The Month in Yachting
YACllTI G for June Ingomar, a new 6-mt tt r boat, owntd by Htnry B . Plant, undtr nil. l-Ia r»~, owned by W. A. \V. Stewart, l oo~• vtry much like L~a. The Month in Yachting Class "P" Revived on Long Secretary of the .A ssocia tion anti Long- b land Sound Association conmmnications from those de ir rule!> for the 31 foot rating cia . Islantl Sound in ~ 10 enter their bo;U hould he 1 f !>a ib arc da111aged beyond FTER sncral years, durin~ addres> cd to him. viceaLlc repair, new sails may be A which there has been practi All races to be sailed without ordered. cally no racinl-{ in the "P" class on time allowance, unless it i shown J\ prize for the season's cham Lonl-{ Island Sound, it is pleasing that a handicap system is necessary, pionship will be awarded. For the to sec this fine cla~s . which wa · and under the restrictions of trim purpose o f giving light weather and formerly very popular, being rc and equipment, scantling rules, etc., heavy weather boats an equal op vircd, with the prospects of some laid down for the 31 foot rating portunity to win this trophy, the line racinl-{ this Summer. The fleet cla ~s by the rules of the Long season's championship races shall be on the Sound has dwindled to some hland Sound Yacht Racing Asso divided equally in a spring series three boats, two o f them hei n~ out ciation. Yachts to race in cruising and a fall series, and the two boats classed by Nallma, then owned by trim, with anchors, cabin fittings, winning the g-reatest number of Addison Hanan, but with the ac cushion.
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