Translation Procedures Used in Translating Maitreya Buddhist Text '紥根与深耕' from Mandarin Into Indonesian

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Translation Procedures Used in Translating Maitreya Buddhist Text '紥根与深耕' from Mandarin Into Indonesian Translation Procedures used in Translating Maitreya Buddhist Text „紥根与深耕‟ from Mandarin into Indonesian [PP: 129-134] Sutarno University of Sumatera Utara Medan, Indonesia Prof. Tengku Silvana Sinar Prof. Syahron Lubis Dr. Zubaidah Ibrahim-Bell Department of English Letters, Faculty of Culture Studies University of Sumatera Utara Medan, Indonesia ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to identify the dominant translation procedures applied in the translation of Maitreya Buddhist text entitled „紥根与深耕 from Mandarin to Indonesian. Using descriptive qualitative method and content analysis, the data of the study was analysed to achieve the stated aim. The research primarily attempted to seek answer to research question-what was the most dominant translation procedure applied in the translation of 紥根与深耕 into Indonesian? The data included 141 phrases. The data were analyzed by using Miles and Huberman‟s (1986) Data Analysis Model. Vinay and Darbelnet‟s theory of translation procedure was used for identifying the procedure applied. The result showed that of the data, 23 included literal translation procedure, 6 borrowing, 20 calque, 31 equivalence, 9 modulation and 52 transposition. It is expected that the finding of this research will be helpful for the Buddhist translators in translating religious text keeping in mind the outcomes of this research. Keywords: Translation Procedures, Buddhist Text, Maitreya,紥根与深耕, modulation, transposition ARTICLE The paper received on Reviewed on Accepted after revisions on INFO 16/09/2017 20/10/2017 17/12/2017 Suggested citation: Sutarno, Sinar, T., Lubis, S. & Ibrahim-Bell, Z. (2017). Translation Procedures used in Translating Maitreya Buddhist Text „紥根与深耕‟ from Mandarin into Indonesian. International Journal of English Language & Translation Studies. 5(4). 129-134. 1. Introduction readable or would it because the translated While translating religious text from text above was not acceptable? Based on Mandarin to Indonesian, it can be said that the above scenario, the research question these two languages are in alliance with was formulated as: What was the most each other though they have very different dominant translation procedure applied in culture and expressions. In order to be able the translation of 紥 根 与 深 耕 from to translate a text from Mandarin to Mandarin into Indonesian? It is expected Indonesian, a translator need to have a that the finding of this research will be wide area of knowledge on these two helpful for the Buddhist translators in languages to overcome the difficulties translating religious text keeping in mind found in the process of producing a the outcomes of this research. understandable and readable text for target Different methods or procedures have language readers. In this respect, one of the been applied in translating while most important religious text in Maitreya translating a text from source language to Buddhism in Medan, Indonesia was 紥根 the target language. In this regard, Vinay 与深耕 and was translated in to Indonesian and Darbelnet (in Venuti 2000: 84) as Insaf Nurani. Through interview with mentioned two methods of translation: one of the priest in Maha Vihara Maitreya direct or literal translation and oblige temple in Medan, Indonesia, it was found translation method. The former translation that very few readers wanted to read the method is applied when two languages are translated text. Would it because the equal in terms of structural, lexical and translated text Insaf Nurani was not morphological items. Meanwhile, the latter International Journal of English Language & Translation Studies ( ISSN:2308-5460 Volume: 05 Issue: 04 October-December, 2017 method applied is when there is reverse of Borrowing is a procedure of translation this. where the source-language form is taken Scholars in translation such as Catford into the target language usually because of (1965) defined the translation as the the gap in the lexical of target language. replacement of textual material in one Borrowing a term when it is possible to language, which is source language, by translate it sometimes might be intended as equivalent material in other language (Fedorov cited by Fawcett 1997:34) to (target language). Bell (1991) also stated retain the „shade of specificity‟ in the that translation is the replacement or a foreign object or institution, perhaps representation of a text in one language by adding the translation or some form of a representation of an equivalent text in a explanation to assist the reader. Perhaps second language. Newmark (1988) also other reasons may be to convey a sound asserts that translation is the attempt of effect or to ensure that a cultural element is replacing the message in one language by not translated entirely out of existence. the same message in another language and When the Russians launched the first space Sembiring (2015:133) has also stated that satellite, the Western press borrowed the translation is the process of transferring the term sputnik until they learn to call them message and form of a written source satellites. language text into an equivalent of target 2.1.2. Calque language text. They proposed various Calque is the literal translation at the definitions of translation and most of them level of the phrase as Vinay and Darbelnet know that knowledge of the language is do not consider its use at the morphemic not enough for producing a good and level in translating terminology. Fedorov readable translation. Venuti (1995:7-19) stated (cited by Fawcett 1997: 35) calques stated that translation is a process by which tend to come into the target language the chain of signifiers that constitutes the together with the thing they refer to. He source language text is replaced by a chain further stated that when Russians first had of signifiers in the target language which to deal with „supermarkets‟ they did it so the translator provides on the strength of through the calque svierkhraynok, but this an interpretation. He also states that the proved to be ambiguous and so was aim of translation is to bring back another replaced by „shop without assistants‟ culture as the same, the recognizable, even before becoming „self-service shop‟ the familiar; and this aim always risks a (Retsker cited by Fawcett 1997: 35). Like wholesale domestication of the foreign borrowing, Calques often make their first text, often in highly self-conscious appearance not in the translation but as an projects, where translation serves an element in a newspaper article or in some appropriation of foreign cultures for other form of original literature. domestic agendas, cultural, economic and 2.1.3. Literal translation political. Literal translation is word for word 2. Literature Review translation which Vinay and Darbelnet (as 2.1 Translation Procedures cited in Munday, 2001) describe as being The term of translation procedure and the most common translation procedure translation techniques have always been used between two languages from the same considered equal as Newmark (1998, p.88) family and culture. This Procedure is rare stated that translation procedures or but always welcome case when a text can translation techniques are used for go from source language to target language sentences and smaller units of language with no changing other than those required while the translation method is related to by target language grammar. Vazques- the whole text. In this research paper, the Ayora (as cited in Fawcett, 1997) stated term of „translation procedure‟ will be used that literal translation is the general instead of translation techniques. Vinay strategy. He further stated that: “if given and Darbelnet (1996) advocated seven two utterances, one in English and the translation procedures. They include- other in Spanish, there exists between them „borrowing‟, ‟calque‟, „literal translation‟, a precise correspondence of „structure‟ and transposition‟, „modulation‟, equivalence‟, of „significant‟, and the equivalence is and „adaptation‟. Each of which can be achieved moneme by moneme, literal used at the linguistics level of lexis, translation result and can be applied grammar and text. without risk”. 2.1.1. Borrowing 2.1.4. Transposition Cite this article as: Sutarno, Sinar, T., Lubis, S. & Ibrahim-Bell, Z. (2017). Translation Procedures used in Translating Maitreya Buddhist Text „紥根与深耕‟ from Mandarin into Indonesian. International Journal of English Language & Translation Studies. 5(4). 129-134. Page | 130 Translation Procedures used in… Sutarno, Tengku Silvana Sinar, Syahron Lubis & Zubaidah Ibrahim-Bell. Transposition is replacing one word 2.1.6. Equivalence class with another without changing the Equivalence as the translation of idiom meaning of the message or on other word. where two languages refer to the same It deals with grammatical changes in situation in totally different ways. It might translation (Vinay & Darbelnet, 2000, as cover different stylistic and structural cited in Fawcett, 1997). There are two methods in rendering a situation. In such types of transpositions, obligatory and cases, they are dealing with the method optional transposition. Obligatory with equivalent text so that the culture and transposition is when the target language history of source language might affect the has no other choices because of the culture of the target language. Some words language system required the translator to and expression have a different meaning in do some grammatical changes in order to one language but different meaning
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