Academics are living in a Culture of Fear

Say the wrong words and lose your job? What is this craziness in America today?

Many document it and explain it. The is growing ​ ​ ​ rapidly (currently 4000 members) with bi-weekly podcasts, annual meetings, etc. Enjoy ​ their website. A registered charity in the USA. I intend to give them money. ​ ​ ​

Stanford renaming buildings. Brain washing. ​ ​ ​

I’ve gathered for you links to podcasts/Youtubes of deep thinkers. Each of the names below is a link to a search of Youtube for the person’s interviews. Most are long. Breath deeply and take your pick. Save your job and save your institution!

Eric Weinstein Math Ph.D. Harvard, the “ Dark Web” ​ Heather Heying Evolutionary Biologist, woman, “professor in exile” ​ Coleman Hughs Podcast host, age 24, Black ​ Youngest syndicated columnist in the US (conservative) ​ Dave Rubin Author, talk-show host, 280 million views ​ Stephen Pinker Experimental psychologist, author of 9 books, Harvard U. ​ Theoretical Evolutionary Biologist, “professor in exile” ​ Clinical psychologist, Toronto University ​ Proprietor of a $100 million interviewing show. ​ Neuroscientist, author, 33 weeks on NYT bestseller list ​ Stefan Molyneux Banned “scientific racist” ​ John McWhorter Columbia U, prof Comparative Literature, NAACP award ​ Jonathan Haidt Business ethics, NYU ​

(((I’m a retired Stanford University Professor elected member of the US Academy of Engineering. My political bent has been libertarian until 4-5 years ago when I began thousand-dollar donations to three Democrat presidential candidates (Sanders, Yang, Gabbard).)))

I welcome your suggestions on how to improve this page and how to distribute it. --Jon Claerbout, [email protected], ​ ​