iffs. Radio’s Simon Geller: Medics qualify l'** Multi-Circuits a fish out of the water for title match X. ' i' plans addition ^ ... page 2 ... page 9 I*' ... page 3 p-

Manchester, Conn. Clear tonight;

Wednesday, July 13, 1983 sunny Thursday

— See page 2 Single copy: 254


Drinking age

is going to 20

HARTFORD (UPI) - Gov. William of other bills, including measures to

O’Neill today planned to sign into law prohibit ticket scalping and bring the

bills increasing the state’s drinking state in line with a 1973 U.S. Supreme

age from 19 to 20 and stiffening some Court decision dealing with the defini­

penalties for drunken driving. tion of obscenity.

O’Neill scheduled a morning cerem­ Under the bill, something can be

ony to sign the drinking age increase deemed obscene if "taken as a whole, it

bill, which will raise, effective Oct. 1, lacks serious literary, artistic, educa­

the legal drinking age that was hiked tional, political or scientific value.”

only last year from 18 to 19. Current law defines obscenity as

The governor also planned to sign "utterly without redeeming social two bills dealing with drunken driving, value.”

including a wide-ranging bill dealing The ticket scalping bill will extend

with penalties for driving while under current law prohibiting the practice for the influence of alcohol or drugs. tickets sold for events sponsored by

The drunken driving bill will in­ educational institutions to include all

crease penalties for certain drunken entertainment events. driving offenses and lessen penalties ’The bill also would increase penalties

for others. It was adopted after a for ticket scalping, which with the

lengthy debate in which some lawmak­ current limitation to events sponsored

ers questioned just how much it will by educational institutions carries a

stiffen penalties. maximum penalty of 30 days in prison

O’Neill also planned to sign a number and a $100 fine.

Herald photos by Tarquinio

Town firefighters inspect damage inside the garage which took first prize in the Hartford Auto Show last A ‘glimmer of light’ at 23-25 Cooper St., Manchester, after extinguish­ January, according to its owner, Billy L. Shoaf, of ing a fire there early Tuesday afternoon, in the East Hartford. Shoaf estimates the fire caused at

foreground is a 1973 Lincoln Continental Mark IV, least $5,000 damage to his car. found in AIDS study

VH By Thomas Ferraro illnesses and has been related to a high United Press International incidence of rare cancers. Suspicious There have been 1,700 reported cases WASHINGTON — Federal scientists of the illness since it was first identified see a virus-fighting substance pro­ by the Center for Disease Control in

duced by white blood cells as possibly June 1981. More than 600 of the victims garage fire holding an answer to the deadly and have died.

mysterious Acquired Immune Defi­ Most of the victims are homosexuals

ciency Syndrome. who have had multiple sex partners.

The Department of Health and The latest research was conducted darpages car Human Services announced Tuesday by the Food and Drug Administration that recent studies found the substance and the National Institutes of Health, raises the infection-fighting activities both of which are under the jurisdiction A Tuesday afternoon fire which damaged a garage of lymphocytes cells of AIDS victims — of the FDA. and automobile at 23 Cooper St. is considered "a t least in the test tube.” At the same time. Dr. Alain Rook of suspicious, authorities said. ‘ ‘Whether it will help AIDS patients is the FDA announced at a Michigan A 1973 Lincoln Continental Mark IV parked inside not yet known,” the HHS said in a State University symposium that in­ the garage was heavily damaged. It had taken first statement. “ Nevertheless, the re­ itial tests on the blood-cell product, prize in the Hartford Auto Show at the Hartford Civic search may provide a hint about the known as InterIeukin-2, show the agent Center earlier this year, according to its owner. Billy nature of the disease and how it might is useful in restoring some of the L. Shoaf of 233 Ellington St. East Hartford. be treated." infected cells damaged by AIDS. Neighbors, who asked not to be identified, suspect a Dr. Edward Brandt, HHS assistant In the tests, he explained, child they claim lives in one of the adjacent houses and secretary for health, cautioned against Interleukin-2, which is naturally pro­ is known to play with fire. One woman said the child in premature expectations of a “ quick duced by the white blood cells of question once set fire to his own bedroom. cure," but said the studies may help healthy people, were introduced into Town of Manchester firefighters arrived at the draw a battle plan. test tubes containing deficient white scene around 1:40 p.m. to find the interior and south blood cells taken from six AIDS "HHS Secretary Margaret Heckler exterior wall of the garage in flames. They were able has said AIDS is the No. 1 health sufferers. to douse the fire in a matter of minutes, but the Lincoln priority of this department," he said. The tests showed that exposure to parked inside was heavily damaged. No one was “ And we are acting accordingly." Inter|eukin-2 enhanced the ability of injured in the incident. AIDS attacks the white blood cells, the deficient cells to fight viruses. Shoaf claimed police told him they had at least one the body’s defense against disease. The He stressed that clinical tests on suspect, a juvenile. humans are needed. Those tests will syndrome severely reduces the body’s Town Fire Chief John Rivosa, who was at the scene, ability to fight off viruses and other begin immediately, he said. said it appears that the fire started on the outside and spread inward. The incident is still under investiga­

tion by (firefighters and town police.. Shoaf said he spent $18,000 restoring the car after he

bought it in 1979, He never drives the car. He had it Some aren’t happy towed on a flatbed truck to the auto show in January.

He says he will ask for restitution from the parents if any children are found to be responsible. with train whisties " I was up all night." said Shoaf. "1 can’tbelieve it.

Town Fire Chief John Rivosa (in white shirt) works with It’s going to cost at least $5,000 to repair all the damage. \ firefighters to determine the cause of a fire in a garage behind Two short blasts of the whistle and trains go, said that normally the plant Shoaf, who used tb live in Manchester, moved the

one long one is the rule for trains does not receive shipments much after 23-25 Cooper St. in Manchester Tuesday afternoon. Town fire car into the other half of the garage after the fire. He

crossing a road at grade, but some 9 p.m. He said that in holiday weeks, officials believe the fire started outside on the south wall of the rents space in the garage from Robert L. Walsh of 58 Dale Road. residents of the northern part of like the one in which the Fourth of July garage. The fire, which appears to have been caused by children Manchester are unhappy with the fell, the schedule is modified and Walsh also owns the house at 23 Cooper St. and the playing with matches, is still under investigation. sound, especially at late hours. shipments do come in later. house next door at 34 W. Center St. James Buckley of 232 Kennedy Road In March a Manchester resident

said the whistles have become annoy- lodged a complaint with the railroad

ing. He says he hears them from 9:30 after a near accident at the Main Street Westchester prepares bridge suit p.m. to as late at 1:30 a.m. crossing. The resident said the whistle

Emanuel Hirth, who manages the had not sounded.

Central Connecticut C ooperative Roy Godcher, who is in charge of rail

Farmers Association feed plant on regulation for the state Department of

Apel Place, where most of the freight Transportation, said the department O’Neill says N.Y. must be patient

normally does not hear compaints

about failure to sound the whistle, but

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a does get complaints about the noise the GREENWICH — Gov. William O’Neill town of Port Chester, place them into the years ago with something called New York whistle makes. says he would rather avoid a lawsuit Connecticut side of the line, 1 would be City, the Connecticut (congressional) dele­ | | | S | Q 0 T O C I 8 V state has a lower limit for the threatened by a Westchester County official happy to support that project and that gation was there to help New York Now we ' sound of the whistle, 80 decibels, but not In New York over rerouted truck traffic need some help," Weicker said. prospect,” O’Neill said. "But there isn’t 24 pooes, 4 Mctlons upper from the damaged Connecticut Turnpike and they have to be patient." Also attending the meeting in Washington He said the department does try to bridge. The border war is over heavy trucks were Rep, Stewart McKinney. R-Comi . A d v ice ...... 16 urge train crews not to lean on whistle But O’Neill said Tuesday the state would Greenwich Firmsrre end federal Highway driving through the streets of Port Chester, Ar«o ...... 20 any longer than is necessary for a clear accept the situtation, knowing it was doing Administrator Raymond Barnhart. a Westchester village north of New York r iiilr m ii...... signal. He said he would take the everything possible short of “ magic” to City, since the June 28 partial collapse of the ’'We have extended all the help we

Co*mles^ ...... ■...... * « inquiry from the Herald to be a ease traffic congestion. Mianus River bridge in Greenwich. Three possibly can," Barnhart said.

EntertalnmMt complaint and would try to see of Westchester County Executive Andrew people were killed and three others The New York State Department o( Lottery...... 2 anything can be done about it. O’Rourke said he will ask the Westchester seriously injured. Transportation also is examining legal Obituaries...... 6 Godcher said the railroad is in a Board of Legislators today to authorize the O’Neill said he is doing his best. options with the state attorney general’s ...... * difficult position. The sound of the county attorney to sue to force truck traffic "W e ’re sorry for this. We’re doing office. Port Chester officials said the S ports- ^ ...... - 9 12 whistle annoys residents, but if there is to detour through Connecticut rather than everything we can as expeditiously as increased traffic has strained roads and

T t f e v i s i o n t accident at a crossing and the Port Chester, N.Y. possible ... and we would hope that they budgets to the breaking point. W e a t h e r whistle has not sounded, the railroad is 7:'. 7777777777.2 The suit would be against the state of would understand that,” the governor said Construction crews are building two 1 in a bad legal position. Connecticut, the town of Greenwich, the at a news conference 'Tuesday. ramps on 1-95 in the Cos Cob section of

SAMPLES TODAY ’. Hirth said that when summer comes United' States and other appropriate Sen. Lowell Weicker, R-Conn., who met Greenwich to help ease congestion in Port The Manchester Herold today continues windows are open, people hear the agencies and officials. for 30 minutes Tuesday with Transportation Chester and Rye. Bui the ramps are Its samplino proorom to bring copies of the whistle they do not notice in the winter, O’Neill said if a lawsuit is filed against the Secretary Elizabeth Dole to appeal for opposed by Greenwich residents concerned newspaper to non-subscrlbprs In ■ Therearetwocrossingsnearthefeed state: “ So be it." about health and safely problems from one es er. plant, the one across Main Street and federal planning and financial help, said " I f there was some magic way that we New York should be a better neighbor. truck traffic. Two people were arrested • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • b e * one across Oakland Street. could lift those vehicles in a balloon over the "When they had a difficult time a few Sunday by state police during a protest. ) » - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday, July 13, 1983 MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday, July 13, 1983 - 3 Gloucester’s Simon Geller Peopletalk Multi-Circuits .iC . , is a fish out of the water plans to build * u s i m f s a T - s r m m & Name won’t be up in lights By James V. Heallon “ That's a terrifying judgment. If population coverage. I must be , ' . ’ - -- United Press International at Adams St. The lights on the marquee in front of the they don’t like soul music, a black doing something right.” station could be next and then a city-owned Center for the Performing Arts in San He depends on contributions • M ittni GLOUCESTER, Mass. — As one station playing Irish music, one from listeners and told of receiving : -r’r; . Jose, Calif, may have gone opt on the Ms. Nude old broadcaster to another, Simon By Raymond T. DeAAeo America pageant. playing Jewish music and so on,” three donations of $100 and three of w r .... - ; '^■tm ■ esass Geller says he and Ronald Reagan Herald Reporter I ii he said. $50 in a period of three weeks. ■- . ■ -.iw.* - ■. ' City attorney William Mayfield said a short aren't on the same frequency. Geller suggested more people 'Three of his four usual sponsors circuit was to blame for the blackout and he Geller runs a vestpocket radio might be listening to classical . are local banks. The fourth, Multi-Circuits Inc. plans to build additions to a wasn't able to say when it would be fixed. station out of his basement apart­ i ■ ■ 'TvX,- stations like his if their listening Nichols Candies, has been on vacant one-story industrial building and an adjoining But last year, just before the pageant, the sign ment and plays classical music 14 •Alii ,1X1 JJKSSR' / habits were formed as children. As without a break since 1965. Eve­ parking lot on Adams Street land the company wasn't working either — nor was it fixed in time hours daily for 43,000 listeners who purchased two months ago. •»v.-as - a child in Lynn, he learned to play rybody pays a flat rate for mm m szc for the show. Pageant promoter Danny Zezzo has get their news and weather from I m m m m e m • the violin. commercials and people paying ®‘^®'^*^hester-based printed circuit manufac- asked the Santa Clara County Superior CouiTto other sources. The music is unin­ NW8 .A- iiv- 'c- “ Listen to classical music your­ him, say, $32 for a 60-second spot wrer has also sold a ’A-acre parcel behind the Adams order the marquee lights turned on before the terrupted except for a half hour to i 8EBS8K '-■j??'*'’'- ' a July 23 pageant. self in the house whehver you can. which is being offered by Boston Restaurant to the restaurant’s owners — for •.WKJsSL 45 minutes of talk every day except That's when the kids get exposed to $2,500, according to records on file in the town clerk’s Zezzo, who said he would sue the city for Sunday. stations for $300, is what has the office. damages if the court failed to order the lights it. Just listen. That's all. They Boston radio establishment “ after The Federal Communications Anthony A. Scarpace, co-owner of the Adams Mill, mmm ■ -nm ■■ ■ r - back on. said “ someone” at the center was should start as early as possible my scalp.” Commission revoked Geller's li­ with the kids, 2 or 3 years.” said the restaurant plans to expand its parking area “ trying to torpedo the pageant, probably for some cense to operate AVVCA-FM (The into the newly-acquired parcel, which he described as moral reason." GELLER HAS BEEN on the Voice of Cape Ann) in May 1982 and UNTIL HE EXHAUSTS the mostly back-fill” covering over the brick foundation awarded it to a competing appli­ technical side of broadcasting of a former mill. lengthy appeal process — his since he first started in New York cant, who pledged more diversi­ The Lofstrom Construction Co. of Manchester, ..... license was first challenged In 1975 more than 40 years ago. He is not w m m i fied programming. meanwhile, has filed an application for a building — Geller says his listeners, k i^ one for appearances, judging by Quinn goes home The FCC said by failing to permit to construct a 67x95 foot addition to a 60x100 and all, will have their fill of his apartment-studio with its un­ provide “ adequate” informational foot concrete building owned by Multi-Circuits at 185 More than 500 people from the old neighborhood Glazunov and the three Bachs. made bed, hot plate, and clothes programming, Geller left news Adams Street, on the south side of the Adams Mill. turned out to greet Anthony Quinn when he Grandbanke Inc., the firm that- slung on pipes. returned to the site of his boyhood home in the gathering to the Gloucester Daily says it can do a far better Lofstrom has also requested a permit to build a 36-car 1^ . ' ' 'J East barrio Monday. Times, a newspaper serving the programming job than Geller ever “ I scrape by. That’s what I been parking lot behind the building in an area designated The Belvedere Library parking lot has since fishing community of 27,000 about could. Is owned by Edward Mattar doing all my life. When I started in as wetlands. replaced his home, but he took comfort in 32 miles from Boston. of Brookline and the estate of this business I got a job for four Multi-Circuits spokesman William Stevenson could knowing the library was being rededicated in his “The police blotter,” says Josiah Spaulding of Manchester. years in a New York City station. not TC reached Tuesday or this morning to comment Herald photo by Tarquinio honor. Quinn, 68, an artist as well as an actor, Geller, “ none of my listeners Spaulding was a former Republi­ Then at the end of the war, another on the company's plans for the property. surprised the crowd by announcing the library want.” He noted the paper has a can state chairman who made two guy came in. He had friends. He But Thomas R. O’Marra, the town’s Zoning HIs master’s busy would also house an Anthony Quinn Memorial full staff covering the city and “ I unsuccessful bids for public office. went to the boss. Eventually, I lost Enforcement Officer, said the company plans to use Musuem containing all his paintings and don't want to do anything half­ Both operated separate radio- the job. I went to the union. They the renovated building itself, rather than lease it. He sculptures. way.” stations. Spaulding died March 2. gave me an examination, which didn t have details on what type of use Multi-Circuits A dog whiles away a sultry Tuesday afternoon while his master Temperatures were expected to reach the 90s again today with “ I can't tell you what an emotional thing it is to Personally, he'd rather be some­ Their lawyer has said Geller did was ridiculous. I got 100 percent. I has in mind. enjoys a cooler break inside the Gaslight Cafe on Oak Street, clear weather on tap for tonight. be standing on the spot my cousin beat the hell out place else. nothing to improve his station. was'overqualified ...” In May, Multi-Circuits paid a Massachusetts realty of me,” Quinn said. “ I can't tell you what this “ I'm 63, but I feel like 163 since I “ I think my audience likes the A tape began the first movement firm $550,000 for about five acres of land and buildings corner means to me.” Quinn's father was hit by a came to Gloucester. Boy, this town idea of an individual. One guy of “ Concerto in C Minor for Viola at 191,185 and 165 Adams Street. The land included the Dancing for fitness truck and killed on that corner when Quinn was 9. is the end of the world. The place going up against the system,” and Orchestra” for Geller's listen­ small parcel behind the Adams Mill Restaurant. I'd really like to live in is New Geller says. ‘ ‘They know that when ers in Massachusetts, Maine, and By selling off the property behind the restaurant, Health and Human Services Secretary Mar­ York. We lived in Union City, N.J., the establishment takes over, the New Hampshire as he talked about Multi-Circuits reduced the size of its Adams Street CONNECTICUT TRAVEL SERVICES AND garet Heckler demonstrates “ dancing for fit­ the gangster town of the 1930s. establishment gives it what the owning a 250-watt radio station in landholdings below fou r acres. By doing so. it avoided ness” Tuesday in the lobby of the H.H.S. building Gloucester Is a dead town. A establishment wants and not what Washington, N.J., a “ daytimer,” having to apply for a special exception to develop the In a day-long observation of the department's retired school teacher told me the public wants. on the AM band that by regulation 185 Adams Street parcel — zoning regulations require ^ OEI_T/V/\IR L.INE5 SLASH first annual Health and Fitness Day. Gloucester was a good place to be closes down in the late afternoon such an exception if the parcel to be developed is bom and die in but in between get “ IT’S FRUSTRATING to be on except in summer. larger than four acres. out,” he said. the outside looking in without a O’Marra said the company's plans for an additional PRICES TO NASSAU & PARADISE ISLAND chance of breaking through and “ 1 started symphonic music in parking lot would raise the number of parking spaces Techur wud iyke difrent speiing HIS LAWYER, Dan Burt, the once you do break through, having the evenings toward summer when at the site to about 60. head of the Capitol Legal Founda­ them set it up to take it away from I had late hours. All of a sudden in LOEWS English teacher Joseph Brown of Lansing, tion, which is handling Geller's you. That’s capitalism at its best in September when I had to cutback Mich, was a spelling bee champ in his high school appeal, blames Geller's license this country. That’s how fortunes to sign-off time, I lost 'em all. So I Every Sunday Through December 11,1983 days, but now spelling just makes him laff. predicament on the Reagan are made. They find something said the heck with this, I can’t build About 10 percent of all Americans are administration. somebody is doing better than an audience that will stay with * Round'trip air traniporUtlon from Hartford via Delta Airlinci me.” M anchester * Round-trip tranifert between the airport and hotel functional illiterates, a problem Brown blames on “ It’s the Reagan deregulators anybody else and take it away * Seven nightt accommodatlone at LOEWS HARBOR COVE on Paradise Island “ our complex spelling system.” To make life doing this. And it’s a very curious from them,” Geller said. Geller came to Gloucester in * Welcome cocktail easier for beginning readers. Brown is promoting pattern. Maybe they only want to In Brief * All gratuities on included features Including maids and bellmen He said 2,100 listeners have 1957, but didn't get on the air until N O T INCLUDED: Bahamaian * Rum Swizzle party (Tuesday evening) a "Regularized Spelling System." deregulate their friends," Burt indicated their support of his 1964 because of FCC denials for an A Sunday morning "Bloody Mary Party" departure tax The system would change “ laugh," to “ laff,” said from his Washington office. station in writing and he con­ AM-FM license. He got the FM * Free water taul llling’s award publicized * Tropical drink demonstration * Chaise louners “ caught” to “ kawt,” and “ would” to “ wud,” for “ It’s an extraordinary example trasted that to a New York station approval and assumed rock was 1 "I*"* l r « parkin* at Bradlay kitpori PLK PLKbON UBL OCCCUHANCY example. of the infringment of First Amend­ which got 20,000 replies from a the way to roll. By 1%7, he was Illing Junior High School’s recent award for *399 . end r«quelboll court * $100,000 flight InsurarKe at no cost PLUS 15% TAX & SERVICE "Beginning readers have a terrible problem ment rights of broadcasters. They population of 16 million in its insolvent with just $15 to his name. being one of 144 outstanding secondary schools * CMw TV and AM radio sounding out traditional spellings,” he said. “ Not are saying they don’t like this listening area when a change of He managed to pay his creditors gained the school a mention in the national daily only are they often unable to sound out common man’s programming and, there­ format was considered. the $15,000 he owed them, switched USA Today, published by the Gannett newspaper words because of their spellings, many spellings fore, we will take his license to give “ I have 365,000 and I had 2,100 to a classical music format, and, as chain. may be hidden contributors to dyslexia and other it to some large, rich company. signatures with only 150th of the he says, “ I went on starving.” Illing was cited in an edition of the newspaper I F YOU’RE PLANNING TO GO TO EPCOT CENTER AND WALT DISNEY WORLD reading-learning difficulties.” as one of the nation’s best schools when the Brown, a teacher at Lansmg's Sexton High awards were announced by Secretary of GO WITH THE LEADER School, said his system will be touted in the fall Off the cuff with the Governor Education Terrel Bell. edition of the "Spelling Progress Bulletin.” The school was chosen from among 396 Sociological Abstracts, Inc., has asked permis­ Six hours aftershe handcuffed herself to a chair W eather applications for the citation from 42 states and the CONNECTICUT TRAVEL SERVICES sion to print a capsuiized version. in Gov. Lamar Alexander's office in Nashville, district of Columbia. “ I doubt I will see a revised spelling system Tenn., a Memphis babysitter was cut loose with widely used in my lifetime,” he said. “ But within the promise of a meeting with Alexander in 30 Connecticut today the next 25 years, and with a lot of luck, the days. ' Teen GOP may want you WALT DISNEY WORLD Mary Maxwell, 33, had sought a meeting with Today mostly sunny except a EPCOT CENTER-WALT DISNEY WORLD CHRISTMAS VACATION traditional spelj^g system will be modified and a period of partly cloudy skies late SEAmr If you're between 13 and 19 years old and more consistent spelling system will evolve.” the governor to discuss a state licensing law that interested in joining the Manchster Teenage BOOK EARLY—DON'T BE DISAPPOINTED this afternoon. Very warm with YOU 1VO/VT BCLieVS THBSE PRICES! BRAND NEW PROGRAM! DECEMBER 26-JANUARY 2. 1984 prevents her from operating a day care center at Republicans, you'll have your chance this INCLUDES highs around 90. Northwest w in^ MONDAY MONDAY her Memphis home. Obtaining no response, she Sunday. * J|W |^l>tiint|lortltonki>nBrt(kyloOi1m kw O aTA handcuffed herself to the chair. 10 to 15 mph. Tonight clear. Lows in KIKISM INCLUDES the 60s. Light and variable winds. State Rep. Elsie “Biz” Swensson, R- • R'hwi Iff) ar irarspof loton from Brad Alexander at first refused to give in to Mrs. • Ibuid trill Itaialm btlaaanthiiaporliid hotel $309BI1.0CC. ley to Olando via Delia or US At A D IA T :^ 3 8 9 Thursday sunny with highs again Manchester, will host a cookout for the • HoM tatlliaififikiiM niilkoM . • Round Irpatporl tioteMransters plus 15H tax it service The wor^urns Maxwell's demand, believing it would set a newly-organized group this Sunday at 1 p.m. at * IkicairitoSiMKNll.SIMSHMiarFlUKaiidCTPIKSS CMID (2-17 VIS.) SUIIK around 90. Light and variable GAinxs Plira ISHI ok 6 narvkat • Seven rugtitv aaommodatons at the precedeht that “ all you had to do to see the 8AN FRANCISCO her home at 560 Porter St. •OIIMMMinMt UMTIT MOn iS9 WIIN2FUlirA«HK«DlllTS Sheialon lake>>de located nunules A former worm sa le s n ^ has been sentenced to winds. « FAMASTCDtSOOMTBOaiWTHOHIIMIuliranchidni governor was handcuff yourself tb a chair in his Plus 1S%toi A $afwk*i I'OmDi'hty Ro W three years in prison for bilking investors out of According to a news release, Mrs. Swensson a tc o id t to in m m a rn ta w a ilk F to n n FOR OM caiDoiis K$TNBTEMC«T81M*WN • Hotel la i and bajuage tunebng at hotef CHILD: S 3 office,” Alexander's press secretary said. to: M ntoy Far Hotoe. Catorlindloo. Putt fti! I Coll C o n n , CaMrall bciM (M aid ]lrd St.) $243,000 by promising them they would get rich has invited potential Republican candidates for IMN«n)OMISON'SM$MCSTE S3S9 • Oi'>courAart I • One da« free pading at Bradhy Avport think it would be possible for me to arrange for ^ The state Department of Envir­ H I0 N E 8 T Tratlu. Senc M loiat. Cryild Break GcR Out, M wiba Col CMUVUIESMTIMI US 192—HiMtii Inm Olintf Worid World Wide Worms' in suburban Des Plaines, onmental Protection forecast mod­ TEMPERATURES interested in the GOP. ) 4T«niauh.Md)andiri«lindy'i.RA>R(>nlB«l.«itiy'i Lacatad M Flarlda Cmtor fraaSHS you and Governor Alexander to talk about your IVpCM .Iir*n.iiFH In TItVElOOCETONEI $479t SPEND NEW YEAR’S EVE pleaded guilty to mail fraud charges May 24. He erate air quality conditions across ..80 Reservations for the rain-or-shine event can be OMIITYMN iKtled It like iwiii Visti was sentenced Tuesday to three years in prison, situation the next time he is in Memphis.” MIAMI made by calling Ken Modeen at 643-0805 or Itcalid M W(niatiaiial Brnt S31S IN DISNEY WORLD Koch and a state trooper then used some small Connecticut for todav. fined $2,000 and ordered to repay his more than 70 r^LffOIND — Christopher Nicholson at 643-4331. victims. chain cutters to cut the cuffs. New Engiand 90 The Company advertised in the Chicago area 80 1/ ,*,| Massachusetts and Rhode Is­ Voter signup set for investors willing to put up a minimum $845 for 90 four tubs of earthworms to raise and sell back to land: Partly to mostly sunny [ 2 3 w o w i i w ^ f l o w Voter registration sessions will be held this ROME & ATHENS ARUBA JAMAICA Quote of the day UPl WEATHER FOTOCA8T (0 the company. today. Warm with highs in the 80s. Thursday from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Savings Bank of From Hartford HARTFORD DEPARTURE Investors were told falsely that new earthworm Mostly clear tonight. Lows in the HARTFORD DEPARTURE Fran Lebowitz, author of “ Metropolitan Life" Manchster and from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at OCTOBER 29 • NOVEMBER 9. 1983 (SAT. TO SAT.) NOVEMBER 6-13, 1983 markets had developed, ensuring sales to a dog 60s. Mostly sunny and continued Marshall's Mall in the Manchester Parkade, Departs August 1 *779 IN C L U D E S : ------and “ Social Studies," thinks that instead of National forecast 7 nights Rome • 7 nights Athens Plus 10% tax & services • Round tre |tt transporlatan from food company, a Middle East company that warm Thursday. Highs again in PER PERSON designer labels, people might as well wear price according to Registrars Herbert J. Stevenson and Only 14 Seats Left. Bradey m Unted Artnes chsfter HOTEL RATE needed earthworms for a desert land reclamation tags on their clothes. the 80s. Frederick E. Peck. • Beds jndbeverjfes n Aght 4 9 9 DOUBLE OCCUPANCir For period ending 7 p.m. EST Wednesday. Wednesday will find fair ''G lo ry I e Se^cnngitsholaacconvnodilKins TAMIRIJN $449 project, and to a supermarket chain to stock “ Designer jeans are a contradiction in terms, Sessions will also be held Saturday from 10 a.m. itMrt w as G reece the Grandeur INCLUDES------PLUS19HT.«».n,.c. Maine: Clearing west to east weather widespread across nearly the entire nation with skies ranging r en I.VW s Grece-Reman ieurney. indudiitg • Baiisfervandne earthworms. to 1 p.m. at Andy's Market on North Main Street eRomdtnptramlws Olvl DIvI $479 • f^oof'O tfip air ifanspoMaitoo Ifom Haftford Ic Monteoo Bav via like educational television," she said in the TrofMoHonlk Pen Am Jet PBahls. Jet PBghl frem Rome to .LAV Iff:NAlRLINC5 ^ooyva today. Highs 80 to 90. Fair tonight. from sunny to partly cloudy. Some shower activity, however, will be and at Crispino's Market on Hartford Road. From e Gratutes for Mmen and manU upcoming Redbook, due on the stands Thursday. Lows 50 to 60. Partly to mostly noted in the ftcific Northwest and across parts of lower Texas. Athens, AH Transfers, Seven l^ h ts at the Brand-New Rome • HotprtaktydcAstttttd Aruba Beach $489 • O’.I ifo tup iranslc«s beiwcon Moniego Ody and Ocho R>os On work, she finds some people work all the time 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. the registrars will be at Shoroton and Seven Nights at Athens’ 4-StCK Chandrh • Frae sdnsBon to Aruba tieidrgesco. • Shvf n rughis accommodations at the AfyfERiC ANA OCH O RIOS wiih sunny Thursday. Highs in the mid Maximum temperatures include; Atlanta 93. Boston S2, Chicago 90, LrCCanw’CA room to support themselves: others do it to be “ chic.” Marshall's Mall. Hefei. Sightseeing ef Beth Ctios. Museum Guides, Tour Suranoudie.tntticuchtad Holiday Inn $519 70s to mid 80s. Cleveland B6, Dallas 94, Denver 89. Duluth 87. Houston 93, Neels ft Mere. Pegoitwie tox net Induded. e Hsnagetcocklel parly • IV'.-aM j S! • Taxes and lip*.. King of hill, top of heap She said: “ The truth is, very few professions The registrars will register voters from any • Ontdiyfrsevalitp^ns atBradby * i>tus 15% (ax and service and • flight insuranrealoocuTt are important enough to warrant working all the New Hampshire: Mostly sunny Jacksonville 92. Kansas City 91. Little Rock 94. Los Angeles 77. Miami town in Connecticut and will also handle changes kitsmatnnaiArport $8 71)depariuieiax • Oi e day lf.ee valet parking at Picc Jio s park ing The New York Sanitation Department's time. If you're Jonas Salk, you should work all the today. Highs 80 to 90. Fair tonight. 88, Minneapolis 91. New Orleans 93. New York 89. Phoenix 107, San in party enrollment. Any state resident who will artist-in-residence has received a $10,000 grant time. If you're trying to discover a cure for Lows 50 to 60. Mostly sunny Francisco 71. Seattle 69, St. Louis 93 and Washington 92. be 18 years old before election day on Nov. 8 can from the National Endowment for the Arts to cancer. I want you working night and day. If Thursday. Highs in the 80s. register to vote. create a “ Touch Sanitation Show" that will you're inventing new bombs, take some time off, Vermont: Mostly sunny breezy It’s hot and humid remained clear elsewhere. CONMECTKIIT TRSVEL SEaVKES include a pile of used department gloves. play a little golf, watch a game show.” Two big high pressure centers — Cheese handout siated Mierle Laderman Ukeles. 43, also plans a and warm today. Highs in the 80s. Thousands of people sought PRESENTS Fair tonight. Lows in the 50s. one over Wyoming and the other September parade along “ Museum Mile" on refuge at beaches and in air- off the Atlantic Coast—dominated The Manchester Area Conference of Churches Fifth Avenue where sanitation workers and New Partly sunny with little tempera­ will sponsor its July cheese distribution Thursday ST. THOMAS f i’ om Ha r t f o r d conditioned buildings from a band the weather map Tuesday, sending OCTOBER 19-22, 1983 NOVEMBER 19-26, 1983 Yorkers will not only march but sweep up. She ture change Thursday. Highs in the of steamy and humid July weather at Center Congregational Church. Hours are 3 to Glim pses 80s. the mercury into the 100s in the ______(kdd'ZOOO) MS VEGAS OH SAUr further hopes to produce a 15-track “ symphony of that made temperatures in the 80s Southwest and the 90s from Cali­ 6:30 p.m., or until the cheese runs out. the city" that will include “ all the sounds of Lewis Lapham has been renamed editor of and 90s feel even hotter. fornia to the East Coast. There will be no butter distribution this month. Connecticut Travel Services sanitation.” YACHT HAVEN (Garden) <439* PINEAPPLE BEACH (Superior) >609* Harpers magazine, replacing Michael Kinsley... L.l. Sound Rain today lingered oVer the “ It's pretty hot all over,” said Those who have registered previously and have reduces its already low Sanitation Commissioner Norman Steisel an­ Doug McKeon. who starred with Katharine Pacific Northwest and thimder- Harry Gordon, meteorologist at not received cheese from any other Connecticut YACHT HAVEN (Harber) >449* nounced the $10,000 grant Tuesday. Hepburn and Henry and Jane Fonda in “ On Long Island Sound to Watch Hill, storms were widely scattered over the National Severe Storms Fore­ food bank this month need only show their pink PINEAPPLE BEACH (Ocean) >649* prices to Las Vegas even “ I'm trying to make the whole system visible," identification cards to prove eligibility, a MACC CARIBBEACH >509* Golden Pond," will be Broadway vacation relief R.I. and Momauk Point: Winds eastern Colorado, northwest New cast Center in Kansas City, Mo. “ It lower from now to Aug. 31 said Ms. Ukeles. “ Sanitation is a symbol of urban for Matthew Broderick in Neil Simon's “ Brighton northwest 10 to 20 knots continuing Mexico, the Texas Panhandle and Mias into the 80s and 90s from the spokesman said. New applicants are welcome, VIRGIN ISLE >489* FRENCHMEN’S REEF >659* reality. Sanitation is the beginning of culture." Beach Memoirs" fortwo weeks beginning July 18 through Thursday. Visibility will western Kansas. Rockies through the Ohio and too. BLUE BEARD’S CASTLE >589* Many of these rates are so new that generally be more than 5 miles Showers dotted the upper Ohio Mississippi valleys so it was On Thursday. MACC also will distribute fliers MAGEN’SP(NNT >539* through Thursday. Weather will be Valley and Maine while skies generally kind of unpleasant.” with information about future surplus food ISLAND BEACHCOMBER >559 MAHOCANEYRUN from >599 there is no time to publish fair through Thursday. Average distribution. bPIui IS H tax A Mrvice and $6 00 them. Call today as seats waves.'l to 2 feet through tonight. Applicants are reminded to bring bags fortheir . WINDWARD from >489 dapartura tax. Manchester Herald cheese Thursday. are very limited. L ottery Almanac . INCLUDES: • RouiiAtrla air toantporlallan via Pan Am charttr from Hartford • All hoiol/airport uantfors Richard M. Diamond, Publisher Extended outlook Lifesaving ceremony set • toavaraio* In lllahi o Hoipltallty doik at hotol Thomas J. Hooper, Geherai Manager e Hotel eccom model ions of your choice e Optional sightseeing Connecticut Daily Extended outlook for New Eng­ Today is Wednesday, July 13, the Conscription Act led to rioU in New A public dedication of the town’s newly • ajjeort turnout your tuy o BaUH* handllna Qralultlaa for bollinon and maloa o Ona day fraa parking land Friday through Sunday: 194th day of 1983 with 171 to follow. York City. More than 1,000 people instituted Advanced Lifesaving System will be USPS 327-500 VOL. Cll. No. 240 Tuesday: 680 Connecticut, Massachusetts and a t B rad The moon is moving toward its were killed. held Monday at 7 p.m. at the town’s Central Fire o Many axtraa^ f WMlD»c8wts8nH8lhBiAmricaCnM8st8BenMda. Play Four: 4790 Rhode Island: Fair and quite first quarter. In 1865, Horace Greeley wrote an Department, 75 Center St. Published dally except Sunday Suggested carrier rotes are $1.20 warm through the weekend. Day­ The morning star is Mars. Vsleidam My 24-31A Ang. 7. VssBtai My 301 Aug. 6. and certain holidays by the Man- weekly, S5.12 for one month, S15.35 editorial in the New York Tribune The service, which includes paramedics, went 1 ______CALL FOR RATtS ’ cheiter Publlshino Co., 14 Brolnard Other numbers drawn Tuesday time highs in the mid to upper 80s The evening stars are Mercury, in which be said, “ Go west, young tor three months, S30.70 for six in New England: into operation officially at 8 a.m. Monday Place, Manchester, Conn. 04040. months andS41.40 lor oneveor. Mall except a little cooler at the coast. < Venus, Jupiter and Saturn. man, go west and grow up with the although it had been in partical operation before Second class postagepald at Man­ rates are avalloble on request. Rhode Island daily: T707. “ 4-40 Overnight lows in the 60s. Those bom on this date areunder country.” chester, Cenn. POSTMASTER: Jackpot": l»-23-u-oe: jackpot; that. Send address changes to the Man­ To place a clossltled or display Vermont: Generally fair and the sign of Cancer. They include In 1977, a state of emergency was At the dediction, speakers will include town chester Herald, P.O. Box 501, advertisement, or to report a news $34,461. very warm through the period. American educator Mary Emma Manchester, Conn. 04040. declared in New York City when directors and officials from the Town of CONNECTICUT TRAVEL SERVICES Item, story or picture Idea, call Maine daily: 578. Highs in the 80s and low 90s. Lows Wooley in 1873 and actor Harrison the entire area suffered a 25-hour Manchester Fire Department and from Manches­ 20 CHESTNUT STREET ALL CONNECTICUT TRAVEL SERVICE CLIENTS RECEIVE $100,000 WORTH 443-2711. Office hours are 8:30 a.m. Vermont daily: 788. in the 69s to low 70s. To subscribe, or to report a to S p.m. Monday through Friday. Ford in 1942. power blackout. ter Memorial Hospital. NEW BRITAIN CT OF FLIGHT INSURANCE ON SCHEDULED AIRLINES, ONE DAY FREE VALET dellyery problem, call 447-9944. Massachusetts daily: 9668. Maine: Fair through the period. On this date in history; Office hours are 8:30 o.m. fo 5:30 Paramedics and emergency medical techni­ NEW BRITAIN 225-9491 PARKING AT BRADLEY, TRAVELERS CHECKS AT NO COST AND FREE The Manchester Herald Is a Highs in the upper 70s and the 80s. In 1859, Mexican revolutionary MANCHESTER CT p.m. Monday through Fridoy and 7 subscriber to United Press Interno- cians in the service will be there to meet the HARTFORD 522-0437 PASSPORT PHOTOS. fo 10 a.m. Soturdoy. Delivery Lows in the mid 50s to low 60s. tlonal news services ond Is a President Benito Juarez ordered A thought for the day: English public and the rescue truck and related Hour s Miin F M 00 0 MANCHESTER 647-1666 should be made by 5 p.m. Monday member of the Audit Bureau of The first Poet Laureate of New Hampshire: Fair through 11 property of the Roman Catholic author Dorothy Sayers said, “ The equipment will be on view. . ^ New Britain Office Now Open at 8:00 am ~ HOURS MON FHI 9 6 P M through Friday and by 7:30 a.m. ' Circulations. England was Geoffrey Chaucer, the period. Highs in the upper 70s THUOS III ') I' M SrtT 'J i Saturday. Church, throughout Mexico worst sin — perhaps the only sin — Light refreshments will be served. THUHS TIL 9 P M SAT 10 4 who with the title got a royal grant and the 80s. Lows in the mid 50s to confiscated. TOLL FREE IN CONNECTICUT 1-800-382-6558 of an annual allowance of wine. passion can commit, is to be FREE PARKING low 60s. ’ In 1863. opposition to the Federal Joyless.” TOLL FREE OUT OF CONNECTICUT 1-800-243-7763 * - MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday. July 13, 1983 MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday, July 13, 1983 - 5 Samantha is Man told: Pressure Is mounting U.S./W orid Connecticut In Brief travelling on turn over In Brief Syria vows ‘100 battles’ O’Neill still undecided about toll removal Exposed veterans need help Syria’s defense minister toured northern sex tapes Lebanon vowing "lOO battles with Israel” and to Leningrad ~ Congress should pass a bill to HARTFORD (UPI) — Gov. William O’Neill has not Mianus River. By Mark Barabak “ While 1 view the Greenwich incident as one of the said Damascus is prepared for a new war with the aid Vietnam War veterans disabled by exposure decided whether to remove bridge and Connecticut United Press International He has until Saturday to sign or veto the bill or it will unfathomable acts of the Almighty, 1 do, neverthe­ Jewish state. to the herbicide Agent Orange, says Rep. William Turnpike tolls in 1985, saying the partial collapse ofa become law automatically. less, see a need for a full analysis of the fi.scal impact "W e will fight Israel 100 times. We will fight for By Steven R. Reed Ratchford, D-Conn. Greenwich highway bridge put “ another perspective LOS ANGELES — An attorney, Those who have been pressuring him to sign and of a work program that may be sub.sequentiy a year, two or three. This generation will take up United Press International Ratchford said Tuesday there is more and more on things.” under court order to produce veto it said they are not sure what he will do. The two determined to be necessary,” Murphy said, arms against Israel and the next one too until the evidence of physical problems due to exposure to Despite mounting pressure, O’Neill said Tuesday he videotapes allegedly showing fed­ co-chairmen of the Legislature’s Transportation Kingsley Beecher, chairman of the Connecticut Arab nation emerges victorious,” said Defense YALTA, U.S.S.R. — With her new Russian friend in Agent Orange, used by the military to defoliate has not made up his mind on a toll removal bill. He Committee are split on the issue — one wants a veto Highway Users Conference, also wants a veto. He said tow, American Samantha Smith said “ do svedanya” eral officials at sex parties, says Minister Mustapha Tlas, quoted by Beirut radio. jungles in Vietnam. said he would have to consider several factors,includ­ and the other wants the governor’s endorsement. tolls should be used to repair the turnpike once the to scores of Soviet youths who responded in someone from the media stole the While touring Syrian-controlled areas of The bill would allow disability compensation ing how much money the state would get in additional At least two more legislators have talked or written bonds issued to build it are paid off. well-rehearsed English, “ Goodbye, Samantha.” tapes but also gave varying: Lebanon,. Tlas met Tuesday with former for Vietnam veterans with one of several federal funds if the tolls are torn down. to O’Neill about the bill and two private groups or House Speaker Irving Stolberg. D-New Haven, The bilingual farewells capped the schoolgirl’s accounts of their disappearance. Lebanese President Suleiman Franjieh and conditions — soft tissue sarcoma, which is “ This bridge situation has put another perspective individuals have or are planning to write him about supports removal of the lolls and spoke briefly with four-day visit to Artek, the Soviet Union’s largest Robert K. Steinberg was subpo­ former Prime Minister Rashid Karame cancer; porphyria cutanea tarda, a liver on things,” O’Neill told reporters at a news the measure. O’Neill. He told the governor the positive aspects of Young Pioneers camp for the children of ranking enaed Tuesday and ordered to prominent Lebanese opposed to the central condition, and chloracne, a severe skin condition. conference. Senate President Pro Tempore James Murphy Jr., the bill are more dominant. Communist Party officials. produce the alleged tapes in court government of President Amin Gemayel. Under the proposal ^ v e te r a n with no Earlier this year O’Neill endorsed an end to the D-Franklin, wrote O’Neill July 6 urging him to veto Stolberg said the financial implications of removing Samantha, 11, was expected to visit a collective July 25 — the same day Marvin State-run Beirut radio said Tlas delivered a dependents would be eligible to receive between tolls, but he became indecisive after the June 28 the bill. He said tolls can be used to pay tor road and the tolls are limited. He also believes the campaign farm early today before flying to Leningrad. Natasha Pancoast, 33, the confessed killer message from Syrian President Hafez Assad to $60 and $1,200 per month, depending on the collapse of the Connecticut Turnpike bridge over the bridge repairs. against eliminating the tolls is not related to the Kashirina, 13, an English-speaking Leningrad student of Vicki Morgan, 30, is to Franjieh and Karame. The Franjieh and severity of the symptoms. bridge collapse in Greenwich. who has become Samantha’s closest Soviet friend, arraigned on murder charges. Gemayel families have been bitter enemies for A letter urging O’Neill to sign the bill also is planned to accompany the American girl. Steinberg, who briefly repres­ many years, and the former president has openly Private surgical center expected from the Southwest Area Commerce and Samantha and her parents will return Saturday to ented Pancoast, told investigators Missionary visits home opposed the Gemayel government. Industry Association of Stamford, said Rep. Christ ine Moscow. No definite schedule has been set, but she the three tapes — which the • EAST HAVEN — It’s been more than 60 years Niedermeier, D-Fairfield, Transportation Committee was expected to meet with Soviet leader Yuri attorney said show people involved since Sister Rosemary DeFelice began her co-chairman and primary sponsor of the bill. Mondale passes NAACP test Andropov before she leaves for her home in in “ sado-masochistic sex acts” — vocation as a 'missionary — braving typhoons, t Manchester, Maine, next week. were kept in a gym bag in the NEW ORLEANS — The NAACP gave former sickness and enemy occupation during World Samantha wrote to Andropov earlier this year, library of his law office. Hospitals face competition Vice President Walter Mondale the highest War II to spread the word of her faith. / fN asking if the Soviet Onion wanted to start a nuclear ' “ Someone from the press corps marks and failed Sen. Ernest Hollings of South “ You didn’t think of the dangers. You didn’t war. The Kremlin chief responded by inviting her to went into my library this morning Carolina on its report card of top Democratic think about anything except going away and visit the Soviet Union and see what his countrymen and stole the tapes,” a highly NEW HAVEN (U PI) - A Yale-New Haven plans to open ical Management Corp. has a $1 presidential candidates. teaching people about God,” said Sister Rosem- < get a)i early Start •) are really like. She and her parents arrived last agitated Steinberg told reporters private downtown surgical center Monday an expanded one-day million proposal to add a 33-bed NAACP officials said President Reagan — if he ary, visiting family in East Haven on leave from Thursday. as he left his Beverly Hills office is providing stiff competition to surgery center in handsome new infirmary to the Temple facility were rated — also would have received a failing her longstanding mission in Hong Kong. ^ on those craft fairs!! •) With 200 Soviet campers and her parents listening, ' UPI photo Tuesday afternoon. New Haven’s two major hospitals headquarters to woe more busi­ but it has been tfemporarily grade. The 80-year-old New Haven native, now Samantha told the children at Artek Tuesday night But police said Steinberg made and is seen as a boon to keeping ness and St. Raphael’s is negotiat­ blocked by the state Commission (!• we have a wonderful assortment of -v The NAACP’s report card at its convention semi-retired, says she will stay on in the British how much their friendship meant to her. American schoolgirl Samantha Smith presented with no mention of his suspicions during medical costs down. ing a $30 million plam to renovate on Hospitals and Health Care. supplies for your holiday decorat- y Tuesday gave ratings in the 80s to Mondale and colony she has called home since 1931 as long as “ My stay at Sea Camp at Artek was been wonderful, bread-and-salt in the "Artek" pioneercamp. a lengthy talk with investigators. The Temple Surgical Center, a and add similar services to its But Kershner, who started the Sens. Alan Cranston of California, Gary Hart of she is needed at the Maryknoll Convent School in ing. everything from plastic and \ suite of four operating rooms and a facilities. state’s first independent surgical Colorado and John Glenn of Ohio. Hollings very wonderful,” she said, as an interpreter It was one of several contradic-. Kowloon Tong. silk flowers to ribbon, wreath tions that surfaced Tuesday, a day recoovery room, provides patients Bernard A. Kershner, president center in Hartford in 1976, said received an approval ranking of less than 40 translated. “ I shall miss my new international , forms and all shapes of A percent. friends, but we will remain friends across the sea. Let after Steinberg, 46, first claimed with minor, elective surgery which of the Temple center, Tuesday efforts will continue to work along Ambassador says trip the tapes existed. does not require an overnight stay with the commission which regu­ Former Florida governor Reubin Askew, the our countries be friends too. Pastoral letter rapped viewed the competition as benefi­ styrofoam® V ’’Some day I hope to return. I love you Artek.” He said the tapes, received from in a hospital. cial to the efforts by insurers and lates all medical facilities in the other announced Democratic candidate, was not GROTON — The assistant Democratic leader come browse with usi \ Her message was written on notebook paper by her a woman claiming to be Pan­ The center, opened in 1978, regulators as well as consumers to state. rated because he has not served in the Senate. in the state Senate has criticized the Catholic college professor father, Arthur, as he sat in a shows peace concern coast’s friend,show sex acts in­ currently has more than 60 percent control the cost of medical care. ” We will continue to work with bishops’ pastoral letter as “ indoctrination” darkened amphitheater near the Black Sea. volving the late Alfred Blooming- of the minor, elective surgery “ If the hospitals are responding the commission because we be­ r you'll ftll in encouraging disarmament rather than defense. HIspanIcs gain Influence “ The night we arrived, all the girls in her group dale, a close friend of President. business and has forced Yale-New now by improving their services, lieve the competition the infirmary By Jay H. Handelman Sen. Mary Martin, D-Groton, in an interview \wit|) oursfote. stood and said a little something about themselves,” Reagan; Miss Morgan, Blooming-• Haven Hospital and the Hospital of so be it,” he said, “ That’s will generate will be good for M IAM I — Hispanics are poorer and less United Press International with the weekly newspaper Compass, said of the Smith said. “ And when it came Samantha’s turn, she dale’s mistress; an unnamed con-i St. Raphael to start their one-day competition.” patients and the entire system,” he educated than the general population but they are pastoral letter: “ It’s indoctrination, just like the went speechless, so Mom and Dad spoke for her. gressman; and four top Reagan' surgery centers. Kershner’s Hartford-based Med­ said. gaining influence as America’s second largest WASHINGTON - The Soviet indoctrination that went on in Nazi Germany. It’s Tonight, we primed things a little.” administration appointees. minority, a private group specializing in Union’s invitation to 11-year-old not just the Catholic Church — but because I am In their farewell speeches — also in Russian and In a telephone conversation. demographic studies has concluded. Samantha Smith is a move to Catholic I object.” English — the Artek campers told Samantha that White House counsel Fred Fielding •The estimated 14.6 million Hispanics in the portray Moscow as a promoter of Mrs. Martin said her comment also applied to although their time together was brief, “ every day told Steinberg the tapes — if found country have surpassed blacks in family income peace that cannot be blamed for the National Education Association’s curriculum was a good one.” — should not be destroyed

protest At Barnard D. Szarefc SPORTS Bernard D. Szarek, 68, of 383 Woodbridge St. died Monday at army rule Manchester Memorial Hospital. He was the husband of the late Ida (M cNeil) Szarek. CHRISTMAS IN JUIY SANTIAGO, Chile (U PI) - He was born in Grafton, Mass., Soldiers patrolled the streets of and had lived in Manchester for Santiago today hours after more than 30 years. Before retiring thousands of Chileans clashed SALE in the fall of 1979 he had been with riot police and banged pots employed as an engineer for Pratt and pans in protests against Sc Whitney Aircraft, East Hart­ military rule that killed one OPEN ford. He was a member of the youth and seriously wounded FREE Knights of Columbus, Manchester, another. •LOCAL DELIVERY THURS. 9:30-9 and of St. Bridget Church. At the Vatican, Pope John Paul •REMOVAL OF YOUR OLD APPLIANCE He leaves a son, Bernard P. II called for a dialogue between the FRI. 9:30-8 Szarek of Vernon; a daughter, military government and the oppo­ •SERVICE Mrs. Nancy Collier in Australia: sition and implored “ that the road •NORMAL INSTALLATION two brothers, Walter Szarek of SAT. 9:30-5 to violence not be taken,-not even (Except Built-Ins) — Air Conditioners Simsbury and Michael Szarek in with the intention of reaching Massachusetts: a sister, Mrs. legitimate aspirations.” Louise Gamelin in Massachusetts: Protesters demanding restora­ and three grandchildren. tion of civilian rule defied a Funeral services will be Thurs­ four-hour curfew Tuesday night, day at 10:30 a.m. from the John F. burning tires and hurling stones at Tierney Funeral Home, 219 W. riot police from behind street Center St., Manchester, with a barricades. mass of Christian burial at 11:15 Author dies at 67 Army patrols in trucks mounted a.m. at St. Bridget Church. Burial with machine guns rumbled will be in St. Bridget Cemetery. / through Santiago neighborhoods Friends may call at the funeral Mystery writer Ross MacDo­ as riot police used tear gas to home today from 7 to 9 p.m. nald, the author of 24 novels disperse angry crowds in several Memorial contributions may be neighborhoods of the Chilean made to the American Heart including "Sleeping capital. Associatio;!, 310 Collins St., Beauty." died Tuesday of The government of Augusto Hartford. natural causes. The Santa Pinochet imposed the curfew in major Chilean cities, the first in The Medics congratulate winning Scott Altrui, Mabel L. Peterson Barbara, Calif., resident was center, for shutting down Boland and leading them into seven years, to avert street vio­ tonight’s championship. Funeral and burial services 67. lence during the protest that were conducted Monday in Man­ opposition politicians called from 8 chester for Mabel L. (Taylor) Santa Ana; two brothers, John p.m. to 10 p.m. Peterson of Jackson, Ala., for­ McCarthy of Venice, Calif., and The curfew prevented middle merly of Manchester, who died Francis McCarthy of Hartford: class residents from taking to the July 5 in Alabama. and another sister, Veronica streets to honk their car horns — as Medics win, quaiify for finai Among her survivors is a daugh­ Doody of Canoga Park, Calif. occurred during two previous ter, Mrs. Dorothy Noble of Enfield. A funeral mass and burial were protests — but did not stop By Barry Peters third game in a row, the Medics in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico. residents from banging pots or scored on Kennard’s sacrifice fly single to right. Herald Sportswriter avoided being ousted from the Dr. Robert G. iamonaco erecting barricades near their to left, but Boland responded with Dr. Robert G. Iamonaco, 33, of Francis B. Griffin homes. double-elimination tourney, while two in its half on singles by Ed ALTRU I HAD SEEN enough of The road the Medics have taken the loss was Boland’s first in Floral Park, Long Island, N.Y., Francis Belden Griffin, 57, of Police and soldiers fired warn­ Offering their support at Leber Field Tuesday night were Fitzgerald and Willie Burg to knot Boland’s rally, however. He struck to the Town Major Little Lieague post-season play. formerly of Manchester, died at Daytona Beach, Fla., formerly of ing shots in the air in attempts to Medics’ moms Claire Altrui, left, mother of winning the score at 2-2. out the last two batters of the Championship has been as rough his home Sunday. He was the Manchester, died Tuesday at his silence protesters and to frighten Horowitz and Kevin Coveil inning and set the top three men in pitcher Scott Altrui, and Diane Cote, right, mother of as the highways leading out of THE MEDICS jumped on top in husband of Christina Iamonaco home. He was the brother of chanting demonstrators off the scored for the Medics in ftie third, the Boland order down without a shortstop Ron Cote. Hartford these days, but they’ve the first inning and never trailed, and son of Mrs. Victor Rubbo of William Griffin of Manchester and streets. the latter on Altrui’s second RBI, a hitch in the sixth, setting up Floral Park and the late Gary avoided enough pitfalls over the though Boland came within one Rosemary Traman of Coventry. Hours after the protests were sacrifice fly. The Medics kept tonight’s rematch and Game Iamonaco. past week to find themselves in a run, 6-5, in the fifth. But Bill He was born in Manchester and quelled, armed soldiers patrolled rolling in the fourth when consecu­ Seven of the championships. position to win the Little League Kennard added insurance for the He was born in Manchester and had lived in Florida since 1976. He the deserted streets. tive singles by Kennard, Jay attended local grade-schools. He crown. Medics with a leadoff home run to Cote and Pat Dwyer had two hits was a retired assistant secretary Student Isabel Sanhueza, 19, was Norris and a two-run double by Of course, Boland Oil won’t be center in the sixth, and his each for Boland while the trio of was a graduate of Fordham for Travelers Insurance Co. of fatally shot in the neck during the Horowitz opened the lead to 6-2. University, Bronx, N.Y., Columbia lying down at Leber Field tonight exuberant dance around the base- Horowitz, Altrui and Kennard Hartford. He was a member of St. curfew hours in the working class Because they could afford a loss, School of Physicians and Surgeons either when the two teams play at 6 paths was all one needed to see to accounted for six of the seven Paul’s Church, Daytona, and had neighborhood of Pudahuel, police it appeared Boland might fold. But in New York City, and Tufts to determine the winner of this know the Medics were about to Medics’ RBI. Cote played espe­ served as a staff sergeant in the said. It was not known who fired the Oilmen came back strongly, Medical School, Boston, Mass. He year’s Little League advance to the championship. cially well in the field, taking part U.S. Air Force during the Korean the shot. scoring one in the fourth and two in had his practice in Staten Island, championship. Altrui helped his own cause by in seven putouts at short without a Conflict. Another youth, Alberto Pino, 17, the fifth to pull within one run. In N.Y. Riding the strong pitching of driving in two runs, including the miscue. Besides his brother and sister, he was seriously injured in a shooting the fourth, ’Todd Rose doubled and Besides his wife and mother he southpaw Scott Altrui and a Medics’ first in the opening frame leaves his father, John J. Griffin of in the middle class neighborhood of eventually scored on a stolen base lacovelli. Burg, and Rose all had leaves a sister, Janice Iamonaco, balanced 10-hit offensive attack, when his groundnut to second Daytona, and several nieces and Nunoa, hospital sources said. by Fitzgerald, while in the fifth two hits for Boland, with Rose and a brother, Thomas Mobila, the Medics lifted themselves into scored Gregg Horowitz from third. nephews. Information on the number of Damon lacovelli and Graig Law- collecting the only extra-base hit both of Floral Park. the finals with a 7-5 win over The Medics made it 2-0 in the Funeral services and a mass of arrests was not known. son took advantage of walks to for the losers, a line double to the Funeral services were held Christian burial will be held in Our Boland at Leber last night. For the second when shortstop Ron Cote score on Don Holbrook’s bloop wall in right center in the fourth. today in Long Island. In the wealthy residential sector Lady of Good Hope Church, of Las Condes, families banged Camden, Maine, Saturday. Burial Charles D. McCarthy pots and pans in their gardens and will be in Oak Hill Cemetery in over their front fences. Charles D. McCarthy, 47, of Camden. In the militartt working class Santa Ana, Calif., formerly of neighborhood of La Victoria, the Manchester, died July 7 of injuries scene of mass detentions following suffered in an accident in Mexico. To pay respects an earlier protest in May, resi­ His son, Kevin McCarthy, 20, who Campbell Council Knights of dents erected barricades and set was in the recreational vehicle Columbus, 573, will meet today at fire to tires in the streets. with his father, is in serious 7:30 p.m. at the K of C Home, Main Parish priest Pierre Dubois said condition in St. Mary’s Bum Street, to pay respects to Bernard police used armored personnel Center, Tuscon, Ariz. D. Szarek. carriers and tear gas against the He was born in Providence, R.I., demonstrators, who retreated to on May 21, 1936. He moved to Card of Thanks their houses only when soldiers California in the 1950s from Man­ We would like to express our appeared on the scene. chester. He was the brother of Mrs. sincere appreciation to the many Two protests in May and June Walter (Barbara) Backus of friends, relatives, neighbors and shook the country with the worst Manchester. co-workers who were so generous riots seen in Chile since the armed Besides his son, Kevin, and his and kind in our recent sorrow. forces coup that toppled the sister in Manchester, he leaves Sincerely Socialist government of Salvador another son, Donald McCarthy of The Family of Scott Aronson Allende in 1973. Senate eyes emotional issue of making chemical weapons

WASHINGTON (UPI) - One of duled today under the auspices of situation,’’ he told a reporter, the most emotional issues arising the Senate Armed Services Com­ adding his count showed about out of President Reagan’s mittee, in an effort to bolster eight senators could go either way. proposed five-year military support for the B-IB bomber, “ I think we’re within striking buildup has been whether to which would be replaced eventu­ distance.’’ break a 14-year moratorium and ally by Stealth. resume production of toxic Although the administration’s The United States has not John Marx leans around the fence surrounding the Herald photos by Pinto chemical weapons. request for producing nerve gas produced nerve gas since 1969, but Medics’ dugout to capture last night’s winners cheering Boland second baseman Dan Maher is out by a half-step as Medics first baseman Bill Kennard stretches for Ron The Senate looked likely to take equipment and weapons is a pressure to resume production has on their teammates. Cote’s relay. up that issue today as it moves into relatively insignificant portion of been growing because of reports debate on some of the more the defense bill — just $130.6 the Soviet Union is producing and I vulnerable weapons systems con­ million — the issue has stimulated using chemical weapons in tained in a $200 billion military great controversy in both Afghanistan. spending bill. chambers. For Alvord, coaching was natural thing to do The administration also ap­ The House authorized the pro­ The Senate moved into its third peared to be beefing up its lobbying gram last month, but an amend­ day on the authorization bill after for the bill. ment that would have deleted it two relatively unproductive ses­ Off the playing field, husky, The years have rolled by and A closed-door briefing was sche­ failed by only 14 votes. bespectacled Bob Alvord looked Alvord was in the teaching and sions during which Senate Republi­ pleted their seasons and have had Catholic. Ayer moves on to MCC duled today before the Senate Sen. David Pryor, D-Ark., said can leader Howard Baker chas­ like the kid down the street who coaching field for 30 years until enough competition. The same after a stint at Brandeis Universi­ session began on the radar-shy he hoped to offer an amendment to tised members for failing to move performed best at piano recitals, sidelined with a heart problem. scrap the program today and holds true for the high school ty ....MCC soccer coach, Greg De- ’’Stealth’ ’ bomber under develop­ faster and Democrats promised to I but on the field during his football­ Alvord taught physical educa­ ment by the Air Force. A briefing predicted a close vote. athletes. By the end of June, they Nies, is busy this summer as an hammer away continually at the playing days at Manchester High tion and coached at Thornton Herald Angle by Pentagon officials was sche­ “ I think we have a very tight MX missile. have other interests.” instructor on the staff at Oakwood he was a tiger. Academy in Saco, Maine for three “ I ’ll try again to talk to the right in Glastonbury. This week he’ll Alvord captained Manchester years, 1950-53, following college Earl Yost, Sports Editor people to get the dates changed,” assist Blaz Stimac in a soccer High’s undefeated — but once tied and a hitch in the service, and then Suitor said. chmp at the Martin School in — gridiron squad during the 1943 to Bergenfield, N.J., High for 27 Manchester. Stimac is a former Reagan backs prayer change season. He was a born leader and years. Here he coached football, Locals featured college All-American and pro one of the best linemen ever to be basketball and track and served as player. produced in the Silk Town. director of athletics as well. into the coaching field for periods WASHINGTON (UPI) — Presi­ or group prayer in public schools can Reps. Trent Lott of Mississippi seven as meet director, would like Front cover of Jack Repass’ dent Reagan is supporting a or other public institutions. No and Phil Gramm of Texas have a While the backfield starters with Two of his clubs copped the New after high school (Manchester) to see the dates changed. Greater Hartford Twilight League change in a proposed constitu­ person shall be required by the petition for Reagan signed by the last unbeaten squad of the late Jersey state championship in 1974 and college. “ Memorial Day would be an Baseball Book, 1929 thru 1979, tional amendment to permit wor­ United States or by any state to several congressman supporting Coach Tom Kelley attracted the and 1976, the title games being Only a 6-6 deadlock against excellent date to generate more features two Manchester men. Trip winners ship in public schools that would participate in prayer.’’ Reagan’s promise. .headlines, particularly the touch­ staged in Giants’ Stadium, which Hartford Bulkeley High marred an interest, both from a spectator’s Gene Johnson,who has spent four prohibit the government from The proposed change adds the But Reagan has apparently down twins, Ray Zemanek and Bill gave him his “ biggest thrill in otherwise perfect record during and a competitor’s standpoint," decades in the circuit and is still Beth Waddell of Westfield, composing a specific prayer to be words: “ Nor shall the United decided to hold his veto pen in Shaw, quarterback Red Degutis sports.” that 1943 World War II year season. the highly successful Manchester going strong as playing manager Mass., and Nancy Fish of Bolton recited. States or any state compose the abeyance. Tuesday, he signed the and blocking back Gus Gaudino, jt The ’43 starting squad appeared High coach reported. of the Moriarty Brothers’ entry, Reagan, a strong supporter of words of any prayer to be said in nearly $47 billion appropriations were the winners of all-expense was Alvord who anchored the line R E TIR E D since 1980, and father in a recent Looking Back at the “ I think I could get the approval prayer in the classroom, gave his public schools." bill for the Department of Housing and Pete Naktenis, the former trips to the 1984 Summer Olympic from his guard spot. He led the of five sons, Alvord now spends six Local Sports Scene feature and it’s approval of the reworded amend­ Paul Weyrich, head of the Free and Urban Development and sev­ of the ClAC (Connecticut Inter­ major league pitcher. Both are Games in Los Angeles. The names ment after he met with Rev. Jerry Congress Research and Education eral independent federal agencies team in tackles and was an months with his family in Vero hard to believe that four decades scholastic Athletic Conference) members of the Greater Hartford were selected at random from all Falwell, head of the Moral Major­ Foundation, said the new wording even though it was several billion inspiring a captain as the Red and Beach, Fla., during the winter and have passed since that team which governs all high school Twilight League Hall of Fame. entrants in the recent New Eng­ ity and some 21 other religious is aimed at those who fear that dollars more than what he White ever boasted. calls Giant’s Neck in Connecticut played its home games at the West athletic events and from the NCAA Repass, former reporter with the land Relays. Waddell, competed in leaders at the White House students would be offered a requested. The husky leader was a two-way home the other six months. He Side Oval under Coach Kelley and (National Collegiate Athletic Asso­ Herald, did a great job reaching the Women’s High School Division, Tuesday. government-written prayer to For lunch today, Reagan invited performer, as were all regulars underwent heart bypass opera­ Captain Bob Alvord. ciation) to allow its member back into history for facts and placing second in the 400 meters The clerics said he endorsed a recite. the teachers of the year from the SO affoSfi Sj,""""* during that era — 40 years ago. tions in 1974 and 1976. schools to compete.” he added. figures which fill the interesting and fourth in the long jump. Fish change in the amendment, which is states to the White House to Turning from prayer to the It was no surprise that. Alvord, Alvord noted in a recent letter, “ I’ve broached the idea several book...Two outstanding high was among the entries in the scheduled for consideration by a budget, Reagan was set to get continue his push for “ excellence 647-9997 ” " Suggests change following graduation from Spring- which was prompted when he times to the Relays’ officials. school soccer players have signi­ 10-kilometer road race. She com­ Senate Judiciary subcommittee some visible support today for his in education.” Thursday. field College, went Into the coach­ learned of my coming retirement, George Suitor, who has been “ The current dates, the last fied their intentions of enrolling at peted for the Silk City Striders of threat to veto what he calls 647-9998 ing field. Kelley told me a number The original amendment reads: 445 HARTFORD RD, MANCHESTER that he has kept in touch with Ron involved with all eight New Eng­ weekend in June, I feel, are not the Manchester Community College in Manchester. Arrangements were “ budget busting’’ appropriations of times that Alvord was always "Nothing in the Constitution shall Carlson and Degutis over the land Relays’ presentations the best time to attract the athlete. September, Colin Doran and Kyle made by Connecticut Travel Servi­ bills. House GOP leader Bob Mormons comprise 72 percent of thinking ahead like a coach. be construed to prohibit individual Michel, accompanied by Republi­ Utah’s population. MON., THURS. TILL 9-FRI. TILL 8-TUES., WED., SAT. 5:(X) years. Both the latter also went past eight years in Manchester, Most college runners have com­ Ayer. The former starred at East ces’ branch office in Manchester. JO - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday, July 13, 1983 MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday, July 13. 1983 - 11 Sports Yawkey loaned Sullivan $1 million Was this Ted*s greatest feat? In Brief By Peter May Sullivan the $1 million he needed to meet the 00 wnat he did. LeRoux was retaliating for Mrs. UPl Sports Writer objections of American League owners in 1978. Yawkey’s stalling of a proposed cable television Sullivan has returned all interest and two thirds of the venture. BOSTON — There’s division in the Boston Red Sox principal. It also was revealed she will pass on her St. Clair concentrated on freeze out. He wondered Frank Howard recalls the time ex-slugger Williams put on a truly amazing show Junior Legion bianked front office, the parties admit to that. But one limited share in the team to Harrington on her death. why David Mugar proceeded with a deal with LeRoux principal is making sure it isn’t getting deeper by the Harrington’s testimony during the second day of the two weeks after Harrington told him he (Mugar) Allen, Russell & Allen pitcher Pete Kokinis day. trial occurred as the defense began its case of freeze By Milton Richman wouldn’t be accepted as an owner. After teing UPI Sports Editor struck out eight and allowed only two hits in ’Team consultant John Harrington remained out. Attorneys Jam es St. Clair and Bernard Dwork satisfied Mugar was not deaf, St. Clair hinted blanking Manchester Junior Legion, 8-0, atEagie resolute Tuesday in his next-to-last day on the witness cited examples of what they said resembled efforts by something villainous occurred in the two-week period. "Can you just picture Williams up there at the piate with Field Tuesday night. stand in the Superior Court trial to resolve the front Harrington and Suliivan to force LeRoux out of the St. Clair also asked why Harrington and Sullivan NEW YORK — When you’re as big and the bat in his hands? That's iike 18,000 iight years ahead Larry Stanford and Chris Mateya managed office feud. He was baited on many occasions to ownership picture. were concerned over LeRoux’s proposed purchase of intimidating as Frank Howard, you don’t Manchester’s only two hits, both singles. Mick profess his contempt for general partner Edward All Harrington would say was that he was not upset the Cleveland Indians. LeRoux told them the deal was have to hurry. Nobody in his right mind is of us mere mortais.” Garbeck pitched three innings of strong relief for “Buddy” LeRoux. with LeRoux, didn’t want LeRoux to leave in any other not firm nor was it in writing. Yet Harrington and going to push to get in front of you, so you the losers, allowing only one hit and striking out And while the evidence looked appetizing, Harring­ manner than in the legal sale of his shares, and was Sullivan wrote American League President Lee have that little luxury of taking all the time five. ton never bit. not trying to force LeRoux’s exit in an underhanded MacPhail and said the offer was firm and thatLeRoux you need whenever or wherever you want it. Legion, 1-7 in the league and 6-9 overall, travels Harrington was to step down today after some brief fashion. should be divested of his interest in the Red Sox while That was what the Mets’ manager was he says to Pete Runnels, get on, I m gonna "Here he comes out of the dugout.” to Simsbury for its next game on Thursday night questioning. The next witness was scheduled to be Dwork zeroed in on the contempt factor. He noted trying to buy the Indians. doing now in his Shea Stadium office, taking hit one out.’ And he did. He won the ball Howard recalled the spectacle, his eyes Mrs. Jean Yawkey, which promises to be interesting LeRoux stalled approval of Harrington’s inheriting It was later pointed out Harrington did not raise any his good old time, searching for exactly the game for us.” lighting up. "He’s .53 years old. hasn't because she doesn’t speak to reporters — or to Jean Yawkey’s limited partner share, valued at concerns when Jack Satter, a part owner of the precise word todescribe a man heobviously Howard played for Williams four years. played in more than 10 years and he East teams to be honored LeRoux. $500,000 in 1978. Dwork cited Harrington’s deposition Yankees, talked about buying LeRoux’s share. admired as much as any other in baseball. That was when Williams was managing the probably hasn’t picked up a bat in at least a It was to be the first time Yawkey has been publiciy in which Mrs. Yawkey’s confidant said he might have “E lectric!” he finally hit on the word he Washington Senators and . East Catholic High will hold a dinner honoring “The Yankees are in the American League, are they month. Maybe even longer than that. But accountable for her position and actions, but she referred to LeRoux as a blackmailer. wanted. “That’s how I ’d .describe Ted ”I thought he was a very good manager,” the girls’ cross country, boys’ cross country and not?” asked Dwork. you can see him getting wired in for this. He already has stirred interest in the trial. Harrington said he didn’t recall using the word but Williams. Anytime he’s around, sparks Howard said. "He managed for the kind of baseball squads — all teams that gained state “Unfortunately yes, and for too many years,” doesn’t even wait for them to announce his It was revealed Tuesday she loaned Haywood added he might have felt it was unfair for LeRoux to fly.” personnel he had and that’s all any championships — on July 19 at Marco Polo in East interjected Judge James Lynch. name. He walks up tohomeplateand all the Someone else in the office had brought up manager can do. Everybody knows how people go bananas" Hartford. Tickets are available to the public and Williams’ name, calling attention to the fact may be picked up at East Catholic’s main office much of an authority Williams is on hitting. A.L. roundup the former Red Sox slugger and Hall of What a lot of people don’t know is how great anytime this week between the hours of 9 a.m. and HOWARD WAS growing excited now. He Fam er had been quoted as advising Steve an authority he was bn pitching, outfield got out of his chair to go on with the story. 1 p.m. or by contacting Malin at the school, Carlton to begin enjoyinglife a little more in 649-5336. play and general strategy. ’’Can you just picture Williams up there his last playing years. at the plate with the bat in his hands?” Williams suggested the Phillies’ 4-time “THEY ONLY talk about his hitting, but asked the Mets' manager. "That's like Challenge 12 wins easily Seattle rookie Owens spikes Red Sox Cy Young Award winner should end his who ever played that left field wall in 18,000 light years ahead of us mere mortals. silent treatment with the media. That Fenway Park any better than Williams? Anyway, he’s up there now and he motions NEWPORT, R.I. — Australia’s Challenge 12 struck some as humorous since Williams Carl Yastrzemski might be the only one and determined to conquer the ”Mt. Everest of the pitcher with his hand like this, you know BOSTON (UPI) - Seat­ had plenty of his own run-ins with The that wall has been there a long time. Plus — go ahead and gimme your best stuff. yachting,” left Advance lagging far behind Orioles 3, A’s I Knights of the Keyboard, as he caustically tle Mariners rookie short­ At Baltimore, rookie when you discuss Ted Williams, you’re "The first pitch he hits a flare over the Tuesday in the America’s Cup challengers’ called the press, during the time he played. talking about a man who is one of the most elimination trials. stop Spike Owen only Allen Ramirez and Tim second baseman’s head. The next pitch he makes it look as if he electric and charismatic personalities in pulls a line drive by the bag at first base. I In other competition, Canada I, which suffered Stoddard combined on a "ALL OF US WOULD like to say we are thinks the American six-hitter and Eddie Mur­ the entire history of baseball. There isn't .said to myself there weren't five active from sail problems earlier in (he week, our own men, but the truth is all of us make any doubt about that in my mind. continually led France III, from a five-second League is easier than ray cracked a two- run players around who could hit the ball any Tripie A baseball. concessions,” said the 6-foot-7, 47-year-old ”l ’ve seen world championship fights. harder than he did past first. edge at the start to 1:48 around the fourth mark. homer to lift the Orioles to Howard. “ In my heart, though, I believe Owen, in his I3th major their third straight tri­ Super Bowl games, NBA c'hampionships “On the third pitch, he hit a ball to the France III trailed by 2:17 at the finish. Ted Williams is the one man I know who is and World Series,” Howard continued. ”I Great Britain’s Victory ‘83 kept increasing her league game since being umph. Ramirez, 2-0, out- warning track. Then he sent the fourth one recalled From Salt Lake his own man.” even was fortunate enough to play in a into the Boston bullpen. He had one more margin over Italy’s Azzurra, from two seconds at dueled rookie left-hander Listening to Howard, Bill Monbouquette City, scored one run and Gorman Heimueller, who World Series, but the greatest single pitch coming and you know what he did with the start to 4:38 at the end. • nodded in agreement with Howard as to his exhibition I ever witnes.sed by any man in The victory kept Challenge 12 in second place knocked in another Tues­ scattered four hits in his it? Put it 30 feet deep into the right field day night to iead the assessment of Williams. sports was the one put on by Ted Williams in bleachers. Then he simply tossed the bat up with nine points overall. Victory 83 follows with major league debut until “ I ain’t seen the likes of him yet, ” said the Mariners to a 3-2 win over Murray’s 15th homer in 1971at Fenway Park.” in 'the air and walked off the field" 8.6. Australia II, with the day off, leads with 10.2 Mets’ pitching coach. “I played with him Howard was referring to one of those points. the Boston Red Sox at the eighth inning. » Howard shook his head. Fenway Park. three years and I remember a game I benefits the Red Sox annually hold for the "In my mind. " he said, "if Ted Williams pitched against Baltimore. He dropped two Jimmy Fund. The club was staginga hitting ”I haven’t been that Brewers 9, Rangers 2 UPt photo had taken batting practice that night — good a hitter in the mi­ balls and I lost the game, 2-1. He said tome, exhibition and brought together several of which I know he didn't becau.se I was there At Arlington, Texas, ’I ’m sorry, kid.’ I wasn’t worried about it. DePaul player to stay nors,” said Owen, whose rookie Chuck Porter its former stars like Dom DiMaggio, Walt — you could've called off the bull game and Not with all the games he helped win for me. fifth -inning infield out hurled a seven- hitter to Mets’ coach Howard gives the signals during a game this week. Dropo, Johnny Pesky and Frank Malzoneto the people would've still had their money's CHICAGO — The official word Tuesday from But it bothered him. Next time, I ’m pitching stood up as his first record his first major- Williams (inset, shown in Washington cap) wasoneof Howard’s participate. Williams was on hand, manag­ worth. Everything considered, it was still DePaul University was basketball center Walter against Cleveland and Gary Bell struck out Downing “is still a Blue Demon.” game-winning RBI. “But league victory and Cecil heroes — and not just for his hitting. ing the Senators, so he was prevailed upon the greatest exhibition in sports I've ever Ted three times. Near the end of the game. to take five swings also. But officials concede, Downing, a 6-foot-lO right now the ball is Cooper drove in three seen by one man." junior, is considering transferring from the North falling in for me. runs with a double and a Side university to Marquette University in “A lot of people say it UPI photo single to highlight an Milwaukee. might be easier to hit up 18-hit attack and lead ”He’s been thinking about it for awhile, but he’s here because the t Milwaukee. are around the plate and Boston rightfielder Dwight Evans beats the tag at second as Spike Owens waits. Key to British Open: avoid rough still a Blue Demon,” one school official said. Injuries still the lights are better. Blue Jays 9, Royals 6 That’s ti^e, but they also At Kansas City, Mo., By Mark Burton pinch hitter Willie Up­ Driver still ‘critical’ have a lot more stuff on Rice’s double to center. “Before we had a pride going to blame any sore­ Yankees 4, Twins 3 threat to end UPI Sports Writer the ball.” With one out in the top of in our manager, Rene ness or anything.” shaw hit a ground ball At Minneapolis, Jerry through a drawn-in in­ ST. PAUL, Minn. — Race driver Kathy Rude of Seattle took a 1-0 lead in the fifth, Jam ie Allen Lachemann,” said Cau­ Mumphrey drilled a two- BIRKDALE, England, — All a golfer has to do to Seattle was in stable but critical condition the first when Owen led off singled and took third on dill. “But right now we’re He was more at a loss to field, allowing two runs to win the 112th British Open Golf Championship, which run single with two out in score and sparking To­ Tuesday with numerous broken bones and other with a single and went to Orlando Mercado’s dou­ starting to think of our­ explain the club’s prob­ the eighth inning to cap a Lacroix’ career starts Thursday, is to hit the ball straight and putt injuries from Sunday’s fiery 130-mph crash at second on a balk by ble. John Moses followed selves not as an expansion lems at Fenway Park, ronto. The Royals had tied well. three-run outburst and it 6-6 with four runs in the HARTFORD (UPI) - The Hartford Whalers Brainerd International Raceway. Boston starter Mike with a single to right, team, but as a team. It’s a where they are now 19-24, rally the Yankees. George To put it another way, straying off the rough-lined The 26-year-old driver underwent surgery on a Brown, 5-5. Owen scored scoring Allen and moving start.” but jokingly suggested a seventh, three coming on Tuesday again raided the troubled St. Louis Blues fairways spells disaster at the par-716,968-yard Royal Frazier, 3-1, relieved Matt a George Brett homer. organization, signing trainer Tom Woodcock who broken leg Monday night. on Rick Nelson’s single. Mercado to third. Mer­ Boston’s Brown, who change of scenery might Keough — who had a no­ Birkdale links course, which has undergone a few A spokesman at St. Paul-Ramsey Medical The Red Sox reached cado scored on Owen’s be the answer. had been with the National Hockey League had missed two consecu­ hitter through six innings Tigers 5, Angels 4 changes since Johnny Miller won the last Open here Center said Rude was in “critical condition, but Seattle starter Bryan infield out. tive starts because of franchise since it was formed in 1967. seven years ago. “I have no reason why. I — in the seventh and got At Detroit, Wayne Meanwhile, the Whalers said injuries suffered her vital signs are stable.” She was reported to be Clark, 4-2, for a pair of Seattle reliever Bill physical problems, re­ don’t think anyone does,” the victory. After his only pre-toumament practice round, Lee ’’responding — she is not talking, but she is not in runs in the third when Caudill hurled the final 1 Krenchicki slammed a by defenseman Pierre Lacroix in a traffic fused to bldme the loss on said Brown. “It’s just White Sox 8, Indians 0 two-out (jouble against the Trevino, the 1971 champion,suggested the alterations a coma.” with one out, Jerry Remy 2-3 innings to pick up his the injuries. accident earlier this month still threaten the made little difference. 'That might have been because something that’s eating Chicago left-hander wall in right-center field career of the NHL veteran. singled and went to se­ 16th save. “It felt good tonight,” away at all of us and it has Floyd Bannister pitched he came straight from a 3-shot victory at the Canadian cond on a wild pitch. Caudill senses a change to score Chet Lemon in the The hiring of Woodcock, a native of Providence, said Brown. “I lost the to change. If not, maybe, his first shutout in a year bottom of the 14th inning Open in fine form, untroubled by his perennial back No decision for Kareem Remy took third on Wade for the better in the young R.I., follows the naming last week of Jack “Tex” problem, and played an encouraging round. game and it. was me who they ought to schedule all Tuesday night to pace the and propel the Tigers. Boggs’ single and both team since Del Crandall lost it. I made bad pitches Evans as Whalers head coach after a successful “The rough was very rough and the fairways LOS ANGELES — Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is our games away from White Sox to an 8-0 rout of Reliever Howard Bailey, runners scored on Jim took over as manager. at bad times. I ’m hot five-year stint with the Blues’ Central Hockey narrow,” he said, thinking back 12 years to his still weeks away from a decision on where he will Fenway Park next year.” the Cleveland Indians. 4-2, gained the victory. League affiliate in Salt Lake City. play next season, his agent said Tuesday. triumph here. “The only thing is that all the girls I Woodcock, Evans and Claude Larose, the knew then have got grey hair now.” The six-tihie NBA Most Valuable Player, who N.L. roundup Whalers’ new assistant coach who had been played out his option with the Los Angeles Lakers, When Trevino is his old self on the course, the jokes, scouting for St. Louis in Canada, were all brought perhaps a little old themselves, come rolling out. met for one hour Monday with representatives of to Hartford by Emile Francis, himself hired away the Chicago Bulls. Several players have criticized the rough that from the Blues in May to become general crowds the narrow fairways and persuades most to Tom Collins, Abdul-Jabbar’s agent,, said no manager of the Whalers. decision is imminent. leave the driver in the bag and take an iron off the tees. ROYAL BIRKDALE Hubbard’s wild throw ruins Braves “He (Woodcock) is one of the most experienced The 43-year-old Trevino agreed only insofar as the and qualified trainers in all of professional rough was not graded, and a slight error was ENGLAND sports,” Francis said. By United PrA«« Press Intttrnntlnn/il International nhntnoranVioro^photographers’ Kboxa v as the two runs crossed______i the____ plate.______• . penalized as much as a wild drive. The penalty for ClubiMuse N.Y. names sports czar homer in the sixth inning, his third home run in two Woodcock never missed one of the 1,500 home straying off line was greatest at the 15th, where the 112th BRmSH OPEN " “It looked as if it was going to be a tough play,” said days, to break a 1-1 tie and send the Dodgers to and away games while he was trainer of the ALBANY, N.Y. — Assemblyman John Branca, If errors could be equated to earthquakes, Glenn Virgil, who scored the winning run. ‘ ‘I rounded the bag thick, thriving undergrowth offered Trevino the victoi^^. The hot-hitting Baker also drove in the Blues. . A graduate of Hope High School in chance to pitch in another of his tried and teked gags. yards, has a right- hand elbow, but offers a birdie claim a par 4. D-_Mount Vernon, was nominated and confirmed Hubbard’s miscue in the ninth inning Tuesday night in hard and when I s&w (first baseman Chris) Chambliss Dodgers first run in the fourth with a single. Providence, he was a member of the Brown “I laid my bag down to look for a ball, found txhe chance after a well-placed iron off the tee. The 410-yard ninth should be played down the right, Tuesday as chairman of the State Athletic Philadelphia would have registered a 10 on the lunge for the ball, I kept going. I ’m glad he threw it University training staff from 1960 to 1967. Commission at an annual salary of $49,500. Richter scale. away.” Reds 6, Mets 2 ball, but lost the bag, ’ ’ he quipped, bringing light relief By the time a golfer reaches the sixth tee, he should with an accurate approach. Any error would leave par At New York, Frank Pastore pitched a six-hitter He is the author of “ Hockey From the Ice Up,” on a sweltering hot day. know how well he is playing on the day. Once he has hit 4 to complete an outward par 34 very difficult to Gov. Mario Cuomo announced the nomination, When Hubbard, the Atlanta Braves’ second Gross, who executed a masterful takeout slide at a manual of training and conditioning and the Senate confirmed it hours later before baseman, fired a relay throw wildly past first with the over eight innings and Dan Driessen knocked in four Trevino said the quality in depth of professional his drive at the sixth, he will know how accurately he retrieve. second to put pressure on Hubbard, added, “When the procedures. recessing for the summer. He replaces John bases loaded and two out, the surface damage was runs to carry Cincinnati. Pastore, 3-8, struck out six golfers was such that one of them would be bound to is playing. Under increasing pressure from the predicted ball was hit, Ramirez sort of hestitated a half-second. wallfed two and gave up a run on an eighth-inning Woodcock replaces Eddie Tyburski as trainer blow hot this week and “eat the course alive.” He ’There is a dogleg to the right, and now a small gap intense heat and the need to drive accurately, players Prenderville, who has said his current position as that two runs scored and the Phillies posted a 7-6 He looked like he wanted to take it himself. That gave victory. pinch homer by Danny Heep. Driessen singled home of the Whalers. Skip Cunningham, an original didn’t rule out the possibility of it being him. for the ambitious, accurate driver to aim at. Most will will turn for the longer par 37 back nine. deputy commissioner of Parks and Recreation me one more step. I know Larry can run, and I wanted Whaler from the 1972-73 season, will continue as requires his full-time attention. the Reds first run in the fourth and slammed a He left the course intending to rest Wednesday- ”I opt for safety off the tee. Jack Nicklaus among them. The 384-yard 10th offers a selection of willow scrub The aftershocks then followed. The win completed a to get there fast enough to give him a chance.” equipment manager, the team said. . Branca is the brother of former Brooklyn sweep of the Braves in a twi-night double-header, as three-run homer in the sixlh might go to the beach and get a tan”- before launching Seven years ago, the Golden Bear’s last-round and sandhill hazards to protect its par 4. while an The Whalers also announced that Lacroix was challenge ended in a six at the hole, which is widely Dodger Ralph Branca. Philadelphia had won the first game 4-1. Since In ..other games, Houston beat Montreai 7-5, Los Padres 5, Cubs 3 his challenge at the $465,000 tournament Thursday. accurate approach should secure par 4 at the411-yard released Sunday from Laval University Hospital regarded as the most difficult on the course. 11th. Montreal lost, it meant the Phillies took over first Angeles defeated St. Louis 3-1, Cincinnati topped the At San Diego, Sixto Lezeano, who singled for the Trevino will be faced by the 45-yard first, a par 4 New York Mets 6-2, San Diego downed the Chicago in Laval, Quebec, where he had been admitted that provides a tough start, and probably will set the Correct judgment of the wind offers a birdie chance The 12th can be a fine friend or a fierce foe. tee place in the Eastern Division for the first time since 1,000th hit of his career in the second inning, lined a July 1 for treatment of chest injuries suffered in May 23. And when the Dodgers won later on, it sliced Cubs 5-3, and Pittsburgh upended San Francisco 6-2. tone of the round for many players. from an elevated tee at the par-3 150- yard seventh, shot that is too strong leads to real trouble beyond the More arrests expected three-run homer just inside the left-field foul pole in an auto accident in Quebec. while the eighth offers a chance for long driving to 184-yard flag. the Braves’ lead in the West to a half-game. Astros 7, Expos 5 the sixth as the Padres scored five times. Eric Show. The second, a 423-yard par 4, offers the first BATON ROUGE, La. With an accused The club said it will be several months before it opportunity for a birdie, but there is willow scrub With one out in the ninth, Mike Schmidt walked. Von At Houston, the Astros erupted for four runs in the 9-5, went the distance in earning the victory. can be determined if the Quebec native will be printer in jail, federal agents said they expected Hayes singled to center, and Ozzie Virgil laced an RBI behind the green waiting for the overhit approach. fifth inning and reliever Dave Smith pitched four Pirates 6, Giants 2 able to resume his hockey career. no more arrests this week in spin-off investiga­ single to right to bring Philadelphia within 6-5. Loser The third and fourth probably will play to their innings of shutout relief. Phil Garner, Jose Cruz, Ray At San Francisco, Jason Thompson had three RBI Lacroix came to the Whalers last season by way tions from a massive counterfeiting probe that Steve Bedrosian intentionally walked Greg Gross to Knight and rookie catcher George Bjorkman stroked respective 4- and 3-stroke pars, while the fifth, 343 already has nabbed 1959 Heisman Trophy winner load the bases. and Tony Pena drove in two, while Lee Tunnell and of a trade with the Quebec Nordiques. The slick run-scoring singles as the Astros rallied from a 5-3 defenseman was noted for his skill at handling the MANY MORE Billy Cannon and a Florida oil magnate. Larry Milbourne then hit a grounder to shortstop Cecilio Guante combined on a seven-hitter, leading N deficit in the fifth. puck. John Stiglets, a Baton Rouge resident working Rafael Ramirez, who threw to Hubbard for the force, Pittsburgh. Thompson got two of his RBI with a Dodgers 3, Cardinals I sixth-inning double and Pena singled him home to cap in Glenrose, Texas, as an electrician for Brown but Hubbard’s relay went wide of first and into a At Los Angeles, Dusty Baker smashed a two-run ^ IN STORE and Root, turned himself in to federal agents a three-run rally that snapped a 1-1 tie. Tuesday and was ordered held on $2.5 million bond for allegedly printing $6 million in CALDWEll MODERN AUTO Manrheswr Parkade SPECIALS! high-quality counterfeit $100 bills. V AUTO REPAIRS OIL RADIATOR 408 W. Middle Tnpke A complaint filed with federal court said mlniit« WE SERVICE ALL BELLOWS VODKA Save southeastern U.S. driv«-in and Homs 0l Mr Goodwrsnch' GENERAL MOTOR 1.751 80 Proof $9 39 $6.99 $2.40 drivaaway aolutlonl ■ythaCoia $56.34 $41.94 $14,40 BROOKLINE, Mass. (UPI) — The top eight seeds, Another seeded player, 16th-ranked Rameah champion at the and Wimbledon, in the CARS AND TRUCKS headed by Guillermo Vilas and Jose-Luis Clerc, get FOR: Rams sign Dickerson ^Krishnan of India, was eliminated in a 6-4, 1-6, 6-3 second round. i Reg. NOW Save into the act today in the $200,000 U.S. Pro tennis afteniMn loss to freshman . U h tu U tK iNk$, A U RIECHANICAL REPAIRS •Mi GILBEYS GIN $12.99 $ 1 0 .2 7 ANAHEIM, Calif. — The dickering is over for championships. ' Earlier, Bolivian Mario Martinez fought off a cold COMPLETE COLLISION REPAIRS j ! 1.75 80 Proof $2.72 Eric Dickerson. Vilas, the defending champion, and Clerc, who won and a challenge to his 12th-seeded status with a 6-0,4-6, Cota $77.94 $ 6 1 .6 2 $16.32 The Los Angeles Rams Tuesday announced this Longwood Cricket Club event in 1981, and the 6-4, first-round victory over Robbie Venter. r ‘ i»RERUILT AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS 1 Reg. NOW iave they had signed Dickerson, an All-America other top seeds were given first-round byes. Vilas Also advancing in afternoon action was llth-seeded AUTO PAINTING BACARDI RUM extended his brief vacation by pulling out of a Mli-frent riiaiiii, $14.39 $ 1 1 . 3 9 $3.00 running back from Southern Methodist who was Dominique Bedel of Morocco, who eliminated Spain’s daaihif aN flnkhs • CHARGE WITH MASTER CHARGE 1.75 80 Proof It. or Oh. the team’s first-round draft choice. scheduled doubles match Tuesday. Alberto Tons, 6-3, 6-4. Coia $86.34 $ 6 8 . 3 4 $18.00 Most of the low seeds survived their first round tests We have found that 24 HOUR WRECKER SERVICE No financial terms of the four-year contract In an evening match, Scott Davis of Santa Monica, i ■ Reg. NOW Save were announced. though veteran Harold Solomon did knock off Calif., defeated Vince Van Patten of Snowmass, Colo., most of our customers IT AYLOR CALIFORNIA $ 3 . 9 9 ISth-seeded Frenchman Thierry Tulasne in what 6-3, 6-4. problems can be solved r i i a n c i f p u is Kaan c o u p o n $5.99 $2.00 graded out as a minor upset. Solomon, who has made $11,000 in prize money this within this time frame. CELLARS L i g h t s $ 3 .0 0 $35.94 $ 2 3 . 9 4 $12.00 Solomon ran off six straight games, ioss three The problem part is Matuszak un-retires year, has a good chance to improve his bank account. Reg. NOW $ave straight, then railied to win the last three for a 6-0,6-4 Seventh-seeded Hans Gildemeister is the only ranked removed, promptly IMRTER f f i v n o v e o CANADIAN CLUB $12.25 LOS ANGELES — Defensive lineman John victory that ruined Tulasne’s 20th birthday- opponent in bis bracket and he cou Id not run into Clerc .repaired on our Otar 8A.8 Proof $ 9 .6 9 $2.56 Matuszak, who announced his retirement last celebration. before the quarter-finals this weekend. [premises and rein­ Cofo ~ $147.00 1 1 6 .2 8 $30.72 May, will be at the Los Angeles Raiders’ training The 30-year-old Solomon said he planned to continue Clerc takes on Bruce Fox worth of Los Angeles today stalled. camp next week, it was reported Tuesday. his comeback. pO p^iiy plw , and Reg. NOW Save while Vilas takes on Italian Francesco Cancellotti 8tn$ogth (eatored Replacements are The Orange, County Register quoted Matus- “I have a goal to get back where I was. I still like to tonight. 3.59 $ 2 .5 9 $1.00 •Fraction, of ttio post of available from our dis­ Caio zak’s mother, Audrey, as saying, “John has been play this game and I still make an awful lot of money." raplaoamant tributor size inventory. 1229 MAIN S T. $43.08 $ 3 1 . 0 8 $12.00 talking to (managing general partner) A1 Davis said Solomon. “I don’t know of any other job that Edberg may meet Wilander •Fully Quarantaad Relax in our waiting AUTO REPAIR and (head coach) Tom Flores all summer and would pay me this much money.” OoHyoiv * room, while our' MANCHESTER W!. CLUB COCKTAILS Reg. NOW Save he’s going to give it one more try. lira ML Cant or Bottloi Solomon simply outlasted the young Frenchman in -BASTAD, Sweden (UPI) — Stefan Edberg of ' NOVUS MtTHODman- knowledgeable special­ CM 4 TONK or VODKA 4 TONIC $1.25 .9 6 29« “His back is better and he looks great.” TEL. 646-6464 a series of lengthy rallies played almost exclusively Sweden defeated Austrian Bernhard Pils, 6-4, 6-4, «$a-99M ists get you moving Matuszak missed the entire 1982 season with a from behind the baseline. Tuesday in an opening round match of a $75,000 Grand Bolivian Mario Martinez kept his eye on jagain. FIVE CONVENIENT LOCATIONS NEAR YOU herniated disk and, in announcing his retirement, “He’s not a volleyer,” said Solomon of Tulasne’s Prix tennis tournament to set up the possibility of a IN Wa he said he would devote all his time'to acting. refusal to approach the net. “’He tends to stay back showdown with countryman . the hall often enough to defeat Robbie w.CT 849-8682 oNew London 330 Route #1 Shopping Center oWeat Hartfora i4Ul New Britain Ave. MB na BWBifcB — : oWest Hartford 326 No. Main St. oBloomlleld 55 WIntonbury Mall and that’s my game. I beat him in foursets in the Open If the 18-year-old Wilander defeats Joakim Nystrom Venter, though he had to go the full tfMMDOMAT I I MOKMiiMTNINMS last year and he was ahead in most of the sets.” Wednesday, the world No. 6 will face Edberg, junior three sets — and had to battle a cold. voua J i S7S Main at, Itaneh, CT ODUBAL MOTORS nuns DIVISION' oMancheater 408 W. Middle Tpke. Mancheater parKaae U — MANCHESTEB HERALD. Wednesday. July 13, 1983 S coreboard MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday. July 13. 1983 - 13 Food Modern Janitorial outslugged Wolff FOCUS/ Zockln, 22-15, os Jose Morelewicz and Ken Aberlel led the winners with two First Gome hits each. Mike Forten hod three hits ATLANTA PHILADELPHIA for Wolff Zockln while tour' other abrhbl obrhM TONIOHT-5 GAMES plovers hod one hit each. Butler It 4 0 10 Dernier rf 4 0 10 Talaphona vt. Oordan, i -K M n iy Ram in ss 4 0 0 0 Motthws If 4 1 3 1 _JC Blua VI. North UnitMl, *— Wshngtn rf 4 0 0 0 Holland p 0 0 0 0 Rebartion Alumni Junior Murphy cf 3 0 1 0 Schmidt 3b 3 1 0 0 J.C. Pannav vi. Rann's, i - Chartar Horner 3b 4 1 2 0 Perez 1b 3 00 0 Oak The Braves nipped the Giants, 3-1, behind the strong pitching of Nell ChmUs 1b 3 0 1 0 Rose 1b 10 0 0 TlarnaVt vt. Army A Navy, a— Hubbrd 2b 4 0 0 0 Diaz c 4)31 Flligarald Archombolt. Mike Charter and Paul Lontlerl led the winners at the plate Pocorob c 3 0 0 1 Maddox cf 4 0 3 2 *'*!;»* w*. E lki, a— Poganl while Tom Conklin, Jim Mongonoand Harper ph 1 0 0 0 C rcia 2b 4 00 0 H*JCC Vaft VI. MMHCU-Main, a— John Sombocono ployed well for the Doyley p 2 0 0 0 DeJesus ss 2 1 1 0 Giants. Jorgnsn ph 1 0 0 0 D< "ny p 2 0 0 0 Moore p 000 ~ JSSifOOOO Nika*”'""**" ''*■ “ ■*' otals 33 1 5 I .ols 11 4 11 4 Andarton vi. Main, 7:30— Robarlion Itlonta 000840 185— 1 Buffalo vi. Work Apporal, 7:30— Phllodalphla 110080 88m— 4 Fltigaarld Baseball standings Gom^wlnnlng RBI — Diaz (4). E—Denny. DP—Atlanta 1. AMERICAN LEAGUE LOB— Girls Senior East Atlanta 7, Philadelphia 6.2B—Matthews, The Orioles scored 10 runs In the third . W L Pet. GB Dernier, Maddox, Chambliss. 3B Inning to blow by the Eagles, ia-7, of Toronto 48 33 .593 — Charter Oak No. 2 Wednesday night. Boltimore 45 36 .556 3 Maddox. S—Denny. Angle Reyna hod three singles and Detroit 45 36 .556 3 IP H RERBBSO Joanna Robinson contributed a triple New York 44 37 .543 4 Atlanta L, K> < Cf V’.- obd.two doubles to the Orioles' offense Milwaukee 41 39 .513 4V» Dayley (L 21) 6 9 4 4 2 4 while Toinmy Snellenberger and Jill Boston 41 41 .500 7W Moore 2 2 0 0 0 1 Lukos each had a sinole and a double Clevelond 35 48 .422 14 Phllodalphla for the Eaoles. Wm I Denny (W 7-5) 7 3 1112 Texos 45 38 .542 — Holland (S 8) 2 2 0 0 0 4 Californio 44 39 .530 1 H BP—by Denny I Murphy). T—2:18. West Side Chicago 43 39 .524 1'/i Konsos City 38 40 .487 4W Peter Belllyeou tossed o four-hitter Oakland 38 47 .447 8 and John. Bremser added a single, a Minnesota 36 50 .419 lOVi Phillies 7, Bravea 6 (2nd) do^uble and a triple to lift Belllyeou Seattle 33 53 .384 13W ^ I n t to Its first win of the season, a 6-1 decision over Ward Manufacturing at Tuesday's Results Second Game Seattle 3, Boston 2 / i Paoonl. Charles Brame added a double Baltimore 3, Oakland 1 ATLANTA PHILADELPHIA two Jingles for Belllveau while Chicago 8, Cleveland 0 ObrhM obrbM John Caldwell had two hits for Ward New York 4, Minnesota 3 Butler It 5 110 Dernier cf 4 0 0 1 Milwaukee 9, Texas 2 Royster ss 3 0 0 0 Maddox cf 1 0 0 0 Independent Toronto 9, Kansas City 6 Bedrosin p 1 0 0 0 Rosa 1b 5 12 1 Detroit 5, California 4,14 Innings Wshngtn rf 4 2 2 1 Schmidt 3b3 1 0 0 Hungry Tiger held off Glenn Con- Murphy cf 4 1 2 1 Haves r f 4 2 3 0 Horner 3b 3 0 0 0 VIrotl c 5 1 2 2 •Ji’vctlon, 0-7, at Robertson Park as Wadnesday's Gomes Paul Frenette knocked a single and a (All Timas EDT) Chmbis 1b 4 2 2 1 GGross If 4 0 11 home run to lead the w inner's offense. , Seattle (Beattie -2) at Boston (Eckers- Hubbrd 2b 4 0 1 1 G ordo 2b 2 1 2 0 Camposeo lev 56), 7:35 p.m. . ^ e d l d c 4 0 1 0 Mllbom 2b 3 0 1 1 rantrlbuted three hits each for Hungry Ookland (Conroy 21) at Baltimore Walk p 10 0 1 DeJesus ss 2 1 1 0 Tiger while Mike MIstretta led Glenn Moore p 0 0 0 0 KGross p 2 0 0 0 m " m (Davis 6-4), 7:35 p.m. Jorgnsn ph 1 0 0 0 Reed p 0 0 0 0 with three safeties. California (Klson8-2) at Detroit (Petrv Daye Romano had fourhitsand Dave 76), 7:35 p.m. NIekro p 0 0 0 0 Lefebvr ph 1 0 0 0 Bldwell had two homers and S RBI to Cleveland (Blyleven 58) at Chicago Ramlnss 2 0 10 Herrtndzp 0 0 0 0 smd Lothrop Insurance to a 13-6 (Hoyt 29), 8:30 p.m. Totals 16 6 10 5 Totals 16 7 11 6 v . i - . v / ' A t^rlumph over the Zemborowskl All- Milwaukee (McClure (57) at Texas Tw oout whan winning run scarad Stors at Fitzgerald Field. Al Rodonis (Darwin 7-7), 8:35 p.m. ■■ 115511515-6 h ^ three hits for the winners while the New York (Guidry 10-4) at Minnesota PMIOdMpMa M5H5001— 7 All-Stars were led by Jerry Eulavcius' (Schrom 7-3), 8:35 p.m. Gome-Winning RBI— none. single and triple. Toronto (Cloncv 55) at Kansas City E—DeJesus, Rose, Virgil, Hubbard. DP l'*°™n lad a balanced attack (Gura 7-10), 8:35 p.m. —Philadelphia 2 LOB—Atlanta 5, Phllg- with three hits to lead Main Pub to a 7-2 delphla 10. 2B—Hubbard, Hayes, Wa­ win over Cherrine's Package Store ot ThurMtoy's Gamas shington. HR—Woshington (4), Chamb­ Fitzgerald. Four other Main players Toronto at Chicago, night liss had two hits each whi le Cher rine's was Minnesota at Milwaukee, night (12). SB—Haves 2 (14), Butler (24), lad by Joe Ruggrove's two hits. Kansas City at Cleveland, night ItaJesus (7), Mllbourne (2), Murphy (16), California f Baltimre, night Washington (19). S—KGross .V a C Oakland at Boson, night N i ' . .. ■ IP H R ERBBSO r Charter Oak Texas at New York, night Atlanta S' I k Walk 3 26 7 3 3 2 4 V blasted 18 hits and Moore 16 0 0 0 0 0 held C.B.T. scoreless until the final NIekro 231122 Innnlng In oosHng a 10-4 win. Leo NATIONAL LEAGUE East Bedrosn (L 56)2 26 2 3 2 2 1 Rodriguez ond Tom Hite had three hits Phllodalphla each fo r Lastrada while John Sund- KGross 5 7 4 4 2 1 strom led the losers w ith two hits. Phllodelphlo K Montreal 42 40 .5)2 ’.512 1 Reed 3 2 2 2 0 1 St. Louis 42 42 .500 2 Hernandez (W 4-1) 1 1 0 0 0 1 Dusty Pittsburgh js 43 .469 4' KGross pitched to 3 batters In 6th. Chlcogo 39 44 .459 5' T—2:53. A—32691. Though outhlf 12-lOy Manchester Oil New York 31 5 .369 13 monMed to deteot Deimary 9-5y at . . . . * •* » White had three Atlanta 52 34 .60S__ — WJ* John Moran and John Wehren Los Angeles 50 33 602 Reds6,iNels2 Mded two each for the winners while San Diego 44 40 .524 7' Harold photo by Pinto Clay Hamel led Delmar with four hits. . 43 41 .512 8 CINCINNA1J n e w YORK Son Francisco 42 43 .494 91/i. ODrhM obrhbl Rec Cincinnati 37 49 .430 j 5 A pro’s advice * 3 2 0 Oquend ss 4 0 10 o,... ^ . ! “•»«<«’• Results Hoshidr rf 5 110 Wilson cf 4 13 0 Highlander Restaurant scored tour ES 1 >** game Re^s If 5 0 11 Hrnndz 1b 3 0)0 *''■** 'hhlng and went on to PhlMelphia 7, Attanta 6, 2nd game Rick Davis, a member of the New York 5 ^*» » " lb 3 12 4 Foster If 3 0 0 0 Cincinnati 6, New York 2 Manchester Soccer Camp. He led the M e a t Nutmeg Climate Control, 7-3, at Cosmos soccer team, visited the Martin Oester 2b 4 1 1 o Brooks 3b 3 0 0 1 Nlke^Flald. Pete Laloshlus blasted a Houston7,. students in calisthenics and taught E s i^ V 3b 4 0 0 0 Strwbrr rf 4 s Chlogpo 3 3 0 0 0 •wo- wn homer and had a double and a Schooi Monday to help out in the Knlcely c 4 0 2 0 Giles 2b 3000 sl^lF tor the winners while five Los Angeles sTSt. lihuts 1 them ball-handling skillp.. Foley ss 4 0 0 0 Stoub ph Pittsburgh 6, Son Francisco 2 10 0 0 different players had hits for Nutmeg Pastore p 4 0 0 0 Ortiz c 3 0 0 0 Haves p 0 0 0 0 Torrez p 1 0 0 0 Wa(fcia^_.tiaA y’SOgmas_____ NartHern (All. Jl rbnasTinas EOT)r ;Whlte Sox 8, Indians 0 "BlueJays9,Royals6 National leaguf Bradley ph 1 0 0 0 Pittsburgh. (Candelai..(Copdelarla ... 86) at San Holman p 0 0 0 0 Bob Watts had three hits ond Don Gorman p 0 0 0 0 Francisco (Davis M ), 3:05 p.m. CLEVELAND CHICAGO Dodgers 3. Cardinals 1 Heap -ph 1 .1 ° •’O'"**’ onff 0 single to Atlanta (M cM urtrv 25) ot Philadelphia TORONTO KANSAS CITY .11 ••<"• J ln j F A rco post Gibson's Gym, (Denny 5 5 ), 7:35 p.m. obrhbl idirhbl „ _ _abrltbl obrhM . Dios P 0 0 0 0 10-2, at Robertson. Jim Thibodeau ond Cincinnati (Price 7-5) ot New York ABnnstr If 3 0 0 0 RLow cf 4 111 Gordo 2b 5 0 1 0 Wilson cf 5 111 ST. LOUIS LOS ANGELES Jf’S* » » » * Totals 1261 Mark Foster added two hits each for Trillo 2b 4 0 10 Fisk c 4 2 2 3 abrhbl obrhbl (Terrell 1-3), 7:35 p.m. lorg 3b 5 0 )0 Geronim If 5 0 0 0 NewN*w**v2h York !55OOOOOOni— zs 2• the winners while Ed MorconI led Montreal (Lea55) at Houston (Ryan5 Harorv )b 4-0 0 0 Walker )b 4 0 0 0 Bonnell cf 5 1 1 1 Brett 3b 4 113 Herr 2b 4010 Sax 2b 1010 Gibson s with a homer ond o single. 1), 8:35 p.m. Thomas cf 4 O 0 0 Squires Johnson 1b 0 1b 3 1 0 1 O McRae 0 0 dh 4 110 McGee cf 4 110 Thomas 2b 2 1 0 0 Ganje-wlnnlng RBI— Orlessen (3). It's hard to resist the fascination of foods sizziin g over hot far from home. Here are some good bets: top, Chicago (Rainey 27) at San Diego Harrah 3b 4 0 0 0 Luzinsk Whitt dh 4 c 11)0 0 Alkens 0 0 1b 4)32 Green rf 4 0 2 1 Landrex cf 4 1 2 0 L^^ernondez. DP—Cincinnati 1. left, Marinated London Broil, Spicy Barbecued Ribs, P[5"*o ss 3 0 10 Baines rf 3 2 2 0 Hndrck 1b 4 0 0 0 Baker If 3 12 3 coais, and today's portabie griils mean you can barbecue Nika (Loltar 36), 10:05 p.m. Bell dh 3 12 2 White 2b 4 0 10 Cincinnati 6, New York 5. 2B—Redus, Apricot-Orange Barbecued Chicken, and. above from St. Lou^b (Allen 58) at Los Angeles ToWer dh 4 0 10 Kittle IfOrta 4 1 dh 2 1 3 1 0 Sherldn rf 4 0 1 0 Vn SIvk If 3 0 10 Guerrer 3b 4 0 2 0 Inside-Out Cheeseburgers, and Sweet-and-Sour Pork Irish Insurance scored seven runs In (Reuss 57), 10:35 p.m. Vukovch rf 4 0 1 0 Hairston If 0 0 0 0 Barfield rf 2 I 0 0 Slought c 3 10 0 Oberkfll 3b 2 0 0 0 Brock )b 4 0 0 0 Dries'sen****' “ ®~N1llner. HR— the top of the first and went on to Esslan c 2 0 10 VLow 3b 3 12 1 Mosebv cf 1 1 1 0 Conepon ss 4 1 2 0 LSmIth ph 1 0 0 0 Marshll rf 3 0 0 0 Dybznsk ss3 1 1 1 ^tslu g Gentle Touch Cor Wash, 11-8, D.» K. T liu r^ y 's Gamas Martinez c 3 1 1 2 Quirk c 3 0 0 0 Roenick rf 0 0 0 0 B roo ta*’’ ***’ ® ® ~ l'l'l'"*'’ <»>• SF— o* Nl***- Andy Santini had three hits Pittsburgh at San Diego _ Cru7 3> 2 0 11 Upshaw 1b 1 1 1 2 OSmIth ss 0 0 0 0 Yeager c 3 0 10 ^ 33 0 5 0 Totals 31 8 12 8 and Carl Cohen added a solo homer for andnno tl at New York, night Collins If 4 111 Porter ph 1 0 0 0 Russell ss 3 0 0 0 dndnnotl ” «=«»■»<> the winners while Jon Dubois had three Atlonta at Pittsburgh, night ClavMond ggo ooo (MML— 0 Griffin ss 4 0 11 Ramsey ss 0 0 0 0 Andersn ss 0 0 0 0 hits for Gentle Touch. Montreal at Houston, night Chioago ijg jgo 30x— 8 Totals 39 9 13 9 TotoN 37 6 10 6 Stuper p 2 0 0 0 Weld) p 3 0 0 0 Pastore (W 36) 8 6 2 2 2 6 Gam5 wlnnlng RBI — Fisk (3). Howe p 0 0 0 0 Haves 26 0 0 0 1 1 Oiloogo at l^ s Angeles, night „E —Trillo, V. Law. DP—Cleveland 1, Toronto ' 100500030— 9 Sdierrer (S 7) 16 0 0 0 0 0 St. Louis at San Francisco, night K ^ env 00010l«0=6 J o ins 3 1 1 5 1 Totals 30 3 8 3 Naw York Women's Rec Chicwo 1. LOB- * 3 0 2 10 2 son* One-third cup lemon juice 2 sides sparerlbs 1 can apricot nectar Bolllmora Totals 33 3 7 3 Totals 33 2 8 2 perfection on a portable grill, it makes sense to hunt '• l-OB—New York 8, ■HI S ? ^ Blorkmn c 4 0 1 1 One-third cup soy sauce (4 pounds) (about two-thirds cup) Ramirez (W 2-0) 8 6 Minnesota1)22 6. 2B—PlnletlO/ Robertson. SaoHIa 1005X1005-1 Wallach 3b 4 0 10 MScott p 10 0 0 up new recipes. Stoddard (S 2) 1 ) 0 0 0 1 ■A cup com oil Water Boston 802 000 000— 2 Flynn 2b 3 0 0 0 Ruble p 10 0 0 Tender marinated London broil, apricot-orange *0 2 batters In 9fh. Gamewlnnlng R BI— Owen (1). Z tablespoons mustard One-third cup corn syrup WP—Helmueller. T—2:16. A—16,265. NawYorb "■ « ««•■*«> E—Brown. DP—Seattle 2. LOB— dS!!’? P 952“ TScott ct 2 0 10 Pittsburgh "* Please turn to page 20 Welsh p 10 0 0 Tunnell (W 36)526 5 2 2 2 3 Keough 616 3 3 0 3 1 Seattle Francon It 3 1 1 O Basketball Frazier (W 3-1) 2 2-3 0 0 0 1 6 3, Boston 6.2B— Rice, Nichols, Mercodo, Gugnte (S 2) 316 3 0 0 0 2 Minnesota Zlsk. SB—Evons (3). T?-*?!* . 35 s 11 5 Totals 36 7 11 5 Sot Frandsco 151180 88 5-5 Laskey (L 106) 5 5 4 3 3 * Viola 7 5 3 3 I 7 IP H RERBBSO Houtton eoaseeeevw—? McGafDgan 2 2 0 0 1 3- Your Neighbor’s Kitchen Lvsander (L 26) 0 1 i i n 0 Saotlla RBI— Knlgljt (4). Tlgers5,Angels4(l4| Whitehouse 16 O O 0 0 0 Clark (W 52) 716 7 .2 2 2 2 Minton 3 3 2 1 2 2 1 J f r ' M ° ‘^ ''® '? '* '" “ ’' 0 "''**'SP«•«*■• iM k s v PWlJed to 2 botters In 4th. Southern Davis 126 1 0 0 1 2 Caudill (S 16) 1 2-3 1 0 0 0 1 •;OB—Montreol 9, Houston 8. 2B— Viola pitted to 2 batters In 8th; Boston ixhighfs ^W P —tunned. Balk—Tunnell. T—^2:59. CALIFORNIA DETR(HT Lvsander pitched to 1 batter In 8th Brown (L 55) 4 Ti-.no Format's Inn 57 (Greg Gott23, Buster Ob r h bl Ob r h b( Puhl. SB»>Ralnes (37)* Dawson (14)* T. —7*789. Arone 11), Dekes 35 (Kevin G arriere H B P -^ y Viola (B5?IoO; by Davis Stanley 3 Scolt (3)*Puhl (10). S—Flynn* Doran. Carew 1b 6)30 Whitakr 2b 7 1 2 1 (Robertson). T—2:45. A—16,550. WP—Clark Balk—Brown. T—2:13. Boland Oil 50 (Mark Scott Burlesn ss 5 1 o o Cabell 1 b 7------0 3 0 A— 12, Bill Downing If 2 1 0 0 Gibson dh 5 0 2 1 MohtrabI "* " Bellock 10), Kerry Blue 46 (Mo 18,846 Clams, ahoyl Welsh 3 3 3 0 1 0 Harrison 14, Damien Purcell 10). Clark^lurx IfII 2z 0u 0 0 Parrish Parrish c c7 7 00 1010 n_. - _ RJcksn dh 6 0 1 0 Herndon If 5 1 2 0 BreW erS 0, RSnflerS 2 L*TCh (L 16) 1 4 4 4 0 2 LynnL v n n r f cf 6A 131 T J 4 wTlson rf 4 , 0n 2 n T1 BSmIth 26 2 0 0 0 1 Transactions ' Northern 3b 5 0 2 0 Brookns ss 0 0 0 0 Frvmon 1 16 0 0 0 0 1 By Barbara Richmond Volfhtln rf 6 0 0 0 Leach ph 1 0 0 0 MILWAUKEE TEXAS ■’‘H’ **... 2 2 0 0 0 2 some peaches, too,” Mrs. Scorso They’ll have to hunt up smooth, Eaalern ieague Houston Herald Reporter Centennial 70 (Darryl Jones 23), Wllfong 2b 3 0 0 0 Castillo 3b 2 0 1 0 ..... Obrhbl obrhbl added. round rocks to line the pit. I ? Stokes Restauront 58. Scomrs ph 1 0 0 0 Lemon cf 5 3 )0 Molltor 3b 6 2 2 0 Tollasn 2b 4)20 M SM tt 3 26 8 5 5 3 4 Ruble (W 23) < W V I 1 Tuesdov'sSpertsTignsgdions ' The men will also do the Then they’ll take a wet tarpaulin Don Wlll^|s 74 (Ron Pedemante 23, Joe Grid! 2b 1 0 0 0 Krndic 3b 7 0 1 1 Romero rt 5 2 4 2 Rivers dh 3 0 0 0 W L Pet. GB There’s going to be a shipwreck Maher 1«, Lakers 53 (John Feeney 14, Boone c 5 0 0 0 Trm m ll ss 2 0 0 0 Money dh 4 0 10 Bell 3b 4 0 11 Reading DSmIth (S3) Lerchpitchedto decorating. They’ll string up lights which is large enough to overlap Clayton Douglas 14). 52 28 .650 4bottersln5th. on French Road in Bolton on I _ . . Grubb rf 2 0 11 Now Britain 45 36 .556 I'h around the yard and make sure the the pit area by a foot all around. Totals 48 4 9 4 Totals 54 5 16 5 c 4 1 2 1 W right cf 4 0 0 0 Lvnn ^H B P —by Welsh (Garner). WP— Saturday, courtesy of the hus­ 45 38 .542 8P—Mllwaukaa 2. Raodlng 4, Lynn 1,1st game Naturally, shipwreck attire will Lynn 4, Reading % 2nd game that. while the rocks are-heating. be required. There will even be a Eighth District Calltomlg H R ER B B SO Sooner, PIcdolo, Gians Foils 6, New Britain 5, 13 “ We’ll be cooking about 200 soft, The clambake will mean a trip to Simmons. Innings Houston — Signed comerbock stm,* prize for the best costume. shell clams fpr starters,” Mrs. the shore to get the clams, seaweed John Thompson blasted a fifth- McLaughlin 7 9 4 4 3 6 ?5rl 'S ® " * Porrish (1), M olltor o WNfttaBoy'sOomas Radio, TV ♦!» ^ '’•varsity otO rS in (S3 The day of the clambake the men mnlng grand slam to lead Eighth cignsr Sanchez 4 4 0 0 1 3 (16). S—Rivers. Buffalo at Albany Scorso said. and sea water. About four bushels District to a 12-8 victory over Ansaldls. IP H RERBBSO Woterbury at Nashua Unlverslfv^ will be preparing and cooking all Hearing Mrs. Scorso explain '^oLtriit^* 2 26 3 1 1 2 2 MUwaukaa Reodina at Lynn of seaweed are needed. Thompson added a double to his five day. Besides Mrs. Scorso’s hus­ what has to be done, one can see " B l whl e R.j. Bottlcello and Jason Wilcox 6 6 4 4 2 5 Porter (W" 16) 9 7 2 2 3 4 Gians Falls at New Britain Angalas — Slgnad No. 1 draft The men will also cook four 4 K, Rawllnitls hod fwo hlfs apiece. Beth Lopez 7 3 I) 0 2 5 Texos cholca. running back Eric Dickerson, to band, the chief cooks are Tony why it takes the men all day. Tonano (L 3-2) ___ _ Thjwggy'soaniaa TONIGHT dozen ears of corh. The corn will be Romanewlcz struck out 10 for the Bailey (W 52) 1 0 0 0 0 1 Raodlng at Gians Fall, 2 o 4-veor contrad.' Dore, Mike Mlodzinski and Mike Herald photo bv Richmond winners Andy Solo led Ansaldls with McLaughlin pitched to 1 batter In 8th. Butcher Naw Britain o f Lynn VS. Red Sox* W T ir Forschino. partially husked, leaving on the fw o hits T—4:21..A—25,222. Matlock Buffalo at Ntnhua Hodiav PREPARATIO N S for the meal last layer or two and then pulling Dessert will be peach shortake. Jessica Scorso, who turned 6 today, T—2:55. A—23,17) Albany at Woterbury {.M^Yankaas vs. Twins, Channel l), Hartford — Signed Tom Woodcock os will start early in the day. The will them back far enough to remove Lidiii cnowder, a preview of one course trainer The women will make the biscuits. dig a sand pit about one foot deep the silk. supervises her mother, Sharon Scorso, to be served at the Junior Women's Ciub, "And maybe I ’ll get stuck peeling and three and one-half feet across. Please turn to page 2ti as she makes a batch of New Engiand clambake on Saturday. u - MANCHRSTKR HigRALD. Wednesday, July 13, 1983 MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday, July 13, 1983 — 15 Common sense advice on common herbs STORE COUPON E ver since the advent of dried and packaged herbs in this country, the craze for herbal seasoning has solemnly informed, prefer armadillo, rattlesnake or S A V E 5 0 0 TODIAlfRtSbullon. Inc wW rsdtsm this coupon sttscs DMn enormous. The trouble is, people exercise little of French bread, which has been cut in two and lightly A vahis plus 7t tiandWng if conditions of oflif hsvs btsn squirrel), sprinkle a few leaves of cilantro on top of the SAVE compNsdwtMwyouandyourcuttomtr Invoicst prov­ thought in choosing which herb should grace what B e a r d toasted. It makes a wondrous steak sandwich, and if with these BRECK® coupons ing purchsst o f tumcisnt tloch lo cover couponi pre- dish. The resulU can be catastrophic and, if anything, dish when you serve it. I think that you will love the served with a good salad, a delicious outdoor meal. M ntsd tor rsdtmptlon mutt bs shown upon rtqusst > difference it makes. In fact, cilantro is good on almost Coupon m iy not bs lu lg n sd or trsntltrrtd Cuslomfr make a good case for less pungent victuals. However! o n F o o d A herb that doesn’t get the attention it deserves is and get a Styler & Curler for must psy t t in tsx. C sih vsius— 1/20B Coupon wMl not people are learning by their own experimentation that any Mexican dish. chervil. The wilted little bunch that most greengroc­ bs honorsd If prstsntsd through ouiiidt sgencitt. bro- Rosemary is another exciting herb. It’s quite an fcsri or othtrt who irt not riisil ditiribulort of our mtr- certain herbs are delicious with certain dishes and By James Beard ers offer is never the equal of that which you grow $5.98 and two I’roofs-of-Purchase chsndiss or tpecificsily luthorlzEd by us lo prtiint experience to travel in Provence where one finds coupons lor rsdtmption Void whirs prohibded. U)«d or that others are not, and that the combination of inpny Syndicated Columnist yourself, but I admit that it can be tricky to get it to rsctricttd. Good only m U S A ind iti tsrntorNi For different herbs makes a jumble rather than a subtle hedges of rosemary literally 5 and « feet tall. They flourish in your garden. However, once it takes hold, (a $12.99 Retail Value) BRECK* rsdsmiMon of propsrty rtcstvsd ind hsndlsd coupons diffuse a tantalizing perfume in the air. I once had a m sllto B R E C K * Ehampoo. B o i 1177. Clinton Iowa delicate seasoning. it's fine. Chervil has a subtle, delicate flavor and SHAMPOO 52734. very good friend who did research in Europe for I recently was in the kitchen of a friend and wanted should be used by itself or with just a touch of fresh ANY SIZE EXC EP T 3.5 OZ. Good only upon praasntition to rttaiitr on purchass of period movies and uncovered some interesting facts product oaacribsd Any olhsr u u constitutes fraud to use some sage. I finally found a bottle of pulverized parsley. I find it to be outstanding with chicken salad □ Folds Easily To Purse Size sage that had lingered for who knows how long on the about the local food. She invited a group of us for an al (or duck or turkey salad). Take 2‘A or 3 cups of cut-up COURONOnREtDECCMBEft31.1M3. . fresco supper one evening and grilled a Flemish-style Ottsr HsiltBt Is BM csspss psr psrtAsss. shelf in full light. When I removed the cap and smelled chicken and a scant cup of celery that is cut so finely it □ Plus Convenient Travel C ase f ^ STORE COUPON steak, which I have since prepared many times and Vi reminiscent of nothing so much as old grass is almost transparent. Then add about ‘A cup of before is that of a little mint and tarragon with veal which I love. □ O ne Year W arranty clippings. It’s good to ‘remember that dried herbs chopped chervil. Toasted almonds or toasted scaloppine. I found it to be a very subtle and About two hours before grilling, she nibbed whole should be kept in small amounu and in the dark. An toothsome dish. pistachio nuts or even toasted pine nuts go □ UL Approved asmte cook sniffs and judges as he or she goes along, leaves or needles of rosemary into a regal sirloin enormously well with this salad. I add about ‘A to«A steak about 1‘A to 2 inches thick, making them stick as STORE COUPON and when the weaknesses of old age set into the herb A HERB that is not too well-known in the cup. Mix these ingredients gently together and then TO ORDEIb Send your Name, Address bottle, it gets tossed out! much as possible. At grilling time she dusted the beef make a fresh mayonnaise with a good olive oil that’s and Zip Code with $5.98, Check or Money hinterlands but familiar along the West Coast and in with salt anchplaced it on the grill, broiling it for about Some herbs that are readily available to us deserve New York is cilantro, which is sometimes called not too aggressively fruity. (If your bUve oil is fruity, ^ coisonsi Order Only and 2 Proofs of Purchase from TDOCALiRtShulton. Inc wMl redeem ihia coupon at face a second look. Take mint, for instance. Mint was not 5 minutes or so on each side. ’The aroma that wafted mix it half and half with peanut oil or another bland vslua pHis 7 dhandling If conditions of offei have been Chinese parsley or fresh coriander. It is a lacy, green through the air was enticing. When carved, the steak any B REC K brand product,* or the UPC SAVE complied wNh by you and your customer Invoices prov­ created solely to be put into mint juleps or made into a herb with a very distinctive bouquet. To some people vegetable oil.) Season with a delicate wine vinegar or alanifslon), ing purchase of autficient stock to cover coupons pre- had the delicious flavor of charred rosemary. numbers and a cash register receipt. (New aenied lor redemption must be shown upon request sweet-sour sauce to be served with roast lamb in the it is repellent; to others it’s pungent and delicious. lemon juice, additional chopped chervil and a tiny bit Coupon may not be assigned or iransterred Customer English fashion. It is used a great deal — and to very You have no doubt eaten it in good Chinese of chopped parsley. You’ll need about 1 or 1>A cups of York Residents add appropriate Sales ~^) must psy salts lax Cash value— 1/20C Coupon wMl not IF YOU WISH to do the same trick when cooking 'self ng these V k f i be honored if presented through outside agencNs. bro­ good effect — in North African and Near Eastern restaurants in many different dishes, and it is used a mayonnaise, or just enough to bind the salad without on kers or others who are not retail dislrlbutori of our mar- cookery. A desire to experiment with mint can outdoors, you can take a Rank steak, or skirt steaks, making it sloppy. The color of the chervil in the salad MAIL TO : $ chandisa or specifically authorized by us lo prqsent good deal in Mexican and Central American cookery and stud them with rosemary in the same way. Cook coupons tor redtmpiton Wid whera prohtbitad. laiied or introduce you to a whole new cuisine. One . too. The next time you make your favorite chili (most and in the mayonnaise is very pleasant, and the flavor BREC K Styler & Cutler Offer resiricled Good only in U.S A andrtstarntories For them very quickly on your charcoal grill and then MISS BRECK* rsdtmpEloo of properK recsiv«d and handled coupons combination of herbs that I had never considered people favor ground beef, but a few purists, I am is a delight. ServeTin a bed of watercress or tiny bits of PO Box 5011, mat to MI65BAECK* hair spray. Bon 1177, Clinton Iowa slice in thin, diagonal slices. Place the meat on a loaf bibb lettuce. It's a most successful dish! Great Neck. N.Y. 11027 HAIR SPRAY 52734 COUPON G O O D ON ANY SIZE (k)od only. upon . . prestniaiion . . .______ratailer_ on purchase______of EXC EPT 2 OZ product describedlescnbsd Any other use constitutesconsirtut Iraud Supermarket Shopper * Except 2 oz. Hair Spray and 3.5 oz. Shampoo. COUPON aPIREt DECEMBEfl 31.1M3. A llo w 6 w e e k s lo r d e n v tr y — O tte r v o id w h e re Offer limttsd to e ss eeupss per pwaksss. Ride prohibited, taxed or restiicted by law. Otter expires ' STORE COUPON D e c e m b e r 3 1 ,1 9 8 3 . Q u a n titie s a re lim ite d Customers stay loyal for beer TO THE D C A te n : Vbu are suthonzsd to act es our breath •gent for redemption of this coupon. W b will relm- burse you lor the face value of this coupon or. it Bv Martin Sloane rassed," says Pat. “I turned a bright green! coupon cans for free marchandise, we will reimburse you lor such free goods, plus 7c handling, provided that you United Feature decided to write to Hal­ ■The next day, I took the CARMEL, Ind. (U PI) — For SO cents and a quick and the coneumer have oomptied with the terms of our Svndlacate lmark and tell them of this chicken back to the super­ coupon offer. Void whore prohityted. taxed, or restricted very disturbing incident. market, and after a quick puff through a straw, by law. G ood only in U.S.A. and U.S. Military baoas Not only did I receive an inebriated patrons of Ri­ forsr ovarsaas. C a sh vaKia 1/20 of U - The consum er must look at this green bird, the ,dNev^ pay any sa les tax. F R A U D C L A U S E : A n y other appli­ Patricia Preston of apology, but they also sent manager apologized and co’ 8 Supper Club get a ride cation conaPhAss baud. Invoioos provkig purchase wNhIn Greenfield, Mo., was hold­ a nice desk pad and home, on the house. Wfor si the last 90 days of suffidsnt stock to cover coupons refunded my money. He ing a meeting of her The management has presented for redemption, must be made available address book. Hallmark is also insisted I select some upon request. Offer limited to one coupon per specified coupon club when she a company that cares." meat of equal value to provided a coin-operated product and alza. MaM coupons to: W A R N E R -L A M ­ BERT COMPANY. P.O. 60X 1737, CLINTON. lA noticed something very Product problems come make up for my inconven­ Breathalyzer for custo­ mers who think the night’ s 52734. OFFER EXPIRES NOVEMBER 30. 1063 unsettling. The members in a variety of colo»-s. ience. Before I left, he STORE COUPON bad started to enjoy the Here’s a letter from a took down my name and refreshments may have refreshments, and those reader in Phoenix: address for his records. hampered their driving who were using the blue Imagine my surprise skills. 3360G SD2125 Hallmark paper napkins DFAR MARTIN: Sev­ this week, when I received Club manager Keith she had bought showed eral weeks ago, I bought a a letter from Foster Albrecht says 50 to 75 traces of blue dye around Foster Farms chicken Farms. They, too, apolog­ people a week use the their mouths! from Alpha Beta. When I ized. They told me that the machine in the su^rban “I was so embar­ got it home, I found it had problem as a result of the Indianapolis club. Some VVf.i; 'A. I I •' ,ir. e ’• ,'(• A'-f1 chicken having its gall only use the device for fun After 5 minutes. bladder removed. Along but most are really ques­ with the letter were cou­ tioning whether they are 259 OFF Clip *n’ file refunds pons for two free in any condition to drive TO T h e D E A L E R We will pay leoitimaie reiaiiers the lace value plus 7« home. For better cling, try l-r. handiirrg lor each coupon received m connection wiih ihe retail sale of the chickens. product indicated Coupon void and forleiied if invoices provirig ourchase The machine isn’ t com­ G O O D ON 50 O R 100 oi Sufficient stock to cover rale of redemptions are not produced on request, Having been treated in ______Reynoids LaatBng or if coupon assigned, transferred or presented t^ one not a retailer disinb- { Soups, Snack Foods, Candy such a nice way by these pletely accurate. But if it SQ . FT. S IZ E S ONLY OF uior of said CKOduct. or if coupon IS taxed, resincied. prohibited, or requires indicates a blood-alcohol Plastic Wrap Btaod licensing Presentation lor redemption without compliance constituies I (File No. 3) REYNOLDS L F R A U D Customer pays any apphcabie tax Limit one coupon per purchase two fine companies, I Herald photo bv Pinto I Clip out this file and keep it with similar level over O.I percent — REYNOLDS® (or customer) C a sh redemption value l/20ih of a cent Reproduction pro- wouldn’t hesitate to pur­ hibiied Good only m u S A Send to Nntsen Cieanrig House Box • 1775 • I cash-off coupons — beverage refund offers with chase another Foster the legal level of intoxica­ PLASTIC WRAP Ciii .ton. Iowa 52734 j beverage coupons, for example. Start collecting Farms chicken at Alpha Wagon of plenty tion — Albrecht says he’ll O FFER EXPIRES JULY 31.1984 have the customer driven, I the needed proofs of purchase while looking for Beta. — Margaret Louk, Marilyn Broneill (left) of 35 Ashland St. I the required forms at the supermarket, in Phoenix, Ariz. At right is James Perkowski', a store home in a station wagon. PLASTIC WRAP I newspapers and magazines, and when trading These are two examples inspects a nectarine from a peddler’s clerk. The wagon, laden with fruit and “ It’s better than bavingi T H E PLASTIC WRAP PROFESSIONALS USE. lOtOQ 1D573^ with friends. Offers may not be available in all ih people leave and get' 25< OFF of excellent customer re­ wagon installed front of the Coventry vegetables, was out in front of the store I areas of the country. Allow 10 weeks to receive lations. Hallmark, Alpha Farms Dairy Store, 809 Main St., by pulled over and thrown in I each refund. during last week's annual Main Street jail,” he said. Beta and Foster Farms store owner Norman R. Raupp (center). 3 I The following refund offers are worth $13.39. kept valuable customers sidewalk sale. b lO I C m « i T o o * C « y « M lM I This week’s refund offers have a total value of who then told their $20.76. STORE CCXJPON I friends, including yours 2QC □□□T2 Z0( I This offer doesn’t require a refund form: truly, how considerate CHUNKY Free T-Shirt Offer, P.O. Box 835 I these companies were. About Town B ig deal MR. OROCEN: Kraft. Inc (Retail Food Group) will Young America, Minn. 55399. Receive a free There’s no doubt about it, J^j^Nter Bknd* Coflee. reimburse you tot the face value of the coupon plus I S a v e 2 0 ^ 7c handing allowMce provided )tou redeemed d on Chunky T-shirt; with a retail value $5. Send eight the intelligent handling of your retaH sues of Ito narned productls) and that upon I wrappers from the 1.15-ounce Chunky original, is record raouesi you agree to furnish proof of purchase of suf­ customer problems is ' metiii^syoueiqoyinost on any size ficient product to cover ail redempiiorta. Coupon is I solid or pecan bars. On a separate 3-by-5 piece of good business. Hop River series begins 0 void where lazed. proNbiled. or restricted by law and I may nol be assign s or transferred by you Cash value paper, print your name and address. Specify the THREE CHEERS: We The Hop River Chamber Music series starts its LAUGHLIN. Nev. costless. or flavor of V?0C Customer must pay any applicable tai For I sf*® S, M, L and X L (adult sizes only) — and (U P I) — Card dealer Joe redemption mail (o send our "paper” roses to fourth summer season in Andover Thursday at 8 p m KRAFT NIC.RFQ I include 50 cents postage and handling. There is a the makers of A-1 Steak Marquis Jr. has com­ F.O.MJMBOO in Andover Congregational Church, Route 6. Other CLINTOR.IOWA 62734 I limit of four T-shirts per name or address Sauce. I have received Hop River concerts are scheduled July 21 and July 28. pleted 109 hours of dealing Expires Aug. 31, 1983. I many letters from read­ Friday night concerts by the same group will be the world’s longest poker Jam or These offers require refund forms: I ers telling me of a very Friday, July 22, and 29 at Hartford Seminary game in a Nevada Club APPIAN WAY $1 Refund. Send the required casino publicity stunt I unusual experience they Foundation, Sherman Street in Hartford. 0 Preserves. B>3^ refund form and a combination of any five box had with this company. Thursday and Friday’s program will consist of a sanctioned by the Guin­ I flaps with the Universal Product Code symbol aiooo lEistitiO I They tfad written to A-1 to premier performance of a new work by Connecticut ness Book of World 2 0 ( REDEEM PBOMPtLY ONE COUPON PER ITEM PURCHASED 20< from Apian Way Regular or Thick Crust. Expires obtain a refund form that Records. I Sept. 30. 1983. composer Howard Rovics. It’s titled "Songs on had been advertised. The Chinese Poetry.” Marquis, a former Wa­ I BRACH’S $1 Refund. Send the required refund shington policeman, set I company wrote back that Other works to be performed during this program form and four empty Brach’s Pegged Candy Bags the supply of refund forms are Mozart’s Piano Quartet in G Minor, and Brahm’s out last Tuesday to break I (Snack Packs not included). Expires Aug. 31 had been exhausted. The the previous record of 100 1983. Piano Quartet in A Major. The program will be the I note also said: same Friday night in Hartford. hours. He quit Sunday I CARE*FREE Refund Offer. Receive a $1 "Since we value our The July 21 and 22 program will consist mostly of morning after 109 hours. coupon towards the retail price of two Care’ Free I customers and take great music from the baroque period, including Bach’s "H e was tired, in fact, K Sugarless Gum Big Packs. Send the required I pride in our products, we Concerto in D Major for Harpsichord and Orchestra exhausted,” said Virgil I refund form and four outer wrappers from any are enclosing your re­ and Handel’s Trio Sonata in G Minor. The Hop River Chamber music players Heath, the Nevada Club flavor of Care’ Free Big Pack. Expires Sept 30 I fund... we are assuming The final concert on July 28 and 29 will consist of gather in a wooded area to bone up a card room manager. /‘He 1983. said he could no longer I that you have the required Haydn’s Trio in A Major, Wabem’s Four Songs, Opus little for the coming concerts. They are, Mama CELESTE $2 Coupon Offer. Receive a $2 labels." 12, and Debussy’s Sonata in G Minor, and will concentrate and that he I coupon for any Large Size Celeste Pizza. Send the All of the letters I have conclude with Mendelssohn’s Trio in C Minor. from left, seated: Frances Bard, Patricia better end it. When he quit I required refund form and three Celeste 12-inch I received speak of A -l’s Bellingham, Marcia Hogan and Jane he was unable to read the Pizza Universal Product Code/Purchase Seals response in glowing Carlberg. Standing, Thomas Labadorf hands correctly. I Look for the form on the package. Expires Sept. terms. Typical was the “ We have him on a little 30, 1983. Now big? I comment of Diane Kin- and Annette Mangino. vacation now." I NESTLE Big Crunch $1 Refund. Send the gery of Anderson, S.C.: How big is an atom up ened to end to measure I required refund form and six wrappers from "It was an A-1 perfor­ compared with a typical just 1 inch, but it would I Nestle Big Crunch bars. Expires Dec. 31. 1983. mance on their part, and cell? Not very. It would require 100 million atoms U.S. . Free SNICKERS 6-Pack Offer. Receive a . iNSPccreo . I this company has cer­ take about 2,500 cells lined to do the same thing. lANU P*SS€OB*\ coupon for one free 6-pack of Snickers Bars. Send tainly earned my lOEMARIMENI O F I I ^ AGMlCULfURE STORE COUPON I EXPIRES 9/30/83 . ^ the required refund form and the net weight loyalty." ^VVWVVyWVSAAM/WVWWVVVyAAAAMMVMAM 1st szaj 3 I statement from each of three outer 6-pack P.S. I $ent all these nice wrappers from Snickers. Expires Oct. 15, 1983 rihihTT DODBE letters along to the com­ RESTAURANTfi r i u m s u ^ BPCCIALB JULY 2 ttm i JULY • TR H )EN T*D EN TYN E $1 Cash Refund. Send pany so they could be l£M the required refund form and any combination of LOUNGE I SIRLOIN TIPS LEMfPURE I enjoyed by the fine people OWNSSttTNSTEHIS HAMBURG four Universal Product Code symbols from the who made them possible. GROUND BEEF 15 12-14 LB. A V a ^ Nowl Save < single package wrappers of any flavor of Dentyne on your next purchase of or Trident Gum. Expires Sept. 30. 1983. Located Left Of Vernon Cinema's I & II . PATTIES ‘ « • - - 5PO|1 u m X u. Here’s a refund form to write lor: Keri Lotion $1 in Rear of Court House One Bidg. f I UTS * L 4 9 ! * • • ♦ ♦ Kellogg'S'Rice l^ispies' cereal. Cash Offer. P.O. Box 14339, Baltimore, Md. 21268. * 9 K C IA L OF • (Offer limitod to eno coupon por pcKkogo purthosod.) I ______* 0 O B O C IB . VSN will rodM>n coupon plut 7 « hondling whan l#rmi o» ofter ho*. bM n compliMl with bv vOu ond Uu. FMO US r YOU CAN OR CAU This offer expires Dec. 31. 1983. * TNEMfEEN 9 ^ ^ ' * PODOX1172 CUNTON IOWA52734 Coupon«.llb.i^rS or o cl«X.oobov»e oppro*«l by V3 ond octing » ^ n d o l ^ ^ X ^ FM m m 64601SS * FarStaOriisr • M h a rwoilw invoKW proving purchoe. ol ii/U.cnt Potir lo to*., coupon) pr.i.ntM i ior rMMmol.on mu.l b . SIRLOIN MPS UMSUCUSUi upon r . ^ t l Any Mil.t lo* muP b . po>d lot by th. eonium.* O H ., good only .n th. UnilMi Stot.i l.rrilorM i nnH »*rrn% ol fhi» oM.r no*, nol b.*n compiiKf widi Coth «olu. wncn BACON EYE ROUND I 30oMe KEUOGGSAlESCOMPANY 11:30 t o 3M> $ 0 5 9 ROAST NOT G O O D O N SINOLC-SCRVtNO SIZE FMLCKAGE. f c l T S I S 3flG0Q Menus Nnu.Miia.. R Kellogg Compony C 1983 K.ltogg Convony J M N U W E m S N SOfiXESPtRESEEr 0 I GOinUIBT FOOD Frank Knight PORK LOINS FRANKS Senior Citizen Presents SALAD BAR c n m COOPS, U M END amum “ "T , COUNTIV SITU M ! ISSB Chat Dragon Bond an— pfiom Homemade Soupo 19. UTS MANUFACTURER’S COUPON 3 0 ® The following lunches will be served the week of FEB LB. MANUFACTURER’S COUPON 3 0 * July 18 through 22 at Mayfair Gardens and Westhill • Exotic Salads 14-17 3 9 COUPON EXPIRES JANUARY 31,1984 COUPON EXPIRES JANUARY 31,1984 Gardens to Manchester residents who are 60 or older. For Ballrooni DanGins Unique Specials Dady: ______PESiS. Is the i iU iie t: General Foods Corp will reimburse you for the lace value ol KIELBASA (A To the retailer General Foods Corp w ill reimburse you loi the face value ol For more Information call Westhill Gardens, 643-2163, boiKU Mtt of this coupon plus 71 (ot handling if you receive tt on (he sale ol the specified • Chidun Florantim IMIOUUMOU OOMRIQKML ^ ------this coupon plus 7t for handling if you receive it on the sale ot the specified oduct and if upon request you submil evidence ot purchase thereof satis or Mayfair Gardens, 647-3120: product and if upon request you submit evidence ol purchase thereol satis Tostordoy A Today • T n iliay W aM otf WNU dory to General Foods Corp Coupon may not be assigned transferred or S •TAXWfUHOUSl laclory to Generaf Foods Corp Coupon may not be assigned Iransterred or Monday: Cold sliced roast beef, macaroni salad, reproduced Customer must pay any sales la i Void where prohibited taxed BEEF TENDERLOINS ^89 EUPPtV ^ 3 0 0 reproduced Customer must pay any sales ta> Void where piohibited taxed Big Bond Soond * A G a id — of E a ftig o rre stiicle db yla w G oo d on lyin U S A Puerto Rico and U S Govt install pickled beets and onions, roll, chilled pineapple. V restricted bv law Good only m U S A Puerto Rico and U S Govt install 30* Cash value i / m Coupon w ill not be honored il presented through outside Tuesday: Baked chicken, cauliflower with cheese Grosn Salad Thvn. y jo ponfltSO y iiencies. brokers or others who are not retail distributors ol our merchan­ Cash value |/ 2 0 t Coupon w ill not be honored it presented through outside when you biqr when you buy agencies brokers or others who are nol retail distributors ot our merchan sauce, seasoned spinach, rye bread, cake with SEW Quallty COmei dise or specifically authorized by us lo present coupons tor ledemption For if Not Spadala • A Msal in Minutss anyiizecanM dise Of specifically authorized by u$ to present coupons for redemption For redemption of properly received and handled coupon mail to General any size can of whipped topping. redemption of properly received and handled coupon mail to General Matter Blend'CalfM. Foods Corp PO Box 103 Kankakee IL 60902 Master Blend’OiHee. DAMADA anchsster packing Fi^st at Foods Corp PO Box 103 Kankakee 11 60902 Wednesday: Apple juice, curried turkey, steamed This coupon good only on purchase of product indicated •1.00 O FF This coupon good only on purchase ol product indicated rice, green peas, roll, fresh fruit. Any other use constitutess fraifraud IV INN A iMti-OM cniraa ru rm m i iiMit-wi coupon P[> njutiuu Any other use constitutes baud tVTTHTHlSCCXJPON ompany inc.646-sooo MIORMMinlUaL Thursday: Porcupine meatball with tomato gravy, East Windsor, Ct. 0M < 0 * l U l I I l UEIID diced parsley potatoes, green beans, wheat bread, 15,1993 I We accept Available In 3 grinds^ Available in 3 frindi. Q 6 0 2 8 HOUNS: 349 WETHERELL ST rooky road pudding. N.-f Rl. 7:00 B.m. lo $ p.m. Food Stamm, NC01MG3MGG Exit 4S off lowto 91 GENeRAL FOODS CORPORATION GENERAL FOODS CORPORATION NCGlSimOD Friday: Breaded fish, mashed potatoes, broccoli BAT. 7:00 A.m. to 13 noon MaelerCharoe. Vlea 3 0 * 3 0 * spears, , tartar sauce, wheat bread, chilled peaches. ^ a a /vwmvvwvvvvvvvvvvvvwvvvwvwvvvw IS ' ■ MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday. July 13, 1983

MANCHFSTER HERALD, Wednesday, July 13. '983 - 17 Advice News for Senior Citizens Breast surgery causes problems Seats are available for three upcoming senior trips Editor’a note: ’This co- ^ Wally ForUn,Fortin, has in-in­ League who signed ..nup n.rfor ^ DEAR ABBY: I could Inmn ia prepared by the formed me that the group tourney. The picnic ilies over their recent loss work, and we musicians from speaking herself the Arizona Scramble on 42. Low net — Frank Strimike, 794; Victor SETBACK SCORES: have written that letter Mancbealer Senior Citi- pictures from Bus 3 of this optional and will cost an of Violet England who was get hungry. But we never (which he made no men­ Aug. 3 should let the additional $3. Toros, 29; Duane White, Turek, 790; Lillian Lewis, Bea Mader, 141: Ada signed “ Wants to Love zena Ceater. It appears In year’s Wildwood trip are an active member of the eat our clients' food unless tion o f), she should do the league officers know if 29; Len Bjorkman, 30; 787; Mary Hill, 774; Ann Rojas, 136; Clara Hem­ Again.” The writer had the Manchester Herald available. If interested in Best wishes for a speedy center. w e’re invited to, and requesting herself. This they wish to attend the recovery to Edmund Bel- Jim McCooe, 31; Henry Fisher, 759; Carl Popple, ingway, 131: Dom Anasta­ had silicone implants to Wednesdays and Satur­ acquiring a picture, Rau, 31. brown-bagging it is consi­ point is made for two days. picnic with the ’’Retired 747; Ada Rojas, 747; Mina sia. 125; Mina Reuther. enlarge her breasts, and a Dear Abby please leave your name in loti, who is home recuper­ GOLF SCORES: Low dered tacky. reasons: Swingers” of the Man­ Reuther, 742; Bob 123; Carl Popple. 122; year later her breasts the front office. ating from illness.. gross — Jack Funke. 40; SACRAMENTO First of all, your answer chester Country Club on PINOCHLE SCORES: Ahearn, 741; Mabel Loo­ Oscar Cappuccio. 120; were hard as rocks! Abigail Van Buren By Joe DImInleo Golfers in our Men’s Our condolences to the Joe Grinovich, 42; Wen MUSICIAN is prejudicial in assuming the same date after the Sam Schors, 819; Amelia mis, 740; Bea Cormier, Grace Windsor, 119: Ann I had that operation four Activities Specialist England and Hooker fam­ Johnson, 42; Jim McCooe, that a handicapped per­ Anastasia, 795; Josephine 738: Floyd Post. 737. Fisher, 117. years ago and today my D EAR MUSICIAN: Re­ son cannot speak for her breasts are so hard I hate Greetings. There are quest honored. And may or himself. to embrace my own child­ seats available for the you never play to a full Secondly, a woman in a ^ a***-ii ren. I'm an affectionate followi-ng center- house on an empty public place would be far person who always en­ it was a coincidence, but s|x>n8ored trips: loving her because her stomach. more receptive to a re­ joyed hugging my friends, my husband stopped lov­ breasts “ got hard;’’ (Men 1. Hitchcock Museum — quest from another July 22, $2. # 1 > but now I avoid close body ing me as soon as my continue to. love women DEAR ABBY: You re­ woman (whether handi­ contact with everyone. I breasts got hard. 2. Mystery trip — July '1^ L DOUBLE w h o have had cently published a letter capped or not) than from am devastated. I would like to hear how mastectomies.) 26, $2.50. i UefielW*eee#sertwd from a man who needed to a man. J •MMOf OUtMIBu 'a ip s iw a ir / f.’ttJTSsr;.’'r S“’’"'111 t T h e hroo You told "Wants to Love men feel about this opera­ 3. Ocean Beach — July ^•aoeiAeowy w A reputable plastic sur­ accompany his handi­ KAREN C.. Again” to go back to the tion. Sign me... 27, $2.50. geon will inform all candi­ capped wife into public OAK PARK. ILL. COUPONS ' Individuals interested doctor who performed her WANTS TO LOVE dates for silicone im­ washrooms to assist her. ------T REDEEM MANUFACTURERS' CENTS-OFF operation and ha ve it done AGAIN, plants that there’s a 25 in registering for the AD Stores iSiunmei* T He inquired about a tact­ DEAR KAREN: You above trips may do so in COUPONS FOR DOUBLE THEIR VALUE. oyer. This is very expen­ TOO percent to 50 percent ful way to do so. You are right on! The face the front lobby from 8:30 SEE STORES FOR DETAILS. sive, with no help from chance that hardening of suggested that he ap­ Open Sunday with the.^egg on it is mine. a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Rosters VALID THRU SATURDAY JULY 16, 1983. health insurance. Also, DEAR WANTS: I have the breasts will occur. proach a woman in the Why didn’t I think of that? will be posted on the CHECK LOCAL STORES FOR CORRECT HOURS the results cannot be said repeatedly, never restaurant (or wherever bulletin board one week guaranteed. have any kind of cosmetic DEAR ABBY: Will you they might be) to ask her (If you hate to write before the designated So many women (my­ surgery to please another please tell your readers to find out if there are any letters because you don’t tiip. Because we hav^ self included) had this person — only to please who are planning a wed­ women in the washroom, know what to say, send for given ample notification done to please our hus­ yourself. My mail over­ ding reception or a big and if so advise them (and Abby’s complete booklet of trips, all registrations bands only to find our­ whelmingly supports the party with live music to other women approaching selves divorced and left theory that most men on letter-writing. Send $2 for the trips will be closed invite the musicians to the washroom) that a man and a long, stamped (37 with a condition that couldn’t care less about eat? one week before the de- needs to go in there to cents), self-addressed en­ makes it impossible to the size of a woman's Traveling to the job, assist his disabled wife. "Child’s Play" Host Bill Cullen says game shows are 'loo •parture date. Money for velope to Abby, Letter all trips will be collected engage in physical inti­ breasts No man who truly setting up and playing ' Abby, unless the wife’s cerebral" for the average nighttime sitcom viewer. Booklet, P.O. Box 38923, on the date of the trip, and Fresh macy with a man. Maybe loves a woman will stop from 6 to 8 hours is hard handicap prevented her Boneless Hollywood, Calif. 90038.) we ask all attending to Chicken Legs Bottom Rounds arrive about one-half hour LESSER QUANTITIES—SSa LB. before departure time. BEEF R(XJND-WHOLE-22 TO 28 LBS. Individuals attending Bill Cullen defends the Red Sox game this Man’s liver destroyed by drinking ^ Saturday are reminded ,c that the bus will leave the DEAR DR. LAMB: what will happen Your and ws doubtful any ever Pic and Save parking lot Please help me. My the TV game show at 10 a.m. sharp. husband, age 53, has ad­ husband may well lapse existed. He said it was into a coma. He may be Just a reminder: Thurs­ vanced cirrhosis of the very serious and if there disoriented and irrational had been any several day we will be have lunch liver. He was drinking 24 By Vernon Scott Right’’''bn all three net­ if he is not already. He years ago I would be dead ain’t bad. inside and not a picnic. f r e s h - m ix e d f r y e r p a r t s PORK RIBS ^ ^ ^ cans of beer a day, seven U P l Hollywood works, open working in FRESH-FORMERLY GROUND (»«)C K Your Health could have a heart compli­ by now. This upset me and “ ‘Family Feud’ is in The following Thursday BEEF LOIN-SEIRFBONELESS _ days a week. Our doctor Reporter two or three at the same Box-O- cation from disturbed salt I am worried about who syndicated prime time we will have a picnic I Fresh 1 9 9 did a vagotomy and took time, cabbing from studio Lean 169 SheU 7 Lawrence Lamb, M.D. and water balance. If he was right. access and it gets 20 starting at 5 p.m. sharp. C h i^ e n )1 9 40 percent of his stomach HOLLYWOOD - BiU to studio in New York. Spare Rihs m.A. bleeds it is more likely to million viewers every Afterward, we will go to Ground Beef ,t la m two years ago. At that Cullen, who has been The absence of game FRESH Sirloin Steaks be internally. DEAR READER: This night. So the interest is the auditorium to listen to KEF CHUCX>80NELESS SHOULDER time he said the liver was involved in more TV game shows in the network 8 KEFLOM Obviously he should not sounds like a doctor to obviously there. a program offered by Chicken Breasts Ann Page SBced Bacon ^ 7 2 9 all lumpy and looked like and panel shows than p.m. to 11 p.m. prime London Broil Steaks K). n Boneless Rump Steaks be drinking any alcohol at patient communication “Mayte people aren’t piano students of Ellen .2” it had marbles in it. anyone else, defends KEF CHUCK-BONELESS viewing hours puzzles as impressed with the Chen. It should prove to be KEF CHUCK-BONELESS SHOULMR OR all and needs good nutri­ problem. Obviously wha­ Perdue Chicken Breasts F ’ 7 3 9 Now he says my hus­ a coma? Will he bleed those programs which ap- Cullen. He dismisses the prizes anymore. In the old an entertaining evening, A&P Imported Ham ,b 3“*’ Top Blade Steaks 7 2 9 that controlling obesity tional support to help him tever your first doctor ib .'^ Boneless Chuck Fillet Steaks lb. band is in the last stages of from all the openings? He parently have been notion that network big­ frozen and having a regular do as well as possible. His saw he didn’t think was days winning $25,000 was so please attend. JUMBO KEF-1^.B PKG. 1.89 cirrhosis of the liver and it dropped forever from net­ wigs are still chary of big KEF BRCKET-UNTRHUKCP-BONELESS still drinks bSser but it’s exercise program and you bloated abdomen is p ro^ serious; neither has a big deal. With today’s While on the subject of Matlaw’s Stuffed Clams ^ I ’ ’ A&P Meat Franks iH P ’ i H t 1 7 9 has shrunk to the size of one or two six-packs every work prime time. game giveaways thanks Kahn’s Jumbo Meat Franks pkg 1 would empty the doctors’ ably full of fluid because anjfone since then, so you inflation the size of the picnics, we will have a Fresh Briskets his fist. day. An affable and agreea­ to the 1950s scandals Jn- 8EEF-2J9 LB. offices and the hospitals. of the liver disease. should relax. prize doesn’t make that picnic Aug. 4, starting at 5 M ff-tO Z . PKG 1 M-SIICEO _ _ My husband is very ble man, Cullen suggests, votving crooked produc­ Fresh Fkxuider Fillet 2 ” A&P Luncheon Meats 2 9 9 7 1 9 I am sending you The I suspect your first big an impression. p.m. We will urge all • 4 VA4^ WED. THRU SAT. X SELF SERVICE Ft8H 0CRTS- HiUst#e Polska Kielbasa lb. n skinny but his stomach is only partly' in jest, that ers and emcees who supp­ Oscar Mayer Meat Bologna 5^ 9 9 DEAR READER: What Health Letter 7-8, Living DEAR DR. LAMB: Sev­ doctor may have seen “ But money isn’t the seniors to invite their bloated and his feet so red a waste. Your husband most game shows are too lied contestants with With Your Liver, which eral years ago a doctor som e calcifications real reason people tune in. children or grandchildren llU ’ I rCL'/tT and swollen he can’t wear has an illness that he cerebral for nighttime answers to keep ratings explains its functions and said my X-rays showed “ near” the heart. These Some of the most success­ to the affair. This will give shoes. He has reddish caused himself. In this sitcoms viewers glued to high. 104F. SAUsaunr steax. turkey or what happens with liver some calcium around my can occur in lung fields or ful shows had the smallest ‘ all the seniors a chance to FARA# purple blotches on his day of high medical costs, the mindless comedy “ Most of the guys mak­ diseases. Others who heart but he dismissed it lymph nodes from a var­ prizes.” give their families a tour Morton Qiicken Dinner arms and chest. which we all pay as series. ing programming deci­ FROZEN want this issue can send 75 as unimportant. Since iety of causes. These often He says elenjents for a of our fine facility as well I ’ve resigned myself to taxpayers, it is important He believes it takes sions at the networks are c en ts with a lo n g, then I have had numerous have no particular signifi­ successful game or panel as meet the families of Celeste Deluxe Pizza LARGE JUICV SWEET the fact he doesn’t have a for everyone to realize brains, imagination------and too young to remember stamped, self-addressed X-rays and nothing has cance. But if the calcifica­ show include the game other seniors. GREEN QIANT lot of time left but 1 am so that a high percentage of “ owledge to play along those days,” Cullen said. CaGfomia Nectarines envelope for it to me, in ever been said about the tions were around, mean­ Itself, which should be If you are going to Com on the Cob scared. What can I ex­ serious illnesses could be with the gam es______LARGE ORCHARD SWEET care of this newspaper, calcium deposits. s at home. “The networks just don’t easy enough for viewers attend and ‘are going to DUTCH APPLE OR pect? He fell face down on ing encasing the heart, Moreover, Cullen is con prevented. If everyone P.O. Box 1551, Radio City Then I asked my , cur­ seem to have faith in them $0 follow but difficult bring members of your Southern Peaches the floor twice and went then you. would have an vinced game shows are Mrs. Smith’s Apple Pie just stopped smoking and Station, New York, N .Y rent doctor about them for prime time.” enough to challenging family, please let us Imow PLUMPFIRMSERRtES into convulsions, then entirely different problem more entertaining than SUMMCRTRC TREAT drinking it would have an 10019. Nor are game shows them intellectually. in the front office so we Fresh Blueberries passed out. Will he go into and he said he had never and it would beeasily seen most other TV fare. enormous effect. Add to It is difficult to know seen any on my X-rays today. prospering in daytime as Contestants and pane­ can prepare for this af­ Ann Page Lemonade U S N0.1-FOR SALADS OR SANDWICHES He currently is the they did a decade ago. lists are chosen carefully. fair. A word of note: FROZEN-RKM M VITAMM C Jumbo Spanish Onions bespectacled master of Soap operas have elbowed Producers want partici­ Lunch will not be served U S. NO.I-CALrORNIA ceremonies of “Child’s A&P them aside for choice pants that viewers can this day due to the evening Play,” which pits two Long White Potatoes Thoughts viewing in the mornings. relate to. picnic. can NATURAL PACK-WHOLE KERNEL Solar-power baseball contestants in a guessing Orange Juice FOR SUMMER SALADS MNTAlOUP€S-MONEY()£W-W*TEm»E1.0N PIECES “ Child's Play,” for in­ “Most viewers enjoy Our former director. game involving defini­ L i b b y 2 Cucumbers stance, is the mid­ the vicarious thrill of Lxtra Fancy Melon Trays 6 9 It’s hard to think God’s makes a sunny debut tions of words as ex­ I ni*Yl Q'PpnBaung-iSW-o*. >7-01. FARM FRESH N' TEN KR r e O . W E ^ Y SWEET (aK B.A V G i sky, seeing the same from whom I learn how to morning part of a CBS watching people win I Icaltli & Boaiiit Aids plained by youngsters, 6 I I "CuiOrMn cans thoughts. During my faith things but from another think of God and man. ‘If block of game shows, something — a car, mo­ L o n g w a lk B69n»-16ot. Sweet Com Whole Watermelons « journey. I’ve tried and- to 8 years, on pre-taped stand point. His fault any man be in Christ.’ BALTIM ORE (U P I) — More than 30,000 fans at following “ The N ew ney, a roomful of furni­ IS* OFF LABEL failed more often than not. monitors. _ which seemed excusable says Paul, ‘he is a new Memorial Stadium and radio listeners in seven $25,000 P yram iiT’ and ture or whatever,” Cullen w o n ’t e n d LaChoy"^ Ilie Dairy Here is a timely vignette The kids are taped in Aqua-Fresh in a trivial earth is now creature: old things have states enjoyed “ Sun” -day baseball just the way preceding “ The Price is said. “ You know, it could iCPjn that encourages me to Los Angeles ahd New Soy Sauce MWttOOEO serious and great; repent­ passed away, behold they solar energy proponenU wanted them to. Right” before the soaps have happened to them. u n til 2001 Tootpaste kwp trying. It’s from ance. I suppose, is nothing have 'become new.’ His Most had no idea they were part of the first York. The youngsters are take over. =99' Kraft Mozzarella Cheese SJ 79* William M. Macgregor’s else than the sight, for a former judgments, his game in history powered precocious, funny and “ I ■ don’t know why ASHLAND, Ore. (U PI) La Choy Teriyaki Sauce ’S '79* 1(KJZ. BOTTLE OUARTERS-LiCHTCORNOn. book, Jesus Christ the Son moment, of sin as God estimate of great and by solar energy. sometimes obnoxious. games aren’t as popular — A 37-year-old Califor­ Bic of God. sees it. And Jesus, the dim They provide three clues on the tube as they once nian who has spoken only La Choy Sweet & Sour Sauce 79* Fleischmann’s Margarine JIS^89* small, are changed; he Solar Genny 1, a 20,000-watt solar generator, SEALTEST-IE-OZ CONT “ It is thoughts of God’s far-off figure, with a kind finds himself in a new was plugged into a stadium outlet by Baltimore to such words as “ rom­ were, ” Cullen said. “ But a once in the last 10 years Lady Shaver .*pKgKU l AMOJtTEO FIRVORS-REAOYTOSRREAD thinking which we need to of idyllic charm and pa­ washen earth. It is no Mayor William Schaefer shortly before the start ance.” The contestant great many people still estimates he’ll complete PiUsbury Frostings Light n’ Lively Cottage Cheese 99* set us right and, re- thos about it, is seen with power of earth that can of Sunday’s game between the Orioles and the who guesses correctly watch them. We have 8 . his walk around the world ASSORTED LAYER member„ they are not as other eyes, seen now as work a change like that, Seattle Mariners. wins a sackful of dough. million viewers a day for to promote world peace in Jergen’s Lotion ^ 39 OELiaOUS our thoughts. A man can­ God sees Him, in whom it Cullen has been hosting ‘Child’s Play.’ And that the year 2001. Pillsbi but the redeeming will of The 20-foot trailor with racks of sun-absorbing' Hood Fruit Drinks 'cS' P not come to the great God pleased the Father that all game shows since John Francis, who D e fte r Elottle God, who is able also to energy cells converts sunlight into electricity that and remain himself, little fullness should dwell.” subdue all things unto “ Winner Take All,” a 1946 «!S ^ made vows of silence and Seafood Shop and mean and suspicious; is stored in 300 2-volt batteries.. radio show that moved to 8 “ When my thoughts Himself.” Abstention from moto­ he has to give up some­ television in 1950. ‘GREAT SAWNGS sbury about life are put away As Macgregor suggests, The generator powered the stadium’s public pnauitt rized vehicles on his birth­ thing, to clear his mind of SHOWCASK that I may get God’s thinking God’s thoughts address system and radio station W FBR’s His credits as panelist day a few months after a FULLOFVITAMmS something, to get another Flour thoughts, Christ becomes will make a different and host include such 1972 oil spill in San Fran­ PEA BEANS Cod or Scrod Fillet broadcast to 65 other stations in seven states. FRESH CUT heart and other eyes. the gift of God’s heart to person out of you. cer­ programs as “ The P.S. YOUR CAT cisco Bay, says his trip Mott’s When a man does come to me. a Deliverer in whom tainly a “ new” person in David Wentling, a Solar Action of Maryland Name’s the Same,” “ I ’ve yiMTlHOWOWlT ' will take him 18 years. Campbell’s Flounder Fillet God, it is as if he looked Got a Secret” (13 years), Apple Juice FRESH CUT the power of my new life the reasoning of the Apos­ official, said the broadcast was historic, adding IS DEAD Francis communicates h H o e b OCEAN SPRAY _ _ from the other side of the consists, an Enlightener tle Paul. Why not enter a that Solar Genny 1 had also been used to power “The Price Is Right” through written notes, TASTEMAKER Pork & Beans Swordfish Steaks ELBOW Cranberry Juke Cocktail ’S?* 99* FRESH BUCCD God-thought in your faith rock concerts by top-name groups. (nine years), “ To Tell the Jamlat Kirkwood pantomime, gestures, fa­ Bath Toweb 3.99 - ASSORTED VARimES journal today. For star­ Truth'’ (seven years) and Staring cial expressions and sign A&P Macaroni Saknon Steaks Wentling said using a solar generator to power “ The $26,000 Pyram id” S Hand Toweb n-. «• 2.9 9 .. Betty Crocker Potatoes 69* FREW CUT ters, try 2 Corinthians 5. m RonrHashacinPillllo language. He also allows popular events would help eradicate public (five years). himself to hum and grunt. Brillo Soap Pads Lemon Sole Fillet Wash Cloths n- .u- 1.69 « 35* OFF ON LABEL FRESH CAUGHT Newell Curtis misconceptions about solar energy. In all, he has been snoKEh Wed. July 13 He says he has talked only Center Cong. Church involved dozens of shows thru Sat July 23 once in the last 10 years — Bath/RugSet 8.88 .k Tide Laundry Detergent A & P Solid o n e Bkiefish such as “ The Price Is ACE in a telephone conversa­ ______A U ITEMS ON SALE HARTFORD WEST HARTFORD -swHwiAn* „ atB p.m. White Tuna Anianaum Clnamo— Reop­ tion with his parents in ens Thursday. J Thunder Mat Sat Ju^ 23 55} — Flashdance Philadelphia. . Clnatna City — Tender (R) 2:15, 7:15, 9:30. At 2 p.m. Imported Mercies (R) 2:30, 4:30, 7:30, The Movies — Valley Girl Francis began walking FVesh Baked Whole Bar-BrQued Hofi^y Natural 7;M. — No^h by Northwest PSYCHO 2 Alr-Condltloned north from Inverness 2:35, 7:15 with The Thin Man (R) 12, 1:55, 3:50, 5:40, 7:40, RENNES French Brie Chickens 4j55, 9:40. — The Survivors ,T •***urn af fhe JedI m HUmS.M0ll»TIEIIIK hear San Francisco on GDlden RoDs Casing Franks (PG) 11:30,11:45,2,2:15,4:30, -SNOWNAT TIcfcala: $4.80-18.80 (R) 2:20, 4:20, 7:20, 9:20. — 4:40, 7, 7:15, 9:30, 9:40. i2iia.ft9i4da.7(8o.taiia April 27. He is now walk­ Rrturn of the JedI (PG) 1:30, WILLIMANTIC Box Offlcai 406-3900 ing across Oregon toward Jillson Square Cinema — TAVERN , 'CihMtudlo — Closed for the Washington, then will Summer. Return of the JedI (PG) 1:30, 76 Cooper St. P0RKY5 2 bead east. He plans to Colonial — Reopens 9:30. — Superman III Frldoy. (PG) 1:45, 7, 9:30. — War Mondiostor THEHEXTDAY travel to South America, EAST HARTFORD Games (PG) 2:10,7:10,9:30. — — SHOfVMRri— Africa, Europe and Asia. — Twilight Zone — The KiM-MLIMMS-IOiSt .IK Eastwood Pub A Cinema — Movie (PG) 2, 7, 9:20. 649-2248 *I44 III I I I II II I I I H |||[|('| Appearing Flashdance (R) 7:15, 9:05. WINDSOR Poor Richards Pub A ci- 6.69 Wodnesdoy lliglit Men better nomo — Flashdance ( R) 7:30, 7 PJozo — Flashdonce (R) ocTorassr riie B;iker\ 9:30. 94W - liOO C heese World d r iv e -in s at barbecues Hot I'lHids Showcase Cinema — NOW SERVING Ike Deli Stfokor Ace ( p g ) 12:15,2:30, Manchester — Mv Tutor — SHOumxn— ^ A inches a year. to q u iio d Hie survey was spon­ sored by the Merit ci­ SATURDAY 8:00 A. M. TO 10:00 P.M.; SUNDAY 9:00 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M. garette company. J« — MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday. July 13, 1983

MANCHESTER HERALD, Wodnesduy. July 13, 1983 — 19 Wednesday TV TOWN OF MANCHESTER. CONNECTICUT TOWN OF MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT „PubKc Records NOTICE OF N O T IC E O F 6 :0 0 P.M. 9 9 - Fastlval of FaMi ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 3. Section 1 (X) QD CD 18) ® ® - N«w« I S - Hogan'a Haroaa mark, Timothy Bottomt. 1877. Shlp^ A man dackfaa to have an Lovers' An Inttrpratatlon c f Hia In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 3, Section 1 Rated PG. old liberty ship refitted inttaad '.Uana and 9 of the To w nC harte r. notice is hereby given of the adop­ and 9 of the Town Charter, notice Is hereby given of the Q D - ThrM 't Company Q ) - Monayllrw turbulent lifs of eompotar P M r Church of the Nazarene, tion by the Board of Directors of the Town of Manchester, adoption by the Board of Directors of the Town of ® ~ Who'* Buppofthtg tha of acrappad. Robert Wagner, Tchaikovsky la praaantad. RL Daniel Segal, D.D.S., Stasko, roofing at SO Fox- Drive, 84,000. Connecticut, on July 5, 1963 CD - 8.WA.T. ( 8 ) -N a w a Doloraa Hart. Frankie Avalon. temporary tent installa­ Manchester. Connecticut, on July 5, 1983. Km s 7 Tha Itausa of unpaid child chard Chambaritin, Glenda " against Frank and Unda croft Drive. $1,800. o r d in a n c e S I - U vom o Ik Shirioy a Co. IS) - Conn. Sports Edition 1BB2. tion at 236 Main St., $300. Lauretano Sign Co. for Wednesday support are axaminad. (80 min.) Jackaon. 1871. Rated R. Scott, $277 and court costs Bergen Construction Cardinal's Buick Inc., BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Directors of the Town of ORDINANCE ® - Bill Donoo Outdoors IS) - Sotodad Soria dramatica. 9 9 - Nightlltw Yankee Aluminum for Manchester that the Town of Manchester convey to Noe| H. BE IT ORDAINED by the Boordof Directors of the Townof 1 0 :3 0 P.M. 1 :3 0 A.M . St. Francis Hopspital Co. for William Bissette. Q 9 - USA Cartoon Expross LIbartad Lamarquo. A. Quey, siding at 115 sign installation at 81 Bradley dba New England Engineering and Metallizing for Monchester that the Town of Manchester convey to James Simon Jones. Charlotte (D - Meat tha Mayors 1 1 :4 6 P.M. CD - Tom CoMa Show against Gloria M. Govin, siding at 28 Bigelow St., Adams St., $200. the sum of Sixty Thousand ($60,000.00) Dollars, Lot No. 17 in and Bridget L. Generis, for the sum of One Hundred - Living Faith 9 9 - Entsruinmant Tonight Brookfield St.. $2,000. the Buckland Industrial Pork, Town of Manchester, County Moore. Trey Wilson (standing. I. 9 9 - Howard Hughaa: 'Tha 8 - MOVIE: ' U Bax Shop' CD - Chloo and tha Man $2,503.05 and costs. $4,950. Tw enty-five Thousand ($125,000.00) Dollars, Parcel No. 10 In IB) - Bualnsaa Rsport Yankee Aluminum for Donald and Pat Sauer, of Hartford and State of Connecticut. Said premises are the Buckland Industrial Park, Town of Manchester, County ( 8 - Buck Rogors to r .). Michael Davis and Lynne Inalda Story Tha Ufa of this ae- Couplet attempt to keep up Bernard Gadomski (or with faat-changing sexual 8 8 - Indspandsnt Nstworfc ■■ Clark Paint Co. against L.D. Biathrow, siding at above-ground pool instal­ more portlcularly bounded and described as follows: of Hartford and State of Connecticut. Said premises ore ( 8 - MOVIE: 'Lova's Dark Rida' 7 :3 0 P.M. Thigpen (seated) satirize week­ cantric milllonaira it axaminad. Nawa Robert Topping, $402.36 Bob Murdock, roof repair Beginning at a point In the westerly street line of Batson more particularly bounded and described os follows: A man who it accidantslly ly news events in TH E NEW S 18 moraa. Claude BarrI, Juliet 69 White St.. $2,250. lation at 45 Fulton Road, (D - PM Magatina ( 8 ) ® - Taxi Jim triaa to con­ Barto, Jaan-Pitrra Martalla. 8 - Sparta Probs and costs. at 151 Hollister St., $950. $600. D rive , said point having coordinates N350,150.773, Beginning at a point In the southerly street line of Chapel blindad, It ttrangthanad by s TH E NEWS, which airs Wednes­ vince a Judge that ha la not James Angelo for Mel- E647.055.021 and beinga southeasterly corner of the land her­ Rood, said point having coordinates of N351.317.297, CD - All In tha Family 1873. Rated R. 8 - Dr Jamas Soon Residential Construc­ woman't love. Carrie Snod- days on NBC. craiy to ha can gat hla inharit- Town Water and Sewer ony Weir, shingling at 206 Dunn Bros. Inc for ein described; thence the line runs in a northwesterly direc­ £647,576.574 and being the northwesterly corner of the lond great. Cliff Pont. Jane Sey­ CD - Muppat Show anea. (R) 12KH)A.M . 8 - NBC Nawa Ovsmiglit tion Co. for Gladys Irwin, tion along the westerly street line of Batson Drive along the herein described; thence the line runs In a southerly CHECK LISTINOS FOfl EXACT TIME . Department continuing Porter St., $l,ioo. Manchester Memorial mour. 1976. CD - Family Faud roof repair at 99 Summit arc of a circulor curve to the right having a delta angle of 23 direction olong land now or formerly of James A. and ( 8 ) - Bualnaat' Report 93)-OddCotip- 1872. ing at 580 W. Middle of 121.16 feet to a point; thence the line continues In on east­ ore of o circular curve to the left having o delta angle of 9 9 - Match Gama Schneidar, Fernando Ray. Aftar his wlfa laavaa with hla ces releases Beverly Robert DiPasquale for Sabrina Pools for David ® - Play Your Boat Tannia To- 1671. 93) - Major Laagua Bataball: 92) - PKA FuH Contsot Karats gram fsaturst 'Ortsana' from bast friand, a man dacidaa to CD - Tom Cotda Up Cloaa Turnpike, $1,100. erly direction along land now or formerly of George J. 59“-06'*55". a rodlus of 350.00 feet for a distance of three day’a show faaturas 'Prapsra- 9 9 - Bamsy Millar Naw York Yankaaa at from Adsntlo City, N J Covsraga Tha Tallyho, Wilmington, DE. Januska. Sue Tysky, house con­ Miner, below-ground Glode, Jr. and Kenneth Corneau, Lot No. 21 on the mop her­ hundred sixtv-one and 11/100 (361.11) feet to a merestone In tlon for Match Play.' (2D - Prime News (60 min.) abduct hla adorad daughtar. CD - Jos FrankNn Show Lewellyn Pelletier, gar­ ein referred to. In part by each, sold line having a bearing of ® - Psopis's Court MInnaaota of tha Flyweight bout featuring Bruno Lawranca, A n i» Jami­ Internal Revenue Ser­ struction at 83 Bramble- swimming pool installa­ the southerly street line of Chapel Rood; thence the lunrs (22) S 9 - Real People Tonight's Fallpa Garcia vs. Jerry J. Clarke (lJ)-Rooklaa age construction at 110 tion at 83 Overlook Drive, N79 degrees-56'-50"E for a total distance of 413.80 feet to a runs along the aforementioned southerly street line of 93) - MOVIE: ‘Attaok Foroa Z' A 92) - Auto Racing: 1883 '24 9 9 - Faatival of FaHh son, Graar Robson. 16B2. vice releases Anthony V. bush Road, $63,000. point; thence the line runs in a northerly direction along apaclal oparatlons unit tracks 8 :0 0 P.M. program features a tributa to la praiantsd from Atlantic City, Center St., $12,000. Chapel Rood In o westerly direction along the arc of a curve Hours of LaMans' 8 - Honsymoonars 8 - PBA Prafaaalonal Bowlsra Marinello. $ 8, 000. land now or formerly of said Kenneth Corneau, Lot No. 21, to the right hovlng^o delta angle of 15“-05'■47”, a radius of down Jspanssa dafactors on a CD (D - Arohia Bunkar'a Plaoa Lenny Skutnik, a look at fans of NJ. (80 min.) 1 2 :3 0 A.M . Tour Covarags of tha Kaaalar Ruth Woodbury, garage Th e Rocky Horror Picture (S )-L u o a a 8 - Sports Tonight • Town Water and Sewer Mike Zorolinski for Wil­ Mildred Smyth, above­ said line having a bearing of N19 degrees-38'-29'* W for a dis­ ^ distance of one hundred thirty-three and South Asian island. Mai Gibson. Billia Is ordarad out of tha IS )® -B u f f a lo Bill Wandy fin­ CD-A U In tha Family Opan is praaantad from San demolition at 65 Foley St., tance of 67.12 feet to a point; thence the line runs In o 59/100 (133.59) feet to the point of beginning.; John Philip Law, Sam Naill. Show' and a profile of animal Department releases Her­ liam Fetherston, altera­ ground swimming pool housa sftsr Archie finds soma 9KX>P.M. ally asst Bill for tha man ha 8 - Palloula: 'Ml AdoraMa CD - Mary Hartman, Mary Josa, CA. (2 hra.) $625. northeasterly direction along land now or formerly of said The herein described parcel contains on oreoof S.OOocres. 1881. marijuana. (R) trainar Ray Berwick. (R) (60 raally la. Eselsva' man M. Frechette, Albert tions and additions at 20 installation at 42 Knighton Kenneth Corneau, Lot No. 21, sold line having a bearing of min.) CD CD - MOVIE: -Prlma Hartnum 8 - First Estate Mary Ann G. Hansen, Sold parcel Is shown on a mop entitled. “ Tow n of (8) S 9 - NBC Nawa (X ) - PM Magazine (8 ) - OabrM y OabfMa 8-TwHlghtZrins R. Martin, Gerald P. Richmond St.. $10,000. St., $2,900. N44degrees-27'56"E for a distance of 79.08feet tothe point of Manchester Connecticut Deportment of Public Works 9 9 - MOVIE: 'Hanky Panky* A •uapect* A happily married CD - Nightllna 2 :1 5 A.M . fencing at 56 W. Middle beginning. Engineering Division Land Conveyed By Town Of Manches­ (S) - Untamad World men's tranquil Ufa Is auddanly 9 2 - Bualnaaa Rsport ,iRotbman, 92 Green Road. Tom Hooper for Ron James A . Bell, tool shed mlld-mannarad archltact gata 10K )0P.M . CD - Ua Dataotor 8 - MOVIE 'Lookin' to Oat Turnpike, $200. The herein described parcel contains an area of 3.77acres. ter to James and Bridget L. Generis Scale 1" ■ 40' Dote ( D 9 9 - Fall Quy Colt and a shattarad whan he becomes tha Fournier, wood shed con­ construction at 319 Au­ Said parcel is shown on a mop entitled, “ Townof Manches­ 7/3/80 Revisions: 6/23/83” . ( 8 ) - Notlolaro Naolonal SIN stunt woman help a movie star caught In a wab of intrigua and CD- Nawa 1 1 :3 0 P.M. 93) - Saturday Night Uvs O u f Tw• a-vw o «,i,waa-aa>aavsmalMma wcon i t ailWMman Arteffects for Farley Noticiat nacionalea con Guil­ murdar. Gana Wlldar, Gllda prims suapact In e pollca hunt struction at 93 Ashworth tumn St., $400. * ter Connecticut Department of Public Works Engineering Sold premises ore sublect to the following: accused of murder. (R) (60 min.) for a sax murdarar. Mika Farrall, haad for tha Laa Vsgaa big time. Altecbmenla lermo Rettrepo. Radnar, Richard WIdmark. CD - Naw Jarsay Report C D - Hawaii F lv »0 8 - Pk* tha Pros Sportawri- Corp.. sign installation at St.. $2,250. Division Land Conveyed by Townof Manchester to New En­ 1. Industrial Pork Regulations of the Manchester - MOVIE: Th a Looking Tarl Garr, Varonica Cartwright tars praviaw kay g « n M and Jon Volght Ann-Margrat Burt Penlube Inc. against Metro Building Co. for gland Engineering and M etallizing Scale 1” equals 40' Dote: Economic Development Commission, recorded In Volume - Jefferaona CD 1882. Rated PG. 9 9 - Profaaalonal Golf Bariaa CD-Bacolta Young. Rated R. 340 Progress Drive, Olaaa War^ A mitaion aparfct off 1681. vlawars compata for prizaa. O’Brien Construction, Ronald M. Maillot, fenc­ Savings Bank of Manches­ 9/17/80 Revisions: 6-21-83." 662, Page 292 of the Manchester Land Records. - ABC Nawa I S 9 2 - Natkmal Gaographle 9 9 - Sunday at tha King's C D - PoHos Story $2,400. Said premises are subject to the following. 2. Real property taxes of the Tow n of Manchester and of 9 9 a game of world espionage. “ The Merv Show 8 8 - Ula Night wHh DavM 2 :^ A .M . $3,000. ing at 125 Brookfield St., ter, interior demolition at Christopher Jones, Ralph Rl- Spaolal Th a Sharks.' 'Tha Ufa Housa C D -R o a k fo rd Fliss E. Glen White, fencing $820. 1. Industrial Park Regulations of the Manchester Econ­ me Eighth Utilities District of sold Town on the current IB) - Dr. Who pattarns of tha.aharfc ara axam*. ^ ® - MOVIE'Masada'Part Latlarman (D - Cte Nawa NIghtwatoh ' ' Michael F. Shanahan et 915-917 Main St., $20,000. omic Development Commission, recorded in Volume 662, chardson Pia Degermark. I S - - ChaiUs's Angsts G D -S a in t at 169.Main St., $100. G rand List which Grantees, by acceptonce of the deed agree load. (R) (80 min.) [Cloaad Cap- 8 - ABC Nawa Ona on One JIP al against Swensson Est­ Robert P, Maher, Bob Summers for Ro­ Page 292 of the Monchester Land Records. to pov In accordance with Section 12-81o of the Connecticut 7 :0 0 P.M. 1670. (S)-Ftosmsn Haporta Michael and Doreen tionad] (S) ® - Fsots of Ufa Tootia 8 - N a w a 8 - ESPN SpottaCantar above-ground pool instal­ bert Regius, sign installa­ 2. Real Property taxes of the To w n of Monchester and of General Statutes. CD - CBS Nawa 93) - Odd Coupla 1KX)A.M. ates. property of Joseph the Eighth Utilities District of sold Town on the current feels sbandonad whan Natalia 8 ) O - Nawa Is tha Nawa 8 - MOVIE: 'Rooky IIP A boxsr Zotta, above-ground pool lation at 110 Briarwood 3. Planning and Zoning Regulations of the Tow n of CD 9 9 - M*A‘S’ H 9 9 - MOVIE: T h a End of 8-Croaafiro L. Swensson Jr., East tion at 56 Loomis St., $125. G ran d List which Grantees, by acceptance of the deed agree Manchester. 92) - InsMa tha U8FL AuguaY A turn-of-tha-cantury gata a naw boyfriand. (R) ( 8 ) - M O VIE 'Maglo' A vantriL finda out that it It tougher to CD - Sanfbrd and Son installation at 15 Coburn - Muppat Show 8 -B a w H o h a d Eldridge and Oak Grove to pay in accordance with Section 12-81o of the Connecticut 4. Such easements and rights-ot-wavs existing on sold CD 93) - MOVIE: -Haywlrs' Tha housawifa finds that har rom- (8l - EvsnIng of Championship oquiat finds that hla dummy has stay on top than to to gat there. CD - Hogan's Harass Road, $2,500. General Statutes. premises os of the date hereof which do not render title CD-A B C Nawa livas of tha Haywaids ara fol- anca brings ostracism. Sally Skating Elaina Ziyak, Oa^d a mind of Ha own. Anthony Hop- Syhraatar Stallone, Burgeaa streets, $25,000. 3. Planning and Zoning Regulations of the Town of Man­ CD - Biloam Christian Warship 3KK>A.M. '••I Deborah A. Hess, unmorketoble or Interfere with Grantee's quiet enlovment (D -V a g a l lowad through tha good timss Sharp, Lilia Skala, Mark Linn- Santas and Kitty and Patar Car- kins, Ann-Margrat Burgaas Maredith. Telia Shire. 1882. chester. or use of the premises In any wav whatsoever. Bakar, Rated PG. Maredith. 1678. Rated R. Rated PG. 8 - D. Dtyadala'a Baaahall CD - M O VIE 'Tha Hungw HUT above-ground pool instal­ 4. Such easementsandrlghts-of-waysexistlngon soldpre- and tha bad timas. Laa Rsmick. ruthara ara soma of tha akatsra Tha mothsr and tha sidsat aon ;;;Foracloaura Hied ^ OFF 5. The sold parcel Is sublect to a twenty-five foot wide 9 3 ) ® -Alloa Jason Robards, Oaborah Raffin. who prsaant a apaclal parform- UBA Host Don Dryadala looks lation at 24 Niles Drive, 1.00 mises as of the dote hereof which do not render title unmar­ ufilitv eosement to the Grontor olong the west, south and MOVIE: Th a King and I' A ( 8 ) - MaoNsILUhrar Report 8 - Mary Hartman, Maty bahind-tha-acanaa at Amarica'a of a Victorian Irish family dlssL Connecticut Housing Fi- 9 2 - ESPN'a Horaa Racing 1880. widow and her son arrive in ancs to banafit Tha Jimmy Hartman $3,000. ketable or InterferewIthGrantee'squIetenioyment or useof east property lines of the herein described parcel. ( 8 - 2 4 Horaa National Paatlma. pats the family fortune through with this coupon the premises In any way whatsoever. Sold premises ore sublect to the following condition: Wkly. 9 9 - PBA Profasslonat Bowlsra Siam to tutor the King's many Fund, a children's cancer ra- ...Tnance Co. against James 8-Croatflto gambling and drugs. Jean Sim­ Mary Ann G. Hansen, INSURED 5. Subject too twenty-five foot wide utility easement to the "The premises described herein ore conveyed upon the - Radio 1880 Today's pro­ Tour Covsraga of tha Kasslar wives and children. Yul Bryn- aaarch organliatlon. (R) (80 9 9 - M O VIE 'RoHanoaatsr' An 8-Daapadida .-'J. and Florida M. Curtin 9 9 8 8 - Tonight Show John- mons, Margaret Lockwood, above-ground pool instal­ BONDED Grantor along the north, west, south, east and southeast condition that construction of on appropriate building or gram looks at tha honast trands Opan is prassntad from San ner. Deborah Kerr. 1656. min.) axtortlonlat aaaka one million n/e guaatt ara Llia Minnelli 1 :1 5 A .M . Dennis Pries. 1847 and South Windsor Invest- FULLY GUARANTEED property lines. buildings be commenced no loter than nine (9) months after and performers in the world of Josa, CA. (2 hra.) dollars after carrying out hie lation at 56 W. Middle 8 :3 0 P.M. ® - La Carablna da Ambroslo and Dr. Paul Ehrlich. (R) (60 9 9 - On Looatlan: Buddy 8 - MOVIE 'Mkrar of ’ ment Co.. 87 Pine St. Said premises are subject to the following condition: the date of the deed and that sold construction be completed entertainment. threat to wreak havoc at aavaral Turnpike, $2 ,000. the REASONABLY PRICED "The premises described herein ore conveyed upon the 9 9 - MOVIE: T h a Franoh Comadia musical prasantando min.) Haekatt Daeaptlon' no later than eighteen (18) months thereafter. By CD CD - Glotfa Maggia's call to a Fito Giron. Ofalla Gullmain, crowded amuaamant parka. Redfield Rental Center, condition that construction of on appropriate building or acceptance of the deed, the Grantees, tor themselves and George Segal. Richard WId­ 8 - M O VIE 'Ball a Crooked 8 - MOVIE 'Tha Mutio 8 - Voloa of FsHh Foredosure retaaaed temporary canopy instal­ buildings be commenced no later than nine (9) months after their heirs, successors and assigns covenant and agree to the date of the deed and that sold construction be completed comply with the aforesaid conditions and Grantor herein or I'M SOKRy, e a s y , if I HAP BEEN Savings Bank of Man­ H o u s e w o r k s BOOR'S T YEAH I I KNOW. BUT lation at Manchster High no later than eighteen (18) months thereafter. By accep­ Its successors shall have the right to enforce these WATCHINS THE ROAD 1N5TEAP HMM...“THE BEEN USEFUL yiTS SO FRUSTRATING. chester releases William School, $160. tance of the deed, the Grantee, for itself and its successors conditions by making a tender of the purchase price as O F r e a p i n g t h i s STUPID BOOK- S N A K E IN EXPERT HOUSEHOtD HELP f 1 TH O U G H T WE W E R E E. Saglio. and assigns covenonts and agrees to comply with the afore­ stated herein to the Grantees or their heirs, successors and THE RUG';.. Lauretano Sign Corp. said conditions and Grantor herein or its successors shell assigns and demand a reconveyance of the herein described ONTO SOMETHING BRIDGE ASTRO Salaa agreemanl for K.C. Inc., sign installa­ hove the right to enforce these conditions by making a premises." T H IS TIM E tion at 396 W. Middle 6 4 7 - 3 7 7 7 tender of the purchase price os stated herein to the Grantee 6/24/82 Michael W. and Ellen or its successors and assigns and demand a reconveyance of Prepared by William J. Shea, Assistant Town Attorney GRAPH M. Rizzo to purchase 509 Turnpike, $1,950. the herein described premises." This Ordinance shall take effect ten (10) days after this A timely throw-in ' Spring St. from Ronald Blanca Contreras, This Ordinance shall take effect ten (10) days after this pu­ publication In this newspaper provided that within ten (10) above-ground pool instal­ blication in this newspaper provided that within ten (10)t days after this publication of this Ordinance a petition and Pauline Kozuch, days after this publication of this Ordinance o petition signed by not less than five (5) percent of the electors of the nitty-gritty before $129,000. lation at 9 Anderson St., signed by not less than five (5) percent of the electors of the To w n, as determined from the lotest officials lists of the tiiA t ^ . I $1,400. Manchester Sheltered Workshop Bakery To w n , as determined from the latest officials lists of the Re­ Registrars of Voters, has not been filed with the Town Cle-'*'. NORTH M M ( Building permits gistrars of Voters, hos not been filed with the To w n Clerk re­ requesting its reference to a special Town election. 4AKS5 a ante trump loser, a sure Paul J. Lucius, above­ 57 Hollltter Street (Bentley School) heart loser and two passible Bartlet Brainard for questing its reference to a special To w n election. Stephen T. Cossano V883 qbur ground pool installation at Stephen T. Cossano Secretory ♦ A K 6 club losera. I ..William Finnegan Jr., 47 Judith Drive, $2,442. Secretory Boord of Directors ♦ 742 Of course, be can always ^Birthdoy 'porch construction at 4 Open for Sales to the Public! Board of Directors Manchester, Connecticut Pratt Sign Co. for Sav­ Manchester, Connecticut Doted at Manchester, Connecticut this 6th day of July, 19£3. try the double club flnem Harvard Road, $3,900. ings Bank of Manchster, WEST EAST and be borne unless West Dated at Manchester, Connecticut this 6th day of July, 028-07 ♦ Q8S M )r 14,1993 Kathy Thibodeau for sign installation at 241 W. 1983. holds both the king and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Thibo- WED., THURS. and FRI. 027-07 It’s better to run your BECAUSE YOU never Q10874 WK82 oueen, but can he do any­ In ttw year ahead don’t allow Middle Turnpike, $1,500. wont ad for several GJ10 81 BQ87S past Infactiona to reiitrict your -'deau, fence construction Friendly Ice Cream know when sonneone LUF 'TELLS ME t h e n w e l c o m e t o t h e thing to guard agadnat that days ... canceling it as will be searching for the V O U H E BOTH r HI, ♦ K Q 8 S ♦ 8 6 8 unfortunate poadfilityT thinking, and you'll be able to ' 'at 77 Bridge St., $606^ Corp., sign installation at 9:00 A .M . t c 1:00 P .M . Prepared by Wllllom J. Shea. Assistant Town Attorney LAFAYETTE ESCADHILLE, CAPTAIN. turn around conditions which soon as you get results. Item you have for sale, SOUTH Can he force West to lead Orlando AnnuUi & Sons 199 Spencer St., $2,000. o ' g e n t l e m e n ; I AM I'M ALLEY have been blocking your prog- For Further Information — Call 646-5718 c a p t a in c h r is e a u ; OOP... ♦ JMI741 a club some time along the for the Town of Manches- Richard Maruki for rsM. . ,-ter, addition to garage at ♦ A J way? If South thinks things CANCER (June gl-Jidy 22) ♦ S4 rat, be can probably do Just Guard what you say, and hOw 263 Olcott St., $163,000. ♦ ajio that At trira three be leads you say n, today. K you dish Peter L. Brown Co. for a heart from dummy and aomething out on a crude ■Raymond Tinti, siding at Vulnerable: Elast-West fticks in hlaJack after fi’-aaf Dealer: South platter, you might be the only '''112 Chambers St., $2,500. plays low. West wins with one M t to eat the stuff. Order ^ William W. Chapman West North East Sa the queen and can do no bet­ now: The NEW Matchmaker ter than to lead another for Daved Ladabouche, 14 wheel and booklet which . roofing at 14 Hudson St., MONEY SAVING COUPONS Paaa Pass 44 diamond. reveals romantic compatibili­ UJ Pass Pats Past Npw South’s pUy at trick ties for all signa, tells how to $2,000. three has set up a winning get along with others, finds ris­ James G. Gagnon, roof- dtira. He runs dnmmy^ ing signs, hidden quaHlles, plus '-ing at 63 Fairfield St., Et diamond, cashes his ace more. Mali S2 to AstrcFOraph. $1,000. of hearts, leads a trump to Box 489, Radio CHy Station, Corbitt Construction N.Y. 1(X>19. Bend an additional SORRV I’M LATE. ^ n w ’i king, ruffs . Co. for Silas Peterson, Redeem these T H A T S SUCH A )'— . 'Opening lead: dummy’! last Geert and $1 for your Cancer Astro- I \MAl5 USTENIIsJG sou A\EAN,THATS ^ I AUAWi^ t v o u g h t ' roofing at 326 E. Middle S A V E 2S < QUAINT TERyVC"'*PISC ^ W HV THES^RE C A L L E P lends a trump to throw Waaf Qroph predictions for the year TDAPISC JOCKEV. JOCKEV.” VERV a p t : ITS BECAUSE THEV In with the queen. ahead.' be sure to giva your Turnpike, $1,400. coupons at any 'JOa0L 22) Be ■•^won $15 million in support Raisins&^^^uts C O U P O N IX P IW E l O C T O W n *1. IM S extremely careful today to ‘from IBM Corp. to help A M N M I t r G m m Foods Corp Mtiii ACROSS 62 Compaii Amwar to Pravioua Puzzia whom you reveal aecreta lof ,;;replace its cumbersome burst you tor m$ t » v a M Of ttvs coupon piul 7e point tor handiiog i( you racs(v« It on mt $ M o( mt spooFvd your trade. Your words could computer system with pro6)Ct and If upon raquast you suPmii cvtdtoce of putcNst 1 Annoy get back to competitors and " thousands of new desktop toaraof satisfactory to (iantra( Foods Corp Coupon may not ba 4 Noiwagian DOWN SAVE25« tsswiad.lrarttfarradorriprDducad Cuttomtt must pay any salts work against you. .^terminals. t u w id tatwft protHbdad. taiad or rtstnetod by law Good onty m drim itiit SCORPIO (O ct 24-No«. 62) USA. Puarto R co and U S Gov I install C a ^ value < 20c 6 T lx igin cy 1 Annoying ■ IBM’s three-year C(Mpon wiN rM bs ttonortd it prtsantad torougn out&toe aoertcifs Humility will be music to every­ brokari or (Anars who art not reta 32 Burning 26 Rapait 44 Billowy Buy 3Get1 FREE! misiils (abbr.) PISCES (Feb. 20-BUreli 20) 35 Eight tonaa Brown President How- Sea tpMlally mirfced packages of a 20 oz. or 2S oz. Raisin Bran for detolls. 29 Rodent axpinio 55 Famila saint This is not the time to pul PlaPM Mnd m«_____ coupon org«nii«r(p) for lh « purchatp price of $1 40. plus 60* post- 36 Loud ahouta . i.prd Swearer said IBM will ■gp 6 harxlllng for ssch organizer ordarad Enclosad It my check or Monay Order for 30 Varify 45 Paris airport (abbr.) restrictions on your friendship, 37 Gully I ______Sorry no C O O'e or limitations on your generosi­ -‘ (W e the school up to 700 1 2 S 4 « t 7 t t 10 38 Hard drinker It ty. Ghra freely, even If there's ' Computer terminals, and 39 Certainly not IS IS 14 nothing in It for you now. will assign five full-time 40 Ancaator of ARIES (Blarch 21-AprE 19) H * employees a year to work tha phiraoha City 2lp. A 7n\/i\^ 11 tt 17 you refuse to listen whan oth­ ‘.'"with the university on the Zg77\l/I\i^ 41 RMidant of Mali to: Ths Sunilowsr Qrrap, 1S481 W. llOfli Sirraf, Lsnsxs, Kansas 66219 ers attampt to tall you thihga “ .Jiroject. Boiaa II It 20 which they feel would be hel^ 45 Raw maiariila *■ fm, you may miss dues that 22 ■ZJ 1 48 Olympic In May, Apple Compu- WHY d o n 't WE would bring tuooass. r'DLKE-rOSEE ' board (abbr.) .'-ter Inc., agreed to give MANUFACTURER S CCXJPON r'M SURROUNDED 2S Zt 27 r TAURUS (April 294lay 20) 6IiO»8w>poo**dO«»duct«ndit>eontequo8tyow9u(VTuitwdoncoo>CMictteS*twte tsoraducod C u t w w mus* psy s rj tstas U i II M VkadatwfppfQiWited testdo*tssir«Hdl>vlM O oo d o n yin U SA A w rioA coan dU S Oo«l «wUH Csshw KN 60 Affirmatlva ra- ~>greed in May to give • 20c C«M 0n m h noi t » ttonoted * ptasswsd pimudh oulwds pgsnctes tPOMu a* d tw s who ste no) NHSri 17 •t (Mndutote 0) ou> md>ctitndM Of ipee*c#sy strihennd by us to prsesri coupons tot ipdofncxon Fo> '•dsmpaao oi piy tt Yw can’t teach an old dog '‘‘“ Brown 30 graphics com- pfQpSfiYfpcPWdsndhsndtod coupon msilto Osnpfsi Foods Com ^ O Boa >03 HsrwsbM H 60S02 Ths coupon _07ia»yNiA Me TMRig U» Pm g'TWOH 61 Intanraning tricks, mostly bacaiHe ^‘ ^ t e r work stations worth good onfy on pufcnsss oi ofoduci indKSisd Any aPtof uSd oonsMtotos Usud LMMl - ana caupan par pwrchaaa S60MA17M00 to t1 t l ^RaiSIN (liw ) teoo ,000 for use in the , GENERAL FOODS CORPORATION school'f Instructional “Ths Fruit snaCsrssUMnr’SCsnsI'” computer laboratory. 80 — MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday, July 13, 1983 MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday, July 13, 1983 - 21 Big clambake planned this weekend in Bolton

clambake chefs: they carefully lift 1 teaspoon baking powder Continued from page 13 Clam Chowder V« to Vi cup horseradish Sweet and a corner of the tarp to see if the Juice of 1 lemon 2 teaspoons cinnamon SWEET POTATOES and small clams have opened. If they have, 1 teaspoon ginger BUSINESS V* pound salt pork Dash hot pepper sauce Natural Cake new potatoes will be used, along then the whole feast will be ready. (cut into small cubes) Mix all of the ingredients to­ 'A teaspoon nutmeg with 20 lobsters weighing about l ‘/4 1 cup rolled oats 2 cups onion gether and use as sauce for clams 'A teaspoon salt pounds each. Mrs. Scorso was busy making Vi cup carob powder (finely chopped) or any other seafood. 1 cup chopped walnuts When it’s time to arrange the New England clam chowder for 3 cups raw potatoes I'A cups boiling water Beat eggs at high speed for 3 bake in the fire, the men will rake her family the day the Manchester 7-Layer Salad Vt cup margarine minutes.. Beat in sugar, stir in Jogging — easily the most ‘cost effective’ sport around (diced in Vt inch cubes) I'A cups sugar the embers free of the pit and line Herald visited. This is the recipe ■A teaspoon dried thyme pumpkin and lemon juice. Stir Iceburg lettuce 2 eggs the pit with the wet seaweed that wiil be used, in much larger Z cups water remaining ingredients together ■A green pepper 1 teaspoon vanilla covering the stones. The lining will .portions, for the clambake. She is 4 cups raw chowder clams (chopped) and fold into pumpkin batter. Among the amenities at a new luxury condominium • At night, wear both front and back reflective gear. their old grungy T-shirts and shorts (they usually be about six inches deep. aiso sharing the recipe, in family- 1 cup whole wheal flour (finely chopped, with liquid) ■A cup chopped celery Spread in greased and floured in Brooklyn is a rooftop jogging track. Among the know how to run rather than how to dress) to the size quantity, for the cocktail 1 teaspoon baking soda The hard shell clams will be put 4 cups iight cream ■A cup Spanish onion 15xl0xl-inch pan. Top with dawn-to-dark sights around Washington Square Park YOU’RE N EVER too young or too old to begin a schluppers in their pretty coordinated suits (out for in first — adding flavor to the sauce to be used with the clams. 'A teaspoon salt 2 tabiespoons butter (red sweet, chopped) chopped nuts. Bake at 375 degrees' in Manhattan are men and women of all ages and sizes Your running (schlupping, sloshing) program. Running attention rather than great exercise). whole bake. Next will come the Pour water over oats and carob Salt to taste 1 package frozen peas for 15 minutes. Turn out on towel jogging, schlupping, sloshing, running in a wide clubs and local parks organize races for all ages and lobsters, then the corn and the THE JUNIOR WOMEN’S Club and stir well. Let stand until Money's Pepper to taste I'A cups mayonnaise sprinkled with powdered sugar. variety of costumes, no matter what the weather. all distances. There are quarter-mile runs for RUNNING HAS now become so important in soft-shell clams has more than its share of good cooled. Cream the margarine and (freshly ground) 2 tablespoons sugar Starting at narrow end, roll towel More than 36 million of us are now running for fitness youngsters 6 and under and ultramarathons of 100 everyday life that a new U.S. postage stamp is cooks. And you can tell this when sugar in large bowl. Add eggs and Worth The seaweed will be placed 4 ounces Cheddar cheese and cake together. Cool. Unroll for and fun. miles for the hardiest of the hardy. Men and women in dedicated to it. vanilla. Sift flour, baking soda and between the layers along with you look through any of the Put the salt pork cubes in a kettle (grated) filling. It’s easily the most “ cost-effective” sport available Sylvia Porter their 60s, 70s and occasionally even in their 80s can And apparently, the real estate advertisement 1 saw salt. Alternately add oat and flour layers of the extra corn husks. cookbooks the club has had pub­ and cook until rendered of their fat. 8 slices bacon — and after you’ve bought a pair of good running keep fit this way. for a jogging track around the perimeter of a Brooklyn lished. One of Mrs. Scorso’s mixtures and beat until smooth. After the layers are all done, the Add the onion and cook, stirring (cooked and crambled) Filling shoes (im perative!), you can run almost anywhere at In fact, if you have even a whiff of a competitive condo is becoming typical of townhouse and condo whole thing will be sprinkled with recipes is for a layered salad Bake in 250 degree oven in oiled 8 x any time with virtually no other costs involved. spirit — or just want to see if you can do it — you’ll roofs. (The pictures soon may show runners as often until the onion is wilted. Afld the Line a 13 x 9 x 2-inch glass dish which she has titled "Mary-Jane’s 12-inch pan for about 35 minutes. You don’t need to invest in a lightweight warm-up • Run with one or several companions. There is enter a few races as you become hooked on this sport. as they show trees.) the bucket of sea water and qu ickly diced potatoes, thyme, and water with bite-size pieces of lettuce. 1 cup powdered sugar Kansas City Layered Salad." She Nice with whipped cream. suit made with a new water-repellant fabric that safety in numbers. Most entry fees are in the $3 to $5 range and often the If you’re planning to join the 36 million women and covered with the wet tarp. The tarp and cook until potatoes are nearly Over this sprinkle the chopped 2 packages cream cheese will be weighted down with rocks. said she makes this for most of the breathes. You don't need those spiffy color- ^ Run relaxed and confident. Develop an imaginary money goes to a local charity. men already caught up in the sport, get into it tender, about 10 minutes. Add onions, peppers and celery then the Pumpkin Cake Roll (3-ounce size) During the steaming the tarp picnics and parties she’s invited to. coordinated racing shorts and singlets. Most of the “ safety area" and be alert to anyone nearing your You actually can get back more than what you gradually, follow the rules for safety — and you’ll remaining ingredients and cook layer of uncooked frozen peas. Mix 4 tablespoons butter will puff up, the sign of a She’s sharing the .recipe even products are appealing but completely optional. "safety area” from any side. spend in "freebies.” At the L'Eggs Mini Marathon in probably remain a runner for the rest of your life. about 10 minutes longer. Do not sugar and mayonnaise and spread 'A teaspMn vanilla satisfactory "bake." though she’s not making it for the What you do need are investments in your own • Try to avoid anyone unfamiliar whom you suspect New York City awhile ago, for instance, the more than boil. Serve with pilot crackers. over peas. Next sprinkle a layer of Combine the powdered sugar clambake. 3 eggs safety to make sure running is the sport for you. For may be entering your “ safety area.” If necessary, 6,000 women who entered received attractive T-shirts, ("Sylvia Porter’s New Money Book for the 80s,” the Cheddar and top with the crisp and the cream cheese, butter and Everything should cook to per­ 1 cup granulated sugar instance: turn and run the other way. L ’Eggs pantyhose, a disposable razor, a poster with 1,328 pages of down-to-earth advice on personal crumbled bacon. Cover with foil or vanilla and beat until smooth. fection in about an hour. And A few other recipes, favorites of Cocktail Sauce Two-thirds cup canned pumpkin • Get a thorough physical exam from your family • Avoid unnecessary (and valuable) gear such as the theme "Who Says Women Can’t Run the World,” money management, is now available through her plastic wrap and refrigerate for 24 Spread over cake. Roll cake again here’s the secret, according to the club members, also follow: 1 teaspoon lemon juice and chill before serving. doctor, particularly if you're over 30 and have been radio, earphones and jewelry. Women should avert and even special sneaker laces. column. Send $9.95 plus $1 for mailing and handling to cup catsup hours before serving. Vi cup flour leading a fairly sedentary life. Have your heart, lungs attracting unwanted attention with exotic or reveal­ The one essential on which you must not stint "Sylvia Porter’s New Money Book for the 80s,” in care and blood pressure checked, a stress test and a chest ing clothing. expense is your running shoes and you’ll find stores of this newspaper, 4400 Johnson Drive, Fairway, Kan. X-ray. Check your knees, ankle joints or feet if you’ve • Run single file on public streets and roads. Run devoted to this one product on just about any shopping 66205. Make checks payable to Universal Press had any problems. against traffic and keep to the shoulder of the road. street. Otherwise, I prefer to watchjoggers dressed in Syndicate.) Portable grills make it easy Shortfall threatens food stamps ------E a ______BUSINESS WASHINGTON (U PI) — Worried a cash prevent any reduction or cutoff in benefits to 22 CONFIDENCE crunch could shut down the food stamp program. million Americans who- receive the income Business f SO-Raling the ,— South Korea auto industry to make these picnic recipes Sen. Robert Dole, R-Kan.. says he will push fora supplement. Economy I 7 6 h l separate money bill to keep the food aid flowing. Dole, the key Senate expert on nutrition The food stamp program will run out of money 70- Continued from page 13 once, 8 to 10 minutes or until cooked to desired programs, said he wants to alleviate "concern In Brief next month unless Congress passes a $1.2 billion doneness. Reheat remaining sauce and serve with among elderly citizens who have no reason to be One-third cup corn syrup supplemental appropriation, which is part of a concerned.” to tackle American market burgers. Makes 4. Dental program starts (light or dark) larger extra spending bill still under review on Because funds are close to running out, tbe Capitol Hill. BLOOMFIELD — Connecticut General Life 1 teaspoon grated orange rind Agriculture Department last Friday notified By J.L. Battenfeld 102 people. Hone Kong one for The government, which main­ Pork and Beans Insurance Co. and United Dental Network have Vi teaspoon salt At a hearing of the Senate nutrition subcommit­ state welfare commissioners they may have to United Press International every 24 and Japan one for every tains tight control over most developed a program in Colorado aimed at 2 teaspoons cornstarch 1 pound dried beans tee he heads. Dole said Tuesday he will reduce benefits in August by 20 percent and 2.9. segments of the economy, appears reducing dental costs without reducing quality of 2.tablespoons orange juice (navy pea beans) recommend Congress separate the food stamp eliminate them in September because Congress SEOUL, South Korea — The "Our car population is one of the care. 1981 1982 '83 ambivalent about the expanding 1 broiler-fryer chicken 2 quarts water, divided appropriation measure from the larger bill to has not acted on the spending bill. South Korean auto industry is on lowest in the developing world,’’ auto industry. Connecticut General, a company of the Cigna (cut in parts) ■A pound sait pork the verge of a major expansion but S.W. Chon, executive director of "The auto industry has been a Corp., said the program marks "the first time a In 1-quart saucepan, stir together apricot nectar, 1 green pepper is reluctant to follow the export the Hyundai Motor Co., said in an nuisance," said Suh Sang-mok, a corporation established to market the services of corn syrup, orange rind and salt. Stirring frequently, (coarsely chopped Conan’8 back route used so successfully by interview. senior government economic bring to boil over medium heat and boil 5 minutes. In ■A cup chopp^ onion independent dentists and a major insurance Japanese automakers. Chon estimated one million planner. small bowl stir together cornstarch and orange juice ■A cup dark corn syrup HOLLYWOOD (UPI) — company have worked together on such a ■The industry, carefully pro­ Koreans have enough money to What troubles Korea’s techno­ until smooth. Stir into saucepan. Stirring constantly, ■A cup chili sauce When a picture succeeds program." tected by high tariffs and import buy a car but are resisting because crats is the diversion to motor fuel bring to boil over medium heat and boil I minute. Grill 1 teaspoon dry mustard as unexpectely well at the richard wrubel Participating dentists will charge Connecticut bans, looks to an expanding of unfamiliarity with automobiles. of oil resources, all of which have chicken 6 inches from source of heat, turning ■A teaspoon pepper box office as "Conan, The ______WETHERSFIELD SHOPPING CENTER General-insured patients no more than amounts domestic market created by in­ High cost also is a factor. The to be imported. Expanded use of frequently, 30 minutes. Brush with sauce. Grill, Rinse beans. In 4-quart saucepan place rinsed Barbarian," it is axio­ determined by Connecticut General to be 15 creasing prosperity. Pony, for example, costs between private vehicles also would bring brushing with sauce and turning frequently, about 15 beans and 1 quart of the water. Bring to boil. Cover matic that a sequel soon percent lower than the most common charges in 7e-iOO....Sub«tantially Bettor I But South Korea’s adolescent $8,000 and $9,000, depending on other problems — increased pollu­ minutes longer or until fork-tender. Makes 4 servings. and boil 2 minutes. Remove from heat; let stand 1 will be forthcoming. ★ SIDEWALK SALE! ★ the area. For example, the fee for one major 5 1 -7 5 ...... Modarataly Better auo industry faces high fuel prices options. The government levies 23 tion and high capital expenditures hour. Drain. In 4-quart saucepan place beans, It follows, then, that restorative procedure that could be as much as 5 0 ...... Same and taxes, and governmental different taxes on automobiles to maintain road networks. Sweet and Sour Pork Chops remaining 1 quart water and salt pork. Cover and boil ‘‘Conan: King of $175 in Colorado will be no more than $125 for 2 6 -4 9 ...... Moderately Worse I ambivalence about putting large which effectively double the price. for 30 minutes. Drain. Return beans and salt pork to Thieves,” is now on the participants in the program. 0 -2 5 ...... Substantially Worse I numbers of Koreans behind the Gasoline costs $4.60 a gallon. Traffic congestion already is a 1 tablespoon cornstarch saucepan. Stir in 1 cup water, green pepper, onion, production slate of Dino SAVE 30% to 70% wheel. Chon noted the Korean auto major problem in Seoul, where 25 Vi cup corn syrup corn syrup, chili sauce, mustard and pepper. Cover; De Laurentiis at Univer­ 8ourc«: Tha Conftranca Board Dominated by the huge trading industry was about 18 years old percent of the 41 million Koreans sal Pictures with body­ On Special Groups of: Mortgage plan succeeds One-ihird cup red wine vinegar bring to boil, reduce heat and cook gently 30 minutes, UPI corporations which in tacit part­ and did not export its first car until live. In an effort to unclog the Vi cup catsuD stirring occasionally. Uncover and continue cooking builder Arnold Schwarze­ TopsuSuits«Dresses*Blouses*SkirtsuSlacksuRaincoats WATERBURY — The Mortgage Center says its nership with government planners 1976. capital’s overburdened public 3 tablespoons soy sauce 30 minutes or until beans are tender. negger once again in the i5I>EC1a l d r e i^ g r o u p new home mortgage plan has generated more control the country’s economic Production is smail, about transportation system, the govern­ title role. All Regular 4 center cut pork chops. 10% OFF than $20 million in new residential mortgage Business confidence up life, the industry exports a modest 100,000 units a year of which 20 ment has undertaken a major (about l-inch thick) Priced Merchandise business. number of cars to Europe, Africa percent are exported. expansion of the subway system The cheetah is the »5 - *10 - »20 Calico Salad The plan offers one-year variable rate and Latin America. and is importing double-decker In 1-quart saucepan stir together corn starch, corn world’s fastest known Open daily 9:30-6 The nation's business leaders are “ But our prospects are good," mortgages at 9Vt percent and "has been the most buses to increase surface transit syrup, vinegar, catsup and soy sauce until smooth. ■A cup white wine vinegar land animal, attaining Use MasterCard/Visa/Ainerican Express • F R E E LAYAW AY! increasingly bullish on the direction of At least one automaker, Hyun­ Chon said, expressing the belief an Stirring constantly, bring to boil over medium heat Vi cup corn oil ^..OPENJVEDNESDAY^^^ & FRIDAY NIGHTS well-received product that we have ever dai, plans to enter the North expanding domestic economy will capacity. speefls of 70 mph. offered.” said Robert Stallings, The Mortgage the U.S. economy, The Conference and boil 1 minute. Grill pork chops 6 inches from Vi cup light corn syrup American market this summer create further demand, increase Industry and government offi­ Center’s president. Board reported last week. The Board's source of heat, turning frequently, 30 minutes. Brush 'A teaspoon celery s e ^ with an export model of its popular sales and boost production. cials predict Korea’s small auto “ In the first 10 days, we generated nearly $20 with sauce. Grili, brushing with sauce and turning Vi teaspoon salt measure of Business Confidence "P on y," a minicompact hatch­ Another factor is Korea’s protec­ industry will continue to grow million in residential mortgage business,” frequently, IS to 30 minutes longer or until pork is 1 pound green beans climbed to 76 in the second quarter, up back, in Canada. tionist policies. There is a 150 largely through an expanding It'S Wethersfield Shopping Center's Annual Stallings said. tender. Reheat remaining sauce and serve with pork (1-inch pieces, cooked, drained) Korea has about 270,000 private percent duty on private autos on domestic market, but that market The Mortgage Center Inc. is a subsidi ary of The from 70 in the first quarter (on a scale of chops. Makes 4 servings. 1 can whole kernel com cars on the road, roughly one for the books, but this is moot since the will be regulated through govern­ Banking Center, headquartered in Waterbury. 0-100). It was the highest reading in the (8-ounce, drained) every 152 Koreans. In contrast, the republic totally bans the import of ment policies designed to control Inside-Out Cheeseburgers 1 can red kidney beans seven-year history of the survey. Philippines has one car for every private vehicles. the growth. (8 ounce, rinsed, drained) 1 can tomato sauce 1 cup diced green pepper Company moves In August (8 ounce can) (or sweet red) HOLYOKE, Mass. — M ega Sport, which ■A cup chopped onion 1 small onion «D€VmiK^ distributes backyard sports games, will moves its State approves Vi cup com syrup U.S. called ‘over-plumbed’; (thinly sliced) $3 million operation to Connecticut in August, the Vi cup red wine vinegar In medium bowl stir together vinegar, com oil, com company said. 1 clove garlic syrap, celery seed and salt. Add green beans, com, The company has outgrown its 20,000 square $19 million (minced or pressed) kidney beans, pepper and onion; toss to coat well. feet on Main Street and looked for other space in 1 teaspoon dried basil Cover and refrigerate several hours or overnight. If western Massachusetts before deciding to move ■A teaspoon dried oregano desired, drain before serving. Makes about 4 cups to East Granby, Conn., said Mega Sport General for job projects new standards are sought Vi teaspoon sait Manager Scott Pyle. 'A teaspoon red pepper By LeRoy Pope progress. instant hot water. SAL6! He said the company worked with city officials United Press International Plumbing engineers, he said, are Konen has been working with the (dried, crushed) to try to find space in Holyoke and then also By Mark A. Dupuis starting to believe “ the Hnnter association of state building offi­ 1 pound ground beef looked in Springfield, Agawam and East United Press International NEW YORK — Americans think curve, ’’ on which the plumbing and 8 thin slices mozzarella RENAISSANCE UPHOLSTERY Thursday, Friday, Saturday Longmeadow. cials and code authorities to try to about plumbing in terms of con­ construction industries long have bring some uniform reform of 4 tomato slices Mega Sport, a division of Toshoku of Tokyo, HARTFORD — The Connecticut Development “Old World Craftmanship” venience and luxurious appear­ relied, may seriously overesti­ building codes that will encourage In 1-quart saucepan stir together tomato sauce, assembles and distributes badminton, croquet Authority has approved $19 million in low-cost July 14 - 15 - 16 ance but the time has come to think mate the water supply and drain­ adoption of much more economical onion, com syrup, vinegar, garlic, basil, oregano, salt and other backyard sport sets under the name financing for 14 expansion projects officials said Specialist in: about plumbing economy, says age needs of the average residen­ plumbing standards throughout and crushed dried red pepper. Stirring frequently, Spalding Family Sports equipment. would create 280 jobs and help keep 1,600 more. Thomas Konen of Stevens Institute tial building and the diameters of the country. He has had considera­ bring to boil over medium heat and boil 15 minutes. The company began three years ago in Also Tuesday, Gov. William O'Neill announced a •Restoration SUPER of Technology in Hoboken, N.J. the pipes required. ble success and considerable en­ On waxed paper, form ground beef into 8 patties, Thursday & Friday Easthampton and moved to Holyoke in 1980 after new project to determine what jobs will be available Konen, a nationally recognized At Stevens’ Davidson Labora­ about Vi-inch thick. Leaving 1-inch edge, place on •Upholstery a rapid growth. in Connecticut in coming years and how to prepare couragement from' the federal BARCAINS 10 A .M .. 9 F.M. expert on plumbing engineering, tory, Konen and his staff have been each of the 4 patties 1 slice cheese, 1 slice tomato, 1 workers to fill them. department of housing and urban At Our says he has come to the conclusion slice cheese. Top with remaining patties. Press edges •Slip Covers The Jobs for Connecticut project will make a conducting a variety of experi­ affairs. SATURDAY Pioneer earnings up after years of research and testing ments for years bearing on this. together. Reshape by pushing edges toward center. computerized study of areas where future jobs will be There naturally, is some skepti­ •Draperies that most American residential The most interesting is in a Grill, brushing with sauce occasionally and turning 31 Stores & Services I0AJN..6P.M. available and determine the education, planning and cism about the new water saving (Sales Inside Pioneer International Corp. of Manchester retraining programs needed to qualify workers. and commercial buildings are six-story dormitory for married plumbing systems and they are not — Shop at Home Service— •AAP On Saturday) reported that net sales for the six months ended O’Neill said the project, to be financed by corporate over-plumbed. students which has been equipped yet in wide enough use to make All work dono In homo or on our promlsM • A A P Paefcagt Stora May 28,1983 amounted to $13.8 million compared donations and foundation grants, would differ from This, he said,. results in such with water-saving toilets and their advantages obvious so Konen Girl Scouts get tough and guaranteed. Please call • Appllanc* Strvlot Canttr to net sales of $9.3 million in the same period last existing job creation efforts because it would look to evils as huge waste of water, waste showers and with self-venting faces opposition from some con­ • CVS Phamwey year. long term needs. of electricity for heating and drainage systems that eliminate tractors. VANPORT, Pa. (U P I) - The Beaver County Girl 643-2056 • Card Hall Earnings for the first six months of 1983 The project will be managed by Arthur H. White, pumping, excessive plumbing re­ the vent-stack and save greatly pn Scout Council, trying to recover about $1,100 in unpaid Leave message. • Oirislaman'i Framing amounted to $1.8 million, or $1.07 per share, vice chairman of a Stamford firm, and directed by pair bills and some contamination plumbing costs. cookie bills, is suing the parents of about 14 Girl • CotuMcHcut National Bank compared to $316,000, or $. 18 per share, during the David Birch of the Center for Neighborhood and of water supplies. Because it is by far the biggest Scouts. • Dutch Ovan Pastry first half of 1982. Regional Change at the Massachusetts Institute of "It also adds significantly to the water waster, Konen and his staff tl»F/lMliyAW>1S It’s the fourth year in a row the council has filed the • Friandly Rastaurant SPECIAL rising cost of housing construc­ have concentrated on ttesting a Net sales for the quarter ending May 28, 1983 Technology. e w . YOU o u b Ud a suit to recover money from the annual cookie sale. • Hairport amounted to $6.9 million compared to $5.6 million Birch will use a computer to ‘ ‘get some sense of how tion,” he told United Press wide variety of water-saving • Hair Stylan International. toilets. In the married students’ CinpfLAYTBHHlS! HE I ’The first year, I felt' terrible,” Wende Reynolds, AnHACTIONS in 1982. Net profits for the quarter were $912,000, to get people out of the old kinds of businesses and into DOESN'T JOSTHiriMB executive director of the council, said Tuesday. DZEN •KabaFt Luggaga or $.54 per share, compared to a loss of $83,000, or the new kinds." He said both in large buildings dormitory they have installed eW XCW OZlHC HET..J and ordinary homes drainage toilets made by Microphor, Inc, of "Since then, I realized I have a responsibility to the •Lagana Custom Shoos ($.05) per share, in 1982. Qnce Birch|s work is done, three organizations will LCfTBOf^-nMESHEHirJ Girl Scouts." • M ^ Pot Shop • Kiddle Rides Pioneer president Andrew N. Bohjalian attrib­ work to determine how the state can prepare workers pipes generally are much larger Willets, Calif., that use a blower to lfCl£/«CVERTiei • Mila Fabrics uted the company’s Improved performance to “ a for future jobs. White said. than needed. In apartment houses mix air with the water and cut • Ragont /Man's Shop • Clown And continuing upward trend in our basic government White said the project should begin by the end of the and commercial buildings, water consumption about in half. supply pipes tend to be too big, •Ring Bartwr Shop and aerospace parachute business.” month and be completed in about a year. The same air-flow principle is O pening • Sqgo Allan Fnce Pointing The development authority, meanwhile, moved to although in some homes the water employed in the dormitory in • Sampan Rastaurant supply pipes are too small. showers that cut the water flow to SONSHINE Thurs.&Fri.2to4F.M . help the short-term job front by approving state- September 1983 at • Sahaslianalli Jowalars Continental sells plants backed financing for the expansion projects. Konen said we still are following half a gallon a minute from up to •ShoaCanIrt Among the companies receiving loans was Eleo a concept for sizing plumbing three gallons a minute for conven­ //CENTER, • Pop Corn worked out nearly 60 years ago by South Windsor - East Windsor • Tha Nutcrackor Swaat STAMFORD (U P I) — Continental Group has Industries of Rockford, III., which will buy the former tional shower systems. ■ DWCARE Dr. Roy B. Hunter, while times and TRINITY • Trim Fashions sold six of its polyethylene terephthalate plastic W.R. Krueger plant in Bristol to house its Acme Rivet All hot water pipes in the dorm To w n Line *Hot Dogs needs have changed and there has •TVm Logs soft drink bottle plants to Tricoast Holding Corp. and Machine operation. are wrappped in a self-regulating 87 Barber Hill Road been a lot of technological heat tape that provides uniform COVENANT 1 Mils nsrtk ef •Watkins And Sodo of Los Angeles for $32 million. The company, which received $3 million in tax Dzss Tree Fans • Wothorsitotd Book Stora Continental said the transaction Will not have a exempt industrial revenue bonds, will renovate the » Wothorsfiokl Optical Co. • Postrios material impact on earnings. Krueger plant and expects to add 35 employees to its CHURCH •Waatharvana The six plants, which manufacture two-liter, current workforce of 150. Dollar hits new high in Paris 302 Hachmatacli SirMt • richard wruiwi one-liter and half-liter containers, are in Milpitas Among the larger financing amounts in the package MMdintor, CoMMctlart • Youth Contra F I IV FOB ALL! • Bolloons and City of Industry, Calif.; Merrimack, N.H.; were: 06040 BLUEBERRIES Pick Your Own Pine Brook, N.J.; Houston; and Tacoma, Wash. • $4.7 million to General Accident Insurance Co. of LONDON (U PI) - The said one reason for the against 2.5915, in Zurich at The sale, announced Monday, also includes Philadelphia to build and equip a regional office in dollar opened mixed on dollar’s strength was un­ 2.1255 Swiss francs com­ Phono 649-6647 Free Containers related sales and service operations. Orange, where the company has 88 employees. The European money markets certainty over whether pared with 2.1145 and in i/iHO VDU O O lW T A «E FREE PARKING FOR OVER 1300 CARS project will add a dozen new jobs. today, hitting a record Brazil would be able to Brussels at 52.03 Belgian • $3.8 million to K.F. Seitz Sons of Torrington, which high in Paris. Gold pay its debt and the francs, up from 52.005. ' ieai-ltasiHi 4pai 8pm I RCA/Tle make agreement e x t r a , i t e m s W ttH Accepting 3, 4, will buy land and equipment and build a new facility dropped $2. possibility of an increase The dollar closed in FANViLY \NAHt AD6 ■ CaS and an addition to an existing facility, creating 50 Gold opened in London in U.S. interest rates. Tokyo at 240.60 yen com­ jobs. •pwiThen*nr^5\kfelheis/ield . « ■ SHELTON (UPI) — Tie-communications Inc., at $426.50 an ounce com­ In Milan, the dollar pared with 241.70. ^ 6 4 4 -9 5 0 5 • $2.4 million to Power Supply Systems of pared with $428.50 at the opened at 1,531.25 lire Aad hUay Makl 'M 6 a designer, distributor and manufacturer of and 5 Year Olds For Upilata On communications products, has entered into an Bloomfield, which will build a new facility and buy close Tuesday. In Zurich, compared with the record HERALD 6 W M I agreement with RCA Service Co. equipment to consolidate three existing plants and gold opened at $427.50 1,532.70 at the close FREE $ 180.00/MNonth P M b ig ■ahMM bUt 24 A 2S add 110 jobs. against $429.50. Tuesday. NoO'danomlniHonil Under the agreement announced Monday, RCA DIbla Corroapondtnoa Sf'opp'n9(TenlBr • $1.5 million to Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp. of The dollar opened at The pound opened in Classified CondHieni has agreed to purchase a minimum of $20 million Court# of the Tie CX and CK line of prodpets over a Wallingford to renovate existing facilities and buy 7.794 French francs in London at $1.5305, down $45.00/Wooh $10.00/Day And Hours. Wrtt# aiwt study Courto, I f 039-1115 Silas Doono Highway Wothorsf iold two-year period. equipment. Paris, where it closed at a from $1.5315. M4 LydoN St. You’ll Get • $1 million to Flygt Corp. of Norwalk to build an record 7.7835 Tuesday. The dollar opened in Manchottor. CT 06040 office building in Norwalk, adding eight workers. A French bank official Frankfurt at 2.5885 marks Results! a — MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday. July 13, 1983 MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday. July 13, 1983 - Z3 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Stera/OMce Space 44 Pokitbie/Papwing INVITATION TO BID S2 MIsc. for Sole 63 Home and Garden 64 Cars/Trucks for Sole 71 Cors/Trucfcs for Solo 71 Rec Vehicles 73 Sealed bids w ill be received In the Office ol the Director of General Services, 41 Cei.ter Street, Manchester, Connec­ EAST CENTER STREET- INTERIOR — E X T E ­ ticut, until JU LY 24, 1983 of 643'2711 Ground floor. Private en­ SUEDE JACKET with fur CRAFTSMAN EIGHT HP 1974 FORD WAGON-Runs 15 H P MERCURY RIOR Painting — Wal­ lining. Size 7-9. Originally riding lawn mower with Bonk very well. Radlals. $750. O U TBO ARD -needs w ork 11:00 o.m. tor the follow ing: Classified.... For advertisements to be trance. B u slin e . P a rkin g lpapering and drywall Ispoissssioni CHIP SEALING — ROAD- Business Opportunities .. .22 Store/Office Space ...... 44 Household Goods...... 62 H eat and e le c tric ity In­ $75, now $25. Good condi­ 36 inch mowing deck. C a ll 643-2287. $75. Phone 643-6913. W A Y SURFACE Notices Resort Property...... 45 MIsc. for S a le ...... 63 Rates published Monday, the dead­ Installation. Quality pro­ tion. C a ll 646-1427. Runs good but needs T R E A T M E N T Situation Wanted...... 23 cluded. 375 square feet. fessional work. Reasona­ FOk SAIE P U R C H A S E O F O N E (1) Home and Garden...... 64 Minimum Charge: line Is 2:30 p.m. oh Friday. Keith Real Estate, - transmission work. PONTIAC LEMANS1969- TWO BEDROOM MO­ Lost/Found...... 01 Employment Info...... 24 MIsc. for Rent...... 46 646 ble prices. Free esti­ 1979 Pontiac Trans Ain " wide, 16" furniture, glassware and We make it simple. RN or LPN-Full time, Processing Department Hartford needs your SlandiBftgr — Ap­ person you can trust with proved lots with city MENT with furniture, excellent references! For deep. $40. C a ll 643-1814. miscellaneous. And mo­ 11pm-7am, Charge nurse on Founders Plaza. Var­ skills to staff residen­ OFFICE SPACE SCREENED LOAM ----- water & sewer. $25,000 available Immediately. more Information call tors. Plenty for all three position soon ovailable. ied duties Include light tial infirm ary for m ulti­ AVAI LABLE-Near hospi­ gravel, processed gravel, G E RESTAURANT days. 633 East Street, ON Your B'.ib if 5AY5, typing, filing, and up. Plus two car gargage 646-7971. Excellent salary and be­ ple handicapped chil­ space for small business. tal In M anchester. A m ple sand, stone ond till. For G R I L L 2' X 3', two ele­ H ebron (off Route 85). “ D o K(Sr F<5U>, sp-.NUI^ OR nefit package. Per-DIEM phones. Beginners with dren. Salary $8.28 to parking, ca ll 649-2891. deliveries coll George ments, runs good. $75. willingness to learn wel­ ZINSSER AGEN a For further Information C E R T IF IE D S W IM M IN G MoTilATC. WoOizbYou rate also available. Call $11.53, excellent vaca­ Gritting, Andover, 742- C a ll 742-9681, evenings T W O FAMILY TAG come. Salary to $180 for c a ll fro m 643-6441, INSTRUCTOR will teach Mrs. Gibbs, DNS of 647- tion and insurance be­ 646-1511 7886. ______best tim e. SALE-MIscellaneous, Add a monogram to this AocepT -fuJo oJT oF THRec ? 9191. 37'/> hour week. Send s w im m in g le sso n s In lacy filet crochet chair nefits. Contact Judy NOW lENTMC your pool afternoons, household and workshop Information of back­ DELIVE'r ING RICH protector, and reserve Embelton or Shannon early evenings. Pam 649- s t a m p ' c o l l e c t i o n Items, clothing, antique ground to Box II c/o The • H main ST. LO A M - 5 yards, $60.00 your favorite chair. Rhodes at 242-2274 7025. FOR SALE, $75. Call after sewing machine, new No. 5079 has full cro­ H erald. • Cm tiol Bmineu plus tax. Washed sand, ext. 203or 243-5420 for 4pm. 742-6016. snowblower, 1970 Dodge chet directions and filet M it r ic t stone, trap rock, and appointment. Polara, 1979 Ford Gran­ charts for set. PART TIME 2 STOIY ILOG. gravel. 643-9504. ada. Saturday Ju ly 16th, JANITORIAL-MornIng EOE TO ORDER, I t K $2.00 for is c ll foB Beoew tlso 8am to 4pm, 133 Hartford Dsttsrn, slu t sot for pottsis sstf and evening positions Glen Ridge Poliitlna/Paperina 52 Home and Goriien Turnpike, Tolland. hssdiisf. opened In the Manches­ A R M eSROT te r oreo. C a ll 649-5334. CARPENTERS- Retirement Cooperative HmclMlir In U experlenced only. Phone PMouNQil^inrlSSib ALTBR TO SUIT q u a l i t y h a r d w o o d - 1190 A«i. Of AmorloiM LH BOOKKEEPER-Good 647-9501. Three custom-built models—garages, decks, 1,000 lo 6,000 S/F PAIMTING AND PAPER FOR SALE — Firewood, Now Vork. N.V. 100M HANGING —Exterior cut, spilt. $45.00. Two friflt Hemt. M drtss vltR IIP ManchsMar OUloa knowledge of safeguard 1 and 2-bedroom PER FLOOR cord m inim um . Sm all de­ hardwood two to four 391 Broad 81. OFFICf SUITES and Interior, ceilings re­ Automotive ^ At^ icut‘8 Larg^l Honda Daaiar CODE Mid ttrto Noaktr. system and Inventory PULLTIM E DIVISION In livery charge. Call 649- toot lengths. You p ick up. Mtnehwter, Cl. shipping and receiving. FIRST FLOOR RETAIL paired. References, fully SPECIAL: Over 200 se­ control. Flexible hours. I OPEN OR OFFICES 1831 a n ytim e .______$50.00 cord. 742-8424. ••••••••••••••••••••••• lections and a FREE A p p ro xim a te ly 30 hours Company paid benefits. Insured. Quality work. I Alt your partonamy to I Wednesdays & Saturdays 1-4 pm 647-5003 Martin Mattsson, even­ Pattern Section in t h e work Idr you and maka part weekly. Good pay. 647- Apply in person, 812 FOR SALE-ATARI 2600 DZEN BLUEBERRY Cors/Tnicks for Sale 71 ALBUM. Just $8.00. Bloomfield Avenue, ings 649-4431. rofyourdaypayaaaparma- I 9997 after 1pm ask for For appointment call and six cartridges $60, HILL-PIck your own tO OM AT H 4 I I M fl F riant part time Talemdrkat- Windsor. EOE. Ing Rap. lor AAA. Mon. thru . V alerie. 19" Magnovox Black & blueberries. South Wind­ 0- 1 2 9 -D O lU -o td ood Nov. New sor, East Windsor town to drou tkiM i kow to mekt lko«. I FrL mornings 9 am - 1 pm. I MANCHESTER— nom stoiM i PAiNtaiei White T V $35, Kitchen set DATSUN-1981 200SX 24 ADAMS ST., MANCHESTER Excellant earnings, super GOVERNMENT JOBS,- 429-7929 fi-130 - KEEPUKE tO llT t. M Furnished office In Ideal OMMuniil - taMmUa MS. c o ll 449-3850 a « e r line. 87 B a rb e r H ill Road, Roadster. Brown with fa­ (Exit 93 oH 1-86) 646-3515 pltctd MMl appUgiitd dotign. . atsH. Great Company, u - J NEXT YEAR'S VACA­ Thousands of vacancies one mile north of Dzen I parlance prefsrrad. Call business location. Newly shion Cavalier Top. S-L 1- lk l-N E IIU O M NANOIWOM^M TION BEGINS NOW. Sell must be filled Immedla- Located in Storrs, adjacent to UConn off 0^ Tartan t»Hiaiil 5pm .______typet i f M odliw tfk eklNt, ' S21-7220 Mon.-Fri. lor in- redecorated. Secretarial Tree Form. Free contain­ Package, AC, 4 speaker I latviaw appl. Avon and start saving tlev. $17,634 to $50,112. South Eagievilie Road—turn onto Maple and KNOT n W W liR| ers. For update on pick­ i-iu-TO 8IV1 1 u ip - 4 e ete* 7-rj. services available. $150, MAN'S 10 SPEED BICY­ FM stereo, 5 speed. Im­ jliowirti Nome to mMio. EOE now l C a ll 523-9401 or C a ll 716-842-6000, Includ­ CMMlbyWA Mc.TMHag US Pal STUOH _ _ t a k e j j g h t at Juniper Hill Village. Including A/C and utili­ n m n i M A T E i C L E , Colum bia. $50. 449- ing conditions and hours maculate velour interior. t-1 9 i-e iiA r T t-M paget of MSMk 278-2941. ing Sunday, Ext. 1652. c a ll 644-9505. $8,500. 742-7936. toHMko Itomt. ties. 646-0505 o r 646-1960. - ***•*«*< 0557. U — MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday. Juljr 13, 1983


s u m m e r ESTATE



THE UNFINISHED CAPE EXPANDABLE" $64,900 Archllecturall/ dollgn^ capo boing ^ ll l on Woatorly SIrool (noKi lo FloycTo Maikol) al Iho lntaro*llon ol Hilliard and Broad streets. These quality conttfucted hornet I " '--* - . - - 1 tion Inc will feature spacious Wlchens with custom cabinets, FIXED RATE LIMITED — 10H% CHFA* GEM MORTGAGES — LIMITED

the Wepfc t* iponsoied by the Manche*l®r HerpliJ BLANCHARD & ROSSETTO REALTORS 646-2482 ______. 1«9 WEST CENTER ST. COB OF MCKEE, MANCHESTER. CT. 06040 •■..4r.T ’ \ / ------^ w,

ENJOY . . . All the family comforts of this well maintained MANCHESTER $65,900 three bedroom raised ranch in nice area with Charming 6 room Cape offering LR w/fireplace, easy access to 1-86. Two foil baths, rec room with large country kitchen. 3BRs, first floor don. FR, fireplace, central air and two car garage. Park- vinyl siding and city utilities. HWIACULATE TMtOUGHOUT Huge living room, large master bedroom, car de­ l^ e yard. $85,000. See'it todayl Marlene Scrogham 1 ta c h ^ garage, completely applianced. Nice private lot

Only ^ '"“»«'°seeinterior.

"OWNER MUST SELL” Older 6-6 Duplex. Lots of renovating already

MANCHESTER "^56900 completed on one side, including newer fur­ nace, replastered walls, kitchen counter? ^ ^ SIT BACK Well cared for. maintenance free 7 room Vi du- "ASSUMABLE MORTGAGE" carefree living of the Northfieid plex. FeaturM Include spacious LR, DA, kitchen and floor, 1 'A baths, wall to wall thru-out, di­ Greeri lifestyle. Lovely three bedroom, 254 bath w/stove, 3BRs, finished rec room w/built In book­ in vided attic and basement, new sheet rock on colonial style condominium with living room, cases. Located In family neighborhood. party wall between apartments for added dining roorn, full basement and spacious closets. Fred Norman ^ MANSFIELO Amenitim include pool, tennis courts, club- Clean and Neat, 3 bedroom ranch. Full basement with fire protection, garage, new roof, re-built nouse, playground and carport. $70,500. Rec Room and Bar. New triple Pane windows thru*out. front porch and circuit breakers. With some Wt ein htlp youWoma i One car attached garage. Cioseto shopping center and 1-64. Asking $56,000.00 "Labor and Love," the second side could be "REALr PR0FE88I0NAU just as nice. Price just reduced to: Cill 646-4525, ind nk lor Din. iSENTRY .Sr

____ ll(MlEsUteS«rvlc«i,"“ *“''“ $63,900.00 D.F. REALE, INC. TEDFORD ^ **««**wsler 44M04R Real Ealale REAL ESTATE, INC. STRAND REAL ESTATE in ad. », iN.Aiiii , Cl. *» Co«>«;tlcul B »«t, Em i HMtfonf, 64t-45»5 00 Poquonock Am., WIiMtoor I MBAL BSTATB 647-9914 156 EAST CENTER ST. MANCHESTER, CT. 646-2000J ' ' i - ^


. .Dhnace ^orSommhim ^ornm unitm fe'siNrlr: in our communitv makaa MANCHESTER $48,900 Oakland Terrace so special. Con^ortabhi private but still liKuted ideally clase ta mipor shoppina ’Contemporary” BOLTON "IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY" c e n ie , s a n d on fy minutes/ram downtown tiartford. C om e s a d ece «vh3c th ey laetl Secluded Privacy with this 5V6 Located In Forest Hills. 3 bed­ Available on this completely ^a cio u s 2 Bedroom Unita • Goroge & Full room Chalet, tucked well away ^aem ent • Appliancea & Central Air • Energy rooms, plus 2 V2 baths, large furnished 2BR condominium from the busy environment, on Efftctent • C.H. F.A. Approved. located pool side. All appli­ Priced Affordable at $67,900 deck overlooking wooded area. your own 42 acres of mount­ ances, wall to wall, 2 baths & Gorgeous family room w/field- ains, streams and woods, even stone fireplace. dining area. Large recreation OPEN HOUSE ^ a 2 acre pond site and large room, plus exercise & sauna Perfect for those who like to pavilion. Asking $130,000. WED..FRI. create your own livinq style room. 3 - 7 PM $109,900. SAT. & SUN. xU&R REALTY CO. A\r :s^axtin & ef(olftman, Dn ED GORMAN 643-2692 t^e a C lo x a 1 - 5 PM A$»ociatea Robert O. RRurdock, Roaftor 604 MIDDLE TURNPIKE ^ S T 263 MAIN STREET ' JUST OFF 1-86/EXIT 94 MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT 06040 174-6 OAKLAND STREET 3 ACK8TON/SHOWCAS61 646-4040 Am* Code 203-646-4144 MANCHESTER, CT. 646-131$ • WE’RE SELLING HOUSES •


243 Main St.. Manchester Vernon Circle, vTrnon

643-1591 872-9153

JUST LISTED ^ W a m TANNER ST. 7 0 ^ Spacious 8 room. 4 badroom Colonial. 1 *4 baths, fireplace. 2 car oaraoa and ERA BUYERS PROTECTION PLAN.

» k :


- J 1 . JEDUCED! PR.BRIM LANE NEW' Spaclouo 90 home with 2Vi bathi. firapiaca, double garage end 7 gor-* geoua roomal A beautiful home In a groat araal BOLTON 50’S COVENtRY ^.3

biANCHARD & ROSSETTO, INC ★ C O O L ★ * Comfortable Cape on quiet street within ★ C O U N T R Y * , REALTORS ' Peaceful setting with stone walls, birches walking distance for a refreshing dip in the 89 WEST CENTER STREET lush rolling lawns, rhododendrons, ever- ’ (Comar of McKoo) cool waters of Bolton Lake. Attractive star­ greens and privacy. Big raised ranch with 646-2482 ter home. finished rec room and 2 car garage.