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[email protected]), organisation, course planning and controlling. They also Qexpect to get accurate maps. Generally the event officials Annual subscription costs and mappers try their best and strive to improve standards, IRfl.50 for 6 issues, pushing out the borders of what is achievable. A by-product of this is the trend towards professionally produced NEXT COPY DA TE maps, TIme was when a dedicated mapper or two would spend 8th August '999 months surveying an area and drawing the map. If it was a new \ j~jt ' area it might be for a regional or national championships. The C()111,,'1';;~ IJ(Jlnt CONTENTS \1\\1)('1 "'II. ,. care and dedication which went into the overall project would be Ntws 5 ",I ,'(II I \ II,!) \ II I I \1 Mountuln runnlnll nxtures 6 reflected in the quality of the finished product: meticulous \\.l~ II ('II \\ IIh lI'uers jXJllt 12 craftsmanship, auention to detail, checking and re-checking to I <,II \ \ British Chumps rtjXlrt 13 produce a work of art and of science.