Balkan Wars and the Albanian Issue
QAFLESHI, MUHARREM, AJHC, 2018; 1:8 Review Article AJHC 2018,1:8 American Journal of History and Culture (ISSN:2637-4919) Balkan Wars and the Albanian issue QAFLESHI, MUHARREM , Mr. Sc. Phd (c) PRISHTINA UNIVERSITY, DEPARTAMENT OF HISTORY Albanian Address: Street “Bil Clinton” nr. n.n. 22060 Bellobrad -Kosovo ABSTRACT This paper will elaborate the collapse of the Turkish rule in the *Correspondence to Author: Balkans and the future fate of Albania, embarking on the new QAFLESHI, MUHARREM plans of the invasive politics of the Balkan Alliance, especially PRISHTINA UNIVERSITY, DEPAR- of Serbia, Montenegro and Greece. Then the dramatic events TAMENT OF HISTORY Albanian during the Balkan Wars 1912-1913, the occupation of Kosovo Address: Street “Bil Clinton” nr. n.n. and other Albanian lands by Serbia, the Albanian resistance with 22060 Bellobrad -Kosovo special focus on Luma, Opoja and Gora. It will also discuss the rapid developments of the Balkan Wars, which accelerated the Declaration of the Independence of Albania on 28 November, How to cite this article: 1912, and organization of the Ambassadors Conference in Lon- QAFLESHI, MUHARREM.Bal- don, which decided to recognize the Autonomy of Albania with kan Wars and the Albanian issue. today’s borders. Then, information about the inhumane crimes of American Journal of History and the Serbian Army against the Albanian freedom-loving people, Culture, 2018,1:8. committing unprecedented crimes against the civilian population, is given. Keywords: Serbia, Montenegro, Ottoman Empire, Gora, Opoja, eSciPub LLC, Houston, TX USA. Luma. For ProofWebsite: Only AJHC: 0001 QAFLESHI, MUHARREM, AJHC, 2018; 1:8 Collapse of the Ottoman Empire and interested as other Balkan oppressed people to creation of the Balkan Alliance become liberated from the Ottoman yoke.
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