Sfiha – and

(Small Middle Eastern )

For lack of a better description these resemble in that they are thin rolled dough that is topped with various ingredients. These are commonly found in the Middle East as

a starter course, particularly in Lebanon and Syria.

Yield – 2lbs of Dough

Mixing Method – Straight Dough

Cooking Method - Baking


For Making the Dough

3 oz Warm Water

1/2 tsp Sugar

1 oz Fresh Compressed Yeast

10 oz (brought to room temperature – can be achieved by putting in mixing bowl set into container of warm water)

2 oz Extra Virgin Oil

18 oz Bread Flour, sifted

2 tsp Salt


For Making the Dough 1. Combine the water, sugar and fresh compressed yeast in a mixing bowl and mix

well to combine, cover and set aside to assure the yeast is active and viable

(should be able to smell yeast activity within 10 minutes)

2. Once the yeast is shown to be viable add the yogurt and extra virgin to

the bowl with the yeast and water

3. In a separate bowl combine the flour and salt and mix to combine and then add

three quarters of the flour and salt mixture to the mixing bowl with the yogurt and

yeast and mix with a dough hook attachment to incorporate the flour to the liquid

mixture and then slowly add more of the flour mixture until the dough is no

longer sticking to the inside of the bowl and a smooth non-sticky dough is formed

(may not need to use all of the flour mixture or may need to add slightly more

depending on flour strength).

4. Mix the dough with the dough hook until the dough is properly developed (use

window method to determine mixing time which will vary with different types of

mixers and motor strengths but for average is about 10 minutes)

5. Once the dough is properly developed, transfer to a proof box and allow the

dough to double in volume. (If not using a proof-box coat the dough with a little

olive oil, cover with a damp cloth and allow to rise in a warm place (75-90


6. Once the dough has proofed, remove it from the container and transfer to a work-

bench covered with a light dusting of flour. 7. Punch the dough down to force out the built up carbon dioxide in the dough and

scale the dough at desired weight (a 1 ounce piece with yield an approximately 3

inch diameter rolled sfiha).

8. Roll the dough pieces out on the floured surface with a floured rolling pin.

9. Once the dough has been rolled out it can be used with any variety of toppings,

with the most common traditional toppings being lamb cooked with tomatoes and

spices and other versions having za’atar and olive oil as the topping or cooked

spinach with pine nuts.

10. Bake the rolled and topped sfiha in a preheated 350 degree F oven.