DENR ERDB Newsletter Vol. 3 No. 1 January - March 2009 ERDB joins DENR Sectoral Conference 2009

joint DENR Sectoral Conference was held on March 17 - 19, 2009 at the Bayview Park Hotel in Roxas Boulevard, Malate, . Fifty (50) participants composed of the Amembers of the ERDB Executive Committee and the National Technical Coordinators (NTCs) of the different banner programs, the Regional Technical Directors for Research and their Division Chiefs attended the conference. ERDB Director Adeluisa G. Siapno (leftmost) discussing The conference started with a plenary session among various the priority projects of ERDB during the DENR Sectoral sectors to discuss the concerns in the implementation of Upland Conference held on March 17 - 19, 2009 at the Bayview Development Program (UDP) and the Philippine Reference Park Hotel in Roxas Boulevard, Malate, Manila. System (PRS 92). In this conference, the objective, framework, budget priority sites and the roles of the different sectors in the implementation of the UDP were discussed and clarified. a. priority Research, Development and Extension (RDE) Plans and Programs for CY 2009; The Research Sector Conference followed and discussed the b. updates on the implementation of Banner Programs; and following agenda: c. roles of the Research Sector in the implementation of UDP. Ü Next page MOA signing on Malapapaya held in Mabitac

Memorandum of Agreement was signed between the Ecosystems Research and Development Bureau (ERDB), DENR Region 4A, Regional Research and Development Coordinating Council-Southern Tagalog Agriculture and Resources Research and Development Consortium (RRDCC-STARRDEC), JOPA Enterprises, Municipal Government of Mabitac, andA the Mabitac Malapapaya and Tissue Cultured Lakatan Farmers Association (MMTCLFA) on March 30, 2009 at the Municipal Hall in Mabitac, .

Among the signatories were: ERDB Director Dr. Adeluisa G. Siapno, DENR Regional Executive Director Nilo B. Tamoria of Region 4A, RRDCC-STARRDEC Chairperson Gerardo C. Pader, MMTCLFA President Conrado S. Padilla and Engr. Petronio Limlengco, JOPA Enterprises manager and owner of the Malapapaya wood-based products in Laguna. Last row from left: Carolina Lizo, Municipal Agriculturist Ü of Mabitac, Laguna; Dr. Lamberta Meraña, from Next page Region 4-A ; Ms. Rosalinda Reaviles from ERDB; six (6) ng Mabitac staff members (center); Director’s Engagements Mr. Conrado Padilla, President of MMTCLFA; Almora Ascaño, Secretary of MMTCLFA and Atty. Gemma February 2009 Opelanio of JOPA enterprises. Front row from left: RTD 5 - DOST Governing Council Meeting, DOST, Bicutan, Taguig, Metro Manila Elvero Eusebio, Dr. Josefina R. Rint, Consortium Director 24-28 - Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Kanagawa, of STARRDEC; Dr. Adeluisa G. Siapno , ERDB Director; Japan Mayor Gerardo Fader, Vice Mayor of Mabitac; Regional March 2009 Executive Director Nilo B. Tamoria; Engr. Petronio 2 - PCARRD Governing Council Meeting, DOST, Bicutan, Taguig, Metro Manila Limlengco , President of JOPA Enterprises; and For. 6-13 - International Tropical Timber Organization, Myanmar, Cambodia Levi Florido, Chief of the Grassland and Degraded Areas and Thailand Research Division (GDAERD). Right photo: Dr. Adeluisa 17-19 - DENR Sectoral Management Conference Bayview Hotel, Roxas G. Siapno, ERDB Director signing the MOA. Blvd., Manila

INSIDE: 3 ERDB celebrates Women’s Month 2009 n 4 ERDB holds 2 Consultative Meetings n 5 Hydroponics Seminar culminates ERDB Women’s Month 2009 n 5 Affordable bamboo propagules, available soon n 6 DENR-ERDB to come up with Coffee Table Book of Pooc 1:4 Agroforestry Technology 2 Vol. 2 No. 4

Editorial Cartoon Women’s Month 2009

ERDB joins DENR.. from page 1 the January 29, 2009 Consultative Meeting held at the ERDB. These projects are: Director Adeluisa G. Siapno reported that for CY 2009, there are 43 priority RDE projects to be implemented under the five thematic a. Acid deposition adverse impacts to plants and soils in heavy concerns, namely: climate change (10); upland development (16), polluted zones of Metro Manila (Environmental Management ecotourism (5); biodiversity conservation (10); and technology Bureau); transfer and IEC (2). Twenty-seven projects are regularly funded while 17 are from external sources. b. Bioecological characteristics of migratory birds in selected urban and periurban wetlands in relation to climate change (Protected Five of these projects specifically address the priority RDE needs Areas and Wildlife Bureau and Laguna Lake Development of the sectoral bureaus and attached agencies as identified during Authority);

MOA signing on... from page 1 c. Development of guidelines and criteria for the successful The group agreed to engage in Malapapaya farming to uplift earthballing, transporting and transplanting of live trees ( Forest their way of life and to prevent further forest destruction in Management Bureau ); the area. The project entitled “ Establishment of Malapapaya nursery plantation in Mabitac, Laguna” is envisioned to support d. Carrying capacity of foreshore areas (Land Management the wood-based industry in Laguna, thus promoting livelihood Bureau); and the opportunities in the locality. e. Bagacay rehabilitation project (Mines and Geosciences Bureau). The technology developed by the ERDB on the production of quality planting materials of Malapapaya will be used to support Director Siapno also reported on her first three-month the seedling production in the area. accomplishments and innovations introduced at the ERDB. Foremost of which are the intensification of the Charcoal Among those who witnessed the MOA signing were: Regional Briquetting technology and the holding of several consultative Technical Director (RTD) of Region 4A Elvero C. Eusebio, meetings that resulted in the high visibility of the ERDB, For. Levi Florido of ERDB, Consortium Director Dr. Josefina improvement of the Bureau’s building and facilities, and R. Rint of STARRDEC, Municipal Agricultural Officer (MAO) introduction of systematized office procedures. She also presented Mr. Leandro del Rosario, Ms. Almera Ascano, Secretary of her plans and programs to improve further the working relationship MMTCLFA and Ms. Gemma Opelanio of JOPA Enterprises. with the ERDS.

Ms. Rosalinda Reaviles of ERDB explained that Malapapaya With regard to the Banner Program (BP), Forester Levi Florido is one of the lesser known indigenous tree species in the presented the eleven (11) BPs to be implemented for CY 2009 and that has many uses. According to Ms. Reaviles, the nature of involvement of the ERDS . The amount of financial Malapapaya can be used for fancy woodwork, native wooden assistance to be downloaded to the regions was also presented, which shoes, matchsticks, pencil slats, lollipop and popsicle sticks, ice ranges from P50,000.00 to as much as Php 250,000.00 per project, cream spoons, boxes, crates, and food containers. She added depending on the nature and scope of work to be undertaken. Of that the active participation of the community coupled with the these 11 BPs, six ( 6 ) are actually new, namely: involvement of stakeholders will help contribute in achieving the Ü goals of the project. Rosalinda Reaviles, GDAERD page 4

ERDB News Vol. 2 No. 4 3

ERDB celebrates Women’s Month 2009

he ERDB Gender and Development other employees by Misses Juliana Zuñiga, Carmelita Reyes and Focal Point System (EGADFPS) lined up several Salvacion Orobia. Baking of empanada, carrot cake and squash activities in observance of the Women’s Month from cookies were demonstrated by Divina Ladjahasan and Josiemarie MarchT 1-31,2009. Saplan, respectively. The dessert preparation such as Maja Blanca and Yema making were done by Rosalinda Reaviles and Carmelita This year’s theme “Babae, Yaman Ka Ng Bayan”, is truly a Reyes. Moreover, a seminar and hands-on on Hydrophonics was recognition of women. As part of the celebration, women rescheduled to April 1, 2009 at the ERDB Auditorium. and men of ERDB were privileged to participate in a month- long activity prepared by the ERDB-GAD Focal Point System spearheaded by Forester Monette S. Santos.

The first week of March was highlighted with several events. One of the events was the launching of the ERDB Women’s Month Celebration which was held on 04 March 2009 at the ERDB Auditorium. USEC Teresita Samson-Castillo, DENR Undersecretary for Special Concerns/Social Mobilization and OIC Director, Human Resource Development Service graced the occasion, together with some of the DENR Central Office staff. During her inspirational message, USEC Castillo said that women always face a great battle in the field. “Women nowadays are not just for the home but can now be seen actively serving the country, not to mention their role in caring Ms. Lita Reyes demonstrating the process of cooking for their families”, she added. yema and maja blanca.

USEC Teresita Samson-Castillo cutting the ribbon during Ms. Josie Saplan sharing her recipes on carrot cake and the opening of the “Tiangehan” in ERDB. Also in photo squash cookies assisted by Ms. Vienna Austria and Ms. were Dir. Adeluisa Siapno, Asst. Dir. Lope Calanog For. Rose Reaviles. Monette Santos, Ms. Rose Reaviles. In between the week-long activities, the Committee did In the afternoon, everyone in the ERDB had fun in the not forget to share something for the community. The “Tiangehan”. Lots of food products, handicrafts, plants, and conduct of Gising Diwa was also part of the affair. This different accessories for men and women were on sale. was made possible through the Kinabuhayan Elementary School students at Kinabuhayan, Dolores, . Topics Every week was devoted to free health programs/seminars and on Climate Change, Importance and Dynamics of Water services for eye refraction, pap smear, nutrition and personal care. and Cleanliness and Maintenance of the Environment were The program was sponsored by the ERDB W.O.M.E.N. Inc. discussed to them by the ERDB Senior Science Specialists, Dr. Honorato Palis, Engr. Pedro Atega and Forester Monet The EGADFPS also featured “Success Stories of the ERDB Mauricio. Students participated in the discussion and open Women Entrepreneurs”. These were held every Thursday. forum after the presentation of each topic. Successful women employees of ERDB shared their experiences by providing a series of free livelihood seminar-demonstrations Similarly, a yearly Art Contest depicting “Young Women’s on food processing and cooking (embotido, morcon, tocino, and Perspective on Environment “ featuring the theme “Babae Ilongo pancit molo soup). The delicious recipes were shared with Yaman Ka Ng Bayan” was held and participated in by high Ü Next page

ERDB News 4 Vol. 2 No. 4

ERDB holds 2 Consultative Meetings

A consultative meeting with the sectoral bureaus and attached 3. Profiling of biodiversity resources in Forest Mgt. agencies was held at the ERDB Auditorium, College, Laguna on priority protected areas – Dr. Manuel Bravo Bureau (FMB) January 29, 2009. It aimed to discuss the Research, Development 4. Development of guidelines and criteria Land Mgt. and Extension (RDE) concerns on forestry, protected areas and wildlife, lands, environment, mines and geosciences, coastal and for successful earthballing, transferring Bureau (LMB) water resources, policy and other related thematic concerns. and transplanting of live trees – For. Thirty (30) participants composed of representatives from Maura D. Dimayuga the sectoral bureaus and attached agencies and eighteen (18) participants from the ERDB attended the meeting. Another consultative meeting cum workshop with the DENR Planning and Finance Division representatives was held at the As a result of the consultative meeting, projects for CY 2009 ERDB Auditorium, College, Laguna on February 19, 2009. It that will address the RDE needs and areas of complementation provided better understanding and appreciation of the plans between and among sectoral bureaus and attached agencies were and programs of the Research Sector for CY 2009 particularly identified. Some of the Research and Development (R & D) on the performance indicators and unit of work measurements proposals are as follows: (UWM) of the Research Sector which are critical in achieving the program’s/project’s objectives and outputs. Title/Proponent Sector’s Complementation In this meeting, the specific outputs generated were: (1) revisions 1. Acid deposition, adverse impacts of Environmental of the Work and Financial Plans; (2) the UWM of specific vegetation and soils in heavily-polluted Mgt. Bureau(EMB)/ program, projects and activities; and (3) revision of plans and zones of Metro Manila – Laguna Lake Dev’t target of each program/project for budget reprogramming of Evangeline T. Castillo Authority (LLDA) CY 2009 allocation for the Bureau. The experiences and lessons learned from the said meeting will also serve as the framework 2. Bioecological characteristics of migratory Parks and Wild- in the development of procedures and guidelines in the waterbirds at urban and peri-urban life Bureau preparation of the annual budget and 3- year forward estimates wetlands in relation to climate change – (PAWB) of the Bureau and the Department . Aurora S. Jose and Dr. Simplicia A. Pasicolan Editha P. Eusebio, PMISU

ERDB celebrates... from page 3 school students The celebration did not pass without the participation of the from the six ERDB representatives from every division, the interagency participating activities relative to the Women’s Month Celebration at the schools (2nd and DENR Central office, NCFRW and other government and non- 3rd year) in Los government offices. Activities like the Kick-off, lecture-seminars Baños. The contest on Detoxification, “Puto and Kutsinta making”, Meat and Fish was conducted Processing and How to Deal with Anger which were held every at the ERDB Friday of March at the DENR Multipurpose Hall, DENR Main Auditorium on Building, Quezon City. March18, 2009. Each participating The officers of the ERDB Gender and Development were student explained commended for making the event a success. Likewise, ERDB the meaning of his Director Adeluisa G. Siapno and the ERDB management as well Students from various schools in artwork in relation as the National Gender and Development Focal Point System Los Baños during the Art Contest to the theme (NGADFPS) were cited for their untiring support and recognition depicting “Young Women’s while members of the month of March as Women’s Month. Carmelita G. Perspective on Environment featuring of the Board of Reyes, TDD and Monette S. Santos, UFERD the theme “Babae Yaman Ka Ng Judges selected Bayan”. them based on the ERDB joins DENR.. from page 2 criteria set by the contest organizers. The top three (3) winning entries were: P2,500 for the first prize won by Christine Joy C. a. Survey, inventory and documentation of selected biofuel species Novales from the Laboratory School of the Los Baños State b. Carbon stock, volume assessment of forest plantations in the Polytecnic University (LSPU); P1,500 for the Second Prize was Philippines won by Narra Mae A. Tenorio of Christian School International c. Developing strategies in establishing ecotourism projects for and P1,000 for the Third Prize went to Kim Antoinette A. Labao biodiversity conservation and livelihood opportunities from the Los Baños National High School (main), Los Baños d. Adaptation strategies on climate change impacts to upland and Community High School, Science and Technology School of Los coastal ecosystems Baños and Colegio de Los Baños. e. Mitigation strategies and measures on climate change Ü page 6

ERDB News Vol. 2 No. 4 5

Hydroponics Seminar culminates ERDB Women’s Month 2009 s a final activity of the ERDB Women’s Month 2009, likewise discussed the topics “Basic Principles of Growing Crops in the Hydroponics Seminar was held on April 1, 2009 at Hydroponics” and “Components of Hydroponic System” . the ERDB Auditorium. For the opening remarks, Ms. MonetteA Santos summarized the ERDB Women’s activities during After the lecture, each participant was given a set of planting the month. Ms. Fe Ociones introduced the resource speaker in the materials which include a used styrofor box, a plastic, SNAP A and B person of Dr. Primitivo Jose A. Santos who is a University Researcher mixture, coir dust, and lettuce and pechay seedlings. Each participant and Affiliate Assistant Professor and Division Head of the Institute was able to do the actual planting of lettuce seedlings. of Plant Breeding at the University of the Philipines at Los Baños. Dr. Adeluisa G. Siapno, ERDB Director congratulated the ERDB According to Dr. Santos, hydroponics can be defined as growing Gender and Development Focal Point System (EGADFPS) plants without soil or “soilless culture” He explained the advantages organizers for conducting the seminar and encouraged everyone to of hydroponics which uses less fertilizer, water, pesticide, space, time, look forward to the GAD activities in the coming years. Marla V. manpower and energy which results to lower production cost. He Cambay, TDD Affordable bamboo propagules, available soon ufficient sources of cheap but quality planting materials for kawayan tinik, giant bamboo, and machiku and these will be available bamboo will soon be available to those who intend to plant in the and Laguna sites by May 2009,” Umali reported. commercial and ornamental varieties. S Bamboo nurseries can be a profitable enterprise, especially for Establishment of bamboo nurseries is one of this year’s important people in the rural areas. “This project will establish linkages between projects of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources- suppliers and buyers of the planting stocks,” Umali mentioned. Ecosystems Research and Development Bureau (DENR-ERDB), headed by Dr. Leuvina Micosa-Tandug in collaboration with “We want to make sure that investors in bamboo nurseries will have the Department of Science and Technology-Philippine Council markets to sell their produce. At the same time, we will direct buyers for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources Research and to nurseries that sell inexpensive but quality bamboo propagules,” he Development (DOST-PCARRD), headed by Dr. Patricio S. Faylon. elaborated. Bamboo has a wide range of uses. It has been an in- demand raw material for handicrafts, furniture, and construction. Its The project is entitled “Package of ERDB S & T Interventions edible shoots are marketed locally and abroad. Different varieties are on Nursery, Establishment and Propagation of Commercial and used in agricultural production. It is also a good reforestation species Ornamental Bamboo Species” led by Forester Paulino A. Umali, Jr., because its roots can control soil erosion and like trees, it can absorb a Science Research Specialist at the ERDB. Members of the project large amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Recently, team are botanist Cristina A. Roxas and Forester Lucas L. Gonzales. rare ornamental bamboos like pole bamboo, Taiwan bamboo, black Implementation started in February 2008. bamboo, yellow buho, pink bamboo, and wamin bamboo are being sold at high prices because these have been used in landscaping parks The ERDB bamboo experts chose five different locations for the and lawns. pilot bamboo nurseries. These include Lipa, Batangas; , Laguna; Mangatarem, Pangasinan; Magalang, Pampanga; and Los “Bamboos will always be important to us, economically and Baños, Laguna. One farmer-cooperator was chosen in each site. Soon ecologically,” Roxas said. “But those who will plant bamboo must another nursery will be established in , . understand that different varieties have different uses and that proper planting techniques are necessary to be successful in plantation “Through this project, we are teaching farmers the effective and establishment,” the botanist pointed out. efficient techniques in bamboo propagation which ERDB has developed through research,” Umali said. “One of our goals is to help “We are doing our best to educate farmers and other bamboo them establish nurseries that sell cheap but quality planting materials enthusiasts about the importance of using high-quality planting of commercial and ornamental varieties of bamboo,” he added. materials as they start their bamboo plantations,” she said.

“In the Pampanga and Pangasinan sites, we started the propagation “Once this project is proven successful in the sites, we will activities in July 2008. Therefore, our planting materials here will be replicate it in Visayas and Mindanao so that our kababayans in these available to interested buyers by early next year,” Umali declared. regions will also benefit from DENR-ERDB’s bamboo technologies,” “The propagules that will soon be available are ornamental Umali said. varieties such as black bamboo, wamin, yellow bamboo, hedge bamboo, dwarf bamboo, Chinese Goddess bamboo, variegated Efforts concerned with the promotion of establishing bamboo bamboo, and yellow buho,” he said. plantations are in line with the programs of DENR Secretary Jose “Lito” Atienza, Jr. to provide livelihood options for poverty alleviation “The nurseries that we are developing will sell not only ornamental and hunger mitigation in upland communities. Chris Delon D. bamboo varieties for landscaping but also those used for commercial Lozano and Liberty E. Asis, TDD purposes and plantation establishment. These varieties include

ERDB News 6 Vol. 2 No. 4

DENR-ERDB to come up with Coffee Table Book of Pooc 1:4 Agroforestry Technology

he DENR-ERDB formally announced the upcom- dual purpose of instruction and entertainment through ing publication entitled “Coffee Table Book of Pooc visuals and pictures on actual farming practices. 1:4 Agroforestry Technology” in Silang, Cavite on 18T March 2009. Congressman Gilbert Remulla, some ERDB The DENR-ERDB has been a partner with the Sangguniang personnel headed by Dr. Aleli Luna, Mr. Virgilio Tibayan, of Pooc II, Silang, Cavite since 1998 in the promotion and Barangay Chair of Pooc II together with the Sangguniang social marketing of the 1:4 Pooc Agroforestry Technology. The 1:4 Barangay, and some Sangguniang Bayan members of Silang, Pooc Agroforestry is a typical multi-storey cropping system which, Cavite attended the event. through ERDB’s assistance, their expertise and skills on farming system were honed. Today, the 1:4 Pooc Agroforestry Technology The coffee table book will capture more than thirty-five (35) serves as a venue for the conduct of on-site trainings and cross- years of old farming practices, lessons and experiences that farm visits of clients interested in agroforestry. The Barangay gained passed the test of time. Packaging of the book will be done recognition locally and internationally as a model area of excellence under the leadership of For. Gregorio D. Reyes in coordina- and best farming practices. As such, Brgy. Chair Virgilio Tibayan tion with the Sangguniang Barangay of Pooc II through its and his Sangguniang Barangay members deemed it proper to trans- Brgy. Chair Virgilio Tibayan. This publication will serve the late their best farming practices into a publication with the ERDB’s assistance. Salvacion T. Orobia, UFERD

d. designing of training modules and materials; ERDB joins DENR.. from page 4 e. design and production of the Information Education and Communication (IEC) materials; f. Promoting biosafety and biosecurity emphasizing the f. capability building of extension agents and Bantay Gubat in environmental risk/impact assessment of Genetically-Modified coordination with the Human Resource Development Service Organisms (GMOs) and Potentially Harmful Exotic Species (HRDS); (PHES) g. assessing sites for charcoal briquetting; h. fabrication of charcoal briquetting; As regards the 3rd agenda, Assistant Director Lope A. Calanog i. coordination with the LocalGovernment Unit (LGU); and outlined the three major roles that the Sector will play in the j. adoption and feedback mechanism. implementation of the UDP. These are in the aspects of: Another very important output of the MANCON is the proposed a. provision of technical assistance in the production of quality CY 2009 Work and Financial Plan for the above three (3) major planting materials; roles/activities. Specifically, the proposed budgets are as follows: b. conduct of extension and technology transfer activities; and c. introduction of charcoal briquetting technology as an additional a. Production of quality planting materials - Php 31.72 M source of livelihood for selected UDP farmer-beneficiaries. b. Extension and technology transfer - Php 24.93 M c. Charcoal briquetting - Php 70.00 M Overall, the Management Conference (MANCON) came up with minor revisions on the CY 2009 RDE targets and updates, Aurora S. Jose and Editha P. Eusebio,PMISU particularly on the implementation of the BP. It likewise came up with vital issues and concerns affecting the Sector, which include among others, the revival of the regional center for excellence, evaluation system of the RDE proposals and terminal reports, recall of the ERDS technical staff detailed to the Protected Areas DENR ERDB Newsletter Wildlife and Coastal Zone Management (PAWCZM), and the Vol. 3 No. 1 January - March 2009 ERDB’s involvement in Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia Contributions from all employees are welcome as per Philippines-East ASEAN Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA). guidelines set in ERDB Memo. dated Aug. 31, 2007. This Newsletter is produced quarterly in coordination with all Offices, Divisions and Units of the ERDB. One significant output of the MANCON is the draft DENR Memorandum Circular on the Guidelines and Procedures on the Executive Adviser : Adeluisa G.Siapno Role of the Research Sector in the Implementation of the Upland Editorial Adviser : Eliseo M. Baltazar Development Program . The memorandum circular specifically Managing Editor : Marla V. Cambay outlines the procedures and mechanics for: Assistant Editor : Carmelita G. Reyes Layout : Liberato A. Bacod a. setting of criteria and checklists in assessing and verifying the Proofreading/ : Flora B. Palicpic quality seeds and planting materials; Circulation Eduardo M. Tolentino b. inventory of seed production areas and other seed sources; Illustrator : Chris Delon D. Lozano c. rehabilitation and expansion of existing clonal nurseries and Printing : Celso A. Luna establishment of hedge gardens; Photography : Gino S. Laforteza