Al Henderson Septet
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AL HENDERSON SEPTET The Al Henderson Septet features Alex Dean (saxes, bass clarinet), Pat LaBarbera (saxes, flute), pianist Richard Whiteman, bassist Al Henderson and dru er Barry Romberg plus noted cellists Matt Brubeck and Mark hambers, first heard on the "#$# %uno nominated recordin& Re&eneration ('RST 'D$(") and subse)uentl* for three trac+s of the !st recentl* released Tai&a ('RST 'D$(,)- Ala*ne .c/re&or 0rites 12n all the 3a44 c! bos 256e seen !6er the *ears, t0o cellos in the front row 0as a first- Al Henderson’s septet had that – plus piano, saxophones, clarinets, flutes, bass, dru s and bird 0histles, to produce s!undscapes that 0ere far ore c! plex than *our a6era&e stai&ht8ahead 3a44…Re&eneration Suite9 an engrossin& piece-: (Otta0a%a44Scene-ca, %une ";, "#$#) <2O/RAPH2ES <assist, c! poser, arran&er, leader and usic educator AL H!"D!RSON, (.=A .usic!l!&*, $>,() formed 6arious &roups under his !0n na e as a 0a* to perfor and record his nu erous ori&inal 3a44 c! positions 0ith nearl* ninet* of his c! positions bein& on c! erciall* a6ailable recordings- /eoff 'hap an 0rote 1---a formidable bandleader.--and c! p!ser.--: (?hole Note .a* ";, "#$#)- 2n $>>@ he 0as rec!&ni4ed both as the %a44 Report '! poser of the Aear and 0inner of the presti&ious SO'AN A0ard for Ori&inal %a44 '! position for the large 0or+ BEllin&toniaB- His c! positions ha6e appeared on recordings b* the Al Henderson Septet, Sextet, Cuintet, and Cuartet, Ti e ?arp, <arr* R! berg5s Rand! Access, Richard ?hite an, Alex Dean, Don Pullen D %ane <unnett, and Shox %ohnson D the %i6e <! bers- Al5s fifth and ost recent recording, Taiga ('RST 1(,), features his re&ular )uintet 0ith Alex Dean (saxes, bass clarinet), Pat La<arbera (saxes, narration), pianist Richard ?hite an and dru er <arry R! berg- <aritone saxophonist Da6id .ott appears as a &uest artist on three trac+s 0hile noted cellists .att <rubec+ and .ark 'ha bers, first heard 0ith the &roup on Regeneration ('RST CD1(") 0hich recei6ed a %uno nomination in "#$# for Traditional %a44 Albu of the Aear return for three others- Al has perfor ed as a side an !6er the *ears 0ith any 3a44 artists and is also the c!8leader of the influential &roup Ti e ?arp, one of 'anada5s lon&est running 3a44 ense bles 0ith ultiple %uno nominations and a0ards to their credit- The &roup has released nine recordings, pla*ed across 'anada as 0ell as in the ES and Fene4uela- An Associate Professor of usic at Aor+ Eni6ersit* in Toront!, Al has served as /raduate Pro&ra Director (2nteri ), %a44 Area '!!rdinator and Director of the Aork Eni6ersit* %a44 Orchestra and teaches at both the &raduate and undergraduate le6els- As c!8!0ner of 'ornerstone Records 2nc- since $>>(, the label has released thirt*8ei&ht 3a44 recordin&s 0ith se6eral ore soon to be released- PAT LaBARB!RA is one of 'anada’s !st respected 3a44 usicians- <efore !6in& to 'anada from the E-S. in $>;G, Pat La<arbera toured and recorded 0ith the <udd* Rich <i& <and, of 0hich he 0as a e ber from $>H; to $>;G- Durin& that ti e he pla*ed in e6ery a3or cit* in the E-S., Europe and %apan. He has performed on tele6ision sh!0s such as %ohnny 'arson, Ed Sulli6an, and .i+e Dou&las, and 0ith any sh!0 business personalities such as =rank Sinatra, Tony <ennett, Di44* /illespie, and Ella Fit4&erald- Pat has performed and recorded consistentl* 0ith El6in %ones since $>;@, pla*ing a3or 3a44 festi6als around the 0orld- He has performed 0ith other 3a44 artists such as 'hic+ 'orea, ?ood* Sha0, and .c'!* Tyner. He 0as the recipient of the "### %uno A0ard for his rec!rdin& Deep in a Drea - ALE% D!A" one of 'anada’s fore ost 3a44 saxophonists, has been a ainsta* of the 'anadian usic scene for any *ears- He has pla*ed and recorded 0ith /il E6ans, Ienny ?heeler, Aretha Franklin, Natalie 'ole, Harry 'onnic+ %r-, Phil Ni ons, the Da6e .c.urdo %a44 Orchestra, the Toronto Sy phony Orchestra, and the Ha ilton Philharmonic Orchestra- Alex held the tenor saxophone chair 0ith Rob .c'onnell’s /ra * a0ard 0innin& <oss <rass and, the %uno a0ard 0inning Rob .c'onnell Tentet- He has c!llaborated extensi6el* on '-D5s as side an 0ith 'anadian and A erican %a44 Artists- The Alex Dean CuartetJCuintet recordings include the ne0l* released At this P!int (N!6e ber "#$#), Drea s6ille, <oth Feet, and Iaitl*n’s ?alt4- Iaitl*n’s ?alt4 0as 6oted <est %a44 'D of $>>G b* The %a44 Report and one of the Top Ten %a44 'D releases b* Ne0 Aork’s Filla&e F!ice- He 0as also 6oted %a44 .usician of the Aear b* the Toronto Star. The Alex Dean Cuintet in the last couple of *ears is a relati6el* ne0 &roup of hi&hl* re&arded 'anadian 3a44 artists asse bled to record and pla* ori&inal usic b* Alex – <rian Dic+enson, Lorne Lofs+*, Iieran O6ers and Ted ?arren- The Cuintet’s latest recording opened to standing room onl* cro0ds at Toronto’s Rex %a44 'lub in N!6e ber and 0ill be pla*in&Jpromotin& their ne0est '-D- at 6arious %a44 Festi6als this su er including a feature date at The Toront! %a44 Festi6al- MATT BRUB! ' is a c! poser/performer speciali4in& in i provisation on the cell!- 'lassicall* trained, 0ith a .aster’s in cello perfor ance from Aale, .att is at ease in ultiple &enres and has ta+en his cello i provisation s+ills int! di6erse usical territories- He als! pla*s piano and bass- Presentl* residin& near Toronto, .att performs 0ith an arra* of 3a44 and i provising artists- Projects include Stretch Orchestra, a trio 0ith &uitarist Ie6in <reit and percussionist %esse Ste0art- Stretch Orchestra’s epony ous 'D 0on the "#$" %ENO A0ard for <est 2nstru ental Albu of the Aear. .att is als! a e ber of E&l* <eauties (a trio 0ith pianist .aril*n Lerner and dru er Nic+ Fraser)- Their criticall* acclai ed 'D E&l* <eauties 0as released on the A bience .a&neti)ue label in .a* "##>- The trio performed at 3a44 festi6als across 'anada that su er- Additionall*, .att performs 0ith 0ith 3a44 pianist Da6id <raid as the duo <rubec+ <raid, Their "##; 'D, t0otetJdeuxtet 0as nominated for both a %ENO a0ard and a National %a44 a0ard in "##,- <rubec+ <raid has toured Australia, 'hina, Ontario, and Cuebec- MARK HAMB!RS is a conductor, cellist and earl* usic specialist- He studied cello 0ith .artha /erschefs+i, Lub! ir /eorgie6 and Da6id .iller, and has performed extensi6el* in the Enited States and Ontario as both a cha ber usician and orchestral pla*er- At Aork, Dr. 'ha bers directs the Aork Eni6ersit* S* phony Orchestra and the <aroque Ense ble- He performs in a piano trio 0ith his facult* collea&ue 'hristina Petrows+a Cuilico and his 0ife Heather 'ha bers, and is als! 6ery acti6e as a clinician and ad3udicator throu&hout southern Ontari!- A former Theodore Presser Foundation Fell!0, Dr. 'ha bers5 research interests include <aroque usic, peri!d instru ent performance practice, the ‘Tartini Tone’, and scordatura, altered tunings for strings- He has authored se6eral articles for the A erican Strin& Teachers %ournal and is a contributor to the Ne0 /rove Dictionar* of .usic and .usicians- Prior to his appoint ent at Aork, Dr. 'ha bers tau&ht for nine *ears at Eastern Ientuc+* Eni6ersit*, 0here he performed as a e ber of the Facult* Piano Trio and the Facult* String Cuartet- He 3oined Aork’s Depart ent of .usic in "##@- Toronto nati6e R( HARD WH($!MA" is an extre el* 6ersatile pla*er, fluent in st*les ran&in& from the stride asters of the t0enties, throu&h <ud P!0ell and <ill Evans, to odern &iants li+e Ieith %arrett and Herbie Hancoc+- As a leader, he has released fi6e 'Ds (0ith a sixth on the 0a*), and has recei6ed ra6es from as far a0a* as %apan, 0here his 1/ROOFEYARD: disc 0as rated one of the Top @## %a44 Piano Trio rec!rds of all ti e- For !6er t0ent* *ears, Richard has perfor ed at a3or Toront! 3a44 6enues, and has als! pla*ed 0ith orchestras (The 'anada Pops Orchestra) and bi& bands (including The Da6e .c.urdo %a44 Orchestra), in ne0 usic concerts (He ispheres .usic Pro3ects), classical cross!6er &roups (The /alaxy Trio) and usical theatre (1Fore6er Plaid:), and at countless 1casual: enga&e ents 0ith 'anada’s finest 3a44 usicians- He has als! toured 'anada 0ith his trio and perfor ed in <ra4il, Eg*pt and San Antonio, Texas- Some of the stellar usicians Richard has 0or+ed 0ith are Don Th! pson, Ienny ?heeler, .arcus <el&ra6e, Pat La<arbera, Ien Pepl!0s+i, Nic+ <ri&nola, Ed <ic+ert, %ane <unnett and Dutch D3ang!8st*le star, Ti Iliphuis- As 0ell as leadin& his !0n &roups, Richard is a e ber of the The Al Henderson Cuintet and is uch in de and b* 6!calists, including %ohn Alcorn, %ac+ie Richardson, Dee Daniels, <onnie <rett and Heather <a bric+- 2n addition to his bus* club, corporate and tourin& schedule, Richard is also an educator, teaching 3a44 piano and leading ense bles at both Hu ber 'olle&e and Aork Eni6ersit* in Toront!- After (H *ears at the dru s, BARR) ROMB!R* has established hi self as one of 'anada’s ost uni)ue dru set st*lists- Since lea6in& Aor+ Eni6ersit*’s usic progra (and stud*in& dru set 0J Stan Perry and Pete .a&adini) <arry has &one on t! 0ork 0ith s! e of 'anada’s finest usicians, lead his !0n bands, acc! pany international artists, and has been featured on sixt* recordin&s, including $( 'Ds as a leader/c!8leader.