Date Who Attended Goals Outcome Atlantic Discussed whether The U.S. decided not Conference or (Great Britain) or not they were to enter the war yet, Atlantic Charter Franklin Delano going to war with that would happen Roosevelt (USA) the in later after the Europe bombing of Pearl And Goals that they Harbor. agree on if they go Japanese militarists to war, what the became more post war goals nationalistic in japan would be. Became one of the first steps toward the forming of the Casablanca January 24 Franklin Roosevelt It was supposed to The Decision to Conference 1943 Winston Churchill outline the fact that continue until the Charles De Gaull the allies would allies got Henri Giraud accept nothing but unconditional unconditional surrender led to surrender. prolonged war efforts that many believe resulted in higher casualty rates The Status of Great Britian as a world power was diminished Cairo Conference November President Roosevelt The three main The allied powers 22-26 1943 Winston Churchill clauses were that decided to continue to Chiang Kai Shek- Japan would be deploy troops in japan premier of china stripped of all the until they Stalin Refused to come pacific islands that surrendered. because Chiang was were seized during Russia wouldn’t there world war one. participate because Also that all land they had a pact called stolen from china to soviet Japanese would be restored neutrality pact to the republic of china And that in due course, Korea would become independent February 4- Roosevelt Was to discuss Communism was 11 1945 Churchill Europe’s postwar installed in Poland And Stalin reorganization and America came to the to determine the re- realization that the establishment of the soviets had a strong nations of war torn totalitarian agenda Europe The conferences The allies agreed to decided to ask China demilitarization and and France to help denazification of forming the United Germany nations Germany would also The USSR entered the be split into zones war secretly against that would be the Japanese occupied by USA, The Autonomy of UK, USSR and France Mongolia was recognized and Ukraine and Belorussia were admitted to the united nations

Potsdam August 2, Josef Stalin Was a conference to Germany was set up Conference 1945 Winston Churchill and determine the with a suitable Clement Atlee punishment of governmental system And Harry Truman Germany following as determined by the their surrender Chief allied powers National Socialism was outlawed with the setting up the new German Government German Reparations were outlined by the allies