The American Legion Monthly Is the Official Publication of the American Legion and the American Legion Auxiliary and Is Owned Exclusively by the American Legion

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The American Legion Monthly Is the Official Publication of the American Legion and the American Legion Auxiliary and Is Owned Exclusively by the American Legion 25 Cents October -1926 M E RI CAN EGION Beginning HOW RED IS AMERICA ? — By WILL IRWIN . "MAKE" THE BAND - share the highest honors f . ZHE winning kick sails between ress, make practice real fun. World- m the goal posts ... thefinalwhis- famous professionals choose Conns ^/ tie sounds ... surging down the for their superior quality. In 50 years field comes the frenzied victory dance building fine instruments Conn has won highest honors at world exposi- ... at the head of it marches the band! tions. With all their exclusive features In the LegionPost, just as in the school Conns cost no more ! and college, Bandsmen share the high- Every Legion Post should have a band, est honors. the winning band at When orchestra or both. We'll help you or- thePhiladelphia convention heads the ganize, with definite, detai led plans, in- parade Broad Street, the down mem- cluding easy financing. Commanders, bers will have the spotlight in the con- Adjutants, interested members should vention's headline home, as event. At write to our Band Service Department well as at state and national conven- for details; no obligation is involved. tions, the Band is an important feature of Post and civic functions. Free Trial, Easy Payments. Choose any Conn for trial in your own home. With a Conn instrument you can join Send coupon now for details. The a band in a very short time. Exclusive, Conn dealer in your community can easy-playing features enable rapid prog- help you get started; see him. C. G. CONN, LTD., 1003 Conn Dldg., Elkhart, Ind. Please send literature checked and details of free trial offer on ( Instrument ) Name . , . , BAND St. or R. F. D . City INSTRUMENTS WORLD'S LARGEST MANUFACTURERS State , County : . Success in Music and How to Win It u An Easier Way to Earn a College Education U Interested in organizing a band or orchestra CULTIVATE YOUR MUSICAL BUMP WITH CONN Factory Branch Stores New York, Strand Theater Bldg., Chicago, . 62 E.VanBuren St. San Francisco, . 47 Kearney St. Vancouver, B. C, 47th at Broadway New Orleans, 125 Carondolet St. Oakland, 531 16th St. 324 Hastings St., W. Boston, . 488 Boylston St. Mobile, ... 5 St. Emanuel St. Portland, . 1 1th &. Alder Sts. Conn National School of Music, Baltimore, . 406 N. Howard St. Detroit, . 1431 Broadway Ave. Seattle, . 1613 Third Ave. F. N. Innes, Director Atlanta, . 62 N. Broad St. Kansas City, . 1011 McGee St. Tacoma, . 1155 Broadway 62 E. VanBuren St., Chicago, 111. — ! Give Me 5 Days and I'll Give You a Magnetic Personality Let Me Prove It — FREE I 1CAN so magnetize your person- or musician or actor can ality that people will be drawn hold audiences spellbound to you at once, irresistibly. without it. No salesman, I can make you a magnet of hu- no business man, can win man attraction so that you are popu- an outstanding success lar everywhere, in any society. without it. Personal mag- I can show you how to use the netism ! It is your great- amazing principle of instantaneous est capital—greater by far magnetic control to win quick con- than wealth, than good spicuous success in your business or looks. It is you, made profession. magnetic ! It is you, with I can place in your hands the key a personality so fascinat- to supreme power and happiness- ing and irresistible that give you a great new confidence in people are drawn to you as yourself—overcome almost at once steel is drawn to a magnet any timidity or self-consciousness you may have. I can give you a glorious new mag- netic personality so that you can in- fluence the minds of others, attract people to you instantly, be popular and well-liked wherever you go! Let me prove it. Give me 5 days, and if in that time you do not ex- perience a new surge of personal The fundamental principles of Per- power, if you do not find yourself sonal Magnetism have been put into size volume making friends wherever you may a beautiful extra large under the title of "Instantaneous be, if you do not discover yourself on ersonal Magnetism." This book gives the road to happiness, wealth, suc- you the key to a magnetic personality cess—guided by my principles of in only five days—or it costs you noth- Think ing. That is my free proof offer to you. personal magnetism—the test will what personal magnetism will mean to you in business, in your contact with men and The study and scope of Personal Mag- cost you nothing whatever. You are women. You will win! You will get ivhat netism is broad as life itself. "Fires you want! as the judge. of Magnetism," "Sex Influences," "The My Method Releases Your Magnetic Voice," "Physical Magnetism," What Is Personal Magnetism? Personal Magnetism "The Magnetic Eye," "Oriental Secrets," You have it everyone has it "Rapid Magnetic Advancement," "The — No long course of study. No but only the exceptional man or Magnetic Mind," and "Magnetic Healing," tedious mental exercises. Not the are only a few of the subjects covered in woman knows liow to use it. slightest inconvenience or self-denial. this amazing book. Personal magnetism is not a fad or Just a simple, clear, age-old principle Free Proof fancy, not some sudden discovery or Remember My 5-Day that taps the vast thought and Offer! Send Off the Coupon some new psychological theory. It power resources within you, instant- TODAY is you, your manner, your self ly releases at once the full sweep of You must see this book for yourself—ex- made magnetic. It is a force as ir- amine it—let it influence indelibly your own per- your magnetic potentialties—and sonality. Merely mail coupon below and this resistible as the force of the actual makes almost remarkable volume, with cover in handsome dark you a new person from cloth, embossed, will sent you magnet, drawing a bit of steel to it- burgundy gold be what you were before. A principle by return mail for 5 days' free examination. If self. No leader of men has long sur- you aren't stirred and inspired in the 5-day free that never fails to work, because it period, return it and it costs you nothing. Other- vived without it. No erest orator conspires with Nature to make you wise keep it as your own and remit only $3 in full payment. You are the sole judge. You do the dynamic forceful, fascinating- not pay unless you are delighted. You simplv can't delay! Clip and mail this coupon NOW. person you were intended to be. Ralston University Press, Dept. 177-S, Meriden. Not Hypnotism—But Conn. Magnetism! I RALSTON UNIVERSITY PRESS, I Dept. 177-S, Meriden, Conn. Please do not mistake method my All right— I'll be the judge. You may send I me the volume "Instantaneous Personal I for hypnotism. Its laws and its ' Magnetism" for 5 days FREE EXAMINA- I results are exactly opposite. Hyp- I TION in my home. Within the 5 days I I ' notism deadens magnetism imparts will either remit the special low price of — only $3.00. in full payment, or return it I | or obligation. a joyous exhilaration to body and , without cost mind. Hypnotism paralyzes the Name You will popular you, be astounded to see hoiv will magnetism animates, inspires, quickly become—how people are drawn to you. — Address Never again will you feel lonesome at a party sharpens and strengthens the mental —forgotten in a crowd! You, ivill be—MAG- City State NETIC! faculties. L "_3 OCTOBER, 1926 — — —— — — — — — —————— — — — — — — — — — — October, 1926 American Vol. 1, No. 4 jtegion Qdonthly Contents COVER DESIGN: Minnehaha by Howard Chandler Christy The Message Center by the Editor 4 The Camel's Nose by Merle Thorpe 6 Illustration by John Richard Fla?iagan The House on the Square by Rita Weiman 9 Illustrations by W. Emerton Heitland How Red Is America?: part one by Will Irwin 14 The Powder-Stained 70's by Henry W. Daly 18 Illustration by Walter Jardine The Handshaker: part two by Peter B. Kyne 22 Illustrations by Wallace Morgan Toss — Oars ! by C. E. Scoggins 26 Editorial with cartoon by C. LeRoy Baldridge 30 All Hands 'Round by Woodward Boyd 32 Illustration by William Heaslip 0 A Personal View by Frederick Palmer 35 Keep Looking and Some Day You'll See Him by Herbert Ravenel Sass 36 Illustrations by Charles Livingston Bull Red Donovan Comes Through by James A. Drain 40 Illustration by L. F. Wilford Dangerous Ways: part four by Arthur Somers Roche 42 Illustrations by Grattan Condon It Takes Two to Make a Polo Player by Devereux Milburn and J. C. Cooley 46 How About It? by Wallgren 48 Bursts and Duds with cartoon by A. B. Walker 49 Keeping Step by Right Guide 50 Then and Now by the Company Clerk 55 A PATRIOTIC CALENDAR FOR OCTOBER 1st: First United States silver dollar minted at Philadelphia, 1794 2d: Major Andre hanged, 1780 3d: Death of Black Hawk, 1836 4th: Rutherford B. Hayes born, 1822—3th: Chester A. Arthur born, 1830 6th: Erie Canal opened, 1825 7th: Battle of Kings Mountain, 1780 8th: Chicago fire starts, with eventual loss of $200,000,000, 1 871 gth: Remnants of Braddock's defeated army reach New York, 1755 10th: United States Naval Academy opened, 1845 nth: New Netherlands Company granted charter, 1614 12th: Coiumbus discovers America, 1492 13th: President Washington lays cornerstone of White House, 1792 14th: First steamboat sails down the Ohio River, 181 1- 13th: Dirigible ZR-3, America's war prize, arrives from Germany, 1924 /6th: John Brown and his men raid Harper's Ferry, 1859 17th: Burgoyne surrenders at Saratoga, 1777 18th: Demobilization of Continental Army begins, I783 /gth: Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown, 178 1 20th: Men called to colors under Universal Service Act placed in five classes, 1917 2/st: Edison produces first incandescent electric light, 1879 22d: Sam Houston elected president of the Republic of Texas, 1836—^5^: Smithsonian Institution created by will of James Smithson, 1826 24th: William Penn reaches America, 1682 23th: Penn grants charter for city of Philadelphia, 1701 26th: Entry in old New England almanac for this date: "Noah enters the ark, B.
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