Holiday Entertainment 2011
A special holiday supplement to the Castine Patriot, Island Ad-Vantages and The Weekly Packet. Also online at November 17, 2011 A guide to making the holidays special with information about local celebrations, events and the organizations that support the community. Featuring ◆ Holiday Traditions and Memories, pgs. 2-3 ◆ Harry Kaiserian’s Holiday Food, pgs. 8-9 ◆ Gifts for Child Development, pg. 4 ◆ Local Events, pgs. 6-7, 10-11 2 Holiday Entertainment Special Section, November 17, 2011 Holidays create traditions and evoke memories from years past by Anne Berleant and Jessica Brophy the Island Nursing Home and the Penobscot Francis Bray—Penobscot Nursing season was filled with church activities. “For 32 The holidays are a time for togetherness and Nursing Home. Home years I taught Sunday school,” said Marion, family, for making and sharing memories and who lived in South River, N.J. “World War I changed everything.” Francis for traditions. Often the traditions and reminis- “The First Reform Church was a small Mary Cousins—Island Nursing Bray was born in Hartford, Conn., but moved to cences of holidays are some of the best memo- congregation, mostly European immigrants and Home Orland as a child after the war began. She ries of childhood. As 104-year-old Mary their children,” Marion continued. “Everything “One of my favorite memories was listening stayed in Maine with her mother and four Cousins put it, “everything was wonderful was family oriented then.” for Santa,” said Mary Cousins. “I loved Santa, I brothers and sisters in a house on Castine Road when I was that age.” Marion and her family used to go caroling believed in Santa until I was 12 years old.
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