Rabbinical School Liturgy and Poetry of Yamim Noraim RB-LITGY-225 Rabbi Allan Lehmann Spring 2019 2 graduate credits Tuesdays, 2:30 am – 4:00 pm Level: Year 2 Contact Information: Phone: Office: (617)559-8628 Mobile: (617)256-3738 Email:
[email protected] Course Description: Learning Objectives: Goals: For students: -to learn the structure of Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur Services. -to identify the historical, literary and theological meaning of selected prayers of the High Holidays. - to reflect deeply on the meaning of the High Holiday prayers not merely as texts on a page, but as words of prayer. Requirements: Students will prepare the readings and assignments regarding the texts of the Mahzor assigned for each session and will prepare a course project. Course project: Choose texts (in consultation with me) from the Mahzor. Present in a way you would teach in an adult education setting the history, literary analysis and potential spiritual meaning of these texts in an 8-10 page paper. Select your topic by 3/2 in consultation with me; it will be due on 5/18. Required Texts: Sachs, Jonathan, tr. The Koren Rosh Hashanah Mahzor [KRH] Sachs, Jonathan, tr. The Koren Yom Kippur Mahzor [KYK] [I recommend having a shelf of different mahzorim for ones personal library, and the Sacks Mahzorim are certainly worth owning. See the bibliography for a selected list. If you prefer, copies to borrow will be available.] Kieval, Hayyim Herman The High Holy Days: A Commentary on the Prayerbook of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Reuven Hammer, Entering the High Holy Days, JPS, paperback edition, 2005 (originally published in 1998).