CV - Cecilie Johannessen Landmark Personal: Born 09.11.1971, Norway Contact: E-mail:
[email protected]/
[email protected] Phone: +47 91119934 Current positions: Professor of Pharmacology, Program for Pharmacy, Faculty of Health Sciences, Oslo Metropolitan University since 2002, and Medical advisor at the National Center for Epilepsy and Dept of Pharmacology, Oslo University Hospital, Norway, Head of the Pharmacology team at the hospital, since 2015 Education: Master degree, Pharmacy (1995), PhD in Neuropharmacology (2001), School of Pharmacy, University of Oslo, Pedagogical courses and Project management (60 ECTS, 1 year) at Oslo University college (2004-2010), Course for PhD tutors, OsloMet (2016) Teaching experience • Teaching at bachelor, master and PhD-levels and further education for 20 years • Development and evaluation of study programmes in Pharmacy, board member for development of Master Program in Pharmacy, Faculty council member • Main tutor for 20 master students and 6 PhD students • Invited lecturer to universities and at courses/conferences in 20 countries Research interests and responsibility • Research: Clinical pharmacology of antiepileptic drugs and implementation of TDM with focus on special patient groups, pharmacokinetics and drug interactions, as well as pharmacoepidemiology and drug utilisation, aiming at a multidisciplinary approach to research in epilepsy and related disorders, funding for projects, EU-project and national. • Collaboration: at the National Center for Epilepsy for 20 years, large national and international networks and collaboration • Head of the research groups: Medicines and patient safety and the group of Clinical pharmacology of antiepileptic drugs • Publications: 45 original articles, 40 invited reviews/ book chapters, 19 national articles • Faculty member/Organizing committee member: 3 international courses and summer schools of epilepsy/pharmacology/pediatry