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Cif in Press CHILE WEEKLY REPORT COVID-19 08 FEBRUARY, 2021 22.194 ACTIVE CASES 3.464 NEW CASES 1.099 ASYMPTOMATIC 19.056 DEATHS 75 IN CRITICAL CONDITION 1.283 HOSPITALIZED PATIENTS 8.439.282 TOTAL PCR EXAMS PERFORMED NUMBERS 50.505 TOTAL PCR EXAMS PERFORMED IN THE LAST 24 HOURS LOCATIONS IN QUARANTINE BíoBío DEL Talcahuano MAULE Los Ángeles Constitución Ñuble Lota Vichuquén Cabrero METROPOLITANA Empedrado San Carlos Curanilahue Parral Laja ANTOFAGASTA Mejillones Antofagasta Los Ríos Tocopilla Valdivia COQUIMBO Los Lagos ARICA Y PARINACOTA Arica Río Bueno Aysén Iquique Lago Coyhaique Alto Hospicio Ranco LOS LAGOS Quinchao Curaco de Vélez Chonchi Quemchi Frutillar DE LA Los Muermos ARAUCANÍA ATACAMA San Pablo Pucón Quellón Tierra amarilla TARAPACÁ Lautaro Calbuco Copiapó VALPARAÍSO Renaico Dalcahue Iquique DEL LIBERTADOR Victoria Castro Alto Hospicio GENERAL BERNARDO Angol Ancud O`HIGGINS Arauco Puerto Montt Perquenco Puerto Varas Puerto Saavedra Osorno Toltén La UniónFresia Collipulli Puerto Octay Melipeuco Llanquihue Purén Maullín Loncoche Hualaihue LATEST MEASURES In a new report on the Coronavirus pandemic in Chile from the Palacio de La Moneda, Health Minister Enrique Paris reported on the Vaccination Plan and pointed out that what matters is that the largest number of people are vaccinated and, therefore, To avoid crowds, a vaccination schedule was established. He also highlighted that people who work in transportation are among the priority groups, before the group called the general population. Regarding the figures, so far, 651,266 people vaccinated with the first dose and 13,436 people vaccinated with the first and second doses are reported. On the other hand, with regard to the arrest of the singer Pablo Chill-E, he pointed out that the first thing is to respect health standards and the second to help educate the youth and the population to respect health standards. In addition, the Minister of Social Development and Family recalled that the new application process for the Emergency Family Income (IFE) for the month of February begins today. MAIN GOVERNMENT SPOKESPERSONS President of Chile Health Minister Undersecretary of Sebastián Piñera Enrique Paris Assistance Networks Alberto Dougnac Minister of Social Undersecretary of Health Undersecretary of Crime Development and Family Paula Daza Prevention Karla Rubilar Katherine Martorell CIF IN PRESS The Last News 02 of february LINKS OF THE MAIN NEWS OF THE WEEK Bayer joins the fight against coronavirus: it will manufacture the vaccine for the German pharmaceutical company CureVac The Last News 02/02/2021 Spain lowered the Aztrazeneca vaccine age limit CNN Chile 06/02/2021 VACCINE ASTRAZENECA IN 7 KEYS DFMás 02/07/2021 From villain to heroin, the head of vaccination in the United Kingdom DFMás 02/07/2021 The vaccination challenge The Mercury 02/07/2021 OMS calls for massive development of vaccines MEGA 02/06/2021 The differences between the 3 vaccines approved in Chile Channel 13 02/06/2021 Influenza, the other vaccination of 2021 Channel 13 02/06/2021 South Africa will suspend use of the AstraZeneca vaccine due to its "limited efficacy" against covid-19 variant 02/07/2021 Shipment with 400 thousand doses of Pfizer will arrive in mid-February and AstraZeneca offers up to 1.6 million doses 02/07/2021 The Oxford vaccine is less effective against mild cases of the South African variant The Mercury 08/02/2021 .
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