Ordbog over det norrøne prosasprog © 2004 Den arnamagnæanske kommission Sats: ONP & UNI·C Skrift: Monotype Plantin Tryk: Grafisk Data Center A/S, Odense ISBN: 87-7001-285-7 Ordbog over det norrøne prosasprog ONP 1-3 : Nøgle // Key Redigeret af Helle Degnbol, Bent Chr. Jacobsen, James E. Knirk, Eva Rode, Christopher Sanders, Þorbjörg Helgadóttir Udgivet af Den arnamagnæanske kommission København 2004 Foreword The principal aid to Ordbog over det norrøne prosasprog // A Dictionary of Old Norse Prose (ONP 1 : a-bam, ONP 2 : ban-da, ONP 3 : de-em) is the volume of indices (ONP : Registre // Indices,1989). In the present booklet (ONP 1-3:Nøgle//Key) there is a short user’s guide in Danish and English, corrections and additions to the volume of indices (Sigla, Medieval Manuscripts), the most important corrections to ONP 1-3,acompletebibliographytoalltheONPvolumes,and a revised list of abbreviations and symbols. This booklet is therefore a complete replacement of the previous booklets, which can be discarded. ONP’s website (www.onp.hum.ku.dk) gives access to an electronic version of parts of the present booklet (Vejledning // User’s Guide, Bibliografi // Bibliography and Forkortelser & symboler // Abbreviations & Symbols). ONP’s indices (Sigla and Medieval Manuscripts) are also available on the website, and these are regularly updated. ONP’s postal address is: Ordbog over det norrøne prosasprog Københavns universitet Amager Njalsgade 136 DK-2300 København S Denmark e-mail:
[email protected] website: http://www.onp.hum.ku.dk ONP’s publications can be