5B (17) Giovanni Cheng Wing Yin an Email to Make Suggestions for an Article About a Sports Star Dear Mr. Wong, the Purpose of Th

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5B (17) Giovanni Cheng Wing Yin an Email to Make Suggestions for an Article About a Sports Star Dear Mr. Wong, the Purpose of Th 5B (17) Giovanni Cheng Wing Yin An email to make suggestions for an article about a sports star Dear Mr. Wong, The purpose of this email is to let you know which well-known sports star I have decided to talk about. Recently, I have noticed a huge popularity in badminton among our students. I see many students bringing their own rackets to school and playing the sport during recess and lunch time. I spoke to Mr. Leung, the teacher in charge of the school badminton club as well as the school team, and he, too, has noticed a sharp increase in club members. Therefore, I have decided to choose badminton’s World Number One Men’s Singles player, Lee Chong Wei, to write an article about. He has won many championships like the Asian Games, the Commonwealth Games and the World Series. He even made it into both the Beijing Olympic Games and the London Olympic Games and came out as first runner-up against China’s Lin Dan, who is his biggest rival. Even though he lost twice to him in the Olympic Games, he never gave up. That could inspire our schoolmates not to give up! In the article, I will include some personal information about him such as what made him play badminton, how hard his trainings were, his experiences and, more importantly, how he wants to promote badminton as a fun sport to many people around the world. I will also include photos of him doing a power smash, which is his signature move. I believe students would be very inspired by the short story he told. He plays badminton because he loves the sport. He enjoys every single match and loves a challenge. He has played against great players such as Taufik Hidayat from Indonesia, Peter Gade from Denmark, Chen Long and Lin Dan from China countless times. He plays his very best and, even if he loses, he still manages a smile and warmly shakes his opponent’s hand, signifying respect and good sportsmanship. Also, for students who might actually want to be a world class player but think it’s too late or they are too young to start training, Lee Chong Wei started playing badminton when he was 11. Later, he was discovered by former Malaysian badminton star, Misbun, who saw potential in the young man. Misbun later took him under his wing and trained him to where he is now. Lee says it is never too late to start because it is all about dedication and love for the sport. With everything I have mentioned above, I believe Lee Chong Wei would be an ideal sports star to write about for our magazine. There are many good things for our schoolmates to learn such as respect, sportsmanship, never giving up and dedication. Yours sincerely, Chris Wong .
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