Municipal Development Plan Dragash

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Municipal Development Plan Dragash United Nations Development Programme Conservation of Biodiversity and Sustainable Land Use Management in Dragash/Dragaš Municipal Development Plan for the Municipality of Dragash/Dragaš 2013 - 2023 1 Dragash / Dragaš, Kosovo August 2013 Contents Contents ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 List of Figures ............................................................................................................................................................................ 3 List of Tables .............................................................................................................................................................................. 3 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................ 5 Project Background ................................................................................................................................................................. 5 Purpose of the MDP ................................................................................................................................................................. 5 Public Consultation ................................................................................................................................................................... 5 National framework .................................................................................................................................................................. 5 2. Dragash/Dragaš Municipal Profile ................................................................................................................................... 7 Description of the Municipality .............................................................................................................................................. 7 Population ................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Cultural and historical background ....................................................................................................................................... 10 Challenges inherent in existing situation ............................................................................................................................ 10 Settlements ................................................................................................................................................................................. 11 Challenges inherent in the existing situation of settlements ......................................................................................... 11 Natural hazards and risks ........................................................................................................................................................ 13 Water resources ........................................................................................................................................................................ 14 Challenges inherent in the existing situation of land use and soils ............................................................................. 15 Education .................................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Health ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Challenges inherent in the existing situation of education, health and social welfare .......................................... 16 Economic Development and Employment ......................................................................................................................... 16 Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) ................................................................................................................................ 15 Impact of migration ................................................................................................................................................................... 16 Challenges inherent in the existing situation of the economy ...................................................................................... 16 Forestry and Agriculture ......................................................................................................................................................... 16 Challenges inherent in the existing situation of forestry and agriculture ................................................................ 17 2 Biodiversity and Nature Protection .................................................................................................................................... 17 Challenges inherent in the existing situation of biodiversity ....................................................................................... 17 Tourism and Culture ................................................................................................................................................................. 18 Challenges inherent in the existing situation of tourism and culture .......................................................................... 19 Road Network and Transport ............................................................................................................................................... 19 Challenges inherent in the existing situation of roads and transport .........................................................................19 Solid Waste Management ...................................................................................................................................................... 19 Challenges inherent in the existing situation of solid waste management............................................................... 20 Infrastructure and Utilities ...................................................................................................................................................... 20 Challenges inherent in the existing situation of technical infrastructure................................................................... 22 3. SWOT Analysis ..................................................................................................................................................................... 22 4. Vision ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 23 5. Spatial Development Framework..................................................................................................................................... 24 Principles for functional development of settlements..................................................................................................... 24 Additional settlement functions: ......................................................................................................................................... 26 Framework of the road network .......................................................................................................................................... 26 Development framework of land use ................................................................................................................................. 26 Additional function in the landscape: tourism .................................................................................................................. 27 Socio-economic and Environmental Impact Assessment of the proposed framework ......................................... 27 6. Strategies ............................................................................................................................................................................... 28 Nature conservation and biodiversity ................................................................................................................................. 28 Settlement .................................................................................................................................................................................. 30 Health and social welfare ....................................................................................................................................................... 36 Education .................................................................................................................................................................................... 37 Tourism and Cultural Heritage ............................................................................................................................................... 39 Forestry ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 44 Energy ........................................................................................................................................................................................
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