Bulk Rate U.S. Postage ..N1LES. 50 CENTS DEC97 PAID N PERCOPY Edition NILES PBLlC LIBRARY Bugle News 7400 CALI WELL RILES IL 6Y714 8746N. SHERMER RD., NILES, IL 60714 VOL 4t, NO. t9

- - - - Restaurañts, Polls open from 6a.m. to 7 pm. - From the schóols cater to

HiHais 50th - Left byRonema.y Tirio 'She doesn't look 50." That Local school - was the assessmenl of tt-yeat- board- Händ old -Joe Oliver, a sixth grader in

. by Bud Besser Men. Warneke's class at the Fietd School is Park Ridge, wheit Hit- A Nilesjtetelóphoned bey Rodham Clinton visit6d her electionsonTuesday last week to Complain about alma mater en the day- after her Mayor Blase's new sign cri- - 5øthbirthday. bylEonemaryTirlo Candidates arelining op for the lizisg AT&T for its tower at Oliver said that he and his Sbanne Kniechbaum of Skokie Maine Township District 207 .: Howard Street äsd Milwau- classmates were excitedand Nob. 4 election when they will who has bene u poet-time intInte- Four four-year terms will be

vie fon malay school hoard vacan- - kee Ave. Public Works'peo- proud lo have a IO-minute goes- loralOaklon. - filled in Ihn upcoming school : t1e took dowu the sige os the tien-answersession with the FinsI cies lhroughool suburban corn- Further information aboul the bnardetectiosin disleict 207. east side of Milwaakee Ave. Lady teIlte school aodiloniam be- munition. candidates is available from Pro- The three incumbents muaisg - - and replaced it with a new fore she addressed the entire sta- OaktonCommunity Cnllege - fessor Frank Fonsino, Chair of are Iris Friedlich, Ralph M. John- ose on the west sidé in the denlbodyin thngym. Fourcandidates areranning Friends of Oaklon Community son and Oscar Marquis. Chal- Amici Restaorast parking tot. Chotee and her entourage of forlwd vacnncins ô5 the Oakten - Collngnal(047)635-1796. lengers are Jeffrey Bergen, Antis- Telephoner objected to pubtic seeretservice asdpnblic relations CorninnnitTwo candidntes are in- Niles Township Dintriet2l9 roRamirezand HelenJ. Nichols. - payroltérs spending - several people arniyed ut- lheschool a lit- cumheels.loan B.Hallhat - Five candidates willvie for Distnirt 63 hours doing this work on lax- 11e late at 9:45 a.m.afier -being servedtwe lainas aridhas been in- -three -vacancies in District 219. Five vacancies, foar fear-year payers' time and with taxpay greeled at O'Hare Ixletnalional volved in the educational und po- Incumbents are Sam Borek, Dall terms and a two-year teno, are ;ersmosey. She also enti- Aiepartby the marching bands of titical scand in Maine Township StonnasdRahnrt Silveeissan. wailing to be filled in District 63. -cized the parkingtot and Ihre of the Park Ridge schools for many years. She lives Io Park Challcngncs are Norman Ru- So far, only three candidates, all contended the area is begin- Ridga. ber and Al Cohn. Teems will bu Chnlon attended in her youth, .of whom areincumbents, are nisg to "Ioule like aslum". Lincoln Junior High, Maine East The other incumbent, Marvin farfouryears. running. They aeeNancy Meilen, - - andMaine Soalh. Walker ofEvanslonwho is chai- Distriet7j Karen Dimond and Jane Wojtkin- "The bands ofatlthe schools in más and CEO of a management InNiles Distniat7l, five candi- wica. Park Ridge did a fabulado job consulting ftrm He is seeking adates are campeting for fact The otherIwo vacancies will Is 1574 the typical CEO greeting her at the airport,' said second term and has been in- school board vacancies. Teems likely be filled by weile-in candi- was paid 35 times more than volved in local and stale politics areferfouryears. - -- Mary Oliver, Jon's mom. - - dates from among the fear candi- the average American work- forseverul years: Incumbents running tire Clif- er. In the 1990's the CEO's The 550 voices of the sladetit dates whosenamos were stricken body swelled te a- cresetindeas Challengar- Bill Handocl offotd Drexler, Jahn Lombardiand from the bállol because of filing - salary was 150 timesmore MertonGrove is aretieed audio -than the aveeage Aesenicak they sang'HuppyBirthday' -to Voronica Meyer. Chtillengernare problems,- according te Mike Jo- their school's mostfarnoas grado- visual director and claisroom in- Sandra- -Murabisotta and Ma,y bann, sccretasy ta the Beard of : worker. In Japan thepropor- ate. Hanging in the gym were the strucler fends NilesDislrici-2l9.-Krueger. - Education. :tios is 16 te I and in Germa He Itas nao foe the board in the - -poilnaitsthefifth-- aísd sixth- Barney Namovic it stepping Write.in vetes - n,2ltol. - graders had made of Cholas as a past. - -dawn from his position -en the SharonCoton, AlbcriDomi- Running for Ihn first time is special surprise on her BOth biOh- - board andwitl noIosa again. Continued un Page 38

day. - - - ìlitlmyCiinhon siopped by Although Ctintes was to have her oidgìarnmar scharrt Mon- snlecied her favorite poeteaitfrom -Maine -Township welcomes - the group-she opted instetid-to rday.héFi1d:Schobt;ich - - lake all ofthem back to the White :1iv - - - _ís a coUple of blocks west of CEDA offices Nites where Nitès' District 64 flensewithhor. studentsattend. Students sang Cnntinnnd on l'age 38 Happy -BiYthday -to the first tudy adding a few Cha Cha - TheVillage of-Niles Chas tOthe tyeics. Mrs. Ctin- automated 24 hour ton visited her former home - is Park Ridge whichis at- information source Wisoèr and Elm Steels -Next- - - Vittagè-Line is the newestser- week's Bogie witt have o re- vice offered by- the Village of pontfromahighschoot. Nites le its residents and other friend of Hitlary's wIse ut- persons interested in information Cnutirned onPagn 38 regarding Village services and operations. With a lunch-lone tel- Morton Grove ephone,- this easy-to-use system - provides access to the Village of :publjc Works-: Niles, 24 houes a day, 7 days u week. - - - ; news For mure.iñfoemnlion aigard- irigthe - Village-Line- system - YARD WASTE COLLEC- pleaseeall 588-8000 during nega- TIONS. As in past years, cotlee larbusinesshoars. ties efyard waste will end forthe To ase the Village-Line sys- season on December 1-.Yard -tetis, simply dial 588-041 1 and waste catlectiens will continue as press- the number thatcorre- - long as the weather pèrmito corn- spends lo the information yac are posting operations at área land- - Meine Township Truslee Robert Provenzano (left) and PhyllIskIug, lite lawnnhip's Agency Coordi- interesled in; press O at soy time nator, recentlymet wilh Lyle FOster, Executive Directoroflhe CommunilyàndEconomic Development fills. However, residents àreen- tomInes to the main menu. conrugeìl I- complete yard work Upcoming Programs and the Associalion of Cook County (CEDA) Northwest dunng a dedication ceremony at CEDA Northwest befare mid-November. NileaFreeBusService 8 new offices in MountProepect Afiera careful evaluation process Maine Township allocates fundn fc

LEAF PICK-UP. The De- FrêeBnsService - - I local non profit agencien Safts an CEDA Northweet ta help them provide noedednorvices lolownghi1i Continued onpune 38 ...... residents.----- ,-.. PAGE 2 ,T1E BUGLE,ThVRSDAY,OctçIr3O,199 'X 3 SENIOR CITIZENS st. John Brebeuf Knights of - Shampoo Satùrçiay refuse and Lóca1 resident portrays Columbus - &Set $2.50&Up Golden-Agers - Haircut, , , $3.00 & Up cónSti'tiction debris drooff meeting to be héld Now's the time for rire chang. : s - Christopher Columbus J'VERYDAYFXCFPTSUNDAY beaatifnl, bounliful bacs of the (SS- :: :: :isi AtIenden residenls! New is The transfer sEden is Incaled ing of the guard, the color goard, season. Grand Knight Bill Chase uf the Sr. Men's Clipper Styling$3.00 & Up youichance tegetrislofcoestrtic- on the east side 5sf Des Plainer Narth American Martyrs Council Mens Reg. Heir Styling that is! From the strong black and Clab President Chester Bock $5.05 & Up NILES SENIOR CENTER REGISTRATION ;lien debris and old tirsis. The Sel- River Road just nerth nf Central 4338, Knightr of Columbus, in- orange of the Halloween spook- and otherofficerseon the October id Waste Agency nf Northern Road, direcdy across tite street INHOME ercr leg, ro the mellow yellow and The Niles Senior Center is open to eesidents of the Village viles all brother knïghis to the basiness meeting with their asnal ofNiles age 62 and over, and thnir younger spouses. Nitos sen- CeokCeenty (SWANCC)hasin- term Maryville Academyin HAIR CARE roerrr,n$e.00 light reds ofthe turning leaves, lo aplomb. It next business meeting and first the wann earlhtones of Thanks- " inri interested in obtaining additional renier reeler informa- slitnted a special residential re- Glenview. This piogram is net a degree exemplification to be FREDERiCK'S COIFFURES Anniveesaeies are being cele- tian should call or visit the center and be placed on the mailing fese and canslractioedebris household buz,'irdoas waste col- 539 N. AVE. giving, to the bright and cheery brated this month by the follow- ii held on Wedneuday, November . IL l list. The ceuler is located al 8U60 Oakton Street. drop-off center at the Wheeling leclion, and melur oil, paint and red and green of the Chrislmas inghappy duos: 5, in Si. John Brebeef's School (773) 631 0514 t . . YARN NEEDED Township Transfer Slalionin other household hazardous festivities, it's time lo enjoy the Haney and Virgina Brekke ($307 N. Harlem Ave.) Flanagan q The Senior Center is requEsting any left over yarn or scraps Glenview. This pilot progttstst wasles will nel be accepted. Hull starling at 8 p.m. Bill invites LoreezandMagdelanaDoser ìof material (H"r H" or bigger). Lap robes and shnwls are mudo will ran very Saturday through The followingilernswill notbe Adrian and Leona Galassi all prospecls lojoin us that night. r'for veterans ut Hines Hospital. Volunteer knitters and crochet- November 22 from 6 am. until accepled: aulomolive batteries, Anyone who knows of a good John aedSnphin Keopke ors aro needed also. Ifinlereslod, contact Mary Vandonplas. noon. The fees are $25 for a l/2' grass, leaves, slsnsbs, trees nr any FrankandAnne Knapp caudidale should- Unutact Rich Celebrate Life I MEN'S EXERCISE INSTRUCTOR NEEDED ten efmaterial or less, $50 foe other type of landscape waste; Leonard andLoltie Rospenda Zaprzulka847-966-5953and - k The Senior Center is looking for u pant-lime men's encense anything over 1/2 ten np lo one roofing shingles or other roofing briug him that evening. Follow- Boband Shirley Zielinski instructor. lntéresled persons should contact Mary Oloksy at Inn and $50 per ton forati malen- Congratnlalian lo all! i debris; medical waste; paints, ing Ike IsI Degree will be a short 1the Senior Center. als ever nue ton. Three will be n cleaning predarE, motor nil nr meeting discussiug retreat & fe- Bob and Shirley Bianchi en- S.H.I.P. APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE joyed a beautiful vacation in $3 charge for each line brought to any ether type ofhnaseholtl hod- taro activities. Refreshments wilt R Senior Health Insurance Frogeum appointments are availa- the -transferstation. Cmli ne arduas wastes; asbestos; cnncrele be served ufterthe meeting. Spain and Portagal. They visited q hie. Call and make an appointment if you need help with hos- many churches and were also checks still not be accepted bat and liquid wastes. Puleens are re- The Formartyrs - Fourth Do- pilaI ar doctor bills or information en supplemental insursnco. - all major credit cards will be ac- quiced ta unload their orna vehi- cree Club ofCoancil 4338, elect- able to see Fatima. During the KITCHEN BAND cepled. This prngmm mus insU- clos. - od new officers for the t 997-98 two weeks theytraveled, the SUBSTITUTE PIANIST NEEDED weatherwas excellent. taled in iespossve ta numerous Gather tip your old tires and yearatlheirlaslmeeling on OcIo- The Kitchenaires, the Niles Senior Center Kitchea Baud is pitone rails received by cattslrttction debris andbring il to ber 22. Cosgratalalions to: Rich Doris and Bob Teschner be- looking for a fan loving person lo help oUt occasionally. If came grandparents with the birth i SWANCC asking for this lype nf IheTransfer Station. Zhprzalka - President, Joe Lecas- g you'd likelo join u groap of people who like lu huvn fun and - - of Kathryn Orace on September service. Itis expected tobe avery Fer mere informntion cenlact Vice Presideul, Jur Tutkowski- q can play the piano, call Mary Oloksy. - popularprogeam. SWANCCaI(847)296-9205. ES Secretary, Ken Lee - Treasurer & Having 26 lo SnsinWay, theirdaughter. ARTS & CRAFTS FAIR o the honor otbeing chosen to portray Christopher Co- NorthernIllinoisNewman The Annual Arts & Crafts fuir will be on Friday, Nov. 7 Bob Lile - Marshall, as they lake tumbus during the recent Columbus Day ceremonies andpa- Center appointed 24 stUdents as , MG tore-nameLyons St. on Iheir responsibililies for the rade held in Chicago, was local resident Michael Proveozano. tfrom 10 n.m. to 2 p.m.There will be a variety of huedmode new year. We all offer ocr best leaders to sharetheir timeand tal- works of art available for sale. A bol dog lunch will also he Michael is a member of the Joint Civic Committee of Italian eut throughout the Ministries of l wishes for a great year. available for $1. Como aud do your holiday shopping. Vendor . American Young Adults. Photo: I Io r - Michael Provenzano, the Newman Center.Oeand- ii for Rabbi Charnéy Special thanks to past presi- as registration is limited to Niles Senior Center rogislrnnts. If you dad Rey Rextarski, as ho turns Christopher Columbus, Angelina Michaliak, an Queen Isabella, daughter of Aun (Janas) Ferina, are inteeested in registering as a vendor, contact the Senior Northwest Suburban Jewish brunch and program establishing Jill Decay, was named Minister of Congregation is very proud to an- -The Rabbi Lawrence H. Charnoy Over the gavel to Rich Zupezulka Chicago andkoaclneyDomioa, Parade Queen, Palan Park. Volunteer at Center. after concluding his 2 year term Retreat. The Student Ministry RULES OF TRE ROAD nounco Ikut the Village of Morton Memorial Fund. Team mission, as u group nf sto- Grove will re-name Lyeus Street This event will take place on as president. Thanks- for all your I. Ruler ofthe Road is Monday, Nov. 10 at lO am. at the Ho- bard work & dedicated service as Central Baptist Home dent leaders in convenant with X ward Leisure Center. Registration is required. hritween Washisglon and Maple Sunday, November 9 ut 10:15 Oed and each other, is to miisisler Court ax RABBI CHARNEY am. The congregation is located president It SENIOR CENTER CLOSED NOVEMBER 11 'I Mor- lo the communities throagh wor- The Senior Center will be closed on Tuesday, Nov. 11, for PLACE in tribute to the memory at 7800 W. Lyons Street in ship, evangelization, justice and ii of our beloved Rabbi Emeritus, ton Grovn.Roservations to ettend tithe Veteran's Day holiday. . Lawrence H. Chirony. the brunch err rnquieed no later social action. 'r TEXAS TREAT LUNCHEON b - The club's annual bake sale A Texas Treat Luncheon is on Friday, Nov. 14 at noon. En- All members uf the commuai- tIson November 5. will be held on November 22 and ty aro cordially isvitnd tu the ded- Forfurther information, please joy u reni Texns BBQ menu: BBQ chicken, chili, corn on the icatian uf the new street signs, contact Ihn synagogue office et 23. A lotnfdeliciaas goodies will cob, sulad, garlic bread, and apple slices followed by the Ban- be nvailable. followed by s complsmeotary (847)965-0900. q Buddies. Price is $6. Call for ticket availability: BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING r rates are Isu Graduates Blood pressare screening will be on Wednesday, Nov. 12¿ Drop-In Center changes A rotaI of 549 students al lIli- from I p.m. lu 4 p.m. No appointments are necessary. Free hoûrs nais State University completed s.IVT.p_Q-'t tan flrSirRAt MEETING - requirements for the bachelor's foryouflger kids AND SHOOT OUT - like leaves! degree ut the end of the Summer -Township'sYouth supervision uf sports activities, - - Call to learn more about the exciting The Men's Club general meeting and shout out is on Mon- Muïne M5 and crafts,tulurtug/study 1997 semester. day, Nov. 17 at IO um, All mon are invited 10juin in the corn- Drop-In Cenmer will noir upen - opportunities that are available. SlateUniversity bache- . hour, compuier ase, game room. petition and win prizes. Mier the meeting, u $1 luuch will be and cloro -a half-hour earlier fur concession stand und registra- 1ers degree recipients from the 5th- through 8th-graders. - served. Tickols will be sold for thu January Trip to the Drury t tien. Cali MasneStay for detasts. % 708-452-3700 area dee: Patrick J. Wall of Des Lace Oak Brook on Thursday, lau. 29 from I 1 am. In 5:30 Thn new hours are 630-9 p m. : 475Q N. Orange Ave., Norridge, IL 60656 Plumes; Maya K; Monroy of p.m. Enjoy lunch und the musical production of Fottiru fur Tuesdays und Thursdays. Hours - ON YOUR CU ENT AUTO LOAN RATES MoDen Grove; and George M. $33 per penon. fur 8th- through 12th-graders-are Skokie resident

- We-will pay offyeur current auto lean at any other financial insfitntiun Wierschem ofParkRidge. 6:45-9:45 p.m. Mondays.- -The - - - centerislnculediotheSluteofll- 'irisie.O O with a Credit Union load at Mnuey! Moolah! -Doagh! linuis' North- Suburban Facility 2%BELOW your present rate! BY JEFFREY CARDELLA PIJBIJC SERVICE VaDA'AI;fllslSUlUlft (formerly Maiue North High Someone from the Skokie corn- Special to The Bugle School) at 9511 Harrison St. in mumiyisssngingthernoneyvong because they're a new illinois ueincaeporaledMaineToweship. - NEWCAR , - Lollery winner. - For more infureiation, call Mai- - neStay Yaelh and Family Servic- MarleneBress, 61, -won 1, - PURChASE A.P.R. Edward Jones: osat(847)823-O6SO. $86,724.50 iethe October I O Officials made-the change so 1997 Little Lotto, pmchasrd ut Winners are Consistent younger children who urn the Mr. B's Ticket Service, 4658 center would be home earlier ou St., Sknkie. - itul International. Giebel slack cent, wilh all distributions rein- it bes shown more baoyuncy dur- school nights. Five ont of five NUMBERS USEDCAR PURCHASE A.P.R. Look at successful people, and When it comes to mntuat 7.9 % funds, consistency is the goal of markets are typically moro vota- vested) to Ihn same investment iug the duwu years. TheDrop-In Cenler nito needs -MATCHED FROM WINNING you'll fiad that many of them professional managers. Them's lite Iban oars, and they better it- ia the MSCI World Index (with The only guarantee uffered by adult volunteers Io help with iho NUMBERS 10 . 55 59 -21 -25. shnee an important trait: ennuis- no way aenund short-term Ituetu- lusirute bow consisteut manage- no sates charge) over a funds the stock market ir that it will -200.10 minimnm in Saviugr & $25.08 loan applienlien fee required teucy. aient can provide heltees returns lifelime. tnvested ie the indes, fluctuate. Investing, like read rar- Restnietirns may apply011er espiret 11115/97 Take race cue drivers, foe ex- ados, hut with soand munuge- than an unmanaged index of ample. A road cuco lasts a tong ment, mntual fends can provide the $10,000 would have grawn ing. is a long clsutlenge. Dering stocks. to $120,718; in the mutual fend the race, Ihere are charges in NOTE time, and the lead changes. Lap tong,leemconsistescy. Both the MSCI World Indes Northwest Community Credit Union records and during moves are Cossisteney does rol mean itmusidhavebeesworth teadership.Batprofessionet man- While several Letters to the Editor werereceived common. Some drivees grab for thatyourinvestmentswill and the global stock thud have $212,147. agemeot eue help reduce Ihn risk from politicàl candidates and theirSupporters for uchieve positive returns every bud up and dawn years. Bat how of flactualian, improve canais- CALL TODAY' heroics, but the winners kuow This is tIro beuefil of cousis- publication in this week's edition,it has been the they mast finish the roce. Wiu- year. To illustrate, let's compare beve they performed oxee the toncy over the bug heal and oua- - ners may not he in franI through a global mutual fund to the longleens? Compare uhypotheti- lenny end professional maaage- hteyen locomenul awinuer. policy of The Bugle not to publish anyletters dealing (847) 647-1030 the whale race, but they know MSCI World Indes, an aumas- cat 510,000 investment n the mml. NoI enly has the meuaged JeffreyCardellareebe the election. with politics in the last issue preceeding 7400Waukegan Rd., NUes, IL consistency will get them to the aged indes uf globalslocks glehat fend (al the masimam portfolio signi0caelly aatpaced reached et Ede,ard Jeuea, 814! We feel this is a fair policy sincesuch publication Bnish tine Best. tracked by Mnegan Slanloy Cap- current sales charge nf5,75 per- lheMSCIWnrld Indes over lime, N. Milwaebee, Nuca, 470-8953. would not allow for-anyrebuttal.------THEBUGLE1TIt5JI1SDAY; OetnberlO,t9S7 - ,PAGE4 Former Yugoslaviaii Hornethk.. Norwood Park States: External -. 1- I ¡S spaghetti dinner Realities . : , serve loin RichardFarkaS, Ph.D., fa- 4 I - Wantto sample alittletouch ofN. NiooAve.,Chicogo. culty member at DePanI Univer- Italy? Then attend The Norwood Ihr meno will include all-yoU- sity, as be discasses Former Yn-L All(- OK?- - can.oat spophetti; grolltbread, States: External PaTic Home Annual Spaghetti goslavian k - ,,Arr Yea O.K.?. telephone reassuranceprogram is a Dinner, onPri., Nov. 7, at6O16 salad, aad ice cream. Wioe will Realities on Thursday, Ncr. 6 The disabled individuals who live in be seevedto those age2lorolder. from i2:30 p.m. in Room AlOI free service for seniors. or SALE ENDSWED. NOV5 MattonGrove. The program is atelephone tystem that makes ÄARP Chapter There will be seotiog atp.m.. -atthe Kay Hartsteie campas;s heme each day st a time litaI is 6:30p.m. and 8 p.m., and reserva- 7701 N. Lincoln Ave., Skokie. ¿ daily calls In a snbscribtir's BONE SS MINELLI'S HOMEMADE sabsceiber is okay, he/she sim- - lions are necessary for thefirst The lecture is presented at part of l chosen by Ihr subicriber. tfthe ÇEÑTER-CUT- meetfl9 to be I after hearing a pre.rerarded mes- two testings. Costis $7 for the Cahotes Connection ta For- p1yhangs up Iba telephone ROLLED sage. If the snbtcriberdoes not answer or if thetelephone line held adnits, $3 for children age 10 aed eign Relations fall lecture sornan will be made before- the tyatam ander, andfree forchildeen ondet sponsarnd by Oakton't Emeritus is busy,three more attemptu A.A.R.P. Shokie Chapter will activates na alert report. At tlatpoint, police dispatchers will the age ofthree. Program. ojitsnextmeetiugonTueaY. contact either a neighbor whohas previously agreed ta assist, II Nov. 4at I p.m. in Ute PettyAudi- Rallia ticketsalso will be How will the leaders in former or police persoanel.Forfurther information, contact theMor- extern of the Skokie PublicLi- availablefOrporchaso. Yngoslovianstatesplaytheir - ton Grove Crime PreventionUmt at 470-5200 - - brw), 5215 Oakton St.Skottie. To make dinnerreservations, parts 0O the world stage?How RTARRDUCED FARECARD Df. Michael Potter, citiroproc-pinosa roll (773)631-4856. All will the Dayton Peace Accords 't As many senior travelers are awarethe ETA is revamping tar, will speak onWelluess Intoproceeds from the eventdirectly (an agreementamong the wamng riders now mast reapply for new LB. MILD bUteir Reduced Fare Cards and The2lstCentuey". benefit the residents ofNorwood parsies: Maslimt, Croatians and I cards even when old coeds have notyet expired. The Morton LB. LB. Refreshmentswillfollow. i'orkHome. the Serbstoendtheir0000ict) wo- Grove Village Hall Senior Centeris a disteibutton point for the \ Pleaoe call President Sid Sonin, Tisis 101 year-old historicalfa- pact their world neighbors?Find - ETA Redorad Paro Card anyweekday momtng between 9 (847) 824-2821 foe futiher infot- cilily in the NorwoodPOtk cam- ontthe answers tothese qnesttnns ant. and 12 noon.The raed provides w half fare dtseaant en IEANGROUP CHOICE motion. mUoity is an equal apparttkitttY and more by attending this lee- Ihr CTA, Marta or Paretransit dystems. Individuals must be We are selling "Enlertailtmentnot_for.prafit Senior w ncc of. tare. age 65+ and bring in adriver's license or Illinois identification SS,, ßoolçswhichcanbeuoedilfl feting tong.terflt lteiltb care ser- card, plat a carrent color l-1/2' byl-1/2' phalograph. If tray- HUCK SKIRT STEAKS The fee for the lecture is $5 ut mediately. Please order Christ-vices to residentswho require eIern do not have a photo, the senior centerwill take one for birthday, anni- found- Ute door. For mare information, Morton Grove Senior Hot mas, Chattokolt, narsing assistance. It was $3. For more iaformatioa, call the -- CaliDoris Old rail the Emeritos office at(84?) 298 versar),, etc. gifts now. ed in 1096 by the Norwegian Line at 470-5223. - i '? Kuhn, (847) 677-8667 loplace People's Plome Society. 635-1414. ENERGY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM nrdcrs. Morton Grove residents age 65+ or 11505e receivtngSociot e. i -taSecurity Disability benefits who live westof Harlem Avenar e- can cull Maine TownshipGeneral Astistance (297-2510) and Niles Township can call . DilVlaria Builders thaw who uva east of Haelem in ø CEDA Neighbors At Work (328-5166)for informtition about YOURNEIGHBORHOOD BUILDERS the Low Income Energy Assistance FartaershipProgram. This progiam offnrs antistante in paying heating costifor home REMODELERS FOR 45 YEARS ownerS 0e renters this winter.To be eligible, a household's ROCERY HOMEMADE Moving Sale on all gross income must be less than$122 per month (one person); IRESH MAXWELL HOUSE lesi than $1,106 (couple); tais thon $1,390(three people); less GREEN (five peuple); etc. StarMark Cabinetry . than $1,674 (far peapin); less than $1,951 SPAGHE1II FFEE $5 LookingFor FLU Ut PNEUMONIAIMMUNIZATIONS SPINAH The Morton Grove Village HalISeniorCnnter will provide S SAUCE OT. for residents over age Replacement Windows? inflaeñza and pneümonia immanizatians :rf HOMEMADE HEAT 60. The cost of the shots are freefer those- whoie primary in- lOOZ Ut 79LB LASAGNA Fi ARM &HAMMER We're professional, wedeliver what we anrance is Medicare FartB. Patients who are enrolled in an 9 LIQUID LAUNDRY Medicare Part B must pay -FIMO or wha do not subscribe to MANICOTTI OMEMADE DETERGENT promise, and are proudof our QUALITY i: $10 for the fIashot anti $15 foc the pneumonta shot. - : FRESH BARTLETT provide insmasttty to Ute most i000z.$I49 INSTALLING Inflaenza immanizations I 1i2 LB. PIZZA _ PRODUCTS and skilled sinamttiealy predicted flu strains for this winter,Seniors should Pneumonia imanueizationi provtde MUSHROOMSPEARS CALZONE CENTRELLA ABLLITY i- get a fia shot each year. 2 1CHEESE - lifelongimmunity ta the most common forms of pneumonia. 99 PEPPERONI & do, nor i,$ People whó have already received this immunization ' CALLUSTODAY I LB. 49O. SPINACH& e1O HITE BREAD if yoa are: SAUSAGE need another one. Ya should nIt be immunized : 'J" a1 2 allergic to chicken; chicken feathers or eggs, CHEESE thinner (conmadin, warfaria, AFFY TAPPLE GOL ILS. 59 ImproveYouc Most LOCATION on a prescription blood NOW ATOUR NEW q panwarfaein, etc.), - - - - -YELLOW CENTRELLA 6 in i ALL PURPOSE Important Room Now! - h 3)allergic to thimersal (mercurial antisepac) or amtnogly- g235Waukegan Rd. casides (geutatnitin, kanamycia ar neomyciti), - CARAMEL APPLES The kllthiah ihihenitfthe home. b ON i - APPLE JUICEGROUND TOMATOES h) 4)sameoeè wtsa has ever suffered from the illness known /urddatin aarMoaiag Sole, weben asGuiltian-Barre Syndrome, or -_$. 69 . aeerylhhgyau taidte lninfem -5)samrone who has cold symptoms the dayof lItote shot. s 14 02. 28 OX. CAN 3PK. hy __-,lp_ - 9 yaarkilrheo inlo-ospore ifratiiktl, q Shots wïtl be administered in a -"needle-free" system --1- 93LB. BAG .- shot ; Evanston Northwestern Healtheare. Those interested in a oajsuoiotlta otdhoor$'. Ort robiaeliy t, on the dates below atoar intake a reservotiatt by calling the ¿Cigna rrahitp yer tirela rank of ori Senior Hat Line al 470-5223. - BUDWEISER LIUORS VENDANGE Rb1ic t5 thtlh oeiqaifryootoiin. Saturday, Nov. 1; 9 am. to noon sKYY_:___ - -' WHITE Cohioóeptadgeltlitle6 s Thursday, Nov. 13; 2 10 5 p.m. - MIllER'- VODKA SMIRNOFF ZINFANDEL CHOLESTEROL SCREENING VODKA Cholesterol is a soft, fat-like substance found in every cell WINE E&J $499 TRUST! in the body. Matt of Ute body'i cholesterol is made in theliv- 9O s i 999 CALL A NAMEYOU CAN 24 12 DZ CANS $799 9499 BRANDY er, the rest comes from animal fat in facto. Egg yolks, meat, - 750 ML Program - BuilderOf Over 500 New Homes - ponitry, and dairy products all rontaia cholesterol. Everyone 1,75 LITER Member B.B.B. Care - 9399 Operated . CustomerService Our #1 Goal amds some cholesttirol,but not too much. Eating foods tow en 4 LiTER Family Owned and CSARDAS 1.75 LITER . Member MortonGrove/Niles Chamber ofCommerce animal fat is oea of the best ways to tower cholesterol. Choies- GALLO tmeal screentngs will be offered from 9 lo Il am. on Tuesday, CABERNET . ReferencesAvailable on Requést - Nov. 4 in the Marten Grove Village Hall Senior Center. The SAUVIGNON HEINEKEN OR VERMOUTH CHIVAS REGAL- qaick and simpla test will give an accorate total blood choIes- OR Ii f' BECKS SWEET OR DRY SCOTCH s s SI teed measurement in jost three minutes. For Morton Grove MERLOT \.- !sensors (age 65+) there is o charge of $3. For thote under 65, $599 9999 'I

- q or for non-residents, the charge is $4. - U $499 L ssssns PKG.6/12 ozBfl-S 70ML -... Ll. 750ML 750 ML : kFar moreinformatioa about these seaiar services and recre-t1 ..s. anno programs, call the Morton Grove Senior Hot Line at 470 b \ s t.5223, or the Frame View Community Caster at 965-1200. - PAGE 6 THE BUGLE, ThURSDAY, October30, 1997 - THE BUGLE, THURSDAY, October 39, 1997 PAGE 7 p41 . Central Baptist Home Trident SeniorMen Miller wins Nues Bowl No-Tap celebrates 100 years of service Trident Senior Men's Bowling - Bowling Marge Miller shot a big froal field of 15 bowlers. Other high malien or home maintenance, RESULTS OCTOBER 8, 1997 18 Wiedjuaners Travel SidCohen 566 Celebrating 100 years of ser- ions who have chosen liscio dy 19 MineltiBros. Marty Stiegorwabd 561 game of 324 with haodicap to game wieners: Harry Bostrom- fer residents have moae lime lo be- -17 Mineliflros. vice, Central Baptist Home is, nac communily theft RESULTS OCTOBER 15, 199? POS STANDING- TEAM- 20 ParkNalionalBank PhilGanczok 550 captuee tIse October 2155 Bruns- 3.12, Sy Thornhilt-251, Norm cerne involved wishhobbies, ex- . Norridge has developed its hen- chaegieg retieemenl lifestyles. . 18 Naethshoee Auto WallyZawisza 557 wick Nues Bowl Senior No-Tap Ncilsen-267 und Fred Spezia- tage Iheough geoeratiops of see- Welcoming alldenominalions cerise, snesic ànd enleetainmeet pos STAO4OINOS TEAM 19 Windjammers Travel t StateFarmlns. "HOT SHOTS" Tournamenl. She had 262-183- 270. their Christian faith in combina oppsrtnnities on or off campus. t Moloc &SnnsFaoeral 20 - ParkNalional Bank 324-=769 series to win by 24 pins The oentNoTop Senior Hand- The highly qualified medical 2 Molec dc Son Funeral SENIOR MEN BOWLERS doe with their qaelily health care 2 ,StateFaemlos. Ken Deluga 627 NEEDED everSidCohen. icap Teoroament will be ox No- MEN'S GARTERS Services creates a Wane and car staff al Çentral flaptist Home fo- CotonialFaneral "HOTSHOTS" 3 .Colooiol Funeral 3 CeodlelightJewelers ChuckMaas 581 12 P.M. WED AS 10001/LAR Sid Cohen was second wish vember 25th al 5:00 p.m. Call ing environment unique to Can cuse, on seniors' oseraIthealth 4 CandleliglatJewelero HaeeyBostrnm 673 4 5 Jonuthans Restaurant Ray Munlges 568 OR AS SUBS 244-253-248=745. There were a (847) 647-9433 formore details. tralllaptistHome. with an emphasis en sssppoclsng 5 SkajaTeerace#2 TamPoalaa 630 -CenItal Baplistøome prbvide the changes they may esperience 6 TheBowlingStore BohScltaab 618 6 SkajoTerrnce#2 $10 19 thcoughout retirement.Health- 594 7 Wlnita Bugle Bunqnet ONE TWO e mida rasage ofservices for thos 7 HealMastert - TedStnge PAIR PAIR 8 Miners RosI who are independent, need mini care offerings inclad' rehabilita- 8 Miners HeebeelPaim 589 lACIas, Pse-pald mal assistance or who reqasr tian antI restorative care, staff Jonathana Restaarant . AetP0ooge 568 9 Monarch Alarm hoisda flama & address) 9 skilledcane accosnmedations. physicians fromLnthenan t3ener- to WbiteEagleBanqaet TimThampaon 560 lo HealMeatees Send checkor nanay ardesIa: al Hospital and the convenience 11 TheBewlingStore Their independent reliremen lt MenaechAlaean - living is aO environment geared nfviaiting professionals foe podi- 12 Callero& Catino 52 SkajaTerroee#1 ATAVONDALE BANK, STAY UP - aid 13 RemanAllStars P.O. Box 1505 - BU toward the most active seniors aft3', dental, eye and hearing 13 RemaxAllStars SENIOR MEN BOWLERS Morton Grava, IL 60053-1505 Withoetthe worries ofmeal prep seaviCet. 14 Dr.Bello NEEDED 14 F-D-RPosl923 - For any farther informationen 15 F-O-RPnst923 NILESBOWL 12:00P.M. 15 Or. Bello Cenlral Baptist Home, call (700) t6 SkajaTeseaca#1 16 Callero+Cotioo PROGIRAMMABLE Hearing Aids. 452-3700. . 17 Northstiore Acto MATURITY Experience Our Fully DIGITALHerng Aids.' Sig returns to Senior calendar provesit: Senior' Law . r . irFREEAppotr 1 I ) - Please calt V...... ,' Chicago radio Holidays are on the way Enforcement . HAs ITS RadiolTV personality Sig Sa- ÇDMPREHENSIVE HEARING EVALUATION Maine Township SOniors haveat the Town Hall to leona how t Academy Hearing Aid Dtspens,tn9 - Alt Mndnln, Innlnding DmpCanal And kowicz, who mcenuy moved to planned a mnnth filled with holi-design a holiday candle center- OfThe Artleatanelagy-laicIPoriod Las Vegas, Nevada, reInem tra Prngrer.aneobla - Stetn day-theme activities,includingpiece using gretoery and pane Cook Counsy Sheeiff Michael IARING AID REPAIRS Chicago radio Satneday, Nov. 0 P. SIseaban invites all north sub- Seme Dey SerOiae On Most Any Matan OrModel two Thanksgiving luncheons, acenes. Participants should bring AsoleAse Lintonien Ondeen (and every Satarday after that) urban seniorcilizons interested in ADVANTAGES. Nalen Prstontass-SWim Plagn-Tntaphann AN holiday crafts class and a trip totheir own scissors and glue guns. 2.30 to 3 p.m. vio W.P.N.A., secA Fjcesidn Christmas" in FLThecnstfnelheprngsamis$S and lawenforcementendcrime l49Oamnn yourradio dial., EVENING AND IN HOME SERVICEAVAIIABLE Atkinson, Win. advanceregisteatienia reqnired. awareness i050es lo enroll in his deparlmeot'a Senior Citizen Law The format will feattaee inter- Mom than 3,800 residents are on Wednesday, Nov. 26, Sen- OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK Enforcemens Academy so beheld INSURANCE PLANS WELCOME. MASTER CARO - VISA -DISCOVER views, views and news. Sakow- part of the township's geoup focions wilt Cavel so the Fireside in older adults. Most activities areRostanrant in Ft. Atkinson, Wis., ut she Palatino SeniorCenler, 725 .Ifyou're age 50 or ovèr, the new Avondale: ícz and his wife Dina resided S. Qnenasn in Palatino, bogionino Service, Ltd. LasVegos from 1972 to 5985 and limited to members, but there'sto ano an all-sew stage producano Advantages program is for juSt you. North Suburban Hearing of "A Fieeside Christmas", The Octobee 10. retsamest thereüctobee 1. no cost to joio and now memhess The Sheriff's Office designad ulwoys aro welcome. Tojoin, youprogram featares beautiful ros- 763B MILWAUKEE AVE. turnes, heartwarming stories, sa- the program so openthe lines of Sig has spent over 50 years in maat be at least d5 yearn old rand commnOicatiOn and awarenoss As an Advantages member you're entttled to a long NILES, IL broadcasting, coveeing many ana- live in Maine Township. For uspimtienal drama and plenty of between senior citieens and law jaeevents, emceeing Chicago and holiday music. Scalers also will list of free and reduced-cost banking services, And, membership application, or for officials.Poetici- (847) 966-0060 nolienol events. lie hon been more information about tripsandbe able to enjoy the elaborate and enforcement decorations pants will gain a betlerunder- you'll be eligible for great tours, cruises, day Irips, Phyllis Stern-Weiaman, MA., C.C.C.-A. Sherwin Weiaman asked to be a special geesl in Las other activities, call Sue Nec-festive holiday Vegas at the American Legion schel, Director ofAdoll & Seniorthroughout the Fireside facility. standing of the responsibilities Licensed Clinical Aadiologist Liseassed Floarsng-Asd uoddulios oDem enforcement of- educational seminars, social events and much more, PostIlO Panade scheduled for Na- Sorvices, at(847).297-2SIO. - Lunch includes a shaimp appe- Licensed 1-teariog-Aid Dispenser Dispenser ficials as well as receive advice - tiler, chateaubriand with roasled vemberl 1. The Seniors' monthly bingo and cnme pee- games aro set foe Toesday, Nov.std potatoes,fresh asparagus on peesonal safely Membership is easy. Just open a new Avondale vention. - 4,ut Oukton Anos, 1665 Onklonwith hollandaise sauce, tomaIa Place in DespEines, and foeand caerotflao and run raisin/egg The Academy at she l'ululino Classic Checking account, 9r, shnultaneously open COME SEE-US! Senior Censor will meet Friday - - Thursday, Nov. 6, 01 the Mainecog ice cream pio foe dessert. 9:30-11:30 am., Township Town Hall, 1700 Bal- Bases forlhesrip are scheduled mornings, a new Super SaverSbdement Savings account Health Fest '97 - through Friday, November 21, lard Road inPaek Ridge. Doorsto leave at 8:30 am. and will re- when all perticipanss will be han- with $1,500 or more and Free Checking account, open at naoO and play begins atllure al abetal 7 p.m. The costfor Center, 100 N. River Road, DesPlaines the - ored at ngraduation ceremony. al Holy Family Medical p.m. Theed is a límil of 100transportation,luoçh. and The progeaso is offered free of That's it! As a bonus, earn an extra 1/4% interest A FEW OF THE -. players and Seniors mnst registershow is $47 per member ucd $52 charge to all seniors- living in in advunce by mail. A fee of 50per gnesL Advance reservation by signing-up for direct deposit ofyour pension ADVANTAGES . cents is charged ut tIte door Io by mail is required. Cook County. Stop by our booth on The Sheriff's Office will bring or soëial security payments.. coverthe cost ofcoffee and sweet The Senior chorus - the Majase theAcodemy to any senior citizen YOU'LL GET WITH Saturday, November 8, 1997 rails. Music Makers - has schedoled center At neon Thursday, Nov., 13Friday eehearsals on Nov. 7, 84 home, organizationor - theoughons the county. For moro Call 847-966-0120 for a program brochure from SAM - Noon. . and Wednesday, Nov. 19, Sen-and 21. Call Maine Township fer - - information, Or so regisier for the ions will meet ut the Crystal Pol-morodetoils. and Fall, 1997, event schedule, Or visit ace (formerly Banquets by Bei- Seaioe Citizen Law Enforcement / Free money orders Academy al She Palatine Senior .. Freepersottalized checks . gueto)inDoaFlainesfor Avondale's Nues brisnch at 7557 W. Oakton, . Free notary service Thanksgiving-slylemeal and mu-Austin Special Cenler, please call (773) 869- .Free cashiers checks . . 7725. Our Wound CareSpecialist will be available toprovide sical ensertainment by Sank Arta-sells Entertainment Monday through Saturday Either way, you .Free travelers checks .Free direct deposit ramian. non-healing - has ils Advantages - FreeATM/Debil card you withvaluable information about your The lunch monaincludesBooks NARFE Chapter soon find out why maturity .Freephotocopying service . cream of chicken soap with ncc, R .Reduced-cost theater wound. . at Avonda1e Join today. - Freé signature gu?trantee To register for titis freeevenl a tossed salad, roast turkey with West Sido Mentally Relarded 2118 meeting 'i. Children's Aid/AS is selling En- A regolai meeting of the Na- .Free quarterly newsletter P Reduced-cost travel call 847-297-3800 exl.11l0 dressing and cranberry saace, - candied sweet potatoes, peas undteetuinment '9ßftiscosanl Coupon tioaalAssociation of Retired .Reduce-cost special events .Free seminars a pumpkin pie dessert. The costBooks for $35. The following Federal Employees Chopler2l 18 for lunch is 58 per member, $9editions aro sold: North, North- willbelseldonFriday, Nov. 7 all AVONDALE - p.m. atWarrea ParkField Home, per guess. Guests willbe accepted wost,Westand000th. EDERAL SAYINGS BANK - - Wound Treatment Center - for she Tharsday luncheon oely, Books can be purchased ut 66es N,Western Avg., Chicago. 2(11, NknsIL 607W 5318 N. Elsion Or bycalling All mlieed federal employees F 8915\VestCecilKoati, Suite depending upon available space. NEAR NORTH: 2965 N MILWAUKEE AVE. 773-772-3600 . Reservotions by mailarere- (773)282-9992. - are welcome Ist come to Ilse meet- DOWNTOWN 20 N. CLARK ST, 3 1 2-782-6200 847-294-0402 . All proceeds will benefit pro- jite. NORTHWEST: 8300 W. BElMONT AVE. 773-625-8300 TAR NORTH: 6033 N. NERIDAN RD. 773-728-7000 qaired. developmen- -gryn)s which serve NIBS 847-966-0 b 20 MEMBER PDIC Affiliates! stills un'lt' l.,tsiiv lierlica!('entrI ist De.v ¡'boses Prom 9:30 lo 1 1:30 am-Men- NORTH SUBURBS.- 7557 W. DAKOON ST..- day, Nov. 24, Seniors will gather tally disabledmen assdwomen. USE THE BUGLE THE BUGLE, THURSDAY, Oetuber3e, 1997 PAGE 9 PAGE 8 ThE BUGLE, THURSDAY, Odobr 30, 1997

-i Free- health screeningsatPersonal counseling at Centerof Concern - LifeCenter on -- Gala to celebrate Wishgranter fills dream Personal Counseling is availa- is free. Thera in o law-cost fee grief and lass soppari gronp, in- Holy Family Health-Fair hie ta all at The Center of Ces- based upon ability ta pay for sob- the Green - hamo health care registry, em- "Sweet HomeChicago" cara, 1580 N. Northwest Hwy., sequent sessions. pinymentservice, shared housing of cancer stricken child Chicago: Persontil- "Break- On Saturday, Noi'ember 8 On a first come-first serva basis Pork Ridge. Dr. Loa Berman, a if yoa, er someano you know, program, intorgenorotinuat pen- WhenBearNecessitiEs Pediat- thrnugh" Training, which has from 8 am. to 12 noon, Holy on the day of the event (na ap- psyehalhnrapist who has beencould bnnnfit from sopportivo palprogram,Medicaro and finan- rie Cancer Foundation, Inc. wish provided many adults with the Family Medical Center wilt held paintmenl needed). For more in- coanseling people throagh The counseling for personal, maritai, cial coasseting, and a wright mss granterMs. Pat Palbicke received tools ta master a widevariety of "Health Fast '97" in the hospi- formation artoregister, call Mod- Center since 1983, and Peggy and family probtoms call Peggy support group. The Center is also the call from Children's Memori- persanat challenges, will be af- tal's auditorium located at 100 Connection, Holy Family's free Gray, MS., neo experienced ther- Gray ut The Centre (847) 823- a Salvation Arissy Service Unit al Hospital teqaesting a wish to fared at the Gaiter LifeCenter, Nertb River Road in DesPiaines. physicim refenol and appoint- opiata available to mart with indi- 0453 formoreinfomsation. and offers a wills program in be granted, she did not hesitate. 5157 North Francisca, beginning The health and screening fair wilt maul sernice at 847-297-1800, vidoals on a one-to-one basis. The Center offers many addi- fonperation withthe Chicago Bar Five year old, Nicole Sheldon, November 6. have departments from through- ext. 1110. The initial counseling session tional services and programs: s Association. pictured, a patient at Children's Participants in the training ra- out the hospital on hand lo pro- Memorial Hospital battling can- poet mosteO overconflicts at - videhealthinformationand eec wanted an exclusiveAmed- work, conquestefpersOual issues many free screening tests so im- Can Girl Doll. Palbicke immedi- like weight control and snccnss- prove the community's health atety tonk charge ai Nicole's fulmauagementefchioaie health and encourage healthy, safe life- request and made the wish came problems. styles. tette.Bear Necessititiesraises The LifeCnnten, a health, fit- - The prevention and early de- funds to create the miracles for nass and prevention centeraffili- section ofdisaase is efcritical im- the children through funding re- atad with Swedish Covenant partanceinensuringo long, WeacceptEVERY search as well as meeting their Hospital, began developing the healthy and productiva life. Al- immediate needs. Kathleen A. training several years ago to as- though you may fact great, some- Casey, ExecutiveDieector of sut members in - learningself- thing could be wrong. Many dis- -- Béar Necessitiesstated, "Our regulation skills that would break casos have symptoms that are health plan from wish granting eoflafliittee is made down the barriers ta healthierliv- difficult to identify, especially in up nf truly hind und supportive ing both physically and psycho- theirearly stages. ciiildren smile in eessities make - Fortunately, medical tuehnolo- people who are helping Bem Ne- logically. eaton Heatfrrer' HoolfI 5(0cl HMu, Pe86ip-pas -PdvatoHeilihcanr Sostonni, lie, doriugthe mostdiffieult times". Participants in the Personal - - gy has made available a broad - me Arfordaile P90 - - HeiItiDtneit5ittit plis pen and CPU To find ant more ahoat Beur "Breaktltraugh"Trainingwill- range of health scennoinga that Aaodsie HMn Hsotftn Manisnfteg, his., sapin PPa Rail, Pohde,lfial ftsotfll PIaS Necessities, to volunteer, nr to meet weekly, with someadjust- can be easily administered to de- Bioiksrs Uf, etitth Nefinaill, inilatheg, - sf050 no Illinois; lIlloiS nut. of FEELING contribule, please call (847) 516- manta for holidays, for t2ninety- tretaproblem. And, early discov- merS Steif peu . nt001tiiido Central Mseitimiet 50,0100 OVERWHELMED 4081. Bem Necessities receives sumiste sessions. rey with prompt treatment greatly Blas Gum/Bias Shield, i,lel,idieg, - cr5155 T4s5visB pen nnifiteoolin lino nl talsofo, -tontoting. no federal or state funding, yet - inerrases your chanco for corn- - nao anvansago . Saw Frostlet WITH: A "preview"presentation, Benefit Gain Corn- . Blas Chits, eMa mid ppa cien Piefeest of Mld5snntioi . RetifS Inno PIni the causeremains the number one Memborn ofSwudioh Covenant Hospital's pteiarecovary. - - from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m., will be finitihoate'i BiciS simone tet, . etoliO urn . DEPRESSION cause of death bydisease in our mOtee recunfy gathered on thu roof of thehoepitat'a new Jack As a commanity service, Holy. . BloC Cro,i/BIin aflictO ro presented Thursday, Nov. 6. The . nao gnom Tti,d Coast - Dcitgtoted Ptoit,toi - 0MO amt lIMO Pias children. Dohle Gaffer Medical Pavilioh for a panoramic viewf the Family Medical Center wilt be - . lnstnhetif . PIfER RELATIONSHIPS registratiun fun for the preview ts and wsitu'sCompeflintinn tmaele,ltutloPat - fandimaer witt be hetd at. the providing free health screenings - ffmlfhstan PRI a,iO MOO - scient $25, which will be applied to the cit/ ahyline. Thu November Ist - . . ecu litina a at Hnatth Fret '97including insts . DAILY DECISION .st_ Pat's to host SheratOn Chicago Hotel asid Towers, andwilt feature tIsa thema - w 0,50,0- CInten - CarnoSa Health Plans, teninding . nilfod CIlnio, Courte fee fur these who elect to - - MAKING foe hernocult (take home test fer Wonk,r', e,op,onaran - - Itnctth Chongo . Coitad tot Stnii3O continue.Non-members who Sweet Home Chteego." From left:Cendaee Andernon, presi- Shamrock calancancer),diabetes/blood --- e,ornnthoppn - -.Mto hait000si - - noun HMO st ILLINOIS, INC. ILLNESS, DEA TH& June Schoner (both live pi - sign np far the training will re- dent ofthe SCH Service Guild, and glucose (2-heer fest rquired), CothnttiflIlh O!Ii ,,ofo, - -. Jost e005mk Prefoind Health Plan GRIEVING Wrestling Club ceive a free 30-day trial member- Medicino i000n - PaikRidge). - . - blood prnssorn, pulmonary fune- -Motcóteula,i accro ftnc.,giit4nr l000r,orateeppn . COPING WITIIDIVORCE St. Patrick High Sehóol, 5900 shipatthnLifeCenter. - tian, and body mass jodan. Por- -OalaHeolth PlenO tsfell - .flfPo,lÌ 1,0,0, çonímontttiç,nnNo loo, k CCN Svl,,ostnuolneni - . enil,o D 0,1 nfooniorPtaui w. Belmont, will be-hasting the - sonot risk assessments for heart ISSUES Sabjhats included in din coursa Reception for MeOlidI P0000ttfaO -Corona Go;! Oenpoo H,atth P:c:,s - Shamrock Wrestling Club far diseosa and cancer will also be .NrLCOn, 05 . FAMILY boys include: Steps ta Increased Self- ornpiotModstow - - NpLConeHrolfllrla,nn - 1 fifth- through eighth-grade contraI; The Nature of Mind, avail)sble at no charge, as welt as Effintint Culti, 5sttnni PthfntInd Nifivonmia oct00 tpNpl . nennt fi, Soimnn COMMUNICATION - '. - ilfred Steinheld - interestedin wrestling. instruction os how to perform a - Consciousness and Choice; The -pep nf limits TtttiPìahneiiPlao pps. . PARENTING SKILLS informationollsign-uP - piuinipntHatilihime pl IlIlsoto An Role of Mood inDecision- breast self-exam. naasaa,l oosoioc,sPPn - - meeting is schedaled for 7 p.m. Additionalsereensags ara Nov. 12 at St. Making; Seeing the Future to BARBARA B. COHEN, .ou Wednesday, Make It Real; and Lowering the available for a nominal charge Pat's. Panetits need to bring a Hoot/Increasing the Growth from and include a cholesterol and lip- decision ta switch to o MS, L.CRC. - birth certificate to themeetingin id profile for $10 (12-heur fast At RnsrroctiOe Health Care, Conflict. - - Resxrroctinn Health Care- psychotherapist nrdee for new members to sign Formora information exil 312/ required) and o PSA prostate we're cnntieaotly adding up. For mominformation, call cancer blood test fer $80.All health plans ta the ist of accepted insurer. 078-9936. - - (847) 828-2626 Mock Kosinski at (773) 202- blood tests are processed by Holy those wo accept°. It fact, At Resurrection Hoolth 8844, ext. 292. Faniily'saecradiled Ioborusory. Coro, yos'lt hove accost to In addition, displays, free in-- nur list is sa cemprehersiva, Midwest Clay formtition and giveaways will be we accept every one from mere thon 600 physicians peavided abaut natrition, cancer A to Z. (flott, utmost. Wo ropresenting mnre than 50 Guild Show and awareness, child and borne safe- stilt reed same Xs and Zs.) different medical specialties ty, sobstaner abusa and how to The health plans we and subspeciolties. - Sale handle amedirnl emergency. So, if you're thinking abont Drawings will be held far o accept cnnrect thousands of The Midwest Clay Guild cele- changing insurers, or if you biatesits 25th anniversary wsth a moantain bike, CD players, gift people with Resurrectinr's show and saie on November 14, certificatesandotherprizes qnotity health core. Whether just want to learn moco about 15, and 16. This year, the Guild, throoghoutthr day. paure relocating, re-entailing Oar nerntCes, call our Infor- one ofthn oldest ceramic cooper- Admission is free and is open ir o piar at work, charging motion Une at 773-RES-INFO atives in the United States, is des- lo the public. Ragisteatics is ra- jabn or reaching Medicare (737-4636). ignoting a partien of its pracends quired. Sceaeniisgs will be hold eligibility, you can make the lo theHespice oftheNoeth Shore , imost) in memory of former member, Skokie resident Tina Strauss'Hoder, R.N,, (standing, left) John F. Fiellberg (eU Maggie Shotttewarth, and others congregational flume at Temple Judea Mizpah in Skokie, was who have benefited from Hos- among the guesta at a recent reception held at the Standard John Ft Fietlbreg has been pro- pica's care and support nf the ter- moled in the U.S. AirFerce te the ) Resurrection IMMEDIATE MEDICALCARE Club farOl. WilfredStein,profeosorofbiophyaicsatHebrewUni- ranknftechnicsl sergeant. - ndnolly illandtheir families. IJealth Care MAY HASHIMI, M.D.SARWARI4USA1NMJ. versuly in Jerusalem, sponsoredby the Israel Cancer Research - Fiellherg is the flight engineer Fund(ICRF).Dr. Stein's research to improve the effectiveness Of Sao. SII ti Vos, 15, Lutheran General Hospital . ResurrectionMedical Center The celebration and nata will- with the NATO Airborne Warn- For At he held at 1236 Sherman Avenue ofcancertreatmentbyovercnmin cellularresintance to cherna- Ing and Control Sqaadrou at Ori- Rscorri oftne Medical Conf., Medicare Assignment Accepted in Evanston. Each of the twelve therapy has been supported for the past two years by grants leultirchen Airfiasr, Germany. 7435 WaSt TalioS anneo, , China0 Allergy Testing & Treatment astists transforms his/her work from the ICRF, furlherdeveiopmentnowhas been awarded ma- He is the Sae of Aunaba G. and the Oar Lean of (ti. Rusisriontion Mndinot Conta space into a mini-gallery jar funding by the turael Ministry of Trade and Industry. Ms. Fiellberg and stepson of Adam 5645Westaaai,en Street, Cottage - Maine Medical Center - public is invited Fridny, opening Strausa-Hodershares a moment with Dr. Stein; Karen fieber FiakoofGlenview. #101 Nues, Hl. 60714 night; from 6 to 9 pm., Saturday The sergeaat is a 1904 gradu- 8118 Milwaukee Ave . Suite (sented), chairman of the-board of the-ICU-1F; Chicago-Chapter,. Hours: 11am - 4 pm Daily from I t am. ta 6 p.m., and Sao- ale -of Glenbrook South High day from neon to 5 p.m. Farmern andBelayneshZevadia,vice counnul,Counsùlate Generalòfle- - School, Glnnview. (847) 292-1559 g.7 pm Wed - 10 am-i pm Sat reel. ii .JpfQsjqtipoFgl.t,(947)4lS-96S7 THE BUGLE, THURSDAY, Ortsber3o, 1997 pAGE 11 PAtE 10 TIlE BUGLE, THURSDAY, Odober 30, 1997 I- .1 u-'1 -U- .-w' t::I w Bélla -BriefMemorial lecture to be-held ANOTHEk OENIN, ANOTHEk HO (Lincoln) Halt. Grandmother of RAYMONDJFELDMAN Briefmended by such dsversesoueces TADEUSZ KAZECKI Ráymood 3. Feldman, 76, o - The 18th Annual Behn - ranging fremDe. Abraham Tarer- Tadeusz Kazecki, 74, of Nues,Jennifer and Eric. Services were Memorial lecture will takeplace Morton Grove, died October21 sky, MD, (psychiatrist. weitçrand died Sunday. October 12 at Lu-held October 14. Aecangements doriug Erev Sbabbnt services en JOIN S ûI 111E EfflIEkF UF Ok NE SKOHIE ûKIG (ENTEk FOk A STA-SJE SE(I(U1 handtedby SknjoTereace Funeral Belavèd husband of Loeratne 31 atRabbi), lo the PlayboyAdvisor, theran General Hospital, Park Belayed father of Raymond Jr. Friday - evening, October of Flay- Ridge. 11e WaS born Satneday,Home. Interment was in All Ezrá Hnbonim the JOuesTown- -in the Augest 97 tssae SaintaMuasaleum. Des Plumes. Edward ned Mark. Graodfathe 4500 boy rnagnztne. January 20, 1923 in Ittytarka, Po- of 3. Brother to Thomasand ship Jewish Congregation. Ms. Averick's lepre forthe OF GkA OEIG OFEEkS, PILES, IUEûYS, kEFkESIIfflE1S ÛN land. beloved father of Aetony Frank. Services were held OcIo Dempsler Street. Guestspeaker STANLEYJ. ZOUNEK begins at 8 evening will be PamityRolulron- (Wiadysla) Kuzecki, Stanislaw- ber24atSl. MarthaCharch, Mor at the service which (Peace Stanley3. Zdneek, 81, of NiIm, p.m. will btLenlrShifrmn Averick ships and Shalom Bnyit.- (Krishna) Kaeecki, Engeniutz ton Geove. Aerangementsban in the Home). The regalarsbeb- (Zdzilawa) Kazecki and Helenadied Saturday, October 1 1 nl Lu- Horné well known nuther and lecturer theme Geneeal Hospital, Park dIed by Simkins Funeral bat service sestIl be led byRabbi oJJ 1IllO1IGH STÛY, NOUEfflE22 (Zbigoew) Okilita. Grandfather Pressman far ChicagoTribnn on in-mwrelationships. Ms. Ave- Ridge. He was born Tuesday, rickisaclïnicnl social warkerandNeil Brief with Nazcan Shlomo .- of 8. Services were held October far35 years. chanting the lilnrgy. The Susanne), Il, 1916 io Chicago. Bo- has appeared on televisionand ra-- Shutter 15 at St. Jahn Brebeuf Church, cammanily rs inytled to attend YO'kE I1NJEEI I1ÑEIN O 4AN OEIG Niles. Aarnogementa handled byloved brother to Helen Dauffen- ROBERT ALAN HUNTER dio talk thaws inclodiegOprab, bach,LottieGreslin,Chester Robert Alan Hooter, 71, of Danahue, Geraldo. aenang many Ibis and all services nl the syna- Skaju Tenace Panerai Home. Ir- onfornialton [! tee-moot was in Maryhill Cento- Zdunek, Dolores Peszek and Lit- Morton Grave, died October20 othees. Her recentlypublished gogue. For further 1Nrl kI1E Iran Miller. Services weee held Hospital, honk "Don't Call me Mom"has pleasecalltheOffiCeat674l4t Come in and euler our Grand Oponing Sweepotahes and roam nuaranteed tery, Niles. al Lutheran Geneeal to win nne egthooiundr of prions, inrlsdiog u 151GM Studino J Disney World October 15. Arrangements han- Peek Ridge. Beloved husband of been ahogo success andisrecom- - - died by Skaja Terrace Funeral Vacation, plus ramrordrrn, TV0, VCEO, movie 1/rheIn to Cinepteu Od000 KATHItYNT. BENNETT Patricia Hunter. Artaogemlets theaters, McDonald's food prices, and morel Kathryo T. Bennett,86, ofHome. Interment was in Maryleil bandied by SimkinsFaneraI Torah FundKick-Off Ni1es; died Monday, October 13 Cemetery, Niles. - Home. Interteentwan in Menton- at Lutheran General Hospital, al Park Cemetery, Skokie. Mn- held Park Ridge. She was bone Salar- DOROTHYZ RAJCZYK menaIs tarRainbow Hospice, LuncheofllMeetiflg to be day, January 28, 191 1 in Ireland. Dorothy Z. Rejczyk, 74, of 1550 N. Northwest Hwy., Suite Glenview, died Saturday, OcIo- EZKA-IiABONIN, The filles Sisterhood will bold ils Annnal Belovedmotherof Edward 220, FankRidge, IL. 60068. Torah Fend Kick-Off Lancheon/ (Louise)BennettandLillian ber 1 1. Shewas bone Wednesday, Township Jewish Congregation September 12, 1923 in -Wiscan- STANLEY EMMO WICZ Meetingut11:30n.m.on Raje- Wednesday, Nov. 5 at the Syna- sin. Beloved wife of Louis Stanley Kajmowice, 82, nf OLPH Phoenix osvsoc:i'llflPllM - MIttE'S eyk. Beloved mother of Teer)' Niles, died Wednesday, Seplem- gagne, 4500 W.Dempster in a bell000 Of FLOWER SIIOP INC. (Suo)Rajozyk,Jerry(April) ber 24 at Resurrection Medical Support G!oup Skakin. A film presentation enti- 6500-06 N. Milwa..kee Ave. Rnjceyk, Donen (Jim) Hntvorsen, Center. Hnwasborfl Sunday, San- ttedFulfilliog the Premise" Mary (Bobby) Brous undBill nary 3, 1915 inChicago. Belayed The OLIN PHOENIXSUP- which melados audience pantici- We Speckatize in (Carole) Nowicki. Grandmother hasband of Marin (flee Sobon) PORTGROUPinviteS separated.palien will fallnw lnnch. Cant of Wedilingand of t tGrent.grandmnthee of 1. ICajmowice. Servilen were bold divórced, and widowed persons the luncheon is $5. Reservations - Services were held October 15 ut September 27 at SI. Sabe Brebeaf to meet FRIDAY,NOVEMBERare required. Call the Synagogue (847) 675-4141to Funera1Arraflgemefl( St. Isaac Jognes Church,Neles. Church,Niles.Arrangements 7 mOURLADY OFFERPETU- affIrmut Funeral HELF CHURCH'SRSVP. In addition, Entertain- We Have Cemntery Wreaths Arrangements handled by Skaja handled by SknjaTreTace AL avatlabla Terrace Fanerai Home. Interment St. Adal- MCDONNEL HALL (lowerlev-ment '98 Books wilt be Home. lntermentwm in far sale at $35 each. ManaraoY( was inMaryhill Cemetery,Nues. bertCemetery, Nues. el of the eburah), I127 Church StreetinGlenview. A small SPE(IAI4kPND ODFflJN OFFERS JJENNJS R. ALLEN group samienwilt begin et 7 P.m. Gala '97 Benefit 3 9.Oe;ete pIQfl of Nttes, for those workingthrough the Ï (DEE ÏY[OR BH OE 9k(HR A J. 1ll(1IS 1LIldloitt wr Dennis R. Alten, 62, Elegentdinnerdence to be held Goor September 1 1. He grieving process, followedby the FLOWERSCeO6GIFTS died Thursday, tebenefitSt.John Brebeaf CHICAGO (773) 631-0077 WEDDINGSandFUNERALS February 12, General Meeting ut 8 p.m.The was bora Tnesday, - (647) 823-2124 8118 MIlwaukee NIles wife ofspeaker will beKatherine C. -School Saturday, Nov. 1$, 5:30 PEkSO[ BKIN OF1ES WE nEu000000Wi0000 1935 in Chicago. Beloved OFFERS She isaTeacher/ - p.511. in St. leim Brebenf Gym. B1SllE$ BûNIilN (800) 378-8770 m.eoenoevm Eleanor (nec Lelowski)Allen. Bracco. 823-8570 (ere GnidaneeCaunselOr, Youth Mie- Live Band - Cabaret Show: Res- ': Prime Time Wo AcenpI hit Olios CreditCnìdn Bnteyed son of Eleanor entubons may be mode through - Business -Owners' Branch, 24 Month Wagner) Allen. Belayed fatherofinter, Director of ReligionsEdo- Small Business Business Premium Checking Ita- Nov. 2 after all masses bated on Checleing I Money Market - Home Equity Line of Breakable CD Inifroy (Kimberly) Allen.Servie-ention, und e consultnnt for Credit with no points 11 Month CD Account September 13 at St. man sexuality programs.Her talk availability. For information call account with $10 Account with M'Y s were hnld of 3.30% or closing costs ploie Juliana Church, Chicago.Ar- is eetilled"Battbles,Bnngles,and 966-8145- monthly fee 6.11%APY 6.35% APY 4.75% APT donation waived through plus a FREE Cole aeertificatetor rangements handled by Sknjnthe Holiday BIttes". A Ethan Allen of $4 is requested. Directinquer- USE THE IJGLE i 3/3_1/98, Taylor Bank Terracopuneral Honte. Intrrmeet :1/lo a Business Tools fornitore nett ts inMuryhillCemeteey,Ntles. - ¡es 10: (947)673-3411. OPERATED was FREE Cuje Taylor fai' Success Kit FLIER Cole Taylor FAMILY OWNED AND Bank Business Bank Ilusiness 'louis Tòols fot'SucE'e.ss for-Success XII ,i,,,i, ei sesera I, ser lione, r,, - a ,,,,' ,,i tr,,.r, loar 51,.i,t THE SKAJAFAMILY Kit ----- (try urn lO(i5f,Mi'iO" BUD SEMA s1,0/tiC 0 beiOrereiiirOn,e,,s sr,rOfli ieOr.wr. Nr,, ele. live/se ,,,i /5 nit.nw. try's/I SICAJA 'flACK COLONIAL 'WoJcIEcHowsKI i, nsO.ttt_ neri cohOrt ir il 01" 00 SstY Cfi/O ,tfs, io i,tihrr r,,,,iri;,5iiiei e,sibsr,,m,s,if,rr sr/ei ,h,050 cribo borkr diatri,or. ,Ubjeeii,,r,,iiiorn,iOOifi sob,litt iSsu Cl r,,siiO f,, FUNERAL flOM Tio_Ci, m,frd,i,,oe Offer. ibiesitr MICKEY SEMA ata o'&rthtvo,,00t Fois,,,or,rdu,ihovare,,,r, ,I,rcg, si (h, 050k', diOrr- - )'',111E,°Eat(E,jai 7812N. MILWAUKEEAVENUE - - - HOMES ii,, - Cit. /051/mli,t.ii,,i FUNFIAL t i,rou ai, smise Offer bof,e,,,O,,tiie,fi,verli errs,- lELES, ILLINOIS JACK SEMA 'Ori,', stIri/tr.

(847) 966-7302 - - With over 85 yéarsofservice in theChicagoland area, we have conte to Service, JIM SEMA know what mosifamilies expectwhen selecting afuneral home: SKAJA STAMJ(Y - -Localion, Price, Qualily,Comfortable Surroundings and anUnderstand-, .BUD SKAJA JR. and see first hand COLE TAYLOR BANK Golf Rd. & Skokie Blvd. ijNERAL hOME ing staff We inviteall families to visit our facilities ocroofrostl 01st Orrtittrtt Stinppivst;Ceorterl 3060 N. MILWAUKEEAVENUE servicefamily ownedfuneralhome can offer thatcorporal'e' 'Flac ReltItinlIshil) BuIlders CHICAGO, ILLINOIS JOEN SICAJA what afull ownedfuneral homes can't, - (173) 342-3330 . - II La(:A'rto::. -(-l//tot:Gl{ocrt'clltl:ocloI,AloD tVl .1 .i I. 'n Y/,,iilnn o, sI41a,isl Anlslotsd BRIAN SEMA 8110111E 40 IVett Golf l0aail farrssfriifvOtii (lintinrd .9liopptrg Ceritas)4.1011 \t'ett Oatosoer Streit CIIICA(N) lISO fr4 tassI 63" Stores IIROItUVIEB Carmalsund 1/It B nli/ - Viliop'.1 e1uurelitllltAstI Aveisso'769t Inulto Ciceru ,tvessuotBib North 2litv'uuhno AVniesis,- 8025 W. Golf RoadNues y (847)581-0536 - - LOltIll,ttll One Vi,ektsaen Conter W1IIIIILING 359Eliot 15,05510e Roust SKAJA BACUMAÌ ERIC SEMA (773) 774-0366 - slut West 79' Slce5l Chicago - - it U:i ini,ìb,:lr cr,rti FUNERAL ROME 6250 N. MilwaukeeAvenue Os rall.nur Ciiol070er Sereice Dcptsrlfoontsit 773.97.7oao Visit Cule, 'f.-y In: 'totnn' 7715 ROUTE 14 GORDON WOJDA Wojciechowski Family - - Over 85 Years By The CRYSTAL LAKE,ILLINOIS Owned & Opèrated For (815) 455-2233 MARK CIOLEK THE BUGLE, TP,OURODAY, Oniobrr3O, 0997 , - PAGE 13

October 30,1997 PAG0 12 THE BUGLE, THURSDAY, A A A . - Women entrepreneurs ALWAYS OPEN :' benefit Soap Operas , Raggedy Annand Andyheip Internet iLjL *JS1)îCI)EON - embrace the Children i SOUPS: Moteo BaU Chicken Broth Sweet & SourCabbage ' . for At-Risk 60% to mpact on women LSS1 programs A uew study from the National strategies for growth, compared menti in the past year by Frenh Fish DailyWE SPRCIALIZE IN PASTA & STIR FRY DISHES Mimi White, director of the ton'S Emerg500 Progoam. AU tèc- Ponndation for Women Business tu 10% ofmeu entrepreneurs. $170.3biltion. - * MELROSII SrINACII OMELETFES IS... tures rc held io RoomAISI at The ThM-sponsored -report, The Chicago Area'Chapter is "As Big as n Barebati Mitt & Pepeyrd stilSEnuogh Spinach in Women's S$UdRS Pcogt and Owners (NFWBO) shows that NAWBO's tho Ray flarostern Campus, 7701 Women business owners are lok. "Embracingthe 'Information nmung the largest of 501ST A MUSCLE" PAT BRUNO - Sne.Tiieii professor of Radio, TV aod Jitm nearly 70cliapters in theU.S. The at NorthwesternUnivorsity, ex-N.Lrncoln Ava., Skokia. ing a more proactive approach Age: A Comparison of Warnen Io this leomoc, Whitewgll md Men Business Owners" is Chapter'a more thou 605 mom- 7201 N. CàIdweII'Niles. IL 60714 amines why soap operas have than mee to the use of sew tech- bers represent husineises in all been widely studied as apreensi- present critical perspectives on nalogirs and the Internet to grow based on a sarvey of nearly 000 (847) 588-1500 their major industrial, service and re- nent form nf popular catturofor soap operas and examine theitbasiaesses. wnmeu- andmen-owned bud- 3233 N. umadway, Chieagu, Illinois 60657 (7731 327-2505 impact an women viewers Oestes across the c000try. The re- tail sectors. Chicago NAWBO, women, This lectuee ispresented Seventeen percent of women thisyearcelebratiegils 20th anni- KOFIELD'S, ne35N. Lh,role, COligo, Illinois 60025 17131 334-2582 on Tuesday, Nov. 4from I - 230 entrepreneurs reported that the po_rt reveols that women business 9_v. Onimunl, Chiea1n, llltoeir 611657 (7731 404-7900 Admission is St. For more in- owners increasedtheb computer versary, provides womenbasi- p.m. as part cf thePassages lee- mostimportant rrasun for adopt- leadership, edu- O Oak- fti00, call (847) 635-1414. i'ng technology is to explure new hardware and - noflwure invest- urss owners with tote series sponsored by cation, procurement and 1 netwarlcing opportunities. It also GRAND, OPENING serves os a voice for itsmembers Our Lady of Ransom on ecoeomic,social and public Susie's Family Hair Care policy issues. tnfeemation about area women-owned businensesis 10% OFF ALL HAiR CARE SERVICES \ DRY CLEANINGSPtCIAL Women's Club Manicore PedicureFacials Waxtng I available through the Chapter at Any Dry Cleaning Our Lady nf Rantem Catholic evening will takethe audience fer 312-322-0990, or throughits Minimum Order $20.00 Women's Club will hold their a dde on the riverin the Bryant website,http:www.nawbonetOrg. :2O' OFF Coupon VaUd wtth Drop Off monthly meeting on Tuesday, steamboat, sharing the successes Nov. lt at0p.m.inpatuttsHolt, ofthetouringteoupe and also feo- IWe CuiteOFil YourChSmmdGoaoSm Ogrwods Expires 11/30/97 turingthemt)uic andlhe soft shne Plant On Premisos 0300 N. Greenwood, Nues. The Read the Bugle TOP QUALITY CLEANERS featured program will br Betty danciog of theShowboat era. Bet- I questions LINCOLN AVE,, MORTONGROVE l84) 966.8848 BeyastofPorkRidge. ty will also answer any -For subscriptions call L59° j Betty Styant wilt reminisce the audiencemay have anbei life P4- Peggy ' Susie (M7) 966-3900 DorothyOehlerkiflg (left), nroasureroftlte Lutheran Woman'sLeaguo (LWL) andTracySadlon, dirac' about her adventures on the river as aRivee Rat. of Perfect Style otillinois (LSS!), pose with aome.ofthe dolls with her parents. Shemade her The newspapers 9229 Waukegau RiO, Morton Grove, IL Niles School norofrenource dovelopmentaf Lutheran Social Sen/icen The St. Francis Guild wilt have OIDFORMERLY , that ware preaantedata luncheon andspecialprOgramabout RaggedyAnn arndAndyto benelltLSSt debut on the Showboat at the ago '90 Books that deliver. Houeso Mon-Cd 9-7; Sat. 9-5; Sun. 9-3 (847) 663-0123 of of 6 aod retired fromperfeemtog the Entertainment programs forcttlldren atrisk. - The magienl avoitable.Theaastis $35. of the llllvois-aynoda of the Evangelical Lu' or the boat in 1942. CosmetologY L,.. LSSI is a snatewide, not-for-protin socia! san/ice agency Misit usut www.l\rst-ol-aoOer\cgR000 Iteran Church in America. LSSI provides foatercareand adoption. child care, counseling. substance abuse treatment, programs forprisonera and theirfamilles,ttousingand community-basedsllr'/icen for Has A 'FutureFor You! residential nursing sets/ices, and reaiden- become a professionalSt4ISt. older adults, low-income families and those with disabilities, . In ten short months you can lialtrealmenttoremotionallytroubled ettildren and adolescents. * Full and part-time& evening classes. contact Dorothy Qehierking al 847/290' . Financial Aid forthose who qualify Forfurtherinformaton about LSSI'n programs forchiidren. with morethan a little¡nterest . Job placementavailable 6723; A bank Hurry classes startSoon! Morton Grove - in yourmoney? That's afirst. FORmoro tnloimotioflnett Mr. Phil (847) 965-8061 Group of 8057 MILWAUKEEAVE. Hadassah with thisad. The Morton Grove Group of Save $500.00 Hadassah will bave its tancb000 -meeting on Wednesday,-Novem- ber 19, al 11:30 am., Northwest Suburban Jewish Coag000attOn, . KA4wwy 7000Lyons S1.gMnrlon Grove. Our featured gnost wilt bo Gait __J._J_IAPY mpJ babC th $25,000 loI1l IJl Minogur, nurneeotogist,-teacher, speaker aed consultant. She wilt R g mpl b I f$50000 $100000 cover interesling subjectswhich pay rases like this? 9369 hl000akOO Ava. yoowiltenjoylisteniogto. Does your chuckivg account Skn(sa Silos. lt 00714 Fund is superier is masy ways. 5ivns I Please join us for n drtigblfat TIr Superior hirlormnsce First nl Americu's Cash'Innugoment Checking accnunt SkIn (M.n000isovpOa MSS And whee pos opon font nowneenuv0 alternons. RrservatiOt3s a must. Folly-liquid, FDIC insured. highnr balances and unlimitedcheels 1047)6634803 higher interest Sau higher itterait On I I4sko-tp p47)663.inonttldflCaro) Prepaid $6.50, $7.50 if not prr. with a minimum balancenl $25,050 you'll ours u ce writing. plus it's FDICinsured. Cull as os t_050-222-4F0A tidt, dI-O«sions) paid. Call 047-965-3064. l3_WenhTreaiury Bill. Snwhen marker mies go rato tied te the apes your newaccount5 today ihn interest yes earn. Call as utI .800.222-4P0A nr .PQrtnonQntHskQ-up Welcome Baby sp, io will Brow) she web nc www.11rst.nf-Oteerica.COm. (Eye Line A girt. Autumn Audrey, was open ynur ucc000t on Hodcure & Pedicure bum to Belli aod Ross Teoudale u +r r¿4 of Birchwaod, . Beth 1nninq600(le is formerly from Nites and ot- u SUPERIOR - o-4Û0t14-l'0146- 916117i41 tended Nitos Weit High Schaol. MANAGEMENT - Autumo it the grandchild of Au. PERFORMANCE CHECKING . Penso drey and Gearge Etorvar nf Soro- (Stnuiqht, all variuties) Layaway Now ForChristmas no, Wisc000in. The Horvata oie 910d' af ir Setni.perrnloefltCOlor former residents of Nites. Au- s tumn's pateenat grandparents are (CellinI) JackTeasdate aedthetateMary. 471_ a Colon Candleflguit Jewelers :s (Bye, Bighlight, Grey loin) - HOURS: M-F $0.0 USE . rnsew,v2nnnSruiSO sullj,&_n SAT 105 70127:1 nou,,l,,essswnsaoe RuinIRu,l asesac,m'io - (847) 965-3013 ,!Si3O! 0 R'! u,,a *!5!i Isle,,0''005 uslncs,S ' 55,II0Ifl mIste,, Eye loch Penco iii 0,1 Oli0'R 2"I' 5 5'5Fi1b Its =--- In Oak MIII Mail 'THE ,7900 Mllwaukeo Ave.,Nibs -- Removal - - M Hole I - ot0li5ofl h 016600000 BUGLE -' I

1991. PAGE 14 mt BUGLE, THURSDAY, Otobr39, ---.._... .

A - DeuPlaines campus, 1500 E. I 9224 WaukeganRd. T ORT------tIGolf Road. The coal Is $1 for I

- children under age 12; $3 gee- : - --' Morton Grove "WeCanDOIt 0v. - eral admiasins; end $2 for Oak- Free womens programs ton students. Childrenwearitig DINE 114 Alliançes" Arts & Crafts - - BuildingStronger HolidayFestivalofArts &their Oakton Kids' Club T-shirt TAKE OUT &DELIVERY in November Craftssponsoredby Notregel in treat T-shirts can be pur- otto Parents'chased Monday- Thursday Dame High Schont from 9 em. - 7 p.m. and Fn- (847) 965-3330 The Women's Health Re-It? Coping with Migraines," a Association will be held Sat., RsmuR*NT locuste sponsored by the Wom- Nov. 1 end San., Nov. 2, fromdays from 9 am. - 3 p.m. in the Gener- Student Activities Office local- Italian CuiBifle -Pizza - source Center ofLutheran en's Health Resonrce Center of IO am. to 4 p.m. Admiseian is al Hospital has scheduledfree ad on the DesPlaines campus. PIZZA DELUXESANDWICHES - SOUP &APPETIZERS .This is s grast time lo pick Lusherna General Hospital, will $1 - warnen's weilness programsin for l°ormore informaliOe orfo par- DINNERS ALA CARTEENTREES be presented from 7:30 to8:30 sp 16056 one-ot-a-kind gifts Oak- Novemberthal focus on develop- chase tickets, contact the - - - p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 25, atBarnes thatepecietsomeone- for mental delay in children and cop- Ion Boo Office al (947) 535- WINE & BEER In DiningRoom &Noble, Old Orchard (lowereV- Christmas. Lunch will be avait- 1500. Party Room Available) ing with migraines el), Skolcie. MoeyAngelopoalos, able, a greal raffle boathand a - We Spectalizein Catering (Private A presentation Ou"Genetics delicIous bakery aasorfment. Ceotimaed nu Page 06 - 10:00 p.m. - Friday 11:35 am, In 11:00 p.m. Delay," M.D., neurology, LutheranGen- HOURS: Weekdays Il :30 am. ta and Developmental eral Hospital, wilt discoss the Saturday 3:00 p.m. ta 11:00 pm. Sunday 3:00 p.m. IO 10:00 p.m. :-1 theWomen's Sat., Nov. 8 sponsoredby contaron symptoms and caasesof Health Resource Center of Lu- - Arts & Crafts Fair at Res ACCEPTED _ MAJOR CREDIT CARDS theranGeneral Hospital, is ached- migraine headaches along wOh = - successful coping strategies to re- The Res lair han bncsme an uledftoml to 8 p.m. Wednesday, lieve pain. annual Irndilian for more than Nov. 12,iOthe Borland Room of Re- 2,000 patrone, motoring Ihn the Prospect Heights Libeory, 12 The Women's Health source Center atLutheranGoner- creative works of aimEnt 200 N. Elm SI. Speaker Carol Booth, al Hospital is open from 9 am. to cralthra and artista. Not only M.D., geneticist, Lutheran Gen- Priday can you enjoy the widevariety. eral Hospital, 'vilI discussthe 5 p.m. Monday through ol hand-made crafts, bel lhere evaluation ofchildren with decal- with eveeing and weekeed visits available by appoiatment.For In lunch, a rattle aed prizee. opmental delay and disabilities. about the ren- The Ails & Crotte Fair is held To register, call HeolthAdvisnr at more information BtJsinessDeveIQPmefltC0ttr(WDC) receittlyhokitts eleventh annual Entre- al Resurrec6On High School, (1-800- ter and its services, call847-723- Tite Women's StrongerAiltanceß On ¡tond l8OO-3-ADVOCA preneurial Woman s Conference1/temed We Can Do It Building 7500 W. Tairait Ave., Chicagò 8810 (T1'Y lino for bearing im- panelists (back row,from 323-8622). WBØC boardmembersand luncheonforum and sann from 00 dm; until 4 It'sAIlh.YOUrUead...Orfr paired, 847-7238885). for tite Conference were ifexi,ulut& Consulting,Cynthia p.rrcAdmisuion lu $2 ($1) with tefttoright) Caroline SanchezCrozier, andßellowa;Julia kidu 12 and under tree. For president, Johnson & Associates;Laurel Bellows, partner, Bellows târ an ap- Johnson, Whitcomb, president,NkoB. more information or Stanch, commissIoner, City of Chicago --Dept. of Houeing;Nike -plicatiofl, call Resurrection anddirector of taxes, Associates, Inc.;(seated) Nom,a-Lssder, senior vicepresident High School's Development Dl- Whitcomb Harris, partner, Sonnons- First Chicago NBD and presidentof theWBØCBoard; LindaChspllk fice at (773) 775-6616, ext. 27. chiefinvestmeflt offtcer, The Kenwood chein Nath & Rosenthal;Barbara Bow/es, presidentand Stratenornics; Sue Ling Gin, founder, ownerand CEO, Flying Group; Susan Winer, president, analyst, president of Tersy Food Fare, Inc., (front row, fromlefttoright) Terry Savage, financial CsrolDougal and Hedy Ratner,WBDCco-directors; and Shari Whit- FnÑov7 - - Savage Productions, Ltd.; the sponsor nf theCon- Women's Workout World. TheWBDC. which s Bethany Terr. Bazaar ley, presidentwtdCEO, devoted to pro vid- nallonsllyrecogniZedn0flPr0t women'sbusiness organization Bethaey Terrace Narsing CeS- ference, is a ownership. ter, 5425 N. WaultegaeRoad, _, ingsesvicesandPrOgrsms InsupporlOfWOmen' business Morton Grove, will be hosting their annual, "Fall FeativslBa- - Vendors wanted zaat" from 9 wrIt. to 4 p.m. on for Oakton's Friday November 7th.Holiday i Gifla,-andCrafts,Jewelry. Pre-Holiday Bazaar Toys, White Elephants.Baku Vendors who have new orrealE Salo antI Luncheon,willbe Certificate of Health & Beauty items for sole arrinvited to sell available. Admission andPark- EQUITYDEAL? featuriag bnth atOakton to bHne- So,YòÙDIDN'T GET THEBEST HOME from the only facility in the Midwest - heir merchandise Ing are tree. Proceede erescaringjipgoo&Pflces I Beass1t'alnn & IlealIh Club with SwimmingFool Commeoity College's Pee- fit-the resident council.For in- 1-800-427-4143. IiGift HoliddBazaar on Thursday, . formation call Lori, 985-81 00- JUST CALL -FIRSTNATIONAL AT MAGE CONIILIING eeRvicEAVAILABLE . Nov. 53 from 9 am. tO4 poi. at Ext.251 . - this Halloween FIND nose M0ITpLATTERING HAIR COLORAEDLE - Oakton's Des Plaines rampes, : ALLFAOSI 1600E. Golf Road. i',-,",,- il_is. Ceeldm. Crackers, GaidtieR LayerCauca. NEW EOROPEAN IOCHtIOLOGY - Sot-np begins at 7 orn. 00the 1,2 OIt Att Pepporidue Fami nembtnnd fl,,iI,bi, 15 "' 1"liilii.iiiiii i ,,,l'- Ton,evern and Oread nomo. Noenupen nm0000FY. May not In Fat Instes aedlaltet Perros N Chor. - day of the bazaar. -Twodiffeceat Nov. 8, 15, 22, 29 i. ,5,,t O5L pdna. ç N,, I N" wets nthn, eflnm.flfl Oftsnaunstod maculant"rara rotait - ' AsIni 'tinningllnli sized rental spaces areavailable Out Randy tulsnteuhset ah - v -i» IV,,,bI, R,t,,?' first- Children's Concert S,,,t,i, O - - and is Ist bnlh rnetinndwntnøn... and will be diseaSed Ott a Tricia Alexander, oneat Chica- SII bonis. The cost tèivlce Inclades: . corne, first-SerVed cabaret l'5' A lc,ii,,t Ye,,? 3 DAYS ONLY! and $75 go's: most whimuic6l is $40 for a siogle spuce peitorrtiers. has finallycreated - Manieuse must pt'5"- . Catogan Permanent Waning for adoublc space. Vendors a- music concerteapecially tor - Fissa i', Thurs-FriSat . Eurepan Hair Cele, Pedloure provide their own tables,chairs, young al HeirsIreIng - Mnnsn a the yoang and the tisr of credit with usyother bask. There are so - other Nalional's SmartEqsity - Hair Otylleg P55mm carts and dollies or any heart. Tricia's concertsinclude Bn smart: shopund compoee First 14-year leers with soballoon Oct. 30931 & Nov. 1,1997 Hedv Waning eqnipment. jazz andfolkmanic ùpfróst fees and so closingcosts. Weoffer s :n2 ------__. - blues, ïstrodociory (lesser) rotes, na The bazaar is sponsored bythe which she joyfully weaveswith phone st 1-800-4274l43.A Frrsr Nalisoal 97 College 24-hour servire, cati ourtolt-free, automated toss Ncwlu The Time To Shape Up For Oakson Commuaity psdtryand comedy.. - pamest5 For Wednosclavj day. - Tuesday & - Classified StsffAsuociatiOn. Pea- Young for ypo the next bssiness I SENIOR DAYS - fer Werner, Only .-For the Young and the banker will hove us answer Our Health Club benefit Concerl will pce 50,10. reeds from the bazaar will at Head Children's GOLF suimselns Peel 5g5IitIM.eI4CIldreOOi NEW the Classified StaffAssociation be lan for theWhole family. SUPER BIDS . . -- ! am.Novem with 2 Fece Satardàys al 11 9030 MILWAUKEE AVE : nash Reg. $250 NOW $198 ServiceAward. S Taeenss neoh. and 29th at - - s BI WsiriisOei 3 MO. MEMBERSHIP Early registration is encone- ber 8th, 1 518, 22nd . a :. . NILES EncroIsa eqoipmant Viotts WO To en- Admission .1,55ta, Trnndnili Reg. $15 NOW $65 i D aged as space is limited. The Bog Theatre. Lire cvoIas 20 Visits 85 uneve a space, call(847) 635 $5. Call (847)2960622 toi in-

- - -- (847) 296-0121 1812. - lormatiOn. DEMPSTER fr, - Sun., Nov. 9 1614 DEERFIELD RD. KIDS' ARTIST TOPERFORM 6201 DEMPSTERSTREET '::_ Treat The artist, HIGHLAND PARK ______ia__ '.1_al Chicago's zaniest kidof MORTON GROVE,ILL8NOIS IrA of[Y Davo Rudolf andFriènde. will Farnib' perform 55 part stthe Ookton Se- (847) 831-3040 E5an,er fl1aLrbc K(ds' Club Family Program Mowbr - To Dwner ties--on.Suriday,..btOv..9.Hl I l'oic- ,,!.,,,,.' 5- I'S'' " ?5 !II, ,, Morton Grove (847) 967-0420 (847) 9674J421 1609-IO at the ltl Ill 8eIR 11fhigh1lhlfdl 11h01 lllh( i!eR pin. in Room a ç::':»i-ir* IWb ... --_-. tasted Crawler, For more in- pies. Q p.m.Q,,n C,,.,du,, the 4th atopon a aix-city Trad. Congregation, 4040 Main for show only: $19 to $25, --.--...... Arthur, television's popular e formation,calltheBaby Wachtmeisters vibrant oil on Seniors: $2; Students: $2; Chu- Dinner & Show: $31 to $41. ENTERTA(NNEN1h 9 and le at 2 p.m. The produc- tour, comes to, the Ross- Faire lnfo.Lino-8476043625. St,, Skokie 674-41 17 - Nov 2nd mont ConvenhonCenter. year old Aardvark will be ap- ENTERTANMEN4 linen paintings wilt be ox dio- dran under 12; $t; Members: Senior discount for matinees lion will take place in the Mia- pearing allweekendl And no charge. - 7 p.m. Conthuond from Page 16 carAuditorium at Central Baby Faire features 100,000 Sun Nov 9 play from October 30 through . $2. Group discount for 20 or Cotirn,ed from Page IS nquare feet of the newest our very popular baby derby 3 1q97. Wacht- Nov. 7thru3O School, 621 Grove St., Glen- Rachel Barton December Sat., NoV. 1 November 2 . abre. products for infanta and tod- races will award prizes to Oct. 30 - Dec. 3 meisterwillattend the Mu- PRELUDE TO A KISS con. Tickets are available at The Skokie Valley Sympho- An Evening at MaywoodPark Open House and Ski Swap diera,interactiee children's Chicago's gantest crawlers 36th seums exhibit premiereand - Fr', Nov 7 Prelude )o a Kiss will be pre- Karger and West Ridge Center every hour.Five hundred ny Orchestra bogins its SWEDISH ART EXHIBIT Club of Fun for all ski and mountain in Highland Park and are $10 eohlbits, activity centers, pa- csncort se000n on November book signing on October 29 The Chicago Arkansas willbe Loyola's President Dinner sented in at least 12 parlor- babies will race throughout UniversItyofArkansas enthusiastslVisitors in advance and $12 at the renting information and ser- Cenoemoned ea Pug' 58 The Swedish American Mu- f rom 6 to 8 p.m. the type Loyola Academy will hold its mancas on Friday and Satur- tIle weekend for the title cl - Alumni AssocistiOn will hostAn busy with the Flea market door. Tickets can also be or- vices and free product sam- seum is exhibiting theartwork Exhibit Hourm Tuesday 40th annual President's Dinner day evenings at 8 p.m., and on Wachtmeister Swedish Evening at Maywsod Park on ski swap, drawings for free aki dared by calling(847) 804- o Ulla through Friday IO am. to 4 the on Friday; November7 n the Sundayafternoonsat 2:30 Sunday:. 1. The evenings' packages and activities at 4771. Countess and wife of retired p.m. Saturday through SatO Nov. Chestnut Grand Ballroom of the Chicago p.m. from November 7th thru Swedish ArnbasOsdOr Wilhelm festivities begin with dinner in new buildino at Io am. to 3 p.m. Mountain Rert. Located eight Hilton and Towers. Brother November 30th.All DPTG Nov. 7& 9 WachtmeisterTwénty-siXof Admission: General: $4 theWinnersCircleDining productions are staged at the Room at 8 p.m. followed by miles SE of Galana. (800)397- James 6. Small, S. .1. will rs- New Oratorio Singers Cost 1320. calve theDaniel A. Lord, S. J. Prairie Lakes Community Cen- The New OratottoSingern Harnees Racing at 8 p.m. ter, 515 E. Thacker Street JAPAN ESE lu $25 per person. CashBar. A Award for Distinguished Ser- )TNOS) and Music Director R E STA U RANT Sun., Nov. 2 vice to Young People. Loyale's just west of the intersection of Alan Heatherington, begin their portionet. the proceeds will The evening Wolf Road.and Thacker Street. JPlin ato benefit the Chicago Arkansas SWEDISH CONCERT highest honor. special 1997-1998 season with Scholarehip Fund. A features cocktailu, dinner, and Ticket prices are $12, with pertormancesatworks by We do not use Club's The 73rd annual Swedish Gos- dancing arid begins st 6 p.m. $10 tickets available to ntu- instant soeces nor MSG scholarship is awarded yearly will Franz Schubert and Felix Men- 15v II Adolf Festival Concert The dinner raises funds to off- dents under 18 and aeniora delsaohn Nov. 7 and Nov. 9 st inthe Chicago Metropolitan be held st 3 p.m. in Irving Park Aras. For further information Ost the annual operating en- over 65 on Fridays and Sun- Techny Divine Word Chapel in LutheranChurch,4100 N. Loyola Academy. and fo place yxur reoeivatiOn, penses nf days only. t'iorthbrook. Our diverxe menu offers Harding at Belle Plaine, Chica- For information nr reservations, For ticket reservations, as Our outstanding call (708) 786-3992. Christmas ea- The Nov. 7 concert will begin a variety ofselectionS & go. The Oociety'O please contact Kathy Shinkle, welt sa information about aadi- at 7:30 p.m.; the performance travaganza this year will be Director of Special Events at tions, upcoming productions, sushi chef creates beverages for the who'e Nov 12 Nov. 8 will begin at7 p.m. held at the Robert S Allen's (847) 853-2204. prices, or last-minute changes, Individual tickets are $25, $20 fatuity to enjoy Wood Careers Aesencv Inn, 5319 W. Diver- call the DPTG 24-hour box of- "Edible Art" North Suburban Carvers and $15. Seaaon subscrip- aetard Laramie,Chicago, fice at 847-591-5720. 7 Presentthe 15th Annual 'Artist- with reception st 12 5000 wirn November lions are $60, $48 and $36, Saturday S Sun- party. rit in Wood" old-time dancing to Norwegian Once On This Island November enabling concert-goers the op- "Minato isthe right place for your day November 1 8 2, 9 am.-4 Josaeeaea,jngTr*o,w.mc portunit'1r b enjoy three parlor- celebration or businessmeeting accordionistFlayNilsen and The Tempo Players of Lisle p.m.Exhibif Admission $2.50. dinner served at I p.m. Sun., will open their 1997-98 season The curtain will rina on High-mancas lyon seven concerto. Lunch Tues.-SOf. I 1300m-2355m; Children under 12 treewhen land Park Players' lotti annualFor ticket information, please 'Y LOOCh SpecIOlS Dec.7.For information and withFlahertyandAhrens' Dinner Tues.-TlIUrs. 43O-1O:eOpm; C-out ave/able accompanied byanadult. Once Ori This Island, Noven- musical production, .Josephcall 847/604-1 067. 4-1 5:05pm; door. reservations call Birgit Swan- Frl. 8 Sat. 4:30-I i OOpm; Son. seer Wien a sp/r//u Tickets available at the son at (708)539-3691 orPer- ber 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, and 22 at and the Amazing Technicolor Cfosed Monday. Refresh- Dreamoost, which will. be pre- NovB&9 100 Wood Carvers, 1-lugo Kristenason at (847> 825- 8 p.m. and November 16 at (t4t) 965 6685 available,Salas and aented on Friday and astur- Baby Fair AUStIN GMPStER PLAZA MORtON 550G meets 8408 before the 11/30 dead- 1:30 p.m. 6t26 W DEMPSTER demontrafions, competition day, November 7, 5, 14, 15 at The Chicago Baby Faire, line - Performances will take place at judgedbynationally known The Tempo Playera' Theater in Event 10 ce noie a . Come enjoy aun carvers. Nov. 4 - Jan. 77 The Sacred Heart Monantery TOTAL COVERAGE WARRANTY You Can Eat" Foteat View Educational Can- ..uooeiouvcnce0005050senauine" at lelo Maple Avenue in Lisle. "All ter, 2121 5. GoebbertRoad in Tickets are $12 for adults, $10 FishFry lohn R. Lanzaras andRichard citi- Arlington Heights. Hull- tor students and senior Porter's production st "A forchildren EveryFriday Night Ice" glides ZflO,and$6 For only $6.95 Sun Nov2 day Festival on Real twelve avd younger. Group Open into Drury Lane Theatre,2550 For Concert Evergreen Perk, discounts are available. A Musical extravaganzaby W. 95St., mow intormalion or to reserve SUNDAY Join us for SundayBrunch three gifted cantors inconcert: Tuesday, Nov. 4 and continues your tickets, pleasecall The 10.2 Jan. 1 1. Served buffet style withroast beef, omelet station, Seymour Zi500k,Skokie Can- through Sunday, Tempo Players Hotusa st (830) tral Trad. Cong. - MortonPli- TICKET INFORMATION - fruits, desserts, and muchmor& Drury Lana Theatre, 2500W 495-1120. akin, ,LincolnWoOd Jewish because the money 95 St., EvergreenPark. Box Home imprnvementvmske guod tloanciat sense, For only $10.95 Cong. - Jerome Fraseo,Cong. Ceatinn,nd on Page 17 seti. Central OFFICE - 708-422-0404. PrIc- 75; pItillo 55 addition is msneyysouossfly getbackwhenYOu Call (847) 581-3120 for moreinformation. B'Nai Torah Skokie YOD improvement Itmakes evenbettertnsnc)Ot sense te do ysurhome advantage nfNorthwesterflSsvisgo' tsw, law 75th Anniversary now and take thon This opccisl Prof essional rate sf7.75% APRon our5-Year Fixèd-llste Home Equity J_- sutsmolic psymeoto from oNorthweoters rate, svbilsble wheaysu arrange SUNSET ciso'sig, applica- accusaL stays the osmefor the life afthe (ean.There are no Duot-Cleaning be lox dedsclibte'YOU ßiW10EtinO4 lion or appimiost feeo.And the 'udereot may even VILLGE: Heating & Air Conditioning,Inc. What's in YOURDucts? 80% ofthevalue ofthehome. muy receive up to Community get stnsd oftheoe numbers - Manufactured 1-lome BETTEBUILT.. Ifihat math makes cosse, 2450N. Waukegan Road .GlenvieW IL For a limited time only, ç::-. Thoto vor Low Hetline where you cooget asomen to - ..,d you know... (630) 637-3600. innprevementlosn. Coli wewillcompletely :r:vvTlI lul:blv.pvv.i. vi 75' yoorlosn qcesfianu or getstarted with yosrhome Affordable Living inBeautiful Glenview power clean your $299 I,vvH /v/ ivl BETTERBACKED. tndayl vi I':l:d Ihr,: NORTHWESTERN Homes Available) ductwork for $299. The : ivv avrv (New & Preownod Special «TOROaCCF25OO OWSNOWTIIROVJER Qualified Buyers complete sanitation vi,:::, vi, 5_-. .PairvirdwrrCrrVr,0iOreysirm Air_,íM.van...eQiOdrrri_» FINANCING AVAILABLETO puvemevi Off er process as mentioned Ti:v v:er:hv v,u-rvv' :vvv :vliv:/v/1/ lh:vI - C leurs. downio ihó . Ecuica/ve 5 hpR.irkueOiflru0cswìih above is available tor a h:::/ vvv:, 5 year, 2.pu1i sire/enooururicucr llo,thwonleei neugn niatnionn,eiiiee Olingo, torridto . 2a"cleaeirvCidlh urlato, nino, ticrendoir 5:16, tuerce trou,, charge of $15 per room. ,. hfl :1 vii 'i/vI vr. vr: cru:, vr Milbar,doo lod,,ot t,oretiootoeueo. .'ÇhrOWSSUOwupiO3Obca Berrido, ti.Oorlee,Wsiorettrl,ti,rkue00 r vr: yT,tiY'EGe,n toil,, tepaillo, ilceiduc, BONUS r.....:vvv:i iry ?riO',,sflOtOIot BONUS BONUS :'-:. ri::r,: TORO rirs,ore,nsorruoerwv.tharess10trdS aperspatreaur, The first lOO peoplewho schedule a duct vil:,1, vi /,v ,rv,i h oedOrrBueOb0urr seIyU,ul,/i,e5OOaPPr00'(uire,Ob tthl y. urp,aeaearder,aaathort io,ovob Oe,FriamoslaP inisieraPrarca complete whole L_ . . cleaning will receive a When you wantitdofle righter "irte, house sänitatiOnabsolutely FREE.'°YOU LESS to receive the LUXURY LIVING FOR must mention this notice leafl and bacteria in sir dentsystems." NEWIIOMES S FREE sanitatiOfl *Up to $150 value. -Total Health and Better Health Magazine Startingat' Clean fresh airis 'ust a phonecall away...Cali inoseee.s erriet rho bandits 01 uy/rO ir aquoliry 8471724-7711 nticisplby . ComnunityClose IO OhoppinO Oper 7 Days . Pevd Directs . Or/erodingGlervioW schools 9 err. . 5p.n. TIIEBIJGLE, THURSDAY,October30, 1997 PAGE 19 PAGE 18 TIlE BUGLE, TIIURSPAY,Odobr3O, 1997 » lu m 'I-.i-I:' u m- I

dationsDiabetesDetection Public Libruri at 7:30 p.m. Dr. : North Shore Center tor the Per- sentedby SI. Scholastica Touhy Ave., Chicago, Where . HEALTH RUMMAGE SALE Academy from i i :30 am. to Mr. Levine io Undergoing Con- Week will be held from Novew- Cohen is the author of A Stand torming Arts in Skokie, 950i ber 2 - 8, 1997. Denny Dis- Qaes- 3:30 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 9, at valeocent Care. Cnatineed from Page 18 Against Tyranny: Norway's Sat Nov 1 Skokie BInd, Skokie. bufes Detection Week, approol- Physicians and the Nazia, pub- COBtIBBed from Page 17 Call the Symphony of- Hubbard Street Gril!, 351 W. tiOn (ACE.) Program will hold NOW OPEN! tisas? Wed Nov 5 mately 90 hospitals and clinics unhurt by Wayne Stule Univer- Rummaqe Sale fice, 847-679-950f ext 3014. Hubbard. Watch the Bears plsy its nest meeting 5f 7:30 p.m. Andrew Home (ist How To Became a FoSlerFamiIy - will provide free and easy dis- sity Press. Admission is free. 9, 1997 with guest conductor the Vikings and bid on aporto We muet at Advocate Medical Phil Simmons and guent soloist Sun., Nov. 9 bofes. screesisgteststhaf Dr. Cohen will sign copies of Floor) 7000 N. Newark, Niles WORLDBUFFET memorabilia during the live and Informationel iiieotiog will bh Group, S.C., 60go West Touhy (1 1/2 Blks. S. W. of Touhy and could save a person's lite.In- his book. To reserve a seat, - Rachel Barton. Sports Fever VII silent auctions. Costis $65. held on Wednesday, Novum- Avenue, Chicago. The ACE. Milwaukee), Sat, Nov Ist, 9 Oriental Cuisine Tickets now on sale. Call Sports Fever VII, an afternoon Profits benefit SSA Oporating ber 5 ut 7366 North Lincoln Av- dividuals Interested in a test please call 847/673-7774 carme,, ß47-673-G300. niant make an advance ap- concept is designed to improve am. - 4 p.m. Furniture, Knick- Lunch Buffet box office of fond and fun, will be pm- Fend. For moore information, enije in Lincolowood, and on publIc understanding & to pro- 02127. Wednesday, November 19, at poirifment. For further informa- Knacks, Clothing, Live Plants, Moe-Fri., i i:35 U 3:00 pm call (773) 764-5715, cot. 364. vide assistance to those with Jewelry,Appliances,Books, por pecar rth& i South Franklin- St. io Chica- tion, please costad the Awed- NE:EflNGs Dinner Buffet go. Both meetinga begin at 7 can Diabetes Associationat arthritis, the nation's number Linens, and MorelA "Mioi" i sr' one crippling diaeaue. All meet- Tues., Nov. 4 craft sale, refreshments, plenty cverydey 4:05 pm iu rs Po SHINJUKUMak,moo p.m. Please call Rose Alrowe (312)346-1805or 1-888- JAPANESE RESTAURANT at (847) 676-6013 ecL 129 to DIABETES (1-888-342-2383). inge are free and uro open to-HUMAN RIGHTS MEETING of parking, ground level entry, Featuring Sun., Nov.2 thepublic. handicap accessible. reserve a npace. IN ORDER TO The North Suburban. Regional Bring u mo JewishWar Veterans Nov. 2-8 PROVIDE ADEQUATE SEAT- friend sod take home a bar- Buffet & Charcoal Cooking... I n.Jpeco, lo% OFF ANY DINNER WITH COUPON Human Rights Authority of the lIS mmmchege TheLT.ArthurGarlenbefg Holiday card fundraiser Free diabetes screenings ING. WE ASK THAT YOU gainll CoakAlVeur TabieiRibs, steaks, Chump and more Plat #398, Jewish War Vete- lllinoio Guardianship und Advo- BhlOOrf5 Carry Out A variety of 12-appealing de- Lutheran General Höspital, irr CALL 773-763-1800 TO RE- cacy Commission will meet at ,. raneoftheU.S.A.(JWV) signs with Chriatmsa and Sea- SERVE A SEAT. If you would Tin OFF SENIOR DISCOUNT- ANY TIME T-Ffl- II;309\l.2,30?M cooperation with the American 6 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 4 at SCHOOL & Dine in proudly aynoli0000 a recogni- . . -J F.00PM-ÌBOOFM Son's Greetings messages are Diabetes Association, will offer like additional information, Aleoiuo Brothers Medical Ceo- Buffet .SM..tt,3OkM.lO: tM Catering (ion ceremony 10 honor Ber- being offered by the Leskemia free diabetes testing November please contact Lana Pappas at Sun Nov2 Includes: s,.-loure,.tO 00FB nard Z. Levine on Sunday, ter, ugo W. Biesterlield Rd., Elk Research Foundation. The 2 through November 8 during 847-692-2773. Grove Village, in Conference Sr. Scheleetica Open House 5711 W. Dempsler Nov.2, 1997, 1:30 F.M. at the io cards cas be purchased National Diabetes Month. Ap- Salad . 1L6O53(S4 5838282 Buckingham Pavilion, 2625 W. Wed Nov5 Room D - Ground Floor, lt you Come und see what 01. Scholus- '.i LM0n05 Gnv packages st 25 ranging in price poilrtments are necessary for believe the rights of a person Entree r:';..u,, from $19-$40 and can be per- the screenings and can be Seneeaofut dineIpIina ak-elegiac rica Academy is all about at our ; . with disabilities are being vio- spec house Iron 12 ro 3 p.m. Oun- . Beverage r!' ' -I sonulized upon request. To made by calling Heult hAdvisor "Discipline That Works: rPERRY'S COUPONS rPERRY'S COUPONS "Time-In" and Other Successful lated, you may report this at day, Nus. 2.Visit wirh sur faculty, Dessert a,". place an order or receive a at 1-800-3-ADVOCATE (1-800- the meeting or contact the Au- 'F -' ' sample, call the Leukemia Re- Strategies" is the topic for the etudenruandparanlnatIke Oreo' tea ite,,,, ,. ' . _', FREE 323-8622). thority's Regional Coordinator. le chaosefrena ;_,..._.. searchFoundationat(947) tenth in u year-long serien of school, ocared ei 7416 N. Ridge EARLY BIRD at 9511 Harrison, Room PUMPKIN PIE 982-1480 or Dorothy Pfeiffer at NATIONAL DIABETES EVENTS free lectures featuring pediatric Boulevard, Chicago. Take a rour FA1O1, Dus Plaines, IL 60016, With Any Halloween SPECIAL (708) 599-5778. specialista and health caro pro- arid bring plenty st quesriuns. The Serving...Korean, Japanese&Chinese Cuisine : Two tree events focusing on feusional from Lutheran (tener- (847) 294-4264. Allcompisi- programbegins er 12 p.m.; rouis or Thanksgiving I Fr0m2PMtO6PM the detection and management alChildren'sHospital,- Park canto' names are kept conti- will run until 3. For more inlsrma- : -. : Golf-MilwaukeePlaza Catering Packages 7 DAYS HEALTH - of diabetes will take place dur- dential. - rien, cull 1773) 754-9715, Evt. 359. - Ridge. I. ing National Diabetea Month le 8526 GouRd.,Nues 847-583.9700 Prices start at Sat., Nov. 1 That Wednesday, Nov,5, IFMA MEETING Csat'msnd se Page It Just WestafVeoture Deportment Store DINE-IN ONLY November at -Resurrection children's health issuespro- The riroothly meeting of the $2.25 Sund Children Seminar MedicalCenter, 7435 West gram mill be presented from 7 Northern Illinois Chapter of the THANKSGIVING TalcoS Avenue. Diabetes StOp Crime! BUFFST: The Guild for the Blind will host to 8:30 p.m. in Olson Auditori- International Facility Manage- . BUY ONE e'.. C1ISICOst Bsked the Children's Forum Seminar, screenings will take place on um of Lutheran General Hospi- ment Association )IFMA) will Turkey or Ham, "The ADA and Stsdenfs" on November 3 from 8 to 1 1 am; tal, 1775 Dempster SL, Park be held at b:3O p.m. at the Corn with Peas, DINNER in,the Mother Hedwig Room on Cranberry Sauce, Saturday, November 1 ,from Ridge. Ameriteolt Center, 2507 Eagle TaSCed Salad, GET ONE 8;30 am. to 12 p.m. ut 180 N. the ground flour. The screening Registration for the program Way, -HoffmanEstate,The (choice at Ave., Suite 1700 io Includes a blood draw to meus- can be made by culling Heal- tea dmsoingo( meeting will include a tour of DINNER Chicago. This seminar io free cre blood-glucose levels,and thAdvissr at 1-900-3- the facility and a program enti- NEW WNING ROOM - Bread and Batter is designed for people who 12 OR MORE and is primarily tor parents and ADVOCATE (1 -800-323-8622). tied "Crime Prevention Seriously.. SERVING BEER & WINE PEOPLE FREE teachers of children who are think they muy have diabafas. Tours of the Victor Yacktman ThroughEnvironmentalDe- blind or visually impaired. Child A 12-hour fast is required prior Children's Pavilion at Lutheran sign". OurspeakerRobert 711 W. DEVON AVE. CALL FOR OUR With This Coupon to the screening. A Diabetes PARK RIDGE 16 PAGE Limit One Coupon Per Table care will be provided. The oem- General Children's Hospital uro Gates is a Corporute Securify RATES AS LOW AS RATES AS LOW AS CATERING Second Dinner Must BO Same klarwillprovide intormation Health Fair will- take place on available prior to the lecture. Manager fortheAmeritech BROCHURE or Lass Value at First Dinner about the Americans with DiaS- November 8 from 9 am. to Persons should mention their Corporation in Chicago. Admis- 847-823-4422 nooninthe Mother Celino NBTVALIDWITMANYOTHER OFFER Nun Valid with Any Other 011ar bullies Act (ADA)- and will io- interest in the tour when theysion, which ioclsdes dinner, is QA% PLEASE MEBIIOB COUPBB dude a discussion of which Room on the ground floor. register. $20 for IFMA members and %,I, APR , APR' EXPIRES11-3O97 , . , FIRES11)OI97 -I parts of the ADA relate to chu- Registrationisrequiredfor $25 for non-members. For res- HOT DELIVERY L - - L both events. To regiotor or for (FIXED) - druswho are blind or visually LIBRARY ervati005 call 615-469-7410 by (PRIME - I /2%) - impaired. Registration will be moreinformation,call773- noon Friday, October 31, 1997. from 8:30-9 u.mCoffee and RES-INFO (737-4638). Thur., Nov. 6 Membership information may EEPUEIIC BANK'S VAtI/rEIS WIE RtPUtIIC lANK'S FIHID RAID doughnutswill be-- served. be obtained by writing IFMN HOME EOlIO lINES OF CREDO HOME EQUITY LOANS Tues., Nov. 4 - Space is limited; to registur or Ej-nico FORLUNCH LECTURE SERIES In honor of Nationul Jewish Northern Illinois Chapter, FO for more details, dall Cheryl La- Book month, author Maynard Boo 32, Frankfort, IL 60423 or sings, Education Coordinator, LutheranGeneralHospital's M. Cohen speaks at Skokie calling 81 u-469-741 0. i at (312) 236-8569 by Fridsy, Ethics for Lunch series will fea- October 24. tare upresentatios at noon by Seriaus heme equity rateo tar heme imprevemnnts, education expenses, COUPON entitled BillRhoades,0.0., vucutians, er debt eansolictatian. No fees, No ctesing roots,Easy transfer - Sun.,Nov.2 "Advance Directivee in the Out- - et yeUr existing heme equity teen. Easy upplicution prsress. No gimmick,. patient Seffing: Can We Do - DIGESTIVE. DISTRESS JADEEAST * 10% OFF Baffer?" The program will be Republic ryank believes it's time te get serious ulioset heme equity lending. Seymour M. Sabeuin, MD, Pro- CHINESE RESTAURA-NT ALL ITEMS tussor of Medicine and Director heldinJohnson Auditorium, WITh COUPON of Digeutive Diseuses at Rush- Lutheran General Hospital, (Formerly jay atibe Wek ta MerIse Grovel 11.1-97 Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medi- 1775 Dempofer, Park Ridge. 741 Civic Center Plaza OFFER GOOD ThILU The 55-minute Ethico for Lunch Stop by orCHICAGO 2720 W. Devon Avenue(773) 761-2700 NOT VALID ON SERVICEITEMS cal Cenler in Chicago, will. be Waukegan Rd. & Oakton St. (Next ToSuper Thus) nroderafing a satellite sympo- seminarsareheld twicea MORTON GROVE 9147 N. Waukegan Road(847) 966-6970 L month and focus on carrent Nues, Illinois 60714 call today. because I'm cute slum,"TheEvaluationand P ease come visit me Treatment of Non-Ulcer Dys- ethical issues in health care. Balloons These include topics relating to (847) 966-1616 Party SuppliesSilk FLowers pepsia: A Multimedia lnfersc- TuS, ThROUGH THUR. sn,uu.9i3e F.M. FRI. A SAT. live-neun P.M. tise Workshop," at the annual pstieot care, the health care Favors, CustomOrders Taken System, public policy and ad- aUN, NOON-9,05 P.M., MON. CLOSED Baby & Bridal Shower meeting of-the Americao Col- ALL ENTREES ARE COOKED WITH CANOLA OIL & Flags lege of Gastroenterology. An vsnces io- medical technology. Collectible DollsDecorative Banner The presentations are free and POR YOUR HEALTH AND TASTE. Republic Bank educationul program is avoua- - Greeting CardsHandmade Baby Blankets hie tohelp, freeof chargel 0P50 tO fha public. No reserva- DINE-IN, CARRY-OUT DELIVERY P1eg.a/Iey6ce la au Made People mho suffer from dys- ti005 are required. For more In- Gift Baskets, ReadyMade & Custom pepsia and asnocisted symp- formation, call the department COME TRY OUR NEW seniice toms can call (ROO) 431-7614 ofclinicalethics,847-723- Gift WrappingUPS Shipping for FREE materialsabout 7847. EXPANDED ORIENTAL MENU! managing their digestive Wed., Nov. 5 e Walnut Shrimp - Satay Beef 888356-4626 health. . ARTHRITIS COPING S EDUCATION 847-933-1970 Uacolnwood, IL . Steamed Whole Fish 3934-38 W. Touhy, Nov. 2 - 8 - The Northwest Chicago Sabur- Delivery Available bun Arthritis Coping & Educa- - We speak Polish - .OIABETES.DETEÇTION WEEK e Chinese Style FriedChiclen - - Come & Have CoffeeWith Us Thè American Diabetes Asso- - Casliasnd ut Page 19 THE BUGLE, THURSDAY, Oo,ahrr3u, 1997 PAGE 21 PAGE 20 ThE BUGLE TIUJRSDAY, Odober3O 1997

A Nues Park District 1997 Fall FlagFootballNues Park District'97 JudyMaiz Professional Meus 1?IagFootball Death Termittors Development Seminars WeeklSI2O GameCocks46-OCity Style Creepi9gDath 18-SRaìnmen Fall Softball Standings joins Avondale 4N 0ut36-OCity Style - ysin techniques. The seminar also 4 from fr300.m. lo 5 p.m. The fee W-GameCoek- 4N Out 4NOul 18-6TackleDummies Judith Malo baa been appoint- - The Instilale for Businets und Men's30 & Over 16' Softball covers how to link, protect and is$l95. W-Turminators- Rammen lOtinmen 18-800k - Co-Rèc v4" Mushball ed by Avondale Pederal Savings ProfessionalDrvelopmeotat ..Week49/1O Sept.4 Sept. 3 consolidate information, as writ For more information, contact W-CreepngDeath- D.O.A. Wek39/3 Bank to. develop u new program Onkton Communily College is Tackle Dummies 22-6 Oaittu TackleDummies 32-O D.O.A. Ha-Lo3-ZBallBUsters as how to creole outlines. The seminar registration ut (847) 635- Wek28/27 Shoteeos6-5 Playboys - - for mature Avondole account offeriug three seminars in -basi- Termrnutors20-12Creuping Cocks Terminators2O-O GameCock Wizards25-O AnotherRound - eeuu development Ibis fall oh the seminar meets on Tuesday, Nov. 1932. CeeepiogDeatlt 22-OCity Stylo GoodGuys 19-5 Rascuts - holdersatail frs'eoflhe bauk'n lo- cotions its Nibs, downtown Chi- - Des Moines campus, 1600 E. 4NOut2I-ORainmen MILWAUKEE BALLARD Chicago's Answer to High PricedLimo's Sept.S Sept.8 cago, and po Chicago's uorlh GolfRoad. Wizardi7-6Ha-LO Untoachablos2o-iORmcalt side. Avondale will host recep- Making the Most of Your $5$ CURRENCY EXCHANGE

WeekS9/17 BoliBasters 15-7 AnotherRound - is a Iwo-part series, in which por- INNILES - - - GamoCocks t8-12D.O.A. Shotcees t2-tO Good Goys lions at th various branch loca- Whether you ate traveling 3 at 300 filIes Be Smart,Ga Sniarit tious throughout November for licipunls learn from both ogen4y Terminators 22-19 4NOut Sept.11 and client executives how to get Serving Your Community For Over 25 Years - - - propIcio meet Mt. Malo or to City Style 24-l2Ruiomen Ha.La7-1 Another Round Sept10 Courteous, Dependable, Door to Door Service Good Guys 7-6Ptoyboyt learn mote aboat the new pro- - the most oat of their advertising MONEY Tackle Oummios 24-O Undertak- Wizards t 1-3 Bull Itastets dollars. The seminar meets on CHECKS - . -= ProtessianallyTrained Drivers Shotzeeu 3-2 Untouchables gram. - - ORDERS Ms. Malo is well-known in the two Suturduys, Nov. 1 and 8 from CASHED Btu Payment Center Sept.15 9 am. to t p.m. Thefeeis $195. Week6S/24, - ClimateCantrolled, Full Size Luxury Sedans & Vans Wizards2O-7 Another Round Sept.85- commotsity,havingcoordinatrda TuckbeDummies28-6Ronmen Shotzoet 15-3 Rascals Effective MRO (Maintenance Ho-Lo 16-4 Ball Busters highly successful senior program Game Cocks 20-OCroepiog Playboys tO.2Untoucbables in the ParkRidgeare for23 yeara. Repair Orders) Buying is de- Corporate AccountsAvailable Death signrdforMRO buyers who waut SepUS "We aro delighted to have Indy 4NOatl2-ODOA. - to effectively support their corn- Bailbaitérs 14-2 Atsother Round Sept.37 - bring her talents and enthusiasm - 24 Hour Service Te,minotoes3O-OCitY Style Untouchables 12-8 Goodgays to the Avondale family," said Mi- puoy's muieteOaoce aud service Ho-Lo17-l3WiZardS Rascals functious. Participunts will leoru Hourly Charters Sept.25 Playboys winforfeit churl W. Cuccinelli, Sr. Vice Tackle Dummies 22-16 City - how to define types ofMRO sap- Sept.22 Lose President ofAvondaie. "Some of Style our customers have been asking . Judy Maite port and how to develop effective Wizards 16-9 flaliniasters biddingand cootractiagpro- Sept.22 - for more value-added progrums," ForRatos Call Wnek79/30 AnotiserRouodß-7 Há-Lo term-life insurance, discouat bru- grams. The semiour meets on SrmART GaanoCocks35-12 Rammen Shatzoes t9-7nitayboys he said. "Judy will add her por- krrage, andliving Icost services. GoodGuys 17-9 Rascals sanai touch lo help ut creato a Monday, Nov. 3 from 8:30 um. FAST VEHICLE LICENSING (â12) 433-7627 City Style6-OD.O.A Sept.25 Avondule's five community tu 5 p.m. The for is $895. CARS, INC. 433-SMART 4NOat2O6Ceoepi0gD0ath Ha-Lo 5.3 BallBusiees first-class ptogtam for Avoa- branches ore located in Chicago Escel - - 5.0forWindows-- TtTLES AND TRANSFERS Tack1eDummie5«l4T0ami0r Wizards9-3 AnatherRound Sept.24 dale." - at 20 N. Clark (312) 782-6200; Untoocbubtes 15.3 Rascals AvondoleFederalSavings Advancedprovideshands-un toes 2965 N. Milwaukee Ave. (773) ptactict in c000tiag Excel toot- TRAVELERS CHECKS = Sept.20 Shotzees t7-4GoodGays Bask was established irr 1911 to 772-3600; 8300 W. Bolmont Wek8 vO/S seiye the needs ofihecommunity bars, auditing, anuotutiog and ap- V'JESTERN s- Ha-Lo9-3 Wizoeds (773) 625-0300; and 6033 N. UNION Termioators28-ORaiomen Sept29 - - side. plying advanced worksheet anal- Baliniutters 12.5 AnotherRauud 00 ChicagO's Northwest Sheridau Ruad (773) 728-7000; I -u 4-N-Oat 14-12 Game Cocks Playboys 12-5 Good Guys Since then, the Baukhos expand- TockleDummios20-0City Style Uotouehubles 14-6 Sbotzoes ed its offerings to ioctado check- and in Nibs at 7557 W. Oakton Get. 6 St. at Milwaukee Avenue (847) . (AàenssFrÓm Çhatuau Rital CroopiogDoath6-20.O.A. ing. savings. PassBook, IRA, and 966-0120. For more iuformatson, USE THE UUGIE Ho-Lo wins by toe/oit over Au- Ont. 1 Moory Market accounts. The u - - 66- - flCarnOiSiSiOn otborRound . call lady MuIr ut (847) 965-7292. p- _ - Sboteees 15-3Rascats Bank offers alt customers an at- Team Won Lost Wizaods76BaltBu5tert Uutouchablos 10-O Playboys tractive home equity liar of cred- 1 s' l.TockleDummies 7 1 it, which requires na income veri- 2 2.4-N-Gut 6 Oct.9 Oct.S Oration, no debt ratio restrictious 3.GameCoeks 5 3 Ha-Lo 11-1 AnotborRoand Good Guys win: Forfeit by Ras- and credit apto 100% of a home's 2 6 Wizards t5.4Ball Banters 4.CityStyte cats - valar. Por added convenience, a Park National Ban Bulls Division Shotroes 14-2 Good Guys 24-hoar banking servico is avail- 1.Tennioators 7 Oct.16 - Playboys 7-6 Untoitchables I Another Round vs Ball Busters able. Avuadalc Financial Servic- : S, 2.CreepingDeOth 4 4 Oct.16 es. Inc. provides customerswith 3.RaissMeo 7 (3rd) options to meet more of their fi- Ha-Lo vs. Wizaods (Champion- ShatzeesvsPlaybOy O (Championship) - - nanciul nerds. These options ta- ship) - dude non-FDIC iusorrd prodacts - -LOst Team - Won - uolShotcees 7 1 like mutual funds, fixed and von- Team - Won Lost - ablea000itirs,stocks, bonds, uuiHaLo '7 2 2.Untouclsoblos5 - --2 ffAVE-B-iLLS? - 4 2.Wizards 7 2- 3.Playhoys 3 4.GoodGoys 3 4 Northern 3.BallBu5ter5 3 6 - 8 5.Rascals - O 7 . uFUNDING AVAILABLE 4.AnotherRoundI Illinois Gas to - - lt8sAsUnbeatahle as Chical WE HAVE **Denutes League Champion HOME IMPROVEMENTSPECIALS! *ufleuotesLeagijeChalflpiOfl change name After43 years as-Northern 11h- Wysocki -named -to nuis Gas, the natural gas cumpa- FIlOg ny serving 1.9 million customers 623% Waot/a0 All-GLVC Tennis Team io the northern pant of the slate is - - Minimain Deposit $235OOflOO changing its naeísetoNieòrGas. Completety with sensor Amy Muilner (Ou. - - OOflttdoled Soohonsore Kioga Wysocki TheNicorname will be phased Term: 23 Months (Desplahtes/Maiflenimt ILS.) wegolOswegoll.S.). inoverlhe erst three months. Un- ofthe Lewis Uuiversity womon's PreshmossSassaWysocki lii theo, the words "Northern lIli- OfThe CB trnoisteamhasbeeñ osmedlo the (Oes Flames/Maine East ILS.) nais Gas" will Coati000 to appear And You Can Béunce Lip TheRatéOne Time Over Tile Term All-Greal Lakes Valtey Confer- turned in a- 12-7- singles record. in conjanctiOO with the new name BUILDERS HELP YOU race team for the secood sancos- including on t i-3 ledger atNo. 3. LET ADVM°TAGE -and logo. Around the first of the turds drowr from suurre4 other that thisBunt. The rate s 6.06% with an annual siveyeur. Her 12-9 doubles record included year, the transition wilt be cam- PNB's Bounce Up CD can unly be opesud with The rute and offer are subject to chaugeut any tinte.Sabstontiut CONSOLIDATE BILLS& IMPROVE-RATHER Lewis, seeded sixthat the u 6-3 mark ut No. 2 withjonioo plete and customers witt tee Ni- percenlhge yieldnf 6.23%. This rute is effective on uf 10/20107. GLVC Championship. finished -Jaime Dunlap (South holland1 cor Gas on companyvehicles, perielty fur surly withdrawal. THAN MOVE - ALLFQR ONE National Basis Two Year certilrcate rote (excludingspecials) sisth in the toomameut after los- ThornwoodB.S). signs and gas bills. The rate on your Bounce Up certilicute eonbe changed tu the current Pork - - to the Bunk und we will take care of the rest LOW MONTHLYPAYMENT! - ing 10 IodianalPnrdur-Fort NicorGas is one ofthenation's once daring the term ut theCD. Jost bring or mail your Bnunee Up coupon Roofs - Solfia & Fascia, Wayne, braliog Northern flea- Stamp Club largest gas distribution compa- Kitchens - Baths - Basemente -Siding - Windows - Dormers. Decka - - 110W - Dont delay 250eto 40,000 is available to you. lucky and losing to Southern In- The Stamp Club at the Lin- - nies and is the principal sabsidi- Gutters & DownspOUtS. ACT Tbr Plyeos bad a 9-12 colawood Public Library for 4th NO MONEY DOWN! RELIABLEFAST - CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE diana. any uf Nicer Inc., o holding corn- . Natîonal Bank and Trust overall oecord and o 4-5 record and 5th graders welcomes new patsy. Other energy-related Park membe. Led by John Kradtn Member FDIC - _lp_ .t aeoinst,. GLVC opponents during affiliates and subsidiufies of Ni- - of Chicago .mI theregalarseasan. - and Harold Strahl. the members cor Inc. include Nicor Energy, . Wysocki -posied a 13-2 record meetattheLibrary, 4000W. Pratt - Nicar Technologies, Nicor Solu (113)3M-3400ABLINGTON ITS. 1515 W. bIldet Rd (M7}342-1515- at No. 1 singles andachiuved a Ave. onthefirstandthird CHICAGO 2958 W. Milwauktt Ave. tians, Nicor Hab Services, Nicor 8443718011OILES 7840 N. Mjlwaikee Avt. (847) R6-7O .. 12-S re000d at No. I doubles, in- Wednesdays of-the month from Natural Gas Vehicles aad Nicar MT. PROSPECT 2100 S. Elrrihursl Rd. II eluding a 9-t tñackwhile paired----3:304l5p.te.,throughDec. t7. Energy Services. - TOlE BUGLE, ThURSDAY, Ortnbrr3O, 1997 PAGE 23 1997 PAGE 22 ThE BUGLE, ThURSDAY Otobe3O, 1- » U I%I languages. PTA Meeting munit)' co1ege distiicts: thCol- commissioned as District 71 News Janice Geishekee, the district's 'The Royal Hunt Fifteen students librarian, and Becky Cnlbeet, a The Nues Elementary Schools Oakton lege ofLakeCourOy in Grayslake; PTA wilt hold its regalar monthly MeHenry County College in Crys- 4Th grade teacher, plan to develop ofthe Sun' Eucharistic Ministers campnterieed student portfolios meeting On Menday, November talLake; Ookton Communsty Col- District 71 Technology' 3rd at 7 p.m. at Culver Middle . Joan B. Hall lege in Des Plaines; Triton Col- ' that cao he used as authentic us- Grant Recipients sessments of students' growth School, 6921 W.Oakton Street in lege in Rivet Grove; and William On Wednesday, tctabnr 22, Nues. The pabilo it invited to at- Gakloa Community CollegeRainey Hanger. College in Pala- and progress. minIen Joan B. Hall ofParkRidge . Disloct lt'sTeehnolngy Coni- tend. tine. Kindergarten teacher Pat has beenre-elecled chair ofthn fi- mitten awarded six grants to McShnne pIons to use u special Hall'sresponsibilitiesas re teachers for special projects and linois Community College Trus-gional choir includearraaging pengram, entitled "Jump Start," Resurrection - lees Association's NorthSaloir- programs that they have peo- ta report on and track student meetings and educationalgre- posed und designed for the 1991- ban Region. Her one-year termgrams for trustees in the North progress inreading and moth. willeopirennJuly 1, l998.. '98 school year. The eecipients Pat Schwab, o Culver social Class of1987 Reunion Suburban Region and serving on are CaeolRomnnnski, luther Gel- The ICCTAryth Subuebanthe association's Executive Corn- studies und science teacher, plans Set - sheken und Becky Cnlbert, An- to introduce her 6th grade sta- ResurrectionHighSchool, Region consists aï five area gym-mitten. - drea Haggard, Pot McShane, Ka- dents to videa conferencing and 75go WestTolcott, Closs uf 1987 thy Richards, and Pat Schwab. tu give them opportunities to in- announced their tO year reunion Affled Computer Carol Romanoski, thedis- temact with other students, teach- to be held on November 22, 1997 - triet's art teacher, requested fand- ers, and scienlists viothe internet. at Villu Bronetti Eairquets in Vit- Training Center ing for a computer, printer, and la Park. Any member nf Ihn class -tTh projection unit in order to access District7l School who is interested in attending con EXOELLENCE IN TRAINING uit und net history. Shè noted thut Report Cards contact Aliso Kollar Martorano oven 200 works nf art and audie Copies pf District 71's 1997 (773) 775-66lilnxt. 29. Computer Training OnDemand. clipsfrotu thnAitlustitntn of Chi- Seheol Report Card cnn he ce- Alumnae Directory Alan Ro- cago can be viewed on the corn- quested by culling the district's Train When You Want,Where You Want The fnllowing atucmenta wore recentlycommiaaiooedEncharialic Mininters: Kneeling (lir): paler without ever leaving the Reterrection High Schaol is in Jarotkiewicz, Brendan HeidT, Liam Boyleand Stephen Stukel.Standing (1fr); administeotiveofficeut647- the process of compiling an cagan, PeterDaond, Tim classroom. ' ChouDopa, °152. Thnenportcard includes in- Alamnan Directory which will he .G.o.a. ..d hSvtdl Etavid Nowak Scott Scauidi, DanSalyera,Kevin D'Donne!, DanSheehan, Greg Merkel. Firstpende r teacherKathy .(uaot.Os-Sito froi.i. e,thercommtsslolted or reo- formation' about the students at the most comprehensive directo- Aohbl - Kevin Michelini andKeVifl Wortas. inaddition fate-faculty members were Richards pions to ose n'spnciat .le,hEto,Iad 1eT,iÇ Dl.in,O Gtanfranco bIlles Elementary Scheut (Sooth) D nftheschont evenpublished. - commissioned: Mm. Joyce Koainski, Mr. program, eatitlnd "Jump Stunt Smollll.n SIm .C99ifilntndos ommiasionedas Eucharistic Minialerss, lheyare - andCulverMiddle School, the in- W.kdy,tindsg nid S.tsrd.y Mr. George RaBin. First Grade," In report on and Ifyuu have not been conlacted .Ptiv.t. R.smAible hr , Grande andBr. PatrickLynch,CSC; recommiasionert track student progress in math, stestctiooai setting, the finances, yet by Alumni Research or you Ci.Iol.lEdTniti, Chan 'WOh Ev.,7 and student performance in Dis- CHongo. They weretnained In the toe school. Inaddition, they. re- reading, undsncial studies. weuld like mere information, Dello, played by Roualynn Prakobkit of Skokie (left) looks in- .atc.nia,ts 1 Co.pktlo..1d,IiTsot.l9 Nntee Dame High Scheut far Holy tritt 71 and the state. The Benne please contact Alita Rollar Mar- BEan Boys is penad' to announce that histety of Eucharist, the impar- fleeCed on the importance of Andrea Haggard, a Culver qairingly at the powerful lncan leaderAtahualtpa, portrayed by EIne CnOIir,t. Communion to thetr lives.Thetr. MiddleSchoolEnglishand SchoolsAcceantabiliiyLaw tor000, Resarrection's Alumnae the following students have beentance of the communal aspectof (SecTion 10-170 of the School, Franco-Magno deLeon of Skokie, in a scene from 'The Royal CMLTODAY 9O mlnTs may be extended into French teacher, wants to instruct Relatiens Ccordinator at (173) asEucharistic .receiving the Body and Blood of drama,Whichoxplorea Ilse ema- fREE BROCHURE .800.696.1144 commïssioned tlncr own parishes as well as in Code) requires nil public schooL775-6616exi.29. Hunloflhe Sun."This hiatorical . students in the use ofE-mait aso Ministers at an dit school mois on Jesus under the forms uf bread districts to report Ou the perfar- tional paycholngicat power sTraggle that ancora between Thu 2 lOCATIONS TOSIRVE YOU BETTOR the Notre Dome fumilyanni means of sending andnecniving M. Monday, September 15 with the and wine, und the practical as- mance of thnie schools and sta- leaders otlhe Incur, empire and the Spaniuh conqaiatadora, wan B44aWkamRd. 5431 N.0 pects nf distributing Eucharist at graduation. messages and acquaint themwith I_oi,s,_, an5s s99M5 approval of the Archdiocese of national and intnnnational lisiar- deinEthcoaghsahuulregnet preaenledalNilua NorthHigh Schont. mutina relating to saltares and LOTUS L2. WINDOWS 95 MICROSOFT O FICETHU INTERNET Notre Dame PUBliSHER wooa pER9ECT ADOSE

. year. and spend one or moue days with . CHOOSE ONLY THEBEST Principal's Dinner The freshmen andsophmores the rnderclussmen assistingin participatein O "hand-on" euperl- the physical activities and pm-

The sixth annual Principal's ThePower Program - ence ted by senting theictalk. For Boyn , Dinner, "Share lhe Vision",will ai Techny, IL.They teach tom- Some freshmen hod this to suy Independent Day Schools lake place at The Hyatt Regency munity building andself-worth about their experience ut the re- GRane in the Grand Ballnoom, -through physical activitieswhtch TrenI: "The messugel got fromthe NORTHRIDGE Rosemont, onNovembeb 8,1997. incinde: healthy fun, 101st, SUP- retreat Was to Irait eachother." pREPARATORY TIar "Pñncipot's Dinoen" io atto- port und surrendee,communica- "The retreat was a good spirituat Grades 6-12 Accredited al fact hasiess to da withprinti- -liens, and overcontitigobstacles. ntperiencn in helping mn to' be SCHOOL i pal" and everythmg with"sta-'They talk about howthe skills ann with God and be happyto see iII1tit1i dents." Il is the building blockfoe and attitudes required forthese everyone work together.""it was 8320 Ballard Rd. ' the Share the Vision FamifarEd- activities cuit be applied todoily teaching trust and eesponsibtll- Nues, IL 60714 Catholic Philosophy anatinnut Excellence. The eve- - living. ty."Leoderresponseswere: 847 I 375-0600 ning witt begin withchampagne1 ta additioa,jnniOrsund seniors "From this experience I had a cocktail reception, followed by act os per ministers lo giveper- very gond feeling aboutmyself dinnee atnidancing to IhnStanley sonni witness to the abovethemes and the others'arouedme because College Prep Curricula Paul Orchestrn iii Their personal lives, theirlives we were all. having fonwhile Due to maiOr at scheut, und'their faith life. learning at the same time." "This remodeling, all Alumni Pirectór They are trained by thePower make inn feel closer to God. Ana announced Program facilitators,given guide- Dan ntNotce Dame it is oamjob to Advanced Placement Courses kitchen and liens for writing o brieftolkrelut- help nutpeaplewho-need hatp." For Gino Notre Dame is happy to wet- ed to one of the abovethemes, bath displays come back one afiloolums to the ' and floor schaot. Mr. MichoelEesnlle, Drama, Music, Athletics THE WILLOWS models must '91 who wilt join the udmmnistra- ; WillowsAcademy live teomhere utNetrn Dame and ACADEMY be sold -will serve as Dinecter of Alamnt Open House Building tours und refreshments Relations. ACT Scores In Area'sTop 5 LET'S With retirement afjack Bnrke TheWillowu Academy, ait in: also wiltbeprovided - - 1012 Thacker St. dependent college preporotory All Willows graduates go onto MAKE A DEAL! 'following Ihn 1996-1997 schont higher education, wiTh most at- Des Plaines, IL 60016 yeur,Mr. Michael Rutsche, Class schautforgirlsingeades 6 through 12, will hóst anûjsen lending four-year- cetleges, in-- 'Available 847 I 824-6900 Faucets of 1991, has been appointedthe eluding University of Illinois, Bus Service e KitchenDisplays --,. new Director ofAlamni Rda- Honte beginning at 2 p.m. Sun- day, Nov. 9 for families interest- Champaign-Urbanu Brown Uni- e ExtraCabinets tians. - versity; Boston College; North-' s Vanities ed in learning mace abaut the ' Scheol. The schont encourages western University; Universityof OUR FALLOPEN HOUSES . Appliances - YOURSELF AT a Sinks AllDay'Retreats residents ofDesPlaines and other- Chicago, - University of Notre SEE FOR in- 2:00 P.M. - 4:00 PM To fulfill thnNoireflameHtgh nearby còmmnnitieS to visit und Dome and other outstanding The Willows Academy onSunday, November 9, - tnthvid- - sUIntions. Por more information 9:30 P.M. L . School Mission to "form tourthnschoot atthis time. Northridge Prep on Friday,November 14, 7:30 PM. - saIs empowered withknowledge The Gpen House will include about the school and the Open Private Tour at yourConvenience u : : -'' and inspired byGospel valans," briefpresentations by the Acode- House, call Admissions Director Cull To RSVP or to Schedule a every student isrequired to expe- my's Dirèclor, Barbaro Sanko, Gemma Cremers at (847) 124- - se, 4 , hence ispintuat retreat euch and by ' faculty ' and students;. PAGE 25 THE BUGLE, TiO1JItSDAY, October30, i997


A fy himselfeeported that Iwo bugs tashatter. - baa na idea who the effender is Explorer. Theft of wallet were left in the bashes behind the to rate -- The victim said that due ta the and had never seen him before A 35yeur-atd Chicago Sucker High school seniors A 78-year-aId Linceluwend squad rar's emergency und spot -this incident. reported that ankoowu nffzederretail atore in the 6100 block cf she Tenhy Avenue. Police located . LETTER in Illinois woman reported that when tights, he did eat tee the areestiag (s) smashed out 1hz rear passee- driver licensing went ta place change from a ptir officerapprouchinglsis car and he Stolen auto ger windew ofhis 1997 FardEx-and bugs and found they con- chase she hadjust made at n fruit tamed twa briefcases reperted Has Zero Tolerance -affected whose essays best eespond to she told police he inteaded te pull - A 62-year-old iales person re- plorer und removed a brawe TO THE llore in the 7900 block nfMil- leather handbag valued at $50storte Oct. 22 from the restuarunt -- you alsO ynurfeiends? tepic. Ftasl and sreondprizes will over to the other side oftheinter- ported that unknown offender(s) be $2,000 and $1,000 scholar- wanken Avenue amend 1 p.m. section, removed her 1985 Oldsmobile and containing ucheckbnok. parking lot io the 5900 block nf This questihn wilt be answered Oct. 24, she discovered that the Touhy Avenue. Felice contacted 847 647-6444 EDITOR by illinois high school snobesships. Enrh nf the eight remain- Cutlass missing frnm the west ing winners will receive$500. -wnllet she hadjnstrettiitird ra her CrImInal damagetO property parking tot in Ike 9700 bleck of Recovered stolen property the victims and advised them to who enter the 32nd manual titi- in the pick up their property. nais Editors' Trffie Safety Scm- -Sincethecontestoeiginased, paese while still standing The 28-yfisr-old manager of Fex Glen Drive somelime be- A caller who refitted ta idenli- nearly 30,000 students have pue- cheek nat line had been removed the electronic appliance store in tween9:15 p.m. Oct. 22 and 7:15 NUes West macEssay ConteS. fromherpurte. The victimhns na I. "Younger drivers continue totieipnled andmnre than $169,000 Ihr 95110 block ofGreenwood re- am. Dcl. 23. been recollection of anyone who was - le scholarship money has ported that he ebserved u 17- congratulated be involved in an alneming eum- close enough te remeve the wal- JUST LISTUÇ ber of accidenta relative In Iheleawarded by she AAA-Chieagn year-old DesPlumes yauth and an Theftfrom vehicle HILES BRAND NEWt PRICES 011W :- ' by 'Critic' representation among all dciv- Motor Club. lelfromherepenpurae. 18-year-old mae, beth store em- Between 6:30 p.m. und 10 p.m. CONTRACT Peevtous conlests have ad- Her driver's license, assorted players, shooting n paint hull gun NIlAeI.'1 Qlll.9'5LEFTtt ' 0ARRINGTON HILLS D1arditc ers," said Lionel Kramer, Semi- Dct.f 22 unknown offender(s) I uNIQuE? dressedmnny traffic safety issues credit cards and $33 cash were in at the side of the building and ixtc1 CARPETS Cirri pliS as Kenno,eipplOnreiili:U9de t. LODIONG lOB SOMEmINi ihavejust returned from airee ant secretary andAAA-CMC's broke into three cars that were the wallet. - light fixture. wisIeI/93 eñCUI i. heated pingo pirOPo. mii todas isd aliso lev lii bees trill- performance at Nues West Urgís president. "This year's coolestrncladsng drunk driving, speed parked in the parking lot aia res- 8038 Milwaukee g sire. t k:tttei , ieOtterbathrir,5S. p1515 tswed ills a level 4 betrete, 3 bitt iso' ltitnts, legal dosing age, driver iii rectal ill. tenpsOly hone. Oiilt by the sirle rrrtri trot 'Star Spangled participantswill evaluate Oli- taurnnt in the 5900 blacknf Tea- s tiivreti . Rel eiter, Seit as the cell kItes bars ettairiStes School for the education and new legislatinn. Strong arm robbery Suspicious activities Nues. Ill. LoairseiSsletti include heat armut h Girl.' The audience was so im- unis' 'Use it andLose St' law and by Aveeue und removed proper- drill RestEraIt. An official entey form must nr- The grandmother ofn 14-year- A 68_year-old retired Nitos Business tnutoeToerTrtmie HI-5411444 pressed with the talent of the reflect on if, or how, ithas affect- ty. OALL NAME BRANDS doIrtoeJer1e1ee0 M7't41't444 companyeachessaywhich ohiNiles yoath.Catled police cf- resident reportedthatan an- three yOUag stara David l'ershy, edthemselves andlbeirprrrs." . A 40-year-old Buffalo Grove . ALL TEXTURES Semtnar directors make pee-shauldcontainapproximately -1er tWo unknown men, nne esa- known man in his 30s wearing a Jacob Goldsmith and Adrsenne mated tobe abeul 19 years of age, leather jacket and dark pants marketing manager reported that e Machey. They were so proies- liminaey seleclions from nearly 500 words aud be postmarked no the passenger sidn window of her Directory OPadding and Installation - the other about 18 years of age, pulled up in un unknown vehicle 2,000 nateins. These are sent to a luterthanDec. 31, t997. Toyata Cuanry was available $1 sional in knowipg their lines that rules and entry forais approeehedthe 14-year-old in the in thedriveway afhis heme in the 1992 panel nfhealth und safety educa- . Contest smashed eat and a leather brief ., there neverwasamometstofhesi are available at most Illinoishigh 8000 black of Oakten Street7500 - bleek of Lawler around OWe quote prices - tora from theUniversity of lIli- enetuining a ... " tation. Let's congratulate these around 4:10 p.m. Get. 24, pushed 10:25 pm Dcl. 25. cuse valued al $150 DON'T WAIT over the phone :ht.aa their Unglish nais, which chooses the tO unnI- schools, AAA-CMC branch of- leather binder and calendar val- Ia'- .... s young people and the victim to the ground and teak When the victim went eut and MT.P'ISP DIILYII.iFt!t teacher Mr. James Batta for ree- isis. Writing skills andoriginal Ocra oc from Seminar Ueadquar- . eedat$lOO, aenleutator valued ut Do lt Now and Save! V PRICE NIWNEO511CILE Il 1ers: AAA-Chtcago Motor Club, $4 from the victim's wallet. The askedtheOffenderte move off his FAIR PRICES ognizing their talent and worksug thinking are important criteria $100 and afeuntain pen valued ut COMPARE THIN SEE US! Retrate, colic. Sttsi yovrtivsrpOfl. At HOFFMAN ESTATES- tÜSIHAME P.O. Sax 5027, Des Plaines, IL. offenders then walked to Rent driveway, the effender insisted CALL: with them for this eppoetonity. considered by the judges. They $100 wusremoved. gasren7cl,, HsdOe t bedreev Teach cueca/1.5 balSa. 60017-5027.Thescholarship Court where they entered a late that he lived three and proceeded 692- 47 6 lItt.hlitilitote certe), near ivi ItiUrs C ini pert Clise ti apr55 Also, the sel and lighting were alte leak far fresh, feasible, eno- victim's rear A 45yrar-old Lake Forest (847) 966-3900 designer buttriien. pOsIt et vissero. Ist OiY ivi libIO trarripertutue.Aseorutris ttractive and well-supporled ide-awards will be peesented ta the medel black Volkswagen and la try his keys in the eater, hei landres rol uil. te aisass nant Iludes heat. gis, Citar ties. fantastic. door, which was ajar. Theeffend: banker reportedIkal a couch To Place c' 282-8575 .resists Certuni nIch cirai spelling, thought winners inearlyMay, 1998, arthe droveeastbeund onMearae. iiktonlae Tairais ial'i4z-6444 Keepupthe gond work at Nues as, along wills house und briefcase, a calculator und a pair tOvienDibaub MoiteR 447-541_5444 and annual owneds luncheon ofthn Il- During the fallow-up investi- er entered the victim's Your Business Ad organination, pnctSation . of shees valued at a total of $500 WestllugtsSchool. Safety galion around 7:30 p.m. Police the victim grabbed bina bythe Mrs. Den Grocherki grammar. linoisEditors'Truffle wax removed from his1997 Ford Seminar. spoke with a 17year-oldyeuthOf arm and pulled him oatof his Nues Scholarships totaling $7,000 house. The affnndnr returned lo willbrawurdedtOthe 10 students 1h 8000 block of Roel court about the incident. He old palier his vehicle and fled soathttnund Center his friend, who lives inPork onDteander. PROFESSIONAL RESIDENTIAL FURNACE Youth Drop-In Ridge, wat the driver nfthrblack The victim told police that he Volkswagen in which the two of- purchased the heme witisie the seeks adultvolunteers fenders made their getaway afier lustfew weeks and dora eat know CLEANING & PRECISION TUNE-UP Now thatithas movedtn anew 951 t Samson St. te uerncnrpo- the robbery. He also identifiedwho the offender sa. He did net and much larger apace,Maine rated Maine Township. For mare ene ofthe offenders as aresidear nntice any odor of alcohol on the Township's Youth Drap-In Ceu- inforesatina, call (847) 823-0650. efthn 8200 block ofGeanam Av- offender, nor did the offender Furnace Problems? EARLY BIRD $fl95 terneeds more adelt volunteers to enlie in Hites bat did not recog- soem tobe retarded. I air nit warm nittllgh help ataffmembera with avariety The center provides a safe, su- nicethe ether offender. prrvised and drag-fain place for high heatini hills SPECIAL' . efprogrutfls and services. Palice will continue a follow- Battery I:! egassue 5th- through 12th-grede youths A 27-yrar-ntd Chicago wait- titaseourppotn men ow00e er t ase, Isst Special Thru Oct.31st Volunteers are needed In help ap investigation. - I shntt cyclilg (lceqnelt starting with the supervision ei sports ne- fern throughout lt-e township ro resa reperled that anunknown - playvideo Rancheiitos sl-sosi1° hollies, arts add crafts, tntnringl sheatbasketball, Damageto property man between 60and 70 years nf & slopping) Inspect Flue &-Chimney games and socialize. Houes are begue to study hoar, campuler use, game Police initiated atraffie slop of age grabbed her and frequent breakdowns - Measare Draft Garlic Sticks $,2.00 S1° a0m,concessinnsSndandregi5 6:30 10 9 p.m. Tuesdays and construe- shake herwhne she exited her ve- a 57-year-old elevator rustnr carrasion around fittings S69O$5ot traban. The Drop-In Center is In- Thursdays for 5th- lhrnngh 11h- lion worker who was driving a hiele in the parking tot ofue rIre- - Test For Carbon Monoxide Honey Roast Mix caled ut the State nf, Illinoia' graders und 6:45 ta 9:45 p.m. wbiteMeecuiy Traceraear the in- Sanies store in the 8800 bleck of too cold upstairs - Remove SorneN & Clean s I Mondays for 8th- through 12th- Milwaukee Avenue tanned 3:25 Choc. Covered Macadamias $-o $7°° North Suburban Facility (former- tertectian ofHarlem Avenue end a excessive seise from yaur Soit - Adjust Burners For ! tj Maine North HighScheel) at gradeet. Daklon Street around 9:tS p.m. p.m. Oct. 26. The offender shouted that the Maximum Efficiency ( Oct.24. - $410 victim was trying ro kill him und TunEUptnay help - lospect & Adjust Blower CÀNUY&Nl3T . BeaU $-5;5O - As the arresting officer walked OurPscisinn Dark Choc. Coffee vehicle, the driver start- slapped her ucrass the face with - Lubricate Mater & Bearings MANUFA ER. PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE _p to the you solve titeas problems. . Yogurt Pretzel $250 $2°° ed driving westbound anOnklan. na open band.The affender than - Inspect & Adjust Belt VILLAGEOF MORTON GROVE fled the scene in a 1995black COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. The officer fell while trying to Yogurt Peanut $25ø S2°° move away from thevehicle. His frinrcedes whichwaa occupied by Assorted Candi, for ou BLOCK GRAI'1T PROJECTS 60s with gray left hand pat adent in the vehicle a Wamax in her o cheekVeut PipIng Thck & TreateRS 0011 Keiler Butterscotch $4-MO $3°° PERFORMANCE REVIEW hair, The victim told policeshe Clean or replace filters inside ready in a 64 oz. bag PROGRAMYEAR 1996.197 and thrflashlight in his righthund .lenpnctS CalIbrate Ihermostal . Check Fer Gas Leaks $999 No otleer offars oppty struck the rear window causing st . Clean 5 Inspect Heat Endanger .MnastireFor Correct Air Flew for only A public meeting will be held loreview the performance Plus! a IheckFan cadraI . Tent All Satetten Block Grant Program . . of Community Development warning Come see ourvariety of products projects undectakendaritig ProgramYear 1996-1997 as Brake fluid - HardCandy The state's attorney's office, Mnsthreatidnwtts ire predtnlnbte aid can br aintded with regutir prevention matstettunde -bald unIty breulidiwus- Entend . Roasted SaltedNuts haled below: - Cook County State's Attorney diitdiltnu aspasstbte'This nernlcewitt pnyler ItsetIl . Raw Nut .S/F Hard Candy Richard A. Devine aunoenced acting an atip, purchased six bet- qatpmeat tite . Ilnlumyiarnystemasetrseli tlsnrtoinnt itiaoalaildtnd . ChocolateCovered Nuts- DriedFruits 95-050 - Single Family Rehabilitation Friday that crime lab lesta show lles uf the Said at twoChicegu - -Chocolate Buttercreams- GiftBaskets - 95-051 - Public Serviras for SeniorCitizens that a brand of brake finid pro- DellarSleres and sear them lo Ike . S/F Chocolate Items Gift Trays 95-048 - Public Serviceu for SeniorCilizens iuced by n defanctChicagu corn- crime lab for testing. -Express FRESH ROASTEDNUTS - puny is.net brakefluid but meter finid, Service , The distributors uf the Tise public meeting will be held onSaturday, November oil. The product, which has been DPI.,a Chicagocompuny, HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING, INC. Fall Hours PERSONAL 15, 1997 in the Beard of TrusteeeConference Room oit found en toral Itere shelves, can ceased doing business npprnxt- WE MorsdayThr Friday: 7OO aro -6OO pro 0HE0r(S eausebmkes block and even de- st-gp Satardatc OO - 3OO pros the second floor of the Richard T.Flickinger Municipal mutely two years ago. North Suburbs u.p.s. ACCEPTED al8:30 a,m. streyhrake systems. CLOSED SUNDAY Center, 6101 Capulina, beginning Persans with qnestinns or in- Visit Our Retail Store Tesla doneby theForentieSei- (847) 965-1115 Daniel D. Scanlon ence Center on bottles ofSuperi- fermution regarding DPI. er Sa- SkaKi - distributed periar Dol 3 Brake Fluid, muy . 7500 Liradr10059 &Howard - on Lindar) Village President er Dal 3 Brake Fluid, . Lo_ (BetWOen contactthetInte'satterney's 24HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE by DPI. of Chieagn, have re- SHOWROOM1320NORTH MILWAUKEE AVENUE . I BLOCK 5. OF DEVON - (87) G77HUIS vealed they eantain mator ail and Consumer FraadDivisionnr - nntbralceflai& . - . ... ._WC NOW RACk- S. SHIPAiavmIno ANVWHEflE - - (3l2)34524OO. PAGE 21 THE BUGLE, THURSDAY, Ocleb,r30, 1997

PAGE 26 mi BUGLE, THURSDAY Ootobor3O, 1997 . theatre Auditionsunderway for KOC sells Community II Entertainment auditionsbeingheld Nunsense. Books roles age Auditionsfor NorthbioOk'S Cast includes; 6 female DesPlaines Theatre announces ThackeelSesPlOifles. Martyrs "The Musical range 20 - 55 and4 males age North American preductieanf Keheatsats are audiüons or NUNSENSE It -To preparet Reediugs will be Council 4338, The Knightsof Comedy Murders of1940" ace range 25 - 55. The SecandComing! The sequellromthe scaipt, wbichDPTGwill Columbus, ecc again selling"nc being held Tueiday,November Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday foetheLittle Sissers from Ho'bek-provide; prepare n song of your jertuittrflrflr Books" for1997-98 November evenings from 7 te 10 p.m. Foc il and Wednesday, (847) 291- en continuesander the stage cli- choice (bring sheet mimic); dress This year's book has again ex- 12 at 7 p.m. et theNerthbrook mere information call rection of3ac1cLamperl fermovement. panded and offers specialedition Theatre located at3323 WaIters 2367. Needed:5 women, ranging in books for almosteverymeiropa- Ave,, Narthbeook. Appoint- - Mother Su- Fer ticket reservations onany The cost is taken, please age from late 20s to informa- itan area in the U.S. meats ate notbning USE perior, who can be between45-60DPTG show, as well us $35 each. We willdeltver the plan lo attive peomptly at7 p.m. tien about auditions, upcoming the area. from years old. last- book to customers in There will be cold tracings THE Conunercial & Residential Monday, Novem- productionsprices,er and/ac the scripi. Must be atleast tto Auditions: the DPTG Call for more information . ber 10 antI Tuesday, Novemberminute changes, call to order thebook. Coated Ken audition.Prodnclioa dotes arc INSTALLATION 24-bout box effice at847-391- weekends. BUGLE : li from 7 - 10 p.m. ut Prairie Lee(847) 967-6234. Ian. 23 - Feb. 7 oa New Oak, Maple, Parquet . LakraCemc000itYCentrrSlSE 5720. Floor Sanding - Staining IM?lK;©090 Finishing - Repairs HARDWOOD Gsjnanasiumsindustrial FLOONING, INC Specializing in ELECTRIC COMPANYINC. All Laminated Pre-FinishedWood Flooring

- - - Electrical Sèrvice LicensedBonded . Insured FREE ESTIMATES HARDWOOD 60053 FLOORING. INC. - Morton Grove; I1ii-ois I - - Serving Chicago SHOWROOM: -: - (847) 965-1010 & All Suburbs ?wtic Ridgg-De9 Poiitm, 3020 W. Montrose Ave. tgcttgiiG99u8, Skndg-.Cgcn8W85&, Fully Insured Chicago, IL 60618 Senigg I4iet Ggitggw4tgbk9n8k - .-4 I4S8I5SSa-Clli8SIt P58k, $ti-CM4tgigg, Tel: (773) 866-2200 Next Day ServiceAvailable

Èié,gy-Efficieflt MaintenanceFree CustomVínyiRpIacemefltWiflq0 . -All Vinyl Custom Made . 3 Wooclgrains Available - -LENNOX . Lowest Air InfiltrationRating Quality proven aver timo. for Highest Energy Efficiency . TransferablaWarrantY . Fusion Welded Corners - ONE . Casements yppr --..THE QUIET . Beys .BoWs . Double Hung- LOW E GLASS iO.00TO COMPRESSOR .- N%CÒLOSIS - 5YEAR DRY CLEANERS . Sliders wtI;any wlndilW FACTORY ALL PARTS -PROFESSIONAL lOQ% craft Free 12 5O o-YEAR WARRANT-Y & TAILORS - SEER. - FACTORY GUARANTEE MAXIMUM SECURITY -- HARLEM& MILWAUKEE UP TO 78%+A.F.U.E. .18 Gauge Stéel Frame ENERGY SAVER - ENERGY SAVINGS - - - -I (312) 763-9447 - - . . WARMCOMFORT. OUTSTANDING Better Security - . Magnetic &Compreso1 . QUIETPERFORMANCE ERA CALLERO-.&CATINO Weatherstrip - OAKTOt4WAUKEGAN .9Woodgralns AvallaLe CURRENCY EXCHANGE . ------. REALTY WESTERN UNION AGENCY 8018 WAJKEGAN RD.,N!LES - 1800 MILWAUKEE-AVE; 20000 i -- 967-7770 -- 967680O - CASH ADVANCE WITh VISA orMASTERCARD-I PñWIT i - Rebate i NltES CITY SliCKERS NOWAVAIIABLE I GOOD IN CONJUNCTION I t- - INOTWITH ANY OTHER OFFSR IASK FOR DETAILS 0211

T*4ECLOPAY, -- - mSULATEDSTEEL GARAGEDOORS - ,,_ I / - WITh UFETIME WARRANTY .-- -_._r - a t s ' . s - PAINT -WAGON 's : . 8014-N. WAUKEGANRD 966-5460 - - Sits-u. HE BUGLE, THURSDAY, october35 1997' PAGE 29


Our HOW DO YOUGET WINDOW CITY35th Year ABAKER'S DOZEN? NEVER I11IIIJT -U NEEDSFAINTING Replacement Windows -A(# riurn Maiùtenance Free , ' se,.,i,a.N,.jeIr,u,Ireyd caaecm,'.aa L CEMENT CONTRACTORS Custom Double Hung Vinyl Primes 5 MIKE NITII FREE ESTIMATES t, Feathring: SPRING-GREEN. ! Nues. Iliinois60714 (847) 965-6606 'Tilt-InSashesVentLaches, LAWN CARE TREECARE , .r'cnTrLIeIHs .IEEPRIOTFEEOIHO S DoubleinsulatedGiass ' 1/2 ScreenSafety Lock(s) . ceso cease s WEre cesneaL EASY OPEN .INsEcTa Visease scHmaL TRIPLE TRACKS STORMDOORS COHEISLTIVCTIOH Ir S5ock Sizes Custom Sizes HAUL AWAY Bg b roS FOR FREE ES11MATE CALL BILL & KELLY'S %shU MilL WI Old Stores, Houses, ENTRY DOORS (708) 863-6255 STORMWINDOWS AWNINGS STO9MDOORS Wie. gssd ticaagh -, Attics and Garages Dos.t,19H? -J-:------, Insllation AvällableItScreen & Glass Repair cleaned Out SÇIIROCK SELECT 1L We BuyO(dWooden Ice Boxes BUY12- OR MORE ihsiytittitg WINDOW CITY CJB1NETS A1D GETONE ISla ¡-lauS Away Must 5056 W. Lawrence(773) 777-9200 OR DELUXE AUtOS, Trucks, Also. O1'EN Mouday thn Satudy OF THE FOLLOWINGCABINETS FREE! (773) 645-3735 30" French Country BeepsHeed Cebreet to 24" wide DAY OR NIGHTSERVICE TOrRO Drawer Bese Csbinet sp UP- . Vaeity Drawer Cebiest op ta36" wde - - I i Sick Bese Cubicas sp te 36"wide - 12" PstI-OVt Been Poetry f 1'1 TmT A rr 15" Teesh Basket Bese Cubanet I ARA ruiwt'c Haoecesnteca0teEtN 7850 N. Milwaukee,Hiles HOURS Mee &Tt1BtP Cabinets 4 U AMERICAN Advantage ßest In Value, Service & Selection Tves&Wsiy1etpe,Ftduyo,2t-5pe - - - $sturds,t,sO-4pe - Carrier Duttt'Fv A 1ttyttvr Stv,vtard. PLUNBIt I 1118111G SUPPIN 547J965-4444 - Construction Special The Leaderin HEATING 5 COOLING Lowest Prices of the Year Furñace Technology!

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. FREE ESTI ' EXTRA 15% OFF ,_I I NO OBLIGATION - November OrdorsOety. Evcludee PravivUS Rumbases&Oihar Otters. PERGALLON Kitchens andBathrooms k 1Tl$Quality Interior 2OORebate* Qaal5ty cabinets -CAILFORA With Any Other Offer FREE ESTIMATE MooRE PMNT Not Good In ConlUflation lAcleding StarMark PRODUCTS AVAILABLE Dynasty UltraCraft, kStroke Orßrilliance. FINANCING psmhteC elboIS Prctoti&, FINANCING Y ______Paint And Wallpaper P5200.10 offer goad 0fl AVAILABLE ' V ' THE Varnishes ReelleS Scootingssettesembieed Decor &Jim Siohop ÑEW GLENVIEW LOCATION Stains And '4anc. Sapori t,,sbr!&Oier, Tools And Equipment f4 e«m. Stoe 'e9Ave Morton Grove e,DeiiYee,odf WAUKEGAN RD. 6310 W Lincoln Ce,,Iraetor, Wekeo,e ÇONVENlENT o 8014 11. 847) 967-2200 1L üÑdw fra Free In-HomeConsultation, M.-Fri. -5 HILES, IL 60714 Saturday 7-2 (847) 966-5460 V,i!tK(847)2154700 quJ« HEATINGa COOLING Closed Sunday Or Visit 005 store ieWheelieg et tha SW enocenofDuedno0v Mitevuvkce . (847)292-2665 Houro MTh 10-9 TeWF 10-5 Set 10-5 L r

PAGE 31 TAIE SEIGLE, TIIUISSDAY,Ontobrr3ti, 1997 -

PAGE 30 TIlE BUGLE, TIIURSDAX, Oetet,er3O 1997 The Bugle Newspapers The Buqie Newspapers N 'w . . . w . U U - . i..- - . . - - -.- N w . w. - : a w__e W aiIA - - - - IVALJ N a . E =:=- ;

KITCHEN CHAIRS To Advertise in IVI I k AV - Cloan UpService PRECISION RECOVERED The Bugle Newspapers -TuokpohtiSOO - ac)olnoatk * ooD - Raannoy - Colorete K.A.K. ELECTRIC A FREE ESTIMATES GET RID OP ALL YOLIVI HOLL PAINTING SUMMER SALE JOHN'S ICilchell or Bath Remodeling CLUTIERED STUFF c Chinreys Ropoired b Rebuilt LICEWSED . IIISURED . RS5DEO LANDSCAPE - D C 05911er leer sehrOeronCe IRthCUER5' Gloss Olock lostelletlor SEAMLESS GU1ERS SEWER OAT0000M h CElLAS FANS . FaintingWailpopeting WE WILL CLEAN OUT: Sed 55255115 . paoerwehtlns - mnnnSnbUums Wirdew Csulklng ' Ouhldirs Cleetohng SS COLORS ciRculTSdPARuEON Gonflons - ee1.0CleaIaAd SERVICE e DIywalI e Plumbing e aASEMINTS 5prIn& FOI) dosS-up 'Ese PIck-UPS 01115.1 Call: RECESSED LIGHTING ResIde rh d'Con neenlel-hirdu eSIdI Vinyl & Aluminum Siding STTICS CDSCRETE A hOPtAl.T Care 5215001 .TopSohl . stessi, eta. . FOIN EST. - REIS. -Iss. . Fully Iresred . Free EsOmetes Suffit & Enscla/ Window TriE OaktOn & Milwaukee CODEVIOLATION CORRECTION . Electric WE HAUL SWAT HSY1RSNG ChIuse Cerose DeehSfl s InelaIIaOSr Aoethsesy Pegase .cl=sci::eI Don Angelo DZSROLT LISES iV011HolOeUndertOldl Replacement Hiles Coil Jay Cell F claPIe. EeSnflO P00,OVen 63e-860-8941 (6471 259.3876 - COMPLETE SERVICE OPSEADEA (S3O)2OC4E.A.N (847) 966-3900 - (847) 965-2146 Windows & Doom 1847) 696.0889 17731 7741R Free EstImates 10% nAcemet te Senlees (847) 259.3666 25 Ole. eaperlsnee olnseSInsel NORWOOD SERVICE CO Yoor Nelghborhwed tael) 29.44t5 "MeRISe Yeer Lawn A Std" (713J6311S55 Sewer Man rAEnEsliHuinSi .15*15 uyuni Jay's Home Repair I

LEADER Construction IRGUEN EROTHECS SPIIIIKLER ProgreSSive Contractors Free MOVING? SYSTEMS (lIC *Tuckpelnllra To Advertise in D&S MARIO J. TONELLI ReoideetleiCammerolal j Tired of Paying The Bugle Newspapers climates CALL CUSTOM PAINTING STSOQVCTSCINIUTTSHICUVSTOV0W SPECIALISTS IN Any EOInr or Style STOP PAINTINC CONSTRUCTION .IInisocFnottS.tlDbIce0IS : *RrlSkmOeH . Cover Your Eaves with AIRTIGHT REMODELERS 1630) 660-4110 INTERIOR & E)CTERIOR 0TITIV$CII00SVIOSTII1IPIIMI5O Designing & Installation BIG $$for . RSalIIIO . Siding astero A SulidIng EIeOnIn5 . C QUeIIiyHcne '505011 roCca - . Aluminum sofiut/FcssiO RepIeciegYOarCONCHETE, ELECTRIC SERVICE . O cimera' Eel cellO . Porches t picor PLASTERING Or RAIN MIRO Op)iVsi O Huions *Chlvney SidinD FUI000CII2ID.B000IDIIIURID .. . . VinyliAkeci000 with ID.o-ronr . Seplaoenantlordsas &SoSrS ce TnuOSiaOd A GleEs OInukWlrdOnuS ... Vinyl Windows Icy RESURFACING I ALL TYPES OF Aslo PAPER HANGING SET LEAFIER k SAREI 'Scolo S VlpS-50 all Spon)ler 10311es . Weil b Flaol Thins ¿ Flee Estimole . .. FullyInsured .5Er w Wlwdnws & Doors the SPRAY-CRETE method. ELECTRICAL WORK . Erwahl S PAntinS WALL WASHING eso.aeesv. (847) 967-7064 = FREESETIMATEs . Call: Aluminum AwnInOS . saw Contis101on Puto. (0471 967-7669 (7731 282-0409 Call 1er a tree estImate . LICENSED DRY WALL REPAIRS DSTesIs SolIshled Euatomrre . . . QuellE Work Don Angelo Uoereed . hmulad nEllE . (3121688-4765 (8471 724.1734 FRIEIIEL LIEDER INDUSTRIES A-1 wos- FREE ESTIMATES Rernrenues Gloso Call for proc Estimate INSURED (312) 519.3705 : We suaranSe SwR.I.SOETSRR, 50.01015W ILL C C 35557 MC All mark In We12105 . lBûO3O356&B 7731 ta5-1a45 (773) 685.3705 (708) 452-7872 MERinAS iflflte'i 1512)1w-lait (847) 965-1010 (847) 966-3900 HOME EXTERIORS liflI ee,ineiuwamntl Eiia5it

. CEMENTWORK To Advertise in OLYMPIC ROOFING INC. Ilse Bogie Newspapers ROY THE HANDYMAN . CARPENTRY MONTCLARE SpecIal Flat Reap DESIGN - FIREWOOD AND SON . CERAMIC TILE In duserla t, neeldenllol, - Coiearjiunin MERIT .PORCCES PLASTIC. WHELAN yOu NAME IT-WE 00 IT" DECORATING Camorrelel . CONCRETE INC. UNLIMITED . DECKS Cu.trn'eiaee P leeth000varE 5 ally- Ilse Tar Rearing- FIbarOIess r Carpenlry . E leulrie el - O5AL1Ì'u' FAINTING PAVING SERVING AREA 20 YEARS .ALOMINIM : E 35pHt2 OaupOolEleInO. roer Olee. sewleslohls eine, PiumbOD . dISPORT PAPEO HANGING 2 soarS Call: Of LincOInwOOd FREE ESTIMATES FREE DEUVERY Painting ' Papeliflo . PLUMSING ELECTRICAL Ueathie Guesentee . Aol SOIS, p11db Slvsla Fly RaeRflO, Ra-reellno, SEASONEO2YRS - woos FINISHING . Steps . patios . Walks . Orluan DlasII . I00p2I15 . KITCHENS . BATHROOMS MedICAd Rubbol SImiens, 55020 SAVINGS Don Angelo OVER 40 YEARS SERVING . Concrete Sraaklen A Haolleg CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED . REPAIRS - PLASTERING MeSI. Quellen meek Sualaflteld row S FOR SOIFS aasowen t Oasi gr.Flnls hies - LIcesnedc hended, Insoled HILES TOWNSHIP . eobeet Sestee . do. RImdlhidaccte Vnwodellra EIS S BsthN 003111V Werk- 1630) 307-0007 . SBtrc . 52g - Reason able Pnioes - 558255Th . Now Inslollatlon 55210 AnImal Repeil (8471 205-5613 847.647.6998 (847) 966-3900 Licensed-Fully neared cseny,siicii,HI2u2Vlli2 - nov RAEIIITHOE '°IM7t . Seal Coating Ressrtacing Sep2012 S 55 FREE ESTIMATES 000-734-7854 FREE ESTIMATES ' RILEN (7731283-5877 IIISCSSIIT Oli D SV EnflE Ore'sOYeSE EVO Vence (773) 792.0275 aelorercee ries nesmelee - . Brick Panela 1847) 965.6415 (847) 675-3352 (ISO) 303-515G Road, Barrington. There will be LANDSdÄPING ' $15 dation inviteall singleu to a HANDYMAN Jamea E. Small, SJ.will rs- $30 tor non-members, and DJ dance muaic. Preceding the CARPET CLEANING CONCRETWORK:.;. Lord, S.J. for sludenis. Fee includessers- Halloween Dance al 8pm on SIì0DL--- - - cRine the Daniel A. dance, at 7 p.m.; there will be a forDistinguished Ser- oar sdmuosuoo andbrunch.Em Friday, October31 . al Ihn kNott Award rollment la limited, ao register Regency001. A500- lourant,1415 S.Barrington 445-4450, Grand Ballroom of the Chicago Iralion tee is $25 formembers, the Chicaqoland Singles Hilton and Towsrs. Brother TUE BUGLE, TKIJJSSDAY, Oeteber3l, 1997 PAGE 33 ;;vvr o5t ,v ft;r;,;;;l;'t .vjtt. PAGE 32 Tilo BUGLE, THURSDAY, October30, 1997 NPSN offers flu shots CAPS joins forces with Metropolitan ..'Greetings'tô be The Guild for theBlind, Flu shots will be, offered by The Norwood Park SeniorNet- The Gui!d for the Blind wilt- Phil Jackson; and many more en- The Norwaod Pack Seniors Net- weekisacommnnity.servicrpro- . Family Services

performed at Oakton host a reception lo celebrate 50 citing items. - work (NPSN) as a community gratto sponsored by the Norwood Child Abnae Prevention Ser- Chicago families for peaks lo cere io the child's fifth birthday. years afserving the btiud aad vis- The reception vilI begin ot 5 service, on Wedaesday, Nov. 5, Park Home. Ils fuoctiona inclnde vices (CAPS), a 23-year-old non Come. CAPS will maintain ils The CAPS' Family Education Greetings," a wild, improba- Wednesday, Nov. 5 at 2 p.m. ($2William Krajewski of Kruil- ually impaired nationwide on p.m. with cocktails and , 'hors from 10 n.m. ro noon and from 2 the delivery of one hoe nod Coldprofit organization dedicated lo owe identity within Metropolitan worth. The play is directed by and Support program provides ble and hilarious exploration of matinee); and Wrdonsday, Nov. Thursday,- November 6, at The d'oeuvres. Father Michael Solaz- p.m. to 4 p.m., in the Chapel of meal daily to Ilse elderly to helppreventing child aIrman and ne- Family Servicea. parentingedacatioacourses, the aatÙra of aarthy reality writ- l9atSp.m. Patti Interrante, assistant profes- 410 Club tecated ia the Wrigley za, Director of the Archdiocese the Norwood Park Home (NPH), them mainlaimtheirindepen- gird, officially became part of Through direct service and Oak- children's support gronpa nod ten by Torn Dudzick, will br per- The central character is Andy, sor ofspeech and theuter at Building at 4tO North Michigan of Chicago Office of Ferrons 6OlóN.NinaAve., Chicago. Ornee, provides vom transporta-Mriropoliian Family - Services, comsisunity education programs one on one counseling services. formed at Oaktoa Community whose worst' fears- about family ton. The cost is $10 per person for tiento Avenue in Chicago. Admission is with Disabilities, will delivnr the - lecal shopping areas,the Chicago area's oldest and for-at-risk families aad the cose- The From Doy One and Family CollegnOct30-NOV. 19. blow-ups are realized when Ire Tickets arc $7 generai admis-free, but gorro wilt he enroue- invocation and Marlin J. Campa- commnnily members, and $8 foe aehedaleaanmernna social activi- largest non sectarian family ser- mnnity at large, CAPS works to Education ansi Support programs Performances will bu given in brings his Jewish, atheist fiancee sian; $5 for students, faculty,agedlobidos silent auction items nelta, the Gnitd's Boned Presi- members of the NPSN. The fee rim thronghoatChieagoland, andvice otganizetion, nl the concia- prevent child abane and negirci staff and scuiors. To parchase wilt raubte Meiropotiian Family Studio One on the Des Plaines home to meet tire folks on Christ- which include an autographed - dent, will present the program. covers tise cost for vaccine, ay- affura an emergency responsesien oCCAPS' annual meeting hi before it happens. 16 fiscal year Services to expand ils focas on campus, 1600 B. Golf Road on mas Eve. tickets or for more information,script of "Chuckles Biles the The evening will conclude with cinge and corses time. Reserva- syalem. These services are availa-mid-October. 19/57 CAPS served more than eaelyclsiidhooddevelopment. Thursday, Oct. 30 at 8 p.m.; Fri- The cast includes Patrick Fee- coil the Ookton Box Office atDust," a classic episode of the the announcement ofthe winners lions areeeceminendrd and inter- hie for a small fee to Network Becoming apart of Meiropoli- 10,000 families. CAPS' most in- day, Oct. 3t andNov. 7 at 8 p.m.; cry and Grrge Scott of Chico- (847) 635-1900. Mary Tyler Muore Show; tickets of the Silent Auction' items al rated persons are encouraged to members and non-members. Ad- ial Family Service ennnrea that novativeprevessiionprograms, CAPS'ciíentaervicea will con- Saturday, Nov. 1 and 8 at 8 p.m.; go; Jan Steche of Witmettn; len- USE THE BUGLE to Great America; a Chicágo - 6:30p.m. coli (773) 631-5673 10 reserve a sliliosal infermaiion cam be ob- CAPS' "From Day One" and From Day Oar, provides long- timar neinteirssptesl. Even CAPS' Sunday, Nov. 2 und 16 at 2 p.m.; srifer Hardy uf Des Plaines; and Bulls peenuol aatogroptsed by Please call Cheryl Megurdi- time or obtain more informotioa. tamed by cailissg the Seaiora Net-"Family Eslncatioa and Support" term home visiting and groop ed- phone nnmber, (312) 427-1161, chian at (3t2) 236-8569 formare "it ia exceedingly Important week, at(773)631-5673. programa will cositinoe to serve ncotiom tofamitics from pee-need wilt notchaepe. informalion On attending recep- forpersoms over age 65 B take all ni-J tien,donating Silnul Anchoe procanlionsto maimtaim good items, volunteer opportunities, or braut," said Dr. Themas Cozzi, accessing Gnitd services. MedicalDirector of the Norwood PERS IN4 Founded in 1947, Ihr Guild for Pork Home. "With wiater ap- the Blind promotes the indepen- preaching, one step is lo receive fia abets. Persons age 65 aisd old. I 9 il 11 U 20 - dence ofcbildren and odotts who Professionals Guide . ore blind or visually impaired er and tlsose suffering from dio- I05,oso U5TLcs550,505pl550S05sraLm.soscs5bo5snth.5v.11s0.,uo botes orbrartaadreapiratosy Col- fIr.00s,ss!W SOJO, O,050050505v0000005v through individsalized, censn- 00, °'J°O00r mer-drives programs and servir- rOtions of amy age are strongly A directory of area professionalsand services es lecslly, nationally and interna- ritcoucaged to get the flu sisals. s,amus000a t lionalty. These programs and However, persons mito are aller- services include: comparer train- gie to eggs orprevionsly had are- BjWflEYWGfflI,5 s 00,. COsSs e00500. ing; braille instruction; devotion- action lo the vaccime are advised ßEAL ESTATE al icrvices including a flee tope- nello receive Ilse abois.' COIN DIAMOND 1-IUMMEL BUYERS lending library, Snnday Mass Propres is large print, und the Joseph R. HerirMe Q Catholic School Program; trae- TÇI brings Oniu' scription of work- and slady- BUYING ThSOa S related materials into braille and Disney Channel OSOS DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, COINS Marina Reallnrs°, Inc. - large peiol, or onto audio lape; to expanded basic soto Deropaser Ernst leaching the self-defeìsse tech. HUMMELS, ILADROS, SCRAP GOLD = Morsov Grove, 11110015 sOtas . ,,, w5, £°:av '0,, rigor, TaeKwouDo; and the sale, TCI of Illinois Inc. announced i6ysors,5o,rso,rner&Lsratisc nosiness 847.867.555m ) s.7er,,., at cost, of products specialty do- ', raemos that it would officially begin to NILES COIN SHOP vas 047-055-55tO (,, . n signed for people who are blind offer the popular Disney Channel 7637 N. Milwaukoo Avoerue Toll Frau 500-253-0021 nous ---...'..-.__=5 arvisnally impaired. l4ßiaskstoathofeettcn-Atoows00&Hsdm'I Ou e-onu 047 955 1774 50' umus.waw,soowaa,s, as poet of its expanded basic ser- 0550 Sss C w mTstNssesssm '5v00 vice as of December Ist.This rvrns:sevvda 8 50500515 000. losS 55505 se tmE-°° Nues Concert move brings Ihr former premiase (847) 967-5575 survire, which peeviossly sold DJS,Dlfl,S5t5S5k,b055000000I, Choir & Orchestra MrsOssas for $12.90 per mouth, to all ex- $i(= to perform pausled basic TCI eaatamrrs in - the Mt, Prospect, Illinois ayseem. The Niles Concert Cheik ned This change affects alt commuei- REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Orcheolra will perform the Ma- tirs served by this syatem, melad- 'zart Requiem sinning o Mass for meg: Mt. Prospect, Des Plaines, 1t471 257-3020 nUn., IntarsI vecI All Souls on Monday, Nov. 3, Park Ridge, Arlington Heights, 15471 tnn.eslt vocEe , Fdw 7:30p.m.,atSkialsnCartinsPar- Prospect Heights, Northbrook, 11471 200.5t31 urslorNcc !c' - AliStars ish, 825 N. Carpenter St., Chica- Wheeling, - Glenview, Golf, icoIDweI.r. ALEX JonEPH go. ScolI Sotana Arkenbrrg will Streamweed, Bartlett, Hanover BM1KIR D ,t Toni Brens,CRB. GRI °r;± , RrALTOR-ASSOCIATP S5n5$i0500.50S5.05vl5isl0l00ims.0i0sv Broker 'cöuïdntil'tffe choir ,aad orchestra - -- Park, Schnambsrg,ondSkokse. 500115 5 05555V - Bi-LingoOl: Essgiish/Puiiseh wnG,505m0S1t005055, .550S0,l,OSl5 which arr well known lo Chica- As evidenced by Disney's vast gained audiences for theirperfor1 appeal and top-notch offeriags, 7StO N. Milwaukeo Ave. 5O00000050,000505, COLOWELL BANKER Oak Mill Mall - Salte 32 niancrsofsocredandsrcnlarcho- TCI of Illinois Inc. is exciied to Biles, lilluols 6t714 00 rotmusic. , welcome a mach brooder andi- MARTIN & MARBRY Direct: (847) 965-3768 0e=r5=$:55 Si.JohaCanlius, amaasivr, or- ence ta view tIria disliuct and ao- nately beautiful church which is claimed fare. Programs available VM: (847) 965-4256 overa century old, is an example en the Distiry Channel beginning Irrepesderlbr00srao5vel00 Ot5SSIMMSS 05s OOs 0. 5v. l05. 500 50, of Polish -style Ba-, inNovember; reqne archileclnre. The ircoepo- Majormotioe pictures; a,sei,L;s,osco Oss, mele rallan of the Trislentinr Latin Toy Story Sat. 11/29 at 6 p.m. YM1EFThuLLPMThT,5&5050hs050 Mass and Mozart's moviag Re- CST ' - O, qniem in this magnificent setting Hòucy I Blew Up The Kid Fri. mmiElsflmTLmszssav,se.500sssÍwmsalsnT.o5vJsss,a,.a.0055s, will be an unforgeltable expgri- I 1/28 atti p.m. CST n=l,c ence. For more information on Ernest Saves ChristmasSat. Weaver Optical Voti DemoCRB,CRS y s=Vs=. the Mass or fnlere conceria, call l2/4a1 6:30p.m. CST - "(' Oemaesomas00ass (615) 455.0560 or (708) 207- It. Nearly Woan't Christmas , Eye examn Glasnen nkW Çevillcd Reaidentol 5ps5s:s5 6878. _::-re2i Mon. l-2/6 at7 p.m. CST Conloct Lonnen DEA Licensed Cooehiiglst Renity, nr. yurb ' " " On-Going Series: Eye lnfeclior7u Treated Bearin the Big Blue House 7735 NavI Milweukre Avenue 'WEd xiles, lSnuls 0t714 Bernard Ramos Going WildwithJeff Corwin Dr. Daniel Weaver Besleoss 1047) 597-932e Special: Optometrist Fas 15471 957-9375 Army FyI. Bernard R Ramos Jonny Lang in Concert Peter 1547) tOO2430 L PERSONAL AD' MESSAGE RETRIEVAL- has entered basic infantry train- The Dianey Channel, as of Dr- 847-967-6701 lug al Fors Beneing, Columbus, cember las, will move from chau- Uve operatort Ne WaitingToTake Your Personal Ad. 898 Civic Center Plsza r,,, n, 0000,'n 5555505 v,S,a0 50 GA. Rames is son of Salvador nel 22 ro channel 42 in the TCI of R. Ramos ofSkokie. Illinois Inc. aystem. Fer farther OBkton & Waukegan Road cIJ 1.8OO759261 I information abrut Disney peo- ,

a:Oo,'et - ?nOOPM Weekdcys - geantming, please call Brian Sol- .s livan at 847-699-7500. I 0I SI Moli It:Personoi Dialogue lUG). : usE ThEBUGLE P.O. Box 266, ht E Chestrsat tt Chicago, IL Stai I, TElE BUGLE, TJIUISSDAY,October30, i597 PAGE35

Ll t' ;Gu,.i e.ic -,tt 'r4t:,t ,J,GTlUiÍi,'i'I a PAGE34 THE BUGLE, THURSDAY,Outobiv Tß, 19T7. cL SS IF1 u,,ErrIS i Your Ad Appears FULL/PART TIME -!nThé Following Editions FULL/PART TIME FULL/PART TIME FULL/PART TIME : FULL/PART TIME USE THE BUGLEClassifieds .. NILES BUGLE . MORTON GROVEBUGLE


- . - - PriveteClols in Highland Path cueles a -.- INFORMATION ON ciASSIPIED ADS 5 p- M Iteohtruam A Nil IL O Orti I Op M 5 y ch F Id y 9 ¡t M t , celt-moAneted team player with pou- Otri I P At t746 N Str cere n Wt CLERICAL/MEDICAL RECORDS y C Pl Y Cl ti d Ad by Calli 5 566-3900 C er T O MISo li M I gS I P I Sitti Ad B I Opp rlte FS I pIe skills. Ceudidoto must porrees DEADLINE POR PLACING ADS IS TUESDAYAT 2 P M C mal Ad Mt O P o-P Id I RESIDENT ASSISTANT - : Or Irme Adoedinee Liven Ootolde OrmaEttgln'N Noterei Clruoletles Aran. - - wAling A uempotrr chills. Sslucy low organizatonaI skifl3 lier Medical office seeks indwidual with good North Share LTC focilily seeks felltime Resident Assistent te raid-TiTe bared es ouqeenioeue ploo FULL/PART TIME for entry level Filing/data enhy/çlericaiposition in their A/R Alzfreimer's Unit. Experiencepreferred bat will traie rightrandidate. barcIAs. FULLJPART TIME FULLJPART TIME Fax Resume To (841) 432-6099 FULL/PART TIME FULL/PART TIME dept. Medicqi exp. and typing helpfuLSemi resume to: Masthave goad organizational andcomrrconieatien skills. To apply. colt

Ms. Salmen et - Center PROFESSIONAL MARKET- RESEARCH CLERICAL/MEDICAL RECORDS Glenview Terrace Nursing TRADES CLERICAL/OFACE CLERICAL I OFFICEOPPORTUNITIES I 51 1 Greenwood Road,Glenview 60025 ACCOUNTING! OPPORTUNITIES P.O. Box 841 NORTHBROOK, .a 60065-0841 ' (847) 729-9090 - Equal Oppartority Erepleyar KAzuwy MEDICAL OFFICE $$$EARN $$$ .0e xft/dIv PAYROLL ASSISTANT - EXTRA MONEY- -BEAUTICIAN - MEDICAL- OFFICE RECEPTlONlST/SCHDULER -- Full Suer en Part Tu ne Skokie Area -Firm - Market Research - -- - RECEPTIONIST- & CNA'S RESTAURANTS I FOOD SERVICE 9ldnAGlwcuhenAve. with (InsuranCe, Community er Over A Nile., it 60714 $30,000 and up Medical office seeks Receptionist/SCheduler Company Needs - Norwood Park Home Serving The OFFICE ASSISTANT Facility ts Seeking ltrtillteeek sireppiug Mciii computer) experience. Previousmedical- office experience Century As A Long Term Care torse mnnogsmestcocething Ene up to $25,000 MALES -& FEMALES CERTIFIED NURSES AIDESI Calle (847} 663-1800 serles individost to smisi with payent1 prefetvecl. Must be flexible-with- hoe. -Quolifléd candidaIss - Protessiural Skekie amo rendimi -ofIl ages Salary And Excellent Benefits. restatueant preparation ter corporate outreend should have scheduling or front desk servcces expectancewitI We Offer Competitive RESTAURANTS! several brenhes. Will iccrerert and rIEre curte individuel In handle hocy To PartIcipate in Qualified Applicants Apply In Person treni deck rereptiotudolinu ned oceiht excellent communlCotton skills Mall resume Io FOOD SERVICE coordinate with Humee Resourcester TASTE TEST -- with etEre torrAums am erended. BAll Mon-Fri9:OO AM. . 4® P.M. At and - : un un:'ec ir needed'Rocie, empluy enrocardo, buceEN - MEDIÇAL OFFICE t. aerwer - phones,taIme mercases, -,; NORWOOD PARKHOME I celery intensation. Prior rempoter- , n WAITSTAFF outcedule- sppoirrlemeot5 md isreraut ALL: - RECEPTIONIST/SCHEDULER 6016N.NinaSt. riJIShilts 1usd payroll and/nc generel sucrent- with pa6este and icreiracuri cumpa- Exunlient - - P.O.-Box841 - PERYAM &- KROLL : Chicago, IL 60631 Foe Jab . Good Tipo inN expecicuce preferred. mien. Prier cIlice noperienrn with (Nr.N.W.HWY 8. Raven byMelee) cOrner dentel, oumrvrt5 typies aed honte merrrpidcr NORTHEROOK, IL 60065-0841 o BUS BOYS beautito soierie tell mcdkal, 6323 N. Avàndole EOE êin ene cirIfIdfv life ned sure. skills prefnrrnd. poll RecueSte inrludn (6300 HuAit - 7300 Wert) - Oui' trlfly imique and n GREETERS - dnutnl sed tleuilrin heurs. t713) -774-3-155 SUPERVISINGMAMMOGRAPHY/ diottilotive bread/bakery (847) 966-0700 X-RAY TECH RIGGIO'S (847) 966-0700 Ark Forjack I cale la opening soon at: Milwaukee & Oslutee, 1111cm or Interview OFFICE - FULL TIME/PART TIME o NORTEBBOOK MALX. GENERAL I motivateA qOIity ori.nd tohooIoghlto ofl OO (847) 698-3346 lm,nedict ot,oniflg tor o .eIí prtenvt Oer,ulGIÇr. Port-TIme MEDICALJ eâm. Momeo mrIikotiofl & IONS Ike,oing req., 2yeor oxpoiene o Were now biTing: far a motore per on nduding MRI & CT/exrellont ree ADMINISTRATIVE SEPTRAM has an rmmedlate open ng HEALTHCARE to fraie in other n,odeIilie RECEPTIONIST with typing ann 900d officeskills to work from 12pm to-5pm ie niolion. Send resume to .- RETAIL - bakery' Will SAale tar COflgtfliøIeCaSItaI office, This Monday 6ta Friday in busy, GENERAL OFFICE . - SUPERVISINGMAMMOGRAPHY! ADMINISTRATIVE Front Desk of Moor and variety for tite right person. position aFerí loto of action ------ASSISTANT Skekie Carparatiee RECEPTIONIST! -- -- -X-RAYTECH Cowrv & PREP HELP o STORE. We will brain for C D L SlarhegSalary' Macutxucmar'c Rrprecaetetivc cud whelm - P.O. Box 841 - _--$l1.00 WORD PROCESSING . ASSOCIATES' cole ¿empan)' makieg presumerFT ra Tap Skoirie fires mill troia wares, mxl- $9.05/Hour. Generous Paid Vacation. Hilos hemeheelN' ogensy troc - NORTHBROOK, IL 60065-0841 Help Wanted help xtthuuctemeecaruica,u,c1rPra5m rumies individual (armais (rant daok aponieg fer e Busss & Baiusms ContodllDon McCarthy en inceiredrate .m(tIdI', - Full & Part Timo icgurdtullum-ep: - - comitive. Will ment end greet siriterr, brighl, nneegetie, sell starter E'4uGreat Employee BenefitsaFlexible Work - -- - .Pluocant tilephoriv nanrurismc - Chicagolanel'r leading re- nervIer rirrg barium en 50 True pReen SEPTRAN- - fer telephone. reception end aCompetitive Salaries -CopeRte ut houdlins multiplorocho Excellent Sokedules Railer of fine wines and )en rwitehluourrdrupeeirrivO rmeedndt) (847) 3921464 word processing.- : TECHNOLOGIST .wpcueocteg/uue,puwcteTpdxchulir cammuniration skills and mod' : CT/MRI rpirits is seeking energetic, confiar, Opply ter arid providn gnmat irmtorsnsliòu Is rae. .ru000ccrurllvu reQUIRED INTBRVIEWS AB BEING HELD customer oriented indivedu- Cnuv,fliunt Nll, ; teal office experience a plue& ¡0ddoI for fnlI-timo terhnologistwith eli guest and cIsti. Vérr Ente tyeiay Radiology center seeking an Monday-Friday 8am-dpm 8e ale far our Heghiand Park nnunecut.Call - - - - øpplinto Call,- Mall or Fax Resume Severn1 modeSties., The perrperlive 547588.0022 required - eny tercie eaniputer okillc the ability to- bondie Saturday 9am-4pm or byappointment: Location to portarne a vari- -- - M-63O5OO...... hetptol turuemivTsyrtna--inte 847647.fl16 - eral adoer phy CTed MRlprøced e ely cfstorefunctions. r° Hiit wi&y 847/498-2507,at the Hiring Trailer- Quaiified peruano 'ceQiAll loo - FAXt4Z5B5i33UL Per Interview houer 73O - 4:3 er 8-5 Manday OFFICE MANAGER ; with at leert 2 yeorr experienceat a hospital arclinic able RECEPTIONISÍ - outside -of the Mall (Southeastcorner) ever 21 yeare Of age, - thesuglc Fridsy. - - Lind. Dickson inthéarea. - - tmA VoiceWithA Smiles technolegier. Experience to work day end evening BANKING -- - Ceelnul MimlunlIn tor iutereiew - Needed Far Fall rm Pos leo 6625 N.MIIwuUk.o Acaece Our center hort av4de variety oF advanced heurs. Previous retail expo- Mast Hevi Competer Skills MeAee,l.e eeepesy,órltsmtteiab. tttrt- MR system preterred. Toapply send riente preferred. - OPPORTUNITIES (847) 966 2332 tyialinllwitedletércetRexli calot artico - Nibs, II. 60704 with the G.E. Signa 1.5 TESTA FIeeobIe Hnaro - PROFESSIONAL We offer opportunity for resumet - ' - MEDICAL/ msrìMrlir5 enreptiot soit&Lrerr,l, cod cItar advancement, altractive GRAND OPPORTUNItIES Geed Pay - Fell ReseFrts deriiol Afice,rn1etitise r.lsry, eedt HEALTHCARE OPPORTUNITIES GENERAL CLERICAL- compensation and a corn- - NOW AVAILABLE... Please Call Judy AIr Irerer,,, m.d/des me, pelli cESaR ned CT/MRI TECHNOLOGIST Poll R Pact Eran ..-- - plebe benefito package. -kcn.dNcliaol Bert cenucal t,iery, -iCNÀ'SS -: p.O.Box841 tcb-ccrria boA. oith 1.5 liSci le occis ad 34 PasSivem Available (847) 568-0121 cdl re erndraeeme Ieri HEALTH CARE INVENTORY TAKERS For consideration l.aticn, CavallI. cpp.etadilcc st. cc.Tchlc le $1 - $t par Herir In SIerI MEYER: hong-teere meet taSty Ret' lot-Ihre CItA Or Fax To Jacly At WM. W. NORTHBROOK, II.60065-0841 Please Call: - entico n dNs,thbc.chccccccchil.,: Seeking Individealo Wire Are Ocrait pe.irienr mdlebla ter tIrs toRseur9 slitte STAFFING RGIS

- - . - - (847) 674-4200 -SESEES IFS/PT) Oriented, ArticulaIs. Geliebte, cud (847) 568-0301 &SONS, INC e 6:50 en - 2:35 pur, cae mIt/div - 8261 flmwaed-Aee, COORDINATOR Is Hiring Motivated People Or Apply In Person tic epy sn.scrr/wil tren Ahle le Portarne VadeAr Dunce. We i b45 ere. - 3:15 pUr. North side boina care agen- Will PullyTreiir. Pea ApI., Coli: Skekler IL 60076 - - with Scheduling Flexibility I 53 Skokl. Valley Hwy. .0154 ACCOSETS -. 2u45p.n.-ltuìSp.e. - opening cy has immediato Path lOnamad Slop. ar4 6 ea. lahM cop. cet e 15:4) per. - Pd) en. - --' - HOMEMAKER Retail Ill Pat Hitchcock - Tel: 847473-0312 fac e full tincoexperienced To Work Differenl -RIPAIt MAtIAGERS GENERAL - - (847) 647-1 200 ext. 409 ---- PARTTIME privaté daly scoffing mardi- Suburbs et eqoal apportonity employer T.ta/N,edtchelPoObey.ct-r5q Fax: 847-673-5564 (errent itiureisregiotry stetorrrird ruIBttery CNA locations In The Na1h OFFICE - _i CHIROPRACTIC ASSISTANT Thir I. Your Opporlonhty ro Lerci A eater. Meet beeffinieet, celi- .yjtMlgiSTltATIVE ASSISTANTS ,aenirrtl,es reqeited. EremI sepeesecs Mond Tn Our Senior Citinee Ey eRle, hevegOd phono ekill DAYTIME ONLY cep. at ecqA Permanent Fell-Time Position proteant. Crrrdidereercry epIyie percera 15-20 HOURS/WEEK Our classifiedadsreach - CUSTOMER : Helping ThereWith Their Daily living end be detailed enacted. OURFAX - Nan-Smoking Friendly Office Position menses polinni flow, computer No Experience Necessary .RFCEPTIONIIT (PII Ecruir,rr'cnte le Their Htercnc & Es Censpeterkillo pias. Ex- more peopbO perweek for - SERVICE.: ! wont and misccllcceous clerical. - a ecpàec.. ccry/nitterc - Honro Incledre Solerdayu ttvmee Execremos - -- pariente preferred. Must Hove Transportation the least amount of dollars. BroUm rccr4niw,cccdnrlee cci creer MACI-UÑE -$7.00 - $1O.50/HOUE Paid Por Itt - BETHANY TERRACE - Coli Key Oben 1- 2 Evenings Exponerme not nmnssor)' North Cook SuRcAs - $7.50/Hour We cover the near northern eSte perkcge. It yea o. etcacted e one GRASS NURSING CENTRE-- . - g47.64T-1511 or percoedoring horro oR Experience er Wit Train oppotToNmIs. plccae tcecee mc, t. esT-sIA- Will Train - - Apply in Fax Encame te 8476477746. suburbs and the northside CUSTOMER SERVICE 8425 Weukeger Reed Calf RGIS: 315t er cil t47-4R?.Ittt, est. 2165. Tre nor FAX - (847) 966-4700 $8 to $9- per hour- MON WED,4111 9OOA.M. . 1OO P.M. Call: (847)965-9269 6625 N, MilwokO Avenen of Chicago with 2 insortions .lecicnpl.i, eu Mpllaii.c .t Mettre troya, IL 60053 MON - INURE 3OO P.M. - 6,00 Pitt Hilan, bi. 60114 (847) 296-3031 per week. See how your Ask For Donna or Esther Niler laucAre. Seekieg eetpas.ilrls - -- GRAND NATIONALBANK FOR Fax 847-965-8104 money can work for you by ed riducI with geed osnmoeirelior, Rradf*rd Chiropractic HIES ADVERTISING Fred Fox Studia-Niles cqulol spprctourity srtplryer Find the help that BUGLE CLASSIFiED putting yourads in both ¡TOI W. Achten skills. Mort bee elite io key date - 6237 W. Toulsy COPY Chicago, IL 60646 VOLIneed ¡n our editions of The Bugle. ' tOGTtttROO( cutely. Wa will train. Oued banetitr. ADS GET RESULTSI Our classifiedadsreach - Classified section. lais Meadow Rd. lpeactcwul (847) 966-0198 BUGLE CLASSIFIED Coil Pot Hitchcock: -- more people per wookfor - co,cddilicccl)ehintnncliccet err - Buglé Newspapers -(847) 647-1200 x409--theleast amount oldolfars. IRE ROTURE ei 9g0-9212191 ADS GETRESULTS! cecial c4yrrtecityecpl,trr 'r

PAGE 37 TOlE BUGLE, THURSDAY,October 30, 1957

BUGLE,ThURSDAY, Odobr3O 1997 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICEi LEGAL NOTICE I cL..sslF-NL: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE V1LLAGS OF - VILLAGE OF TIlE MORTON GROVE PLAN MORTON GROVE MORTONGROVE c:i_4saF-IE Iv r-r i s ir.i c COMMISSION will hold c publi PUBLICNOTICE TO BID PUBLIC NOTICE TO BID CLASSIFIEDS hcaIing 00 Monday, November 17 siri 1997 ut 7:05 p.m. iv Iho Boord o TELECOMMUNCIATLONS ROOFING ADMINISTRATION FULL/PART TIME FULL/PART TIME T I0sIOOS Chambers, Richard T EQUIPMENT FOR ThE FULL/PART TIME GARAGE Plickiogor Municipal Cooloo, 610 VILLAGE OF SECTION FULIIPART TIME PULL/PART TIME APTS. FOR RENT -FOR RENT Capuliva Averse, Morbo Orovo MORTON GROVE FLICKINGER I Illinois, lo conridre Ihn followIng MUNICIPAL CENTER MUNICIPAL CENTER Sealed bids will be aceopled al Sealed bids will be accopied nl Golf MOI Aren - Sorge T Bedroom Nilns-7331 W. Corelloje. Demputor PERSONALS Ihn Villogo I-loll, Office of Ihe the Village I-tail, Office of Ihn TRADES FOR SALE Aperda Rovirw Sossior 6101 RETAIL TRADES Apt. Heot & Gos ledxdod. Avoil. & Hndntis 1 spekeovoiiob!t. Coli VillageAdministralor, 6101 Viliogo Adminintroler, Morton IO/I. No Pets. Pnsleieg inuioded 847) 229-9249 - Copulina Avenue, Morton Capolino Avnnoe, - Greve, Illinois, nnlil OROS am (773) 631-4790 POW8RfIILP9AY8RTO mi HOLT 00811 Grove, Illinois, onlil 19900 orn PartTime 01220 1 lenI Okt Block Lonlher CrackS- Yoenlo suis, ut poMunc, ola AgI,Is dl 0oA, e 20, on Friday, November20, 1997, J.C. LICHT Prht* Shop TOWNHOUSE - Requ ostingvor iOli000 from SocrronS on Thnrndoy, November Takle.. 5800/ Or test Offer 11.1I os shols ny suols. Ye. oho glus n. lbs 1997, for Telecommuoicalions far REROOFING OF TIlE Has Great Opportunities Eor: Supervkoi MACHINIST Sneelnweod - Spoeiexo6 room Apt. tlolsstlil,slenInec,ilotoIislti .10 sAnd nu med ofOrdinarco 95. SEC- -FOR RENT - (8471 965-6560 - Ihn F.qoipnvenl foe the Village of ADMINISTRATION 0e Lovely renidnetiol street. dIbel 416, IliTy cAdo 10(Zoob,g Oedin0005of Dotino include Tool shorpening, leo0, i, lito ubol fluye Is thek ye lo A lityo Morion Grove Municipal TION OF THE FLICOCINOER SALESPEOPLE ParkRidge firm needs a msponsible Avoiinbie immedisleiy. $1,175/mo. Village of Morton Croon) In oOn MUNICIPAL CENTER. Copies hI 9PiI9fl, AvibI 1. Eerleth, mochine component repoir/fobri- - od o 016e 65115555, noI Is b, oyoslsd ntnMI O gorogn and bedroomoddi- Cooler. Copien of the spooifica- Pr Fo, PI Wlpp Working Supervisor 10471 673-4260 Wlseelieg Cent 5 no twnh000 2 br 2 FOR SALE 60e leO, sa,uurdiu opIle .1 sIl s,Ao,ld tiseloeo.I liars ond bidding documento aro of the specificolienn and bidding d entino.Light machine repoir COTO, bp.99' 999WIIp99r following ho C/A& uiv/fnig/diswfwnh &elry& Ten sio-pieOe piose sottiogs. White oilS o bu nOb yosls ulessi slsuy.lbek t'ole decnrnontv are available ei Iho 1.1 WAI99AEA99 1.9- go hondle the ovoilable ai the Office of the 1r.999 A A npion.Retirees yoor ne,y luoo,ds n, ed nies. luy bIo ploy,, lue - T. O..Tl 0, experience T nor gomge. Reedy io move ¡e. Coli peod, hioek pearl bleak oombo. VillageAdministrator.- The Office of the Finance Direcior, SAAm. GRIAl EINWISI Merlos Grove oveiisbie now. LoWe 3 5coon.otcsdsnc,sllboolnsollu5bttIei05lnd Fr001 Yoed.Coronl Lot k.. L.n'1. .C.l 99 Encouraged. Flexible weekdoy oli 4 pm 847/699-8969 Matching gloss k woleot side tokios Village Board eeseeves ihr eighl Marten Greve VillageFlail. br opt in n qeiet eme - 2 Os bldg leg toblnh.AIeelntIhu puslei. TAxis Rnqoi,nd - 21.00 font The Village Board reserves she hours. - eater - &toe motoisieg six-foot book obelors cay and all bien and lo 5945 W. Den,9,ter, Morion G,ove . Printing & Copying l/t, peeking, er Moten, shops, peek Rsqonntsd . 17.73 font larojee! (847) 679-0103 - waive ony iufarmalilien oc Iroog- right to reject any and all bids (897f 583-0400 . Stock Room control $950.00 847/677-1 167 Variotino Roquirod - 7.27 fnol APPLY IN PERSON oSaritiesir the bidding. The and lo waive any informaltltos 320 89111 Hwy., PInk RIdg. o Expediting Mailing, st. JAde's Nennnn irregelaritiev in Ihe biddeng. (Ml) 606-4400 9 am to 3 pm M-F FURNITURE Village Boaod further reserves or UPS, FedEx Boy the luood OsaI of Jrsos brsdorod. Roe, Vend Boardfnrlhor MISCELLANEOUS 70.60 toot the right io review and study any The Village 768 Oste99arnT, DTTTOOO Mt. Pronpeot bright delove 2 brept. - 5lsdfiod,Teood std pruss reed tiseoqinoot Ao Rnqoinnd . FOR SALE ood all bids and 10 make o con- toseevon the right lo eevleward (8421 945-6500 Thin pnnitinn noqoiren n heed SMITH WOOD qviet bldg welk to tronspettotion. No wudd, tow od t ross y. becO Osant of RoqunsIo/. 15.22 font sludy any and all bids cod le TOI Il. Isle, codal st 14.75 foot tract award within lhiriy (30) worker, able to manogn n 3 pets. A'enil 10/1. 847/818-1666 1.5,0, plOy foe ss VO,istion Roquirnd - make n conlrucl award wilhio INDUSTRIES MODEL lIONE FURNITURE nireele,, prey for os. Il. leI., holpea uf liso doysafterbidshove been perone print shop, nsnking it thirty deys after bids have been Softt, hnlpinos, ptuy tor os. tug this proysr sine looceod in rho 5.2 opened and pablicly read. TELEPHONE/ operations 6150 Northwest Hwy. AUTOSFOR SALE Eoceno A Uncinimed Tho porcolio opooed and publicly raed. a quality snrvinn Mt. Peenpeot- 38r T-1/2 bol K-LB- I,onlhnrt, Ltvottnls, (knirs, labios, li,nrs 5 dOy, tonnAIs dsys. On liso Aghth by Singlo Family Rosid0000 Dist,wt yccr frOyw' will heeeoo,r,d. It ho, room ANSWERING to its in-house costnmers. Chicago DB-Psy owe s6IiIins. Spicy C- ilnunlolos Ebieg Rton Bedroom. breo bnuos total. Puhleslits moti br and is commonly brown av 9501 Spiro C. Floonlaian Interested Candidates, Awl Ost Iot847/437-6t63 Porksidn, Morton Grovn, liliooen Finance Directoe,'I'ooasorer - Aetiloble This Wnekl plomisnd. Thovb gea St Jods. Finance DirectneiTreasurnr Cina 10-24-97 EARN EXTRA $$$$$ please call: 10-3 -97 (847) 329-4119 All lolorortnd pontios aro lovilnd lo TELEPHONE DRIVERS/VAN Mt Preopeet 3 br, 1 1/2 ho b-2ko GeorgeLMuy Persons Vor FoiiTime ottond 004 be bound. OPERATORS seit. Newiy mmod,iod, hordwood Inte,nutionul Company To Piok Ordne. Md Dolivor LOREN BUICK/UVUNDAS TANNING NOTICE toert, brot isle, belssey. $875-$775 Law000uO M Strybrl LEGAL Part Time Colee. of Pnper in Noeth Soborbo. 1650 Wnnkngnn Rond, Ginnvmnw PERSONALS PLEASE TAKENOTICE Port 6es, 1847) 825-8806, ext. 248 007-696-2424 - isoti 729-tODO Choirmon Ail.hift. voikbk. Cisne tubing Reserd will hold a public mornings Or aFternoons, cosi week- 0122e THEMORTON GROVE PLAN COMMISSION Apply In Peeson TnT WOLFF TANNING BEDS 1997 cl 7,00 p.m. en Ilse Boaod of nnO. EOIOkIiT1.ndoewso.ing sos-eke SE1ZDDCARSFrom$l75 1654 AT HOME boding 00 Monday, November 17, NOVENA TO ST. THERESE tTrouIons Clsomboes, Richaed T.Fliekirgeo Mnstctpnl Crmseo. blob ISTDes PIoien. Coil SERVICE lILIANA PAPER Nibs - 7632 N. Milwoxkne Psrs,h, Codulioro, Choo's, 8MW'o, Doy DIRECT osd SAVE! I LEGAL NOTICE sslilieHsiy fsen, 11990 Copulino Averne, Morion Otovo,Illinois, to consider the following 7111 N. Austin-Miles 1 8,4. $575-$600. Podeing. Col-sottes. Also mops, 4WD's. loor 51.11, eIs,, otthsCbSd lssss Cnmmereiol/Holen soils from NOTDCEIS HEREBY GIVEN (847) 390-1789 TECHNICIAN I lone huioro yoo te olfur Ill, toces,cad leg Cnble Reedy 17731 766-0852 Aree. Toll Free: l-DOC-218-90599 Low Monthly Peyseenin Ibal Parkway Book cod Trost NOW" yeT l,oneaer lii .r.qens I i 550plo,n butor, FREE Celo, Cotning Experieneed mob Wonted to Se,vke Eot.Av198l.For Carrent Listings is" esA Compcny. HorwoodHoighls, liti-¿50rda Roview Session ass 151510159251 II. 001 24 'Oloy Call TODAY i -00071 i-0158 (Remaodrd by Board of Trosteon AcOco) ttfrigerotioe/HVAC equipment in o o CASHIER I n CLERK NOOk 2 br, heTOed, oppis, iooedsy, foilonseiby 'Sl.Th 5, 5f lbs leid 6000. pIel sois bes nobmittod co oppli00500 CASEPC97-5 Sowie, Part'TinsnlVarinon Dnys 1976 Comoro-ZOl 350 Engin fol os'. SSS Ibis t 50505 eA dsy tar 9 Toys Io the Fedoral Deposit lenuranco Roqnosiiug a Spocial Une Permil to redevelop Well-toe Con,n,or,inl porleieg enWi)' d000roted. Eveelirot slrocture TRADES Censpony.CeodidnteisSheep, 20-25 Hnors Per Week ioco6on eoor evesything. into,ior Like Nnw-Horst Liokogn bald osIh, lII, dey al he nolb sed outing Coeporalion (ihn "FDIC") foc es- the existing ontamnbìln sen/ice ululino he esslh mT 900IO0 lo into an ontomobile miui-mart stateou. Motkoted, end Went. to Conlinoo Afternoons & tveOiege Cn11 847/54996994 $4000 Or Best 000er os Ills li5Y ci WANTED TO BUY icblishmont of u bank branch to Open 24 Hnors-7 Days A Week lpl000 word uf O o, oISons saystur II. bolocotod ot7bOI NoGhMilwoo- Leoesieg Theeughoot Cower. 1047i 965-3776 is located io the C-1 RoIdI Wo Horn o toll tennOts Pronorn Apply: White 14cc Poetry bon Avnnun, Nibs, fluioois 60754 The pooperiy 7250 N. Reden An.-CbkagC Skekie 6 rue., ist Ile eins ioen600 & W*NTED Commercial Districl and is commonly known us SNOW PLOWERS -1977 Cutlass Supreme Obis (Ihn "Appilcolior"). nocI n Chance to Guess. lenes. loe. brot, nstg, 599, Mg. Only WURLITZERS Illinois. 69,000 Miles ' $1000/Or tesi Offer NOTICE - Any pnrsoo wishing lv corn- 5601 Dempster SIred, MerIno Grove, WANTED 5400.00. Coil otter 6 p.m. 847/933- doss ita JUKE BOXES Ihn togle NnwopnPnre ALSO - moni on Oho Application may Ele NOTICE - (847) 967-7798 ndvnrtisomnotS for Poll-Time & Porl4ime Call Carol 9613 best 15 sornen Sino Meohinno Roqnesiing a Speciol Une Permit for on ante000 Its. Bogln Nnwspop.rs does 'tO legitimeOy. his or her commeltis in writing CASE FC97-14 Rouies Availoble For 01226 their otheetielOV nod My 0e0II,e with Ihn Rogíooat Dionclur of tho innlulialionandreliefformihnZootog i (800) 339-2200 boni to seInen .dot1n.eenOI for Hownoer, we neyent bnresponsi- -- BABVSITFER/ Federal Oeposil Insurcoco Cor- Ordiounce ro allow more thon 00e ante000 per - Reiioblo Peø pi 6Wim------bi nOose ii -0i0l015;pSOdOCIS sed 163O-tO992742 Howeone. WC nonont be tnopòesi' aouing lot al She North Water Tower. Dnpeodnble Vehicles AVAlIABLE servions of Odonrtinot!. porotion ('FDIC") alito Regi000l bin fer sil sl.imn, p,660050 end Office (500 Wost Monroe, Svito serelo.sof ndo.rtlsnrs. (847) 965-1606 Eopesieneed bobysiner will 00m for 3600, Chicogo, illinois 60661) The property is looaied in Ihe R-2 SiugleFomely AIRLINE SERVICE CO. yoorohiidrne is my Nues home. Hove NOW YOU CAN before prnconoirg of-tito Applica. Residerce Disteict ood is commonly know os MOiinso 8820 Nalioeal Avenue, Morbo Grove, Illiooes. cor & S.L. ReTo.000ii.Spooks liaIt hcsbeencompleted. Process- In4king For Rnwnroting Career? Im Full-SerS P.5-trot Op,ni,geler CIls AÓVERTISE 'MORE . Cango Wunehnuse- tog/Greek. Coil, 847-647-1543 iso will be compl010d so earlier lenin to ron otTOne Hunt helps . Grnand Handling Agonis ihaee the 15th doy following either CASE PC97-15 Requesiing a Special Use Permii for an aslenno bring missing children hnrne. REAL roliefformtheZoning 80,1 ilnauVolili l,iv,,eli,utao Skokie - Dooey I bedroom. 2nd FOR LESS! the dale of this pnblicalioo ne She installciionand Start Newl Paid Training Ordi000ce lo allow more Ihau ene aoienuo per Fe,kih Fop. Reqei,sdio,Wornhsuo Floor. Hoot, new enspot sed posking CAT FOUND dale ofreceipl of lite Application $50,000 loi year in boniness P,tviooe Fop iSiplal 1.18cl ti,,ro19 ESTATE ieeiodnd. No Pois. Celi otter 5pm. by Oho FDIC, whichover is Saler. zoning Ici at the Snaib Water Tower. MaelP,osidi Il Yea, Es,kyoosd .ANNOIJNCE IT' Call Kevin (847) 297-1895 (847)47991992 SELL T! nBUY IT! The peeiod moy be exiended by D,ulFn,Wo,kpIi,eSE-ll/ileei This properly il lacnled in ihr M-2Geoeoal C'IO trown Tiger Cot the Regional Director for good CnlleIO4ll 29O.6140.tsi.300 Munufacteriog District cud iv commouly kuowe APTS. FOR RENT Feond Oei. 12 caure. The 000confidonliai por- lion uf Oho Appli000ins filois as 6040 OaklnnSIren, Morton Grove, lllioo,s. SNOW Sboki meer ilont 3 br opt. i 1/2 b-k Neor GoO& Dee Road 3 Lines'5 papers Owner/Operators Wanted dl & Ir - loeed,- nr trontpontotion, ovailoble far irspeclioo- weihin Approx. TO Months Old-mole far Roquosling o Special Une -Permil for the con- Lerge Lxto1nng Hoorn. North qviot oreo, ovoiiobie now. 2tlotbidg. I 2 Dollars! one doy following Ihn roquons CASE PC97-16 AN OIL COMPANY Aalisgtno-illo, 2 br, i ho, 1st tr opt Not Neolered - PIense Coli: - nlruclion nod operation of co eqoipmootsheller Sohoubs-Eap. Ne,. Need insorsnew Needs Motore Person Now noch fIlo. Il moy be inspecled in coli 847/673-1642 (847) $88-6527 end monopole which will hold cellulor antennas, Depeedobio. Eeeoiiest Poy inTheNiinsthono ss/tI & prkg. Neor 53/Lb Cóok. From lite FDOC's Regionoi Office dar- rate - Prepaid 05 well os iho Villagecoscones coreenily en the (847) 634-9300 Regoedlens 0f Experionle, WeitnO $558. 847-963-8250 This is a weekly ing engolar boniness bourn. Pho- 696 We acceptMasterCard or Visa. S000pies of information in the roof of Village Flail. J T. Read-P.O. Box FOR SALE DOG FOUND 000coofidenlial portion of the Dayton, OH 45401 Des Plomeo 2 bedroom kil bsmi, The property is located in ihr R-2 SisgieFomely AFTERNOON - - Applicalioo file will be made wesher/dryrr, CAC, T cor Stop in to: Residence District and is commonly known as 1/2 DOG FOUND-MONDAY-SEPT t ovailobie upoo cequost. A. sched- DRIVERS gnrngO. Nioe lrontlsn. Only $950.00. Mies 6101 Capelina Avenue, Motion Grave,Itltnoes. (tintIne & Dompeter Acea) Bugle Newspapers,8746 Shermer, oie ofchorges foe such copies cor For Sobo,bon Pick-Up Boote. 21 or GOVERNMENT SNOW PLOWING coil 847/888-7220 Musi Deooribo-Coii, or call he obtained from Ihe Regional CIenTO FORECLOSED HOMES , Oldm WOk o Good Drivhag Bossed. -Oveem Opototots . All intoeesled parties are inviled Inalmud und be honed. From Pennies on ST Deiiequeni Office. Monday ond Wndnosdoy, 3,3999,00 North Shore Lovotleos 847) 965-9939 Ins, Repon, tEO'sloor Aeno-Toli Turodoy, Thxrsdoy,fuidoy, 4,3999,00 Plenty of Work-Poid Gos Deven/Miiwoukoe Deiuen 3 br opt. (847) 966-3900 l.uwroece M. Sssybel $228 Por Week to Steen WeokTodnsPoid Tomosrow s'or tenespoetotloe. Heot, hot woter, l.5OO.2l8.9tÓ.Ezk H-4981 Find the help that Judie IREAD 'THE BU Choirmon loxodry fooiiilies ineieded ovoiieble you need in our Ask for Beverly or - Call: (847) 2721747 - hoCoonsiListing (847) 678-3730 eov. No pefs773/67T-4790 claasifièd section. a'0awuwnmor''-'

PAGE 39 THE nUGLE, ThURnD,&V, Oetalrer3O,1997 PAGE 38 ThE BUGLE, THURSDAY,Odobor3O, 1997 Local schoolsHillary's 50th - Continued from Page 1 FromtheLeft Hand - - Cnutiirned from Page 1 Confinued from Page 1 nick, Mary Pat Jordan and Steven Wearing o gray pantnuit, Clin- man, Boubyu former owner and Bailey Kenny Rogers'Concert Levy have aononncod their dcci- ton told the studnuta thalsho was present cashier went along and -Ringling Bros. and Barnum & tended the 50th birthday par- gurgling being displayed on sion to mn as Write-in candidales. -happy and honored to be back gave the PirstLady another biella- - -

store shelves. - Run ty at Chicago's Coltunal Ceo- Voters wishing lo cast wriiè-in hamo. She said the school looked day kiss. còming to town at Pheasant ter. Votes for persons whose names good, bot she wondered whal had "Sheactuallyremembered are not on the ballot may write in becama uf anundorgraand hike me," Friodmun said. "Someone This Cheislmas season, come PheasantRun Mega Center. Can- rack she remembered asing when asked her if she knew who I was, visit Kemiy Rogers in his "Toy cerI lickats start al $30. Dinner million the name of the candidate(s) in One-half of1.6 the spabè provided on the inside she was aField student, accord- and she said, 'ThaI's Mrs. Fried- Shappe" at Pheasant Ran Resort. andOvernight Packagesaro Between 1981 and 1996 coming bomn patientsare man fram Booby's," Friedman, This all new Christmas story is available. OvemighlPackagesin- Alzheimer patients or have oftheballolenvelope. - - ing toSen Oliver. daily newspapers in the U.S. A special highlight of Clinton's said. - magical, fanny andheartfelt. elude room accosumodolions for dementia. For a write-in vote to be valid, have decreased from 1,73010 otherformsof the volee mast write in Ihn title of visit was a reunion with her sec- Friedman said sIso also got la Kenny celobrates the Inne mean- two, Holiday Dinner for two te 1,520. Morning papers have Memory is the ioitial loss uf the office and the name nf the ond grad) teacher, Mrs. King. speak with Clinton's mother and ing nf Christmas with a nhow for the St. Clsarlen Ballroom, Iwo increased from 469 to 696. those patients and thon loss of Gold Circle Tickets to Kenny's comprehension and use of candidate below the office and Other former teachers wore also -two brothers who were also young and old alike. Three out of five newspaper draw abox befare the candidate's among Clinlons birthday lunch- DonI miss Kenny Rngers Christmas show, a breakfast baf- adultswhile language. in attendance. rendersare -name. Aeross (X) must be placed "I was really excited," Joe Oit- eon guests. mall creative Christmas show lo fer and a special souvensrgsfl! ynasgerpeople readless. in _in thebox. ver said. "She's really nice, acts In theeveniug, Protofonousts, dato, featuring portions nf hit The Friday Night Package This trend hm continued far his wife Theodara, Frìedman and now musical "The Toy 5/tappe". 5343; the Satorday Night Pack- the past centary. Three out of The procedure mast bn repeat- like a normal person," ho added, ed for each write-in caudidale a "She was makingioktis. She was hersonanddaughter-in-law Helping you get into Ihn spirit are age is only $50 additional andin- four 16 to 19 year aids read a More thao 17,100 people clssdes Sanday Branch for 1mw voterwisbes loyale for. fanny." ' Bruce und Barbara Friedman at- bath bis powerful voice and in- newspaper at least asce a died io alcohol-related vehi- credible staging. 'Otis toar fon- the special Two Night Package is week. The trend down the clv accidentslastyear.lt Prosent board members Shel- Clinton remained al the school leaded the birthday celebration al, road is oidor people will be caased about 41% uf all traf- don 1-bIzmanwill not sock-re- -anlil abont 11:45 n.m. when sIso thu Cultneal Center in downtown tares state-of-the-art muttimodsa jnst $100 macel Chicngowheretheyhoard - production,incrediblesingers wadingnewspapersmore fir deaths. olnctioe. 000uld Cono resignedleft lovisit her old home at Wss- free. - and dancers and a wonderful sto- As always, parking is than anybody else. at the last board meeting bofare nor and Elm Streets. By lItaI time, speeches by the Chutons, Mayor Richard M. Daley and his broth- IO marso year heart. Tickets for Kenny Rogers' "The Studies show 600 such the official expiration ofhis term.the Field sladenls weer ready for Toy Sheppe" are on sale now. deaths could be avoided by Hewill not seek re-election. latich, the mostmeorable lunch er, Secretary of Commerce Bill Kenny Rogers will appear in ,concertforthree very special por- Call Pheasant Ran resort at The United States hm 1.7 lowering hloud-alaohol cou- of sheirschool days becanse des- DaIry. - District 64 (630)584-MEGA, or Ticket million prisoners behind bws. tent to 0.8% limit. Illinois is sert Was provided by the wife of "Itwas a fabaloas party," formances on Friday, Decembor It is six to ten times moco already at the limit. tu District- 64 Ibero aro four - thePresidenl oflhcUnited Slotes. 19 at O p.m. and Satarday, De- Master tu urder3'OIlr tickets tu- open positions on the guard uf Friedman babbled. "Them was day! than any other wesiers indus- Slictis ofalargechocólatecake entertainment an every leVel, und comber 20 at 5 and 9 p.m. al the siolized nation. There is a majar difference Bdncation with three incambents with white frosting and red and and -fam challengers seeking Io more food than you could shake a between 5 drinks 0f 12 onurn bIne sugar stars were served In stick at." beers or 5 ounces nf wine per fill them. - each Field School student lo cap Incumbents oreDr. Jane Carry, Ajuzz band played on the firsl hour compared lo 4 drinks off Ihn very mamenlons morning level, Harry Coiny and "a bunch Coca Cola is experiment- per hoarfor o 170 ponnd osan Martin Joyce and John Pierce. when Hillary Rodham Clinton ing with mt aluminum can RobertRyan has opted netto seek of baseball players sang Happy ou an empty stomach. A 137 camnbackto school. - Birthday to her," and the DenIm- which is a contour cao whose pound woman would reach re-election. - Meanwhile, over at Booby's, shape and design evoke tha Challengers are Dean Krone, mon of Distinction, a dance band the tl.% level after 3 drinks 8161 Milwankee Ave., and Rig- Friedman described as cscetleul, classic glass bottle. Unveiled per boar. -Mnnreen T.Oleasen, Nancy Indiana, gb's, Ouktou Steed and Milwau- ontertainedon 000lher level, isTerreHaute, Buckley and Charles S. Baldac- kenAvenne, owuers and staff me- where the original bottle was Nine percent of deaths in- chino. The seven candidates aro Friedman said therewus cham-

members were basy packing up - introdaced io 1915, Cake's volved drivers with less than seeking faIt four-year terms, pague and wine. On the fourth their delivery vans wish she favor- floor a "kind ofTaslo of Chicago tegh-(lyiog fbpn Sprite cas is a htshblo eau 0.10% limit. District 67 ito orders Clinton- remembered Membnra of Hinglieg Brou. and Barnum &Bnileytth Oxygen Skate loom will oxeeate with dimples os its sidos ne- Was sot op,' Friedman said where while appearing at the Rosemont Horizon, sambting the glass bottle. Sit- fly sho year 2,000 states The fonr incumbents wilt ran enjoying at the meslaarants when restaurants uapplied samples of nod twista an they roar down a raceway ofelnvated ramps ver streaks running diagonal- out loweringtheiralcohol unchallenged for the foam four- she was ayonog Park Ridge rosi- theirfisestfare furthe First Fami- Novemf'er5-l6, ancilhe UnitedCeitter, November18-30. limit to the 0.8% witt risk tos- year vacuncies in District 67 dent. ly dawn the sides of lIte cao Iy,audlhoirgoests. - United Center. To order tickers iag a portion of their federal They are Donna Matzny, Salie Both restaurants made two de- The 127th Edisiun of Ringliugone Bou Office,6920 North saggests the can's cautests Bat ike niceuspartofthe day tu Mannheim Road, the United Ceo- by phone, call (312) 539-1212. are barsting out with eifer- highway ras moneys. Thrs Higgins,RichardLieber and liveries each to Ihn three luxury Friedman was meeting Clinton Bros. and Barnam & Bailey will Gmoap savings are as'aslablo far tor Box Office, 1901West Madt- veseoxse. Futnre cans are be- tactic was axed in 1984 when Donald India. bases that were parked near the while delivering the food. "She display its gallery of performers selected performances by calling Ing designed, not only that the national minimarn drink- -FiestUnitedMethodist Church of from the heights of the high-wireson Steed, and allTiàketMaster 00mo Ont and kissed us and lncatioos. Prices rango from the Rosemuet Horizua at (847) they be marketable, bot that ing age was adopted and in Park Ridge, 4t9 Touhy Ave. The thanked us," Friedman said, "She to the hippodrome track,whan 671-9000 and the United Center 1995 when it was illegal for First Lady and ber guests, many the Greatest Show On Earth®$9.50 to 516.50, wilts a limited they ho consamed, Fatum Village of was so gracions." namber of V.I.P. Ringside seals nl (312) 455-7469. For general cant will have holognams (3- anyone ander the legal drink- uf ber childhood Park Ridge Tony Riggio said hr was moss comet 10 the RosomontHoeieou, shnw information, call the Rose- dimensional) designs, Irqurd ing age to drive with momar- friends, hadtheirlunchon the bus November 5-16, und the Uaitedavailable. Children yonngor than able amounts of alcohol in NUes impressed when the Fïrst Lady's 12 save $3 offregular ticket prie- moat Horizon at (847) 635-6601 crystal displays with micro- to sayo lime in the busy schednle chief of staff, a woman named Center,Novnmbee 18-30. omItan United Center at (312) 455- processor-twinkling and their bodies. Continued frum Pagel planoedforClinton's Visit. Tickets for the 127th Edition ofetatselectedperformances. PetLine 2 Trudy, came to him und the staff There is an Opening Night dis- 4500. "We invited them hero, but - from Booby's und invited thorn-to tingling Brou. and Barnum & - tickrts at both - CarboaMouoxìdnTestioe theysaid-thnydtd",'t- havr-euoagh - - suOicy, upon sumo,"5 5 SBAllI, tre- coonl nf $4 on oli SuowthemovalPrugram 2 cr055500 streolwlterettsoysttst - - the Rosemtint Horieon andthe (,iE THE BUCLE lime," said Steve Prolufanoasis, been told lo stand bysecurity lo available at the Rosemont Hen- MG Public Works DesignatedSnowRontns 1 one of -the owners of Booby's. NOV 5-16 N-0V.18-30 Eanmplions ofParkingBans 2 meet Clinton. Continued frosn Pagel "They ate on the bus an their way "She was jast genol," Riggio - ROSEMONT )ORIZON UNITED CNTBR naal 50150 Treo Planting Pro-- Yard Waste nati Branch Pick- downtown," he added. pantment of PaMue Works wilt UpProgramn 3 said, "Trady-iotmodnced us and collect leaves this fall. Residents gram.This -programallows Booby's supplted3ü of their fa- Hillary puther arms around my StoreLocations 1 - mous steak uandwichm, 25 ham should rake loaves to the curb residents toeohaoceproperty val- waist und soid, 'We've got so takn - ans by planting trees on the park- Garbage/RecyclingPrograms4 burgers, 23 hot dogs, 20 orders where they will removed on their Holiday Pickup I a picture." mgalar street sweeping day. If way. Individual homeownerssnd each of french fries and onion Riggio, loo, described Clin- Ilse Village share the cost of Ihn Oarbagelnformation - 2 rings, several cases of Coke, 7- residents choose lo coutainenize Recyclinglnformation 3 Ins's birthday bash at the Caltnrul loaves far collection on their reg- available treos, including plant- Up and Diet Coke and Clinton's Ccnler as wouderful. Ho loved I, - Vehicle Stickers Suies ami Vot- favorite,15to 20 chocolate alar garbage pick-np day, the fol- ing. erRegiatration 5 Iba beantiful OAR room where towing procedure for yard waste shakes. - the speeches wore pmeseatnd and The following trees remain in Vebicleltickems 1 Add to that the 32 sanuage and collectionmast be followed: this year's program: VoterRegistmalion 2 praised the outstanding refurbish- - To BUY TICKESs First, a dedicated 32-gallon can - vegelable piezas delivered by ment oflhoColtural Center. 0ONtNG NIGWPS sos arricEs Norway Maple $ 70 VillageBoardMeetings 6 Riggio's Tony Riggia and manag- orbiodegradablepaperyard SeedlessGreen AshS 75 Senior Citiannand Family Ser- "It was very gracions,", Riggio AND WHOLESALEACCOUNTS! SAVE $4 ON TI000TS waste bag must be used. Second, erRon Sundh, and Chuleas party WE SERVE CORPORATE ccuumayviCmeanOmu5e oeLaeErwSvUvWe5itacE - said. "The Mayor and Maggie GreenspireLinden S 75 vices -' -7 - had enough food la feed about s e uuv.iicivt,ueoir,,iv each- bag must have a yard waste PssrpleAsh S go SeniorCitizen Services I Dalcy--everybody wasjnst glow- s e .. sticker attached. Again, the yard 200 people, according lo Andy IIAPPLE, CHERRY scIon WIDESt 12 tASIO$3 - un ruoNS'(312) 559-1252 AristocmolFear $120. FamilyServices -2 ing,"hesuid. ' on viceors Cu,ofl y,,i UPS PoWen50 waste collection program will ; - Vinieratos, Booby's other owner. PoliceDepartment 8 Speaking of gracious, il ap- - RyeBreadI I or PUMPKIN 6 tat. do luo Iliopenos.uiltngu.l 11mw .,d5 end on December 1. Far mare information, please "It was a lot of fon doing the Speakers Borona 1 pears lItaI one party was nOI ,osd Co,eoot. gp.et.lOoísoS kpply. 50/50 TREE PLANTINGcall the Departmnnt of Public deliveries," Sundh said, "lt was Plain or Seeded , ChildFingerpriating 2 really nice bow she went np and eaoagh to Ihank her hosts, They COFFEECAKES ron GRoan or 20 05 MORC cALL, PROGRAM. Residents are en- Works al 847/470-5235. (Week- - L I E Electronic Idnntification 3 were all invited tu a second party RO5ESOONT isoOiZON: /0471 nonnen r cournged to participate in the au- days 7 n.m. 10 3: 15 p.m.) talked to Tony [Riggio] and the l25ea i CitizenPolice Academy 4 peaple from Boaby's and- shook Tuesday afternoon al Lion's Ren- Sm. um'rnDCrsiTEu mitt 455-utiuw uJiJ; DmuglnfoemarionLine S tanrant on OntarioSEreniin - their hands and thanked them," Lg. 1 ea { ea. $9.50 - $16.50 Fireflepartment 9 downtown Chicago. off njrnsl1i5/91 TaU ¶'ñtbYOUt phd .th,btthflI Sandhodded. eqretrisIOl SpcakersBareau I Peolofanousis, however, was In the words of Tany lOggia, _I Smoke DeteaterProgmam 2 "1sey gave bar a wonderful 501k a - Is Home InspectianPeogram 3 une np en eVnryane because, "I BIrthday." And atpress time, ir kissed her Happy Birthday.'.'.Lat- BloodPressureTesting------4 --laokslske thepaely'saotoveryet------Library Safety Corner S er, on Ihn second trip, Sally Fried- - Happy 50th,HilIaryl

L PAGE 40 THE BUGLE, THURSDAY, October 30, 197 THE BUGLE, ThURSDAY, OcIsberSO, 1997 PAGE 41

LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Ceeati.ased EromPoge 40 INNOVATIVE PKG.SYSTEMS 3,216.00; INSITUFORM MIDWEST 100,045.00; SUMMARY OF ALL FUNDS OTHER s 3,171,654.00 l$,826,611.DD COMMONWEAL'I'Il EDISON CO 367,044.93; COMMUNICATE DIRECT S,54.53; INSIITUI/GI1.M TECHNOLOGIES 1,500.00; INTERACCESS 1,205.46; SUBTOTAL . s COMMUNICA'IION A DATA SVCS 4,3 I 1.73; COMMUNICATION SUPPLY CORI' INTERIOR CONCEPTS (3,65 1.50; INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 4,126.30; BEGINNING ENDING IN'rERNATIoNAL DECORATORS 213,921.09; INTERSTATE BATITERIES FUND BALANCE RECEIPTS DISBURSEMENTS BALANCE TOTAL s 4S104,20S.55 270)4; , GENERAL FUND $21 .D14901 COMMUNICAT IONS DIRECI',INC 25,490.25; COMMUNICATIONS RVLVG IUND 79 19,94; U11704IUB $19098,999 $13,620,098 00e EXIrENDITUI1JTS ALL FUNDS EXCI4I'T IrENSION FUNDS STREET AND BRIDGE $637,267 $175,678 $65.581 $747,604 5,100.05; (NIL ASSOC CIIIEFS POLICE 1,600.00; INVEN'IOI(Y TRADING CO. 3,590.40; $24,742 $1,303,020 AA) VAN StIOleleli 3r1550P'5 LAM)5 CONCRSu"l'it CONI'R. 222,0(7.1)0; MUNICIPAL WASTE $0,389.770 COMI' RESOURCE 2,569.04; COMI' USA, INC 4,700.00; II(ENA ANNAIVI-IITE 1,696.00; 110/NA ANNE JACYNA 19,504.00; IRMA AUTOMOTIVE $1,239,661 $1,008,953 $2,274,252 . $574,582 All l)IS'IRIIIUTING (,533.45; AISISISY MANOR 560.50; AISU S5ILMAN 3,155.22; WATER FURtI $1,617,211 $9,707,093 $8,653,238 $1,071,085 COMI'U'IER INFO. SYSTEMS 3,605.00; CONCORD LAKES 6,991.50; 7A1,09I.70; ENHANCED 911 FUND $400,230 $330,789 $287,573 $637,430 AISILIlY liLOOlL 9,629.60; ART APIeLIANCES 5r46563 ACCIJleAVlNG. CON'I'INENI'AL RESEARCI'I COlO' 7,158.45; CONTRACTING A MATERIAL CG j y I1OI1JOMAN CO 2,545.64; J 1)01-IENY (,709.011; cboG $7,230 $0 $7,233 50 COMIrANY 52,067.25; 13,639.35; . J. OONGDON SEWER SERVICE 105,990.40; J.C. SILVESTRI ASSOCIA'I'ES MOTOR FUEL TWO FUND $1,201,338 $703,918 $00,240 $1,817,024 ACCUSTAFF 5,2)3.32; ACFWX CABLIÑG SOLUTIONS 35,640.60; COOK COUNTY COLLIOCI'OR 7,520.67; COOK COUN'I'Y 3'REASURER 9,907.00; 'I .075. 00; CAPITAL PROJECT $17.070.017 $988.212 $0.111.314 $12,753,815 ADMIRAL PLUMBING l7Br62045 ADVANCES) ELECTRONIX 2,150.83; LAWRENCEW000 TIF $3,144,844 $2,373.785 $2.213.075 $3,005,951 CORRIDOR SUPPLY 1,025.00; CORTINA TOOL A MOLDING CG 1,280.00; S.S. RIEMER, INC. 50,702.50; JAMESCALLERG 1,200.00; ADVANTAGE I'LMBGFIEATING 1r969.53; ADVENT SYSTEMS, INC. 46,993.50; TARGET TIF $0 $837,772 $1,183,315 ($1,025,243) CROWN ('LASA S'I' ANTIIONY 1,204. (7; CUES TV 2,049.34; JANS EINS'ERI'RISES, INC. 12,877.60; JANIS BATTLE I 1,321.76; MILWITOUHYTIF SD $4,097,058 $195,748 $4,897,208 AERIAL EQUII'MITNT INC 1,677.66; A1111Y TAIrPLIS 1,120.00; CUMMINSONAN NRTI'IRN IL 1,59) 65; D&B ASSOCIATES, INC 2,955.00; JAI'AN ELECTRONIC MGRS.AGY 3,350.00; JENNINGS CHEVROLET, INC POLICE PENSION FUND $10,390.218 02,206,085 $929,079 $17,731,222 AIR ONE EQUIPMENT INC 2,093.93; AIR ONE EQUII°MENT, INC 5,865.02; FIRE PENSION FUND $15,386,893 $2,025,760 5821,494 $19,571,179 I)&K TRUCK SAFElY LANE 1,052.50; DATA CAlW CORI'ORATION (5,0 10.0$; 8,561.53; AIILIOUCIl TELETRAC 2,121.02; ALEC LAULIS 3,593.16; DAVID LIEB 2,040.00; DAVID M. ORIFFI'I'FI sO ASSOC 9,999.67; JEWISII POCET 1,809.00; JOHN CARETTI R CO. 48,830.00; 072,098,991 $44 39$ 135 841 258 598 $75 241,535 ALL/V'I' 'IV & RADIO SE/kV 1,5 I 9.00; ALEXANIJIIR Cl IE1MICAL COlLI' 3,59)00; 13E GRAF CONCRETE CONSTR. 169,666.5K DEAN STRZELECKI 1,297.13; JONES & BROWN CG INC I 14,1 16.75; JONES & BROWN CO., INC. 366,066,90; ALEXANDRIA TRKGUNGEII,G11.ND 9,509.25; ALIGNMENT SI°ECIALIS1', INC OIICA'I'UR ELECTIOONICS,INC. (,245:00; 000IIOAI1 CONCRETE (50,357.20; 10SEP11 J. ANNUNZIO R ASSC 5,516.67; JGSEI'II ZURAWSKI 2,970.00; 1,100.00; . JOUI1.NAL W TOPICS NEWS 1,010.00; JUAJOITA LO'I'T 22,491.20; ALLCIIOO MOI1,TUARYSVC 1,510.00; ALL SEALANTS INC (,495.00; DES I'LAINES GLASS CO I,200.OX; DESIGN INS'I'ALLA'I'ION SYS. 223,494.05; DIANE M ANGELUCCI 4,948.47; DIANE MCENERNEY 6,000.05; DIANE JULENE LAVELLI 12,035.00; KALE UNIFORMS INC 4,205.19; The loregollig Is a true 0ndcoIroStS lalomeill olthe munIcIpal raceipis andexpen dilSres lorthe lIsca) ALLIED ASPHALT I'AVING CG 73,369.77; AMBASSAI)OI1. BUSINESS SOL. y 8ar60 dedAplIl 30. 1907 and lie atalo 91111e l5980Si78S 05April 3$, 5997. VASQUEZ 1,000.00; KALE UNIFORMS, INC 24,022.21 ; KALWALL CORP 19,427.40; 2,760.80; KANE, McKENNA & ASSOC 10,345.3 I; KAPLAN TRUCKING & PAVING AMISASSADOR OEFICS.EQUIP 5,075.00; AMER BUSINESS TELEPEIGNE DIANE VÁZQUEZ 5,000.00; DIANE WINTER 1,200.00; DICTAPISONE 3,9(5.60; DIGITAL DIR.ASSISTANCE 4,553.00; DISPLAY SALES 2,728.46; 50,090.00; 243.50; . DOROTI-IY DGLACK I 200.00; DIOEISOLKER ELECT. MOTORS 1,500.50; KAll. PRODUCTS, INC 2,321.08; KARA COMI'ANY, INC 1,576:75; - 9d AMIStO NATIONAL BANK 6(673.75; AMERICAN BUSINESS FORAIS 3,34 I . II; George R. 081 Deem DUKES SALES A SERVICE 30,113.36; DUKES OIL SERVICE INC 1,560.00; KCM PRODUCTIONS 1,575.00; KENDON ELECTRIC 3 1,662.90; KENNETH AMERICAN DEMOLITION INC 1,800.00; AMERICAN ENGINEEIUNG, INC Silage Treasurer GUNnAR ARMORED INC 4,74 1.25; EAGLE SOFTWARE, INC 1,949.00; COIIEN 25,427.60; AillaSe el Nile! 549,080.10; EAST JORDAN IRON WKS1 INC I 1,100.75; ED NAPLE'ION DODGE 04,682.30; KENNY CONSTRUCTION CO. 151,384.50; KIMCO CORPORATION 46,3 I5.i5; Cook CoucH, 11110015 AMEIGCAN OVIXRIII/AG GOOF, 5,530.09; AMERICAN STO!' LOSS INS 75,5 I I SB; ED WINTER 3,573.33; EDWARD I-I. MAIN 1,200.00; ELEK TEK SERVICE CO KINGY,TAIXEN,GERAGI'ITY &I'GT 20,000.00; KISSI\NE CATERING INC 2,075.95; .AMI3IOITECII (62038.90;AMIXRITECH NF. SYSTEMS (2,997.00; 4,965.27; KOLI'JkK & LERNEIS I, 125.00; KRAIil' PAI'ER SALES CO 2,903.19; The Iore$ol095lalemeel cIscAse 0. Van Deem, Villege Treeeureri SetIueaodCOrleC t capy 01 the ANI)ERSON LOCK CO 1,597. 7; ANDREW IGIINSON CO INC 20,953.79; ELGIN FIRE DEI'ARTMENT 3,050.00; ELMUURST ELECTRIC CO 6(6,453.50; KRAFT PAI'ER SALES CO. 3,099.2); LAND R LAKES CO 7,671.50; eonua)enSoun t 01)56 VIllage of Riles aId Sas Sled With me this.±jjday slOc)sbca 1997. ANGELA LAEMMERUIRT 5,450.00; ANGOLO 'l'ISOlANI 1,200.00; ANICOM ENVIRONETX I 1,142.42; ERIC L LANZL 5,535.59; LANG IIOME MEDICAL EQUII'. 1,240.64; LEROYS WELDING & FAB 1,498.05; 5,013.11; ERLANI3S ELECTRICAL CGNTR 30,104.05; EVANSTON PAINT CO. 1,945.91; LESLIE BAXI'ER I 1,098.16; LINCOLN SQUARE ELEC SUI' 4,627.14; ANITA DOTLOFF 1,003. 13; ANTIQUE CGFIEE SERVICE 10,497.00, FUR. INC 1(71,00; FEDERAL RESERVE BKMINN. 30,006.02; LINGAI IL BIl.OS., INC. 94,500.00; LINOX COMI'ANY 3,207.26; ARAMAIU( UNIFORM SVCS INC 1,093.90; AISLINGION INTL 1,242,53; hENCE SUI'PLIERS, INC 2,307.00; FERN KATZ, CIIAIRMAN (,700.00; LOGO ADV. DESIGNS 5,043.73; LORENZ A ASSOC. LTD 2,000.50; ARMSTRONG MEDICAL INO.INC 1,475.30; ART BOOKBINDERS OF OIGO 68155 H 18159 IiIÇI.ITER EQUIP SALES 1,254.61; FIRE CONTROL, INC. 52,550.50; LORETFA IIILL 1,771 .51; LOVERDE CONSTRUCTION CO 1,532,700,66; VIIIepe leek 3,855.00; ' . FIISEMENS l'ENSION FUND 217,053.00; FIRST NA'I'IONAL BANK CIIGO LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES 33,763.89; LUND INDUSTR1ES INC 40,112.09; 'AtIeNe st Nibs i ARTISTIC 5,969.20; ARTISTIC EXECUTIVE AWARDS 2,165.77; ounly, IllInois I 10,305.09; , . LURVEYS AMERICAN GREEN 3,494.45; M A M RADIO LAB 5,400.04; ARVI/YS RESTAURANT 3,1 02. 12; ASPEN CONSULTING 2,562,55; FIRST OI AMERICA-GOLF MIL 2,710,054.14; FITNESS EXPERIENCE. TIlE SuIAAS-ROWE CARILONS, INC. 5,000.00; MABAS DIVISION III 2,061.05; VILLAGE OF SILES. COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS ASSOCIATED SUPPLY CO INC 1,794.73; AT&T 3,24 I .24; MAGUIlLO EN'I'ERPRISES, INC 4,004.05; MARGUER5'Il/ & LANI)OW, INC. 3,00. I 5; , AULO CLUTCI-I & PARTS SVC 20,795.49; AUTOMATIC CONIROL SERVICE 5,420.00; 1,320.56; FIVE S'lAIl. ENGINEEI1.ING CO 7,802.43; FLESIIER I'LASTERINOG 2,422.90; STATEMENT OF CASH ANO SECURITIES ANO STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS ANO MARION DISC,IIURNRIJODING 2,145.00; MARK IT CORP. 9,480.05; AUTOSELATIC ELEVATOR CO,INC I (9,054,00; AU'I'OMOTIVE LIFT SVCEQUIP FlOORING I1JJSGURC0S COlEI' 64,206.98; FLOW-'I'ECIIN!CS 2,270.40; ESPENITITURES POR 114E FISCAL YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, IRS? PUBLISHED IN IiLOYO SIEEL EROICI'OILS 4,541.00; FLUID CONXJTRVA'IIDN SYS'rl/M 31,436.58; MARTHA D. VAN GEEM 14,196.05; MAI(VII1ZERWEKH 2,000.00; COMPLIANCE WITH THE ILLINOIS COMPILED STATUTES, 65 ILCS 5/31-35.05. 3,403.00; MARY JO SPERLING I 1,028. IA; MARY OLEKSY 1,474.2); MARY VANOENI'LAS I1OLGERS FLAG R LSECOI1.ATING 3,488.83; FOREVER GREEN 2,219.09; AVIJX INTERNATIONAL, INC. 3,934.00; B&E OVÌ4RIIEAG 000R4,0I5.AV; 1,418.04; FOUNTAINVIEW CONDO ASSOC. 2,219.55; FRANCZEK,SULLIVAN,MANN, II&M EXTERMINATING 2,6 (3.00; BANNER BOILER CO 6,338.00; ' MATRX MEDICAL, INC. 2,009.72; MC CLENNAN CO AGENTS 15,065.90; STATEMENT OF CASH AND INVESTMENTS (r,577.45; BATTERY WORKS INC I, 47.03; BAUERS SERVICE 14,95 I BO; BELL FUELS INC MC MASTER-CARR 1,005.72; MCDONOUOII ASSOCIATES INC 15,451.14; 0,705.50; ' IiILEDRIKSEN & SONS 3,286. 18; G & L CONTRAC1'ÖRS. INC 9,000.00; CASH I'IVESTMENTS TOTAL MCDONOUOI-I ASSOCIATES, INC 73,041.77; MEDICAL RESEARCII LAB DELL I1USLS, INC. I 1,538.98; BENTLEY SYSTEMS INC 1,406.25; Li. C. MASONRY, INC. 5,039.50; GENESIS I'RODUCTIONS, INC.3,562.20; GEORGE & CLAUDiA TWARSKI 1,050.00; GEORGE D. BARKER & ASSOC. 3,193.00; GENERAL FUND S 31,825.51 S 9,325,831 .09 B 9,361,453.05 BETLIANY TERRACE 14,610.80; BEVERLY GRAVEL 9, I 05.38; METRO ENVIRONMENTAL 10,089.50; METROMEDIA STEAKIIOUSE2,335.10; STREET ANO BRIDGE S - S 757,104.00B 757,104.00 BEVERLY GRAVEL INC 12,482.72; BIG TOP TENTPARTY RENTAL (,200.50; 3,050.00; . . GEEM (642.70; MICROFILM ENTERI'RISES 2,500.00; MIO 'IOWN I'ETROLEUM, INC 4,243.00; MUNICIPAL/WASTE s - s - s - 0ILL BAlLIONS SPORI'S C3Il.3,153.I6; BILLS COMPLE'I'IJ LANI$SCAI'E (1IOGRGR J. BLUM & ASSOC. 3,1.74.05; GEORGE Il.. VAN INC 67,469.38; MID-AMERICA S,SJuETY EQUIP. 1,562.72; MIDWAY TRUCK PARTS 1,665.61; AUTOMOTIVE S . - S - s - GERALD SIIEEIIAN 1,240.00; GEWALT HAMILTON ASSGC 23,988.00; . . WATERFLIND MIDWEST EMERGENCY VEHICLE 192,342.00; MIDWEST GRAFIIIC 06,955.654 ...... 3A2,6U2:3 ...... 43iX02.SS ISLUECISOSS BLUES[IIELD' Í,566,690,46;001151U(IJOAO1NG2,033'ijij DI IIDAMAR'I'OI6.ANG 2,8 14.04; GLANDER PAVING I 17,675.00; ENHANCED $51 PUNO 1,005.00 S 503,607.00 5 554,667.05 '''''''' ..CONSULTNT 5,403.82; $ (ILEAOON&ELFEIXINGB,694.00; GLOBu'sLFIiTE EQUIPMENT-INC 26,743.42; . BRANIFII COMMUNICATIONS 2,760,26; EIUGAGIEP. ROOFING, INC. 23,266.00; C000 s - s - B - GLOBE CONSTRUCTION INC 9,060.00; GOLDINCO53,934.32; MIDWEST TAR SEALER CO 9,655.05; MINELL1 BROS 5,155.00; MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND 5 1,D00.DD 5,758,279.50 B i 759,279.00 BILIS I OL I IOSL & I I I I ING 3 086 20 BROWN & Kl RE INC 02 8027V N (lOSS I'LUMBING, INC. 54,900.00; GOVT FINANCEOFFICEI1.S (,305.05; MISSISSIPI'I TOOL SUPPLY 1,257.1 I; MITCIIS GREENTI'IUMB 33,660.00; LAWRENCEW000TIF 3,053,800.00 $ 14,255.05$ 2,909,558.30 5 BRUCE LESTER 3,200.00; BIEUCE'MUNICIIlALEQUII'MISNT 24,753.65; 2,385.57; MKM DISTRIBUTORS I,244.B3;MOBILE-TECII CORP 1,623.50; TARGET/IF 590.25 990.20 GI(,AND NA'I'IGNAL BANK 222,658.72; GRAPHIC CONTROLS D 9 - S I8UGLE I'UBLICA'IIONS 7,332.6Ò; IIUNKISIt I III.L CLUb 2,200.00; BUNKER IIILL 2,441.50; MONTGOMERY WARDS I, 132.22; MOODYS INVESTORS SVC 9,500.00; MILWITOUHYTIF S 1,500.50 5 4,825,857.00 B 4,026,057.00 TIIERMO KING (,594.00; GREENS OI bUREAU OF LES I ING SERV 7 547 50 BURNIGGE CASSELL ASSOC. 63II 93 50 MORTON GROVE ANIMAL 4,760.30; MORTON GROVE AUTOMO'IIVE 0,785.65; CAPITAL PROJECT 5 2,453.75 S 13,314,305.25 5 03,355,059.50 01(001' RECYCLING A WASI'E 836,402.31; II & IIELECTI(IC CO 97,614.47; ISURNING BUSI'I CIDNDGS. 2,663.46 BURI1.ELL ISELTING COMIeANYI322.42' MOTIVE PARTIS GP AOAIJSIIJCA I I 557.74; MOTOROLA 4,266.25; POLICE PENSION FUND S I 005.00 S 16,207,130.00 $ 10,200,138.0$ I lAGO 150055 4,090.96; HALL SIGNS, INC 2, 140.97;HANSEN ASSOCIATES FIRE FEÑSION FUND O 5,050.055 10,062,304.05 $ 10,003,354.00 BUSINESS & LEGAL REPORTS 4,0(9.65; C A R LEASING INC 1,0X0,05' MOTOROLA COM R ELEC 7,564.60; MOTOROLA COM A ELEC. 54,401.13; C&II DISTRIBUTORS, INC. 1,378.57; CAD. COÑTRACT GLAZING (35 206.80 4 3 05 .3 4; MOTOROLA, INC33,494.J7;MR. CI-lESTER SCIIWARZ (,306.75; IIAIXOIN I'AVING CO. 459,075.74; IIAILRY KINOWSKI2,501.95; s 123,194.65 B 60,115,790.35 $ 60,233,961.25 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICIOS 5,501.00; CATI IV BEILENT 2,197.01; MTl CONSTRUCTION SERVICE 474,324.09; MUNICIPAL CODE CORP 5,310.59; I IARTNEY OIL CO. I I 5,010.95; I-101L CHICAGO 15,962.24;HESCO, INC 1,14.07; CDW COMPUTIJR CEN'I'ERS INC 62)3 I.99;CELLULAR ONE15,330.25; MUNICIPAL MARKING DIST I 1,906.74; MUNICIPAL SERVICES ASSOC. I)I;WI,Ii'I'I I'ACKARI)25,127.07; IIIIJIILANI)lOWERS CUNDO I 5,040.27; RECEIPTS . CELLULAR ONE-CIIICAGO 6,546.40; O/NIEL-ILLINOIS33,915.00' 9,750.60; I IIGIILANO 'rOWORS CONDO II6,045.27; IIIGI)LAND TOWERS CONDO III CENTIMARK COISIC 6,060.30; CEN'I1EAL 'IELEI'IIONE CO I I 664.00'CI1A MUNICIFALSOFTWARE, INC 39,361.45; N-EASTERN METRO NARC & 3,000.00;


THE EuGLE;rIJURsDAY Oobr 30, 1997 PAGE 42 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ConIirned from Page 42 lARRY MUELI.ER 39,495.50; BARr MUIU'IIY 2,234.50, ANDY MY'I'NIK 5,300.50, 5,560.08; LISA NALLEN 37,559.50; MARK NANNINI 14,001.50; l'IIILLII' NASII 10,632.50; Contrnd from Fago 41 'I'RUGREEN 5,566:00; UNDERGROUND F11'E & VALVE I IllS l'IF I)ESSEN'I' l,075.50;ORLANI)O DIAZ 19,771.50; RONAI.,I) IJIRENZO UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES 1,193,00; UNISOURCE10,011.10; 7,507,50; MOUSA NAZZAL 46,740.50, 'rIMO'I'iIy NEI,IIIAUER 3,057.50; JOIIN 22999.78; NORTH TOWNMECHANICAL SVC NORTh SI-lORE UN1lORM UNI'I'ED VISUAL, INC. 6,732.00; UNITEDWAY-SKOKIE VALLEY 4,692.19; . JEROME DOCZEKALSKI 41,174,50; SEAN DORSEY 2,664.50; SIIARON NEU0EIIAUEI1. I,64.50; I'A'I'RICIA NEUKIRCI'I 1,017.50; SCO'I' NEUKIRCI'I 20,780.50; LOUIS NEWMAN 3,623.74; V E V CONSTRUCTION CO. I 61 5.00;VANGUARD DRUMBUOLE CORI' I)OUGLASS 2,400.50; 4,697.72; NORI'IIWESTERN UNIV.2,225.60; 3,154.50; NORTHEASTERN IL T'LAN COMM 1,500.00; DANIEL DRISCOLL 10,853.50; CASIMER DURAVA 3,711.50; KEITII l)U'I'TON BANK M1NNESOrI NA ChARLES NICKERSON 32,427.50; CAThERINE NI'I"I'I 28,360.50; NORWEST 15A24KILLINOIS,N.A 642,613.15; NORWEST VERMEER-IL, INC 4, 149.86; VHFCOMMUNICATIONS INC 3,235.96; '4,771.50; GI.,ISÑVIEW 29,970.32; 'I'LOFILO NORIEGA 00,190.50; GEORGE NOWAK 35,935.50; DENNIS 124,202.50; CONIWRENCE 1,284.00; VIKING PRINTING 3,577.02; VILLAGE OF ALICE EGAN 24,699.50; HANNAIIBISENBERO 2,816.50; JAMES ELENZ NW Cl-IIUSTMAS PARADISFUND 1,000.00; NW MUN NII,IS 2,560.62; :19,457.50; 0I)ONOVAN 1,153.50; CONSULTANTS, INC. 935.00; VILLAUI3 OF MORION UROVI64,432.58;.VlL1,AGliOI OLEARYS CONTR. EQUIP. I1,405.37; OSP. VOLI.MAR CI,AY I'RODUC'IS CO 24,792.35; WO.MURI'IIY'& ASSOCIA'I'ES 'I'IIOMAS ELENZ 29,550,50; LEON ELSINGER 39,533.50; S'FEVEISRICII 30,540.50; JOIIN ONEIL 2,272.50; KA'I'IILEEN ONEILL 5,533.56; JOSISI'I'I OSULLIVAN OLDI3 SCOTLAND YARD1,343.00; 46.253.50; OCCUPATIONAL MEDOCINE45,995.66; INC. 353.60; 2,053.00; DAVID ESPOSITO 29,274.50; MARK OVINS 33,123.50; EDWARI) FALLON OOSTERBAAN & SONS CO.5,635.00; ORIENTAL TRADING CO COURT CONDO 3 2,432.65; I)ENNIS OLBRISCI-I 40,096,50; MARY OLEKSY 5,732.51); 'I'HOMAS OLEKSY SERVICE 4,000.00; WACIIS COMI'ANY 5,391,00; WASFIINGTONI 33,785.50; OUTLOOK ENVELOPE CO436.23; 1' A D ANTENNA WASIIINGTON COURI' CONDO 4 2,432.65;WASIIING'I'DN COURI' CONDO 5 DORO'I'IIY FEELEY 8,436.50; MARTIN FELD 39,234.50; ANTIIONY FIDANZA 25,9 I 2,50; IL.INC. 4,735.09; UCIIARO OLSON 3,450.50; WILLIAM OR'FLUND,JIt 0,426.50; CIIARLES 'ACE HEADQUAATERS4,600.00; PAGING NETWORK 00 3 2,006.50; 3,228.00; 2,432.65; I'ALMDR CONSULTINO I5,560.00; PAIU( I'LACC WASI'IINGl'ON COUICF CONI)O 12,432.65;WASIIINI'ON COUlD CONDO II I'A'I'IUCIA FINN 21,415,50; ERWIN FLEISCIIMANN 22,556.50; 10SEP11 FLORI6S'I' OS'I'MAN 36,137.50;, INNOVATIONS 7,404.00; I'ATTISN TRACTOR & EQUIPCO 3,280. 14; PC 'I'EOFILO I'ADIl.ID 6,741.50; LEONARD I'ALICKI 1,500.50; SI'IARON I'ANEK PA1TNI3I0S1IIP 050.00; 2,432.65; . . 45.400.50; I'I3COVEIt DNCORATING SVC.40,620.00; l'ISOR JURY WATER RESOURCES, INC. 45,633.70;WATER SERVICES 2,S0').00; WA'rEIlI'RO SUSAN FLYNN 020.50; KIMBISI1,LY FREDERICK 24,833.50; MARlIN 111,413.50; CADETS DONO I'ANOUSIERES 40,907.50; YU-SUNG I'AIU( 2,129.56; (OVIN 'lII'Y CASII - VILLAGE OF3,944.89; I'FIANIOM I&EOIMENI 41,967.04; FRIEDMAN 43,661.55; SUI'I'l.Y CO 3,039.00; I'ARl'INOTON 7,265.50; 1,100.00; . WATSON WYA'I'T & CO 7,290.00; WAY KEN CONI'. JOhN FItYKSDALE 39,449.S0;JUS'l'IN FRYKSDALE 1,972.50; SAMUEL 2,200.00; I'IIiKOS AI'I'IIAISALS2,000.00; WEST CHICAGO ISANDAG 17,01 I .31; ERNEST PASSARELLI 25,509.50; DUANE I'AULUS 6,553.50; 'I'IIOMAS I'AUS 'I IANTOM ,ISEGIMENI 1)13 COlD' WELLS FARGO ALARM SERViCE 1,036.41; FUCARINO 46,645.50, ., '1DEC15 MANUFACTURING, INC2l2,OBl.00;I'IONI4EI1COACIILINES 10,336.75; WEST sIDETRAc'roRSALESIS,441.08;WESTSIDEMECI'IANICAL 0,755.34; DOUGLAS FULLER 32,978.50; JOIIN DABA 33,578.50; JOIIN GABA 3,273.50; 35,057.50; JI;I'I'REY PAWLIK 1,037,50; I'AULAPAYNE 5,732.50; JOSEPI'IPENZE 35,241.50; l'OlICE CONSULTANTS 9,222,05;POLICEPENSION FUND 250,169.34; WILLIAM WHITE 1,333.27; WIRES INDUS'IRIES INC24,211.82; EVELYN GAERTNER 26,039.50; NICIIOLAS GARGANO 22,698.50; I 530.00; FARRIS PE'I'ERSON 10,475.50; PAUL PETERSON 1,883.50; RICI'IAIl.D PICKUP l'OLLARD MOlOR CO 38,9 5.00;POIlA, INC. 44,841.59; WIRFS INDUSTRIES, INC. 33,312.42; WISTIIOFFINDUS'I'RII3S. L'ID. JEFFREY GATTUSO 1,250.50; TERRY JSENDOLA4O,007.50; VINCENZO 8,127.85; 36,251.50; l'OSl'MASTER, CHICAGO 47,802.00;I'RAIISIE MATERIAL SALES WOLF E COMPANY 18,000.00; WOLF CAMERA& VIDEO,INC. 9, 5 I .20; OENUALDI 36,000.50; 2,632,62; SIIAWN l'lERCE 34,1 13.50; 110135101' I'IERSKI 3 1,607,50, 1101301(1' 'lLAr I'Rll)li OF 111E LIONS. 1,400.00;1'IuogrI'Y ELECI'IOONICS Lii) WOLF CAMERA INC 4,755.44; WOOD RIVERCONDOMINIUMS & 2,44 ISO; ChARLES GIOVANNELLI.40,336.50; RAYMOND GIOVANNELLI 52,901.50; 'lwsApEiy2,I3o.oG; I'ROJECT CONTP'OLINC.2,709.60; PRZYBYLOS 9,911.62;.WOODLEY PARK 1,997.59; WW GRAINDER10,561 .32; XEROX CORI'DRA'I'ION TIIOMAS GLINES 31,148.00; IIILLARD GOLLY 10,178.50; ENWIYAH 0OROIS 0,259.50; QUALITY TI&UCK SUPPLY6,760.19; RONALD I'ILOUSEK 29,ISO.'SO;I(ENNETI'I l'IWKO 40,755.50; MARIANNISI'IWKO PUBLIC FINANCE ASSOC. 11,333.37; 71,206,13; . , 27,513.50; . ILW.IIENDRICKSEN CO 5,460,00;RAMA ACE HARDWARE 1,627.09; YESNER MAII.KE'I'ING, INC 10,549.50; ZAGONI3USINESS SERVICE 4,806.20; RICI'IARD OOSZCZYNSKI 36,226.50; VICTOR ORAMZA 42,405.50; 3.1165.3 0; RANDALL INDUSTRIES INC7,160.00; RANIERISLANDSCAPING SVC 33,361.50; ZAGONI(NIGHT PRESS 4,069.30; ZARNOTI'I ISRUSIlWOI1.KS, INC 1,624.50; ' GIOCCIIINO GRANA 9,236.50; MARIAN GREENENWALD 4,76 I .50; JAMES KENNI(I'II I'LOOG 40,574.50; MICIIAEL l'LODO 2,393.50; 'I'IIOMAS I'OLCYN IOAYMOND GIOVANNELLI 1,334. II;REGIONAL TISUCK EQUIP CO 0,044.75; GRESIK 2,462.00;, 9,003.50; RELIABLE DAlA COMM. 15.550.80; '*' EXPENDITURES - I'AYRGLL'' REGIONAL TRUCK EQUIP. CO. 6,374.61; KA'I'l'ILEEN GROCI'IOCKI 26,031.50; MICI'IAEL Gll,OCIIOCKI 6J 23.50; 'I'IIOMAS I'OLINSKI 42,397.50; LESLIE I'OTOCKI 30,750.50; LOUELLA I'RESTON 0,453.19; AFFRUNTI 5,337.50; ELIAS, IS050UI10ENET INTERNATIONAL3,523.00; IEESI'OND SYSTEMS CIIARLES AFFRUNTI 45,147.50; KAI1.EN MARY GRONEMEYER 2,43 I .50; I'ATRICK GRUBE 3,061 .50; SCOlI' GUERINO 2,234. 50; lUCI lARD J TROY 43,378. 12;IS1CIIAIED L. SMITI I 2,523.50; . AGALIANOS 5,523.50; 41,270.50; ANDREW I'RZYBYLO 2,2345O; MARGARE'I' RABENHORS'I' 7,345.50; 1,850.11; GARY AMATO 15,633.55; PETER EMS lOUSINESS SYSTEMSI,050.00;KOEEII.T SCHWAKE STONECO GEORGE ALEXOPOULOS 2,511.50; DANIEL HALLEY 38,100.50; LINDA HALLEY 2,057.00; lUNE HAMMOND CALVIN IIADWAY 34,511 .50; LINDA RAE 6,683.50; JACK RANIERI 2,147.00; ROCII.ESl'ER M1DLANI) 1,098.7 1;ROGER BERNAL 200.05; ANDERSON 52,397.50; 8,713.50; JEROME Il,ANIERI 1,118.50; KENNE'I'I'I RANIERI 0,543.50; IONATIIAN RAZ MARIA AN'l'ONIO 19,699.50; 9,890.57; ROMAN INC. 8,937.50; GREGORY ANTKOWIAK 6,124.50; ROBERT l'IANNA 7,175.50; KA'I'Hll,YN lIARBISON 3 209.50; I'IEATI'IERI'IARDY 30,920.50; EOIILWING IOROTI-IERS, INC 2,213.50; MICIIELLE ISACHER1,662.50;' ROSEMONT MASONRY C011I'552,169,40; BEllI ANN AUFDENGARTEN 22,012.50; FRANK REBELLATO 32;I82,50; MICI'IAEL REID 29,372.50; WILLIAM REIDJR RONALD J MOLICK 2,623.87; IOALL 29,761 .50; CI0RISTAISALLOWE ROSSINIS 1,117.50; MICIIAEL BAKER 27,649.50; LYNN MICI'IAEL IIAWS 43,407.50; DAVID I'IEISER2,416.55;JOSEI'I'I I'IELMINIAK 49,530.50; IEUST ENVIRONMENT AND57,433.60; 20,748,50; 38,005.50; JEFFREY RIEMEI1.40,529.50; BASIL AlGAS 5,219.55; BRUCE RINUQUIS'I' RUS'I ENVIRONMENT & 213,467.74; MICHAEL I4AUMI1ART 38,474.50;NA1'ALIO 10.101' ENVIRONMENTAL 5,732.40;I1.YDIN SIGN CO 2,507.30; KATI'ILEEN ISARNAT 21,635.50; CIVIllY I IELSTROM I 9,807.50; TI lOMAS HI6NDkICKS 30,025.50; BRIAN I 1,327.50; SAFETY KLEEN CORPORATION1,417.25; BAVARD 39,457.50; I'IINRY liNOS 33,313.50; JOSEI'I'I PiZZO 5,186.50; DWIGIIT ROIJI'ISNACK SAFISLI'l'E ISLASS CORP. 1,361.51; ROIOERT BERLES 2,291 .50; FREDISERRESHEIM IIENRICK5 37,713.50; SAFElY SUI'I'LY ILL1NOIS3,085.31;SAI(O & ASSOCIAI'ES 33,297.05; NINA BAVARO 1,272.50; JACK I'IISNRIKSEN 43,009.50, HORST I'IERB .6,741.50; GLENN HOFFMAN 32,104,5K 0CC CLEANING CD. 309.32;SCHROEDER 0 SCHROEDER 213,446.67; 32,266.50; ' ' 1,934.50; ISLIZAIJE'l'II ROLLA 22,005.50; J0500'II ROMANO 35,436.30, JOSE ROQUE EMIL ISER'rOLINI 6,410.50;CI'IRIOTOI'HER I3E'I'I'IEL 8,339.50;ANTI'IONY BEYER SCIIULIZ SUI'I'LY 1,065.86; SENTINELCOM1'UTER SVC 7,222.99; 501M l'IUINKEII 42,394.50; SCOFF JOCHIM 44,240.50; DONALD KADEISABEK 23,334,50; SERVICE CONSTRUCTION, INC98,047.20; SEWEIO EQUII'.CO OFAMERICA 297.55; ' 34,736.50; DANIEL RYAN, SR 5,979.50; IUSOI'II SALERNO 4,667.50; LAURA SALERNO NICHOLAS BEYER 6,430.50; JOHN BIANCI'II 31,637.50; ANGELINA ISINEK 1,679.03; JOlIN KALDIS 980,55; JOHN I(ATSOOLIAS 48,279.50; NICIIOLAS 22,066,00; SIDWELL CO EAI(LSAL'I'IIER SICALCO LTD. 17,726.57; SICILIANSAND OF CII1CAGO 1,350.00; 4.205.50; KA'I'SOOLIAS 2,209.50; BENJAMIN SALKIN 10,123.56; I(UNNKI'II SALL42,91 1.50, JOANNE IOIRKENI'IEIER 38,008.50;DANNO IlIrIO 15,017.50; SANDRABLAKE WALTER KAZAKEICH 42,420.50; KENNETH KELOARD 9,919.50; JIM 3,548.50; ' 3,855.41; 3,940.00; SIM1'LEX TIME RECORDER CO1,741.00; 5160KM AUI'OMOTIVE 27,503.50; KET'I'LESON 1,848.50; CIIARLES SANNO 35,21 .50; ROIJISR'I' SARIIAN 2,302,50;KARL SCIIISEL MICIIAEL BLASE 2,5 18.50; NICHOLASBLASE 3,574.50; RIChARD BLASSICI( SKOKIIS VALLEY REPRO. 3,647.01;SMITIlIS & SIIANAIIAN 4,537.00; 30SEP11 KI-IASHO 2,719.50; ROBERT RIFEN 2,604.50; ERNEST KIEPI3IOill 46,437.50; 3'3732.S0; ' , ' , I,AI(RY INDUSTRIAL 3,707.55; . JAMES SCIIMII) '14,700.50, 011151016V SCIIMII)I' 35,592.50, SEAl' ON TOOLS 3,177.64; SNAI'-ON BOÑDI 2,234.50; AMY BONSIGNOIUS 31,681.50; SOF'1'N16'l' lOUSINESS SOLU1'ION102,075.66; SOFTNET, INC. 5,445.50; ANDY BLONIARZ 6,506.50; 'I'IIOMAS hARRY KINOWSKI JR 54,014.50; DENNIS KLICI'I 1,401.50; YOLANDA KLICI'I SCI'IRAMBISCK 40,034.50; 50 ILE MATERIAL CONS.23,208.50; ' DAVID SCIIWEIGERT 35,201 .55; AN'I'I IONY SCIPIONE 3 1,549.50;TOM SEELOS SOFTWARE CLE.ARING.lIOUSE 1,797.75; .2,243.50; 1,162.50; ' Sl'ECIALIY-CARDS 1,050.00; SPRINGAIIEFILTER 1,641.41; ...... S''T EVEN ISORKOWSKI 4i,466.S0; KEVIN ISOSSIIARI' 2,239.55; hEI..0OYSEN' '''' DONALOKOBYLESKI 34,630.50; ROMAN KOF1NSK"i' ,387.S0; CA7r"Ri'E 35,053.55; ST.PRANCIS I-IOSI'ITAL 3,800.00; R005RSEINI1'Z25,919.SO;CIIAI(I.ES SOLEEN I 1,691.50;AIlE SELMAN S'I'. AUBIN NURSERY 20,309.00; .062.50; KOSINA 3,915.50; ' S'I'ANDARD EQUIPMENT 4,962.78;STANDARD FUSEE COlO' 1,526.40; GERALD BRANDENBURG 4,617.50;RONALD BRANDT 42,984.50; GARY KRAUSE 33,342.50; MARY KRUEGER 5,3 I 3.50; JOYCEKRUSCFIKA 67,732.50; STANDARDI'OOR RATINGS GRP 3,500.00;STANLEY CONSULTANTS, INC. BROWN 2,061 .50; MICHAEL BROWN WILLIAM SIIAW 42,362.50; COLLEISN SIIEEIIAN 2,45 .55;GERALD SIIEEIIA.N FREDERICK BRAUN 19,609.50; DAVID 26,914.50; ' 15,190,00; 2,449.50; LAMBRECII'!'S 52,109.50; ELEC 5,927.55; ('ARL KULLY 47,794,511; UISRALD l.A CORRA 31623'3.50; ERIC 2,370.50; MICIIAEL SI lORRY STANN A ASSOCIATES INC7,032,45; S'rEINERFRANRENI3USII, LAURA BRUBAKER 2, 67.50; 30SEP11 BRUNO 3,84 1.50; SAN'I'O BRUNO I'A'I'RICIA SIIEEI'IAN 2,009.50; I'A'I'RICI( SIIEEIIAN 3 1,4 11. SO; SIEVE DONISCIS 2,775.52; S'OIECONSULTING, LTI) 12,960.00; 1,979.50; CONSTRUCTION CO O, 134. 50; SCO'I"I'LANGLO 24,759.50; I'AUL LAUISER 4,660.50;ALEC LAULE 51,458.50; s'rAEUIOING CONSTRUCTION CO18,621.00; STRUEI3ING 'MARK BUCHER 32,039.50; JUDITI'I BURNS27,01 6.50; SUSAN BUS 24,339.50; lOON SIIIELDS 2,396.50; MIChAEl, SIENA 35,039,55; JOIINSMI'I'II 37,042.50; I'RANK LAURIE 40,161 .50; DONALI) LEAVI'I"l'54,255,50; RICIIARD LEDDY EDWARD SOSNOWSKI 133,951.30; l'A'I'RICKBYRNE 2,205.50; KENNETh CALLISRO2,1 2.50; ROBERT CALLERO FRANK SMI'I'II JR 1,028.50; S'I'EVEN 50K 33,312.50, SUPERIOR OFFICE PRODUCTS 9,29IlS; 46. 166. SO; SUBURBAN OHARE COMM 14,192.00; 2,217.50; 36,247,50; 35,487.50; . 3,014,297.75; SWABCO ACOUSTICS,INC. JOI'IN CARIER 6,784.50; PETER CAVALLINO JOIIN LEE6,735.SO;JAMES LEIBACII 32,316,51J;LOIS LEYII STANLEY SOSNOWSKI 29,402:50;'ROBLSRJ' SI'ADA 3,240.50;TIIOMAS SUI"l' OP WATER COLLECIIONS I(URT CALLISEN 34,239.50; CAROL, LILO 22,029.50; JACK LICIrI'MAN 2,757.50; DAVID LIEB 25,093.50, SI'ERLINO 29,910.50; 220.00; 25,792,50; ' l'IIILII' MAIIONEY 23,335.50; JAMES MAIIONISY III 23,630.50; S5VANCC TRUS'I' 35883 543,619.36;SWANSON ASI'lIALT CO INC 1,320.00; GUS CI'IAMOI'OULDS I, 25,50; TOMCIIAMOI'OULOS 32,560.50; DAVII) CI IAI'I' ANGELO Sl'ISZIA 3 1,477.50; TIIERISSA SI'RENGEI. 26,381.5(1; JAMES MAhONEY JR 2,309.50; GARY MAJOR1,362.50; LEONID MALI'I'SKY FRANK S'I'ANKOWICZ S,330.50;JOANNI7 SF ANKOWICZ 2,438.50, SWEENEY OIL CO 55,731.1 I; SYDNEYMI'I'CIIEL 200.00; 41,594.50; ' 6,194.08; SYS'8'EMSUI'PORT E INS'l'AL4,439.30; SYSTEM SUPPORT & INSTAL. hOWARD CHASON 10,586.50; MARY Cl'IRIS'I'ENSE3'32,355.50; 9,896.50; MARlIN S'rANKOWICZ4I,027.50;ROI8EILI' O'I'ANKOWICZ45,037.50; 'l'I'IDMAS MARCOT'FE 37,763,50; JOSEI'lI MARUALSKI JR 13,513.50; TELETRAC INC 1,445. 12;TONNANT WILLIAM CHRISTIE 42,891 .50; WALLYCICI'IANSRl 35,149.50; ERNESTINE STIBI 4,289,50; '01015 Si'RA'I'IGOS 2,61 1.55;RANDALL S'I'RICKOIl. TELCOM MIDWEST LLC 2,956.75; FOTIOS MARKADAS 0,374.50; PATRICK MARONEY 34,555.50;FRANK COMI'ANY 5,645.72; 'l'i lUMAS CIERNIAK3O,917.50; NEILCOIIN2,024.50; FETERCOLANGELO, IR 20.631.50; ORI' LTD 4,000.00; MARI'ELLO 5,754.50; 50,499.50; TOM SURACE TEOFILO L. NORIEGA, JR.15,950.07; ,TEI'FER CONSULTING I)ISAN STRZELECKI 45,128.50; RONAI,13 S'l'I4ZELISCI(I 4,306.04; 4,794.50; ' 01 IDA MARTORANO 28,322.50; I'AUL MAIIVUCIC5,630.50; S'lEVO MARVUCIC TEIUEACE SQUARE CONDO ASSN17,021.76; TI'lE'PENCE STORE ('IIIIIS'I'DI'II[SR COI,LE'l"I'I 33,892.50; FIIDERIC()COlON. JR 2,936.50; ((,254.50; GROUI' I, 198.00; 7,104.50; '111E I'ACIFIC COMPANY280,105.27; TUE RADIO'DIRECT JIM CONNELL,I0,302.511; NICK COSTAN'I'INO9,079.50;'I'IMO'I'IIY CROSSIN BEllY SWANSON S,I05,50;'I'IIOMAS SW(SENI4Y'12,62'I.S0; MARCO SYDOCK MILLENIUM ASSOC. I)DNALI) MATUSZAK 47,338.50; DONAlD MA'I'USZA[(II 6,8 9 56; TI IEODORE R KOWALSKIASSOC 2,000.00; TIIII1.D 5,4(2,50; ' 22.2')O.SO; , I,AWRENCE MAYER37,722,S0; (JAYLE MCAUI..IFFIS2.575,50 CUSICK 7,277.50; S'I'EI'I'IEN CUSICK JAN SYSLO 20,874.50, S1'EFAN SZUI(SI(I 3,05 I .50, MARVIN SZYMKOWIAK 19,397. II; . . 3,154,00; MARGARET CUNNE'( 5,057.50; BEVERLY MICI tAEL MC CLOSKEY '156.50, JAMES MC I)ONAUGII33,135.30; 'I'IIOMAS IN'I'ERIORS, INC 412,776.48;TI-IOMI'SON ELEVATOR INSI' 27,4 I 0.50; 1.152,50; DENNIS MC ENERNEY 37,983.50; I(ELLYMICKLE 0,456,50; THREE M 3,309.75; '11111.16E MQIÇG3I72 RL DALY 1,433.50; TIIOMAS DAVIS RICIIARD'I'ARNOWSKI 30,300,50; 1501801E...... trII'LIN 30,691.50; RICIIARI) 'l'IIREE ARROW, INC 1,698.50; ZYGMUN'l' YBUL 2,741.50; I'A'I'RICK SIIELDON MIKKIOLSEN 39,809.50; MARY MILI,ER5,976.50; MARK 2,356.74; 'I'I1l'ER 37,972.50; 36,450.50; MLYNARCZYK 6,481.50; " 2,492.34; TREASURER, STATEOF IL 06,515.45; 2,881.50; RONALD DERBES Contirn,ed or Poge 44 TIME OF YOUR LIFE, INC 'IllUDI I)AVIS 5,030.50; RAYMOND DEMMO JOSEI'I'IINE MORES 22,242,50; MARY KAYMORRISSEY 43,633.50; TREASURER, STATE OF IL.,640.00; TREEFORMS 1,2,38.00; 4 I 934.55;' ' CrnBirn.d o.. 43 TRESS AUTO & TRUCK REP.2,887.32; TRISTAR INDUSTRIES14,21 7. IS; ''''' ,PAGE 44 ThE BUG-TflURS;OjbbE,To 97 THE RI/GL'Rt RNURSWAY/OOtihèfO9) 1)0)1' ' PA\Sr 45 The Tempo Important event datesin Morton Grove Fire LEGAL NOTICE Playersannounce Cand,0.,. bohrt,. 1,630 November 1997-1998season Departmentnews Adu6uialc.fir. cerrraca Important events being held in Nay. I is theregistration deadline ALI.00VEteS,eNl,5Lfl041,TyfliS uso IIIIC5II1T.LVnO?ßF.nomconmvroouvlr November at the Northbrook for u 7 n.m. to 6:30 p.m. duy of The Tempo Players havean- HeatingWitlioulGettinguse, have theheatee inspecled ucd- TalaI DIdelItral ParkDisjrjct: fao. nounced their 1997-1998season Burned. With the fall and winter serviced. rita], Ft 01001010 15 IWS 55.ILS.I Nov. i - Adulto and children,ages . with shows to include Once On reasons fast approaching,the Nov. 13 Divorce-Americun . . S'ip #3 Fireplaces: When you . NET INCREASE 5-12, will create theirown clay Style will assist adalls through TIns Island, Lost ic Yonkers, and Morton Grove Fire Department enIrusuv ceMeosusy REmuons 1,287,164 clocks to take home as use your fireplace, protect youi . a decora- the emotional, legal and financial Cinderella. Ahrens and Fluber- would like to remind residents uovEnrIMmr UNIv ciron NErAs5ETO 1mw in TRUST tian or give as a gift; lOam., ty's Once OnThis Island is anen- about seferat heating tips. Mosthome from sparks by using a fire 51tC10L nmramvIcnJ- ÇWaIORANnUM 01Juliox,nMeevsnuvr trauma ofdivorce. Help begins at errerAI, onvmue nsnvuepnOiecos ONES) FOR PENSION RENEFITS 3323 Walters Ave. chanting mutical of star-crossed home heuting.ftres involve parta- screen mudo of sturdy metal or umsah 05120 l:3Op.m.,3323waltersAye, l000l, rosEi Nov. 1, 2, 7, 8- They're Playing Nov. 13, 14 love is the tropics. Murk Duebeer bIn heaters and space haters.--.heat tempered glass. Burn only arcAdIa uSymue - Seniors host aHoli- seasoned wcod,-aeverrnbbish, in 32,654.056 oor Song" will entertain Neil Si- day Craft Sale at the Senior Con- of CarolStream will direct, with Room gas heaters and kerosene your fireplace. Be roce dampers Eut oro... mon fans at the NorthbroakThea- ter, 3323 Walters Ave., 9 um. to perfonnanres November 7, 8, 14, boutera account fdr the highest 33 911,200 tre, 3323 Walters Ave., 3 & 8 15, 16, 21, und22, 1997. Neil Si- oak of futaltftct in home healing are in working order and never noon.Perchasenne-of-a-kind leave fires unattended, especially 313 ill AIll,57r p.m. Call 291-2367 for reserved baud-made jewelryclothing, moe's Lost in Yonkers is a PuliI- relaled fices. Bol all heating sys- seats. corNer-winning drama that also temn including fireplaces, can be in an arco used by children or dolls, quilts. pets. .Nov. 1, 18 - Tolse an introdactmyNov. 14 - Celrbeate Thunksgiv- received the 1991 Tony award for dangerausifthey arenatnsed and BestPloy. coarse to better understand the tog with felluw Semer Center matntaiced properly. Remember, Tip #4 Central Healing Sys. 03:111 01.8,9 world of compatees, 3323 Wal- Directed by Lacry Margolis of all portable heating equipment members ut a feast scheduledat toms: Slatistically, central heat- tors Ave., 6:30 p.m. 3323 WaltersAve, Call29l-2988 Western Springs, LosI in Yon- should hear the label ofan iode- ing syslcmn are less likely than l3 141 Nov. 4 - Join a workshop to help to register. kern will bepresrnlrdFcbruu,y 6, pendent 1051mg laboratory, indi- portable or space heaters lo canse . yop 13, 14, t5,20,and2l, 1998. anderstand how mutual Nov. 15, 16, 22, 23- "Kidstage cadag -the healer has met basic home fires, however, neglect can funds work un part of an invest- The finalprodaction of the sea- safety standmds. . dramatically increase the risk to Cccv Under the Big Top" feu. sun will be Rodgers and Flute- tcrsAve.mentportfolio, 7 p.m., 3323 Wal- tures the bent circus acts in town, Tip #1 Give Space Meutenyonr home. Have year furnace, - SILlAGE 0F 906154 1805E merstein's musical version of the Spacet Keep all combustible ma- chimneys, and chimney - Cosi alsaulronEurr FOR PISCOb YEAR tIDEc 14/31/97 I & 4 p.m., 3323 Walters Ave. classic fairy tale Cinderella. A conoce- Nov. 5- Winter Youth Basketball Call 291-2367 for tickets. ÉcriaIs away from portable and lions inspected and servicedat Program for3rd- 0th graders gets Nov. 22 - Make n ceramic Christ- wonderful show for the entire space heulen. Pluce all apaceleast once a year by a qualified under way. family, Cinderella will be direct- heaters at least three feet afray r c PO4695w 9010115 CO. 55,525.94r. E. SL5UITTE0 S 05855.40 (6,432 mas bell from I- 3 p.m. 3323 professional. Never statecom- xl 080 7011510(44 CO, Nov. 9 - The First Annual Visual ed by Keith M. Cornell of CaroLfeom furniture, walls, curtains,or bustible materials toc 262,OSx.tl SII 04E EoUtP(9EOT, OC. 5,209.56 Walters Ave. Children, ages 8- near a fornace rOLlES aopsOLr PAcING CO 022,541.10traUer 50001cc a RutIeN 70,557,05 Arts Showcase will highlightw- 12, are invitedto atteud. Stream and presentedMay I, 2,3, anytlang eine that barns. Turn off and be sure that installation and tistie work ofinstructors andsta- 9, 10, 15, 16, and 17, 1998. Per- space hcateru when you leave IUIEIICSS csuaue00751Cc 4,571.10 M4080c54 GROEN toe 14,342e? 2HtRtCON Nov. 23 - Craft a ceramicmeno- automatic shot-off systems con- (JOIIOIOL Busc 40,352.79 orEulcOs P0500 RmItlo CORP. 23,459.77 dents ofFark District classes, I- formuacrs will rake place at The homeorgotobcd. form tu local codes and 0918170cr rah from t - 3 p.m. with a parent. are in 77,036_75arrebol BrarOErr Foro 135,a23.00flOflSrRnlo MEDIcAL nro. (40 4 p.m., 3323 Walters Ave. Stop Five to twelve year old children Tempo Players Theuterin Ihn Su- Tip #2 Electric Heateru: In- goodworking order. by to ask qacstioos and enjoy the cred Heart Monastery locatedat spedelectric healer cords for 1,574,171 3 3. (OttO tilas loll/I 20,633.7600108800 80070801 OtIle33, 104.02AUS! artwork. are scheduled to share this crea- The Morton Grove Fire De- IN 0(0101, Irr. 3,877.00SUyo cuSter s ranos 5,2)3(5I P 0510101(5E P58 live workshop al 3323 Walters 1910 Maple Avenne in LinIe. cracks or other damage md have partmcntwonld like you to have Nnv. 10- Registration deadline to Season Iickel pricesare $30 for an eleclncran replace o Is so 2,514,15suOlo, tun s,oso.18 . IEIRSFAT0, E4SRIEL 77,000.71BErnas Ave. frayed, fife safe heatingnennen, For fur- 2,0x40 - y rERrACE r5,4tt.32 join the Annaal Turkey Shootat adults, $25 for stsdents andseo- cracked, or damaged coeds. tfthe BLUE 0031800100 SHIELD OF 7 049,010,07 SLUE CROIS-H For information concerning thee informatico, contraI the Fire eu11011015 13,742.ru Sportsman's Coentry Club, Nov. 1er citizens,and $15 for children. cord overheats while the unit is in BowEl 015031547105 BORNES Ile 5,250.50 004Cr null these programs, plome call 291- Departmental 847/470-5226. 527CL OSUIPrEOr, INC rl,07.rr 84CR, 19E 70,359.5555104Es SEnor SIS e 15,9 am. 2980. To order your season ticketsor Nov. 10 - Youngsters, grades K- for mote iufonnatioa, call The n roo,?rt.ra CL. OAJutrrr, tOC. 6,715.00CEt ro-CUS, INc. 605,355,56 5, whu are off from school Tempo Players Holline at (630) NSJC begins 2nd yeär.of Oraron 111E 0554864cC COIFOSY a,t76.65coslolost xalrUSIcUr001S 9,440.Or on satellite -cal colEaren CenErI,IO 5,720,35 Veteran's Day. can spend Michelle Ann 495-I 120. cELLaLoR 0IE-cHIclou rt,33r.44 SEN! a quali- - (1,514.103 5,144,151(5 35,073 ty day at the Leisure Center abur- Hebrew School in BuffaloGrove I 0,513.9(44 uro ai moles orAcisos rs,son.xo cHarms Am CUTLEr 5.305.01 CHICAGO 0018 ing Adventure Campus activities. Jaworski ouslC#TIou SERVIle 4,!07.5 IserEoc s Toril4S005400'SKOKIE 080,50.04 Por the second year in a row, In addition lorcligioas school, GlORIE SERF, Ire 65,265.52C101LrEOK EIGIrE00005, nrc. 3,041,07 cursor Natinnat-Lonin University an- Timothy M.D. something interesting in going on Kabbalat Shobbat servicesace S, 504010555 B 50 23,055.0 OESBl0SaEnSEE SORO PESSOOS 19T,T506O555 0 inthe classrooms of Kilmcr (141,03) (441,05) (48:2471 (hIWI Scott A. unancen the recent graduation of held once a month for students ISURIScE 53,307.0ee0000co/LrSoLLe Buse ILLOOIIS i 055,154.5305903000/ Macbelle Arr Jaworski of Niles. Matti School onceregular classes have andtheirfamilies. These servtccs 545010E 170K ILLIlOtS 075,115.04COOIIIEOCIIL 70050248E SOWF,nsc 7,292.00 been dismissed far the day. Once , Boscapomi She earnedaMasterofEdncaduu witt be condactral by Rabbi Ken- carruoluEoLru 100004 cl 100,752.00e0100Jl100IorHs 0058cC SE8EICO 3,655.60 lu Language and Literacy frem Arr Force Airman Timolhy tIte public ocltool sladenE have ceth Cohen nntlMr. Aseen Klein, 036 ccli (1.70.8501 0009 csu 5,035ta eerpureo anarS, lue 4,a27.t0couraAErIla I MATERIAL Scott A. Boscapomi of Nitos, the University's National Ccl- M.D. Motst has graduatedfrom Iefl,jast a little mEe it would not Cs 34,50.56 cOcu oRarI caLLE010n 4,100.20 Itas been inducted into the Na- Educotional Dieccter and will be 50300408E nOPREOS, Ile, 5,6 lege uffiducutico in June 1997. basic military trainingat Lack- be uncommon toheurstudenEre- 00.05COB 11027400E 0800F, carslaL OOI101sANCn OESE. CORP henal Honor Society ofl'bi Kap- beldriu tIte lantEriday evening uf Mc. 29,057.20 land Air Force Bose,San Auto- citing their farsI letters ofthe He- the month nt Ceoperiunior High 4,22t.40COISIISS/dOAN NORThERN ILL.0005 3,010.35 00050, ICc, 1,007,49 _s r Si,,s,3 2 Irrt 1,547,13 I 9.491.303 5 SrS.01 r 1.393 903 pa Phi at DePaal University. He oie,TX, - ) brewaiphutret. School, located at 1050. Plum 008E alIRICA 3,575.76OESOEM IlSrALLarION SIS. ISO 25,503.00OETRatrOR is also a member of the Golden Matti is theson of Dieter A. This foU marks the slant of the TElE filiaLE ADS Grove Circle in Bul'falo Grove. uiratssoRen'sncroel- (,orIl RETAINED nAaNmios-.ncoOaNtt4O nno coop 7,T3t.00 OICtSPHOHE 5,763.50 0151101 I000CEEOS TELE COOP. 10,427 Key Natioarrl Honor Society and MatIt of Olenview. lOe isu 1991 second year that Northwest Sub- VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE, IL .45lInrIlurOSe laslhoenr 03595.05e 2,022.57 Dm5040 lecce PAROS 4,135.34 the American Psychological As- FOR YOUR Everyone is mace than welcome np vna 1,507,952 graduato nf Olenbrook South urban Jewish Congregation of loaltend, Pteasccouluctthesyna COMBINER STATEMENT OF REVENUEO, EXPENsES OREISIIKER MOTOR 3,245,30DUNCaN PREMIOS TRUST 170,111.72ERE000S ESSI sociatina. SHOPPING NEEDS High School, Oleoview. ANtI CIIANGESEN RETAINED EARNINGS Morton Grove is opecating o sat- gogae office for specific times Pen, c,t Idic101IrrI Icorosa. loin 2t,417Ç651508001cr littoraL PRRUOIS,Olo 3,050.64 EUOI100ERE cUite Hebeew school in the Buf- ALL PItOI'RIETAItV FUNDS TYPES anddalcs. - o 01591181 co 0,532.65ERICH'S 245155 flUrOl59I 7,661.6!F08 SocuolecIs E i FOR TOIt YEAR ENDED AFRIL5i, 1997 . - falo 000ve/Wheeling/Arlingtoa OBTAINED cAoNe105..neaoeuma 80151045 S,Tca.s5TOS! TIRE SERaI0E coRp. 20,331 .35FIOLOSLS E 811510001 FILED PURSUANTTO 69 ¡1240 913.1W5.I LEGAL NOTE -Heightsorea.....=. -.. ------opone. vs nESTATOD - rt.792.55F101SEOISrEO 0410115010E F1101 5,400.65FIREHIU't ASSOCIaTIOS Centim.ed from Page 43 .Sateilite.,.vchool .riasses..-orn Established to meet the needs held on Tuesday and Thursday 090,711.01 F105T C015MOSUrOLTS 14505.2! ETOn! NAIL 8E 0F 100108 5405E l'ROFIlIETARO oetAe4ct;OAONINOS.-OND JOIIN TlIOMpSON 27,46050; tfÒYtttOMl'SON 38,568.50; ofJcwish families seeking anal- oflerneonu at the Kilmer Scltool, 4,510.11S ALaRM FIRE 050 SAFElY EQUIP. 3,094,20 BLINK CO. 2,4)7.20 FI. FUND TYPE OP VEAu STEPIIEN THUNDERCLOUD 29,406.50; lernutivetootherHebrew ala eoaSlRaAT000 SYSTEM 2,7)3.0190848 5 ocnsLra 9,557.TE FIRS DEARBORN SFEFAN lILL 36,203.50; located at6M Golfview ioflttffo- ENTERPRiSE -nchools in the area, the School is 37,004.68FR001 TESSIROI aro cARoL LIFTaS To,seo.00Falla LSORICOUT6 os. CAIOYN TOMASIEWICZ 5,529.50; ROltEtCrlOttN/sJ3ENE37,618.50; JUDITII lu Grove. 50Es for tuitionand ADDITIONN tRtlZ 17,720.50; offta a geml stool and has seena membershipinthcsynugogue orEItATING uttcnfl'ct Cautriballm, 5,570.010 5 0, ooHrROCraES, lUt. 52,150.00aRLL'A lun 2,524.55ILEEIRm significant guowth in enrollment tluplct'lr cacsibuliau s 596,153 E RUTO parla 4,402.05IL080L FIRE nsorpnrlt,soc. 5,060.12 ooL0SIE001 L A Competitive, II is noI too late - w,er n 5rW,r Chrrnrs S 3,156,9 I:IOANK TROIANI 31,634.50; MIEti tROIANI33,293.50; fIIOMAS TSAOANOS Io Ea,plcyrr ccnsiblfirn,..T.rra 1,701.50; and familim chaosing to affiliate jOinforthiayear, give usocall. lulcincvrr,rrcrst 51.714 SSOCI9TES 9,515.00GrEAT LAKES STRITESIES, 1.L.c. 4,745.5t 18m! BECICLI with the congregation. Many rearas Tao., (IA E IRATE SERa. 039,541.24Hala POEtS, IHc5,106,00HEfiLETI Fr00085 Cu . OIiOItGE TWAIOSKI 43,435.50; OSCAR VALEROSO Trat tmWbuAra. 38,103.50; GEORGE VAN nchool families are thosein For more informationon the I.rtmrrrl b,.,.. 547.107 ROOts UWSES.00IlaI .01SEHHOIOER as,a3a.64BOYCE Roar 010IpMEHT Il. O GEEM 36,966.50; which at least one parent attend- Buffalo Grove Satellite Scltoul Bertryrr Crraibclirr, .700.50HUBER 8540E 559 SURSERY 4,257.04BURLEY, JULIA 0,060.11 00958 08 Gai. 5.1. rrtrVaosrma Inraalr,,alIlll,aa LINDA VAN DEEM 8,024.50; MARY VANDISNPLAS33,709.50; LEO VANDINI ed Hebrew school at NSJC in and on NSJC, please contactMr. Nrrlpr,rcia0rn is toe rhOMBI! TEUSI'401 0,150.50II mIlIOni 05000E INFO OUrS 23,r20.utIL O neu, 12.23 opI OF TIARSFIR70TIOU 11,408.62IL SIRE 111005' OISOOIATIOU 4,005.00II 8,410.50; Macton Geove nod are seeking - a Aorolt Klein, EducationalDirer- TOTAL OPERATING 56524 Ot 15vra5,eeu 414,000 F_O_p, LASeR CR501110,008 00INLAND 0118011 OlESti OtsISON 0,353.27 JAMES VIJIKOS 4,761.50;MARIKAVOUIAS 1(1,501,50; CllAttt,ES WARt) ceinte totheirroots, tor,at(847) 965-0900, ocCntt'rnlnnvnnUm s. tes, t nomI 1,611,032 22,658.50; IOIERSOEEU0HEUIaL 0000 HORT 374,025.5aIHIOR5TOII SOnORO 505001 3,030.0 S J Br DECOEOrIHS, lUe. 3,507.73J. H. SWEENEY CS 714,05TOJ. FIASE CIIAIOLES WAttND011.J 3 706.50; RONALI) VElS - OPERATING EXt'EN5 7,103,596 35,683.50; GARY WENDELL Toll free service CONORUITION co., lIC. 4.000.-30J. W. n'IIIEN CO 5,376.55JACK TOFO ROSEI 24,568.50; for oreou..a, cthr, thar drpm6lir.. 2 695 .059 1.4,, 'alr,m,rr,irra,r (50 8001 No lIt. 1,010.01JEOHIHS5 cResrnLET,Nc r5,47O.Oe nuLOsE000 EROICO WORK Orpeciasru 210,5to LElE a0IFSRHA 5,518.75KAIIE,IICEOOSB E orlon TO,05T.50 BEVERLY WESSELS 34,41)50; WILLIAM WIllIE lt30,253.50; . A 3,551.20 041K K Ncrisrraumfl'e,rua' o 04606 FLORENCE WICIILAC 20,336.50; ROGERWILSON 53,069.50; WAYNE education inquiriès no,,tr Payare. OPT 10101110 5.005,54I,OKE ORUIY ArmIHA CO IF T7,340.00LAcarE rOSFIH - Robert J. Epley, Dtcecler, VA TOTALOI'ERATINO oxperasea 2.905.369 WISNIEWSKI 14,191.50; speak with an EducationCare O 0590011 103,750.70LOSOLLE AUNO ILLIBOOS 542,241.55LASALLE BOISE ILLIH Regional Office, St. Louis, MO, Manager. The Olh.e P,Rrrdtmrrco brame sis ros, 749.77LEE AUru POETS 3.30.0511057'S SOLOING B FROlIC )6,533.O JAMES WOOD 3,710.50; KUlt) WOZNIAK 27,284.50;JOSEFINA YANONO new hours will be OPERATING ESCOMO Ross) 255,897 225 has announced expanded service O LIBEEIr BUICK co. ,(Oc. 25,230,25LINDElES, AHE#FL r3,920.03 8,302.50; 7 am. to 4 p.m., CDT,und ore oer.,cuaT,.c,r,.,iu 9,900 LOURE 10

available Illinois, Jodiana, lewa, - availablenow, ' Oerraliirg Tr.r.Pr,. ea (P4,100) OMS SI000 Cr. 30,777.00LLOrES SECUEISI ALS rsSSOE 000 4.400,05LINOS I. JONATHAN YEPSKY 6,910.50; NICI-IOLASZAKULA35,315.50; JOIIN ZEMAN TalaI COdifie., Kentucky, Michigan and Misson-- lastrar turrare 1,102 2,494,358 000 E500CEIIE J. II rO,000,O0LUND 100USrBIEA ORO T7,267.74 05T21000 5E 40,3)7.50; - rlcalIces seeking information - TheSI.Louis Regiaoal Office horrar e.parar (13 550) HEROL ICCUFROIOHIL T3,2T5.tOLISSA, JEFFrEY 11,254.06O4SUIRE 0HOERFRII8 EUGENE ZIEGLER 5,183.50; EUGENE ZIEGLER44,853.50; JAMES ZIMMERMAN aboalVAedacalion beuefits. has mlublished meneasE (nxcooAsei 04 S, 050. 3.032,95rulAcur OrBES P010TIOJI 3,075,03 100500 CO5ATRUC010IO5, theeupanded DEDUCTIONS 32,931.50; RETAINeD eoantrinnl flEUOEOS - SEOUl 4,OTI.3T The tell-free nnmbcr, l-888- heurs to betterserve lItote vete- OrlirrIolar (corsa 000.10 0110E08 Sl000r011CS, OHO. 5,460.00 MIO Penn nALANCe 117,519 143,193 I5AULETrE ZUCKERMAN 2,8 t I .50 GJ BILL (or 1.888.442.4551), raus who live outside the Central DuO DiobSO berna rEERIcRH S000R OO,2Tr .12H1040SO IRE7SE0CF SE010LE 73,005.00 1000m TRUC Will expand the heurs available lo 204,379 Daylight Timezone. 50511151 P051 bolSa 145,045 Continued um Page 46 \; ,,: TOSE BUGLE, THURSDAY, 001obor3O, 1951 PAGE 47 46 TI-lE BUCLE, ThURSDAY, Ooohr3O, 1997 moler. She has been amembor of ACS taking orders also be purchosod diroebly from Nues West first Local resident The Board ofTruslees sioce 1989, NOTICE for holiday greeting dso American Cancer -Society. has keen an SAlivo member of the LEGAL NOTICE - The Noethwrol Cook Aeea office orchestra concertpresented award Abnmoi Booed, Women's Board, Coutirnd from Pg6 45 Court, NUIiCOIShereby givo, p0000UTIL cards is located at 625 Nords of the year Oho Brick-o-Brunch Commi110e, K EOUIPKE6T 4934.00HOREION CO6STRUCTIOK ClPANY 43,030.26 60R106 GROVE 5005IVE000, WANN P. BORRRRNVO, ANN M. ORPUIER. RARA A. COULRTRLD, TUOI TU'AoMIin relUtioo50Oho uso Suile280, inFalaTine. - - from Dominican theCapilal Campoign Committeo DORS CIMITGEE 7,33998 HORtON GROVE PORE ORSO 21 000.00 HORTON GROVE S tOCARME, tROUAS59001kG, NOtIONS F. HANSON, OGBERT50005. 5. OSVNEIA nf oo Assumed Business Nomo The American Cancer Sociely Proceeds from holiday cord Sbodent musicians from the or- Ann O'Leary Kefloy, of Fork and the Library Benefits Corn- COLS 25,000.00 HOStIE G ASSOCIATES 116901RO 6010ROVA C*RJOICO1lONO HUT , SUPUTO T. ERAWIURIC. RAOLENE LAOTONZT . SUSAN LB NEAU, OAR? JO LOUE in the CUS4000 Ut ST0500CTiON Of is noce agUin offering holiday sales b000fil the research, educo- cheslrao of Nibes West High Ridge, was owardedtho 1997 Ca- mitIco. 32740.00 I1VTunL 0GO ROO ALARM SYSTEM 2032.56 OElE ROBINSON RLVCE000PIM ERR, RICHARD P.OORTTN. 000RICTA EJ. ORSLOA, RRVA R. ORARON, ESTOR H. Boojuoss . io Oho Stale,"as greeliog cords. The 1997 solee- lion, advocacy and service pro- School will perform in o free mu- rilos-VeribaV Aword from her Io addilino IO her work willI GAUL RUSIVESS FVPOIIUOE 5,700.07 60110001 IGNITION,- INC. 3, NC 0000UGN, GLORIA NC ERABA, CRORLENR NRSSCEAETER. DIANA N. O'OCUI, JEP amended, Ihol U 2001ificoAion lion feoTareo 12 drsigno which G 25.305.00 groons of the American Çoncer almomaler, Dominicoo Universi- Dominicas Univorsily, Mrs. Ker- 20450 0610 J. JOHNSON TREE ROPROTS, 39,OTR.Th OILES OGrO PORTS, INC 9,9 FRET REYNOLDS, NAHST 500TIAGO, COROLINA P. NaINE, MICHRLLR SOULEN, OSO woo flOod by Oho oodoosigood dopicl whimsical, opiritool CUd siccoocertat7:30 p.m. Thoosdoy, Society. The Amotinan Cuncoe Oclober 30 io the aoditoriam of 17, fonnorly Rosary Colboge. The ley rano her own brokerage and 50.1260091G PJIERICOIG SALT CO 126,723.67 NORTH ROSI RVLIIREV!O0A1 5,000. EAT SVEIRNOIE-U000R, ONOTO 5 - - with Ihn CnooOy Clerk Vf Cook winIer scc000. They ore ideal for Society is the naTionwide corn- Nibs Wool School, 5701 Oaktoo aword io granted lu those alumni real ostato m000gomrnl business. 03 NORTH SHORE UNIFORM Z,OOCOS 5000EEOSIERN ILLINOIS 3,524.00 !NORTHERN TOTALI 005,000.10 - CO55ly. Filo No. D045479 oo buoiness or home non. Coeds - munilybUsed vobonoaryhoalth or- Sloeet in Skokie. The Concert, whose lives and work onemptify Sko kas served oo the Women's ILLINOIS GOS 23,212.57 000THEON ILL POLIOS ALARM STO 3,101 .10NORTHWEST Oho OCTOBER 7, 1997. Uoodoo roogo ilOprico from 517 to $2750 gUSiZOTiOTT dedicaled Io eliminaI- Pitilharntonicmid Symphooic Board of Misoricardia Homes FORD TOUTE 6.281 VO OURTUWAST MACE PORTS S SERV.00 2,022.50 NORTHWEST M 640,000 000 OVER: - Ike Asoomod NOmO of CAFE pe box of 25, and porlooabizod the Domioican mono, Catitas- ing cancer US O mAjOr heolth Oecboslrao will be featoord. For VenIaS (chority aod truth). Mrs. sioce 8967. On addition lo raising UNTCIPAL 000FROA000 TiTOlO? NORTHWEST POLICE ACOCEO? 4,235.00OCOTALES GOURMET wilh Ike boisioeos imprinbing is ovoibahbe atoo Uddi: problem - by prevenling cancer, foods forMisericordio, Mrs. Kot- . TERN OSIVERSITU 0,090.00- VOUE CIPUTRAS, Vo: 3,050.00 UFTICEIUU0,734. tUONS, JEYFARV IN. 515001, J0500N010050, J00100NNORRBERS, ROERT UN 1020Tod UI 1324 SHERMAN Tiooal cOST. Impriot orders must more information, colI 847/568- Kerboy gradoaled from Rnsory saviog livos from concer and di- ley has also worked with pareolo 30 ORONGE CRUSH RECICLE LP. 01,107.20 JOR'S IOTERNOTIUNML, INC. 64,73$ 000006-OAR, WOOSURCAYORLETTI , MICHAEL C.00EV, SARAO N. UORUM, ONDEEN AVE, EVANSTON, ILLINOIS ho recoivod by December 1. For 3778. Collegein 1947. rnimshing suffering from coocer. ofMis000cordio cloiidrro os a vol- .CU PECIOS OETUORE Of IlLINOIS INC 4,900.02POIVROT 640000ES. INC 4,750. NONOE. ENVESO J. OCLAONT, T000UO GOLVEA, BRIAN BOEIIOCNLESL, NORVIN REA 60201. The loue oomo(s) UnII brochures and samples, cull Ike Mrs. Kerley has ployeol o nom- Sioco 1947, 1kO American Canner ber ofrotes io 1ko past 50 ynars lo Unleer. Mrs. Kerley and hot hus- OU PAUL ROIT000 3,130.00PEOFECT CLEARING 500VICE, INC UT,TOO.00 PINNER ROT, 10000 BOENAUL, 3000 V. HR005S000. 00000ESOUTH, FREORRICO TORNITO 0231400cc address ofbwoot(s) is: ATTooriconCancer SocieTy Ut Sociely boo invested more Ihan Stop Crime! sUpport 5ko growth of hot almo band, Jamno. have own children. OLTCTRIC INC. TR, 154.40POLICE LAO/IONTITUTE 4,076.00 POLlARD ROTOR C ,ROSITA L. NUNOO, WILLIAM C. RUANO. POTRICK J. C000ECOA, SILBERT J. C SILL S.and STEVEN O. (847) 358-3965. $1.5 hillioo io coocerreseanch. PONT 43,030.30 R G SMITH COUIPREOT CO. 34,320.64 REACT COENPUTEN SERVICES OLLASHON, RIC005D B. CREPULOS. PETER CIRONTOR, NTCASEL U. CLARE. SONDEO LATIN, 8226 N. WISNER, - Boxes of holidoy cards calo , INCT3,V38.40REDORO, PATRICIA 6,221.07 ACORE PAINTINO 5,070.00 NEO R COlORARE, AICFAEC COCIETT, CFURLRR 0. COJEAR?, JERRY P. EZEAUI0000, AOL NILES, ILLINOIS 60714: AOIATOR ORO W050INO CO 2,973.90ROBERT N. MRNORI005EII 5,092.00 RONLUINS PO DOHO, JOUESDURO, UUAEPA J.DUUN, NICRAEL J. DE AORTE. ROTO IOVOGO LEGAL NOTICE BROTHERS INC. 25,004.67 RUSSO ACE HARDWARE 4,113.70 RUST ENOIRUNIITNT B T SR, URATOSOW050N, ERNST U. DRRENT, TRONAS O. ROERHART, JO ONG RDWSRT NFROST TVT,O95.U6AGO'S CLUB 4,660.905064-MR-CT 4,OT6.00 MERCO CUTOUt S, OTLLIOU E., JR. ERICSSON, HUNO B. ERO, SCOTT E.FETGERLE, MICHORL T. LEGAL NOTICE SURPLUS PROPERTY TONTO, INC 45,254.04 SE6SUS TECHNOLOGIES, TOC TZ.OUO.02 SERVICE SPRING S FILLRRRSSN, JANES FLRURO, SOLON IR; NRTRL. ANONAS FUJAOO. OTCNORL50011 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE The Village of Niloo is offoriog for salo, by sealed bid, ONE1983 440.05SEWER EOUIP.CO.OP OMERICO 2,633.13 SECAR GALLERIES 2,607.34SIC ANO, ROSENT GEN005A, FROGS 00005BA, UTNCRNT GRGOVRSO, J000 000HR, R THE MORTON GROVE PLAN TANDEM AXLE DUMP TRUCK, with mibeoge of 85,335. 0640, LIA 5,TSO.15NRLERUINSEI , FRONRLTIN PUCPOLSEI 3,77T,75 SNOP.ON TIlE. RI ROLAS, JUINS JR.000EEV, JOUESHSN005R. bENT R. VILDEBR.500I, EDGOR COMMISSION will hold U pob 09150GO STARCH 5,5l6T3SOLID GUSTE 0000Cv OF 062,37TN4 SPECIALTY UNDER 0110000, kENNETHHORS, ROBONT U. 000E, L000T00501510, JUlES U. OAJRTOL lic- hearingooWodnooday This Irock may be inspoclod al The Village of Nileo Mainb0000ro WHITENS. IVE. 3,647.00ST. ROSIN NUROEHIEM. INC. 25,852.00 ST, FRONdS 0 VA. SPTAO C. AUNAR, JUGOS00000; JUl00 J. IBCLTOOII, 00500E UENARTTON, November 19, 1997 ol 7:00 p.m -f5o. WHO ST0000RE EOUIPRNNT 6,461.47 ST006 OF -TLLTNOTS 737,731.7 OSNNSET , TORON Gorogo, 7104 W. Tooky, Nitos, Illinois, 60714, belwe000 Ike hnorsof OSPITAI. ¿.500.0V OVOID E. ERORNS, THORAS A.EI0000, STANLEY EIRC, OSWALD io The Board of T005Teoo 7:30 AM. and 2:30 P.M. Moodoy TbronghFriday.To make an 6STEPhEN O- LONER 0500010730 10,050.00 ATORASE SPECIULIOTS, INC. 5,935. SAO P. R0000000, SE5000 E5600E, STEVRN B.IRNRN.ALLEN O. LINOGMEN, PN ChUmboEo, Riehood T. Flick $7 SUPERIOR ROOD 9001PINO INC. 5,000.00 - SUET. LOTEN COLLECTIONS T,35O,72 TITP H. LITEOWINE, OREPUPO J.bORNER, TURIN KNORR, DONOSO KOSHER, RON oppoialmrol, call Ike Pleno Manager, Michael Howes, al (847) 588- ingot Monicipal Cooler, 610 6601. For informolioo 00 The bid process, picoso call Oho Purek asong 5.M2TEONIVOL SUPPLY CO. 9,034.34TOE DIRECT RESPONSE RESOURCE 9,407.55 ART SOTTIlE, JUGOS0.05010, THUYAS YUAN. 0000 OORTA, 00000 0. 000RUEAS, Copolino Av0000, Mooton - TSE00050R, 0000E kNOW YAWf ONE ROSE CALMiE 43T,373.03 TROUAS SORTBL050TIIO 8,000.00 HINAB RC 000LEO, ORHHTSNC CLOSENO. TTROANT U.MC RNRRNFT, DEBORAH RE Agent al (847) 588-8011. Otovo, IllinoiU,OU.coosidee 0h ORROMUREN, 1ER, RIChARD YR600ERT, OIORSEL RESHBNEA, DANIELRILAN, ST UT ILLINOIS 552,722.42 TNEOSVRRN. 5001E OP TULINOIS 2,730.00 NECROO, SORS following cUses: STNOE OP ILLINOIS 234,092.20TURNING POINT MERAUTONAL CONE 3,000.11U. ONIEO HITCNOLL, JOANRTTCAELL, MI000RLT. OURPJOPJOI, EERRT M. REOTLIT, Bids must br Un Village of NOes Bid Fonios, io seabedenvelopes, and S. POST OFFICE T4,T70.2OUNITED NOT 0F SEdIlE ONLLET 8,029.00 00H RIE CO UAUIRB P. N000E, ONOREN J. O'CEEFR,ThSNSES P.FE000SA, UUSEPN L. VANEO, sobmilted loo hr Office of Oho Parchosing Agent, 1000 CivIcCooler CASEPC97.13 LLISTCO L POlIO ISO 3,223.00VONOSII O. PCDION L SONS, TOC. 11,454.70 VER RAV000 A. PANOSO, OESTTAEN PUNTALEO, FAONS POORER, HT000EL U. PORTER, O Drive, Nitos, Illinois, 60714, no bolet Ihoo 12:00 Noon onFriday, A-PPllfCIAIft QUAI.TI 1' SATTLE OySTERS INC. 5,366.00 OuF CUSIUNTCOTIONS, INC. 5,601 ID UTLI060 O 1111MO P. REDORO. 1100009 RT0000DS, ROVTR P.ABSOUS. bLANES S. ROORRTS November 15, 1997. Bid forms may ho obloinod from 0koPorchasing Roqoosliog UppooVUl of a F CL050IOIJ 01,700.39 OUATINA PETTY CASO 3,412.05 ULO.000RNUL POTTY COATI I 000RLES M. AUTOROB, TOAHE P. ROSAT, LOUISAUEHRDUOZ, RUllAtO RUSSO, T Office al 1000 Civic Cooler Drive, or al Ike MointenaoceGarage UT Commercial Coenidoo Plao foo 3,57O.TO VLS.EOLTCE PETTY COSE 2,640.41UNO OSATO 37,203.73 VOLLRUR CL IGNOTE! J. 55001050, GIL R. SCHUB, NTC000L F.SCUOLE, CURIES 5005V, P 7104 W. Toaky Avenue. Waokegao Rood from Dempsoeo. 00 P000000S CO 23,656.57 SIlICON 050ERTOLS CO 94421G U. 0. 50010640, TN ATROCE SCRULTC, TROUASSERICA, TNOOS SUNS, RAMIALSPRERCIO, GIOVANNI SIeooITU Golf ROUd US 000 C 7,053.07 GULTEO, NEAL C. T1,300.00 VORGING LITES OF ILLINOTS, INC 3,97 SPTAA, HTLHOELU. STEPPEN, GERRLB STEPEROS, ERNNEOE E. NTRONR000, NONNA Wiooiog bidder mUSI takeposseSSion ofvehiebe wilhin fivedays ofler olomenl of Oho Villogo's Corn. 2.64 WATER PRUTUETSAURORA 5,355.32WEST STAR TRAvISO SOLOS 54,142.OU N P. STUNNER. DANIEL C. BTUOSILL, HITGRRLL SWAOSOR, CONRAD C. THOL000N being nolified. Only cashier's chock, crrlified check, moneyordeo or pooheosive Pion. - UT000 SITO RSUTPASVT, lAC. 3,34T.05 GIROS I00550RTOS. INC. 4,526.11 UTS . SCOTTTOBIN. FOULTROPP. PRTEA UUEORO 0555011, ERO J.6010ES. NICHONS clASh will be accepled. Vehicle is being sold on "os io" basis. - CAWSIN SEPT 09 REVEVUE 6,054.5905000 CO 03.049.06 flATOS TAON SASTEMS 2 N.HIElOS. UNIESUSLOER. USA N. VOILIONS, 0000EN WILY, ANONES IJOTALO, - .912.00OSP AIG. CO 6.130.00 050LRGE ASCOS; PAUL 0505500, 0109000 DIONISO. NTILIAOR All i00000oIed pololeo oon iñVilod

TU 010eod ood be hoUrd. - TOTAL: T4,QTS,T04.U3 0000LI 7,7TG,229.EU - MORTON GROVE THEATRE 7300 DEMPSTER (847.) 967-6010 GRANO 00AUG: 23,OOV.600.3D Lowreoce M. SOeybol Chairman STARTS FRIDAY. OCT. 31st CAUTI OIS UURRETAGTOPOAPTUC0L000RP0EEO OU/SA/A7

VILLAGE OR MORTON COUVA *MATINEES EVERYDAY* OASI OIRGU050AR005 TOR FISCAL YEAR SAUEN 04/30/97 "cop LAND" - Syln050er Stollonn UNDER $05.111: I LEGAL NOTICE EVERYDAYT 12T50, 3o00, SolO, 7o20. 9I30 - Rostod R Sealed bids will ho recomed "CONSPIRACY THEORY" - Mel GibSon UDDER 515,0001 UnTil 11:00 am. on Torodoy, EVERYDAYR i 030, 3045, 63O. OTIS - RRstod R 0000CH.00TC H. ARECA, OATHUR BOCEO, LILT H. - NOEER. RIC0000NURER. TIN "HERCULES" OTRO U. November 18, 1997, UT Nues BORTUSIUE. JOSEPH BAUER, lEUS C. 00000, NORGORN OREOS. CITER RANSEII, RATO RANGEN, RANO OILORTR0000. OLIVE L. EVERYDAYR 1s45. 3o45, 5I45 ' RNAod G OL000TCO, trollS A. SLUNG, STEVE NLONTER, HURTO0150. TURSORRI NI.- SO T000LI 20,300.52 Elomenbory School Dislricl 71, UERING, JUNGE SERNURN. RUNITORNU015TEIN, LESTER "WISHMASTER" RR202ICET, ELTOUBRTO A. 6935 W. Toohy Ave000, NibS, EVERYDAYs 7R45. 9T45 - RRstTod PG BUSTER. 00056 - BURNS. WOOER SOLLRTT, STEVRN B.CTLLTER, NOCUJA OUTPOSTO ST5,001 . $24,950.591 - bllioois60ll4whichbids willbe - DOUBLE FEATURE - , 5NOV15C0050LLO, ROBERT P. CONRAU, :TBO COIISIDTGE H.B..TAUTAS J. CUTE OVA, DR. RORRT N.00000UUR, bOTO U. 0060TNO, 000TSTOPNERROASTS, CR AVON. POTOICRHOASON, ASSERT H. AILDEBR005T, CAROLYN R.EIOVRA. TOO U "MY BEST FRIEND'S WEDDING" - Julio Roberts 00GB RRIRWEN, FEGST OUTER, SLRNNO L. 00055K, RICASFOSUSO. JORA Toodoy, November18, 1997,01 EVERYDAYT 12T40, 4050, 9I00RoBed P013 POLEO MARTIN. LESTERSTOELOTA, 0005050v - -- . - VITO. OLONTROUTL, SOGF060 SORCIO, WOMB Nibs Elerneobory Schools GARTNER, 000TT J. GOTTA, DROON TOTALI 124,230.52 Laoren Holly V S. "A SMILE LIKE YOURS" GROAD, RORRO CAUTION, COtORRO SRE000R, LTLLION E. CUETTOG, LYNN Diolricl Nombeo 71, 6931W. EVERYDAYT 2050, 7:00 - Roted R pa1ces WillsteveirlAff Iowelf0 5Ld?10123'nev: RAGOPIUS, SHUNTIIOOF000, ERITO REOIRMIT, NATNTAS RTROEII, 054FFOPFNRO, E $25,111 - 539,090.991 Touhy Avenueo Nileu, Il!i000io RN VORS, NICIT000 P. EUPELONSET, OIENARU M. RAOUT, TROTO EURP. JOURS E 60714for: - ALL SEATS Si .75 o1: AZ, RA0000T O. ROULOOSET. 0000 LA MOYNE, LOTS U. anewCOfld011flifli5a353. LV FOOTNO. ROUSED U. L BORI040L, RObECO NUADRER, FOND ERUGAR, ROBERT ORLO , NLEGLPN IlOlLA deSSIC EUUTTT, 000ERTLEVOSPI, LEIOJEL R. LE000T, LAUREL R. NOFFNOU/LT500N, IRR HONORO RUTO. NORMAN 50001E, LaITS GEIRSTRIN, OSAN Purchase, ESO OI050IT±, JOOEPNLUTZ. LILLTAITRAGUTRE, EATALREN P. MORTELL, ONORI, rOplUc0000Tol Vod Thr OTT of UOVO Ailg is obIro in OPNCiUUI, splendidly dn4gned cnod000I:li::It. - LEGAL NOTICE TSTOII - 204,006.49 ' RS ROTO. NOOT SONDRIO, CIRO MTTROPWLOS, ANDREAS 000RDTOOE, EUTUEITRE iOsbolbaOioo of lighlo in Ihrgym- COARRSmOSRII from PogE 46 UIFCTiT9 OU unrivalled boll al amFnities and TUfillO, including: Catin gaurinat MOLL, JOSEPR SONTO, RONERT NELSON, ROTEOT NOLL, OTENORD R. NORRIS n.H. 540,500 ONO OVER: SUSiUm and balcooy UI Culver kileliono, big bolronieswilh panoromir silOS, aVIas/E clooI IpUcr, in.un:Tlaund7: N050LOR, GREULO 000000005, JNIES SPE000R, E .RETTI O'SOITN. JOAN 0. 000, JOHNOVUlO, JOELLEN OU010, ANNOIO O'SHRR, J050PV P. PRULTS, RARE Middle School, 6921 W. Ookloo indoor poTking, groaiotoTlgo, low alorosmrnlo Iron $105 amonOh,ouporb city 00100 0. MAZÁIS, JONES E. AB. - POPO. OUSIL J. PUOI, TERG000TTE ROEOOEY. JOSEPO DO. RATAWCZOE. ARATO R NR.00v, RENGARE Sorrel, Nibs, Illinois 60714. SIP/CTS, ond OUT stAtt'S lowUst Ian luto. finds/oh o sisil to uaiDosign CCVOUT. 520 RISS, SARROREOBOCZ, 11111MO J. TOsAI, 123,405.00 ROEPRNUCE, 001001 ROSS000RR, WRY ROACIÍI 101011 43,624.12 I, EDVAND con even odd 7001 7AOOTOI bosh, To nake Ihn pRIceprTlrlI, Ohio elrgAVi, iWlI- RUZTCEO, NCR SORANECET ,RATIOLDY 000TOR, OBDUL M.D. SCUNLON, ;.70E \i°2ll0UAy ATrillIr $30,009.051 oOioT. DAN OCR000PR. OPALSCPUIIAEE, CORROO SCHUlTE, LAWRENCE Bidopecificolionomay $25,020 muonnryclnooloTTrsidnfler onjUyO S paTkorniTninaheorl.oF-ioNll Nibs .. SINEIIIA. HICROEL GNANB TOTOLI 422,243_NS be I k1nd AnS:,f 11:11:0 Av.l 51001GO, 41111M SS. SOILIRN, ROBERT R. SROCZANSOT, OSATI ORALER. NARRA picked op UI NiOns Elernoolory ..;.. ROMOS, JALE S. OLAUNER. SORNAN JUN55, RONORT J.RIERA I Bedroom, I Bath from $130,900 . ModO, Ofnn 7 [LyT tA-5. T SOETDER. DONSTRYRRI, LORRYSU0500N, ORANTE TM100Z. IRRTRLL, SETAl OBIER, LE 000 : Schools DiSIricI Nombre 71, : . 0E, WOOS -L000T0S, MONdW.. RC ABONO, P00010KSNOLEN, ROMERO S. STARR. VEOAUVCE, JOURS O; lUTOS. BERTR GATOS, 0506V GALTRR. JUGES JR. U000T l647) Oií-:)A 1555 ATSOUA5000NTS FOR FISCAL lOOR ENDED 04/30/AT 6935 W. Toohy Avrrnoe, Niles, 2 Bedrooms, I Bath from $152,900 - . MTCNOEL R. - .VILAS WINKLER, EILEEN CAJOSET IlION, RORERT J. WALIOSET, MORT 1h Cololinaing TnadlllSn TOTAL: 301,073.43 Illinois 60714 beginning lOANS, 2D4,D2T,B3 2 Bedrooms, 2 Baths from $ I 79,900 Oclober 30, 1997, belweon Al QoRlisy ComIooIoiOTrs loon 000CR STS,5011 Ike $40.000 ANO OVOEC 3 Bedrooms, 2v0 Baths from $242,900 505,009 - 524,099.591 hours of 8:30 am. Uod 3:30p.m.


TOTALI - T2O,534.06 STS,000 . 5i4,OHA.59: ORONO TOTALI 707,000.09 $25.000 ; 530,009.9* David C. Schelm CORRBm.RRd os rogo 47 Secrelary, BOUrII of Edaeobioo . PA(;E 48 IIIFBUGLE ThURSDA O t b30 14)7

. Sale Dates ,F ruit1; Je r r y s &: Mon.-Fri.: 8-10 Center Sat. 8-8 7901 N. Milwaukee AvenueNues, IL Sun.8-8 (1'vlilwaukee & Oaktoii St.) We reserve the right to Wholesale & Retail (847) 967-1440 l'°quantities! R NOT RrSPONSIBLE FOR PRINTING ERRORS We gladly accept food stamps




CHEESE . CAULIFLO: 24oz Ctn ORANGE JUICE 500 With1 or REG . more purchase

,*_ :_4% . 1' "t