Greyhound Has New Owner

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Greyhound Has New Owner October 15, 2007 WHAT’S GOING ON IN THE BUS INDUSTRY ABC launches midsize coach Greyhound has new owner; 3035RE strives will the old dog be forced for big-bus feel to learn more new tricks? CHICAGO – ABC Companies ABERDEEN, Scotland — Is it suggested that further revenue officially launched its new rear- time to say good-bye to Greyhound growth was possible at Greyhound engine, midsize bus here early this Lines as you know and love it? through, in part, improved market- month, saying the 3035RE model Early this month, the purchase ing. has both big-coach features and a of Greyhound’s parent company, Promoted to replace Gorman as big-coach feel. Laidlaw International, by the larg- president and CEO was Dave In debuting the bus, ABC said est operator of buses in the United Leach, who moved from the top job the 3035 is the latest milestone in Kingdom, FirstGroup plc, was at Greyhound Canada last year to its strategic plan to present cus- completed and there were immedi- become chief operating officer at tomers with broader choices of ate changes at Greyhound. Greyhound Lines in Dallas. products, services and support. Two top executives, including Leach replaced long-time And the company announced that ABC says its 35-foot model has a many motorcoach features. Greyhound President and CEO Greyhound COO Jack Haugsland, Roman Cornell has been named its Stephen Gorman, were out. Gor- who retired. top sales executive. ners,” said Dane Cornell, president bus division and General Coach man resigned but a First Group Leach is 43 and has been with “Adapting new technologies and CEO of ABC. America. spokesman said his leaving was by Greyhound for 21 years. As COO and relevant applications that can The unveiling of the 3035RE The companies also collabo- mutual agreement. his responsibilities included cus- offer our customers true business came at BusCon, the annual bus rated on the ABC 1035 and 1235 Also gone was Greyhound’s tomer service, driver operations benefits – like efficiency, perform- convention put on by Metro Maga- cutaway buses. Thor is the nation’s chief marketing officer, Toby Pur- and maintenance. ance and value — have resulted in zine. The coach represents the third leading producer of midsize buses dy. There was no comment on his Gorman had been CEO at some uniquely innovative offerings major collaboration between ABC and RVs, and the parent company and Thor Industries’ commercial departure, although FirstGroup’s Greyhound since July 2003, and it through ABC and our valued part- CONTINUED ON PAGE 12 þ chief executive, Moir Lockhead, CONTINUED ON PAGE 18 þ Finding the answers Antilock brake systems get Oldridges work to overcome hurdles for BCI Falcon 45 more attention from CVSA JENNINGS, Kan. — The BCI WASHINGTON — A decade pulled by truckers, where one in Falcon 45 drew the attention of a after antilock brakes began show- three had a defective ABS. lot of curious coach operators at ing up on over-the-road buses and These results, CVSA said in its the UMA Motorcoach Expo in trucks, the Commercial Vehicle bulletin, “point out the need for New Orleans early this year. Safety Alliance has issued new more intensive inspection of vehi- Potential buyers were cautious guidance for roadside inspectors to cle ABS.” about ordering one, though, worry- use when checking the systems. The bulk of the CVSA bulletin ing that the combination of a new The CVSA published a 10-page is devoted to helping inspectors touring coach — especially one ABS Inspection Bulletin, contain- figure out which over-the-road assembled in China — distributed ing the new guidance, in the wake vehicles manufactured since 1997 by an upstart company might be of a study from the U.S. Depart- are required to have ABS, and the too big a risk. ment of Transportation that found fairly simple inspection procedures And, then, there were the ques- that one in six trucks and buses to be used in checking whether the The BCI Falcon 45 will soon make seatbelts standard equipment. tions: manufactured in the past 10 years system is operating properly. • Would someone be willing • How about service? engine compartment, kicked the has a defective antilock braking The bulletin also points out to finance it? Phillip and David Oldridge, tires, peered into the luggage bays, system. that, for inspectors, locating the • Was the distributor still go- brothers and principals in Bus & and examined the underside. The USDOT study involved ABS malfunction indicator lamp ing to be around in a few years? Coach International of Jennings, in And, the pair apparently came inspections of ABS indicator lamps may be difficult on many vehicles • What about product liability rural northwest Kansas, heard all up with many of the right answers. on 1,000 vehicles. Roughly 17 per- because there are no regulations insurance? of the questions from the many The toughest questions, and cent of the vehicles had malfunc- governing its location, shape, size, • Would parts be easily avail- operators who toured the bus, sat obstacles, had to do with the tioning ABS indictors. The results color or operation. able? behind the wheel, checked out the CONTINUED ON PAGE 13 þ were much worse for the trailers CONTINUED ON PAGE 13 þ TD925B&MN 8/21/07 11:32 AM Page 1 TAKE A BIGGER BITE OUT OF C02 EMISSIONS INTRODUCING THE VAN HOOL TD925 – TAKING ECO-FRIENDLY TRANSPORT TO A HIGHER LEVEL. Imagine one vehicle with the potential to reduce the congestion, pollution and fuel consumption of up to 83 cars. Then go a step further and envision reducing your fleet size with one solution that carries 26 more riders than a standard 57-seat coach. The new eco-engineered Van Hool TD925 double deck intercity coach clearly demonstrates our commitment to environmentally-responsible technology – delivering our highest capacity equipment, loaded with onboard features designed to attract and impress more riders than ever before! • comfortable, secure seating for up to 83 passengers • centrally located restroom • front and rear staircases for efficient loading/unloading • luggage compartment • ADA access with 2 tie downs • State-of-the-art HVAC with zone control • Ceiling mounted flush TV monitors and 2 deck entertainment system • Exciting upper level views and so much more! Drive more green to your bottom line with the high capacity, eco-friendly TD925. Contact your ABC Account Executive for details. MIDWEST NORTHEAST SOUTHEAST SOUTHWEST WESTERN 800-222-2875 800-222-2873 800-222-2871 800-222-2877 800-322-2877 Bus & Motorcoach NEWS INDUSTRY NEWS October 15, 2007 3 Museum honors industry leaders Motorcoach safety seminar Annual meeting will focus on critical issues ALEXANDRIA, Va. — The The seminar will again take is later this month fourth-annual version of the popu- place at the training facility of the HERSHEY, Pa. — The lar United Motorcoach Association National Transportation Safety Museum of Bus Transportation has Safety Management Seminar, fea- Board in Ashburn, which is near added three names to its Honor turing a range of new topics and Dulles International Airport, off the Roll of Benefactors — Gerald subjects, will be late next month in Leesburg Pike west of Arlington, Hausman, Ronald R. Cornell and J. Ashburn, Va., outside of Washing- Va. Alex Michaud. ton, D.C. “This year’s program features The three join the original list Among the featured elements at principles and philosophies of risk of seven industry notables who this year’s seminar are briefings by management, how-to ideas on the helped found the bus industry’s federal officials on the govern- application of risk management only showcase museum of school, ment’s newly announced program principles, and samples of model transit and intercity buses. to crash test motorcoaches and policies, procedures and guide- “These three honorees have findings from the latest bus crash lines,” said Carmen Daecher of individually, or through their fami- investigations. Daecher Consulting Group, which lies and companies, supported and There also will be a panel dis- partners with UMA to present the promoted the museum,” said board cussion of key insurance issues, seminar. member Bob Beard. including managing claims and “The seminar will present use- “Museums, by definition, are mitigating risk, plus a session on ful information for both new oper- important regulatory issues. ators and safety professionals, as established to memorialize,” Beard The museum’s list of Memorial Annex honorees has grown to 10. noted. “As we continue our growth, The seminar will be Nov. 28 well as those who have been in 40 years, ending in 1988. He died tour, leaving at 12:30 p.m., preced- we also will continue to recognize and 29, and is designed for those business for years,” added Victor Jan. 1, 2003. ed by a “quickie lunch.” those who set the precedents of the individuals who manage and direct Parra, president and CEO of UMA. The selection of the three comes A highlight of this year’s meet- great bus industry we all recognize bus safety and security operations, Other highlights of this year’s as the museum is preparing for its ing will be the unveiling of one of and enjoy today.” as well as motorcoach company program include: annual meeting Saturday, Oct. 27, the museum’s oldest buses that has Mr. Hausman founded Haus- owners and managers. • Bus fires: The latest bus fire at its main facility in Hershey. been newly restored. The restora- man Bus Sales in the late 1940s The seminar has two tracks, one mitigation strategies The meeting, which is part tion was paid for by an as-yet- and later sold the company to for experienced safety and opera- • GPS and automatic event re- social event and part business, unidentified museum member.
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