. *. Society News-Weddings-Coming Events . Scovill Girls’ Club Annual Meeting Of Annual Meeting League Of Women And Banquet Voters May 26th

Th member* or the Scovill Girls' Thp annual meeting: of the Wa- club held their annuel banquet In terbury League of Women Voten Bast Main St. their club room* on will be hied Friday, May 2# at the on Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. home of Mrs Frederick S. Chase lr Mrs Prosl catered. Miss Edna Mo- lusky. chairman of the entertain- Middlebury. The meeting will b< ment committee wae toastmlatress. a combination of business meeting Miee Mllllcent Pond was the and party, with the business meet- Her topic was "Emo- speaker. ing set for 2 o'clock with Mrs Jo- wa* Interesting and tions'' and very J. Davis Reporti Mias Mildred Roche seph presiding. entertaining. of the officers and chairmen o! and Miss Martha Morris rendered committees will be given and new solos Miss several accompanied by officers elected. Mrs Chase If LaBonne. Mrs Loretta Georgette chairman of the com- and read a nominating Donahue composed mittee. of humorous about number rhymes At 2:30 the will be which were meeting the different member*, turned over to the committee well received. Miss 'Clara Dodge which is arranging the program was called to a speech upon give and of which Mrs Frank F. Me- the on all and complimented girls Is chairman. There will be work have accom- Evoy the good they tables for bridge and those who in the year. Miss plished past wish to make will also puzzles Louts* Daly retiring president find them there. For those whe a short talk and introduced gave to remain out of doors, there nedi officers that w«e elected prefer the will be tours of the garden anti who are as for the coming year croquet. Tea will be served. Miss Altchlson, follows: Mary Mrs McEvoy will be assisted bj Miss Brlok. vice- president; Mary Mrs Joseph J. Davis In charge ol Miss Charlotte Bergen, president; games; Mrs E. J. McDonald, tea; Miss DuBlel, treasurer; Margaret Mrs John P. Elton, tables; Mri Miss Belle chair- secretary; Inglls, Fred A. Webster, organization and man entertainment; Miss Katherine Mrs William J. Slator, publicity. Campbell, chairman sick commit- Miss Edna chairman tee; Molusky, An Informal social and dance committee; Vahlty membership was sponsored last evening by the boxes were given to each member St Mary Girls’ club at their elul with compliments of the Sco- |he rooms. Among those attendlnq ville Company. Seated at the Mfg were: Julia Fitzgerald and Mi- table were Mrs Annie O’- speaker chael Cremlns anti Miss Miss Quilter, Mary Brien, Mary Altchlson,, Catherine Donnhue Louise Miss Mllllcent Pond, Jerry Kenney, Daly, and Joseph Holleran, Jmelda Boyce Miss Clara Dodge, Miss Edna Mo- and John Foley, Ann Quane and Others attending were the lusky. James Theresa Sullivan and Mae Cases, Misses Hughes, Margaret Ry- Thomas Gavin. Doris Murohv and Lawlor, Mary Kelly, an, Mary Bagley, Marie Qullter and Elisabeth Agnes Hickey, Harry MISS MARTHA STARKWEATHER DTE Kelly, Michael McCormick, Kathleen Ma- Ladden, Anna McHugh, Agnes her and Francis Landry, Ruth Bell Miss of Dr and Mrs John Sinclair Dye of Hillside OUve Inglls, Irene Synotte, Mar- —Oualtlerl photo Dye, daughter and Charles Eggleston, Lillian Bel] avenue been selected am a member of the bridal for the tha Daly, Bell Margaret MISS ROSALIND M. STODDARD J>a« party Inglls and Ernest Eggleston, Rita Ker- —Uualtierl photo of Miss Jane Holcomb, daughter of Mr and Mrs Frederick DuBlel, Charlotte Bergen, Georget- wedding Miss Stoddard of Central avenue Is attending the annual dinner win and John Madderi, Mary Riley MISS LOItETTA ANN MOYNIHAN Wainrlght Holcomb of PrOBpect Btrcet and Lamraot duPont of Wil- te LeBonne, Margaret Connolly, In and reception which is being held In tho Madison hotel New York and Maurice Sugrue, Claire Green the date for her which ia to take on June 24th at St John's Martha Mollie Miss Moynihan haa chosen Juno 15th as weddins mington, Del, place Epis- Morris, Collins, to-day for the graduates of Pratt Institute, School of Kino and Apllted Thomas Patricia N. Y. Susan and Holleran, to Richard P. Crano of West Main street. Sho is the daughter of Mr copal church at Fishers Island, Mary Flaherty, McGrath, Arts. She Is a of the class of 1931. During her senior year, graduate Murphy and Clarence Jarvis, Mar- and Mrs Cornelius Moynihan of Walnut street. Elinor Vail, Ellen Patchen, Laur- Miss Stoddard was of the teachers’ classes at the Institute. UU1 Ul -U113 supervisor garet Brennan and Francis Noonan, Ol £jllZttUUlll H UUIIU XfL JLlllkl CCYUUI TV Olvl etta Clara Nelson, Commerford, At present sho Is a member of the faculty of Slocum school. O’Donnell and Patrick S. Miss Florence church held Its annual Congregational Feet were in Nor- Gra- Margaret Joseph Mr and Mrs Bergln Watts, daughter Episcopal Elizabeth Lawlor, Catherine Mrs Watts of election of officers and business wich to attend the an- Butler, Mary Cream and Oscar of street will celebrate of Mr and Ridley Wednesday ham, Edith Grahn, Kathleen Gil- Francis La-i. IS. ... T J J.n T nils. n A Christine and anni- N. J., and meeting recently in the parish nual'meeting of the council ol Doucette, Quilter their twenty-flfth wedding Morristown, women George Sullivan, Eileen Morton versary this evening at a dinner Oliver Ayres, Jr, son of Mr and house at which time Mrs William Congregational of Connecti- Mary Flaherty, Catherino O’Con- Junior Barn Dance League and Martin Moriarty, Lillian Shea with their sons and several friends Mrs Francis Oliver Ayres of New II. Roden was chosen president. cut held at the United church In nell, Mary Brick, Catherine Brick, and Thomas Driscoll, Margaret at the Hotel Bancroft in Wor- York will be married In St Peter's Others elected were: vice-president Norwich. Dr Oscar E. Maurer, pas- Mlldren Roche, Helen Center Sterling, Tehan and Edward Hartnett, Ger- cester. Edward Bergin is a mem- church, Morristown, May 20. Rev Mrs 8. Edward Starr; secretary, tor of tho church of Bridge- Mary Purdy, Anna Murphy, Jea- Is Attended at Largely Affair trude Hartigan and William Hap- of the senior class at Holy Donald M. Bookman will officiate Mrs Frederick B- Williams Sr; port led the devotional periods nette Sacco, Rose Mulligan, Mary ber afternoon py, Anita Smith and Matthew Mur- Cross and Bergln at the ceremony which will be treasurer Mrs Aely W. Castle; both the morning and Connolly and Mrs Margart Clif- college Stephen MUs Ann Driggs was chairman Polly Goodrich. Eleanor Griggs, Eleanor and James Harvard followed a at the chairman of the supper committee, sessions and the principal addrese Mrs L. Mrs Loretta tha, Strong attends the University by reception ford, Daly, of the for the Junior Elise Gregg. Irma Tehan and Arthur Administra- Watts home. Miss A. Mrs Henry Baldwin Todd; visiting was given by President Barbour o< Donahue and Mrs Susan arrangements Cronan, School of Business Marguerite White. Blum will be chairman, Miss Mabel Buckinaster; Brown University. Other speakers League Barn Dance which was Miss Barbara Goodsell of Bridge- and Gertrude McLarney and tion. Bushnell of Morristown were Professor Harlow ol Mian Ellen Gallaudet, Milton Edward Brower. Miss Watts’ only attendant. Thom- house chairman, Mrs Jean Mar- Ralph Mies Doris Brodeur, of East held last evening at the Town Hall port, of Smith and Miss Helen affair was Goss. Robert Griggs, Mr and Mrs the local guests who at- as Fisher, Jr, of Scarsdale, N. Y„ guard. Members the nominating college Main street, entertained the mem- In Middlobury. The Among Mrs Frances Smith of New York. Eliot Goss, Janies Gregg, George Gil An atractive “April Shower” tended the annual Charity Ball will be best man. The ushers committee Included, Chairman, bers of the Happy-Go-Lucky Girls largely attended by members of the James Mrs Thomas Maton, Among those from this city whe social set of this and other man, Andrew ordon, of Hartford, dance was held at the west lobby given by the West Haven Bodge will Include John F. Ayres, a Cline, at her home on Thursday evening. city and Mrs were present were Mrs William O. Charles Gage of New York city, Mr of the Y. M. C. A. last evening of Elks last evening were: Misses brother of Mr Ayres: Philip and Mrs George Keest Ray- Bridge wad played, high score be- parts of the state. Afternoon tea was Green, Mrs Stephen Crane, Mrc and Mrs Henry Griggs, John Gates under the sponsorship of the Alice Carroll, Katherine I.unney John Watts, brothers of Miss mond Wilkins, ing attained by Miss Catherine E. The Invitation list Includes: later served with Mrs Claude Bad- Matthew Adgate, Mrs Arthur Crane and Henry Garrison of New Haven, Alpha Sigma Psi Sorority. Many Marie Ityan and Bora Barrett. Watts, and Philip D. Holden, Ste- Cook and low score by Miss Almu Phillip Allen, Krnest Anderson, Mrs William H. Mrs Mrs Alfred Baldwin, Mrs Arden Mr and Mrs Nelson Howard. members and their friends attend- phen T. B.Terhune, John M. Polk, ger, Roden, Donals. Miss Brodeur’S guests Juliette Adams, Margaret Adams, Mrs Thomas Ma- Coe, Mrs Frarik L. Bugden and Charles Miss Mildred c dtho event which is given by Theodore Chapin and William Jean Marguard, St Tcs- Allen, Mr and Mrs Harold Buckingham, The memorial commutes of al Miss the Second were: Alice Mary, Helen Nancy Mrs Hun- the group annually. The guests of New John ton, Mrs John Snow, Mrs William Ruby Bugden of Mr Mrs Harmon, Mr and Charles veterans organizations and auxil- Raymond, Jr, York, sler, Catherine Cook, Lillian Van- Ashworth, and Mason .included: Ron- Milas and Miss Gertrude Brown Congregational church, Rev Dr and gerford of Watertown, Mr and Mrs Betty Rusell and meet ut the State Ar- Hampton Barnes, Jr, of Philadel- asse, Marie LeVasseur, Slmonnc Adams, Austin Adams, Mrs Mil- iaries will as hostesses. the serv Mrs James E. Gregg and daughter, William D. Heynlger, Misses Jane ald Delaney, Ruth Reichenback Harmon Brereton and John acting During Brodeur and Alma ton Allerton, Milton Allerton, Mar- mory tomorrow afternoon at 4 phia; Miss Elise of the First Con- Deschene, Irene Helen Miss and Edward Fox, Mary Guilfoile New Haven and Merrill ing of tea Mrs Harry Walcott. Thill Grogg garet Ayres, Mr and Mrs Alfred Holcomb, and Hurlbut, o'clock. Gates of the church and Mrs W. M. Donals. Horner of New and Ben Maloney', Doris Shea and of N. Y. Miss was the closing meeting of gregational Andrews, Mr and Mrs William Helen Haven, MacNeille Scarsdale, will not tonvene again Moreton Owen, Mrs Jesse Burton, Misses Marion Hunt, Hay- Sherman Hallock, Helen Gaunt Watts was fcradulated from West- guild. They A of the Ladles’ Aux- Arnold, Dr and Mrs II. Everett Margery Miss jtosalind M. Stoddard of until October 4. Mrs George O. Halloway and Mrs meeting Mr and Mrs David Hart, Wil- and William Leary, Helen O’Con- over school and 1s a member of Association of Let- Allen, Alexander Bryan, J. Milton den, Central avenue left today to spend Fred P. Hoadlcy of the iliary, National liam Thomas Jr. nell and Irving Parsons, Josephine York Junior Mr Bunjicr Heynlger, Hooker, a as the of her the New League. ter Carriers will be held on Monday Burrall, Jr, Henry Burrall, Milton week guest cousin, JMIss Genevieve Cowles will speak Hill Congregational church. From of Hartford, Richard and Edwin Rafferty and Kenneth Malsch, Rita was graduated from Taft 8 o’clock at the Amer- Bristol of Naugatuck, George Boris Bowo Kipp of Greenville, Ayres Watertown wero Mrs Newton B, evening at Dr Shea and Ernest Weyermanor, a member of the Tuesday afternoon at the Water- Biggs, Frederick Boyd. John Hunt, Stillman Hyde, Joseph N. Y. school and was on re- Hobart, Mrs George Harper, Mrs ican legion home. E. Beckwith Mary Suprenant and John Hamel, Yale. burjf Women’s club prison Bell of Hetzel, Mr and Mrs class of 1931 at Howard Farwell and Mrs E. E, Brodle, Stephen Bridgeport, Eleanor and Jack Mc- form. The meeting will be one of Hitchcock, Ernest Howarth, Wa- Murphy E. Woodlock of Farm- Mr and Mrs Abraham John Ger- Lyman Brainard of Hartford, Har- Irene Carr Charles a of crime discussions Eisenwinter. tertown, Nathaniel Howe and Carthy, and Bud Do- of 13 group study mar Brcreton of New Haven, John avenue left to-day to spend Joseph Mulcahy Sycamore man of Evans street havo Issued herty, Florence Naka and Franck ington New which, are being held under the Arthur Hunn of New Haven, Willis summer Dane is at the Roosevelt, Invitations for the of Bridgeman of New Haven, Mr and a few days at his home, of Mrs S. Coe. The wedding of Miss Ann Booth, marriage Hartshorn. Mr and Mrs B. H. Hem- Luck, Janice Packard and Alva Maine. for Jho week end. chairmanship Harry Marie to Ca- Mrs John Betterlee, Warren Bet- Isle of , at Friendship, York, Miss Cowles will speak from 3 niece of Judge and Mrs John W. their daughter, Alida, ingway, Jr, Mr and Mrs Merritt Coolidge, Mary Brophy ant David Hall Bartlett of the Unit- terlee, Albert Barclay, Jr, John o’clock until 4 and the rest of the Banks of Bridgeport, and Andrew det Hemingway, Mr and Mrs Bartow Thomas Truelove, Ruth Quigley anc ed States Coast Guard academy, Barclay of New Haven. Robert time will be given over to discus- Gordon, son of Mrs Lewis E. Gor- Hemingway, Mr and Mrs Gordon George Breithaupt, Mavis Houstr son of Mrs Jane Bart- Batchelder, Charles Brainerd of and and don of Hartford, takes place Fri- Chadeayne Hurlbut of Watertown, Mr and Mrs Francis Mulligan, Betty Ber- sion questions. Baker Hartford, Mr and Mrs Norman at 4:30 lett and the late Henry Willard of N. gin and Thomas Patterson, 1—o- day afternoon, May 12, Bryant of Ansonia, Holmes Ban- Hemingway Rye, Y., Bartlett of Bridgeport. Cadet Bart- Mrs I sephlne Egan and William Fox Mrs George Mitchell of Hill o’clock In the United Congrega- nard of New Mr and Charles Hart, Mr and lett Is a direct descendant of Haven, Misses Whelan and Andrew Mona- street was at tional church. Dr William Horace Mrs Alfred Hart, Mr and Mrs Mary pleasantly surprised Joslah first member to Rebecca Bryant of Torrington, occasion Members of the Bartlett, Howard Hart, Mr and Mrs F. W. gan, June Trainor and Joseph her homo recently, the Day will officiate. Inde- Lucy Brainard of Hartford, Doro- vote for the Declaration of Mr Mrs Roland Delaney, Wilma Carroll and Paul beilig her seventy-fifth birthday. Immediate families and a few in- thy Frances Barnes of Holcomb, and of Sue the Boomer, pendence and the first after Mr and Mrs B. P. Delaney, Eleanor McGrath and She was presented with many beau- timate friends will attend the re- He New Haven, Jane Hotchkiss, Hyde president to sign tho document. Bryant, Lucy of Mr and Mrs Edward Chris Blanchard, Peggy Stelnmetz tiful gifts. Those attending were: ception which will follow at the of Helen Ben- Naugatuck, By Margery Hale Is also a descendant of Capt. Ama- Bryant Torrington, Mr and James Lawlor, Mr end Mrs George Mitchell, Dr Brooklawn Country club. Miss nett of New Hillman of Southbury, and Mrs Margaret zlah Hall of Branford, of Revolu- Britain, Ann Booth of Whelan and Revel Eleanor Al- her Miss Thorvold of Branford, Mr und Mrs Fox, inc '"t.. and Mrs George W. Mitchell, Booth has chosen sister. The which Bridgeport. Frances Bell of Bridge- gouuwjM-n tionary fame. wedding, Steward of Misses Stevens and Roy German, Mar- the cars and Page grot on. bert Mitchell, Mr and Mrs Archi- Julia Booth of New York as her Martha Blake of Judd Hartford, Sue anil Jack watched steps. Nancy will be military, will take place port, Hartford, guerite Roach and Edward Mc- was Mr and M*s maid of and Mrs Harold P. Nancy Jaynes, Eleanor Jaynes of leave. The others were coins: to Then the truin pad started, bald F. Mitchell, honor, after the exer- Nancy Barnes of New Haven, Janet directly graduation Miss Marcia Judd of Wa- Grath, Helen Lynch and Joseph bride and a light in tin- Ralph Mitchell, Mr and Mrs Small of Longmeadow, Mass, sis- of New Hartford, the station with the just disappearing cises of the Coast Guard academy Boomer, Margnret Barclay Kiley, Alice McGrath and Edward and the four Charles Mr and Mrs ter of the as matron tertown, Miss Betty Jones of New bridegroom. ruin and durkness. Trotzaroski, bridegroom, on afternoon, May IS, at Haven, Margaret Buckingham of Monday Haven, Mrs Weston Jenks, Samuel O’Donnell. Lydia Caste and Nich- When th^ train came hurryin CC who stood on the lonely platform Henry Zuser of Hnrtford; Mr und of honor. The future Mrs Gordon 5:80 o’clock at the First Church of Watertown, Mrs S. McLean Buck- olas Janes. Edwin Jones, William Jones, Belury, Peggy Bradshaw and into the railroad shed, for just C3 shivered a little. Mrs Clifford Conrad, Mrs Charles attended the Emma Wllldrd Rev W. More- ingham of Watertown, Dr and Mrs Christ, New London. Ned Miss Edward Fosbender and Rose Mc- rlun t£ "I hate goodbyes,” Corrinne Single, Mr and Mrs Frederick school at Troy, N. Y., and Smith Theodore Bevans, Mr and Mrs Jones, Katherine Keeney second Grace and Corrinne top Owen, pastor of the Bunker of Miss of Carthy and John Blacker. almost said. “Even if X know people un- Bordt, Evelyn Mitchell, Graco college where she was graduated Franklin Bristol, Mr and Mrs John Hartford, Betty Kellogg to Nancy. Their eyes were Hill Congregational church, as- Misses Ruth hail coming hack I feel that a train Mitchell, Georgo Mitchell, Arlone In 1931. Mr Gordon attended St Buckingham, Miss Barnes of Middlebury. Kinney, frightened. Somehow they sisted by Chaplain Reuben W. Patsy The women’s team of the thut is away is a and Allen Vivian Paul's at N. Gertrude Kllmke, Lois Kilborn, bowling been able to go to Naney with going forever Mitchell, Stevens, school Concord, H.. Shrum of the academy, will per- New Haven, Misses Betterlcy, Mr Mill Plain Captain Frank Kellogg, Charles Union church held a tliolr problems, and have them forever thing You know the Mitchell, Elton Mitchell, Rollin and Yale university from which form the ceremony which will be and Mrs Richardson Bronson, Mr and Thomas party recently at the church under- song ... ‘It be for years Is a Kellogg, Kellogg, Chase laughed away with her gay may .Mitchell, Mildred TrotzowskI, Eve- he graduated in ,1927. Ho followed a at the and Mrs Morgan Brainerd, of Hart- by reception Kimball, Mr and Mrs B. H. Klimke. gymnasium. Decorations for the standing, her humorous penetra- it maV be forever.’ I have a funny lino TrotzowskI, Alberta* Zuser, member of Psl Upsilon and is now Hotel Mohican In New London. ford, Mr and Mrs Alien Boardman, event her of Mr and Mrs Fred were of a yellow and purple now she wouldn’t id premonition. .She lowered Bordt and John Bordt. Connected wdth the Hartford Elec- Miss Elmina Brewster of New Ha- Jr, Watertown, tion. But Gwendolyn Miss German will have her sister, motif and a program of entertain- voice but a little thread of hys- tric Co. Mr and Mrs Kellogg, Mr and Mrs Warren Kay- there she would be gone. Light Mrs Bromley DeMerltt of Boston, ven, Janies Butler of ment was never nor, Mr and Mrs William Kellogg, enjoyed throughout tho "But you’ll be back some- teria ran through it. “We'll Mr' and Mrs Theodore Louis as her matron of honor. Rudolph Hartford, Mr and Mrs Thomns Ben- Mr and Mrs I. P. Kellogg, Mr and evening. Among the entertainers time, won’t you, Nancy?” a race see Nancy again!" Bristol of Ansonla announced the The regular board meeting of of and a nett, of Cheshire, Mr and Mrs Wal- Bjorge the academy were Mrs John and Mrs "But we will ... of course, we ter Barber, Mr Mrs Eugene Lucas, Mrs Robert McKay whispered. engagement of their daughter, the Waterbury Junior league will classmate of the bridegroom, will and Mrs Frank John was too em- Larkin, Adrian Van Lindsley of Galgot who gave vocal solos; "Of course I'll be back. Some- will!” Grace’s voice Elllda, to Dr William Rives Wil- be held on Monday morning at 10 be best and the ushers In- Brodie, Mrs Wilbur Bryan, Mr'and man Watertown, William Larkin, Rev Mrs Alhin Anderson, piano selec- time!” phatic. "Nancy will come back. son of New Haven. Miss Bristol o’clock at the homo of Mrs Mark clude Co (Jin. Jr., John Mrs C. B. Buckingham, Mr and I'll Eugene A, and Mrg Moses Lovell, Mr nnd Mrs tions, Miss Bird and -Mrs Elmer There were no other people at “Of course she will. give is a graduate of Saint Margaret’s L. Sperry. J. Albert J. Mrs C. Sanford Bull, Mr and Mrs tire Hutson, Jr., Carpen- Lawrence Lewis, Mr and Mrs Theo- Hough, readings. Prizes for high the station. The train whistled. them three months. They will school. O. William W. John Burrall, Mr and Mrs Duncan Miss Agnes R. Blackall of Bris- ter, David Reed, dore Lilley of Watertown, Mr and average were given to Mrs John of Europe, It isn't the gay old con- Members of the of Thomas II. Brent, Mr and Mrs N. R. Bronson, faculty Mary tol. formerly of this city, played Childress, Stubbs, Mrs Gerald Low of Watertown, McKay, Mrs Samuel Montam- tinental place it used to be. Abbott school entertained at the Richard F. J. Mr and Mrs J. Hobart Bronson, Mr the leading role In a three-act Rea, Willard Smith, Robert Larkin, Dr nnd Mrs Charles bault, Mrs Lawrence Kern and Harry said. Homestead’’ nnd Mrs Robert Baker, Blake Blrt opening of the "Old play, "Beads on a String’’ which Joseph Howe and Emmet T. Cala- Larkin, Mr nnd Mrs Charles Lar- Mrs Harry Grohs. For the team “I’d like to be there aguiu." on Cooke street eve- of Hartford. Miss Hilda Camp, Mr her Wednesday was presented by thof acuity of han, all classmates of the bride- kin, Mr and Mrs A. F. Leeds. having the highest pinfnll, Mrs Grace answered. She slipped honor of Gertrude nnd Mrs Truman Clirry, Mr and In ning in Miss tho Sarah E. Reynolds school, groom. Cadet Bartlett attended Elizabeth TV YOUR arm through Jimmy's and Mrs Howard Paul Mrs Evelyn Lilley, Miss Mar- Hapcnny’s, consisting • Moran, principal of the school. Union college two years before en- Coe, Cooloy of of her hand und held it close Rorcstvllle, Thursday evening, for Mr and Mrs Robert Mrs Samuel Reed, Mrs Bertel caught was en- the Hartford, Morwin Camp, Robert garet Lewis, During the evening bridge the benefit of the Milk Fund. tering United ‘‘States Coast Adamson, and Mrs Grohs. Iv. Their eyes met and each knev Crotty, David Coe, Francis Cnr- Munger, Mr and Mrs William Harry pjoyod and a turkey dinner was Guard academy and is a member For games Mrs the ottfer was thinking of the ga. Guerin of Moore of New York. Mr and Mrs won, Montam- served. The guests Included: Ann Slavln, Elsie Hanson, Mar- of Phi Delta Theta fraternity. mody, Carmody, Water- lmult's and months that had fol McCance of West Hartford, team, with Mrs Frank CHILDREN happy Misses Gertrude Moran, Marion garet Cronen, Loretta town, James Campbell of Hartford, Joseph lowed their marriage, when they Keavney, Mr and Airs John A. Merrlmnn of Tracy, Jr., Mrs Lawrence Kern and Elisabeth Dcrwln and Mrs Adeline Miss Irene Barbara, who has Noyes Crary, William Conklin, Jr, had their slow wu: Cunningham, Dorothy Worth, New Mr and Mrs W. D. in iiouerc men an mombers. Olive Roberts Barton too, dreamed Kathleen and /Mrs John Turner. ,8een with her parents, Mr and Mrs Ernest Cady, Richard Cady of York, By and Frunce. O’Brien, Marjorie Barry, Fitzpatrick Mr and Mrs F. G. Refreshments were later served. through England f S. Barbara of Cooke street for Hartford, Henry Campbell of Wa- Makepeace, /9J3 BY NCA WC back sons Among- thoso attending were Mrs SlRVtC£. “We are going tertown. Randolph Clowes, David Mason, Mr and Mrs R. L. Mc- _0 i .veral days, has returned to her Albln Anderson, Mrs day," Jimmy's eyes told Grace. Cook, Mr and Mrs Orton Camp, Knlght. Dr and Mrs M. IT. Merri- George Heed, BY OGIVE KOBEBTS BARTON studies at the College of New Ro- Mrs Elmer Mrs "Of course ve are,” the reassur h Mr and Mrs Rowland Chase, Mr man of Watertown, Mr and Mrs Hough, Carl Recently 1 read a diatribe HowTo Score It chelle. Mrs ing pressure of her arm answered CONTRACT nnd Mrs John Theodore Mr and Mrs Geary, John McKay, Mrs American children by a S. Coe, Mr and Mrs Meyer, against “We are all getting too sentt of and Hanry Mrs Carlton Bird, writer. John A. Coe, Mr and Mrs H. H. Emery Merrill Fairfield, Mr Dews,. well known — Mrs Samuel mental. It’s nice but it isn' Mrs George Mr and Mrs Montambault, Mrs I do not know how many chil- Camp, Mr nnd Mrs Rodney Chase. Morgan, substantial. Let’s go get sour Mr and Mrs Frank Trucy, Jr., Mrs Lawrence but l take it she Mr nnd Mrs Edward Carmody of Ralph Mtfnger, dren she knows, real food. Steaks and things.’ Thomas McCance of New Haven, Kern, Mrs Robert Fash, Mrs Wal- the doz- Watertown. Mr nnd Mrs Robert Is judging fifty,million by Corrinne said “None o Local Bridge ter Colby, Mrs Bolt, Mrs her friends. suddenly. Coo, Mr and Mrs Wooster Olinfleld, Mr and Mrs Arthur McKenncy, , en or two belonging to sandwiches a BRIDGE Mrs Anna Mrs us could cut tlie Mr nnd Mrs Irving Chase, Mr and John Munger, John Marlin, Rich- Hobby, Raymond, She arraigns the modern mother Mrs Nicholas Hue’s. We were having emotional WM. K. MCKENNEY • S. ard Roland Morgan, of Hapenny, Mrs Sam- new movement Ity Tournaments Mrs F. Chase. Mr nnd Mrs de- Merldeth, for the liberty lumps in our throats.” American Kent, M. H. Merriman, Jr, Henry uel Reed, Mrs Harry Grohs, Mrs children an unheard Secretary, Bridge Uani<’ AQ-J-10-8-&-4 France Clurke. Mr and Mrs C. P. which allows A little sob caught at Corrlnne's a hand arises which .. Merriman of Watertown, Lester Rertel Adamson, Mrs George Occasionally Cook. Mr anil Mrs Allan Curtiss of freedom. own voice and Hurry glanced t me- ¥None Mnnnlnir. .Tnlin Mnnppr nf 'Maw Mitchell, Mrs Sydney Cook, Mrs are ac- defies all conventions. Bidding of Watertown, Mr and Mrs EM The mothers, of course, her quickly. thods CORNELL CONTRACT CLUB Blondln, Mrs John Galgot. Mrs must be cast aside in favor 49-7-6-5-2 Cutler of Cheshire, Mr and Mrs York, John McTernan, Roger cused. They do everything wrong “Why, Corrinne. ." of and The following results have been Misses Mil- Fred Green, Mrs Arthur Roden, courage audacity, and the Benjamin Chatfleld. Mr and Mrs Makepeace, Margaret m ink. ♦ 10-6 for the Friday after- Mrs Clement m mi ngm. final declaration depends more announced Leonard Carley of Watertown, Miss ler, Cornelia Maitby, Kllzabeth Mc- Adams, Mrs Ormanil according to tills article, merely of the Cornell don't llk<- weddings!" upon the temperament of the play- noon session tCon- Alison Cairns, MIssps Barbara Knlght, Eleanor Maybee, Caroline Reed, r.Vts, Frank Tracy, Sr., Mrs are either turned over <'o: Mrs incidental, Now Harry* eyes mot ers than their actual card tract club: North and South, Morris of Hartford, Earl AfncCasland and Mrs Arnold and upon Castle, E. I. Chase, Esther Coe, Marsh, Martha to nurses or neglected, given rinne's as Jimmy’s hart met William and Mies Helen Elizabeth Helen Miner, Rolan cer. holdings. Elizabeth Campbell. Anne Cooksey, Manning, their heads. Gruce's. And tliey, too. wore re- Such a hand was in a re- Healey, 70; Mrs John Gaffney Mellcent New- the fact that we do played Jane Cranry. Edith Chase, Helen Makepeace, Nancy Aside from membering eyos. Thoy und Mrs Walter Monagan, 63: Mrs ton of F. of New Ha\en, Ezekiel Stoddard of far hjld cent duplicate game at the Cleve- Chase, Mrs Henry Chase, Daniel New Haven. Dutton have this class of mothers, by dreum of the when Ire and James Walsh and Mrs William New Haven, Charles Sherwood of nighV land Whist club. A small slam could Cook of New York, Mr and Mrs Noble, Mr and Mrs Edwin North- too many of them and daily grow- the Kiri whom he haiVnuirrlod hart be, and was. made in Moran 61 1-2; and East and West: Watertown, Francis Smith. Mark take actually each Gardner Cathls of Guilford, Augus- rop. ing in numbers, 1 exception run away because she was so very of the four suits, and the final Mrs James Bulger and Mrs Ed- Olmsted of New York Sperry, III, Theodore Sanderson, If she con- tus Chauneey, Mr and Mrs Charles Joseph to tlie label she prints. young and she wouldn’t receive J tract was doubled in ward Fitzpatrick, 71 1-2; Mrs Ed- Patterson of Milford, Earl Segur, Mr and Mrs Ed Ward nearly every Durfee. Mr nnd Mrs Wnlter Dallas, city, Tyler knew as many bard working, earn- her high school diploma until ward McDonald and Mrs William of B. Tracy. Mr and Mrs Lewis Tuttle, case. Mr nnd Mrs Walter Deaeon. Mr and Mr and Mrs Edward Plerpont est, sensible mothers as I do, she June. Corrlnne was thinking ol The fact that side was «S; Mrs William Pape Mr Mrs Forrest Mr and Mrs Donald Tuttle of Mld- neither Dunphy, Mrs T. I. Drlggs, Dr and Mrs John Watertown, and would bo less hasty In her Judg- that. too. But her eyes werj to ♦ A-7-6-2> and Mfs D. 63. dleliury, Mr and Mrs Walter Tor- vulnerable added the sport. Spir- Pepe, 3. Purlnton, Mr and Mrs 8. Kellogg ment. didn't want to re- date Includes: Nye. Darragh deLancey. .Fred- and Mrs A. J. troubled. She ited bidding was the rule at all ¥10-6-5 The standing to Pierre Plumo of Watertown, Mr and Mrs rance, Mr Thomson, too much free- erick Dlekerman, duPont, 1 fear the cult of member. ... It hurt. Some- tublcs. and the side which first Mrs Andrew Jackson and Mrs Francis Dr and Mrs Edwin Mr and Mrs Hugh L. Thompson. 4 K-Q-10-8-3 Alanson Donald, Misses Anna de- Phillips, dom us much as anyone. It Is thing had eoine between her and gave its own declaration in fa- Thomas Moore, 31# 1-2; Mrs John Mr Mrs Misses Caroline Thompson. Leon- up 10 Lnncey, Margaret deLancey, Ann Pyle. and* Holley Phillips, ruinous. On the other hand I Hurry. He didn’t trust her un" vor of a double usually the ♦A O’Brien and Mrs T. Gordon Hutch- Mr and Sherman D. tlne Terry of Hartford, Bernard got Drlggs, l.oulse Drlggs, Mr and Mrs Mrs Terry, fear even more the old bosslsm more. And she had done nothing, nhbrt 316; Mrs William Car- of Trafford, Gorden Tweedy. Burn- end. inson, T. W. Day, Martha Dye, Theda Pierson. Jr, the Misses Pullman that in tho end unfits a child for at all. she told herself. most of Mrs Samuel 312 ham Willis Mr and nothing Probably those who bid and Budde, Dlekerman. Helen Drlggs, Mrs G. Bridgeport, Misses Betty Price, Terry, Tate, and self direction. elected to for six spades Mrs A. Warren self control the small slant did it for a sacrifice, Anally try renter-2; Mrs Richard Law and Mr Mrs Laura Marlon Pcasley of Mrs Hobart Thompson, If the heart con- A. Drlggs. Julius Day, and Pierson, But I stand by the mothers. NEXT: Attempt at gaiety. to be defeatod. The slam rather than double Borg, 303, Mrs James Dowling and Mr and Mrs Orson Mr and Mrs C. H. expecting O. Tl. deLnmnter, Mr and Mrs E. Cheshire, TTpson._ Upson, anyone cares to look, or to read in or clubs could have been tract. Miss Mary Hptchlnson, 302 1-2 Powers of Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs John Vaill, Missey spades H. English. Mr and Mrs Rlchnrd Watertown, tlie papers, or to step into the au- lecture there la that silly propa- a freak but no West was of a slightly pessimis- Mrs and Mrs Janice. of Naugatuck. defeated by defense, and Edward Godfrey Miss Charlotte Elton, Deborah Nathan M. Plerpont, Mr and Mrs Wigmoro the local school- and to laugh us tic and decid- Ely, of New ditorium of ganda preiudlce one was able to find It and Fate temperament Anally Robert Waters, 800. and Mrs Frank Ellis Phelan, Mr and Mrs Robert Meta Wake, Betty Woolsey his could make Elton, Mr English, house once in a while, she cannot down ? was with the slam-bidders in every ed that opponents Pratt. E. Jr. Mrs Haven, Dorothy Williams, Eleanor mis- that one ol Misses Helen Friable, Elizabeth Burley Powell, fail to discover the great mother There will be, are. many vase. ■lx spades. He knew Thomas Wilcox, Elizabeth White, Susan Fulton, Carolyn Flless, Elisabeth Carolyn Pels, William Pelz, movement In the United States, takes. Frequently, as in this lib- the most interesting bid. them must be void of hearts, that Order Of Welch, Betty Wheeler, Betty Perhaps DeMolay Margaret Wil- Richmond of New Haven, Wade it Is overdone because v of clubs was against him. Fielding, Ferguson, ves, and father movement too. It erty idea, ding on this hand was aa follows: the ace Mal- Wilfred Rowland, Mr and Warner, Ann Ward, Lois Warner, was liam Feeter, Maynard Flless, Roberts, is a fact that thousands of not clearly understood by ttme with one diamond and that his only sure trick Meet Here In June Mrs L. Wade, Mr and Mrs daily South opened Farrell. Mrs Sherwood Rowland, Mr and Henry cs- diamonds. colm Farrell. Franklin groups gather to bo Instructed In mothers. Discipline plays ah j a nd West overcalled with three the ace of of Water- H. M. Wallace. Mr and Mrs Percy not of the Order of De- Hoyt Freeman of Hartford, Mr and Mrs Maurice Rowland this science fo child rear- sential part, but it Is a new disci- dubs. North realised that the hand His opponents could surely Members Warner, Mr and Mrs Elton Way- grout Connecticut will Mrs McClellan Ford of New Haven, town, Dr and Mrs Harold Root, that Is far more effectual and and to take many tricks against a heart Molay throughout Dr and Mrs Russell Weber, ing. pline *f was a ireak attempted stop 2 and Flless of Miss Mary Jane Russell. James land, so he' bid seven heart! convene In this city on June Mrs William Southbury. it Is no common fad, no fanati- not so ruinous. the proceedings with a bid of five contract, Mr and Mrs James It. Mr and Mrs William White, Mr 3 for their annual convention. A Mr and Mrs William Fergusoij. Mr Russell, or a desire to be con- At rate I see too many fine for a sacrlce, without even giving and Mrs S. R. Williams, Mr and cal gesture, any diamonds. .... 8. Rlchnrd Sheldon. chance to double the parade, a dinner and a program of and Mrs W. Fulton, modern. It Is a sober de- mothers to allow my factual East also sensed the freakish dis- bis partner a Mr Mrs Mark L. Mrs Glenn Wayne, Mr and Mrs sidered events will be In the main Fabian of Devon, Malcolm Farmer and Sperry, Jr, to at real facts knowledge to be swayed by a few and Interpolated a bid of six spades. athletic Alden Warner, Mr and Mrs H. W. termination get tribution and a Miss Barbara Farmer of New Miss Emeline Shneffer of New Ha- to bid six If Bast had any black look! feature of the gathering and and to adapt sensible theory as snap words. five hearts, prepared and Mrs Herbert Gal- ven, Mrs Ralph Smith, Mr and Mrs Wild. Mr and Mrs Hereward Wake, used them at dance at the Hamilton Park pavil- Haven, Mr as to prac- I believe that American chil- if doubled. South doubled, available, he probably urmc.s; EofMelHSEDET nearly possible dally dubs hand of 3rd will laudet, Mr and Mrs Roger Gay, Mr Charles Shone of Watertown, Mr -M-fR-oI? lean too far from satisfied with this but he played the ion on the evening the John Wllmer- tice In their homes. dren to-day away and West, thoroughly point, Plans Mrs B. Goss. Mr and Mrs and Mrs Julius Smith, Mr and Mrs Stephen Whitney. out for a of one trick and bring the meeting to a close. and Johi) Mothers do know more about responsibility. I believe many the heart bid. passed. penalty Mr and Mrs C. P. P. Sterns, Mr and Mrs dlng, Charles Williamson. MaeLean the sacrlce to be highly for the affair were discussed last William Goss. Henry children than did 20 years arc doomed to be poor cittsens. 1 North could not stand the double proved Mr and Mrs L. P. Williamson, Clement Williamson of they have mad* at a of the Water- Goss, III. Mr and Mrs Donald Roger Sperry, But uncon- he bid flvw spades, also prepared profitable. North could night meeting New Haven, Warner of ago. Make no mistake. please, believe many things. so Mr and Mrs 0. Sperry, Dr and Ms Goodrich Smith. Plerpont *. if six any lead but th* bury chapter. “Dad” Rlerdon of Grannis Henry about this new movement. Why structlve criticism, snap Judg- ta run back Into diamond* ne- spades against Goss. Archer Smith. Dr and Mrs George Orchard. Edward Wo'kyns. S, that leaf N. Y.. .was present and Griggs. Mr and Mrs Richard and a In- East doubled. South Jack of diamonds, and Ybkkera, P. James Williams, | Is It that \»e can study rlmost any- ment, decidedly biased I'-wtary. hts recent around Mr and -Mrs John Garrison, Mr and Smith, Misses Sully Sands of Old Williams, III, West took out with si* would have required both master he told of trip Wal- thing else on earth und be prais- dictment are unfair. It Is discour- pa.jeci, and E. W. Ooss. Mr and Mrs E. Lyme. Jean Stanley of New Bri- Henry Wade White, Walter ful card reading and a lucky guess the world. CUR Slater was named Mrs ed for but the moment we aging to the earnest motker who Mr and Mrs John H. Goss, tain, Sylvia Stoughton, Claire Smith lace. Allan Weaver and Gordon it, NBA 8ervtce. manager of the chapter's baseball O. Goss. a child is her best to tears. After passes by North and East. (Copyright, 1U1. Sandol Stoddard I open a child book, or hear trying f. team. Mr and Mrs Georg* A- Goss, Misses I of Pino Orchard, Weaver, IHtth hesitated a long time and Inc.)