Report CIA Watergate Link

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Report CIA Watergate Link The Daily Register VOL 97 NO. 4 SHREWSBURY, N.J, TUESDAY, JULY 2, 1974 TEN CENTS Byrne tax plan dealt an apparent setback By JAMES H KUBIN provision of the administration bill which would appropriate Dodd said he was not sure if an income tax bill could pass The amended bill thai was cleared vesterda\ (Or a floor TRENTON (AP) - Senate Democrats have dealt an $550 million to upgrade schools in pooler districts the Senate and would not assess its chances vole in the Senate would give the Hal* n>'v* authority tu limit apparent setback to the Byrne Administrations efforts to bol- Sen. President Frank Dodd, D-Essex. claimed thai the Administration officials contend they have as many as 17 additional spending in richer districts while encouraging it in ster Assembly support for a proposed income tax Senate was simply trying to show "we can't spend money votes for the tax in the Senate where 21 supporters are re poorer distm is The senators indicated yesterday Jhat the lower house without raising it " And a spokesman for Byrne said the ad- quired for passage But Dunn said the figure was no more Any wealthy area — one that spends more than Sl.sWl per would have to shoulder the full initial burden for voting on a ministration was not discouraged by the development than about six votes. pupil - would be limited to Increases tliat did not exceed the proposed income tax without prior promises that the measure But other Democrats said the deletion of the funding from annual cost of living The poorer school districts would be would get favorable consideration intfle Senate Under the constitution, the Assembly must approve any the bill was intended as a sign that the Senate was warning urged to spend up to 20 per cent more the previous year Opponents of Gov. Brendan^priiyrne's billion dollar tax the Assembly if it passes an income tax. the measure would new or increased taxes before the Senate can act But Asscni plan contended the Senate move was a serious blow to the ad- not get more than minimal support in the upper hotise. bly leaders have said they want a show of good faith from the However, the tfoals could not be accomplished without the ministration's program, even though they favored a more Sen Thomas G. Dunn, D-Union, the mayor of ffMrrtttt Senate in the form of approving a major spending bill before state providing the money forceful display of opposition by the Senate and a stanch income tax foe, said yesterday's action was def- the lower house acts The purpose of the administration program is to mn-t a The Senate decision consisted of dramatically watering initely intended to show a lack of support for Byrne's plan The Byrne Administration tax package is scheduled for an Jan 1 deadline imposed by the State Supreme Court, which down a Byrne Administration proposal to meet a con "The Byrne tax program would go down" if there was a Assembly vote by the middle of July. said'that the local property tax should no longer be the |>i in stitutional mandate to provide a "thorough and efficient" edu- Senate vote now, Dunn declared Both houses are controlled by lopsided Democratic major- ciple means of funding schools cation for all public school students. He said he favored telling the Assemblyman outright that ities. The party has 66 seats in the Assembly where 41 votes Dunn said that approval of an income tax by the Demo- Then, the Senate leaders scheduled a floor vote on the the income tax doesn't stand a chance in the Senate are needed to pass an income tax, and 29 seats in the Senate cratic-controlled legislature would "erase the advantage of amended bill for Monday. Otherwise, he wded, "they'll think we're a bunch of four- Byrne is a Democrat whose landslide victory last year swept Watergate" and revive Republican election hopes in this Meeting in closed caucus, the Democrats deleted the key flushers." Democrats to control of both houses. 4 year's congressional election Report CIA Watergate link WASHINGTON (AP) - In 1972, Watergate break in and vestigations and the Baker re- find the Baker report uncon- The report said that last from his supervisory officials a three-month period imme- the Sept. 2, 1971, burglary of port recommended that the vincing. February, after a third at the CIA," the report said. diately before the Watergate the offices of Dr. Lewis Field- CIA oversight committees of Watergate committee chair- search of its files, the CIA "While previous public CIA break in, E. Howard Hunt Jr. ing, the Los Angeles psy- the Senate and House contin- man Sen. Sam J. Ervin Jr., found a transcription of part testimony claimed that the asked his former CIA bosses chiatrist treating Pentagon ue the probe. D-N.C, also has said reading of Ehrlichman's July 22, 1971, CIA 'Had no contact what- to direct him to retired Papers figure Daniel Ells- It said the agency had de- the Baker report fails to con- conversation with Marine soever subsequent to Aug. 31, agents skilled in lock-picking berg. nied Baker's investigators — vince him the CIA had any- Gen. Robert E. Cushman Jr, 1971,' recent testimony and and burglary, a report to the CIA Director William E. headed by Fred Thompson, thing to do with the break-ins then the CIA's deputy direc- secret documents indicate Senate Watergate committee Colby, who directed that the the panel's Republican coun- or coverup. tor; that Hunt had extensive con- said today. names of certain CIA employ- sel — access to dozgns of The report also questioned "The document is espe- tact wtih the CIA after that The CIA official who pro- es and contacts be deleted documents and witnesses it the official CIA account of cially significant in that that date," the report said. vided the information retired from the public report, said said must be obtained before the extent of the aid given to it quotes Ehrlichman as Not only was Hunt active in one day after the arrests of he had hoped Baker's un- definite conclusions can be Hunt at the request of White saying that Hunt was working the CIA's development of two the Watergate burglars, the precedented investigation reached. House adviser John D. Eh- for the President and that the Ellsberg psychiatric profiles report said. would convince him "that Sen. Stuart Symington, D- rlichman. CIA was to give Hunt 'carte after that dale, the report the CIA had no prior knowl- Mo., and Rep. Lucien Nedzi, blanche,' " the report said. said, he contacted the Prepared at the direction of It said the events that led edge of the Watergate or Ells- D-Mich , who headed sepa- agency's External Employ- committee vice chairman, to the Fielding break-in at "The technician who dealt berg break-ins or coverup." rate congressional oversight ment Assistance Branch and Sen. Howard H. Baker Jr., R- Los Angeles "caused a wealth with Hunt has testified that The Watergate committee probes into possible CIA-Wa- active agents regarding -sev- Tenn., the long awaited report of conflicting testimony he received approval for each has -stopped all its in- tergate links, have said they eral operations. said the new information con- among CIA officials." and every request of Hunt tradicts public testimony by senior CIA officials that "Hunt had no contact with the ' agency after Aug. 21, 1971. That was the date on which the agency says it refused Freed nurse tells of ordeal Hunt any further assistance for his undercover assign- AMSARA, Ethiopia (AP) - William Mull. The Rev. Mr. Lord." nurse, Anna Strikwerda, to cream of wheat," goal meat ments for the White House. "Two men asked for Bibles Mull is pastor of the Freehold Mrs. Dortzbach and her use as hostages in case Ethio- and goat milk, supplemented ARGENTINE LEADER - Argentina's President The Baker report raises — today. Praise God, that is Bible Fellowship Church. missionary husband Karl, 24, pian troops pursued them. by canned meat and fruit. but does not confirm — sev- Juan D. Peron, who died yesterday, Is shown dur- why He did not release me "Canned luncheon meat are to arrive today in the As they fled, they hit the Ten days later, Mrs. Dortz- eral new suspicions that the ing a speech in Buenos Aires last July. Peron be- today," said the entry for again? Oh, for a glass of United States where he will women with sticks to make bach was moved to an iso- CIA may have known in ad- came president of Argentina on Sept. 22, 1973 after June 4 in Deborah Dortz- fresh water to drink! But, study at Westminster Semi- them run faster. After 15 min- lated shepherd's hut where vance of both the June 17, a return from exile. bach's diary. Lord, remind me again Thou nary in Philadelphia, Pa. Af- utes Miss Strikwerda fell in a three guards let her wander The cramped writing in a preparest a table before me ter a year, they plan to return dry river bed. Mrs. Dortzbach alone. heard a shot, turned and saw small blue notebook tells of in the presence of mine to the same American Evan- "I'd sit on a rock and won- the Dutch nurse die. The frustration and fear, but enemies." gelical mission hospital at der about many things. I guerrilla said he killed her be- mostly of the faith that sus- Five months pregnant, Mrs.
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