SEND Sports Competition 2018-19 Birmingham School Games Inter School (Level 2) and City Finals (Level 3) Competition School Games Hubs Grp. 7,8,10-12 Playfootball Wilson Stuart Active Society CIC SEND Groups Oct 11 KS3-5 Para Football FH 1 Faye Haworth 1 Power chair user Power affecting disability e.g. Gp 7,8,10-12 Inter Schools competition is split into north and 0121 373 4475 muscular dystrophy, severe cerebral Aston Villa Ac.
[email protected] 15 KS2 Para Football AS PD palsy affecting all four limbs south. To enter a competition you need to contact Groups 1-7&9 your School Games Organiser. Winners from the Hamstead Hall Academy Nov 7 KS2 Panathlon Nechells 2 Jo Nightingale FH Inter Schools Competitions progress to the City 0121 386 7510 2 Power chair user Co-ordination affecting disability e.g. Groups 1-7 & 9 Finals Winter /Spring and Summer Games.
[email protected] cerebral palsy Nechells PD 8 KS2 Panathlon FH Kingsbury School Sport Partnership CIC Helen Tonks 3 Manual chair Can’t compete without the use of a Groups 1-7 & 9 3 wheelchair but may be able to stand Nechells 0121 373 1080 PD user and walk with support and might not 9 KS2 Panathlon FH
[email protected] regularly use a wheelchair Grp. 1-7 & 9 King Edward VI Aston School Nechells 26 KS3-4 Panathlon FH 4 Alex Smith 4 Ambulant Must use aids such as Kage walker or 0121 554 6638 sticks e.g. diplegic cerebral palsy- PD moderate Groups 1-12
[email protected]) affects function in both legs Dec Billesle y TC impairment 7 Sportshall Athletics HR & DMc S Bishop Challoner Catholic College School Sports Partnership 5 Ambulant Does not need aids to compete e.g.