Congratulations! You made the right decision to spend your time in with us. Here are some easy instructions to arrive at Wynfrid House. Using our map on the next page, you cannot go wrong or get lost!

From Stansted by Bus: The bus company „National Express“ stops at „“. It’s a three minute walk from here to Wynfrid House. You may also take any bus going to „“, which is just a little bit farther away from us.

…or via : We are only one Underground station away from „Liverpool Street Station“. Choose " & City" line (in pink, going to Barking). Make sure you go one stop to " East" and exit the station in driving direction.

From Gatwick via easyBus: Get out at „Earls Court“ and enter a Undergorund train of the "" (the green line) going to „Barking“ or „“ and exit when you arrive at "Aldgate East". Leave the station in driving direction.

…or via : Gatwick Express stops at „Victoria Station“. Change into the "District Line" (green in the maps) heading for „Barking“ or „Upminster“ until you reach "Aldgate East". Leave the station in driving direction.

…or via Southern Railway: Buy your ticket to get to a station named „Blackfriars“. Change into the "District Line" (green in the maps) heading for „Barking“ or „Upminster“ until you reach "Aldgate East". Leave the station in driving direction.

From Heathrow by Underground: At , the " Line" departs, going to „Cockfosters“ (find the blue line in the ). You will race through London, reaching „Hammersmith“ eleven stops later. Change trains at the same platform where you just got off and enter the "District Line" (shown green in network plans) heading for „Barking“ or „Upminster“ and keep going to "Aldgate East" for 15 stops. Leave the station in driving direction.

Via City Airport by train: At City Airport, the DLR is starting its journey. DLR means , a driverless railway system. Exit at "Limehouse".

In front of , on your side of the street, you willl find bus lines 115 (going to „Aldgate“), 135 (going to ""), 15 (going to "Charing Cross Station" or „“) all taking you almost to our front door, as you will find on our map. Leave the bus at "Metropolitan University" on „Commercial Road“.

From : Bus company „easyBus“ takes you from the Airport to its stop „Commercial Street“ (near Liverpool Street) - for about eight pounds. You can easily walk to Wynfrid House from there.

…or by train: Find a train going to famous „St. Pancras Station“. Inside, you will easily find the "Hammersmith & City" line (pink). Take the train to "Barking". Just five stops later, you will arrive and exit at "Aldgate East". Leave the station in driving direction.

From Southend Airport: From Southend Airport you can go by train. Within 53 Minutes you will arrive at „Liverpool Street Station“. It is just one more Underground stop until „Aldgate East“, just hop on the "Hammersmith & City" (pink line) going to „Barking“ and leave the train at "Aldgate East". Leave the station in driving direction.

From St. Pancras station: Inside the huge station „St. Pancras“, you will easily find the "Hammersmith & City" line (pink). Take the train to "Barking". PRINT Just five stops later, you will arrive and exit at "Aldgate East". Leave the station in driving direction. IT NOW. HAVE IT WITH YOU! 20 M������� S����� - L����� E1 1EH E������ - ����@������������.��� ���.������������.��� - T��: +44 207 247 6110 M��: +44 790 085 6024 ALL AROUND WYNFRID HOUSE

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