. *. Society News-Weddings-Coming Events . Scovill Girls’ Club Annual Meeting Of Annual Meeting League Of Women And Banquet Voters May 26th Th member* or the Scovill Girls' Thp annual meeting: of the Wa- club held their annuel banquet In terbury League of Women Voten Bast Main St. their club room* on will be hied Friday, May 2# at the on Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. home of Mrs Frederick S. Chase lr Mrs Prosl catered. Miss Edna Mo- lusky. chairman of the entertain- Middlebury. The meeting will b< ment committee wae toastmlatress. a combination of business meeting Miee Mllllcent Pond was the and party, with the business meet- Her topic was "Emo- speaker. ing set for 2 o'clock with Mrs Jo- wa* Interesting and tions'' and very J. Davis Reporti Mias Mildred Roche seph presiding. entertaining. of the officers and chairmen o! and Miss Martha Morris rendered committees will be given and new solos Miss several accompanied by officers elected. Mrs Chase If LaBonne. Mrs Loretta Georgette chairman of the com- and read a nominating Donahue composed mittee. of humorous about number rhymes At 2:30 the will be which were meeting the different member*, turned over to the committee well received. Miss 'Clara Dodge which is arranging the program was called to a speech upon give and of which Mrs Frank F. Me- the on all and complimented girls Is chairman. There will be work have accom- Evoy the good they tables for bridge and those who in the year. Miss plished past wish to make saw will also Jig puzzles Louts* Daly retiring president find them there. For those whe a short talk and introduced gave to remain out of doors, there nedi officers that w«e elected prefer the will be tours of the garden anti who are as for the coming year croquet. Tea will be served. Miss Altchlson, follows: Mary Mrs McEvoy will be assisted bj Miss Brlok. vice- president; Mary Mrs Joseph J. Davis In charge ol Miss Charlotte Bergen, president; games; Mrs E. J. McDonald, tea; Miss DuBlel, treasurer; Margaret Mrs John P. Elton, tables; Mri Miss Belle chair- secretary; Inglls, Fred A. Webster, organization and man entertainment; Miss Katherine Mrs William J. Slator, publicity. Campbell, chairman sick commit- Miss Edna chairman tee; Molusky, An Informal social and dance committee; Vahlty membership was sponsored last evening by the boxes were given to each member St Mary Girls’ club at their elul with compliments of the Sco- |he rooms. Among those attendlnq ville Company. Seated at the Mfg were: Julia Fitzgerald and Mi- table were Mrs Annie O’- speaker chael Cremlns anti Miss Miss Quilter, Mary Brien, Mary Altchlson,, Catherine Donnhue Louise Miss Mllllcent Pond, Jerry Kenney, Daly, and Joseph Holleran, Jmelda Boyce Miss Clara Dodge, Miss Edna Mo- and John Foley, Ann Quane and Others attending were the lusky. James Theresa Sullivan and Mae Cases, Misses Hughes, Margaret Ry- Thomas Gavin. Doris Murohv and Lawlor, Mary Kelly, an, Mary Bagley, Marie Qullter and Elisabeth Agnes Hickey, Harry MISS MARTHA STARKWEATHER DTE Kelly, Michael McCormick, Kathleen Ma- Ladden, Anna McHugh, Agnes her and Francis Landry, Ruth Bell Miss of Dr and Mrs John Sinclair Dye of Hillside OUve Inglls, Irene Synotte, Mar- —Oualtlerl photo Dye, daughter and Charles Eggleston, Lillian Bel] avenue been selected am a member of the bridal for the tha Daly, Bell Margaret MISS ROSALIND M. STODDARD J>a« party Inglls and Ernest Eggleston, Rita Ker- —Uualtierl photo of Miss Jane Holcomb, daughter of Mr and Mrs Frederick DuBlel, Charlotte Bergen, Georget- wedding Miss Stoddard of Central avenue Is attending the annual dinner win and John Madderi, Mary Riley MISS LOItETTA ANN MOYNIHAN Wainrlght Holcomb of PrOBpect Btrcet and Lamraot duPont of Wil- te LeBonne, Margaret Connolly, In and reception which is being held In tho Madison hotel New York and Maurice Sugrue, Claire Green the date for her which ia to take on June 24th at St John's Martha Mollie Miss Moynihan haa chosen Juno 15th as weddins mington, Del, place Epis- Morris, Collins, to-day for the graduates of Pratt Institute, School of Kino and Apllted Thomas Patricia N. Y. Susan and Holleran, to Richard P. Crano of West Main street. Sho is the daughter of Mr copal church at Fishers Island, Mary Flaherty, McGrath, Arts. She Is a of the class of 1931. During her senior year, graduate Murphy and Clarence Jarvis, Mar- and Mrs Cornelius Moynihan of Walnut street. Elinor Vail, Ellen Patchen, Laur- Miss Stoddard was of the teachers’ classes at the Institute. UU1 Ul -U113 supervisor garet Brennan and Francis Noonan, Ol £jllZttUUlll H UUIIU XfL JLlllkl CCYUUI TV Olvl etta Clara Nelson, Commerford, At present sho Is a member of the faculty of Slocum school. O’Donnell and Patrick S. Miss Florence church held Its annual Congregational Feet were in Nor- Gra- Margaret Joseph Mr and Mrs Bergln Watts, daughter Episcopal Elizabeth Lawlor, Catherine Mrs Watts of election of officers and business wich to attend the an- Butler, Mary Cream and Oscar of Willow street will celebrate of Mr and Ridley Wednesday ham, Edith Grahn, Kathleen Gil- Francis La-i. IS. ... T J J.n T nils. n A Christine and anni- N. J., and meeting recently in the parish nual'meeting of the council ol Doucette, Quilter their twenty-flfth wedding Morristown, women George Sullivan, Eileen Morton versary this evening at a dinner Oliver Ayres, Jr, son of Mr and house at which time Mrs William Congregational of Connecti- Mary Flaherty, Catherino O’Con- Junior Barn Dance League and Martin Moriarty, Lillian Shea with their sons and several friends Mrs Francis Oliver Ayres of New II. Roden was chosen president. cut held at the United church In nell, Mary Brick, Catherine Brick, and Thomas Driscoll, Margaret at the Hotel Bancroft in Wor- York will be married In St Peter's Others elected were: vice-president Norwich. Dr Oscar E. Maurer, pas- Mlldren Roche, Helen Center Sterling, Tehan and Edward Hartnett, Ger- cester. Edward Bergin is a mem- church, Morristown, May 20. Rev Mrs 8. Edward Starr; secretary, tor of tho church of Bridge- Mary Purdy, Anna Murphy, Jea- Is Attended at Largely Affair trude Hartigan and William Hap- of the senior class at Holy Donald M. Bookman will officiate Mrs Frederick B- Williams Sr; port led the devotional periods nette Sacco, Rose Mulligan, Mary ber afternoon py, Anita Smith and Matthew Mur- Cross and Bergln at the ceremony which will be treasurer Mrs Aely W. Castle; both the morning and Connolly and Mrs Margart Clif- college Stephen MUs Ann Driggs was chairman Polly Goodrich. Eleanor Griggs, Eleanor and James Harvard followed a at the chairman of the supper committee, sessions and the principal addrese Mrs L. Mrs Loretta tha, Strong attends the University by reception ford, Daly, of the for the Junior Elise Gregg. Irma Tehan and Arthur Administra- Watts home. Miss A. Mrs Henry Baldwin Todd; visiting was given by President Barbour o< Donahue and Mrs Susan arrangements Cronan, School of Business Marguerite White. Blum will be chairman, Miss Mabel Buckinaster; Brown University. Other speakers League Barn Dance which was Miss Barbara Goodsell of Bridge- and Gertrude McLarney and tion. Bushnell of Morristown were Professor Harlow ol Mian Ellen Gallaudet, Milton Edward Brower. Miss Watts’ only attendant. Thom- house chairman, Mrs Jean Mar- Ralph Mies Doris Brodeur, of East held last evening at the Town Hall port, of Smith and Miss Helen affair was Goss. Robert Griggs, Mr and Mrs the local guests who at- as Fisher, Jr, of Scarsdale, N. Y„ guard. Members the nominating college Main street, entertained the mem- In Middlobury. The Among Mrs Frances Smith of New York. Eliot Goss, Janies Gregg, George Gil An atractive “April Shower” tended the annual Charity Ball will be best man. The ushers committee Included, Chairman, bers of the Happy-Go-Lucky Girls largely attended by members of the James Mrs Thomas Maton, Among those from this city whe social set of this and other man, Andrew ordon, of Hartford, dance was held at the west lobby given by the West Haven Bodge will Include John F. Ayres, a Cline, at her home on Thursday evening. city and Mrs were present were Mrs William O. Charles Gage of New York city, Mr of the Y. M. C. A. last evening of Elks last evening were: Misses brother of Mr Ayres: Philip and Mrs George Keest Ray- Bridge wad played, high score be- parts of the state. Afternoon tea was Green, Mrs Stephen Crane, Mrc and Mrs Henry Griggs, John Gates under the sponsorship of the Alice Carroll, Katherine I.unney John Watts, brothers of Miss mond Wilkins, ing attained by Miss Catherine E. The Invitation list Includes: later served with Mrs Claude Bad- Matthew Adgate, Mrs Arthur Crane and Henry Garrison of New Haven, Alpha Sigma Psi Sorority. Many Marie Ityan and Bora Barrett. Watts, and Philip D. Holden, Ste- Cook and low score by Miss Almu Phillip Allen, Krnest Anderson, Mrs William H. Mrs Mrs Alfred Baldwin, Mrs Arden Mr and Mrs Nelson Howard. members and their friends attend- phen T. B.Terhune, John M. Polk, ger, Roden, Donals. Miss Brodeur’S guests Juliette Adams, Margaret Adams, Mrs Thomas Ma- Coe, Mrs Frarik L. Bugden and Charles Miss Mildred c dtho event which is given by Theodore Chapin and William Jean Marguard, St Tcs- Allen, Mr and Mrs Harold Buckingham, The memorial commutes of al Miss the Second were: Alice Mary, Helen Nancy Mrs Hun- the group annually. The guests of New John ton, Mrs John Snow, Mrs William Ruby Bugden of Mr Mrs Harmon, Mr and Charles veterans organizations and auxil- Raymond, Jr, York, sler, Catherine Cook, Lillian Van- Ashworth, and Mason .included: Ron- Milas and Miss Gertrude Brown Congregational church, Rev Dr and gerford of Watertown, Mr and Mrs Betty Rusell and meet ut the State Ar- Hampton Barnes, Jr, of Philadel- asse, Marie LeVasseur, Slmonnc Adams, Austin Adams, Mrs Mil- iaries will as hostesses.
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