higgins LOK 55:09 E ~ Ailbhe Creedon CORK 0 66:09 orienteeri ng news you 1Ile> Eileen Loughman CNOC 79:12 ~.3 could possibly want! CIl CIl . M20E 4.900 km 260 m 14 C a. Q) c-- 1 283 Ed Nash UNOC 32:01 z E 5 16 189Allan Bogle NWOC 40:36 c.....,CIlCO>. . Send your name address ._0_:C M21E 4.900 km 260 m 14 C Q.IIl"O E.1:: C 1 Richard Wren EPOC 29:04 and credit card details to co Q) III 2 Daniel Marslon INT 29:09 .1::Q)CIl 3 Jamie Stevenson SYO 29:29 CompassSport o u...~ Marcus Pinker CORK 0 31:41 "OCC> "i:: .1:: .2> 18 Bill Edwards SYO 32:49 Subscription Dept., oOI Colm Rothery AJAX 33:17 ~ J_ III 24 Steven Linton NWOC 33:45 Ballencrieff Cottage, .1::C(ij 32 Colm O'Halloran CIl III :J LOK 35:23 ·c E z 37 James Logue NWOC 36:37 Ballencrieff Toll, -.1:: • Brendan O'Brien AJAX 44:34 Q)C>~ John Casey AJAX 44:52 Bathgate, West Lothian £ 5 III 68 Patrick Casey GEN 53:02 o_J~ 69 Tom Callery MDOC 58:00 EH48 4LD, Scotland. Q)cO E~~ 0= :J British Elite Championships 1999 ClassicSun 09/05199 Le-mail [email protected] ~ (/)W, W21E 8.000km 490m 15C 14 The Irish Orienteer IOAAGM REPORT O'CI6irigh has volt red but bas to be ratified was happy that a consr.J)onal amendment was by FIOA. the best way to resolve the matter. On a happier note, the annual awards were Interestingly. the Constitution (article 11) states announced: The Mactire Trophy (donated by the PoorlY attended Annual General The following Officers were elected unopposed: that constitutional amendments require "the defunct Mactire Orienteers of Dublin) went to Meeting of the IOA took the Chairman Andrew O'Mullane (GEN). Treasurer approval of a simple majority of those members Ken Griffin for his outstanding work during the A residents of Lemybrien, Co. Noel Donagh (MNAV), Mapping Bernard present at a general meeting". Now this pat year, particularly with the World Cup. The Waterford by surprise on April 17th, not Creedon (CorlcO), Fixtures Trina Cleary (3ROC). amendment was carried by II votes to 10. There Silva Trophy went to Frank Ryan for his work Juniors Ted Lucey (BOC), PRO Andrew because it was poorly attended, but because were more than 21 people at the meeting. so if we with coaching; the Silva Award went to Irish Butterfield (GEN), Development Brendan Cryan it was there at all. Even the pub which was to assume that everyone at the meeting was entitled team manager Ronan Cleary for his behind-the- (3ROC). In an election for Technical Officer, to vote, then it seems to me that this fails to meet scenes work for the Team; the map awards went host the event was taken by surprise and Frank Cunnane (CorkO) defeated Sean Cotter the criterion of "a simple majority of the to Crohan (Grade I) and Lyradane (Grade 3). found itself without the expected (BOC). Ted Lucey subsequently resigned from members present". We'll have to wait and see. There was no Grade 2 map nominated. sandwiches, soup etc. the executive over another matter so the post of Juniors Officer is vacant too. Brendan Cryan Perhaps with a less Munster-oriented lOA And there are still some vacancies to be filled, Munster orienteers predominated and this may defeated Mick Kellett in an election for AFAS executive this year it might be possible to take a including the most vital of all: Honorary have affected the outcome of an important vote representative. The FIOA representatives are slightly more detached look at the situation and Secretary. Now come on, folks ... ! on a Constitutional amendment where an affair Andrew O'Mullane (as Chairman), Frank Ryan maybc even resolve it rather than split the JM(;C. which has been simmering for several years and Prank Cunnane. There were no takers for organisation? finally burst. But more of that anon. Secretary, Environmental Officer or International Officer. per person is Stg 13.25 per night and includes 'The usual business of any AGM went off Coaching breakfast. (Cost is Stg 12.25 per night if you are a smoothly enough: officers' reports, accounts, On to the Constitutional amendments: member of the hostclling associaticn.) We can minutes and so on. Several Constitutional Essentially the amendments make members of book more places at this particular hostel if amendments had been notified. mostly arising clubs into members of the lOA, wbile those who Corner necessary. but probably not for long. from the lOA's sensible desire to have all club participate in orienteering but are not club Interested persons please contact Aonghus members recognised as members of the members will become associate members. This is By Frank Ryan lOA Coaching O'Cleirigh who is cordinating the numbers Association as a whole. necessary for another go at a national database Officer attending in order to arrange accommodation. (remember the lOA Devvelopment Conference (Aonghus O'Clcirigh, 60 B lackhcath Park, The lOA will have to be reorganised, though: the around 19841). Another allows the lOA to set High Performance Orienteers pre-WOC Clontarf, Dublin 3 Tel. 01-8336263 Email: Secretary's report lists an executive committee of "appropriate" event levies. A third prohibits any Camp 1999 Scotland [email protected]) 17, and that's without representatives from form of doping. All these amendments were A Coach Education cum high performance Connacht - that's bigger than some clubs! carried. orienteers (Elites) pre-World Orienteering lOA Level 3 Coach Education Course Championship Camp 1999 is being held in the The third Coach Education Course Workshop - Outgoing Chairman Bernard Creedon thanked The controversy arose over a CorkO proposal Inverness area on the week (Sat 24- Thur 29th Technical Training will take place in the the committee for its work, particularly Secretary which carne from an ongoing dispute with July) prior to the World Championships in Muckross Venture Centre (a converted church), Ken Griffin, Coaching Officer Frank Ryan and Bishopstown OC over map ownership, fixtures Scotland. Killarney on Friday 18th to Sunday 20th June Treasurer Noel Donagh. We heard of falling clashes. non-payment of levies and related If you are interested in improving your coaching This workshop will start at 21.00hrs. numbers participating in Munster. while in matters. This states that "Members of the or organisational skills or wish to train with our Lectures/workshops will start at 09.oobrs on Leinster average numbers at League events were Association (be they individuals or clubs) shall high performance orienteers prior to the World Saturday until about 18.oohrs. and on Sunday down to about 100. Connacht is struggling, with not in any way facilitate the organisetion of Championships in top class terrain this is an from 09.00hrs to 16.00hrs. All level 2 coaches as few people prepared to put in the time. Frank events other than those which are fully compliant opportunity not to be missed. well as the level 3 candidates are invited to attend Ryan felt that they need to get the schools and with tho lOA event registration procedures, or Level 3 candidates can satisfy their practical this workshop. The cost for the weekend will be colleges involved. with the unambiguous permission of the club coaching requirements by attending this Senior £20 and this will include meals in the bas lei with whom the area is registered. if it is Training Camp in Scotland in July instead of the cooked by the course participants. There was no FlOA meeting held during the year, registered". This was passed with a margin of Junior training Camp in Ireland in August. The course will take place in the hostel and but the passport issue for Irish teams at 10F one vote. As a result of this BOe's Ted Lucey Please indicate as soon as possible if you intend practical sessions will be held on Lbe Black events had been resolved. Contacts between resigned as Juniors Officer. Clearly this is an to participate in this training camp. Aonghus Lakes. Muckross and the Blue Pool maps. Senior lOA, FIOA and NIOA need to improve. though. issue which has troubled Munster orienteering OCleirigb has block booked 20 places (12 men, 8 squad members are also being invited to come There is no Irisb Team Coach at present though for some years and had failed to be resulved at women) in the Inverness Youth Hostel from Sat along for the weekend get in some technical Aonghus local level. Judging by the vote, not everyone training before the Irish Championships. 16 Vle Irish Orienteer 24 July until Thu 29 July (inclusive). The cost The Irish Orienleer 17 Application for the Jrse with deposit of £40 of (pin-based) pun,,'). Leaving aside the lOA Junior Orienteering Residential Summer should be sent to Frank Ryan. lOA Coacbing argument that e-punching is faster than pin- The lynchpin in this argument is as follows: a Camp Sat. 21st-28th Aug. 1999 Officer. St. Mary's, Ballinfoyle, Galway. Tel: punching - after all, most experienced orienteers request for a novel and innovative gadget that A one week Junior Orienteering Residential 091-7.5'3829 borne. Tel: 091- 770555 ext. 2213 can dash into a control. punch and run off just as saves organisers' time (just as the present EPS's Summer Coaching and Training Camp will be work E-mail: [email protected] Cheques I quickly (more time can be lost checking tbe do) and the money of associations. clubs and run in Killarney from Saturday 21st August to Postal orders sbould be made payable to the Irish control description on one's sleeve or on the map, individual orienteers, In order to read the control Saturday 28th August 1999. Dunk-bed Orienteering Association. The balance of tbe and by searching for a lost e-card in heather, or cards quickly and accurately. there is immense accommodation will be provided in dormitories. course fee will be payable six weeks before digging in waterlogged peal!) -I feel the benefits potential for a device tbat COUld. for example. Basic and advanced orienteering instruction will course commences. As numbers are limited by of EPS's to organisers outweigh those of their sbine light through the pin-pricked holes on the be given using a variety of orienteering areas space to 36 persons, places will be allocated on advantages to the participants. Technology is at Tyvek control card and tbat could have 1000s of from forest to open terrain. Other sports and first corne first served basis. Application forms its best when applied simply, effectively and control cards fed through it rapidly. The device adventure activities will also be included. The have been sent to clubs or can be requested efficiently. Take the example of devices to draw would be able to tell if the correct pattern of course will be for MIW 14-18 boys and girls. The directly from me by enclosing II stamped water from the depths of the earth in a famine- pinpricks are in eacb box and, if not. mark any course fee for the week will be £120 per person addressed envelope. and drought-stricken less developed country, that are incorrect. Some conceivable difficulties fully residential. rather than a £10,000 atmospheric-water- exist with this synopsis, e.g pinprick boles that extractor! In orienteering we use overprinters to close over again, but an alternative would be a mark out maps en masse which did not change machine tbat can detect the raised pinholes on the Talking Point: inherent problems are existent in these systems. the sport from the participant's aspect (except in paper. Among these Sue Davies. writing in Y Ddraig - ensuring accuracy in most cases). but certainly ELECTRONIC PUNCHING U,C Welsh Ovnewslctter last September. from the organtsers. I would contend that we Someone who is more technically-minded than 1 identified: should stick with pin-punching on Tyvek control am might be able to come up with a foolproof (STEP BACK A MINUTE AND THINK) .. the lack of a visual record of which controls cards and using traditional control units. That device. Therefore, a plea goes out to any reader one bas visited. thus making it possible that one seems to be tbe tried-and-tested '0' method and it who bas the resources and/or the technical Lonny Scott, editor of the NIOA newsletter could become confused over which control was can be 'best practice' - what next. oricntecrs knowledge to develop such a device - a feasible Crossing Point, casts a cold eye 0" electronic next; using geographical positioning systems (GPS) to and cost-effective alternative to the present EPS's punching ... .. if one loses one's e-card, one is unable to navigate? It is even possible to save competitors' on offer - to contact Ole bye-mail "punch ... around the map edge": time by printing control descriptions etc onto ([email protected])or at25 Lansdowne Road. he introduction of the new electronic .. no control descriptions on a control card. but their Tyvek control cards using PC software sucb Kilfennan. . BT47 5QT. punching systems (EPS's) into instead these have to be read off the back or side as the excellent Event Administration Program Torienteering is laudable, but there are of the map, or attached to one's sleeve. by Gerry Kingston of Fermanagh Orientecrs. several aspects which ought to be considered (see the feature on this program in a previous before they arc categorised as 'best practice' The Sportldent card could easily be lost since it is issue of TIO). techniques in the sport. It is not the introduction not pinned onto the sleeve. but buckled on one's of technology per se to whicb I object, but the finger; and bearing-impaired orienteers may not somewhat misguided belief that EPS's sucb as hear the 'bleep' when the e-card is inserted into Sportldent and Emit are the pinnacle of the control unit (this could be particularly ? orienteering technology. These systems difficult in high wind). My main objection is the undoubtedly have their advantages, foremost cost or e-punchlng £15 for a Sportldent e-card "MAP INTER.PR.El ATION" among these being the labour-saving element. and .£.50for a control unit - this is surely money With these systems it is no longer necessary for that could be channelled into other high priority AN OLD CAR.TOON BY event officials to laboriously check through areas of orienteering. especially when even more ADAM MAY FR.OM ONE OF control cards for mispunched controls or other money will be spent on maintenance, upgrading errors. I recently attended a Championship event the EPS's or 011 buying new EPS's different from HIS FUND-RAISING at which I gained a favourable impression of SporUdcnt or Emit. CALENDARS. Sportldent: in addition. the results were available in record time. BOF are "keen to increase the use Clearly. wbat is desirable is an alternative to the of technology in order to reduce demands on EPS's that is labour-saving. while comprising of volunteers" (BOF strategic plan. 1999). the traditional orienteering accoutrements - a I However, most orienteers that have used one of visual display of where one has been. control the EPS's must be aware that a number of descriptions upon the control card and provision 18 The Irish Orientee.r The Irish Orienteer /9 Marathon a few years a) )A dubious control on organisers were honest about the problems of the EVENT REPORTS Resuhs for Class M21E Day 1:5.0km. 155m; Day 2: 15.4km. 60m several courses marred the proceedings slightly, event. The results wcre available on the WatO 1Jamie Stevenson SYO GBR 115:49 25:48(1) 90:01(3) but the handful of WalO members involved kept web site soon afterwards. What were the results? JK99 - FEEHAN 8TH IN ELITE 8 John Feehan AJAX IRL 122:43 29:08(15) 93:35(9) Well .... 29 James Logue NWOC GBR 132:30 32:18(45) the show on the road. As usual, tbe promised rain 100:12(28) held off until the control collectors would be M21A: John Feehan (129.59). Colm Rothery (138.10). Two excellent runs by John Feehan brought him 32 Bill Edwards SYO GBR 135:1032:17(44) 102:53(32) going out. Marcus Pinker (139.57). Brian Corbett (144.29). Aonghus 8th place in the M21 Elite class at the Jan 35 Colm Rothery AJAX IRL 136:25 33:06(48) 103:19(34) The event was followed by the lOA AGM (see 43 Marcus Pinker CORKO IRL 142:43 31:40(36) OClelrigh (146.02); Kjellstrom International at Easter. Jamie 111:03(46) separate report). W21AAilbhe Creedon (149.09), Maria Sibeleva (152.08), Stevenson and Heather Monro were the two elite 46 Colm O'Halioran LEEO IRL 145:25 33:59(56) Una Creagh (154.40).Aislinn Austin (168.59). class winners. Unusually, the elites had a short 111:26(47) Day 2, on the southern extremity of 52 Brian Corbett CORKO IRL 151:37 35:56(63) race on Day 1 at Leith Hill and a classic race (full Knockanaffrin (not Coumshingaun, as 115:41(53) length) on Day 2 at Winterforl and PiLChHill. 62 Brendan O'Brien AJAX IRL 160:09 33:49(55) advertised), was almost all open ground. with a LEINSTER CHAMPIONSHIPS 126:20(63) map exchange for the longest course. Recent The competitions were held in the south east of felling near the start (in the days before the event) Marcus Pinker ran clear of the field but Cohn Resuhs for Class W21E England on the undulating wooded slopes of the Day 1:4.2km. 135m; Day 2: 10.1km. 370m meant that the M2l A course had to be re-planned Rothery was awarded the Leinster Championship Downs - what a joy to be able to compete in 1 HealherMonro VllAROCGBR 95:35 26:04(1) 69:31(1) the night before. Again, runnablc open ground title on May lst at Raven's Rock, or was it at runnable deciduous woodland with hardly any 17Una Creagh LOK GBR 124:4432:35(17) 92:09(18) with plenty of features, particularly boulders. Knocknagun? Anyway, the grid reference put it 34 Joanne Meln EUOC GBR 145:52 39:41(42) fight. almost no steep climbs so you can run hard somewhere near Johnny Fox's pub and that was 106:11(35) and fast all the way. and lots of competition (there 38 Jane Shultz LVOGBR 155:3241 :25(44) 114:07(37) Two good areas, but both would benefit from a all that mattered. were almost 200 in my class alone). Leith lIi11. Nuala Higgins LOK GBR 37:54(36) dns new survey with decent photogrrunmetry. The near Dorking, is supposed to have excellent ToniO'Donovan LOK IRL 40:10(43) dns organisers' decision to go with the lOA standard The decision to use the Sportldcrn electronic views from the top but (a) we didn't have time to entry form rather than with a specific form would punching system gave planner Marcus look and (b) it was cloudy and misty anyway. have been a good idea if any of the furms had Geoghegan the opportunity to run the courses This was the scene of my first JK. back in 1977, Irish Two-Day, April 16/17 1999 been in circulation. As it was. the lOA forms over a smaller area than might otherwise have and I remembered it as fnst but with detailed haven't been circulated for some years so it may been the case and the rapidly produced split times areas of old mine workings. Large re-entrants run The Irish Two-Day. once the Ilagship of Irish have been an impediment to entering the event. at the finish were a real talking point. through the area and there was a good network of orienteering (if that's not too mixed a metaphor), ("Fascinating reading", as one competitor put it a paths. though because it was so runnable, the has fallen on hard times in recent years: in fact, It is good to see the Irish Two-Day back on the few days later, when analysing where he gained - straight line route was often the one to take. By some years it hasn't happened at all. Fair play to calendar, but the numbers. low key organisation and especially lost - time). The high-tech stuff Day 2 the weather had improved and the area was Waterford Oriemcers, then, for trying to revive and general air of the competition have changed a didn't end there: the courses were plotted onto similar: undulating deciduous WOOdland, typical the competition in April. Entries hovered just lot from the days before the Shamrock O-Ringen the maps by computer and the control of the south of England. The events were at above the 100 mark with more from the local area when the Irish Two-Day was the event of the descriptions printed on the back using the Winterfold, Pitch lIill and Holmbury Hill, three taking part in entry on the day courses. The elites year. It needs an injection of prestige and it needs German Ol.-cinzel program. What a pity. then, adjoining areas of woodland ncar Dorking. Fast, (ahem. sorry, the "1ligb Performance to find a place on the fixture list again as part of that the same care and attention to detail didn't white undulating forest with plenty of paths and Orienteers") were there in strength as the event the National League or a series of Championship extend to the prizes. when the pri7..cwinners were some very detailed areas. coincided with a mental training course at nearby standard events. presented with a delightful selection of children'S Kilmacthornas. On the M2l L course Ajax's John size 'I'-shirts! The relays, at Hawley and Hornley, near Feehan finished 8 minutes clear of the field but What differentiated this event from the Connacht Aldershot, were fast and straightforward. There unfortunately injured himself in the process. Championships? There was a better balance of The longer courses plumbed the depths of were very few Irish competitors there this year while CorkO's Ailbhe Creedon won the W21 L. physical and mental challenge on tbe courses. Curtlestown Wood (notorious some years ago for (in fact very few non-UK runners at all) so there due largely to the choice of area. The organisers a fatal shooting where a deer hunter dispatched was little interest in the relay if almost nobody Day I at Mahon Falls, reputed to be the area on owned up to having a misplaced control (OK, an innocent walker) before emerging onto the bad a complete team. The fact that the World which ICC 96 was to have been run. was cool and two would have been better). The weather was open mountain arouod Prince William's Seat and Championships is in Scotland and the high cost windy but showed off tbe spectacular setting to kinder and there were no technological criss-crossing the DublinlWicklow border along of Sterling may have combined to keep the good effect. The area was a mixture of fast pretensions. OK, there were no drinks for later the ridge towards Glendoo. The many peat hags punters away, but they missed some really runnable open. some rougher areas and some starters. the signposting in the Day 2 forest was were most people's undoing and there was no enjoyable orienteering. intricately contoured moraines towards the disastrous, the late entry fees were exorbitant escape in the glare of the Sporildent split times. Next year's event is in Scotland, at Easter. as finish, dominated by the waterfall at Mahon Falls (entry on the day at about £2.50 got you the same Long legs from fairly featureless terrain into the always. (and a trickling stream remembered as a raging courses as a£9 pre-entry) and the felled area map turf cuttings rewarded the careful and punished torrent by those who ran the Comeragh Mountain corrections were sketchy on Day 2. But the 'f1le Irish Orienreer 21 20 Tbe Iris" Qrienleer the careless who lost time peering around the 1999 Leinster Orten, ling Champions WORLD TROPH) ~ climb. This starts with a shorter loop of the road many similar turf banks before finding their Raven's Rock DublinlWicklow May l st 1999 Danny Hughes then outlined wbat was bit and then goes directly into the jungle trail for controls. Ajax Orienteering and Hill Running Club Full happening with fell running within the context of two laps. The finish involves a short run on the results & split times at www.ajax-oc.ie the newly-formed UK Athletics organisation. and road loop again. Luckily for the organisers (and competitors) the gave the selection procedures for the World and • Junior women's 4.lkm with 300m climb. This weather was perfect: had conditions been like M21L 2 Colm Rothery AJAX 68:14:00 European Trophies, the uphill Grand Prix (4 bad no road at the start; it goes straight on to the Glendalough the week before it would have been M21S 1 Alan Ayling DUO 48:16:00 M20 1 Lorean 0 hAlmain UCOO 69:07:00 races this summer), Zerrnau and the Kinabalu trail for a fuji loop. a different story (and a very interesting one, at M35 1 Liam Quinn Satanta 73:55:00 Climbathon. to be held a week after the World Ian recommends that runners wear Walshes as that, as Damon Runyon would have said. Well M40 1 Damien Cashin AJAX 64:54:00 Trophy. part of the trail could get quite muddy. Parts of done to A1AX on staging an excellent event, but M45 1 Brian Bell GEN 58:21:00 MSO 1 Brendan McGrath 3ROC 50:28:00 For the first time, there will be money prizes for the patch are narrow, making passing difficult. wouldn't it be nice to run a Leinstcr M55 1 Nigel C- Crawford 3ROC 51 :34:00 ( the overall winners of the GP - Lenzerheite, He feels the men in particular could go off too Championships on' a new area once ill a while? M60 1 Frank Martindale 3ROC 51 :37:00 SWitzerland on 11 July, Telfcs, Austria, 8 Aug. hard on the road loop and suffer on the lap. W21L 1 Una May 3ROC 54:26:00 Iinal (, Susa, Italy, 22 Aug. Bergen Germany. 3 Oct. The Setanta's event at Ballinascorncy the next day W21S Catharina Buller DUO 49:05:00 Scottish international Bobby Quinn then W20 Liz Bulter UCOO 71 :48:00 sums involved are not huge - maybe £200 for the was a return to late '70's orienteering: a tough, described his experiences of Reunion last year W35 Mary O'Connell 3ROC 54:51:00 winner (sorry, neither of us can remember exactly physical course without too much technical W40 no Leinster competitor finished where he finished best of the Brits in 4th place. !). There will also be ranking points, based on the challenge, but adequate for the purpose. One W45 3 Win McCormack GEN 63:58:00 "Although I had made my mind up to start IN50 1 Monica Nowlan 3ROC 55:41:00 GP Series plus World Trophy Results. thing, though: the forest has changed a lot but it conservatively. I suffered badly in the earlier WS5 2 Trina Cleary 3ROC 74:28:00 For the World Trophy. the cost for a team of 12 stages. But obviously Ididn't go off as hard hasn't improved any since it was first mapped Vll60 1 Diana Large GEN 58:11 :00 as twenty years ago! Ml0 1 Ruairl Short CNOC 14:17:00 plus two officials would be £280 ($400) from any some that I found they were coming back to Wl0 1 Caoimhe Cashin AJAX 23:46:00 Malaysia Airlines airport in Britain. Supporters towards the end of the race. If you've anything M12 no Leinsler competitor finished and additional athletes will have to pay a special left ncar the end. 1reckon you should go for it. So JMcC. W12 1 Jenny Corrie FIN 44:27:00 M14 1 Christian Foley-FisherMNAV 29:27:00 rate of $600 which isn't bad. Dates at that rate I did and finished 4th". W14 4 Delrdo Bell GEN 89:16:00 will be flexible. A traditional track/cross country man, whose best M16 1 David Healy GEN 52:30:00 W16 1 Niamh O'Boyle CNOC 39:44:00 Ian Holmes, winner of the Kinabalu Climhathon distance is 10.ooom. he runs "only" 70 to 80 M18 9 Nathan Foley-FishorMNAV 70:52:00 for tbe past two years, described the conditions miles a week - "I don't really count them all up". W18 2 Denise Hoaly CNOC 62:41:00 out there. Anyone wanting to run well would Ills training is meticulously planned with coach need a week to acclimatise. As accommodation Derek Parker, but he still believes in a flexible plenty of opportunity on arrival to meet up with out there is very cheap, this should not be a approach, specially as be has a job as a lecturer in athletes, coaches and administrators from the problem (even for us). Alastair Lorimer of business studies as well as a wife and two small UK FELL AND HILL sport. including Danny Hughes. president of the Scotland is currently checking out the children. Key sessions are a Sunday long run of World Mountain Running Association. administrative end of things and will report back 90 mins rising to 2 hrs, a 5k pace session in park RUNNING CONFERENCE shortly. All the hotels ate within a two mile radius land of 8 mins (2 mins off), 6 mins (I min off), 4 Next day came the lectures - way better than of each other and near the race start. Many of the mins (I min off), 2 mins x 2. lIis "lactate" session Sedburgb,9-11thApril1999 anything I've heard back home in Illy many teams will be housed in one particularly big would be something like a 400m (I min). years of attending such conferences. In hotel, All the races will be beld on the one day - followed by a 2 x looom, 2 x 800, 2 x 600, but Phone call to Dennis Quinlan. the UK particular, the Andy Jones presentation on Sunday September 19th. always finishing with a 400m to simulate running Athletics coach for fell running, resulted physiology was superb - easy to understand and ( Course descriptions (all starting at a race when the start and finish arc fast. He in a generous invitation to attend this completely de-mystifying the topic of physical A 5,OOOftll,600m): favours very short recoveries for his 5000m-type conference, designed for members of English. testing. (. sessions. He does also use bill work, with Scottish, Welsh and N Irish fell running teams. • Men's 1205km with 800m climb: Starts slightly From the Altrincbam club, Peter Doherty, coacb forthcoming cornpeuuon determioing tbe downhill, with a 1.6km loop on the roads, likely A few people were interested, but for a variety of to Heather Heasman among a squad of 42, gave distance, length, etc. Following an accident to be very fast. Next come three laps of a twisty- reasons, I was the only one to travel over, an illuminating talk on bow his squad operates - when he broke his leg badly, be took to pool tumy jungle track, some of the trail laid with new meeting up with Irisb mountain running the training week is based on a "block" of four running and feels it can achieve the same muscle paths specially for the race. This is very runnable, international Anne O'Kearney-McMullan, a very hard days. followed by three easier. On burn as bill climbing. fellow Crusaders member, in Manchester. those easier days. technique is emphasised. He despite occasional tree roots. though quite Dennis Quinlan then added his thoughts on believes bend running is bad for the body and so undulating. Race ends with about 500m back on The conference was held in the Lupton Centre in specific training for mountain racing. This would all speed sessions are done in straight lines. He the road loop, with the finish on an uphill. Sedburgh and two large "common" rooms (not to include a triangle of say, 2 minutes hard going up, stressed that he was a track/cross country coach Estimated winning time is 52 mins. mention the Red Lion around the corner!) gave the same distance down and the same distance with no experience of the fells. * Women's/junior men's 7.8km with 496m 22 The Irish Orjenleer The Irish 0den/eer 23 Bk)n Blue Green Red Lt Green Orange Yellow flat at a very fast pace. In a week leading to a let him (or her) win ? 'i~means you are not 55-90 45-75 45-90 35-Q0 35-Q0 25-45 race, you could do a similar session but shorter - entirely in control of your run. He was also mucb Time for most 65-105 say. 20 sees up. etc. The principle is to get the in favour of cycling. especially upbill mountain 77% Void 39% Void 46% legs in sbape for the hills, working the muscles in hiking as a valuable addition to any bill runner's Ojouce - - 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 15% all possible ways. He made the point that even training arsenal. Cronybyrne 13% 64% 72% 86% 67% 52% 43% running downhill slowly can belp - eccentric Later. in conversation, Dobby Quinn explained Clarabeg 7% 56% 75% 67% 19% 20% 54% contractions strengtbening tbe quads. He feels how the UK funding system works. The Scottish Curragh 78% 14% 22% 29% 0% 50% 42% that triangle-type sessions can be used in all sort federation administers grants, as does UK Carrick 75% 52% 27% 75% 7% 33% 71% of ways. either for reps as described above or on Athletics through the Sports Council. It all Carlingford 71% Glendalough 54% 14% 13% 80% 0% 55% 18% 20 minute loops. sounds very confusing. For us Irish thougb, there was only one point worth noting - the Brits can He believes in high mileage - as much as you The most successful, by these criteria. was the DUO event at Clarabeg with 56% of finishers within get funding: we can't. Next morning, an early squeeze into your life. There is no such thing as the correct time bands: the furthest off the mark was the AJAX event at Cronybyrne with only 4% wake-up and off into the fells - glorious runnable junk mileage. On 5000m- sessions (eg 5 x within the specified times. though it was difficult to rate Setanta's Djouce event, with two voided terrain! 10DOm). he disagrees with Dobby Quinn on courses. (Did it ever strike you how many areas in Leinster begin with C? Or how many composers taking only short recoveries. His main thesis is Overall verdict: well worth it - and special thanks begin with B?) that fell runners don't train properly at all - they to Dennis Quinlan for his kind invitation and all just race. his help. Looking at the numbers at these events. the highest number on league courses was 150 at the Curragh To be in the right shape for Borneo, runners Lindic Naughton on December 6th. the lowect was 107 at Carlingford on March 20th. TIle average number of runners would have to forego some races for proper. Anne O· Kcarney-Mclvlullan per course was: Brown 15. blue 24. green 27. red 6. light green 20, orange 14, yellow 22. (These structured training. He felt that using low-key figures are for the "conventional" league events). races as training could be counter-productive. If your greatest rival comes along. are you going to decreased from a quarter to a sixth. while the ACROSS THEWA TER proportion aged 45 and over has risen from under We would generally regard our nearest a quarter to over a third. Many of you may not know that the COW'5e orienteering neighbours, the Dritish Orienteering '{his is worrying for three reasons: It represents a colours arc supposed to represent the technical Federation, as being a successful organisation. significant loss of membership income (about THEO and physical difficulty of the courses. The with lots of orienteers, good terrain. lots of maps, £18.000 at 1998 rates) at a time when demands detaiuls are in the lOA and BOF rules. It is clear capable of staging big competitions like the J K. on the sport in terms of event quality and that many of the course planners don't know this the Scottish 6-Day and the World management. coaching support. international either! Courses are frequently too long, Championships. BOF membership is dclclining, representation, external liaison. and publicity and ZONE sometimes too short and often of the wrong however. and various suggestions have been put promotion are increasing. The previous level of technical difficulty (the supposedly difficult forward to balt the fall in numbers. Here are some investment in the sport can only be maintained by brown, blue and green courses too easy and the of the points made by Don Locke, the BOF a disproportionate increase in membership fees ..BITSAND PIECESFROM THE supposedly easy red. orange and yellow courses Secretary general: or other charges, Orienteering is a relatively WORLD OF ORlENTEER.lNG too bard). As an approximation, the tecbnical Bor membership peaked in 1990 (12,482), and labour-intensive sport. 'The level of volunteer level of an advanced course is set by its easiest has declined steadily since 1992. In 1997 total involvement. from event preparation and control. of an easy course by its most difficult membership (counting family members organisation through to BOF administration and LEINffiR LEAGUE REVIEW one. separately. but excluding members of groups) management, is one of the sport's great strengths. There has been some discussion on the electronic Anyway. I went back through the last few TIO's was 10,620. a decline of 15% since 1992 But a declining membership means that this has discussion group for Irish orienteers recently and got out my calculator. There is no winning (12,445). Provisional figures for 1998 (July) to supported from a reducing base. and many about the Leinster League: should there be a time specified for colour cvvents, but the time for suggest a further decline to around 10,400. clubs will testify tha.! their continued success is black course (longer than brown)? should the red most competitors is sprcified. For Drown. for This decline is not the same across age groups. dependent on the increasingly hard work of a course be dropped? etc. I began to wonder just example. most people should finish in between The number of members aged 45 and over has small number of dedicated members. The nature how well were the guidelines for colour events 65 and 105 minutes: some could be quicker, some actually increased, by at least 22%, while the of the decline is particularly worrying. At tbe being followed in conventional Lcinster League slower. Below I have tabulated the results for the number of members aged 19 to 34 has declined moment the sport is supported by a relatively events. I excluded the events like the long-O 6 conventional events and the normal length by at least 40%. The result is a rapidly ageing higb proportion of older members. many of courses in Djouce, the night event. street-O and courses at the Djouce long-O, Maybe course membership profile. In 1992 the proportion of whom have time to spare. But where are their park events which featured in the League for the planners sbould have a look! members in four age groups was roughly equal. replacements to come from. if the number of first time this year. Six years later the proportion aged 20 to 34 bas members in the young adult group is declining The Irish Oricnleer 25 24 The Irish Oriemeer even more rapidly? Eventually I noticed t)) numbers bad been electronics into a )g unit. but this was still The research was led by Howard Orchard and written over the coloured printing on the bags considered too heavy for each oricnteer to carry. Alfredo Ximcnes, already known to orientecrs From 1990 to 1997 total BOF membership and my poor eyesight bad not picked them out. The breakthrough came when it was realised that for their earlier work on magnetic field reversals. (counting family members separately. but By the time 1 bad the right map to hand 45 the unit could be carried in some other way. The They recently explained the latest situation. excluding groups) was as follows: seconds had gone - for 15 yards run! chosen approach is to mount the unit on a dog. "We have settled on a cross between a greybound 1990 12482 Later that day I navigated beautifully from which then follows the orientcer through the (to provide speed) and a foxhound (for 1991 12416 control 6 to control 13 - adding nearly a km to an forest. relocation). The only drawback is that they have 1992 12443 excellent course. As a mathematician I might Whilst simple in principle. there have been many a tendency to become unstable at high speed, 1993 12125 have known that 7 follows 6. There are some obstacles to overcome in the development of the because of the large weight of the tracking unit 1994 11575 days wben it reality would bave been better to system. The ideal dog needs to be fit enough to and the length of their legs. A major orienteering 1995 11340 stay in bed or to take up tiddlcywinksl keep up with a world-class orienteer over the equipment supplier has being helping us to 1996 10854 - Brian Hugbes (HOC). Brian is a Welsh Scottish terrain. and must also have the ability to develop special shoes to improve grip. and tbis 1997 10620 international. (Thanks to Y Ddraig, tbe Welsh 0- pick up a scent and relocate if it temporarily loses should resolve the problem." Total membership at the end of July 1998 was newsletter). contact. Beagles seemed an obvious choice, but "We are confident that the technology works. The 9908. Experience suggests that this might rise by tests have shown a significant drawback: they only thing now holding us back is the availability 5%, to 10403. by the end of the year (from CONTROlLERS CORNER have such short legs that they find it impossible of enough dogs. We are in the middle of a major October. new subscriptions arc for 1999) to move at speed through the deep heather that is breeding program. but it is still not certain that we If you want to keep abreast of things in the world expected to be a feature of some of tbe Scottish will have the 300 dogs necessary in time for There's lots more thought provoking stuff here. of controlling. you can visit the BOF Technical areas. August." Committee website at particularly with the lOA working towards the Later tests made use of Irish Wolfhounds, but it www.sdea.demon.co.uk:lboftc/techcomm.htm/ position of having association membership as was soon realised that this might lead to official Simon Erington well as club membership. Have a look at the DOF complaints because of possible bins towards the on behalf of The Institute for Applied Physical Simon Errington. DOr TC Chariman, wrote: website http://www.cix.co.uk:l-bof/ Irish team. German Shepherds lind Oreal Danes Research "l lcre are the updated current top three topics that were rejected for similar reasons. (on April 1st) people complain about to me: as 1said last time, so MINUTI ICS? please help to make my life easier by at least The problem with competing each week is that getting these right! I. Have you considered the you cun get rather blase about start procedures. safety of competitors. and avoided dangerous At Hopwas I was day-dreaming in the start pen. features? 2. Do the Planner and Organiser have When the long bleep went my splits from last agreed time scales, and are they sticking to them? week had not been cleared from my watch. No 3. Do all the controls have the right code. on the problem - something to do while jogging for the I: I 0,000 description list as well as the 1:15,000 map. description list 1"

I stopped at one of the bags of maps, and then E!OO IHfI'fTE8NU vaguely noticed tbat nothing seemed to indicate which bag related to which course. Much worse. BREAKTHROUGH IN REAL~TIME it dawned that I had no idea what number course T TRACKING OF ORIENTEERS was running No problem; a quick look at the Following extensive research conducted by the control card as 1moved over to look at the maps Institute for Applied Physical Research (IAPR), in the other line would solve that. Course 5. Then it now seems possible that all competitors at this panic set in. These bags did not seem to be year's World Orienteering Championships in labelled either. I harcd around. looking in at least Scotland will be tracked in realtime. 'This should one bag (wrong course) in a zig-zag route. provide even greater spectator interest. By now the crowds behind were realizing that they were getting a free comedy show in addition The general principles of tracking technology arc to a run on one of Octavian Droobers' best areas. well understood. and the new system uses the Despite the mirth Chris Earnshaw had the established OPS satellite network. Scientists presence of mind between his chuckles to lime have managed to incorporate all of the necessary the affair for the benefit of posterity. 26 The Irish OricTicecr The Irish QrieTileCr 27 Dublin University Oril)ers took home the SCORE-O, C.. )kgollogan, Feb 14th S. Delvin M14 GEN 160 Men's and Women's A trophies. The Men's Band DUO L. Buller W21 UCDO 160 IOSANEWS S.McEvoy W21 AJAX 160 C categories were won by the Curragh Cadet Long Course B. Cryan M40 3ROC 150 H.McLlnden M21 3ROC 390 The Irish Orienteering Students Association Scbool and DUO won the Women's C category. A. NiShuiUeabhan W45 3ROC 150 D.O·Colmain M50 GEN 380 Prendergast CDTSC 150 (lOS A) is a body of student orienteers who bring Conor Barry from CorkO won the Men's A G.Doherty M21 GEN 330 S.Rellly 150 orienteering students from around the country P.Casey M21 GEN 320 category. A.Cormack WSO GEN 150 G.Brady M21 CORKO 310 together through organising events. Currently, The weekend was II very enjoyable one and any S.O·Boyle M40 CNOC 150 N. c-crawrerd M55 3ROC 300 IOSA runs a training weekend and the Irish S. Butler WOO CNOC 150 disappointments from the classic race were A.Quin M21 DUO 290 C.McOonald M21 AJAX 150 Orienteering Students Association forgotten during Saturday night's party. A special L. Quin M35 SET 290 A.Boyle M21 AJAX 150 Championships (IOSAC). This year we arc thanks to NUlG and GMIT and the Ryans for a L. Donovan M21 AJAX 290 M.Oooley M60 CNOC 140 W.Young M45 CNOC 280 extending our operations to organise selection great weekend! Finlan M11 140 M20 DUO 270 C.Blau Alan M11 140 and training for tbe World Student Orienteering Another thing discussed atlOSA's meeting was M40 3ROC 270 D. Brennan F. McCormack M60 CNOC 120 Championships 2000 and to introduce more third D.Cashin M40 AJAX 270 the plan to send a student team to the World P. Conaty M45 120 A. O'Cleirigh M35 DFO 260 level institutions to orienteering. Students in the year 2000. Selection will be on N. Lalor W14 GEN 120 N.Dobbs M20 DUO 260 This year 10SAC was organised by the the basis of event results and those who have D.Sweeny CDTSC 110 G. Elliot M21 3ROC 260 G.Evans M21 CNOC 90 orienteering clubs of the National University of trained well. Anybody who would like to be M35 3ROC 260 S.Doory B.AL DUO 90 M45 GEN Ireland Galway and the Galway-Mayo Institute considered for this team should contact a member Quinn 250 D.Murphy W21 UCDO 90 A.O'Muliane M21 GEN 250 of Technology. F.Emmel W12 Guides 90 of the lOS A committee. W40 CNOC 250 R Lynam A.Lonnedy W12 Guides 90 The classic event was held on Saturday 6th of D. Buller M50 CNOC 240 S.Conwav W12 Guides 90 February. It was run in the flat working forest of C. Nugent M21 UCDO 240 For anybody wishing to contact anyone on the L.Mulvlli W12 Guides 90 M35 AJAX 240 Clonbrock ncar Ahascragh, Co. Galway. It was 10SAcommiltee here is a list of members: M. Geoghegan D.O·Neili W21 FIN 80 T. McCormack M50 GEN 240 run by Deirdre and frank Ryan. Just over 100 G. Power W45 3ROC 80 E.O·Shoa M35 GEN 240 M.O·Colmaln W45 GEN 70 students took part in the six courses. Chair ConorBarry 2 Cherry wood Ridge, J. Rowe M35 FIN 240 J. O'Neill WSO FIN 70 M50 3ROC 240 The next day a park-O was held in the Daingcan Bailick. Midleton, Co. Cork (021) 632637 B.McGrath J. Francis M40 DFO 60 Bohan M21 CNOC 230 sports grounds just outside Galway city. This was Treasurer Ian Lockington, 4 Tyler Ave .. J.Mullin W65 3ROC 60 S. Ryan 230 fast and exciting due to a mass start that had Limavady, Co. Londonderry. NI, B1'49 ODT Brendan -40 J.Mesof M50- 230 D.Gubbins W35 GEN 20 around 60 students running down a race track and P. Tetfoly (08-015047) 63685 230 D.Madigan -40 230 then up a steep bank to the first controls. Secretary Deirdre Creedon M 0 u n M.Gargan Nolan -100 B. Lawlor W21 CNOC 230 The weekend saw the arrival of a new college to Prospect, Douglas. Co. Cork (021) 361824 Murray Family -150 M. Walsh WSO 3ROC 220 -400 orienteering - The Institute of Technology PRO Andrew Quin, 10 Killiney Gate, L. McCormack M15 R Russell M21 220 M. Slattery M15 -400 P. McCormack GEN 220 Tallaght. lIT brought around 13 people to their Church rd.. Killiney. Co. Dublin (0 I) 2824303 R Nolan -400 NWOC 220 first IOSAC. Mark Irvine. lIT's representative, Representatives Orla Jennings 6 4 J. Davis R Flacetti -400 J. Crowley M40 GEN 210 C. Rice - -400 wbo came to the IOSA meeting, was keen to Foster Court, COllege Rd., Galway, ( 0 9 I ) M55 GEN 210 B. Dohorty Maccarrone -400 compete in next year's event. W. McCormack W45 GEN 210 565997/086 - 8405885; Cathal Nugent I I Andreanl -400 M.Eaton M35 SET This gave IOSA the idea to try to encourage more Gandon l1all, Lower Gardiner St., Dublin 1 200 Carlotta • -400 N.Lalor W45 GEN colleges to join 10SAC. We arc planning to send 200 Gannon - -1190 (087 - 288670) RSmith M21 AJAX 200 T.McM • -1210 out e-mails followed by information packages to V. Jonos FIN 200 C. Connaughton M21 DUO 190 all tbird-level colleges before fresbers' week, Shorl Course B. Hollinshead M60 3ROC 190 1999. We hope this effort will introduce C.P. Miguel M21 SET 280 P.Ott CDTSC 190 D. Healy 230 orienteering to many colleges and encourage S. McCormack W20 GEN 190 D.Nagle W45 3ROC 220 them to make orienteering known to their T. Dalvin M45 GEN 190 J. O'S ullivan COTSC 220 R Harrington M21 3ROC 190 students. S.Cahili 220 D. VVideham M35 AJAX 180 The weekend had quite a social aspect too. On the F. Kehoe COTSC 220 S.Griffin W17 180 Susan&Sophie W20 GEN 200 Saturday night dinner. prize-giving and party C. Morrin 180 X. 190 were held in a hotel just outside the city-centre. P. Lalor -CNOC 180 R.Short M10 CNOC 170 VViliemine W20 DUO 170 After a delicious meal the prizes were handed E.Cahili 170 S. Ruthery M70 3ROC 170 out. The individual prizes were t-shirts with the E.Quinn W35 SET 160 C.McGrath W50 3ROC 170 M.Cronin W35 160 phrase ORIENTEERS RUN THE COUNTRY on B.O·Nelll M50 CNOC 160 M.O·Reilly W20 UCOO 150 N.Cormack M21 CNOC 160 the back in large letters. N.Ryan M35 150 A. Lawlor M21 CNOC 160 N. Brennan M15 140 28 The Irish OrieTlleer The Irish OrieT/tl'l!f 29 C.Callery W21 130 Thank You ,) IOSA Chal )onships 1999, W21B: C.Bums M21 AJAX 130 Clonbrock, Ahascragh 1 Liz Buller UCD 49.13 P. McCormack M17 GEN 120 As always, a heartfelt thanks to 2 Colette Sweeney OMIT 63.39 M21A: 7.77km Kilfealher 120 3 Brenda Nolan OMIT 67.35 - anyone who took the trouble to send 1 AndrO'N Quin TCD 68.22 C.Short M7 CNOC 110 4 Susan Bell UCD 74.05 2 Conor Barry UCC 76.00 J. Huilson M14 100 in contributions to this issue and to S Yvonne Reidy AlT 85.30 3 Brian Jones TCD 76.25 Philip M14 100 6 Olivia Murphy GMIT 88.11 the the unsung heroes, the editors of .. Calhal Nugenl UCD 77.47 R. Miller W21 SET 90 7 Grainne Hoey GMIT 90.28 5 Ian Lockington QUB 80.09 S. Fasinella W21 90 orienteering magazines and 8 Vanessa Carty GMIT 92.72 6 AndrO'N Mein QUB 84.48 T. McCormack M14 GEN 90 9 Triona Fillgeraid GMIT 94.12 7 Fergal Ryan CIT CORK 89.46 M.Johnson CDTSC 80 newsletters around the world, 10 Maeve O'Reilly UCD 97.32 8 Alan Ayling TCD 90.15 C. Morrison W21 AJAX 80 11 Sandra Lally AlT dnl without whom the structure of the 9 PelerMcNamara TCD 92.35 Crowley GEN 80 12 Wllemine van de \Nell TCD dnl 10 Chris Blau UCD 94.07 H. Fallon 70 orienteering world would crumble to 13 Fiona Costello OMIT dnl 11 JohnO'Callaghan CIT 106.20 C.King 60 Aileen Farrell TCD 82.39 dust, 12 Rowan Lyons TCD 113.48 O'Neill M21 FIN 60 13 Shane Lynch TCD 114.01 N.Qulnn M14 SET 40 M21C: 14 RossDaunt CIT 119.48 Conor M12 SET 40 1 Seamus McNamara CSMC 28.38 In the next issue you, the readers, 15 Oliver Clear GMIT 139.47 V.Murtagh WSS 3ROC 40 2 John Paul O'Sullivan CSMC 29.16 16 Paul Behan GMIT 147.15 H, Michiel M12 STOA 40 wiIIbe expected to contribute 3 Tue Hansen TCD 31.57 nololassified Diarrnuid O'Oonghalis TCD 112.23 4 Colm Connaughton TCD 37.44 J. Mangan W10 40 articles on your summer's H.Jones W10 FIN 40 5 Danny Marshall OMIT 38.15 W21A: C.Gavin M10 CNOC 20 orienteering: the multi-day events in 6 Claran Lenice UCC 39.10 1 AilbheCreedon TCD 84.17 R. L. 10 7 Francis Kehoe CSMC 41.06 2 Catherine Buller TCD 111.28 Knorr -10 Bordeaux, Lithuania, Sweden, 8 James Troy CSMC 47.08 3 Deirdre Creedon UCC 120.29 A. Whelan W19 DUO -30 9 Gus Curtis GMIT 61.19 Scotland etc; the World Vets in 4 Orla Jennings NUIG 132,44 D. Morrissy 3ROC -40 10 GerWhyle OMIT 63.02 5 DeirdreMurphy UCD 146.50 T. Keane GEN -40 Denmark, the World Championships in 11 Eoin Lettice UCC 78.30 6 Deborah Walsh TCD 158.34 M. Healy W45 GEN -40 12 Colin Day TCD 80.24 Scotland, the Irish Champs and 7 Elaine Coughlan UCD 164.44 F. McMeekin W21 -40 13 Greanne Kearns ITT DUBLIN 95.21 Orla PrendergaSl GMIT 110.14 M,Reid W21 -40 Shamrock a-Ringen ... with maps, 14 Paul Flood ITT DUBLIN 108.18 Marguerile O'Rour1S,House of Sport.longmlle Road. Dublin 12. (01- COURSEC 4509845. fox 4502805). http://homepage.tinet/-loa/ 1 34:27 GEN M65 ABL 32 50 NORTHERN IRELAND OA Violet Cordner. 19Derrygovod Rd..Annaghmore. Co. Armagh BT621ND 2 35:01 3ROC W50 M NOIM.AN 31 46 (O8.{) 1762-328749)www.oskip.demon.co.uk/nloa/ 3 36:46 3ROC M60 B HOLLINSHEAD 30 46 CONNACHTOA Padralg Higgins. 2A Alverno Ave. Willow Park. Athlone. Co. Westmeolh. 4 37:42 GEN W45 MHEALY 29 50 LEINSTEROA Vero Murlagh. 19The Cloisters. Terenure. Dublin 6W (01-4908237) 5 38:44 3ROCW45 AN SHIULLEBAN 28 46 MUNSTEROA John Muckian. 13Elmvole Close. Wilton. Cork (021-343384) , IRiSH-O STUDENTS ASSOCIATION 6 39:14 GEN W45 WMCCORMACK 27 50 J':' AlJ.<. IIIIIv\ II' Allbhe Creedon. Tavio. Mount Prospect. Douglas, Co. Cork (021-361824). 7 40:47 AN W50 JO'NEILL 26 40 .... BRITISH O-FEDERA110N Riversdole. Dale Road North. Darley Dale. Mal1ock. Derbyshire DE4 2HX 8 41:50 3ROC M70 S ROTHERY 25 46 (0044-1629-734042. FAX0044-1629-733769). www.ci)(.co.uk/-bof/ 9 44:42 3ROC M21 J LEONARD INTERNATIONAL O-FEDERATION Sec. Gen.: Barbro Ronnberg. Rodlokatu 20. FI-00093SlU. Flnlond (00358- 10 45:49 GEN W45 N LALOR 24 50 40585 380 1.fax 00358-93481 3113; www.orienteering.org 11 47:45 GEN W60 0 LARGE 50 12 48:52 CNOCW16 JO'NEILL 23 43 13 50:10 3ROCW45 D NAGLE 40 Remember, for round the clock orienteering information on lOA events ring 14 58:25 M14 TDANE 15 68:35 SET W55 MHIGGINS 22 38 01-4569099, for NIOA events ring 0044-1399-873281 or check the lOA web 16 76:29 M50 D LAWLOR page at hHp:j jhomepage.tinet.iej-ioaj or the NIOA page at 17 80:12 3ROCWSO E PHILLIPS 46 www.askip.demon.co.ukjnioaj 18 81:20 GRYAN 19 82:44 E LINN 40 The Irish Oriemeer The Irish Qrienleer 41 ORIENTEERING FIXTURES 1999)) For details of fbO_)S check with the organisers, the lOA Inf-O-line (01-4569099) or the NIOA «0044)-01399-873281) or try the lOA website www.homepage.tinet/-ioa/ In many cases the information given includes a contact phone number, start times June and an Ordnance Survey grid reference. Club contact details are on Page 20fT1O. 1 CURRAGH WEST. Co, Kildare. CNOC. 6-7.30 pm. GR N 7514. lOA flx1ures are only listed if the event Is registered with lOA. Start times are generally 1 GARRETTSTOWN. Co. Corle CorkO IFl2. GRW 588455. 5.3(}7.30. 11.00 to 1.00 pm unless otherwise stated. WL=winter league. LL = Leinster League 5 SlIEVE GULLION NORTH. Co. Armagh. LVO Sprint-O NO.3. BOTILEHILL. Co. Cork. CorkO IFL3. GRW 611886. 5.3(}7.30. etc. 8 Events In Italics are included for Information. 8 HOLLYWOOD NORTH, Co. W1cklow. CNOC. 6-7.30 pm. GR N 96 08. 12 NI RELAYS. Drum Manor. Cookstown. Co. Tyrone. NWOC 13 DOOHATTY GLEBE, Co. Fermanagh. FermO Sunday League. GR H 1831. , LEINSTER LEAGUE FINAL PLACINGS 15 BALLYVOLANE, Co. Waterford. WatO beginners. GR S445049. Start 6.30 pm. CURRABINNY, Co. Cork. CorkO IFL4. GRW 791622. 5.30-7.30, 15 LEINSTERLEAGUE1998- 1999PRIZEWINNERS CURRAGH EAST. Co. Kildare. CNOC. 6-7.30 pm. GR N 7812. 15 \ [email protected]. FULLRESULTSlOAWEBPAGEORAT EVENINGEVENTS 15 PARK WORLD TOUR. Kelvlngrove Park. Glasgow. 1 # = NUMBEROFFINISHES 19 SlIEVE CROOB, Ballynahlnch, Co. Down. NI Series 5. LVO. GR J 3247. PosClassName Club Besl7 # PF OJ CR CL CU MP SM KH AV CKSU CA GL BY BE 22 HOLLYWOOD, Co. Wlcklow. CNOC.6-7.30pm. GR N94 05& BBQ. i BROWN 1 M21 MarcusPinkor CORKO 346 11 43 50 50 46 0 o 43 50 46 o 50 50 50 46 0 22 WATERGRASSHILl. Co. Cork. LeeO IFL5. GRW 790828. 5.3(}7.30. 2 M40 JuslinMa~ 3ROC 338 11 50 46 46 50 43 50 0 43 o 50 46 46 o 43 0 3 M21 JohnFee an AJAX 310 7 46 43 43 o 46 o 46 o 43 0 0 o 43 0 0 25-27 Shamrock O-Ringen Be Irish Individual Championships. Gougane Barra. BLUE Crohane and Inchlgeela. Co. Cork/Kerry. Entry form enclosed. 1 M45 DenisReidy Ajax 350 12 o 50 50 0505050 34 50 SO 43 43 50 43 0 2 M40 D.Cashin Ajax 309 9 0 0 o 50 43 27 40 40 40 o 0 50 46 34 0 29 GLEN BOWER. Co. Cork. CorkO IFL6. GRW999777. 5.3(}7.30. 3 M20 PMcNamara DUO 297 11 o 38 0 o 46 43 46 38 36 o 26 27 33 50 34 9 W40 RuthLynam CNOC 226 8 30 0 o 28 o 23 0 0 o 46 32 29 32 29 0 12W21 UnaMay 3ROC 211 5 0 0 o 46 o 46 0 0 0 o 50 33 o 36 0 July 15W21 BridgetLalor CNOC 189 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 26 26 23 25 25 21 43 5-12 JUNIOR WORLD O-CHAMPIONSHIPS, BulgarIa GREEN 1 M55 P.McCormack GEN 323 10 o 10 38 46 43 o 27 o 38 50 50 46 0 o 50 19-23 WORLD MASTERS CHAMPIONSHIPS. Arhus. Denmark. (M/W35+) 2 M40 J.Francis DFO 313 13 o 15 27 43 46 46 50 50 30 36 25 25 40 38 0 3 M35 DonalWickhamAjax 312 13 50 40 46 50 40 43 o 36 36 34 43 40 30 o 36 4 W14 Niamho'Bo'(,le CNOC 280 10 46 20 26, 0 50 36 0 o 29 32 40 o 33 43 0 August 9 W45 A NiShuilieahain3ROC 229 11 38 3 25 24 27 o 23 o 17 25 36 0 o 32 46 1-7 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS & Highland 99 soov. Inverness. Scotland. 10W45 WynMcCormack GEN 225 12 31 14 o 20 25 26 20 0 9 31 30 o 32 20 50 LightGreen 1 M40 TomBurke FIN 334 10 43 46 o SO 21 SO 0 46 46 o 0 46 50 o 40 September 2 M70 S.Rothery 3ROC 315 12 30 38 40 32 17 33 0 o 43 SO 46 SO o 40 46 3 W45 NoraLalor GEN 292 12 29 26 29 40 28 36 0 o 31 40 43 40 o 43 50 11 BANAGHER. Co. Derry. NWOC. NI SERIES6. GR C 6904. 4 W45 DeirdreNagle 3ROC 287 9 36 32 38 0 o 46 46 0 o 43 32 0 o 30 46 SURFMOUNTAIN MOURNE MOUNTAIN MARATHON 5 W60 D.large GEN 271 11 32 29 0 o 12 34 0 o 36 34 34 43 40 34 50 18-19 8 M40 R.Flanagan FIN 230 7 33 27 o 46 25 0 0 43 0 o 0 o 32 24 0 25 NIOA CHAMPIONSHIPS. SHeve Gullion. Co. Armagh. LVO. RED 1 W21 C Morrison Ajax 294 8 0 0 o 38 43 40 0 50 25 o 40 43 40 0 0 2 M16 NiallBrennan 3ROC 182 5 0 o 43 0 0 0 0 o 29 o 31 o 33 o 46 October 3 W35 J Atkinson SET 177 4 0 0 o 46 o 43 0 0 o 50 0 0 0 o 38 2-3 SENIOR HOME INTERNATIONAL, South Wales. " Orange 1 M14 TedMcCormack GEN 318 8 43 0 o 50 o 46 SO o 36 o 50 o 36 43 0 3 IRiSH ORIENTEERTROPHY. Dundrum, Co. Tipperary. . 2 W14 N.Lalor GEN 280 10 46 o 40 38 40 26 0 o 34 40 40 o 34 36 0 5 W14 DeirdreBell GEN 140 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0504050 16-17 JUNIOR HOME INTERNATIONAL, Co. Tyrone/ Fermanagh 6 W16 JuneO'Neili CNOC 132 3 0 0 0 0 o 43 43 0 0 0 0 o 46 0 0 16 BURRENWEST, Co. Fermanagh. NI Series 7 and Junior Home Internatonal 7 M14 ChristopherBond OLSO 126 3 SO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 43 33 0 0 0 0 8 M10 GavinCarney CNOC 92 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 27 38 0 0 o 27 0 17 CASTLE ARCHDALE. Co. Fermanagh. Colour event & JHI Relays. . Yellow 23 TOll YMORE, near Newcastle. Co. Down. NI Series 8. LVO. GR J 3532. 1 M12 CathalBurke FIN 336 11 050304633 0 0 o 40 50 50 30 50 SO 40 2 M10 RuairiShort CNOC 331 11 0 o 38 38 o 50 43 o SO 43 46 50 46 46 43 3 M10 P.McCormack GEN 324 11 o 46 40 SO 46 o 46 o 34 o 34 43 43 40 50 November 4 W10 CaoimheCashen Ajax 298 11 o 43 34 46 34 29 50 o 43 40 31 o 40 o 36 5 W10 CiaraBurke FIN 254 8 0 o 32 40 27 32 0 0 0 o 38 34 38 o 40 6 GARVAGH. Co. Derry. NWOC NI series 6. 8 W10 HelenaJones FIN 193 6 o 34 0 0 o 27 0 o 33 o 32 33 o 34 0 6-7 VETERAN HOME INTERNATIONAL. Glenmore Lodge, Scotland. 12 Munster Championships. Galtee Mountains. 13 IRISH RELAY CHAMPIONSHIPS, Galtee Mountains.

The Irish Orjefl1eer 43 42 The lrisb Orienl{,(,(