INDEX. (Family Surnames of Value in Genealogical Research Are Printed in CAPITALS ; Names of Places in Italics.)
INDEX. (Family surnames of value in genealogical research are printed in CAPITALS ; names of places in italics.) Abagast, Lndwick, pensioner of the and the Recurrence of War, by, no- Revolution, 1785, 476, 477 tice of, 254; Philadelphia Assem- Abercrombie, Margaret, 396 blies by, notice of, 255 Adams, John, 295 Balkan Wars, The, by Jacob Gould Adams Richard C, The Adoption of Schurman, notice of, 144 Mew-Sen-Qua, and the Philosophy Ball, Major , at Valley Forge, of the Delaware Indians, by, notice 260 of 256 Ball, Joseph, 414 Adcock, William, 329 Ball, William, to William Fairfax, Adoption of Mew-Sen-Qua, The, and 1737, 249 the Philosophy of the Delaware Ballard, Lie-ut.-Col. Robert, at Valley Indians, by Richard C. Adams, no- Forge, 266, 272, 460 tice of, 256 Barber, Lieut.-Col. Francis, at Valley Affleck, John, 423 Forge, 267 Alden, Maj. Roger, at Valley Forge, Banner, Lieut.-Col. , at Valley 207, 267 Forge, 459 Allen, William, death of, 309 Barclay, Hon. Thomas, Gen. Joseph Allenson, Samuel, 455 Reed to, 1784, 507 Allis, Capt. , at Valley Forge, Bard, Mary, Ann Graeme to, 1737, 266 385 Allison, Major , at Valley Baird, S., 392, 397 Forge, 203 Barker, Mayor John, to Thomas Alston, Israel, 424 Cumpston, 1913, 375 ANDERSON, 6 Barker, Wharton, member of the Anti- Anderson, Isaac, Member of Congress, Third Term League, 12 : mentioned, 6 10 Anderson, John, pensioner of the Barrace, Christopher, pensioner of the Revolution, 1785, 477 Revolution, 1785, 481 Anderson, Robert, pensioner of the Bassett, Lieut.-Col. , at Valley Revolution, 1785, 476, 477, 478 Forge, 260 Anderson, Maj.
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