JULY, 1965 Houstondaily Gainsstature As a Distributioncenter
JULY, 1965 Houstondaily gainsstature as a distributioncenter. Its linksto internationaltrade--the Port of Houston andHouston International Airport (with People Spell HoustonIntercontinental Airport dueto beoperational in 1966)- Markets for makeit easyfor firmsto engage directlyand profitably in worldtrade Customers of throughHouston. Nearlyten million people live withina the Port of 300mile radius of Houston,and even thatportion falling within the Gulf Houston of Mexicois far morethan just an expanseof water. This access to the SevenSeas represents, instead, a highlysignificant portion of Houston’s total tradeterritory which stretches 500-Mif notonly into 23inland states but 300-MileRadiu~ aroundthe world. 2GO-I~ Morethan 4,000 ships in 1964called lO0-Mile at the Portof Houston,which handled Radius morethan 59 million tons of cargo to rankthird in thenation. "SerHng Internationaltraffic throughHouston America’s Heartla~d" InternationalAirport was up 14.67 percent in 1964over 1963. Havea Lookat the Statistics! WITHIN... POPULATION* RETAIL SALES BUYINGPOWER** 300-mile radius 9,921,729.............. $12,898,260,000 $19,843,458,000 200-mileradius .................. 5,217,521................... 6,939,302,000............... 10,435,042,000 lO0-mile radius ............ 2,196,711 2,927,613,000 4,578,189,000 "1960U.S. Censusof Population *’1963 Sales Management’s"Survey of Buying Power" PORTOF HOUSTONOFFICES ARE AS NEARAS YOURTELEPHONE Always Specify the HOUSTON NEWYORK CITY CHICAGO GeorgeW. Altvater EdwardP. Moore HumeHenderson GeneralSales Manager District SalesManager District SalesManager JohnR. Weiler FrankWard Boardof TradeBuilding PORT ()F District SalesManager AssistantSales Manager TelephoneWEbster 9-6228 C. A. Rousser 25 Broadway II()IISTON District SalesRepresentative Phone BOwling Green 9-7747 P.O.Box 2562 Pride of the Gulf TelephoneCA 5-0671 2 PORT OF HOUSTONMAGAZINE MANCHESTER Otfers You At The Port of HOUSTON If you have shipping that needs fast, economical loading or unloading facilities, you’ll save time and money by using Manchester Terminal.
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