Olympia Exhibition Centre & Olympia
planning report GLA/4529/01 & 4529a/01 14 January 2019 Olympia Exhibition Centre & Olympia Way in the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham planning application no. 2018/03102/OUT & 2018/03100/FUL Strategic planning application stage 1 referral Town & Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended); Greater London Authority Acts 1999 and 2007; Town & Country Planning (Mayor of London) Order 2008. The proposal Full application for redevelopment of Olympia Exhibition Centre comprising demolition, refurbishment, extension and alteration to existing exhibition halls; erection of 13 storey buildings for office use; erection of 10 storey building on G-Gate site; partial demolition, alterations and extension of Maclise Road Car Park; roof level public realm deck; logistics centre; use of venue for exhibition, live music, theatre, restaurant/bar, retail, hotel, cinema, office, co-working and conference space. Outline application for erection of buildings up to 4 storeys on Olympia Way for flexible Class A1-A4, B1 and D1 space. The applicant The applicant is Olympus Property Holding Ltd and the architects are Heatherwick Studios and SPPARC. Strategic issues Land use principle: The proposals to regenerate Olympia Exhibition Centre as a major visitor attraction, and new business, leisure and cultural quarter, enhancing London’s world city status, are strongly supported in principle by London Plan and draft London Plan policies (paras. 16-25). Design and heritage: The proposals would introduce significant new build elements of significant scale and townscape impact, however the quality of the proposals is high, and the impact on the setting of heritage assets and the loss of historic fabric would result in less than substantial harm.
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