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Dot 10440 DS1.Pdf - ~-"~., I ~------------~~ / PB293 ·246 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 Report No. FRA/ORD-78/29 ENGINEERING DATA ON SELECTED HIGH SPEED PASSENGER TRUCKS Stephen M. Shapiro The Budd Company Technical Center 300 Commerce Drive Fort Washington PA 19034 . .. .. ...,' ").' .. .'~.", "";i:,' .'. :7 ( JULY 1978 FINAL REPORT DOCUMENT IS AVAILABLE TO THE U.S. PUBLIC THROUGH THE NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION SERVICE, SPRINGFIELD, VIRGINIA 22161 ---,, Prepared for U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION Office of Research and Development ,..; Washington DC 20590 I I./,' ~ ___ k ,---'-~-- -... ~.- -_. -"~, REPRODUCED BY: N .' u.s. Oepartmenl of Commerce ij. ~ :~.: National Technicallnfonnation Service r : Springfield, Virginia 22161 J l.._ .. ... _. .--J NOTICE This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the Department of Transportation in the interest of information exchange. The United States Govern­ ment assumes no liability for its contents or use thereof. \., .'" II I II NOTICE The United States Government does not endorse pro­ ducts or manufacturers. Trade or manufacturers' names appear herein solely because they are con­ sidered essential to the object of this report. ~_...J Technical Report Documeptation Page '", 1. Reopon No. FRA/ORD-78/29 4. Tille and S.ub'llie 5. Repori DOle July 1978 I ENGINEERING DATA ON SELECTED 6. Pedorming Orgonl zofl on Code I' HIGH SPEED PASSENGER TRUCKS f-,::--~"""""------------------------_-_----l~B -,'""p'-e-r-'o-,m-,n-g-O""'-9-0-n'-'-0-',-on-==R-e-po-r-'7N:-o-,----, 7. Author' 5: Stephen M. Shapiro DOT-TSC-FRA-78-4 9. Pedormlng Orgonl zollon Nome and Address 10, Work Un,t No ITRAIS) The Budd Company * RR830/R83l9 Technical Center 11. Contract or Grant No. 300 Commerce Drive DOT-TSC-1222 Fort Washington PA 19034 12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address U.S. Department of Transportation Final Report Federal Railroad Administration April 1977 - November 1977 I Office of Research and Development 14. Sponsoring Agency Code Washington DC 20590 15, Supplement"',! No'.' I U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Special Programs Administration *Under contra~t to: I Transportation Systems Center Cambridge MA 02142 f--:-16-:-,-A""'o""-.-,,0-c-'-------_.­ '" '< / The purpose of this ~roject ~s to compile a list of high speed truck engineering parameters for characterization in dynamic performance modeling activities. Data tabulations are supplied for trucks from France, Germany, I Italy, England, Japan, U.S.S.R., Canada and The United States .. /' < 17. KeyWo,ds 18. Distribullon Statement Sprung Mass, Unsprung Mass, DOCUMENT IS AVAILABLE TO THE U.S. PUBLIC Stiffness, Damping, High THROUGH THE NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION SERVICE. SPR,NGFIELD. Speed Truck, Passenger Car VIRGINIA 22181 19. Security Clossd. (of I~" report) 20, Secu,ity Clo"i!. (of t~is poge) 22. P"ce Unclassified Unclassified Form DOT F 1700.7 (B-72) Reproduction of completed page oUlhori1ed I , .. , I• GENERAL DISCLAIMER This document may be affected by one, or more of the following statements • This document has been reproduced from the best copy furnished by the sponsoring agency. It is being released in the interest of making available as much information as possible. • This document may contain data which exceeds the sheet parameters. It was furnished in this condition by the sponsoring agency and is the best copy available. • This document may contain tone-on-tone or color graphs, charts and/or pictures which have been reproduced in black and white. • This document is paginated as submitted by the original source. • Portions of this document are not fully legible due to the historical nature ofsome of the material. However, it is the best reproduction available from the original submission. PREFACE During the conduct of the program, significant contributions were made by members of the Budd Staff with particular recognition to Mr. Philip Strong. Acknowledgement is also given to Frank P. DiMasi, Raymond Ehrenbeck, and Herbert Weinstock of TSC for their help in the program. The Budd Company gratefully acknowledges the follow­ ing publications for granting permission to reproduce selected pages contained in their magazine articles: Chemins De Fer, French Railway Techniques, Rail Engineer­ ing International, and Railway Gazette International. The Budd Company also acknowledges other sources which, were made available to them. / iii B1an~tl lPreceding Page --, METRIC CONVERSION FACTORS ApprOliml'l ConVlr.ioRl 10 Mltric Miliures oD -::; A,Iprallllllti Conv.r,ian, fro. ".uie Mill.'" =----;:; .. S,...., w... V.. I... 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'c Cflls,us !t/!i (men FoIfv-'-'1 ., l.-npel"oItlN1I Idd 121 l~durI ., F"'rwttM!11 !i/!t tol"" Cet,,,... ( 'ImperBN,.. subtnC1I"'O l~alUl"a ]21 - ==-- -------;. "f 32 98.6 212 ==--- -'0 0 1'0 00 f "0 100 ooo~ - § II,' 't '1'1'1 1 ,11,'1'1,' 1 1 ,1 ',I 'I' ~ ~ ~ - - ''0 -lO 0 ZO 40 &0 10 ~c : _;::::: ~.c :!IT .. .. • ' .. TABLE OF CONTEN~S 1. INTRODUCTION .. 1 1.1 Background 1 1. 2 Obj ectives 1 1. 3 Plan 2 2. TRUCK LIST 4 2.1 Passenger Truck List 4 2.2 High Speed Trucks 15 3. TRUCK SUMMARY 16 3.1 General Truck Characteristics 16 3.2 Summary of Truck Designs 17 4. TRUCK AND CAR DATA COLLECTION 19 4.1 Truck Description and Illustration 19 ,n 4.2 Truck Data 67 4.3 Car Data 86 5. INFLUENCE OF TRUCK SUSPENSION PARAMETER VARIATION ON RAILCAR DYNAMIC RESPONSE 89 6. RECOMMENDATIONS 93 References 94 Appendix A Report of Inventions 107 Appendix B Photographs of High Speed Trucks 108 v LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Truck Type Page Y-28 1, 2 22, 23 3, 4 Y-32 25, ,26 5, 6 Y-224 28, 29 7 , 8 Y-225 32, 33 9, 10 Y-226 35, 36 11, 12 FIAT Eurofa 38, 39 13, 14 Z 1040 41, 42 15, 16 ET-403 44, 45 17, 18 Minden Deutz 47, 48 , 19, 20 DT-200 50, 51 21, 22 LRC 53, 54 23, 24 BT-10 56, 57 25, 26 ER 200 59, 60 27 , 28 P-III 62, 63 29, 30 Metro1iner 65, 66 vi ,. LIST OF TABLES Page Table Title 1 Truck Summary 18 2 Y-28 71 72 3 Y-32 4 Y-224 73 74 5 Y-225 6 Y-226 75 76 7 FIAT Eurofa 77 • 8 Z 1040 78 9 ET 403 \~ 10 Minden Deutz 79 11 DT-200 80 12 LRC 81 82 13 BT 10 14 ER 200 83 84 15 P-III 16 Metroliner 85 87, 88 17 Car Body Parameters r- l Vi+ .. ~-~- ---~~ - -~r\ 1,'--- ) 1- 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background TSC is supporting the Federal Railroad Administration's improved passenger service program by providing engineering data to support the development of truck design specifica­ tions for use in high speed passenger service. A part of this includes analysis of the sensitivity of vehicle per­ formance characteristics to vehicle and truck configurations. Accordingly, TSC is collecting data and analytic tools to conduct a review of the relationship between vehicle and truck configurations, track geometry variations and perform­ ance characteristics such as ride vibration and ranges of safe operation speeds. The truck configuration and its associated compliance, damping and sprung!unsprung(mass characteristics represent a major influence of vehicle stability and are important to the truck optimization proce~s. To date, however, there has been no systematic effort to catalog this data in order to characterize the diverse population of current and pro­ posed truck designs. The purpose of.this project has been to assemble such data to -characterize passenger truck configurations for use in parametric studies to assess the influence of truck (and vehicle) parameters on performance characteristics such as vehicle stable performance and ride vibration. The Budd Company, a major developer of rail vehicle! truck systems, has collected a library of data on many truck designs from: internal development projects; published te~hnical literature; and personal contact with international representatives. The object of this contract was to provide the required catalog of passenger truck configuration data for powered and non powered trucks by taking maximum advan­ tage of existing raw data gathered by The Budd Company.
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