r;! 0 V '-n. ~- -~ ~ ,,....Q) 0"1 0"1 0"1 5 -~ -~ ~ I ~ s::: ~ ~,,.... ~ C' ~ -- v 0 s: 0"1. U z0 COME TO THE EDGE OF THE WORLD FOR A 6 DAY ADVENTURE, CRUISING THE OUTER HEBRIDES AND ST.KILDA. STG£290 to 320 includes quality home cooked food. Full range of RYA sail cruising courses also available. Telephone: 0141-637 7485 011 mooring Ballachulislt aioniting tlte next vVestllOlIIuf A duen til 1'(' The Irish Orienreer is a~~~ble sponsors O{ from all Irish orienteering clubs IRISh Compass Point ~~ or by direct subscription from r.he ornencecre the Editor: John McCullough. 9 No. 90 )une-Ju'~ 1999 Arran Road. Dublin 9 USE IT OR LOSE IT (e-mail rienteers rightly expect high standards of event [email protected]), organisation, course planning and controlling. They also Qexpect to get accurate maps. Generally the event officials Annual subscription costs and mappers try their best and strive to improve standards, IRfl.50 for 6 issues, pushing out the borders of what is achievable. A by-product of this is the trend towards professionally produced NEXT COPY DA TE maps, TIme was when a dedicated mapper or two would spend 8th August '999 months surveying an area and drawing the map. If it was a new \ j~jt ' area it might be for a regional or national championships. The C()111,,'1';;~ IJ(Jlnt CONTENTS \1\\1)('1 "'II. ,. care and dedication which went into the overall project would be Ntws 5 ",I ,'(II I \ II,!) \ II I I \1 Mountuln runnlnll nxtures 6 reflected in the quality of the finished product: meticulous \\.l~ II ('II \\ IIh lI'uers jXJllt 12 craftsmanship, auention to detail, checking and re-checking to I <,II \ \ British Chumps rtjXlrt 13 produce a work of art and of science. A well-drawn map, it was ( I'()ljl"'" lOA AGM rtport 16 Coachlnll Corner 17 reasonable to assume, was a well-surveyed and an accurate map. Eltctronlc PuRcI,'nll? 18 one which the competitor could rely on (put another way, a Evtnt rtjXlrfS 20 carelessly drawn map rang alarm bells in the competitor's mind Hili Running rtjXlrf 22 • IInl I to expect not too much from the survey either). O-ZORt 24 10SA Ntws 28 Computerised mapping has changed all that .. Even a sketchy I\fsUrts 29 survey can be transformed into a beautifully drawn map by using Aclilresus 41 OCAD. No alarm bells ring in the orienteer's mind when Axruru - OrltRfttrlnll 42 • presented with II map like tbis: only out on the course, when lI'lns'tr LttlllUt WlnRtrs 43 things don't seem to fit, docs the realisation come that all is not as Cover: 8rendan O'Connor it seems - the map may look fine but the survey is bad, 1 low can • (AJAX) finishes 01 last year's mapping awards be given if the presentation of the map is all that Swedish S-Day (A, O'Mullane) is taken into account, if all maps are produced to a unifonnl y high standard of appearance? (This is a general point - not a reflection • Printed by Denton Print. on the areas given awards at the recent lOA AGM). Dundrum. Dublin 14. Another point which arises from the increased lise of professional mappers, even for lower grade areas, is the progressi ve loss of the .plI" ,1t\\I.. Results and nrtlcles are skills of mapping. Orienteering is a house with many rooms: you <,. ,." particularly welcome on 3 1/2 might find that you are really an orguniser, a competitor, a .1\ j..~W( .. inch noppy disks or by e-maH planner, a mapper or whatever. If more and more maps are being /: . with a printed version as bacll produced professionally, where are the new mappers going to up. Please keep the formatting learn the trade? How will they cut their teeth? simple! TlO is produced in the Perhaps tbe reluctance of new mappers to get involved stems ~~:~;_.'~'!P:~<. from the increasing selfishness of people towards their OWIl free Editor's ctr!c, mostly on an Apple Mac using MS Word and time, perhaps from fear of criticism or failure, but we should be s~~~" ()III'nh'('IHll' • I" 111\ i,\.I' 01 11\ ,ni', ..,1\\ hll){"" \1.:I"·!t\, ..01' r h~'t 1\ uti! fit. PEiv Quark Xpress. encouraging them to get involved. We should be running 'it \',1., ,;\, (litH';"!II "'II'f'llj't'n H~'11' Iv .tIlrll qqIP!III'1I1 .\\ (};i,11 1ft UII'L { HinD" ......l'u,f'l ISSN 0790-1194 mapping courses to raise standards and giving the mapping effort u1>l1( ,\, "l J'I'I U~ hun ,ltl!; \'\' ".'11"'111 11I1.j 'Ill! "'1.{11l every help. It's incredible that the lOA didn't have a mapping ~Wt u.... 1 !lUI! I Hh -rn'('1 ..lip!' CI\I'nl ...nlll' (.! , hllnv· I)tl! 1.1'.1 .llvll(I('IUlh· 1l1~liI 'lId", ',1'" I' Thanks to all the contributors to officer for the past year. Ihis issue for raking rhe time and Maps and juniors are the future of tbe sport - we have to "ir 10 Market Square. Lvrharn, Lanes FY8 SLW trouble to write articles. encourage them both if orienteering is to survive at all, let alone ~ Tel: 01253 7'l5S97 Fax: 0125.3 i3'l4{'O email: rick®compasspoint.dcmon.ro.uk prosper. Imp'Jr1('rl'. I!K U"lrihlllt>1 "I ,II \1,\ I>rtt"lltl!':nng t'tIWP'ut'''' The Irish Orienleer 3 ,- l/Ion."."o."."."."OU'lU'lU'lO both verbally and with Barry's excellent maps. ",!CI!G>NU'lGlGtp..,G>0C71C71C710 HELPA'noc! MciC'iN":IIiNr;";';CI'i';o • The whole thing is very well done and well O Q"ww"'W~c3"'C'lCHNN The organisers of the Shamrock O-Ringen and 101 w"'~II)WW w_ illustrated both with colour photos. maps and 3-D "'z8!11:o Io.N E(/) ~ Irisb Championships have a very big task ahead u.,,-w ea: Q. images of the areas. For anyone interested in W.>.-W- I-C'iw O-wJ:EQ) ED of them on the weekend of June 25-27. A small circular walks in the area it's an excellent idea. ~ (/)~g? ffi~c.l ~Q;:na? 8 ~ <,... number of dedicated people running three events ~o.w<.:l!ll: U«!II:o Q) -a: Il.ct:a:oc:i . J:U I- O.llC in less than 48 hours. including an Irish Champs j ::J«(/) J«"':: o, Q)u«l- C ,... :3 w The Miner's Way and Historical Trail map guide Ouo~u.""ww-a:- a:0(/)- L- Uo' and a chasing start is a lot of work, and they need a: .... ...::::::EIl.""OC!II:I-« ~ t- ~ adopts a similar format to describe the 118 km Wc)c(U6<.:l6~U(/){l~_,w_j 't: Q) ~ Q) t:: your help. -.~ a:UOa:~M O-t=(/)::!I« Q) .8 waymarked trail. The local detail of flora, fauna C,..)'4_, . Q. W ~ 0 At last year's World Cup Jots of orienteers from ~f-~W~Zo~a:>a:!II:J:~..JJ: a. _a::Q)Q.!l!1JI and geology is thorough and again the guide is (l) c:: ""ZZOZ'«U)!II:«ZOuz «::l Lu Q.~ clubs all over the country helped with the many WOOOOa:«zS2'«Il.:JO g (j) :r: ~ g very professionally produced. IXIUUUUl-u«ua:(/)a:a:1l.1- (Ql ~ ::J. ~ C/) .. - jobs to be done: starts, finishes, results etc. This ~_:3 ~~ . CI) 0> ~E year you are being asked to help at the Shamrock OU'lU'lIl'lIl'l 11'111'1 II'IOU'lU'lU'lG>U'I <I) c: O 00 Wicklow Way Walks COSIS £4.50 and is available OC71C71OlG>OI01G>U'lC7IOICJlOIOI "b g"._ a:: Q. Co) weekend in west Cork/Kerry. '0.9- oNcOC'iIriIriCl'iCl'i.ooilri';,.;.; E! :I: ~..ci from bookshops, outdoor shops and local shops ," N .... (,..I - - ... u ... w ........ M ... N U c: ._ <u en :: Q) A number of the CorkO regulars are unavailable ::J VWc.l W<.l<.l W <.l<.l<.l<.l<.l Q) along the Wicklow Way, or from EastWest <l.> -0 Q) this year for various reasons and Bob Pinker c:: o- Z «(/) (/) (f) o wCll I-~~.~ -« (/)0: (f) a: Wa:« «U C V)C ..... Mapping. Ballyredmond, Cloncgal, Enniscorthy, .Q (l) J:(/)Il.W « W > «COI-a:«. - <l.> ~ c: a:: es needs help. IOC planner Justin May and "'1-01- a: I- Ow::::E!II:COa: <II 0::::: Co. Wexford (Ph/fax 054-77835; web site 051-;3- ~(f)(f) ..J>:J'(/)CO ~ V) --l Q) 0 E .. Controller Trina Cleary from 3ROC want the u-o r-«!II: <.:l>coWl-w C1J ._ Q, .'" ~ http://homepage.tinel.ie/-eastwest). ..J(f)I ..Ja:U!II: '«odUa:_, +- <l.> V) L- event to be a success too and they're inviting you == ~.c ~~ °h:1!Hr(/)lruC2Wz~<.:llliO!ll: 0. -s:: 0 W 'iQ all to get involved: maybe to help on one day, "'O::::E°ffiO~I-g:~Z(3iiBi~ ......,._ 't- · E TONI TALKS AGAIN • ~ ~ enll.l-ll. 1l...J-I..J..JW ..JZ ZQ) maybe more - whatever you can manage. We've '4_,<U W(/)a:(f)t::(f)..J..J""..J(f)lrh:..Jb ~~O all got great enjoyment from orienteering: now is "I'm writing again in response to some CI) (l) 1XI~°Il.~;3~:t:t:t:t~wwJ:::::E .... <l.>'t: ~ our cbance to put something back into tbe discussion about my last piece tilled TONI I- I- t-ZZZZ ..J..JZi:t: Cll W • ..J1Q..J7..J0000:Z;:wwOI- a.
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