Bulk Rate U.S. Postage ..N1LES. 50 CENTS DEC97 PAID N PERCOPY Edition NILES PBLlC LIBRARY Bugle News 7400 CALI WELL RILES IL 6Y714 8746N. SHERMER RD., NILES, IL 60714 VOL 4t, NO. t9 - - - - Restaurañts, Polls open from 6a.m. to 7 pm. - From the schóols cater to HiHais 50th - Left byRonema.y Tirio 'She doesn't look 50." That Local school - was the assessmenl of tt-yeat- board- Händ old -Joe Oliver, a sixth grader in . by Bud Besser Men. Warneke's class at the Fietd School is Park Ridge, wheit Hit- A Nilesjtetelóphoned bey Rodham Clinton visit6d her electionsonTuesday last week to Complain about alma mater en the day- after her Mayor Blase's new sign cri- - 5øthbirthday. bylEonemaryTirlo Candidates arelining op for the lizisg AT&T for its tower at Oliver said that he and his Sbanne Kniechbaum of Skokie Maine Township District 207 .: Howard Street äsd Milwau- classmates were excitedand Nob. 4 election when they will who has bene u poet-time intInte- Four four-year terms will be vie fon malay school hoard vacan- - kee Ave. Public Works'peo- proud lo have a IO-minute goes- loralOaklon. - filled in Ihn upcoming school : t1e took dowu the sige os the tien-answersession with the FinsI cies lhroughool suburban corn- Further information aboul the bnardetectiosin disleict 207. east side of Milwaakee Ave. Lady teIlte school aodiloniam be- munition. candidates is available from Pro- The three incumbents muaisg - - and replaced it with a new fore she addressed the entire sta- OaktonCommunity Cnllege - fessor Frank Fonsino, Chair of are Iris Friedlich, Ralph M. John- ose on the west sidé in the denlbodyin thngym. Fourcandidates areranning Friends of Oaklon Community son and Oscar Marquis. Chal- Amici Restaorast parking tot. Chotee and her entourage of forlwd vacnncins ô5 the Oakten - Collngnal(047)635-1796. lengers are Jeffrey Bergen, Antis- Telephoner objected to pubtic seeretservice asdpnblic relations CorninnnitTwo candidntes are in- Niles Township Dintriet2l9 roRamirezand HelenJ. Nichols. - payroltérs spending - several people arniyed ut- lheschool a lit- cumheels.loan B.Hallhat - Five candidates willvie for Distnirt 63 hours doing this work on lax- 11e late at 9:45 a.m.afier -being servedtwe lainas aridhas been in- -three -vacancies in District 219. Five vacancies, foar fear-year payers' time and with taxpay greeled at O'Hare Ixletnalional volved in the educational und po- Incumbents are Sam Borek, Dall terms and a two-year teno, are ;ersmosey. She also enti- Aiepartby the marching bands of titical scand in Maine Township StonnasdRahnrt Silveeissan. wailing to be filled in District 63. -cized the parkingtot and Ihre of the Park Ridge schools for many years. She lives Io Park Challcngncs are Norman Ru- So far, only three candidates, all contended the area is begin- Ridga. ber and Al Cohn. Teems will bu Chnlon attended in her youth, .of whom areincumbents, are nisg to "Ioule like aslum". Lincoln Junior High, Maine East The other incumbent, Marvin farfouryears. running. They aeeNancy Meilen, - - andMaine Soalh. Walker ofEvanslonwho is chai- Distriet7j Karen Dimond and Jane Wojtkin- "The bands ofatlthe schools in más and CEO of a management InNiles Distniat7l, five candi- wica. Park Ridge did a fabulado job consulting ftrm He is seeking adates are campeting for fact The otherIwo vacancies will Is 1574 the typical CEO greeting her at the airport,' said second term and has been in- school board vacancies. Teems likely be filled by weile-in candi- was paid 35 times more than volved in local and stale politics areferfouryears. - -- Mary Oliver, Jon's mom. - - dates from among the fear candi- the average American work- forseverul years: Incumbents running tire Clif- er. In the 1990's the CEO's The 550 voices of the sladetit dates whosenamos were stricken body swelled te a- cresetindeas Challengar- Bill Handocl offotd Drexler, Jahn Lombardiand from the bállol because of filing - salary was 150 timesmore MertonGrove is aretieed audio -than the aveeage Aesenicak they sang'HuppyBirthday' -to Voronica Meyer. Chtillengernare problems,- according te Mike Jo- their school's mostfarnoas grado- visual director and claisroom in- Sandra- -Murabisotta and Ma,y bann, sccretasy ta the Beard of : worker. In Japan thepropor- ate. Hanging in the gym were the strucler fends NilesDislrici-2l9.-Krueger. - Education. :tios is 16 te I and in Germa He Itas nao foe the board in the - -poilnaitsthefifth-- aísd sixth- Barney Namovic it stepping Write.in vetes - n,2ltol. - graders had made of Cholas as a past. - -dawn from his position -en the SharonCoton, AlbcriDomi- Running for Ihn first time is special surprise on her BOth biOh- - board andwitl noIosa again. Continued un Page 38 day. - - - ìlitlmyCiinhon siopped by Although Ctintes was to have her oidgìarnmar scharrt Mon- snlecied her favorite poeteaitfrom -Maine -Township welcomes - the group-she opted instetid-to rday.héFi1d:Schobt;ich - - lake all ofthem back to the White :1iv - - - _ís a coUple of blocks west of CEDA offices Nites where Nitès' District 64 flensewithhor. studentsattend. Students sang Cnntinnnd on l'age 38 Happy -BiYthday -to the first tudy adding a few Cha Cha - TheVillage of-Niles Chas tOthe tyeics. Mrs. Ctin- automated 24 hour ton visited her former home - is Park Ridge whichis at- information source Wisoèr and Elm Steels -Next- - - Vittagè-Line is the newestser- week's Bogie witt have o re- vice offered by- the Village of pontfromahighschoot. Nites le its residents and other friend of Hitlary's wIse ut- persons interested in information Cnutirned onPagn 38 regarding Village services and operations. With a lunch-lone tel- Morton Grove ephone,- this easy-to-use system - provides access to the Village of :publjc Works-: Niles, 24 houes a day, 7 days u week. - - - ; news For mure.iñfoemnlion aigard- irigthe - Village-Line- system - YARD WASTE COLLEC- pleaseeall 588-8000 during nega- TIONS. As in past years, cotlee larbusinesshoars. ties efyard waste will end forthe To ase the Village-Line sys- season on December 1-.Yard -tetis, simply dial 588-041 1 and waste catlectiens will continue as press- the number thatcorre- - long as the weather pèrmito corn- spends lo the information yac are posting operations at área land- - Meine Township Truslee Robert Provenzano (left) and PhyllIskIug, lite lawnnhip's Agency Coordi- interesled in; press O at soy time nator, recentlymet wilh Lyle FOster, Executive Directoroflhe CommunilyàndEconomic Development fills. However, residents àreen- tomInes to the main menu. conrugeìl I- complete yard work Upcoming Programs and the Associalion of Cook County (CEDA) Northwest dunng a dedication ceremony at CEDA Northwest befare mid-November. NileaFreeBusService 8 new offices in MountProepect Afiera careful evaluation process Maine Township allocates fundn fc LEAF PICK-UP. The De- FrêeBnsService - - I local non profit agencien Safts an CEDA Northweet ta help them provide noedednorvices lolownghi1i Continued onpune 38 ......... residents.----- ,-.. PAGE 2 ,T1E BUGLE,ThVRSDAY,OctçIr3O,199 'X 3 SENIOR CITIZENS st. John Brebeuf Knights of - Shampoo Satùrçiay refuse and Lóca1 resident portrays Columbus - &Set $2.50&Up Golden-Agers - Haircut, , , $3.00 & Up cónSti'tiction debris drooff meeting to be héld Now's the time for rire chang. : s - Christopher Columbus J'VERYDAYFXCFPTSUNDAY beaatifnl, bounliful bacs of the (SS- :: :: :isi AtIenden residenls! New is The transfer sEden is Incaled ing of the guard, the color goard, season. Grand Knight Bill Chase uf the Sr. Men's Clipper Styling$3.00 & Up youichance tegetrislofcoestrtic- on the east side 5sf Des Plainer Narth American Martyrs Council Mens Reg. Heir Styling that is! From the strong black and Clab President Chester Bock $5.05 & Up NILES SENIOR CENTER REGISTRATION ;lien debris and old tirsis. The Sel- River Road just nerth nf Central 4338, Knightr of Columbus, in- orange of the Halloween spook- and otherofficerseon the October id Waste Agency nf Northern Road, direcdy across tite street INHOME ercr leg, ro the mellow yellow and The Niles Senior Center is open to eesidents of the Village viles all brother knïghis to the basiness meeting with their asnal ofNiles age 62 and over, and thnir younger spouses. Nitos sen- CeokCeenty (SWANCC)hasin- term Maryville Academyin HAIR CARE roerrr,n$e.00 light reds ofthe turning leaves, lo aplomb. It next business meeting and first the wann earlhtones of Thanks- " inri interested in obtaining additional renier reeler informa- slitnted a special residential re- Glenview. This piogram is net a degree exemplification to be FREDERiCK'S COIFFURES Anniveesaeies are being cele- tian should call or visit the center and be placed on the mailing fese and canslractioedebris household buz,'irdoas waste col- 539 N.MILWAUKEE AVE. giving, to the bright and cheery brated this month by the follow- ii held on Wedneuday, November CHICAGO. IL l list. The ceuler is located al 8U60 Oakton Street. drop-off center at the Wheeling leclion, and melur oil, paint and red and green of the Chrislmas inghappy duos: 5, in Si. John Brebeef's School (773) 631 0514 t . YARN NEEDED Township Transfer Slalionin other household hazardous festivities, it's time lo enjoy the Haney and Virgina Brekke ($307 N. Harlem Ave.) Flanagan q The Senior Center is requEsting any left over yarn or scraps Glenview. This pilot progttstst wasles will nel be accepted. Hull starling at 8 p.m. Bill invites LoreezandMagdelanaDoser ìof material (H"r H" or bigger). Lap robes and shnwls are mudo will ran very Saturday through The followingilernswill notbe
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