Ski em al nfo rmasj on Skjema SFU Referanse 1006647 lnnsendt 1205.2013 17:25:15 Host information about host institution and center Name of centre Health and Social - Unlimited Host institution Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo P0 Box address 1078 BUndern Postal code I City/place 0316 OSLO Telephone 22845300 E-mail address
[email protected] Contact person -Contact person Name Professor Kristin M. Heggen Title Vice dean for education Telephone work I mobile 22845376 99575450 E-mail address k. m. heggen®rnedisin. uio. no About the centre About the centre Is the centre already No established at the time of application Describe briefly the plans for establishing the centre (maximum 1500 characters) The consortium consists of the following institutions: Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo (UiO) (host institution); Faculty of Health and Faculty of Social Sciences at Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Science (HiOA); and the Faculty of Health, Care, and Nursing at University College at Gjøvik (GUC. The consortium brings together institutions that have demonstrated excellence in the areas of medical, health, and social education, along with their fields of practice. The consortium and its collaborating partners together cover the core issues in health and social education and practice. Based on the R&D plan, we aim to disseminate excellence and develop new educational and learning models in both education and work settings. The main aim is to create a bi-directional relationship between education and practice.We have selected the following problem areas in which educational innovation will be developed and spread in and outside the consortium: child care and welfare, care of persons with chronic lung disease, chronic musculoskeletal diseases, and elderly citizens.