5770 the Canada Gazette
5770 THE CANADA GAZETTE (7ovaaNxsNr Nonma..Coee. Nova to Anvaartsaas IN van Geagtra. .8628 (88284) CharNn granted to- Woodland Lumber Ltd. 8672 Norias UND= Tarn BANgaurrcr Act-MsertNa "Arbo" Latha Company Ltd. „ - . .- - . 3672 or Camrroas- Supplementary letters patent iarued to= In the matter of- Province of British Columbia General Investigations of Canada, Ltd. 8872 Gray, E. EtWellr . 3825 Pharmacies (La) Universelles, Limitde. , . 3672 Goodman, 8. Vancouver. 3825 Byers, W. B.-North Vancouver. 8825 Mtats.raNgova Noettsa- Provinco of Manitoba Baakk (The) of Nova Scotia, dividend No . Power Batteries I.td .-Winnipeg . „ „ 8825 Pralines Of Ontario Dominion (The) Bank, dividend No . M. 8861 Argomines (Canada) I.M. (N .P,L,)- General 8ecurity Inaurance Company of Can- Toronto . 3g2S ada, releaae Of aeeuritiea . 8t1g6 Allison, O. F--Cobourg ., . 3823 Credo Porcupine Gold Mines Ltd . Tembeouata Railway Co„ anaual geneta l (N.P.RJ-Toronto ., ., „ . .- 3895 Algoma (The) Central and Hudron Bay Rail- l4ouiaoe of Quebrc wry Co., annua) geaeral meeting . „ 3Eg6 Wadsworth, F. B.-Mont real .- . ., . .- em Gibeon, H. E,-Sherbrooke . , . 3878 Magasine Repeating Razor Company, peU- Kennedy, W tlon 81ed in the Exchequer Court of Can- . D.-Waterloo . 3828 ada relating to a certain trade mark- . 3g85 Gignac, HQuebeo. .(3728) Audet, J. 8.-8t. Pasral . - „ „ „ . , Gad Limited, G. M., number of directors . 3885 . (3728) Gatien, A-Montreal . .(3728) Capital Raeervea Ltd, number of dircetors., :I888 Ldvlque, J . A .-Montreal- . - .(3728) 8tarratt Airways & Transportation Ltd ., head DesRoaiere, J . A-Montreal . .(3729) Patry, O,-Verdun . .(3729) Archambault, J. A. Montreal. Canadian Titanium Pigments Ltd ., number . .(3729) Pinault, J. LTQuebec . (3729) Maine Central Railroad Company, deposit of Province of Saskatchewan Agreement and Aeaignment dated March 9, Toplitsky, M .-Lanigan .
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