Valhalla: the Myths of Norseland; a Saga, in Twelve Parts
«n»n«n«.n«a#a«a«oen#n t^^n^o^o^L MMMMWHMIMIlNlif NMMMMMIMIMMHWMMMM IMMHNMN«WIN*MMM«N«HI(W^^ 3!*n»atn#n»n»n4io#n«n«a»o»o«n#n#o»D*; Qass_- Book_ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2009 with funding from Sloan Foundation : VALHALLA MYTHS OF NORSELAND ^ Saga, in gtluclljc ^^arts JULIA CLINTON JONES l-"a<ied the Tiviliglit of the gods , Thro' the wild lands of the North ; From phoeiiix-fire a Clod far higher. Our Chribt-Child coineth forth. NEW YORK R. WORIHINGION. 770 BROADWAY. 1880. Copyright by R. WORTHINGTON. 1>. O. PUBLIC hlBBtXi SEPT. lO. 1940 Trow's Printing and Bookbinding Company, 201-213 ^'^^^ 12/// Street, NEW YORK. i o To THE MKAKJKV Ol' My Grandfather, DE WITT CLINTON. I-OKMHK Governor of the State of New York, AND TO that of Mv MoiHER, Mrs. DAVID .S. JONliS this VOLUME I.S DEDICATED AS AN OFFERING OF REVERENCE AND OF LOVE, EY THE AUTHOR. TO THE READER. To avoid a multiplicity of foot notes, an appendix has been prepared, which will be found at end of book, to which the reader is referred for all allusions and proper names. CONTENTS. Casting out of f.oki's Brood, 70 Creation, 23 Dedication, 3 Einheriar's Song, 39 Hermodur's Visit to Hela, 95 Index to Notes, King v'Egir's Feast, 100 Loki, the Mischief Maker, 48 Loki's Punishment, 109 Mimir's Well, - 59 Odin's Visit to the Vala, - 88 Preface, 7 Ragnarock, 118 Regeneration, - Thor and the l^aughters of /Egir, 81 Valhalla, 29 PREFACE HAT a curious fact it is, that among us, English-speaking people, scholarly in- vestigation has clung rather to the classic lore and mythology of Greece and Rome, than to the less classic, but far purer and truer religion of the North.
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