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[vni. XCIX. No. 232 — Manc hester, Conn., Tuesday, July 1, 1980 Gates out on bond V i : Murder suspect free m and hair samples from Gates for (;i.\STO\Rl RV - Larry Neal Gates' arrest came last This morning Glastonbury police testing. Police will not confirm or Gates, the 19-vear-old high school Wednesday after a week-long In­ chief Francis Hoffman said gates' deny reports that Mrs Hart was student charged with murder in. the vestigation by local and state police. release came as no suprise because sexually assualted and Heiman, ac­ shooting death of his neighbor Mrs. Mrs. Hart's body was found in An­ the family had come close to the cording to published reports, has also Elizabeth Hart, was released In his. dover. a day after her husband. bond last week. "They were only parent's custody Monday after his Robert, arrived at their Manchester' 125,000 or so away," he said. Hoff­ asked for tests. new attorney persuaded a Superior Road home to find his son, 14-month- man added that Gates was now "a Heiman took the case from Gates' Court judge to accept a property lien old Thomas, dead In the driveway, free citizen" and no efforts were initial counsel. Glastonbury lawyer in lieu of Gates' $100,000 bond. apparently run over by a car. being made by the police to keep the Peter Jay Alter who was un­ Bristol attorney Maxwell Helman, The medical examiners office Gates home under surveillance. successful in gaining Gates' release ^ 'arguing on behalf of Gates, con­ determined that Mrs. Hart had been Hoffman also said while the case is last Wednesday. Neither Alter nor vinced Judge Brian E. O'Neill the shot in the head and^ chest. Police still open, there were no other Heiman could be reached to discuss Gates family's offer to post its half who inspected the Gates home June suspects at this time. "It's like why the change was made. share in a $312,000 farm in Glaston­ 21 and 22 found a handgun, apparent­ building a house," he said, "you use bury was sufficient bond to gain ly covered with bjood. In an effort to one brick at a time." While Gates has been implicated in iVeu? president Gates' release. Last Wednesday. prevent. pretrial publicity which Judge O'Neill set a July 9 date for Mrs Hart's murder, a grand jury East' Hartford Superior Court Judge might endanger the prosecution's the hearing of several motions by the must still decide if he will face the Edward O'Connell refused to accept case. Judge O'Connell sealed the prosecution. State's Attorney John charge. Judgj O'Neill said the jury Dr. William E. Vineent, a 43-year-old Pennsylvanian with'’ the Gates home valued at $70,0(K) warrant. Monday, affidavits from the M. Bailey, whose office is handling would convene Aug 20 to hear experience as an academic and administrative dean, began after he set the bond at $100,000. warrant were released to Heiman. the case, has asked for blood, urine evidence. his first day as president of Manchester Community College today. Vincent is replacing acting president William Miller, who resigned to return to Quinebaug Valley Community BtJthy born on. hospital lawn College, which he founded. (Herald photo by Pinto). weathered the ordeal The baby girl, wanted to insure those she had early next thing I knew the baby was out. " By M.ARY KITZMANN however, suffered a lowering^of body Saturday morning were real. Malcolm Harris began yelling for Hcrulil Rrporivr help. It appeared first in the form of temperature in the cold morning air Fired teacher ■'When we left they were coming, Before the parents knew whether / MANGHESTER - Brigid Mary, pretty strong. " she said. "I knew for Dr. Margrita Nosce. a pediatrician they had a Imv or a girl. Brigid was Harris just couldn't wait any longer. who was in civilian clothes. sure." whisked awSyto an incuBhtor But her parents wished for a few So did her husband. Malcolm By that time Harris had the baby in It wae'about 30 minutes before they“ to regain position moments more. ' Hams made a mad dash througb the his hands, and he was unwilling to let knew they had a girl Jessica Harris, of Willington, country, running a few red lights. go, according to Mrs. Harris. Saturday gave birth to her daughter Jessica Harris was sitting in a V- "He didn't know that the wornan " It happened so fast. 1 really don"^t n. ■LAI ll UI.VHEN I l)\MS I W I W Will- SIILA A casions ■■ several feet from the door of the shapp in the car. "It was a pretty was a doctor. " she said. "He kept know what to think." Mrs. Harris lleriilil Reporter The board also ccriticized Fendell ^Mying he didn't want them to take Manchester Memorial Hospital. hard ride, ' she commented. said. She was released shortly after M ANCIIES I ER - In a 2-^deci- for his harttilinghandling of tlthe incident where We expected to get there, but we Mrs. Harris noted that the child­ his baby." the birth from the hospital. The sion'. the State Board of Labor Dougann was„4£«^ed df cursing the didn't tpake it." Mrs. Harris said. "It birth classes she and her husband had But Dr. Nosce persuaded him. and Harris' also have a 20 month-old-boy. Relations'Tuled againstithe ROTC client FondeFohdell had called this happened so quickly. My husband and had t)elped. "It helped us in con­ started the other 20 persons who Malcolm Jr Manchester Board of Education and incident the straw that broke the I are really in a state of shock. " trolling the pains." she said. responed totlhe calls for help, run­ ordered the reinstatement of a camel's back " The board found ning back and forth for equipment, And as their son was born with only Mrs Harris suggested- that They neared the hospital Brigid woodworking aide at the Regional Fendell's investigation as-to whether including a scissors to cut the um­ 26 minutes to spare in reaching the perhaps she. and her husband, began making her appearance. 30 Occupational Training Center the name-calling incident actually- bilical cords. The doctor was- hospital Mrs Harris says next time Malcolm an economist, waited a lit­ feet from the door at 8;55 a.Tn. "1 Christopher Dougan, who was dis­ happened ■ cursor^ because he in­ assissted by her husband. Dr Luis she might go earlier In fact she terviewed the complaining, students tle too long before beginning the trip said the baby's here " Mrs. Harris missed from his position by retiring Nosce. who is an opthalmologist. chuckled that she might go ahead of but not other nrobable witnesses to the hospital. She had been having said. "But Malcolm didn't believe ROTC Director Norman Fendell, me. He didn't take me seriously. The Both the mother and the daughter time The board ruled The cursory and labor pains the week before, and was ordered reinstated in his position incomplete nature ol Fendell s in­ by the three-member state hearing vestigation into the I cursing i inci­ board in the divided opinion dent and his haste ifi making the dis­ Labor Board .Agent Jack Kingston charge (make iti reasonable to infer Pope seeking said that of the approximately 100 an over-readiness to use the incident decisions the board makes each year. as a screen to edver less legitimate 98 peiwnt are unanimous. In this motives ' one-man. one-vote decision, the chair­ Following Dougan ,s dismissal by man dissented, although he agreed Fendell. Kennedy had- ordered peace, justice the evidence was legally sufficient to warrant the majority's conclusion Dougan place in a similarly classed position at another location in the BRASILIA, Brazil (UPI) - Pope day were seen as support for human Dougan had contended he was dis­ school system Dougan had told the John Paul II, who arrived in Brazil to rights activities of Brazil's dynamic missed from his position because he a warm welcome from hundreds of bishops as well as criticism to leftist had signed petitions criticizing board this position inolved rnuch clerical work and not the thousands of faithful, has warned the priests who want the church to con­ Fendell which were then passed on to woodworking duties he enjoyed at the military rulers of the world's largest front the government in the struggle Superintendent of Schools James Catholic country a nation without against repression. ROTC Kennedv The labor board orefered that the justice invites violence. Fendell had contended that Dougan Manchester Board . of Education On the second day of his 12-day tour The church. John Paul said, "can was dismissed because he had cursed - cease and desist, any more un- of Brazil, the pope was to travel only look with satisfaction upon all a menially disturbed stude.nt. used an Igvorablt actions toward Dougan. today to Belo Horizonte, the South the efforts that aim at safeguarding ROTC truck without permission, had and that he be reassigned to the American nation's third largest city. and promoting the fundamental trequently been late Tor work."'had At a gathering Monday at the rights and freedoms of all human refused to tollow instructions, and ROTC woodworking aide post for the persons and assure their responsible presidential palace attended by had appropriated school supplies for 1980-81 school vear President Joao Figueiredo and 2,000 participation in commufiity and The labor board also ordered the private work Board of Education to post a com-, other officials, J ^ n Paul said the social life. " ■ Fendell had also contended l)e pletc copy of its tour page decision church "encourages those responsi­ Speaking in A careful Portuguese hadn't known about Dougan's in­^ tor 60 dins in a, spot where the ble for the common good, especially he has worked at perfecting in recent volvement with the oritical petitiqps employees of. the ROTC congregate those who are Catholic, to undertake when he dismissed him Whether he weeks, the pope said, " The-'church The Board of Education has 30 days in time these reforms with decision had this knowledge figured heavily in does not cease to urge the reforms in­ , . , u t(* complv w-ith the order, or it niay and courage, attending Christian dispensable to safeguarding and principles, justice and an authentic ^ T h iX a rd 'determined 'as that Hit' an appeal w-ith the Superior Court promoting the values without which in Hartford Kingston said in the social ethic." there was a longstanding "personali­ no society worth that name can event the Manchester'board chooses He said reforms should be carried ty conllict " between Dougan and prosper." ,,nH ,np - this action, the, labor bdard will de- out so that others would not seek Fendell. thus' upholding a imuiiig iijlfesuits before the court them "under the Impulse of currents 1 5 . ^ He said all people were entitled to Kcnnddy had made during dn ia-tawr. Kq'nntulv-.and the Board ol which do not hesitate to recur to "the right to live, to security, to investigation ol the matter. Kducalion's attorney-could not. be violence and the direct or indirect But the board found .that Given work, to housing, to health, to educa­ reached lor conim-nt today' Fendell suppression of fundamental the pre-existing animosity and tion. to private and public religious could not be rea(-hed either He com­ freedoms and rights ' expression." Fendell's volatile -and impulsive John Paul went to the presidential nature las we observed iti it is a pleted h|S last week ,'f administering the school last week and'is soon palace after a two-hour optdoor mass The pontiff spoke in French on the reasonable inference that he w^as in the central mall of the moder­ aware ot Dougan's part in the peti­ moving to Israel same theme when he met later with Dougan could not be reached lor nistic. specially built capital. the Brazilian diplomatic corps. tion .'Moreover. he knew of Dougan's comment either Government officials put the Addressing the diplomats at the voicing of grievances on other oc- crowd at some 8(X).000, but jour­ bishops' ""headquarters, John Paul Interruption nalists who have covered former said "The common good of a society papal trips said the reception was requires that it be just" . , Pope John Paul II smiles as a white mongrel dog crosses in comparatively low-keyed and es­ front of him on the outdoor altar as he was blessing the crowd timated attendance at no more than The pope arrived Monda.v at Brasilia's military airport after an of some 900,000 persons in Brasilia, Brazil, Monday. (UPl 500,000. I The pope's many comments Mon- ll-hogr flight from Rome. photo) 1 New York Yankees hold off Boston The weather -Red Sox Rod Carew heads American League All Star Mostly sunny today with highs in the low’80s. Partly cloudy tonight team Bill.Rus.sell ot the Dodgers National League pick Carter pondering tax cut with low temperature around 60. first time Variable 'cloudiness Wende^day I’iig.- •). wrecking the economy'.'" Powell WASHINGTON (UPI) - President ranking Democrats, The president returned from his with a chance qj showers. Page 2. asked. “ Where is the money coming Carter has not ruled out a 1981 tax cut He said the Senate Democrats - trip to Europe last week to find the Inside today bill this year,,Sen. Lloyd Bentsen, D- who have set Sept. 3 as a deadline for tax issue had gotten out of control from"'” At the same time. Powell said a' Texas, said today after a meeting at a bill - will proceed with plans for with Senate Democrats trying to 'Classified- tax cut for 1981 “continues to be a Special budget the White House. , hearings on a tax cut, but indigated regain the initiative by setting a Com ics...... possibility and.a probability,” and he Asked whether Carter had objected he is not certain that, legislation Sept. 3 deadline for a bill. Coventry Town council approves Editorial ...... noted the administration is prepared a tax cut, Bentsen said, "He certain­ could be passed this year. The Democrats began their move a mini-budget for July to cover Entertainment to work with Senate and House task ly did not rule it out. Obviously, he "The principal thing they agreed without informing the White House expense? until a budget for the' F am ily...... forces on tax^gislation. wants to look at the figures and to on is that it (fex-cut legislation) after Reagan proposed a $22 billion current fiscal .vear js- adopted. Obituaries . "Just because the Republicans look at the budget as he makes up his should b«‘ a coordinated effort tax cut and Republican senators Pugill. c Peopletalk have come forth with %^not-thought- between the Senate, the House and attempted to attach it as a rider to Sports ...... mind." out political year girpjnick is no ll "He left his options open," Bentsen the executive branch,” Bentsen said. other legislation. Television reason for the Democrats to follow addet)^ He added that congressional task Press secretary Jody Powell ac­ In sports U pdate...... suit,” he said. Bentsen. a leader In the tax cut forces will explore the issue and that cused the Republicans of an election Weather Powell told reporters there are Rich Gossage fires heater as drive, spoke to reporters after atten­ Carter “wants to see the July figures year “gimmick." many holes in the Republican plan. ding Carter's breakfast session with before.making his decision.” ■‘How do you do it without I • o - 'V * . V.

EVENING HERALD. Tues , July 1,J980 - 3 2 - EVENING HERALD. Tues.. July 1, 1980 Board faces wbrding Update. J Stage holdup Monday to investigate competitive practices among election to a fourth term. money, more than $500,000 to be applied to 25 energy- for school question Onited States refiners of home heating oil. The Rocky Hill attorney said Monday he wanted to conserving projects. return to the Legislature in 1981 to deal with major issues The money is used to conduct energy audits to deter­ The officials — from Massachusetts, Maine, Vermont, sion more continuity. SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) — A 6-foot-8-inch computer such as “the crisis in residential housing” and re­ mine the need for short-range, energy efficiency work as MANCHESTER - The Board of answer various qilestions of the expert, a record holder of Small Claims Court actions, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and New York — com­ Directors tonight, will consider the residents. Appointments, of nine persons, will plained that the federal Department of Energy has not apportionment. well as the feasability of longer term solutions. has been reimbursed by Wells Fargo without the bank “These funds are being spent as part of the state s referendum wording on renovations Among new business items is con­ also be considered for the new responded to previous recommendations to investigate Tulisano was the sponsor of bills in the last session to Emergency Medial Services Council losing its famous' 19th-century stagecoach. compensate crime vio^jms/ prohibit strip searches by wlderanglng program to conserve our precious energy to ManchesteruHiglbSchool. . sideration of the report of the Lou Gary won an action against Wells Fargo after the the refiners, At its 8 p.m. lu tin g at the Senior Mayor’s Comjni'ttee on Con­ that the board approved in June. “ We in the Northeast cannot tolerate federal in­ police in certain cas^''and limit the search of new­ sources,” the governor said. bank assessed him an $83 prepayment penalty on a car he dominiums, which was given to the The council, which will study ways difference to our needs," Massachusetts Attorney srooms. Citizens Center, East Middle Turn­ bought list February. However, the bank didn't pay the "I look forward to meeting the head on crisis in pike, the board will consider the board at the second June meeting. to implement paramedic service claim so Gary obtained a writ ordering the sheriff to General Francis X; Bellotti said. recomfnendation of the Board of The recommendations include here, will consist of town personnel, He noted that United States oil refiners have raised residential housing that is facing our people, as well as seize the company's stagecoach so it could be sold at auc­ reapportionment” and other local and statewide Dodd jets Education to use a single question. relaxing the town's M zone which medical representatives and con­ tion to pay him off. their prices more than 280 percent in the last three years, governs construction of multi-family sumers. matters, he said. HARTFORD (UPI) - Rep. Christopher Dodd, I> The education board requests voter Rather than lose tha rare stagecoach. Wells Fargo while the Qrganization of Petroleum Exporting Countries housing, and several recommen­ After a presentation of Director Conn., says nine House members of the key Foreign Af­ approval fbr spending $5.5 million on finally paid the $83, Gary said Monflay. In addition, the has imposed price hikes of 71 percent. dations to aid those who are looking Arnold Kleinschmidt, the board “The pattern of price increases raises a serious ques­ fairs Committee have joined in seeking to halt the sale of ■<»rv. j . . ' .A| the aging high school. This is also the' bank had to pay $550 more in court costs incurred by Energy funds amount that the town Building Com­ for a rental. voted to establish the council Gary. tion as to whether Workable competition exists among F-15 jet plane parts to Saudi Arabia. However, the starting date for the large American refiners,” Bellotti said. Dodd said Monday that 43 House members had signed a mittee recommended after a series Also on the agenda are various ap­ "I hope this will make Wells Fahgo and other banks HARTFORD (UPI) — Gov. Ella Grasso has announced of meetings which trimmed the es­ pointments. The board wil) consider emergency service is still probably think twice before messing with the little guy," said the a total of $3.4 million in state and federal funds has been letter to President Carter expressing concern over the years away, Kleinschmidt has said sale of offensive equipment for 60 fighter planes being ' x . " . - a's * 'N'-. j T timate from $6.4 million. appointing five adults and eight not-so-little Gary. provided for energy conservation projects in state The agenda item facing the Board youths to the Commission on For the third month the board will buildings since Jan. 1. purchased by the Arab country. Tulisaho try Dodd, in a statement released by his Hartford office, of Directors authorizes a referendum Children and Youth. The appoint­ also consider whether or nor to Oil probe The allocations are allowing energy-saving work to be provide space for a Community said the equipment will double the range of the F-15’s to question for renovations not to ment dates for membership were HARTFORD (UPI) I Rep. Richard D. Tulisano, D- carried out on 170 projects in 20 state agencies, she said changed the past several month at Renewal Team worker in BOSTON (UPIt — Attorneys general from six 1,000 miles and allow the planes to carry increased ord­ exceed $6,429,778, Rocky Hill, the co-c Sirman of the Legislature's Monday. The question's wording- is con­ the recommendation of of the com­ Manchester. The person's salary northeastern states petitioned federal energy officials .announced he will seek re- nance. Judiciary Committee, The University of Connecticut has received the most sidered important by many people mission. The appointment were would be paid by the federally- concerned that the issue be clearly changed to stagger the nrembers' sponsoreS'jirogram, but an office is needed. »»» presented. The Board of Education expiration dates, giving the commi- Peoplelalk Mayor Stephen Penny, left, stands with manager Robert Weiss, Richard Nadeau,, recommended a single question Tough talk other town officials and the owners of Holts vice president. Bob Nadeau, secretary and hoping to avoid confusing voters. Inc., the first ...tenant of the Buckland In­ treasurer and Jim Quigley, chairman of the Also on the board's agenda is reconsideration of the plans for the Iranian President dustrial Park. With Penny are, jeft to right, town’.s Economic and Development Commis­ Murder continues sion. (Herald photo by Foley) old Senior Citizen Center on Linden Abolhassan Bani-Sadr, Fernard Nadeau, president of the firm, town Street. The board approved in March an Iranian national COVENTRY — Coventry and state ment on any clues in the case and he using the building for town offices, would not say if there would be any I- flag wrapped around f police are continuing their investiga­ and allowing the Manchester Area tion into the M em orial^y Weekend developments soon. his neck, speaks to Holts first in Buckland Conference of Churches and MARCH death of Louisa Marie 9cott, but they followers in a mosque Inc., a private social service group, Authorities said Ms. Scott’s death (OVII1 tlM NIAIVtlt ' have little to say about the homicide in southeast Tehran machine and instrument repair shop Nadeaus were recently made of­ to use the building’s lower floor. was caused by asphyxiation, caused MANCHESTER - Even though The ZBA granted a variance for the probe. Monday. The etn- they began moving in March 14„ the has backed up already, according to ficers in the company. Three Cfiventry officers have been by strangulation. Her fully clothed the senior Nadeau. two private groups to use the body was found on a Saturday after­ hattled leader first tenants of the Buckland In­ building. However, the area working-full time on the case since dustrial Park were recognized this The firm, which employs 20 people Saturday. Holts Inc. held an open noon in about three feet of water in threatened to kick out residents strongly oppose the the body of Ms. Scott, 20, was found C Z 3' past weekend for leading the way and is looking for more skiil^ and house and Monday, Mayor Stephen in the Skungamaug River on May 31. the river. planned use, and appealed the ZBA of his government any into the park which has been years in unskilled help, relys on United Penny, town manager Robert Weiss The state police Major Crime Unit Ms. Scott, who lived m Columbia, For period ending 7 a m. EST 7 2,80. During Tuesday opponents to the the developing. Technologies and other aircraft and Economic Development Com­ ruling. also has b ^ n working on the case. was reportedly wen in Coventry on night, showers will fall over-the mid Mississippi valley Islamic revolution. Fernand Nadeau and his two sons firms as well as precision testing mission chairman James Quigley Mayor Stephen Penny has said that Coventry Police Chief Gary Sousa ^ a y 30 after she'left work at about he believed the residents should have and upper Maine, while mostly fair weather should Richard and Bob received their cer­ companies for their work. Holts was were all on hand to congratulate the said today that authorities are in­ 11:30 p m at the Lucky Strike prevail elsewhere. (UPI photo) Nadeaus and welcome the new enter­ an opportunity to speak to the direc­ tificate of occupancy three weeks bought out by Fernand Nadeau over a vestigating leads, but he had no com- Bowling Alley in Mansfield. prise. tors, and hopes the hearing will also ago and work ^ t the precision long period of time, and the younger Wedther forecast

Mostly sunny today with highs in the low 80s, 28 C. Hot time & cold cash Partly cloudy tonight Lows around 60. Wednesday College students choice ^ Tenants group expresses fear,frustration variable cloudiness chance of a few showers. Highs With J.R. Ewing alive—as well as his black By LAUREN DAVIS SHEA a crisis situation. meeting had signed leases, Rubin converted to condominiums came. around 80. Probability of precipitation near zero percent heart will allow —on the set of “Dallas,” his Others attending the meeting were ment Conimunity Development cnanging laws that tenants find un­ Herald Reporter said the commission would also be Park Chestnut apah^ents had the today, 20 percent tonight and 40 percent Wednesday, alter ego decided to celebrate. Larry critical of their fellow tenants for let­ Block Grant program; the creation satisfactory. Winds becoming southwest 10 to 15 this afternoon, around results in class action Suit M.ANCHESTER - About 30 . able to deal with complaints brought greatest representation in this group. of a Fair Rent Commission; having The next meeting will be July 28 ting the fear of reprisals stop them Hagman has something worth celebrating—a by tenants who don't have leases. ' One such tenant declared that the 10 mph tonight shifting to northwest 15 to 20 mph Jenants came to the Emanual from organizing and speaking public­ an impact on the senatorial elections place and time has not yet been set. Wednesday. brand new $100,000 a week contract for HARTFORD (UPI) - An Iranian “Whether a student is full time the Hartford Community Correc­ Lutheran Church basement Monday Rubin spent much of the meeting landlord was “talking about getting this fall; pushing for tenant represen­ but the petition drive and sources of playing the most hateable rhap in America. student's decision to drop a course on should be determined by the school, tional Center. night to express their fear, ly answering questions tenants had rid of the elderly because they can’t One woman, a Squire Village te­ tation on town commissions; being funding will be discussed. a college counselor's advice has not the imlnigration service." the “If my client should be deported bitterness, and frustration over about their individual situations, and afford rent increases, but the types Extended Outlook So he threw a weekend party at his Malibu, nant, said tenants have themselves to supportive of its own members; and Calif., beach house for, among others, prompted a efass action suit Hartford attorney said. and his claim is found to be valid, he apartment conditions and rents reviewing the statuates applying to coming in, can afford the increases.” BOSTO.N (UPI I — Extended outlook for New England challenging the U.S. government’s Mrotek was scheduled to appear during a meeting of the Manchester blame for poor conditions. “Yes, you tenant/Iandlord relationships. Rubin said many apartments that “Dallas” cast members Victoria Principal wouldn't be able to come back to the can blame them (fearful tenants). Thursday through Saturday: ' deportation of Iranians as dis­ before Chief U.S. District Court United States. He can't continup Tenants Association. One woman, who said her Henry converted to condos aren't selling MuKsarhunetlH, Rhode Inland & Conneetieul: Fair and Linda Gray and Ragman’s own real-life It's that fear that landlords depend Teachers to get mini-grants criminatory. Judge T. Emmett Clarie today to studies in Iran because Ayatollah Association President Ben Rubin Stre^ apartment was infested with now, so the landlords are renting Thursday and Friday. Chance of showers Saturday. Highs on. If you face the landlord, they’ll mother, Marty Martin."They watched while Attorney Richard Mrotek said argue that immigration regulations Khomeini has closed the univer­ accomplished his agenda objectives cockroaches and had terrible screens them out. But Rubin declared that if in the middle 70s to middle 80s. Lows in the 50s to 60s. back off," she said. BOLTON— Bolton teachers will ready to go in September or October, he saluted his new bank account by igniting a Monday his federal court suit was sities,” Mrotek said. when about eight people agreed to aqd plumbing, complained that her there was any change in the housing \erinonii Fair Thursday. Chance of showers or discriminated against Iranian Rubin and Newton distributed peti­ be able to submit proposals for we re working on the details bonfire on the beach —using a torch made of aimed'^at stopping the expulsion of students^ because of their national . 7 appear before the Bioard of Directors landlord was holding her to last situation, “there will be a lot of boat Allen said, “Teachers might apply thunderstorms Friday. Partly cloudy Saturday. Highs in Although he obtained a stay of tion forms to those present, asking various endeavors after school dollar bills. Don’t worry —they didn’t have Iranians as ordered by President origin. tonight to explain their concerns to year's le^ e, although no lease had people from Manchester." the mid 70s to mid 80s. Overnight lows in the 50s to low Carter following the taking of the Neysari's deportation until them to circulate the material within been sigifM for the current year. She Rubin and Newton called on resumes in September. for funds for additional materials in 60s the directors, but aside from this a particular endeavor, speakers, pictures of presidents —just J.R.’s evil grin. American hostages at the U.S. Em­ Carter recently relaxed his Wednesday, Mrotek '’said the im­ their unit. The petitions call for the also'^id the landlord was returning tenants to join the association and The Board of Education included in Maine and New llain|inhire; Fair Thursday and development, the meeting was essen­ its 1980-1981 budget $2,000 for mini­ anything they'd like to try out but (UPI photo) bassy in Tehran, Iran. crackdown promptexl by the Nov. 4, migration service would not release tially an opportunity for renters to creation of a Fair Rent Commission. the several hundred dollar security thus create a pressure group. The Friday Chance of showers Saturday. Highs in the 70s. grant programs. don't have the money for " The suit resulted from the U.S. Im­ 1979 seizure of the 53 hostages, and on the young man from custody, fearing rail against landlords among an Rubin said the commission is a deposit in monthly amounts of $15. association would collect fees both to Lows in the 50s. . “ moderate, if not conservative,” ap­ School Superintendent Raymond At an informational board meeting migration and Naturalization Ser­ June 10 the immigration service he might flee. audience of sympathizers. Rubin said without a current cover costs and to show the intensity proach to dealing with tenant com­ Allen said. "The program will be last week, board members were, Double dippers vice's determination that Ashgar granted extensions so that Iranian Many present would not give their signed lease, the woman couldn't be of members’ committment. Its goals Lung Island Sound students could complete their When he was allowed to depart plaints. He said the commission presented with various goals and Nooshzad Neysari,'20, was no longer names, citing a state statuate that held to last year's contract, fie said would include: supporting the re­ courses of study. voluntarily June 16, Mrotek said, it won't provide rent controls or set objectives lor the school system WINDSOR LOCRS (UPlI — Long Inland nound to Billionaire arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi and a full-time student at Housatonic lets landlords refuse to renew rents the security could be returned as the entry by the town into the Depart­ n aleh Hill. R.I., and Momauk Point, N.Y.: Southwest legal eagle.Marvin Mitchelson have every reason to was because he was of “good moral rent standards across the board, but Allen said if a teacher worked the Community College in Bridgeport. without giving the tenant a reason. landlord sees fit, as long as the sum ment of Housing and Urban develop- .MCC rliiiirs winds 10 to 15 knots today and Wednesday morning wage war, Neysari had applied to reopen that it will hear both landlord and te­ goals into his or her proposal for a Mrotek said the sophomore had character" . j One man declared his fear of his the landlord retains is held in escrow MANCHESTER- Space is still diminishing to 5 to 10 knots tonight. Northwest winds 10 to Mitchelson represents Khashoggi's ex-wife deportation proce^ings, but the im­ nant complaints. grant, it could be a plus for con- been given untiUune 16 to leave the Mrotek's suit names U.S^Attorney landlord to be “ intelligent" and for the tenant and is collecting 4 per­ available and registration is still 20 knots by Wednesday afternoon. Visibility better than 5 Saroya, who's suing him for $2.54 billion, and migration service in Hartford sent The Commission would be made up stderation United States voluntarily after he General Benjamin piviletti and Rene “healthy." He said his landlord “has cent interest. Rubin said tenants open in basketball, baseball and ten­ Mitchelson has hounded him all over the world, him an order for deportation anyway. oli Burglary suspect nabbed miles. Sunny today. Fair tonight. Variable cloudiness dropped a course on the advice of a a lot of political pull in this town.” seven volunteers, including two have the right to know wherd“the ac­ He was told to appear Monday at 9 B. Albina, the district director of the people representing landlords, two nis in the MCC Summper Sports Wednesday with a chance of a few showers. Average taking one-deposition after an other - 30 hours worth student counselor, not on his own in­ The tenant added his belief that count is kept. MANCHESTER- A man who Student awards in all - in preparation of the case. itiative a.m.,a.m., surrendered, surrendered, and and was was jailed jailed at at immigrationimmigration service. service. representing tenants, and three who Clinics for pre-teens and teen-agers. wave heights 1 foot today and less than 1 foot tonight in­ itiative tenants shouldn't identify themselves Tenants also discussed the allegedly took over $7,000 worth of \ERNON - The Florence creasing Wednesday. are to be neutral. The members Baseball will be July 7 to 11 at the Mitchelson and Khashoggi have only one reason availability of legal services. One te­ comforters from the Pillowtex Corp. Whitlock Awards for excellence in to like each other - and it prevails. to any Manchester lawyer with MCC field; mornings for ages 8 to 10 would be appointed by the Board of nant said she had found satisfactory of 96 Regent St. was charged with various subject areas were presented Mitchelson. who just finished his last fourth- whom they discuss their problems. Directors and Would do nothing until and afternoons for ages 11 to 14 High court reverses order “That lawyer might be at Caveys free legal aid, while another said he two counts of first-degree larceny Basketball will run at the West Side recently to several students in Grade degree of Khashoggi in New York, says they con­ they received a complaint. was completely unhappy. Rubin and one count of third-degree 6 at Sykes School The Almanac duct their business peacefully because "we're both (restaurant) and tell his friend the Rec from July 14 to 19; mornings for Once a complaint was received, declared that “very few attorneys in burglary Thursday. Kelly Carter and Kevin Madden, ice cream freaks." Says Mitchelson, "we even landlord the 'One of your tenants ages 8 to 11 and afternoons for ages wanted legal help' ..." irhplying that the commission would have subpoena Manchester are building up Leo Hendricks, 37, of 67 Dillon 12 to 15. Beginning classes for received. awards for excellence in By I nited I’rma Inlernalional share the same favorite flavor - chocolate mint.” involving university records power, and would hear witnesses. It conversation would result in the experience defending tenants." He Road, Hartford, is being held on $10,- youngsters in the morning and in­ social studies: Heather Arnold and Today is Tuesday. July 1. the 183rd day of 1980 with 183 Peace treaties have been founded on less. would then act as a mediator or as a a a tenant's being evicted. 000 pending a July 9 appearance in Stephen Guerette. math. Paula to follow HARTFORDT-T A / T(UPI) TT’YI \ - eilL- The . Connec M r \committee r \ m n \ 166 6A^6*ir4AM6 to student leaders. exempt f from the state’s Freedom _t of added the Tenants Association has a termediate classes in the afternoon judge. Its decisions would be backed list of Hartford attorneys that East Hartford Superior Court, accor­ Redinger. Elizabeth Wadsworth and The moon is moving toward its last quarter. ticut Supreme Court has. overturned The high court's unanimous ruling Information Law. Jpmes Newton, who chaired the will run from July 7 to 11 The big drop tenants’ meeting, said "There is a lot up by the Housing Court in Hartford. Manchester residents can call for ding to police. A former employee of For registration information,- call Patrick O'Reilly, science, and Kelli The morning star is Venus. a state Freedom of Information Monday supported the university’s The court said the state commis- Rubin said he expected such a com­ aid. Pillowtex, police said Hendricks took Kazmark. David Tupponie and Wyatt The evening stars are Mercury, Mars Jupiter and Commission order instructing claim the records of a seven-member sion and a lower trial court “missed of apathy and fear that has to be Manchester Community College. Twenty years have passed since Roger Woodward mission would hear less than 100 While most tenants were renters, 86 comforters last November and Yett. language arts -=• Saturn University of Connecticut officials to program review committee Were the mark” in concluding the overcome. I hope we can overcome Communitv Services Division, 646- went over Niagara Falls without a barrel, but he these problems, because housing is in complaints per year. While most of several whose apartments had been sold them in Hartford. 2137. Those born on this date are under the sign of Cancer. still remembers it - says "It keeps coming back like turn over the records of a school • preliminary drafts or notes and thus recommendations of the committee the tenants present at Monday’s American actor James Cagney was born July 1, 1904. an old movie, clear and distinct.” which reviewed operations of' On this date in history: Woodward was only 7 years old when a capsizing academic departments were subject In. 1859. the first'intercollegiate baseball game was boat hurled him into the rapids above the Booze providers to disclosure. , ; playeci in Pittsfield. Mass.. Amherst beat Williams, 66-32. thundering 180-foot cascade. Superior Court Judge Arthur H. Public records 1 In 1898. Teddy Roosevelt and his “ Rough Riders" took He wore oply a life preserver, and he's the only Healey, sitting by designation as part , Sah Juan Hill in the Spanish-American War. against Stuart Weiss. McKee of East Hartford Geoffrey Clark of one ever to survive the plunge with no protective face stiffer law of the Supreme C ^ rt panel which Warranty deeds " Nutmeg Beverage Co. to and Isabel T. Compasso, East Haddam and Maureen Francis V. Coderre of Manchester and Sharon L , In 1932. Franklin D. Roosevelt was nominated by the heard the case, OTote that “the Frechette, Martin and 4jnp«wi» Ban Francisco unit 35, $27,400. Connecticut Bank and A. Becker of Coventry. Simsbury and Loretta B Robert w Buckland and device. Badstuebner of Rockville Democrats lor president. FDR eventually won four con­ This weekend, he's going back, and this time he's HARTFORD (UPI) - The state Parskey wrote. Freedom of Information Act Rothman to G$ne E. and Associates', limited Rogil Investments, unit Trust against Dale A. Francis J. Boser and D'Agata of Vernon. Janet A. Franco, both of secutive terms and died April 12. 1945. at the age of 63. taking his wife, Susan, and son, Christopher. Supreme Court has made it possible “The question before us is whether expresses a strong legislatiW policy Lynette G. Tremblay, Partnership, property at 86, $33,400. Churchill. Cathy A. Bloom, both of Gerald Draghe and Manchester Tn 1946. the first postwar test of the atom bomb oc­ Says he - remembering, "1 didn’t really feel a for damages in excess of a flat those policy considerations which in favor g{-the open conduct of property at 49 Alton St., 249 Spencer St., $500,000. Nancy B. Haugh, unit 49, Adoption of trade name Manchester. Kathleen A. Regius, both curred at Bikini ^toll in the Pacific. thing, except my legs were sore afterward. It was negligence assessment to be sought might justify protecting both a ven­ goverjjment and free access to public $49,900. J.A. McCarthy Inc. to $29,900. Claudette LaPointe dba Robert A. Dolce and of Manchester. like being on a water slide. I felt like a fishing for the first time from persons who dor and a social host from common- racoros." Virginia H. Hardenbergh Peter E. and Anne J. Certificate of attachment Kings and Queens Escorts, Nancy A. Long, both of Gary F. Kaiser and A thought for the flay: Horace, the Roman poet, said. bobber." furnish alcohol to people who are law liability for the injurious con­ But, he continued, “the act does to Steven J. Gould, Unit 7C, Hickey, lot 16. Butternut Internal Revenue Ser­ 16 Winter St. Manchester. Christine M. Cormier, both He has half the deed done, who'has made the begin­ drunk. sequences of negligent conduct in the not confer upon the public an ab­ Northfield Green Con­ Road, $137,700. , vice against Anthony V. Ursula Luetjen dba James A. Emery and Ina of South Windsor. ning" it By a 4-1 decision, the justices ruled sale or serving of alcoholic solute right to all government infor­ dominiums. $61,000. Bradley E. Parliman to Marinelli, property at 886 Grant Consulting Services, Hagberg, both of Jose A. Capo of Hartford The Holistic Quote of the day Monday that additional common law beverages to another also apply when mation." Patricia A. Desautels to Francis ,C. and Elaine A. Hartfoi^l Road, $4,590.60. 21 Alta Vista Avenue, Manchester. and Carmen L. Detweiler damages could be sought if a person the conduct constitutes wanton and The UConn program review com­ Earl A. and Elizabeth M. Simpson, property at 180 Leonard F. DeLisle Tolland. Steven F. Mosher and of Manchester. Lottery numbers James Dale Davidson, chairman of the National could be shown to have acted mittee was appointed by Kenneth G. Scott Drive, ^1,500. against Charlotte M. DeLi­ James -J. Melo, Mario Linda L. Scavitto, both of Andrew F. Kukucka of Taxpayers Union, in Penthouse magazine on the reckless misconduct. We hold that Ward, property at 151 Weight Loss Clinic recklessly in providing alcohol to they do not," he said. Wilson, the school's vice president of School Street, $M,500. Lawrence C. and Olga S. sle, property at 72'Cottage Facchini and Howard Vernon. Manchester and Sharon L. Numbers drawn Monday: state of the "Yankee'Dollar” before it was someone who was already drunk. academic affairs, who charged it Hann to Walter F. and St., $30,000. Hiller dba HJM Realty Co.. trampled in the international gold rush. “For most In another drinking-related ruling John T. and Joan E. \.ll. >umlu\ 2*>52 The ruling overturned a lower published with the weekly Supreme with making recommendations to Haney to Patricia A. Maureen D. Gustafson, Judgment lien 186 Adams St. N.H. Vioriduy 5503 of American history the Treasury bought and sold court decision limiting an attempt to improve the efficiency of the property at 15 Liberty St., Henry De Jong Inc. Glenn C. Beaulieu dba gold at $20 per ounce. The dollar quite literally had Court decisions. Judge David M; Desautels. property at 160 (!onnt'rlicut*655 recover damages in the death of Shea ruled in an Appellate Session of academic departments. Parker St., $72,500. $60,000. against Frank Woodk The Main Pub, 306 Main St. Miiinr 132 to be ‘good as gold.' In 1913. the dollar was worth as James W. Kowal in a traffic accident William Finch, then president of Clifford R. Hassett Jr. to p ro p e r ty a t lo t 30 Marriage licenses WHAT MAKES US DIFFERENT? much as it had been in 1813.” the Superior Court that drunk driving William E. Dunleavy and Rhode l^lund OtlO involving a drunk motorist. was a “crime" and not merely an UConn's undergraduate student Thomas D. Wittingham to Frechette, Martin and Lakewood Circle, $1,250. Alan L. G lass and MaHnuehuHeliH 6837 * ' - The lower court limited restaurant government, successfully appealed Rothman, property at 6 Rcicage of lien Catherine M. Evans, both $5000 REWARD “offense” as argued by the state. the Town of Manchester, owner James M. Hofher’s liability, the school's refusal to make public IRS against Doris of Hartford. A realistic and nutritionally sound diet program The ruling overturned sentencing easement on Farm Road, Editon Road, $51,000. Biofeedback and deep relaxation training by our A citing the Dram Shop Act, which says of an anonymous person who had records of the committee. to the $1 - $100. Edward and Olive A. Mitchell . Michael J. Barrett qf Manchesler — To Advertiae To Report Notais ^ a person who provides alcohol to an Freedom of Information Commission Water and Sewer lien Coventry and Jane Olga staff of trained nurses. pleaded no contest to operating a Green Manor Estates Shensie to William H. and Will be given by Central Connecticut Behavior modification. Kij.xt flartlord (jlastonbury h^ir a classified adyerlisemenl, call To report a news item or story idea: intoxicated, person may be forced to in 1976. Karen A. Metselaar, against Rutherford J. Sharkey of Manchester. o4:t-2711 and ask for Classified Office motor vehicle under the influence of Inc. to the Town of - Understanding emotional aspects of overeating, Evening Herald Manchester . . Alex G lrelll, 643-2711 pay only $20,0(X) in damages to com­ intoxicating liquor. The commission’s ruling ordering Manchester, walkway con­ property at 23 Bunce MacLachlan. .. Dale A-. Robinson and Cooperative Farmers Association, Inc. for rSI'S .127-fiO(l hours are 8 30 a m to 5 p m. Monday Blast H artford ___ P st R eilly, 843-2711 pensate for injuries or damage release of the intormation. was Max S. Weinberg against Joanne Henriques, both of a All programs, individually developed, through Kfiday When the office is It made the motorist eligible for necting Woodstock and Drive, $48,000. information leading to tte arrest and con; I'ulilihhfil (liiilv I'xriiprSundav and epr Glastonbury .. Dave Lavallee, 643-2711 caused by the drunk person. appealed to a lower court that also The following are listed Stuart Weiss, et al. Manchester. a All sessions are individually conducted, closed, classified ads may be placed bv A n d o v er...... Donna Holland, 646-0375 accelerated rehabilitation available Kent drives.^ viction of person or persms responsible for a Monitoring of blood pressure each session l.iin hulidays by the Manchesler The law says the person who fur­ upheld it, prompting the subsequent on warranty deeds filed in Dr. Gerald Silverman Jam es M. Ceuiter of calling 643-'27ie B o lto n ...... Donna Holland, 6464)375 to defendants found guilty of any Green Manor Estates to All programs are supervised by ou^ medical staff. I’uhlishidi; Cn Herald Ss and rescue operation. Women in the Media," on being Officials feel that the program could be tied into the aaked if what ahe learned in doing already established medical careers club at the high the report haa affected her per- For"fam6cl sculptor, life begins at 83 school and teachers who have had cardio-ptilmonary aonal relalionahipa with men. resuscitation training could act as advisors. Ellington (I neaeo) Bv LEE RODERICK at tliis writing is in Italy working on the former King Paul of Greece on High School has had a similar program for several years. America’s western past. They are of It is felt that the ambulance program could, not only several new sculptures in marble and the site of the ancient Battlefield of Thoughts WASHINGTON - Dr, Avard Fair­ Marcus Whitman, Northwest aid the volunteers on the ambulance corps, but could also "He is getting better at swimming banks. who has been called bronze. His typical work day begins Thermopylae after executing a explorer and medical missionary: God loves us even when we are give the young people interesting and important ac­ now, and we hope eventually he will "America's most distinguished con­ at 9 a m. and ends around 11 p.m. statue of the great law-giver Wyoming suffragette Esther Hobart doing nothing. The value of a human tivities to carry .out. be back to normal-.' Sorting out his temporary sculptor," was in the with little time for meals. Lycurgus. Morris, and John Burke, a former Mayor Marie Herbst feels that the plan could give the being is more than what he or she is sexual problems may take a little capital recently for the unveiling of "Father still climbs up the scaffold That statue, erected in Sparta 25 . Youth Committee, appointed several months ago, some able to produce. governor of North Dakota and a U.S. longer" his bust of George Washington on the like a billy goat. He outworks us all," jrasitive activities for the young people to participate in A conTmon heresy ol our time is to years ago, symbolized Fairbanks' Supreme Court justice. campus of George Washington said Fairbanks' son, David a through the ambulance group. glorify the person who is productive belief that art should be used to Fairbanks and his wife of 62 years — Mike W illiama, zoo-keeper at University. Washington physician. celebrate the best in man and the The plan could ease the burden on adult volunteers and and to disdain those who are not. It is also have eight living memorials — Dudley, England, referring to a Well-known for his many works of During a lengthy interview at his nobility of his acheivements. “I am save the town from having to hire more paid employees. a heresy shared by Christians in all of them sons, including four \ duck who, after being injured, son’s home before embarking for Ita­ very deeply concerned that whatever capitalist societies and atheists in Abraham Lincoln medical doctors, two space prqfera doga to awimming. ly. the sculptor, whose arms bulge communist societies. It is a heresy — including four we create should be of worldwide engineers, and two art instructors with muscle and whose handshake significance. It is essential that we which leads to arrogance and un- in Ford’s Theater and curators. Bolton mails bills would do any athlete credit, charitableness. We know only too and another in have great literary men, great com­ The sculptor has done more than "It was a little more work than we explained his philosophy of life and well that the unemployed person is downtown posers of music, and greaC masters 100 major works during a career that thought it would be, and it was a little art. "I don’t have time to slow for property9 auto taxes somehow blamed for being un­ Chicago — this of the arts to prodjice a culture that was foreshadowed when he won first V/-'» ^ dirtier than we expected. Our down, " he said. "I have some very employed even though his condition was the first will live on to u^ift generations to , prize for a model of a pet rabbit at a husbands are both coal miners, and Washington definite objectives ahead of me to ac-' come.” BOLTON-Tax bills on financial programs. may be due to economic forces state fair in 1909. When the judge the Grand List of October Without this assistance, ’■'‘t they said we were as dirty as any executed by Fair­ complish. 1 have enough to keep me He ,is not enamored with the beyond an individual's control. later found out the rabbit was 1979 were mailed to all property tax would be 33.7 miners they had seen" going until I'm well past 100." 'Unemployment is a curse on all of banks. But it won't be the last, he cowboy-and-indian-type art sculpted by a mere boy, he refused to property and motor vehicle mills. Fairbanks holds an earned doctoral us .It is a curse on those who are — Barbara GaHteel of GaHaville, vows, explaining that this is the start proliferating today in his native award the medal. Fairbanks resolved owners Friday by Elaine Taxes niay be paid by degree in anatomy, in .-the classic employed because it blinds us M . Va., who went into hunincHH of the Washington phase of his West. "People like to talk about then to make his mark as a sculptor Potterton, tax collecto*. mail or at the tax collec­ tradition of Michelangelo and through arrogance, to our neighbor's with a girlfriend an a career. ‘Western culture,’ but I .prefer to and disprove the judge's apparent The taxes are due July 1 tor’s office Monday , Leonardo da Vinci who became in­ plight ehimneynweep. GuHterl and her It isn't unusual to begin a new speak of 'the cultured West',’’ he -belief his creation was a fluke. and become overdile pay­ through Friday from 9 a.m. timately familiar with the human ment is not made by Stephen K Jacobson. partner. Janet Pelrueei, dun black career — unless, like Fairb^ks. you said. While concerned about the to 3 p.m. and each Monday August 1. Interest will be from 7 to 9 p.m. through eoulx and lop Iiu Ih when they call happen to be 83-yearS-old. body before their monumental ac­ Three of his major statues in the decadence Ice sees in modem society Rector of St. Mary's, charged at the rate of one August. Manchester. on euHtunierw. Fairbanks, who was born in Provo, complishments, Among numerous U.S. Capitol explain what he con­ Fairbanks at the satne time sees a Utah and now lives in Salt Lake City, honors, he was awarded a medal by siders worth mepiorializing from percent per month on un- ' For more information •silver lining. pald balances. The call 649-8066. minimum interest charged Washington Merry-Go-Round will be $2. All property owners are responsible for their taxes whether or itot they HALF PRICE Security foul-ups viewed in intelligence agencies receive a'bill. Anyone who does not get a bill (unless SALE taxes are paid by the bank) Ladles’ Blouses U. By J ACK ANDERSO.N should be — the most sensitive. Its. ioi a bank office and wandered into grief Irom his bosses, who con­ Calif. she had had all the facts. ^ should call the tax collec­ ans Slacks specialty is satellite spying and in- the agency's most sensitive area. demned him fdr meddling in affairs A court case earlier this year this tor’s office. WASHINGTON — Intelligence of­ Under the duome: Rep. Ray Wtd^ July Z only ficials are prowling the halls of tercep^g coded foreign com­ The second example involves the that were not his business. year in Orlando, Fla.* led to a $20,000 Kogovsek, D-Colo., got the point, The rate for the 1980-1981 A VV'l Congress, trying to convince the law­ munications. Central Intelligence Agency. About Later the CIA adopted the jury award to the parents of David painfully, at a recent House com­ fiscal year is 25 mills. THE PENNY SAVER Mrs. Potterton said the makers that the laws governing in­ To protect its secrets, the NSA had 15 years ago, sources^ told my employee’-s suggestion, but then let it Mekdeci for problems traced to the mittee meeting. The freshman "'•r • ^ 1980 budget estimated that THRIFT SHOP telligence activities should be Marine guards posted throughout its associate Dale Van Atta,.«a techni­ fall m u disuse. As a result, “anyone drug. But the judge overturned the legislator has a habit during headquarters building to keep cian with a mechanical knack dis­ with equal mqchanical ability can verdict, and a new trial has been $597,166 will be received 46 Purnell Place tightened. Congressional access to meetings of balancing a pencil on his from the State of Connec­ employees from going into areas covered a weakness in the combina­ discover how to open filing cabinets scheduled. - Manchester this information, the spooks argue, ^ upper lip. JJut the other day the pen­ ticut for various state they didn’t have clearance for. Then, tion locks the agency used on its file here and abroad, and any disaffected Mhanwhile, Bendectin cases are must be strictly limited. cil fell and Kogovsek closed his legs in October 1978, the NSA brass, cabinets here and abroad. Without forrhor employqp can use this turning up'all over the country. The But the pathetic truth is that it’s quickly to catch it. The result was a adopted a nifty new system. It any tools, he could open any file method against the agency,” a CIA parents of Anne Koller of Lanham, not loose-lipped lead-fwinted stab wound on. hijs left replaced the Marines, with civilian cabinet iu five or 10 minutes. source said. Md. —' who was born with no arms members of / leg. "He. bled profusely, but Congress who are f ■ V guards and gave each security- An-uther T.halidomfdr ? and one partial l e g 'a r e 's u i n g Yhe (technician — again, fortunate­ grdciously," an observer reported. th e w o rst cleared employee a battery- Richardsiin-Merrell, Inc., the same Merrell, claiming that the drug was^ MVD offices closing ly,'a patriotic American and not a violators of ^ / operated. electronically coded drug company that .distcibuted responsible for the child's defor­ Rep. Elliott Levitas, D-Ga., named potential traitor — devised a simple, WETHERSFIELD-^ security. It’s the badge. Ttys touched off an alarm if samples of the deformity-causing mities. Mrs. Koller, a rejgistered Democrat of the year in. his district, way o f. solving the problem. His All Motor Vehiclq, Depart­ intelligence agen­ the employee wandered into an area drug Thalidomide, has another drug nurse, s'aid she took Bendectin suggestion was ignored'. kept'thin^ in perspective by telling ment offices jrill close at cies themselves. not authorized by his or her for expectant mothers on thfe market because her ijoctor assured her it an old-but-good story about a con-_ Exasperated after several years of 7:30 p.m. Thursday; In I’ve documented clearance. and it is raising questions. was safe. ' * gressman who arrived at the Pearly ' official shrugging! the employee oUservanxe of the this in the past; now I have twd ' The drug, Uendectin, is not new. It Since ' 1969, the FDA has Gates at the saihe time as a There was one awkward flaw in the finally made the CIA an offer it Independence Day holiday examples that would be funny if they has been prescribed to 'alliviate received 127 notices of adverse reae- minister. St. Peter assigned the con­ weel^nd, according to an super-duper badge system, though: couldn’t refuse: Stripped to his un­ nausea and vomiting in pregnant tion to Bendectin. The agency still in­ You’re a n atu ral w inner didn’t involve serious security foul- gressman a 14-room mansion and the MVD spokesman. If^m eone walked past a.checkpoint derwear and locked in a roomfull of ups. women-since 1956. But concerns sists that it Is a safe and effective dominie a one-room hovel. The em -' The offices will reopen at with no badge at all, the alarm didn’t file cabinets, he would open them all. about its safety, plus charges of in­ drug. barrassed congressman asjied why, 8:30 S.m. on July 8, and The first case concerns the super- go off. The security geniuses at NSA Taken up on his challenge, he adequate testing by Merrell and lax Yet an FDA pharmacologist who will be open until 7:30 p.m ‘ discovered this after a couple of proceeded to do precisely tha.t. and'st. Peter said, ’’Well, that day. seCret National Security Agency at oversight by the Food and Drug Ad­ OK’d Bendectin testified at the Congressman,'we get a-lot of Fort Meade. Md, Of all the nation’s months when a woman — fortunately Instead of congratulations or an ministration,. have led to an in- ' Orlando trial that she would have The remainder of the not a Russian spy - got lost looking ministers here, but you're the first '''w ith natural gas intelligence agencies, this is — or award, the technician got nothing but vestigation by Rep. Don Edwards, D- urged its removal from the market if wwk normal public ser­ member of Congress we’ve had,” vice hours will be in effect.

s 0 - EVKNING HKRAl.D', Tues , July 1, 1980 EVENING HERALD, Tues., July 1, 1980 - 7 Students help V ^ d i r i Q s TV tonight Betty's Notebook e:00 (24) (27) Nova Mediterranean Jennifer have a deadly encounter Wood library S)i22l(30) N«wt Prospect' Years ol use arid abuse when they enter Ihe mysterious S®4P Burt decides he would have taken their toJI on the Medi­ ’ world of psychic phenomena to make a great local sheriff, Jessica SOUTH WINDSOR - Several Brady Bunch has her firsf date since throwing Joktr't Wild terranean Sea. and the 'world's help a beautiful Hart employee students have volunteered to work in Winters-Lemire f yWho has amazing powers of ESP. Chester out of the house, and the (11^ Australian Rulas Football biggesi swimming pool' lias Major kidnaps three busboys from the Wood Memorial Library Aidp (2CRoom222 become the world's biggest open ' ^ (Repeat. 60 mins.) sower Is it too late to undo the (It) PKA Full Contact Karate a Japanese restaurant (Repeal Program for the summer. The By ' Kathy Jo Lemire of Tolland and Robert A, Winters of (^Ctfr Zoom 70 mms.) a s South Windsor, were marrlfed June 28 at St. Matthews (3l^Hog9n's Heroes damayo'7 (Closed Captioned) (60 Super Lightweight Championship students will be assisting regular Streets Of San Francisco m ins) (24 Connecticut Prime Time adult volunteers at two-hour inter­ Church in Tolland. Mb 6:30 '3«; Movie (Suspense) ••• (27) Ben Wattenberg's 1980 11:54 Cook ’n Tour "Ouiller - Memorandum" 1966 'Winning Hearts and Minds' This (24 The Tonight Show Best Of vals. BETTY RYDER The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E. t^ l Love Lucy Lemire of Tolland. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and l«PTic Tac Dough George Segal. Aloe Guinness An program features European and Carson' Guests: Gregory Peck, Students are: Jennifer Pola, Nancy ilCstandIng Room Only: Show American secret agent inves- American lournalists criticizing Martin Mull, Judith Blegen Girard, Elizabeth Nesko, Alison Pan- Mrs. Roy Winters of Keansburg, N.J. SIVppers This gala spothghls lignlrrs n neo-Nazi movement in and defending the mgdia coverage (Repeal. 90 mir^s ) The Rev. Francis O’Keefe celebrated the nuptial mass g ^ t enlertamers like £thel Mer modern day Berlin (2 hrs.) of the Vietnam Wa/ dozzi, Caren Borzage, Christine Trot- and performed the double-ring ceremony. The bride was maa. Androa Annie' McArdIo, 8:30 (34 Independent Network man, Tracy Moore, Stephanie RCPtoert Klein ^5) Merv Griffin News 12:00 epeam with annisette and cinnamon evening, we all received a certificate - 9) Movie -(Mualcal-Combdy) ** Schribner, Patrick Finn, Robin Lane, Wf had a tnarveloys vacation last given in marriage by her father. ) 30^ NBC News (8) 140: Laverne And Shirley 10:30 ^#3221 ' "The Gay Divorcee” 1934 Fred week participating in the took 'n tcipping. Oh, and we sipped five signifying our completion of the Over Easy Guest Helen Laverne and Shirley go lo the 4(3) Adam 12 Jennifer McKenna, Amy Hargrove, (2C 0 Astaire, Ginger Rogers Love sick Celinda Weber of East Hartford was maid of honor. FasresI Host Hugh Downs electric company lo complain (24 Happy Days Again Touj program presented by Johnson different wines with the appropriate sessions from Chef Socrates Z. dancer pursues lady. She mis­ Karen Lavoie and Audra Plunkett. Bridesmaids were Paula Cavitt of Buffalo, N.Y.; (( ^ s e d Captioned) about their power being cuj olf and (24 For The Record The Winning •& Wales College's Culinary ArU courses and topped off the meal with Inonog, director of Operations of the hnd themselves racing desperate­ of Frankie Walls' takes him lor another men r^nd The doll house and the collection of i2S» N.A.A.C.P. Convention issues a strange invitation (2 Division in Warwick. R.I, a demitassee followed by an after Culinary Division. Elizabeth Auger of Stratford; Patricia Gormley of Htahllghts ly to snulf out a time bomb planted <27] Camera Three 'Erie' This minitures will be on exhibition Wethersfield, cousin of both the hride and bridegroom; by another irate customer program presents a portrait ol one hrs ) It was'the first of seven sessions dinner drink. The sessions (the five remaining) i3FB ob Newharl Show (11) European Soccer Champion- through August. The dollhouse is 6:55 (Rpeal) of the most influential set and It took us about three leisurely are open to anyone and we found it and Georgia Tyburski of Keansburg, N.J., the thlpa Czechoslavakia vs W. planned this gurmner and was [aC News 9:00 costume designers ot the complete even to window boxes and hours to complete our dinner, but gave us a wealth of information, plus bridegroom's sister. Wendy Tyburski of Keansburg, N.J., -8.140) Three's Company A letter century Germany • enjoyed by all 7:00 '18) Dr. Gene Scott On lawn and a rural mailbox. The cur­ every bite was delicious and Chef the touring was a great change of • the bridegroom's niece, was flower girl. S T CBS News to the lovelorn column, apparently (34 Odd Couple We arrived on Sunday afternoon written by Jack, convinces Chrissy 10:40 Hebrews tain and rugs are all handmade. Moshe Nograd, director of the S s A il In The Family <34 Sergeant Bllko and after settling into a comfortable pace. ittlAOl ABC News and Janet that the other is having (9) Kiner's Korner The Wood Memorial Library is Mark DeFelice of New Jersey served as best man. a |ove affair with him (Repeat) 11:00 room at the Rhode Island Inn. a Culinary and Food Service Manage­ Before departing for home on Face The Music 12:05 located at 783 Main St. Ushers were Greg Stengle of New Jersey and Alfred F. (ClosedCaplioned) (3) (8) (22) (3d) (44 News college^wned hotel and restaurant, ment Practical Training Program at Thursday morningi-. we drove to Fall Festival Of Fallh (8.' Six Million Dollar Man Lemire Jr., Matthew A. Lemire and Jason R. Lemire, all fi2#*JUnder Western Shies fSOi Tuesday Night At The (5) M.A.S.H. . where students are given practical, the Rhode Island Inn, described each Ri,ver, Mass., and\visited with an Movies A Woman Called M oses' (9) Benny HIM Show •— >12:30 Bible school ijttl News S) Movie-(Musical) ***'y "Gold of Tolland and brothers of the bride. 1978 Stars Cicely Tyson. Robert (24 Honeymoonere on-the-job training in. the hotel and course as it was served. aunt and uncle whoVelebrated their Dick Cavett Show Diggers of 1933" 1933 Joan SO I TH WINDSOR - Our Savior Hooks A drama based on the life (27) ABC Captioned Newt Finally on Wednesday, we ended Newlywed Game Blondell, Dick Powell Oul-ol work Lutheran Church, 239 Graham Road, food service industries, we met our 65th wedding anniversary in March. ol Harriet R oss Tubman, a sigve (34 Maude A reception was held at The Colony in Talcottville, ^ M.A.S.H. showgirls h^lp a producer pul on eur coqking sessions with inter­ It is such an innovative program who escaped to freedom in the 11:15 will conduct its Vacation Bible fellow prospective "chefs" at an in­ 7:30 a show, but mistake a song writer after which the couple left for Bermuda. They will reside North and set up the 'underground (141 Candid Candid'Camera formal western cookout jwolside. It national dishes such as Morcon and most everyone who participated Baseball Boston Red Sox lor a thief (2 hrs , 5 mins ) School, July 21-24 and July 28-31, in South Windsor. railroad' lo help rescue other 11:30 was wonderful with tasty barbecued (stuffed beef roulade), Chicken vowed they'd be bqck next year, ^39^^ Yankees (3) '34 Our Miss Brooks Pastor Harold Teufel with his wife and daughter, Claudia Joy. from 6:15 to 8:15 p.m. '|]r Sha Na Na Guest Henny slaves (Conclusion, 2 h r s ) CBS Late Movie CANNON Marengo, Polenta, Pork Roast with when there'll be different classes (Closed Captioned) Hounds Ol Heir In Ihe aftermath ot The classes will include children spareribs, chili, corn on. the cob, YVengman 1:00 They will conduct Vacation Bible School for Faith Baptist Mrs. Winters is employed as a teacher at Beech Parks '2^(27) Cover Story Inllaiion C's a Vietnam 'Iragging' incident in salads galore and tresh fruits. Prune Stuffing, Sauerbraten, etc. and different sights to see. (,||3'Dallng Game (44 Superman age 4 through those in Grade 5. Plans School in West Hartford. Mr. Winters is employed by (U . SportsCenter Only Your Money' Combining Ihe which a lieutenant became a Church. Monday ii was down to business That afternoon, we toured to New­ paralytic, two survivors of his 1:05 are also being made to have an Adult WWF Paper Co. of Connecticut Inc., East Hartford. ^T ennis: Wimbledon Women's opinions ol economics experts 8) News and following breakfast we went by port Some of the participants opted with' comic documentary film foo­ company become victims ot fatal Bible Study for parents and in­ Pops auditions (McKinney photo) Quarter Finals bus to the Culinary Division facility for shopping while others viewed The Mrs. Robert A. Winters i24) MacNell'Lehrer Report tage and audience participation, attacks by killer dogs (Repeat) terested teens and other aduHs. This When a woman goes job hunting, '30 (40 Tic Tac Dough this program attempts to educate 'BARNABY JONES: Renegade's 1:15 where we donned chef whites Breakers, the Vanderbilt's 70-room Child' Stars. Buddy Ebsen. L«e (24 (22) '30' Tomorrow Host Tom year's theme is "God's Happy she usually puts on her prettiest fade. M Odd Couple the viewers about what inflation is. Bible school scheduled I including hat i and headed for our mansion. It was just beautiful with its impact on the nation and what Meriwether Snyder Guest Dr Robert Liebert. People. ’ 8:00 >5) Kojak pink and blue marble fireplaces, But if you're a female musician DeLorenxo-Knapp Carol Burnett And Friends consumers can do about it (60 director ol the only clinic that MANCHESTER - Pastor and piano and organ. She will be presen­ Pre-registration is required by class in-Oriental cuisine We dis-. (9) After Benny * helps people overcome shyness looking for a job with the Boston Quest Alan Alda mins ) Mrs. Harold Teufel and their paintings galore and a^dlning room (11) SportsCenter ting flannelgraph stories, memory calling 289-1278. covered the secrets of stir-frying, F) (40 Happy Days The Fonz 9:30 (60 mns ) Symphony Orchestra, forget it. Pamela Mae Knapp of Coventry and Anthony George i20i (22) 30) Wimbledon Update daughter, Claudia Joy. will be at the constructing'the perfect eggroll. and with a 45-foot high ceiling. It belongs convinces Richie to accompany 8 : (4(|i Taxi The cabbies try lo verses, and missionary stories, and 34 Dave Allen Show 1:30 Before you get to the finals of your DeLorenzo, also of Coventry, were married June 28 at the Howard to the annual Leopard make Tony a family man when they Faith Baptist Church. 52 Lake St. puppets. Public TV chairm an roasting the Chinese way to the Newport Historical Society 1401 ABC News Nightline '44 USAF, Religion Film audition, nobody even looks at you. Garden Grove in Manchester. Lodge convention in Chicago, and convince him lo adopt the eight- July 7 to 11 from 9:30 to 11:15 a.m. HERTFORD — Jerome H. At lunch we enjoyed the fruits of now and is open for viewing as are year old lad he ^las befriended 11:35 2:00 the Wild conventioneers surpass 8: M.A.S.H. 91 Joe Franklin Show Claudia Joy sings and produced her Lowengard has- been elected chair­ our efforts and then we toured other mansions such as The Elms Richie's craziest college revelry (Repeal) daily for Vacational Bible School. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. 11:45 If) PKA Full Contact Karate Sheila Fiekowsky, a violinist with a (Repeal) I4r Movie -(Adventure) * * 'i Pastor Teufel will present the own gospel album at the age of five. man of the board of trustees of the through Chinatown in Boston and and Hammersmith. Hammersmith, Knapp of 861 Dunn Road, Coventry. The bridegroom is 14) Boxing's Greatest Cham­ Super Lightweight Championship U Basaball Chicago Cubs vs "Killer Fish” 1979 Lee Majors, All children, kindergarten and up as you perhaps recall, is the home of musical group, recalls how she was pions 'Best 6t the Heavyweights' Word through gospel magic, object Connecticut Educational Telecom­ spent the remainder of the afternoon ' the son of Mr. and Mrs, George DeLorenzo Sr. of Derby. New York Mels Karen Black Brazilian burglary Part II The world's heavyweight 2:15 are welcome to attend. Registration munications Corp , the governing Jackie Kennedy Onassis' mother, chosen five seasons ago. “I •f£ European Soccar Champiorv ring nabs a cache of emeratds and lessons, contests, and other special browsing through the international Justice of the Peace Fred DeGiacomo performed the champs. Dempsy, Marciano. 22) Atlas Smith And Jones remember we played a prescribed Czechoslavakia vs W slashes it m a lake One double features. is free. For further information, body of the Connecticut Public food bazaar at Quincy Marketplace. and it is here that she,and the late Louis, All; and more-go the rounds 2:35 double-ring ceremony. Qewnany crossing crook slocks Ihe lake please call Pastor Jim Beliasov at president had their wedding recep­ number of pieces behind a screen so lor top class boxing action on this 51 Movie-(Western) ** "Distant Lois Teufel is a skilled musician Television network and Connecticut Tuesday, we were up bright and J# QO The Misadventures Of with piranhas Aho make bloodth­ highly acclaimed hislorical boxing Drums" 1951 Gary Cooper. Man and has a special ministry at the 643-7644. Public Radio. tion. We didn't get to visit it, but did that the musicians could not be iden­ $£i|riff Lobo Deputy Per'kins es irsty guards when the thieves try early and ready for our second series Aldon The story ol a swamp tified. There were about 60 of us The bride was given in marriage by her father. oeNa a female prisoner in a murder to retrieve Ihe treasure (Rated cooking session This time it was get a look at it as our bus headed (22 <30i The Tonight Show ‘Best fighter lighting Ihe Seminole In­ trW to Los Angeles, unaware she PG) (105 mins ) altogether trying out for the Mrs. Cheryl Dombrowski of Ellington, the bride's Of Carson' Guests. Gregory Peck. dians on Ihe warpath in Nineteenth classic haute cuisine and we learned back to the inn. (JQins 10 use her identical twin to \ 10:00 sister, was matron of honor. Bridesmaids were hlrs. Martin Mull, Judith Blegen Century Florida (2 hrs-. IS how to make basic stocks, con- Our final night we were honored at orchestra. The jury was composed of help her escape (Repeal. 60 5 News V Patricia Bleier of Derby, the bridegroom’s niece; Mrs. 8 'i40t Hart To^ert Jonathan and (Repeal. 90 mins) mins ) Library plans movie month summes and mother sauces. Plus a iuau with a huge roasted pig. the Boston Symphony players on the Anne DeLorenzo of Derby, the bridegroom’s sister-in- secrets of accurate sauteeing, tropical fruits'(and a punch with a other side of the screen," she said. 3:00 SOUTH WINDSOR - the library starting July 14. summer. There is an enor­ Registration will start on law; and Ms. Dawn MeSweeney of Coventry. Miss An- 9) News (Time Tentative) punch), salads and just about Evidently, "Pops" auditions are August will be movie The tickets will be dis­ mous egg at the library the opening day of the con­ roasting and the choice of proper gar- • dreana Dombrowski of Ellington, the bride’s niece, was 9) Movie -(Drama) "The nistures. everything else to please your palate. pitched to ears, not faces. Outsider" 1962 Tony Curtis. month for children at the tributed on a first-come, which was displayed at the test. July 14 The contest Before we bid our goodbyes for the Have a happy holiday! flower girl. ' JamesFranciscus Astoryabout^ South Windsor Public first-served basis and no student art exhibit. It was will run through Aug. 22 A sumptuous lunch was served bv T u e s d a y real life hero, fra Hamilton Hayes, students and later we headed for a Pima Indian who helped raise Ihe ' Library and the summer tickets will be given at the made by Kim Tomolonis and will be open to children Rhode* Island's own Sakonnet Mario DeLorenzo of Derby was his brother’s best man. flag al Iwo Jima (2 hrs ) film festival will include door the day of the film. No and Candy Morgester, ages- 8'17 Children par-, Vineygrd to learn the process of Ushers were Ronald Knapp of Illinois, the bride's 3:05 three feature-length films refreshments will be per­ Grade 6 students at the ticipating must come to the , wine-making, from grape to barrel t > brother; Peter Benfanti of Stratford; and Bruce Bleier of 3 1 Moment Of Meditation (Time to be shown on Aug. 6, 13 mitted in the library. Orchard Hill School, to il­ library once a week, for .six Derby, the bridegrooms nephew. Robert DeLorenzo Jr. Emmy winner Cicely Tyson Tentative) lustrate the story, "The bottle Tastings were included in ti.a (pictured) heads, a -cast that 3:15 * and 20. Detailed brochureV of weeks, to hear the tape tour of the winery with wines bearing of D^by, the bridegroom's nephew, was ring bearer. also includes,the late Will Geer 2Z Six Million Dollar Man (Joined The films will be of in­ summer film programs Enormous Egg, " by Oliver recorded clue. After ail six such fascinating names as (in his final television perfor­ In Progress) ' terest to children ages 9 may be picked up at the Butterworth. clues are heard, one guess ".America's Cup, " "Rhode Island A reception was held at the Garden Grove. The couple mance). Robert Hooks. James 3:30 and older. Children must library in July. In th e story by per child may be submitted Wainwright. -Jason Bernard. 11 SportsCenter Butterworth a dinosaur Red ", and "Compass Rose ' All will reside in Coventry. Harry Rhodes and Dick Anth­ 4:00 have tickets but no charge "Eggcentricity" is the to the library were delicioug-arfik we purchased a ony Williams, in A' WOMAN 22 News will be made. The free name of the contest to be was hatchefi from the large Detailed brochures will • Mr. DeLorenzo is employed at a tool and cutter grinder CALLED MOSES a drama 4:30 egg. A new creature will be few bottles to biW home. 22 22 AIIv9 tickets mav be obtained at hatched at the library this be available at the library That evening was—the piece 3e at Electro-Methods in South Windsor, (Fracchia photo) \frs. Anthony G. DeLorenzo about a woman's fight against 4:55 hatched from the library's in July. The prize will be slavery., to be presented on resistance — the classical dinner, all 22 PTL Club-Talk And Vareity egg. at the end of the awarded after Labor Day NBC Monday Night at the 5:00 seven courses^! it. We started with Movies' and 'NBC Tuesday 9 News Bible school planned summer. A prize will be Davis’Rossignol given to the child who sherry to cleanse our palate, then we Night at the Movies.' June 30 SOUTH WINDSOR - The Avery Street Church will enjoyed a clear consomme, baby and July 1 5:22 guesses what the creature !9) Movie -(Horror-Drama) *'x be conducting its summer vacation Bible School the week iN lancfi^er scallops with pureed peas, quail with Carline Marie Rossignol of Manchester and Warren S. cmCch u s iin c s roH exAcr, tiwi is. "Leech Woman" 1960 Coleen of July 14. The school is open to children ages four a m u e r m a prune stuffing, lemon sherbert with Davis of Colchester were married June 28 at St. Bridget Gray. Grant Williams Woman through those in Grade 6 and will meet from 9:30 a.m. to FEATURE SHOWN FIRST Sabra. roast lamb with five Church in Manchester. who's married to a younger man HALL FOR RENT discovers an African tribe who ve “H0UYW00DNI6HT8’' noon each day. Children who will be attending should be For parties, showers, receptions PLUS R vegetables, a salad (avocado, orange discovered Ihe secret ot youth The bride is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Ivan registered by calling 644-8496. There will be a $2.50 meetings i ('omplete kit'-hen slices, nuts, black and green olives (87 mms ) ICmCHORSOUirpa Rossignol of 50 Pine St., Manchester. The bridegroom is registration fee. pe'r child. facilities Larjte enclosed parking slices with a tantilizing dressing, and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Warren P. Davis of Colchester. The material to be studied is entitled, "Jesus, I Believe lot Inquire finally a dish of French vanilla ice in You,” and has been made appropriate for each age Lithuanian Hall The Rev. James' Archambault performed the double level. The activities each day wUl Include songs, stories, 24 GOLWAY STREET /HOUKA/fonenA/ ring ceremony. MANCHESTER INTZniTATE 14 EXJT 51 ttLVZM LANE Nancy J. Koberls f t TV tomorrow. snacks, puppets dhd crafts. EAST HARTEOAO SEE-tSV Jean M. WiHkoski Call before 8 P M BAAOAIH MATINEE OAliT Mrs. Mary Gage will be school coordinator. The FmtT SNOWONLT T2.SO MORNING (S) Andy Griffith Show f Living Faith ($7) Over Easy j|ign^43^061^r^46^J1^ The bride was given in marriage by her father. (24 (22) (34 Card Sharks teacjiers will be: Trudi Kolk, pre-schoolers; Sandy 5:15 (9) <2^ Phil Donahue Show . , 3:30 Linda Rossignol of Manchester was her sister’s maid of Y ‘A) Ed Allen Show 19) Joe Franklin Show (34 Chico And The Man (5) Spieferman Zielinski, kindergarteners; Jean Strower, Grade 1; MAD honor. Bridesmaids were Sherry Starr of Ohio, Wendy 5:45 '11)^ All-Star Soccer (Mon.) (44 Family Feud (14) Movie (Fri.) MAGAZINE (24 Ghost And Mrs. Muir 12:25 Marie Van Antwerpen, Grade 2; Jan Bos,' Grade 3; ^ n q o Q e d Kaupelis of Houston, Texas, and Debbie Risley of |£) New Zoo Review '3$ 1 Dream Of Jeannie Evelyn Balk, Grades 4 and 5; and The Rev. Bert Van MON.-TUES. 5:54 (34 Dating Game ' S) New Jersey Report (57) Villa Alegre UP THE Manchester. Aricka Starr of Ohio was flower girl. 34 Morning Prayer 34 Tom Larson Show yi2:30 J 3:57 Antweroen. Grade 6. (44 Flintstones (3) Searctf For Tomorrow ACADEMY 5:55 -3) Newsbreak (M m OpM at 7:45 Gates Open at 7:45 Today’s Woman 9:25 C9J Cross Wits 3:58 Steven Davis of Colchester was his brother's best man. (44) Heritage Corner (9) (44 Ryan's Hope lat Duak 6:00 •8) (44 FYI Feature 1st at DUSK Vernon cint Uj "A comedy gone Ushers were Richard Rossignol of Manchester, the ^ Various Programming 9:30 (9) Play The Percentages 4:00 (5) Partridge Family w New Zoo Revue (24 (22) <34 Password Plus (31 John Davidson Show ROUlf S '. I • ’ F < ' Y totally MAD." bride’s brother; Walter Cichy of Houston, T e j^ , and Hi) Program Unannounced 04 Andy Griffith Show # 14 Health Field (5) Flintstones T X W « MIMOft’MI MOV I R Bernard Risley of Manchester. Christopher Lavoie of |4 Ed Allen Show (Exc. Tue., (Wed.. Fri.) 12:57 -9) (29 Merv Griffin QUADROPHEMA Bristol, the bride's cousin, was ring bearer. Wed.) '24 Various Programming (34 NBC Newt Update (8) Movie "DOHT ^ 6:15 34 Joker's Wild 12:58 11) Football (Fri.) Ends Wed. " • 9) News '44 Lassie l9)(4QI FYI (19) Domata ANSWER S 9:50 -O' A recebtion was held at Imperial Caterine in East 1 . tV . 6:30 1:00 '24 PTL Club-Talk And Variety 'A n H P tM lM Th. PHONE” R Windsor, after which the couple left for Niagara Falls, Abbott And Costello (34 News ^9) Young And The Restless (Exc. Frl.) My Three Sons 10:00 (51 My Three Sons ^4 1571 Sesame Street NEW CO M ED Y rssr Canada. They will reside in East Hartford. Program Unannounced l3) Jeffersons (Exc. Thur.) (8) (44 All My Children (34 Movie (Exc. Fri.) * (.9) (44 I Love Lucy (9) (34 Movie ri.) (39' Bewitched morao M tr SeHen (9) Mike Douglas > BuUWInkle (11) International Water Polo (44 Bonanza BEING Starter (9) Romper Room I'v ^ o u s Programming - (Frl.) 4:30 UdMH Mrs. Davis is employed at McCauley Enterprises, Inc., (It) SportsCenter (24 (22) 34 Days Of Our Lives in East Hartford. Mr. Davis is employed at Dworin 9 Romper Room <5) Little Rascals THERE PC 6:50 (24 (34 David Letterman Show 1:30 (18) Christ The Living Word Chevrolet, East Hartford. (Village photo) Mrs. W arren S. Davis Prayer <22) 22 Alive (5) Bewitched 5:00 6:55 (34 Ironside (19) Jake Hess Gospel Time (5) Brady Bunch American Trail 10:24 1:58 (14) Movie (Thur.) >44 Weather View Nanev Dennen News (9) ABC Newsbrief (19) Davey And Goliath Janet.D. Pallertioii 10:30 7:00 2:00 (24 PTL Club-Talk And Variety BONANZA’S .5 OIIV (ia rv A. (?uoil ij) Morning (3) One Day At A Time (Exc. (3) As The World Turns (Frl.) rST* Bugs Bunny Wed.. Thur.) . (5) Addams Family >29 Alias Smith And Jones Births. (S) My Three Sons (9) (4(^ One Life To Live '9)'44 Good Morning America '24 ($7) Mister Rogers West Rutland, Vt. Patterson-Good (22) David Letterman Show Jovre E. Philbrick Slarhowiak, Aaron^effrey, son of Mrs. William McLaughlin of East Allan J. and Elaine Adams Webb M • News (11) Pro Team Rodeo Champion­ (34 Emergency One Mr. Davey is the son of Mr. and Daniel and Karoli Farris Stachowiak Hartford and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ellington. She was bom June 18 at (Ji) SportsCenter (Joined in Progress) ship (Frl.) 144 Joker's Wild I l t H A \ Mrs Harold L. Davey of 51 Elsie The engagement of Miss Janet M .3 2 -34 Today W Croat Wits -(l9) Accent On Living (Mon.) , 5:15 of 30 N. School Road, Coventry. He Hockenberry of Rockville. Her pater­ Rockville (General Hospital. Her 11:00 (24(29(34 Doctors Drive, Manchester. Dorothy Patterson of Oxford, Nova 'I4* Three Stooges '18) Hermano Pablo ro\v»ov was born June 6 at Rockville General nal grandparents are Mr, and Mrs. maternal grandparents are Helen C. 7:30 (3) Price Is Right 2:30 (9) Midday 5:30 Miss Wiskoski graduated from the Scotia, Canada, to Gary Alan (jood of Filnistones < 5) Gitligants Island Phiihrick-Smith Hospital. His maternal grandparents Jose A. Martinex of Mexico City, Warner of Smyrna Mill, Maine aqd (9) (44 Love Boat (3) Ail In The Family University of Connecticut School of East Hartford has been announced by PTL Club-Talk And Variety '181 Domata (5) Gllllgan's Island are Mr. and Mrs. Carl Farris of Mexico. Ira L. Adams Jr. of Hbfilton, Maine. 8:00 (9) Straight Talk (24 (34 Another World (Exc. her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Douglas -11.' Various Programming (9) Carol Burnett And Friends The engagement ol .Miss Joyce Pharmacy She is employed as a Rockville. His paternal grandparents Her paternal grandparents are Mr. ) 3L Captain Kangaroo Frl.) (9) Baseball Ooubleheader i34 Marcus Welby. M.D. Kmilv Philbrick ol Manchester to registered pharmaefst at the Rutland Patterson of Oxford, Nova-Scotia, ii) Battle Of The Planets (29 Another World (Frl.) are Mr. and Mrs. Richard Inghilirri, Janii-s Ruiirrt, son of and Mrs. Burdett Webb Sr. of 11:30 2:58 THI Frank Robert Smith ol Vernon has (Vt. I Hospital. Canada. ^ Various Programming (141 Movie (Exc. Tue.. Thur.) jraHWAItfSACA Stachowiak of Rockville. His great­ John A. and Donna M. Smith Manchester. She has a brother, Craig pp: Star Blazers i24 (22) 34 Wheel Of Fortune (9) (44 FYI Mr. Good is the son of Mr. and Mrs, 11:57 (19) Or. Gene Scott On been announced by her parents, Mr Mr Davey is employed as a com­ grandmother is Marjory Aborn of Inghilleri of 21 Heidi Drive, Vernon. Allan, 2. 8:30 ^:00 Hebrews CONTINUKS 3' Newsbreak (3) Guiding Light and Mrs Guy K Philbrick of Coven­ puter programmer-analyst at The Brendon Good of 398 Oak St., East Buckland. He has a brother, Adam. He was born Jpne 15 at Rockville ($) Gllllgan's islend (24 Electric Company (Exc. •Hartford. (9) Various Programming (6) Popeye And Friends Frl.) try Travelers Insurance ,Co., in Hart­ General Hospital. His maternal Carroll, Chriiiloplicr Scoll, ion of AFTERNOON (8) (44 General Hospital ford. Miss Patterson received her Bugs Bunny-Porky Pig (34 Lottery Show (Thur.) Mr Smith is the son of Mr. and Bales, Peter Morelon, son. of grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. David B. Jr. and Robin Douglass 9:00 12:00 (9) Bonanza (Ex9. Frl.) (44 News bachelor of science degree from Mt. (3)(8M9) Newt (19) Various Programming Mrs Robert E Smith of Hudson The couple is planning a July 19 Laurence E. and Kristi S. Peterson Stephen J. Smith of Deer Park. N.Y. Carroll of 32 Spring S t, Rockville. He Dinah 37) Electric Company Allison University, Sacksville, New .(34 Beverlv Hillbillies SIRLOIN TIPS DINNER Falls. N V ^ wedding at St. Bridget Church in Bates of 318 Tunnel Road, Venion. His paternal grandmother is Mrs. was bom June 19 at Rockviye Brunswick, Canada. Miss Philbrick' graduated from West Rutland. (Nassiff photo) He was born June 9 at Rockville Rose M. Posy of Hollywood, Fla. He General Hospital. His materna^l Mr. Good is completing his degree PG Manchester Community College in General Hospital. His maternal has a brother, John Paul. grandparents are Barbara £ 1977 She is employed as a secretary in electrical engineering at the grandparents are E, K. Peterson of 2 f o r 5099 Roherts-Phelan Douglass of Rockville and Willlanr Ask Dick Kleinpr JOHN DAN University of Hartford. in the E'.ngineering Department of Longmont, Colo, and Mrs. Ray Moulin, Tracy Renee, daughter of Douglass of Miami, Fla. His paternal Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Division of The couple is planning an Aug. 23 Another terrific value at Bonanza! 2 Sirloin Tips dinners plus BELUSHI AYKROYD Murray of Osakis, Minn. His paternal Peter M. and Janet E. Tracy Moulin grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. sDEAR DICK: I h a |( a problem. ’You're my lost hope, ai all United Technologies Corp. in East The engagement of Miss Nancy J. wedding at Mt. Allison University is now married to Edie Adams. I think we are related. MRS. sauteed onions, baked potato, Texas Toast and crisp make-your- Roberts ol East Hartford to Robert grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. of Tolland. She was born June 16 at David Carroll Sr. of Rockville. ■" tbe other colum aisu^ve refused lo help me. I have b^om e T.C.B., LaPuente, Calif. Hartford ' 1 , Chapel, Sacksville, N.B., Canada. Moreton R. Bates of Springfield, Rockville General Hospital. Her qiile attracted to Kim Richards of “Hello, Larry." I alto plaa Better luck next relation. Candoli is a midwesterner and is own salad. All tor just S6.99. Otter valid with coupon only at par­ THE R Mr Smith'.graduated from Hudson G. Phelan of Norfolk has been an­ -oa.datiBg her. This will be no problem. What I really n e ^ is not from New Rochelle. He and Edie, incidentally, are now nounced by her parents, Mr, and Mass. maternal grandparents are Mr. and ticipating Bonanza Restaurants. Falls Centrailligh School in 197,'land Mrs. Michael W. Tracy of Seminole, her address, hobbies, likes and/or dislikes about men. I’m separated. BLUES Mrs. Frank Roberts Jr. of 55 Thayer Dennen-Thiheault Donahue, Dora Louise, daughter Barnes praying Hut you can help me. BARRY FOOTE, New Buffalo, from .N'orvyich U niversity at Fla. His paternal grandparents are Mich. Norlhfield, \-Vt . in 1977 He is Road, Manchester. of Lee J. and ’Fheresa A. Toner DEAR DICK: Is the Rev. Grady Nuts (Nutz), who- appears BROTHERS The engagement of Miss Nancy Mr. and Mrs. Pierre J. Moulin of I like your style. Foote. Nothing like being confident. on "Hee Haw,” a minister? If so, where is his church located? lyiANCHESTER - Shop Rite Plaza employed as p mechanical engineer Mr. Phelan is the son of Mr. and Donahue of 76 Brooklyn St., Vernon. She has a sister, Rebecca However, I have a drop of bad news for you. Kim, although A.E., l,yochbnrg, Va. Mrs. George V, Phelan of Norfolk. Dennen of Manchester to Donald Rockville. Seh was bom June 10 at joins ^ MANCHESTER - West Middle Turnpike at Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Division Elizabeth, 14 months. she’s not yet 15 - she won’t be 16 until Septhmber — already His name is Grady Nutt and, surprisingly, he is a genuine Thibeault, also of Manchester, has of UTC in East Hartford Miss Roferts graduated from East Rockville General Hospital. Her has a boyfriend, who goes to UCLA. For the record, however, I minister, ordained in the Southern Baptist church. He does not 'I'hus 'll’ h.ivini: xan tell you that she’s an active sort, likes roller skating, have a church of his own, but rather goes around to various The couple is planning an, Oct 4 Catholic High School and from the been- announced by her parents, Mr. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and llirlitnutit ihi’ii ItNus University of Connecticut. She is and Mrs. William Dennen of ^ A in g , dancing and exercising. But I won't give you her churches and organizations, speaking and lecturing. ■ H WM H ie 0 u p 0 nH H i WM ■■ ■ ■ wedding at Vernon United Methodist Mrs. Jack Toner of Houlton, Maine. Lavoie, Anna Jh,i>daughter of Air Force Mdress — it is a policy of mine not lo give addresses. You're lominiiiinj,; lltu employed at Aetna Life & Casualty Manchester. Jeffrey D. Barnes, son of Mr. and Church in Vernon.- (Mills photol Her paternal grandmother is Louise Marc A. and SaralTG. Heckil Lavoie •xxryour own. DEAR DICK: Could you please tell me the names of the niinuffl.iiilulimu in Hartford. Mr. Thibeault is the son of Mr. aikl Donahue of Houlton. She has a sister,^ of 39 Village St., Rockville. She was Mrs. Rqbert E. Barnes of Edith stars that have been honored by the American Film Institute B SIRLOlN TIPS DINNER ■ "'" d e a r DICK: Please sellle a vehement argument between Mr, Phelan graduated frgpi The Mrs. Donald Thibeault ^ Deanna M ari^ 2. bom June 17 at Rockville General Road, Vernon, has enlisted In the U. so far? MSCARPATI, Trenton, N.J. WiMkottki-Uavey Manchester, ' fny boss and myself. What is Ihe name of the character who is Choate School in Wallingwd and ______V Hospital. Her maternal grandparents S. Air Force. Ihe big. burly archrival of Popeye in all of the Popeye They are, chronologically: John Ford, James Cagney. Orson from Tufts University. He is Miss Dennen is employed at A I960 graduate of Rockville High Welles, Bette Davis. William Wyler, .Henry Fonda, Alfred I 2 5099 Meneses, Christine Amy, are w . and Mrs. Joseph E. Heckel of -cartoons'.’ My boss insists it's Bluto, and I am equally sure it's '/CU.T The engagement of Miss Jean employed at the George V. Phelan & Meadows Nurs^g Home in School, he selected a position In the aSrutus. My job could be riding on your answer. CARL ELLIS, Hitchcock and. just this past year. James Stewart. daughter of Guillermo A. and Karyn Mars, Pa. Her paternal grandparents Gza . A Mane Wiskoski of W es^utland. Vt., Co. in Torrington. , ’ M anchester. Mr. Thibeault fs are Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Lavof ;o ' and bombardment aircraft -Warsaw, Ind. DEAR DICK: J have a bel with my grandma. She says L. Hockenberry Meneses of 98 SchMl I think you'll find the unemployment office somewhere in ■ D inner includes tips, potato, toast & salad. to Nofman L. Dave.y ofManche^ter The couple is planning a Sept. 27 employed at Shoor Brothers in Hart­ Chicopee, Mass. ,_lntenance career field He Natalie Wood died ol cancer. I say no. Please tell me as soon has bedn announced'^yjjier patents. St. East Hartford. She was bom June -eily hall. Blulo is llic bully who always got bopped by Popeye. _C oupon expires 8/4/80. a PLEASE CALL THEATRE wedding at St, James Church in ford. djpbKed for basic trainttig at as yon can. ANGIE PROUGH,-Goshen, Ind. FOR SCREEN TIMES Mr. and Mrs. Stanley F.-Wiskoski of Manchester. (Dechert ^oto) An October wedding is planned. 12 at Rockville General Hospital. Her Tell your grandma to stick to preserving watermelon rinds DINNER AVAILABLE FOR S3.50. maternal grandparents are Mr. and Webb, Jennifer Lynn, daughliliw_f^®^*®*’^ AFB, Texas, on June 28 «OEAR DICK: Please try lo find out ii Pete Caadoli was ' from New Rochelle, N.Y. He Was married lo Betty Hutloa and and stay out of current events. Natalie Wood is in fine health.

V- EVENING HERALD. Tues , July 1. 1980 - 9 8 - KVKNING HERALD. Tues,. July 1.

dants at the town pools will now be During a discussion of the opera­ No one appeared at a public having it have the authority to ap­ ToujnTolk parently needed something for his tion of the sewage treatment plant, Yankees’ Gossage 4ias cure: heater car. too. Two tires were also assisted by police officers who will hearing called by the newly ap-» point employees of the sewage Joseph Belanger, chairman of the world to happen was for him to .walk A burglar who broke fnto a stolen. also help patrol the parks. Balet pointed Vernon'Charter Revision treatment plant. "I guarantee this BOSTON (UPIl - Rich Gossage Perez, the Boston. Red Sox' nothing but praise for the Yankee Murcer’s sacrifice fly. "It couldn't Sewer Authority, asked a represen­ (Fred) Lynn and face Perez with the storage bin at an apartment com­ said the police are ne^ed because Commission recently. During a will bring people to the next may give his^ manager .some quick designated RBI man who leads the reliever. bounce back the way it did without the vandalism in the parks is not tative of the construction company bases loaded,’’ said Yankees plex recently must have been It appears East Hartford Park regular meeting the commission hearing,” Joseph Belanger, com­ headaches h\it he also has a pretty league in that category. hitting .something, like a seat" being done by 12-year-olds , but by how an insulation problem was Manager Dick Howser. "But "He throws every pitch about 99 musically inclined; taken was a Director Kred Balet has had discussed nnaking the sewer mission member said. swift cure It's known as his heater. Gossage reared back and threw finally resolved and the company Gossage had a days rest and he was miles an hour, like it^ the last pitch Randolph started the four-run third jazz record collection valued by its enough of the work of vandals and young adults. authority an autonomous body and 'The Yankees' flame-throwing three blinders past Perez to salvage representative replied, “1 ate it.” excellent — erratic but excelleftt.” in his life. Perez cAldn’t have hit with a walk and moved to third when owner at over $2,5(K) The third ap­ bullies in the town’s parks. Atten- reliever, nursing a three run lead in the game and give the Yankees a 6-3 Gossage, who fanned five in 2 1-3 those two with awTroning board," Murcer bounced a single to right. the ninth inning Monday night, triumph. It was the New York's 10th innings to notch his 12th save, said he Zimmer said, Graig .Nettles. Reggie .lack.son and (nanaged to load the bases on a pair victory in Fenway Park in its last 12 relishes the pressure. Hob Watsop followed '*with RBI of walks and an Infield hit. That games. ’"I feel I’m qt my best when the Gossage had entered the game in singles to make it 4-0 Bobby Brown's brought him face to face \yith Tony "The last thing I wanted in the game is in a situation where it can be the seventh. The Red Sox had sacrifice fly made it. 5-0. , Obituaries St«dent workers prove whittled away a 5-0 deficit to 5-3 and either won or Iok. I really don’t feel Mrs. ISarah VI uters Richard W. Hodge chased starter Tommy John, who Lisa Marie Sylvester like I even pitched because I was in Perez' RBI-double made it 5.1 and \ KBNON - Mrs Sarah iHamer) MIDDLEFIELD - Riohard W. picked up his 1 llh win in 14 decisions, K A.s i M Wt l FORD— Lisa .’Vlarie my rhythm. That last pitch I threw to pinch-hitter Carlton Fisk made it 5-2 Waters. 83 of 22 South St., died at a Hodge. 53, of Lake Shore Drive, Perez was almost unhittable. It was tying him tor most victories with Sylvester. 11. of 51 .Naomi Drive, worth to employers Nerold Baltimore’s Steve Stone. with a single in the sixth Lynn local convalescent home Monday. »> formerly of Manchester, died Mon­ daughter of Hermas J and Jeannine on the black of the plate,” Gossage grounded out with runners on second She was born in England, and lived day in Bridgeport Hospital. 'Blaini Sylvester, died Sunday at on the road. Most students (47 per­ percent) and money (40 percent). : r said. The Yankees scored a run in the and third in the seventh for the last in Glen Park. N.J . before .moving to-■' He was born in North Chelmsford, By LAUREN DAVIS SHEA New Britain Memorial Hospital cent) work between 16 and 25 hours About one-half of the students who “The first and the last ones were first when Willie Randolph led off Red Sox run. Gossage retired the Vernon She leaves a husband. Mass., Sept. 26, 1926. Herald Reporter She was a student at the Stevens each week, with 20 percent working worked felt their present job would what you’d call bastard pitches," with a triple off loser Bob Stanley, 6- side routinely in the eighth before the Reginald Waters, and two He was a U S. Marine veteran of By Leftovers .said Perez, who earlier had doubled 6. The ball bounced crazily off the top School and a member of St. Rose MANCHESTER— Students at more than that. aid them in their future career. ninth-inning histrionics. ' grandchildren. Ronald Waters, of World War II and served in the South in Lynn for Boston’s first run, “I was Church Born in .Manchester, she had Manchester High School are holding Two thirds have jobs that start About one-quarter of the students of the right-field wall and appeared tlllington. and Elian Waters, of Lan­ Pacific. holing he would give me a pitch to hit lived in East Hartford all her life. part-time jobs in increasing after the school day, one-fourth have said they performed volunteer w ort at first to be a home run. ^ ding. New Jersey. He was graduated from Z'nslljrom relays or make a mistake. But he didn’t. I "It's not bad when you can hold the Besides her parents she leaves numbers, with the positive results jobs that begin during school hours, Funeral services will be today at Manchester High School in 1944 and The survey was conducted in lat? don't know anyone who throws it "There's no way in the world that Red Sox to three runs -anywhere." three brothers. Brian. Bruce and being an increase in their punctuali­ and 12 percent work only on Fair Lawn. New Jersey. Burial will received a bachelor of science May with participation of about 80 ball wasn’t out," said Randolph, who Howser said. "You do that, you re Craig Sylvester, all of East Hart­ ty, dependability, responsibility and weekends. on weekend harder than he does,” be in George Washington Memorial degree in physical education from doing a hell of a job " ford. and her maternal grand­ More than half the students who percent of the students. Ludes said Boston Manager Don Zimmer had scored moments later on Bobbv Park. Paramus. N.J. the University of Connecticut in 1951. budgeting and negative results being parents. Louis and Aurore iBreaulti work earn over $45 per week. While' believes the number responding and 55 at Bradley Field when he Ladd Funeral Home. 19 Ellington He worked as a purchasing agent an infringement on their homework Leftovers from the Manchester Blain of Colchester approximately one-third of the tenth made the survey statistically ac­ landed early Saturday morning. Ave . Rockville is in chargd of local for Hamilton Standard, a division of and extracurricular time. Relays: Credit for the fine shape that A mass of Christian burial will be curate within two or three percen­ Naviaux was the triggerman who arrangements. United Technologies, from 1951 to 1970 A survey conducted by the high graders earned $45 per week, more Wigren Track at Manchester High celebrated Wednesday at 9 a m in St. than two-thirds obthe seniors were in tage points of error. started all fj^ races...North East Oriole^8 Weaver thankful and later worked in the purchasing school guidance department in was in last Saturday for the track and Rose Church Burial will be in Alexander W . KruHiiiaki this earning category, according to Sports Timing Service handled the departments of the Electric Boat cooperation with the Manchester field events of the two-day goes to the Hillside Cemetery There are no Ludes’ report. Ludes termed the results M VNCMESTEK— Alexander W Division, General Dynamics Cor­ teachers' union, found that about two five-man crew headed by Norm official timing of all races both days calling hours The Callahan Funeral “Substantial numbers of students “interesting and useful for future Krusinski. 79. of’ 50-F Spencer St., poration, and Sikorsky Aircraft. thirds of the student population LaRose. Other members of the and supplied photo finish work on Home ltiO'2 Mam SI has charge of died Monday at St. Francis Hospital works. indicate that their job interfered with planning.” The survey will be shared school’s outdoor maintenance staff Saturday. Irv Black heads up the after holding onto victory He was i former board member of arrangements ■ homework (27 percent); remedial with the faculty for their professional and Medical Center in Hartford. He the South United Methodist Church of High School Principal Jacob Ludes were Tom Wilkinson, George Vincek, men who operate the service while aid (21 p ercen t); grades (20 reactions, he said. was the husband of Mary Pysz Manchester and represented the III said in a prepared-slntement that Don Ponticelli and Roger Ted Owen, former coach at Central NEW YORK (UPI) Baltimore N icloria S. Archumlmult Connecticut State College, was in Krusinski church at the Southern New England the figures show a "signifeant trend percent); and participation in Grenier...The temperature was a Manager Earl Weaver is thankful for \ EKNON— Victoria S Archam- charge Saturday. ..Rich Edwards, He was born in Jersey City. N.J. Conference. _ toward increased 'student extracurricular a c tiv ities (41 “The survey raises questions about comfortable 66 degrees when action small favors ...-temporarily. bault. 64. of 11 Brighton Lane, died and had lived in the Hartford area employment.” In 1969 , 61 percent of percent),” Ludes' report found. when and how we prepare youngsters who passed up competing in track at Monday at Manchester Memorial He was a member of the Commis­ started Saturday. The weekend found . . . At this point last season, the before moving to Manchester four seniors were employed, with the But the report added ‘‘Even to enter the world of work. Certainly the University of Houston this spring Q^jQigs ijgd 53 victories and were on Hospital She was the wife of Joseph sion on Missions of the South United many types of weather, including a years ago Methodist Church. figure increasing to 72 percent in 1974 greater percentages noted their jobs we must re-examine our means for torrential downpour Sunday just after having a disagreement with the (q making a shambles of A Archambault had helped them in the areps of punc­ He was a member of the Enfield He was a lay leader for the Old and 81 percent in 1980. remediating and for offering after the three-mile road race coach, entered just one meet before American League East. But they Born in Putnam, she had been a tuality (16 percent); dependability Police Commission from 1942 to 1952 Mystick United Methodist Church. One-third of the students work to extracurricular activities,” Ludes started at the Manchester Communi­ coming here, Uking part in the 200. faPergM early this year and are just resident of Vernon for 22 years She (30 percent); responsibility (50 said, adding this work would begin in and was the treasurer for the Polish Besides his wife, Mrs. Eleanor save for college expenses, although ty College campus... Merrill The New Britain man, who may attempting to move out of the was a member of Sacred Heart National Home. Enfield for many another third work to keep their cars percent); and budgeting time (32 September. report for a tryout with the Houston gchelon in the division and Church and the VFW .Auxiliary. (Peterson) Hodige of Middlefield, he Whiston, who pledged financial sup­ years. leaves his mother, Mrs. Rena (Luke) port from his company, Multi- Oilers as a wide receiver, hopes to ghallenge for a second straight AL Survivors, besides her husband, join the Philadelphia Pioneers for gggggt Besides his wife he leaves a son. Hodge of Manchester; two sons, Circuits, was an interested spectator are two daughters. Mrs. Donald Donald C. Krusinski of South Wind­ major meets later this summer. .., jg^ j that much about Gail I Mordavsky of South Windsor Dana Stidsen and Mark Stidsen, both on Sunday from start to finish...The sor; a daughter. Mrs. Alice-Badik of of Windsor; a daughter Mrs, Sharon last runner Sunday was timed in 2:35 comparisons to last year," Weaver and Mrs John i.Aileeni Halloran of Jewett City; a brother. Frank Fahey to seek new term N. Lynne of Lake Park, Fla.; two for the 20,000 kilometer (12 mile) ...I'fli n a o said Monday night after the Orioles Ellington, five brothers. Walter Krusinski of Enfield; two sisters. Better with age Jg^. ^ g y decision over the A CareW heads Szydlo and Joseph Szydlo of Guilford.' brothers. Marshall Hodge of run...While attendance picked up on Mrs. Lillian Caruso of Albany. N.Y.. E AST HARTFORD - State Sen. of overseeing state agencies “may be laws and restudy the statutes already Patty Knighton.judged the meet’s Toronto Blue Jays. "We just went six Stanley Szydlo of Taftville. Edwin Manchester and Harold B. Hodge Jr., Saturday in comparison to last year and Mrs Genevieve Evangelista of of Coventry; two sisters, Mrs. Sylvia Marcella G. Fahey, D-East Hartford, an unherald^ one but it is one I have on the books. it was still below expectations. One outstanding performer, competed for games over .500 and we’ve won 11 out 6 Szydlo of Warwick. R.I . and Frank •!® AL All-Stars Springfield. Mass and fi^ve announced at a Monday morning worked at diligent and one I am She said a study and revaluation of Northwest Catholic High two years gj -j.|,g gpjggt is to win tomorrow Szydlo ol Central Falls. R.I ; and Hanson of Vernon and Mrs. Caroline who wasn’t alarmed that the grandchildren. press conference and breakfast dedicated to continuing.” ago and Went home with the most gjght and not to worrv about where tour sisters. Mrs" Jennie Geline of Geer of Manchester and three grand­ existing programs is a very practical bleachers were not filled was Christy NEW YORK I UPI I - The decade Funeral services will be attended by State Democratic Chair­ Mrs. Fahey, vice chairman of the valuable high school girl award. This |gg, yggr ” Guilford. Mrs Katherine Nadrowski sons. way of seeing how state money could McCormick, who is credited with may have changed but 11-time All- Wednesday at 9:15 a m. from the Legislature’s Appropriations Com­ time, after taking firsts in the 100 helped by the strong pitching of of Holyoke. Mass . Mrs. Bertha Funeral services will be Thursday man James Fitzgerald that she will be saved while providing the needed bringing the relays to Manchester: Getting his man Star Rod Carew remains a fixture on Heritage Funeral Home. 1240 Moun­ afternoon at 1:30 at the Holmes seek a second term. mittee, is probably best known for services for citizens. “It took 25 years for the Drake meter hui^les- qnd high jump and gjggg _ ^^,hg won his ninth the American League team. Regish of Northampton. Mass., and tain Road. West Suffield. with a mass Red Sox third sacker Glenn Hoffman runs down New York’s Mrs Mary Skrymciaz, of Woon­ Funeral Home. 400 Main St,. Mrs. Fahey gave herself credit for her proposal that the Legislature take Relays (in Iowa) to catch on. Now placing second in the long jump, straight game and joined New York’s Carew. who is currently battling of Christian burial at St. Joseph’s one year off from passing any qew socket. R.I . and four grandchildren. Manchester. her first term in office saying the job In announcing her decision to seek they are held before full houses,” he judges rated her jperform'hnce tops Tommy John as the AL's first 11- Bobby Brown in inning action of AL clash last night at Fenway for an eighth AL batting title, is the Church at 10 a m. Burial will b^n St. and she also received the Manchester game winners the Orioles moved Funeral services will be Thursday Burial will be in East Cemetery, re-election, she said her first two explained. Approximately 3,000 Park. (UPI Photo) top vote-getter on the 1980 AL All- Joseph's Cemetery. Suffield, Friends Chamber of Commerce award as the j„(g fourth place and remained eight at. 10 a m at the Holmes Funeral Manchester. years of legislative duty were ones in viewed the first day program and 300 Star^team announced .Monday by may call at the funeral home today overall top perforrner...George games behind the first-place Home. 400 .Main St . and at 11 a m. at Friends may call at the funeral which she concentrated on the "real braved Hhe weather on Sunday to Commissfoner Bowie Kuhn from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Frenn, 56-pound weight winner, Yankees. two more runs in the eighth, began a Tigvr' 9. Indian' I Sacred Heart Church. Vernon home Wednesday night from 7 to 9 Area police meat of government, the area of watch the road races. The 34-year-old batting whiz, who carried a transistor radio in his bag gjg^g ^on 11 games all of last Detroit won for the 10th time in its Friends ntay call at the funeral home p.rn. oversight,” comehack in the bottom of the in­ is the all-time vote getter with 26.- and he turned it on to help him relax season, boosted his record to 11-3 Wednesday from 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p in Mrs. Bealricr M. Knoll ' Memorial donations may be made South Windsor of harrassment at the Seven-Eleven ning. last II games by rallying for six runs 532.700. will start for the fifth in the seventh inning, highlighted by Memorial contributions may be BLOOMFIELD — Mrs. Beatrice to the Heart Fund. South Windsor Police are in­ Store on Ellington Road, Police said Mrs. Fahey had sponsored legisla­ Family interest while waiting between throws... jgven innings of shutout Doug___^ Ault drove in four runs with straight time al first base when the Richie Hebner's two-run single made to a charity of the donor s M iSchadeei Knoll. 77. of 20 vestigating the report of a break into Marsh was spotted on Sullivan tion that reserved mobile homes used One Olympic gold medal winner Pacey ■Pet, the local man who has pjfchjng, allowing just five hits while doubles in the eighth and ninth in AL .All-Stars meet the .National Hebner now has 52 RBI in just 54 choice Prospect St . died Friday at her the twme at 264 Kelly Road. Police Avenue and when they were talking last fall for the victims of the tornado who enjoyed the races both days was reigned as shot put champ the past striking out two and walking four. nings and Garth lorg added an RBI League All-Stars in Los Angeles July home. said a window was broken to'gain en­ with him they observed what in the Windsor, Windsor Locks area, Lindy Remigino, head track coach at two years, is up to 235 pounds which Weaver, whd was informed that single in the eighth The Blue Jays games 8 he carries well on a 6-4Vk frame and gfQpg began struggling, then scored two more runs in the ninth on She was the wife ol Charles H. try and a stereo and jewelry valued appeared to be marijuana. Marsh for the use as housing for the elderly. Hartford Public He was especially I « iii' I 2. Ri>> al' :i Carew. batting 346 to lead Jhe Marion S. Bonomo Alert officer John Castino drove in five runs Knoll, a former resident of at $2,500 were taken. - allegedly created a disturbance at Mrs. Fahey two years ago defeated interested in events in which his son he’s bedn asked by his coach at Dart- removed the right-hander and the- an error and John Mayberry’sdouble league, pulled in 3,674.247 vote^ to with a homer and t.w'b singles and N EH VON — Mrs Marion Syverson Manchester At the Birch Hill Mobil Station, 249 the site of the arrest and at police incumbent George P. Hannon in a competed. One of his daughters is the mouth to put on 10 pounds this orioles' bullpen almost blew a 9-0 before reliever Tim Stoddard out’distance Milwaukee's. Cecil summer. Pet is working at the recorded the final out Mike Cubbage and Dave Edwards Bonomo. S3, of 195 Hany Lane, died . She was born in Chicopee. Mass., Oakland Road, entry was also gained headquarters. Democratic primary and then new women's track coach at the Cooper by almost 2 million f added homers to power Minnesota. early today at Hartford Hospital She and had lived in Bloomfield for 27 arrests suspect by breaking a vOindow and cigarettes He is scheduled to appear in court defeated former Republican town University of Connecticut,..Judged Loomis-Chaffee School in Windsor. ‘Be was tired. " Weaver said 'He "The bullpen’s done a very good It stili means very much tol^me to The Twins, who hit only 40 homers in was the .wile of .Americo iJacki years. She was a graduate of the and soda. valued at $185, were taken. on July 14. councilwoman Esther Clarke^ the relays’ most valuable performer He also finds time to workout three mid (pitching coach) Ray (Miller) he job for me all year, but they’ve got to be chosen, especially by the Ians,' Bonomo Framingham. Mass.. Normal School, hours daily with the weights...Chuck struggling back in the fifth get their rhythm back. ” Stone began. their first 72 games, got solo shots Carew said before the start of the MANCHESTER — An alert patrol Police are -also investigating the a year ago. Jeremy Edmonds of She was born in Providence. R ,1 and was a former teacher in the Fall She faces no challenge within her Plese and his competent staff of “Sure 1 got the feeling the ninth in­ "And in a game where you’re nine Irom Castino in the fourth and Cub­ Monday’s game against California ■ officer who investigated a burglary report of the theft of a motorcycle, Glastonbury was sidelined with a and had been a resident of Warwick. River and Agawam. Mass., areas. Hebron assistants did one top-flight job aj^g y^ould never be over, but I get runs ahead that's an opportune time. bage in the lifth and a two-run blast '".And. it certainly means a lot when at a Carter Street home early Mon­ valued at $1,600 from 48 Ash Road. party and is expected to gain the right leg injury heals. A year ago she H 1 before moving to»Vernon 14 Richard J. Krom. 32, of Lebanon, handling the results during the long ^at feeling every night.’’ I didn't have overwhelming stuff by Edwards, you get the most votes, and I think \She was a member of the Order of day morning, arrested a suspect in Mark J. DuClos, 19, of 7 Mark nomination from local Democrats. was consider^ one of the nation’s '.ears ago She^was employed lor 11 Eastern Star and celebrated her 53rd was charged Monday with second- There is, however, an area two-day program. ...Each year the stone’s teammates gave him am­ tonight and I didn't have a biting yngel' 10. fiili' ''i>\ (> this is the fourth time it's been that the case about four hours later when Drive, was charged Sunday with leading female schoolboy '.ears as secretary for the .Junior wedding anniversary June 25. degree assault and possession of a Ftepublican, Edward J. Wilson of relays seem to run smoother and curveball On days like that, just win­ Pinch hitter .)oe Rudi s two-run ■way for m e" he recognized a truck which was also third-degree criminal trespassing. sprinters...Larry Naviaux, ex-UConn ple support at the plate, banging out Achievement of North Central Besides her'husband. she leaves a dangerous instrument in connection Manchester, who has announced his plans for the 1981 meet will be un­ ning is a plus ’ bloop single with one out in the ninth Joining Carew. who started from reported stolen at the scene. He allegedly was swimming at head football coach, was in New 14 hits — with Rich Dauer leading the Connecticut in Windsor Locks daughter. Mrs Charles Schmitt. with the investigation of an alleged candidacy for Mrs. Fahey’s senate veiled shortly. In other games. Milwaukee inning key’ed a four-run rally that 1970-1975 at second base before being Clayton Brendle. 17, of 21 Rolling Spring Pond, a town swimming area, Orleans last Friday and reported the charge with three hits, two RBI and ■ Besides her husband she leaves her Glen Cove. N Y ; a sister Mrs. Irene incident at Marty’s Cafe, Route 85. defeated Oakland 5-2. New York heat gave California just its sixth victory converted to first, are .Milwaukee se­ Hills Trail, .Bolton, was charged with which was closed because of the seat. temperature 102 degrees when he left three runs scored. mother. Emma Larson Syverson. a Ritchie. East Longmeadow. Mass., Krom allegedly struck two persons Boston 6-3, Detroit blasted Cleveland m 27 games in .)unc cond baseman Paul Molitor. New second-degree burglary, second- weather. Eddie Murray’s first-inning, RBI .son Richard- Bonomo a daughter-. three grandchildren and one great­ with brass knuckles and injured Mrs. Fahey’s district includes part 9-4. California outlasted Chicago 10-6. Ranui r' I I. Mariner' ■> York shortstop Bucky Dent (both degree larceny, third-degree He is scheduled to appear in court grounder made* it 1-0 and a run­ Mrs Elaine Eidsop. a sister. .Mrs grandchild. them. The names of the victims were of East Hartford and Manchester. Minnesota ripped Kansas GIty 12-3 Rusty Stauh smacked a bases- lirst-timersI. Kansas City third larceny, failure to carry a drivers in East Hartford on July 13. scoring single by Dauer and an RBI Alice Farrell ahd two Graveside services will be Monday not given. Hubbard connects and Texas walloped Seattle 11-5. loaded triple in a six-run third inning baseman George Brett 'elected five license and failure to obey an of­ Henry J. Lis, 38, of Hartford, was double by Murray off loser Louis grandchildren, all ol Vernon afternoon at 2 in Mountain View Krom was held overnight on a $1,- BrcKiTH .5, V a 2 and Buddy Bell added his fourth straight timesi. Boston outfielders ficer's signal following a seven-mile charged Sunday with driving while Leal. 1-3, made it 3-0 in the second Funeral services will be Thursday Cemetery (X)0 bond and was to be presented in Ben Oglivie knocked in two runs homer in the last three games to Fred Lynn and Jim Rice 'both third- chase into Glastonbury where he was under the influence of liquor or drugs Doug DeCinces slammed a solo at 9 15’a m Irom the Burke-Fortin Memorial donations may be made court in Rockvilie today. to upend Houston with his league-leading 21st homer pace Te; . $19 m illion for the fight, the him was dedicated. “ I know it’s Gar.vey, the starting first baseman dians for Cliff Johnson' Historic Genealogical Society, the tie was employed by Pratt and Match Light Briquets 4 ib. *1.69 inside the right-field foul pole on the — ^ newspaper said, with Ali getting $8.5 risky, but you’re not courageous if for the seventh consecutive year, Pagel was sent to the Indians' Connecticut Society of Genealdgist.s Whitney'Aircraft ' first pitch from Al Hrabosky, 4-1, for million and Holmes $7.5 million. ^ you don’t take risks in life. And was the game’s MVP in 1974 and Tacoma. Wash.. Pacific Coast and the Second Bdplist-Church of Sul-' He is survived/by two brothers, Senior activities Kingsford Briquets 10 ib. *2.29 his fifth of the year. PudreN 4,' DodgrrH 3 The newspaper said it was Ali who field . s o t TH WiNHSOR The South Aurelio Rodriguez, inserted in the besides. Holmes is too ugly to repre­ 1978. He collected 3,009,005 votes to League farm club The one-time .Percival Brown and A^wyn Brown, Pinehurst' - 302 Main Bob Horner and Terry Puhl each chose Cairo as the site of the fight minor league player of the year was He leaves three brotherti. KAnneth Windsor Senior Citizens will hold a lineup for defensive purposes, sent us.' outdistance co-MVP winners Willie both of Jamaica; two sisters, Mrs. clouted his seventh hpme run for the "because Egypt is the leader of Afica battin'g .270 for the Cubs Wichita H Bvarn of .North Chelmsford. setback party Wednesday at 1 p.m. in singl^ home Dave Winfield with the Stargell of Pittsburgh and Keith. Hgr- Carriene Carson of Brooklyn,' N.Y., 643-4i51 Braves and Astros, respectively, and the Arab world and the capital of "I want a record that can’t be farm team in the American Associa­ the Senior Citizen Center. tie-breaking run in the seventh in­ nandez of St. Louis. .Mass Lyman A Byarh ,Jr. ol ftan- and Mrs. Daphne Carter of Bir­ earlier in the game, and Cruz said the Islam.” broken,” he said. "Maybe if I win it tion He had 33 RBI and 13 homers in On Thursday the Council on Aging ning. Juan Eichelberger, making his four times, that’ll give me some in­ Ixipes was the leading votegetter in dolph. Vt . and A.rtliur W. Byam of mingham, England, reason for all the long balls 1 2 0 Bumbry cl for only one Incorrect the 34-year-old British veteran, who “I aim to improve myself still more JULY I. 1980 Dauer2h 3 3 3 2 lKiarc'i2b 4 2 2 0 balore publication. Histoty will have lo wait another day TempUn ss 4 0 2 1 Foil ss 4 12 1 4 2 2 0 by working on my serve apd volley.” Simmons0 3111 Parkerrf 4 0 2 1 .^iiiglolnrl 3 0 0 0 Woods If LEAGUE " il ■ r wm i ' insertion and then only was playing here for the 19th time. 0 0 0 0 Mvbrry lb 3 111 lor Bjorn Borg, victim of the rain EVENING Hendrrk rf 3 0 11 RRbnsn lb 2 0 11 Corey rf Deadline lor Saturday Jaeger. 5-foot-2‘A and 100 pounds of But the young American still does Murray lb 6 0 12 Ault dh 62 2 4 to the size of the which washed out the second half jif RciU3b 4 0 0 0 Madlck3b 3 00 0 .6020 LEADERS determination, appeared on the not plan to practice too seriously. “ 1 6:00 Durhmlb 4 0 0 0 Lacy If 4 2 3 0 Ixiwnstn If 4 0 2 1 Moseby rl and Monday It 12:00 original inaertion; Mondays p r (' g r a m in the 111 Australian Rules Football Grahamc 6 110 lorg 3b 6 0 11 Sc-ottef 4 1 1 0 Garner2b 3 0 1^ 4 02 0 ;l II EfroLt which do npj receiving end of another of Wade’s don't want to become burnt out by 16 Kcilvdh 2 0 0 0 Bonnell cl HATTING Noon Friday. 7;30 Obcrklll2b 4 000 Nicosiac 4010 2 000 watcrh'gged 94th Wimbledon Tennis and maybe sick of tennis," she Sykesp 1 00 0 Aloxndrpr 0 I otL.«MaydhMay'dh 3 - 120- - Whittc (based on 2(Dat bats) laaaen the value of the traditional escape acts when she 3 1 IZ B aseball Orfo lK>Cincs3b 6 2 2 n ia v is p h 1 000 NATIONAL LEAGUE Championships til SfiortsCenter Smith ph 1 1 1 0 Candclar p 2 adtiertlaemant will not dropped her serve to trail 3-5 in the added. Hood p 0 0 0 0 Sanglln ph 10 0 0 KGam ss 6 13 1 G AB R II Pel Ctaaaifled adt are The 24-year-old Swede, champion The champions of yesteryear had a 114' Tennis: Wimbledon W omen's Romo’p 0 0 0 0 Totals 41 916 8 Totals 38 7 13 6 llernandz.St L 70)266 fS 89 336 taken over the phone be corrected by an ad­ second set Quarter Finals Totals 32 4 8 4 Totals 32 f. 12 T. Baltimore IU2I30Q20 -9 Smith. LA 68 232 » 76 328 lor the last four years, needed to beat Toronto OOOOOOtDf 7 Tcmpiclim, St L 73 317 46 IIS 322 But the American from Lin­ tough time in making the last eight. 8:00 TwriMiul when winning run scored aa a convonidnea. The ditional inaertion. Hungarian Balasz Taroczy to set an 9) Baseball E Mavberrv. D Garcia. Bonnell, K Cruz. Hou ' • 70 286 36 3» In another experience vs. youth en­ SI Uiuis ■ 000 m 100-4 70 268 29 84 .313 colnshire. 111., fought back lo lake the Pittsburgh llOllOOOl-f. Garcia. I)I’--l!ialtimore2.Toronlol U)BCroiiiartie, Mil all-time Wimbledon record of 32 counter. 36-year-old , 11 European Soccer - Baltimore 10. Toronlo9 2H- K Garcia. Griffey, ('in s 67 260 47 81 312 next three games and, after failing to Championships K'Sykes LOB-Sl U)uis4. Pittsburgh 72 273 38 . 86 311 straight victories But the rains fell 7 2B-Simmons. I,acy.(Jarner. Foil SB Murray Dauer. Ault 2. Mavberrv 3B- Hendrick. St L who won the first of her record 21 10:00 , 224 26 69 JOB serve out for victory, managed to —Templeton. Moreno. I,acy2 5 - Sykes. Bumbry H R -IW m ces i6) SF Uwen Henderson. NY before the world's No. 1 player could Wimbledon titles before her oppo­ ‘11 PKArFull Contact Karate stem Simmons, St.L 68 226 46 69 .306 outlast Wade 7-2 in the tie-breaking Hi{obins(»n. Romo SF-Siimnons. H Ro- ||> H HEKBRSO make his center court d^e with 10:40 bin.sgn Heitz. SI L 73 270 22 81 JOO nent was born, saypd a match-point ‘9) Klner's Korner Baltimore Buckner. Oil '9 217 22 86 .300 13lh game IP H RKRBBSU 4 2 destiny The match was rescheduled 11:30 Stone iW n-3i AMERICAN LEAGUE "It's not all the time you can beat before edging 17-jwar-old American St lx)Uis T, Martinez I I LITTLE-KNOWN FACTS lor today (111 SportsCerlter Sykes 6 9 4 4 2 2 G...... AB H H Pet Many babies will refuse lu 5-7, 7-6 (7-5), 10-8. Hood>L2-3) 2 2-3 3 1 I I 0; Stoddard I Careu(. Cal 60 266 266 X X 92 92 .348 Before the rain came, a breezy 15- on center court at 201 2Z 3a Wimbledon Update Toronto Orta, ('lev (S 234 37 37 79 79 338 drink water from the lime Wimbledon, " Jaeger said. “For me Fourth-seeded Australian Evonne 11:45 Pittsburgh Uu\ 1 LI-31 21-3 4 3 2 I 0 Cooper. Mil 64 262 262 X X 88 88 338 year-old pig-tailed American. An­ Candelaria ' 7 8 4 4 1 3 2 1-3 6 4 3 I I they are a week or two old. Goolagong Cawley, the 1971 cham­ 14) Boxing's Greatest Homo (Wr,-31 2 0 0 0 0 1 Moore Oghvie.Mil b7 2T>3 2T>3 fJ rj X X 336 .'i/- it's my best win at a big tournament 21-3 6 2 2 2 0 lk>ll.Tex . fJfj 209 209 34 34 70 70 3X They are usually willing drea Jaeger, carved her own niche in C ham pions' T-2 22 .A - le roi Jelterson like this. " pion, scraped home 6-7 (6-8), 6-3. 6-1 12:00 Barlow 2 1 0 0 0 1 Yount. Mil tiO 264 2M 63 63 83 X 327 again at about a year of age. the Wjmbledon record books by .SAN DIEGO U)S ANtJELES Jefferson pitched to3 batters in Bib Trammell. Del X 2X 64 ffi 327 against 18-year-old Czech Hana Man- 11 European Soccer 66 2X Jaeger next faces third-seeded ab r h bi ab r li bi T-2;ra. A- 18..W Bumbrv. Balt 71 282 fS SB 326 Flag raising ousting the No 7 seed, 1977 champion Championships Lloyd, last year's losing dalikova who led 3-1 in the second set Hirhrdsll 2 110 I>>pes2b 2 0 0 0 Wathaii. KC 60 221 X 71 321 Virginia Wade, for^ a place in the 2:00 3 02 0 TEXAS ' SEATTLE until Cawley's 10-game winning OSmithss 4 0 2 1 Guerrer2b ab r h bi ab r h bi Remy. Bos 67 209 23 67 321 William McBride, president of the wom^ s quarterfinals. finalist and title-holder in 1974 ana 11 PKA Full C o n tact K arate Turner rl '♦ 4 0 0 0 l,awr1 4 120 HOME RUNS 1976 who beat fellow-American streak swayed the match. 3:30 Mmphrv cl 10 0 0 HSmilh rl 4 0 0 0 Rivers cl 6 12 1 Cruz2b 4.... 120 NATIONAL LEAGUE- Schmidt, Phil Residents Association of Welles Country skin irritations and itching The l'4lh-ranked Jaeger, the Winfield cl .'1 1 0 Garvevlb M I 2 Wills2b 4 110 Benif|uzcl ; 21. Baker, LA 18. Garvey. LA 17. due lo eczema or dermatitis, King next meets defendin'g cham­ ‘11 S p o rtsC en ter Oliver II 6 111 LHobrlsrf Joanne Russell 6-3, 6-2. Monlnz Ib 3 2 10 Baker If 4 12 1 i n n r Hendrick. SI 1.16, Luzinski; I*hil 16 Village watches the flag unfurl as he raises it ^including itchy anal and youngest-ever Wimbledon seed Flannrv3b 20 10 Coy3b 4 000 Bell 3b 4 2 2 1 BfKhtelb pion MartintfTQavratilova and i « W ' AMERICAN LEAGUE - Oghvie, Mil on the flag pole in front of the housing com- area.s, allergic rashes showed maturitv well beyond her "Against Chris I am just going out R(Hlngz3h 1011 Hiissellss 3000 Slaubdh 4 2 13 Meyer If jjj J J 21. Jackson, NY 18, Thomas. Mil 16 Cawley meets compatriot Wendy Fahey c 3 0 11 S<*ioscia c 2 0 0 0 4 0 2 1 Paciorkdh Armas, Oak 14 Rice. Bos. Nellies. NY' ^plex while residents look on and Miss Louise poison oak, poi.son Cashib , 4 0 11 Yeagerc 1000 Ni'rr.srl 0 2 0 0 Simpson rt 0 2 I and Mavberrv. Tor 13 Flag presentation Turnbull. 4 0 0 0 ivy jind poison sumac,'and Echlbrgr p 2 0 0 0 Welch p 100 0 Putnam Ib 4 0 2 0 Andersn3b r u n s BATTED IN DRobrlsr 4 2 3 3 Stinson c 4 0 2 0 Copping of the Disabled American Veterans' rashesa^e lo soaps, deter­ Navratilova, the 23-year-old m Shirley p 10 0 0 .fohnsin ph 1000 NATIONAL LEAGUE - Garvey LA liarrlsn ss 4 0 I (I Mendoz ss 4 120 Baseball Beckwih p 0000 Louise Copping of the auxiliary of the an American flag. Miss Coping donated the gents, cosmetics and jewelry Totals .V IN '. 10 Totals 39 6 14 6 and Hendrick, St L6I. Schmidt. Phil 66. Auxilairy 17 of Manchester, snaps a photo. Dallas-based Czech exile, furthered I'ergsn ph 0 0 00 It is the only nonpre.scrip- Texas 006 000.1(0-:- 11 Baker. LA fV. Smith, LA 48 Disabled American Veterans 17 of flag to the auxiliary in memory of her Mondav pr 0 000 her bid for a third consecutive title Seattle Om (VI 300- AMERICAN LEAGUE - Perez. Bos Miss Copping donated the flag, on behalf of tion hydrticorlisone avail­ ■n*tals 32 4 9 4 Totals 33 3 7 3 Dglivie. Mil and Oliver. Tex 66, Hebner, Manchester presents William McBride, mother, Charlotte McCone Copping.. (Herald with a 6-4, 6-4 victory over American San Diego UOOIll 10» 4 h>-Slinson DP- Texas 1. Seattle 1 the auxiliary, in memory of her mother, able in four formulations LOB Texas 8, S«MHle 10 2B-lhitnain. Dot 6i2 CiHipcr. Mil 60 Kathy Jordan, and sixth-seeded Uus Angeles ()») 012 00(1 3 STOLEN BASES president of the Residents Association of photo by -Richmond) fur distinct skin areas. These K Cdsh i)l’ l..sAni:oli-s2 l.()ll-S:m SlniP"'" W -Slaub Charlotte McCone Copping, (Herald photo by NATIONAL LEACiUE ...... !>...... nL ,U. I>„ll .U. IV I). NATIONAL LEAGUE - Moreno. Pill formiihitions cream, spray, Turnbull overwhelmed American Diego 10. Los Ang 'lesH HH Baker il6i. Paem rek'8u B ell'9). I) Heberts i4r „ \n i if, East SB-Cruz. Wills, Norris S--Harrelson SI “ ‘•^fb'ri. Mil V Collins, Cm 31. Welles Country Village in Talcottville, with Richmond) lotion and ointment —are IJarv ey '17' SB Hirhards (.aw S ImIW. la and Scott. MtlX Lele Forood 6-0, 6-2. W L i»rt Eichelberaer - BtH’hte desijjned for convenient Montreal S 31 IP II HER HR SO AMERK'AN LEAGUE - Wilson, KC In other third-round action Mon­ Philadelphia IP H R ER HR SO .33. Henderson. Oak 32. Dilonc. ('lev24. application on the skin area .77 31 San Diego Texas When il comes lo being day, second-seeded Tracy Austih out­ PitLsburBh 38 31 Jenkins iVV U > Cruz. Sea and Wills, Tex 21 involved. New York 34 37 47 Krhlhrgr W2 0 2-3 6 :i ;i 4 h PITCHING around water, many Sbirlev 'S7* 2 1-3 1 0 I) I u Lvic DKK MOL AIK H y d ro ­ gunned fellow-Californian Terry ChivaKo 3) 39 4;] Darwin VIITORIES molhers-tobe gel into the St Louis .11 42 42 l.»»s Angeles NATIONAL LEAGUE- Carlton; l»hil swim in comfortable, attrac­ cortisone is available from Holladay 6-2, 6-3 to set up a quarter­ Uelih'L8-3i 7 9 4 4 8 3 Seattle West Parrott ILl-9> 6 6 6 10 133. Keuss. LA and Bibby. Pill 9-1 Reqion ^ ______tive suits such as this from Schering. one of the nation’s Beckwith 2 0 0 0 0 2 final meeting with llth-seeded South W ITI (iB McUiughIm 1 6 2 2 3 2 Pastore Cm and Richard llou9-4. Blue. most res|)ecled drug* Houston 43 28 ffi r - 3 ( ll \-29.~6 SF9-6, Ungers. Mtl96 Mothercare, retailing spe­ African , who upset Healhe 4 3 .3 2 1 manu faclurers. Los Angelos 42 32 r«B 2. night Knight 3h 4 2 2 0 M avc 4 2 2 3 ab r h bi ab r h bi macist. He can recommend Pitlsbifrghr. St U>uis4 night 4 0 2 1 Rndlpli2b 4 2 10 Burlesn ss 6 0 2 0 188. Richard. Hou IX . Carlton, Phil FOVE.NTIO — The Town Council Mon­ general government and $241,010 for board must give summer paychecks to The council has directed Connolly to resulting in American victories, two Bench c 4 0 2 2 Slehnett2b 190. Palmer, Mil2 X. Welch. LA2 X the proper specific treat­ Atlanta.' Huuston4. II innings, night Dnessn lb 4 0 10 Strain 3b 10 0 0 Murcer II•' 3 111 Stapleln2b 3 0 0 0 day night approved a $425,010 mini-budget education. teachers. suggest options for cutting $34,000 from She Heralb of them against Australian op­ San Diego 4. Los Angeles 3. night Kenndv2b 4 12 0 Murray Ib 4 0 0 1 Nettles 3b 5 12 1 Hetnv ph 10 10 AMERICAN LEAGUE - Burns, Chi ment to bring you safe, San Frannsco8. C'incinnati4. night Seaver p 0 0 0 0 I.,cMastr ss 4 110 .lal'ksn dh 6 111 LvnnVf 4 111 2 06. Gura. KC 2 09. Norris. Oak 2 » . for July to cover town expenses in the Town Manager Frank Connolly said the The mini-budget was prepared because the general government budget, and it has INDEX effective relief. ponents. Clanev. Tor2 60. Honeycutt. Sea2 81 Tuesday s (iatnes (ruz ph 1 0 0 0 b4>rdU>i- p 20 10 Wats[son Ib 6. 0 2 1 Perez Ib 6 0 11 period the town is without an approved general government portion covers Fifth-seeded , last I All Times KDTi Tomlin p 0 000 Wohllrdph 1 0 I I IxdebvT rl 3 0 0 0 Hobson dh 4 110 STRIKPiOUTS the town’s second 1980-81 budge* plan, told the Board of Education that school jiY(^r skin is the largest Brow n cf 2 0 11 Evans rl 4 0 2 0 NATIONAL LEAGUE- Carlton, Phil 1980-81 budget. NOTICES year's losing finalist, beat fellow- lloustitn iNiekro 84>' at Atlanta \urt)ch ph 1 0 0 0 I.aveilep 1000 necessary expenses for July and for bond calling for $5.77'h[iiUion in spending with a expenses should be. cut about $84,000. organ of your body. And, t Alexander 7 30 p ni ( eronet 4 110 Dwyer If 2 0 0 0 141 Richard. Hou 107. Ryan. Hou 88. — Lost and Found Bair p OOOO The council also decided discussion on note payments due in early August. The like the others, it Is subject American Nick Saviano 7-6, 3-6, 6-3, Philadelphia >Ix?rch2-10i al’Montreal Totals 34 4 10 4 Totals X 8 II H D«>nl ss 4 0 ) 0 Fisk ph ‘1 0 I I Niekro. All and Bibbv, Pitt79 tax rate of 71 mills, was rejected in a Those figures represent the approximate — Personals ’ ' I Sanderson 7-41. 7.3T; p m Cincinnati OOOllUM- 4 HanciK'k If 1000 ilKRIfAN LKAtiUE - Guidry^ NY how to cut the 1980-81 budget proposal will largest general government allocations to-a variety of ills. In most 6-4, sixth-seeded edged 3 0 0 0 Kenugh nd Norris Oak n . taxpayer referendum last week. Although 29-71 ratio of spending in the last budget — Announcements St Ix>uis >Kaat 2-4i at I’ltlsburgh San Francisco :XE 001 X x - 8 HollmnSb cases these conditions are -Blvleven2-7i.7 3T p rn Ystrzmph 10 0 0 Bannister Sel. Keough. Oak and be scheduled at next Monday's regular are $50,000 for payrolls and $80,000 for the the spending plan was defeated 837-585, proposal. — Entertainment Colin Dibley 3-6. 7-5, 4-6, 6-1, 6-2 and Fj~Conccpcion, Kennedy l)B—Ctncib .Matlack Tex 74 — Auctions minor, and some »>f the Chicagu I Lamp U i at New York nail I. San Francisco2 U ) B uTincmnali Allcns<>nc 2 110 council meeting. bond note payments. , crushed 6- 'Swan b-r) 8 IT. p m 00 0 0 SAVES the council decided to set the 1980-81 tax The Board of Education also met Mon­ 4, San FranciscoO 2B-.Slennell, Knight. H adirc FINANCIAL more common problems are San Diego iMura l-3i at l.os Angeles Totals - XX; 6 10 6 Totals *3103 n a tio n a l LEAGUE- Sutler. Chi 17, The mini-budget, authorized by state Connolly said the Board of Education day night to consider reduction of its 1. 6- 2, 6- 2. Wohltord. Coneepcion HR-May* ‘3i Allen. NY 13. Hume. Cm 11. Sambito. rate at 68.5 mills, which will require cuts itching and irritation I Reuss 9-1 > 10 X p m t'lark-'I4* Foster >9' SB-\cnable. New York 104 (IV OKI-6 law when a town begins a fiscal year appropriation is high because the school — BondS'StockS'MoMgages In unfinished matches involving Cincinnati iI.aCoss at San Boston ' OlV 101100- 3 Hou 10. Frvman Mil Tekulve. Pitt and totaling $118,000 from-the $5.77 million budget to meet the, council guidelines. — Personal Loans But there's nothing minor North Fingers Sl)9 seeded^ Americans, No. 2 John Franci.sco '\Shitson6-7i. 10 X p m II' H RKRBKSO E-Siapleton. Evans DP-Boston 1 without a- budget, provides $184,000 for package. — Insurance pbout the discomfort they Wednesday s (James ('mcinnati LOB-New York 8. Btston 10 2B Perez AMERICAN LEAGI E - Farmer. Chi can cause. Anyone suffering ('bn ago at New York Watson, Dent Nettles 3B- Randolph SB 17 (Juisenberry. KC14 Burgmeier. Bos EMPLOYMENT McEnroe led South African Kevin Seaver 'L3-6 1 u from poison ivy. the bit.e of Curren 7-5, 7-6, 3-3, fourth-seeded i'hiladelphia at Montreal, night Tomlin . - Brown S - Staploti'n SF - Murccr. 13 (Jossage’ NY 12; StixJdard. EJalHO — Help Wanier St I..OUIS at Pittsburgh, n/gbt Bair Bmwn — Business Opportunities an insect or allergy rashes Vitas Gerulaitis led Poland’s Wojtek Houston at Atlanta, night San Francisco IB H R ER BBSO — Situation Wanted wants just one thing: safe, San Diego at Ix)S Angeles, night Bordlev iVS l-Oi 6 7 3 3 New- York immediate relief. Fibak 6-3, 5-3 and seventh-seeded Cincinnati a( San Francisco, night .Iohn Scnoois-Ciasses / . Insurance golf winners Onny Parum 6-3, 6-2, 6-7, 6-6 (4-1). East Stanlev 1L66' 6 I 2 Tennis CO\ ENTRY — The Town Council voted who heads the council's steering com­ horses in midstream," he said. totaling $51,345, left the town $6,492 in the remedy for minor skin irri- W L Pet GB ab r h bi ab r h bi Drago 0 3 4 — Instructions Wanted New York 47 2f. ffJ - Dilono If 2 2 0 Peters cf 6 3 4 1 6-1 Monday night to reappoint Abbot mittee. Mrs. Carilli said she had been left taimns than has ever been It was a Field(s) day in the sixth annual Manchester Indepen­ Remnierswaal O'O I Councilman Roy McLain, also favoring black at the close of the fiscal year. REAL ESTATE Milwaukee 41 » 677 6*2 Orta rt 4 0 2 0 Trmmll ss 6 2 3 2 Stanlev pitched ii>4 batters in3rd Schwebel as town attorney through 1981, availaj)!^ before without a H argrvlb 4 12 2 Kemp If 3 111 out of committee talks on the issue. reappointment, said he reviewed • Tablgd an agenda item on a bonus for dent Insurance Agents' Youth Golf Tournament yesterday at the Detroit . 38 31 fAl ?2 T-2 4^ -A- XXfl — Homes for Sale prescription. Baltimore 39 33 8 ('harbn dh 6 0 2 1 Hebner lb 4 122 for a term 30 days beyond the council's The council received several letters and Schwebel's performance and found Town Manager Frank Connolly, who was — Lots-Land for Sale Boston 38 33, 'X B'l llarrahJb 4 0 10 Cuwens rf 3 00 1 — Investment Property The new D t K M ' ij. M t Manchester Country Club. Top two places went to the Fields Massey c 3 0 10 Smmrsdh 40 1 I Final American U’ague All-Star Voting W imbledim Championships term. a petition on the reappointment question. ( leveiand 34 X 4X 12 “nothing less than outstanding" acting police chief from March 29 to June — Business Property . pr4)ducts are based on the Medals on way Hrohrnr2b 3 11 0 W'cknfsph 0 0 0 0 By United Press International At Wimbledon Eng. JuneX Councilwyman Joyce Carilli was the brothers. 17-year-old Chris winning with a score of 76 and 16- Toronto 32 38 4T.7 14 Bannslrph . 1000 Parrishr 4 0 11 Catcher Men s singles The non-binding petition, signed by about In other business Monday night, the 23. McLain, the only council member com­ — Resort Property ^active )ngr»‘dieni hyilrocor- year-old Jeff, center, placing second with a 76. Greg Shrider, 15, WASHINGTON (UPl) - The West Dybzns2n 0 0 0 0 BrtxiknsSb 4 110 I Carlton Fisk Boston 2.642.846 2 fourth round lone dissenter when the council voted to 25 residents, asked the council not to Town Council:- — Real Estate Waniod tisime. which up until now W L Pet GB Alston ph 1 0 0 0 W hitakr2b 3 110 Darrell Porter. Kansas City 2215j.8irr 3. Gene Mayer' 6 'C S del Colin Dibley menting on the issue, said he,couldn't see House indicated unanimous approval Kansas Citv 44 X .'X - retain Schwebel. who has been town at­ renew Schwebel's contract. Letters from MtSC. SERVICES ' was available onl3' with a right, was third with a 79. A field of 23 took part. The trio Mannngcf 4 0 0 0 Rick ('erone. New York 960.988 4 Jim Australia 3-6. 7-.'i, 46 6-1.6-2, Roscoe • Learned that opening ceremonies for providing extra compensation to the doctor's prescription. Hydro Chicago X 37 486 8 Sundberg. Texas Xi8.6J7 6 Brian Tanner '6> C S , del Nick Savtano, U S . torney for eight years.'Mrs. Carilli's mo­ — Services Offered of a bill to award medals to the 650 Texas XX 479 8'2 Vervzer ss 4 0 11 Barbara Bradshaw and Jane Covell Patriots Park, the former Salvation Army qualified for the State Big “I" Tournament July 14-15 at Totals ' X 4 12 4 Totals X 9 14 9 IXiwnmg. California W ltr 6. Rick 7.6 iB6' 36. 6-3 6-4. Brian (Joltfried. manager “if one of his departments — Painting.Papering corlisom* at low ctmcenlra members of the U.S. summer Olym­ Seattle 32 42 432 12 Dempsey Baltimore 7*434 7 U nce .del ITiilDenl Australia.6-1,6-2.6- tion. seeking to appoint Schwebel only for criticized Schwebel. and a letter from Oakland r s 12 432 12 Cleveland 2i0 (Vi OGO-4 us property on Coventry Lake,' will be breaks down. " ^ — Building-Contracting tions has recently been Wallingford, iHerald photo by Pinto) ^ pic team Monday, but delayed final Detroit lx n o o S x -9 Parrish. Detroit - ...... 677.931 -...... 8. Butch n July 1980 and to interview other lawyers Minnesota 31 42 42f. 12'2 Wynegaf. MmnezJola284.181 Women s singles Jesse Brainard favtved the reappoint­ Friday. July 4, at 1 p.m. The Nathan Hale • Approved payments totaling $725 to — Roofing-Siding approved for non-prescrip- V California 26 46 X>2 IT2 hJ-Pan.sh, Orta. Dybzinski D P- — Heating.Plumbing passage to allow all members to ( levcland2 LOB-Cleveland 13. Detroit • Base « „ Fough round for the job, failed when it was not ment. ^ Fife and Drum Corps will perform and Clarehce' Edmondson and Alan Olsen for tion sale, making it possible Monday's Results I Rod Carew. Calilornia 3.b74J47 2. .Martina NavrJKova il) U S . del — Flooring for pharmacists lo recom­ show their support in a recorded Bal(imore9. Toronto7. night « 10 2B-Dil«no. Charboneau, Kemp seconded. Councilman Jeff Lancaster said he was Trammell 2 SB—Dilone. Harrah SF- ( ecilCwper MiLwaukecl 637.173 3 Carl Kathv Jordan 'lOi US , 6-4. 6-2, Traev councilman Jack Myles will speak. farm anjmals killed by unidentified dogs. — Moving-TrucHing-Storage mend It for the treatment vote. [Detroit 9. Cteveland4 night Yastrzemski. Boston 1 493.312 4. EJddie Austin i2> U S . deb Terry Holladay, The council's action Monday ^night — Services Wanted New York 6, Boston 3 night Parrish “completely satisfied” with Schwebel’s • Approved end-of-year financial The state will repay $675 of the amount to IP H r.ERBBSO Murray. Baltimore 617 223 6, W'lllie U S .6-2 6-3, Chris Evert LJovd'3i U § . followed a heated exchange between Mrs. of skin conditions which The House had virtually passed the Milwaukee'. Oakland2. night ('leveiand Aikens Kansas Cil> 560343 6. Jas^m del Joanne Russell. U S ’ 6-3. 6-2. work. "I don't see any reason to change transfers to balance final accounts in the MI8C. FOR SALE have previously been Calilurnia 10 Chicago6. rpghi the town. Celtics, landlord measure by an apparently unanimous .Spillnor'L7>'.' 6 1-3 9 6> 6 3 6 'Phompson. California 3S1.674 7. Bruce Evonne(JotdagongCawley i4i Australia, Carilli and councilman Laurier DeMars, — Ho'isehoi'd Goods treated with less effective .vlinnesola 12. Kansas City 3. night Monge 0 2 2 2 2 0 B'X'hte. Seattlo 382.467 8. Andre del Hana .Mandlikuva6-7 16-81. 6J . 6-1. 1979-80 town budget. The transfers, — Articles for Sale Texas 11. Seatlle6 night' preparations voice vote when it switched to a Cruz ' 122202 Thornton. Cleveland 380 670 Billie Jean King i6> U S . del Pam - Building Supplies Tuesday s (James Second Ba.se nt K Mo'l. Al F provides recorded vote proposal. This delayed Collins 1-3 1 0 .0 2 0 Shriver, U S 6-7. 76 i7nSi, 106. Wendy Platform issues — PetS'BirdS'Dogs lAllTirncsEDTt Stanton 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 ' 1. Paul Molitor. Milwaukee2.i'>4 941 2 Baltimore 'Flanagan 7-61 at Toronto Turnbull >6' Australia, del ^ l e Forood. — MuiiLdl Instrunenis symj)tomatic relief of minor agree on new lease passage because of an agreement Detroit Bobbv (Jruh Calilornia 1.6(V.750 3. C S . 6-0. 6-2 Andrew Jaeger il4i I' S . area update 'Clancv,M'. 1 X p m th a t^ o recorded votes would bg Wilcox 6 1-3 8 4 4 4 2 Willie Randolph New York 1 4649U 4. del Virginia Wade w' BriUm. 6-2, 76 — Boats & Arcessor.es New Yi>rk Tiant 6-31 at Boston Frank White. Kansas City 1.349.166 6. — Sporting Goods 1 Eckersley 4-.6i.7 X p m Schtzdr 1 2-3 2 0 0 1 0 ‘7-2'. (ireer Stevens 'll 1 South Africa, Invitation To Bid taken Monday. Cnderwitod 2-310010 Jerrv Remv, Boston 761.461 6. Lou del Dianne FromKoliz'8> Australia.6-2. Big Brothers — Garden Products BOSTON il'Ph - After six The Celtics were under pressure (leveiand i Denny 7-r.i at Detroit Whitaker, Uelroilrjl 86f. 7, JulioCruz, The bill authorizes obtaining the ' Robbins 0-01. B p rn |j

Business & Service e u c MANCHESTER - Retail, 1 Belonging to 1 Sticky Stuff S^S^TI IB^A I |B|A| ) C*P Aj r i ;R'’ 'Q*N| [a'^T'R| ( storage and/or manufacturing 'o u r NEIGHBOR N E X T ] IT HAS ALL KINP5 0F ■THEN HE PISCOVEREP 'us 2 Soviet river 4 Government 3 Line o ^ c lc ^ s ! i "o" n1 h space. 2,000 square feet to 50 - POOR JUST 60T FANCY 6AP6ET5 ON It. T * A T C I 1^ 7^ I I C A I WINDSOR LOCKS - 3 rooms. 000 square feet. Very 1976 BLACK TRANS AM - WHITE 4 SPEED 1973 Veia WHAT IT WAS FOR... • i agent (comp 4 Endowed 3230. Includes utilities. Call reasonable. ' Brokers Power steering, power Hatchback. Running condi­ A NEIi) CAR... THERE WAS ONE LEVER w d ) 5 Land of Alley 72I-I624. Rental Center. Fee protected. Call Heyman brakes. Air. 4 speed. Good tion. 3350. Call 646-5511 after Abigail van Buren UNPER THE PASH THAT 8 Smooth­ Oop 300. Money back guarantee. Properties, 1-22^1206 condition. 33200. Telephone 5:00, weekday, evenings. IT spoken 0 Army acronym HE COULPNT FIGURE OUT... 7 Brazilian port anytime. 742-9929. I)£AK AHBY; Wt* recrnlly had a tragic automobile 12 Spanish ^old BANK REPOSESSIONS FOR"' 13 Hawkeye 8 Meters TALCOTTVILLE - VERN0N:~^NCHESTER - Retail, accident in our town in which a hi^h Kchool ^irl was killed SALE - 1977 Plymouth SporU V State 9 Similar m kmd I N h:E jt e!TM r uis;T 5 r o o m a p a r t m ^ t_. stdtoge and/or manufacturing insCuntly. Three friends in the,same car were seriously Refridgerator, range. 3240. Fury 32500. 1977 Chevrolet.. 14 Yorkshire river 10 Angers - T 0 o T i ^ v 6; i p: A |B L , i' space. 2,000 square feet tb 50,- injured. One ditnl this morning * Security. Lease. Immediate Monfe Carlo 32500. 1969 AMC" 15 Destroy (si) _11 Outstrip e‘ t ‘ u j 1 U A-.week a»io. when the funeral o f this j{i|l who was 16 Part of a yard occupancy. No dogs. 742- 9784. Ambassador, best offer. The. 19 Female m’ a’ r’ cI |R*V n^ ^ iR^tlg above may be seen at the ■ instantly killed took place. I took it up T H IS ered the 4-1 trump break One AIR CONDITIONER, 6,000 MANCHESTER - Room with 1967 Dodge Dart - Only 67,000 cylinders. 40.000 miles. Clean. Dealer North hfriitu’ t.o rurii! .\meric;i. ment, lush wooded lot. Kids STARCRAFT CAMPER^ to give our side of the storv. MONTH: line of play availdble was to BTU 26' wide x 16' high. Good kitchen privileges, on Center miles. Needs work Asking 31800. Good gas mileage. 643- riiv imiuslrv pruvuli’.s ,1 vilal Boata-accaaaorlaa 45 ok. Just 3275. Locators, fee, Hardtop. Stove. Sink. Ice box I LOVE MY KID. RICHLAND. WASH. West North East South draw the renaming trumps running condition. 375. Call Street.-near Main. 340 weekly. 3450. Call 6467690 anytime. 9508, 649-5635. and v,vsi'nttal nxprp.vs and 236-5646. and kitchenette. 5662646i. iJPfoblem*? You’ll feel better if you get them off 1 ♦ Pass ; ¥ cash the kin^ ot clubs and after 5. 649-9604 2 weeks security requred Call frvtxbt aiTvicv lo Ihosv 10 HP JOHNSON yo«r chest. For a personal reply write to Abby, Box Pass 6 ¥ Pass Pass lake a diamond finesse If it 644-0019. won and the suit divided 3-2. fommunitip-, and tn tvns of OUTBOARD MOTOR - Newly 6 9 7 0 0 . Los Angeles. Calif. 90069. Please enclose Pass tliousands of farm?, Ihrougiv overhauled 3250 Call 646- he would win all 13 tricks On * TAG SALES Apartmanta For Rant 53 stamped, self-addressed envelope.) the diagrammed hand howev­ oul the counlrv- 1516. after 3:00 pm Opening le a d 4 A er. he would go down four Garden Producta 47 tricks H o u iah o ld Goods 40 South devised a much bet­ ter line of play At trick four 3‘•2 ROOMS - Like private The Born L o N r — Art Santom REFRIGERATORS TAG SALE - 2 families ^ stro 9fQph he led a low diamond from house Working single, Washers Ranges, used, Wednesday. 10:00 to 4:00. Box By Oswald Jacoby dummy, conceding the trick married couple only. No ANY CAPRI WO,IAA£AW,Wm6H C D lL B e^ guaranteed and clean New lots Evei7 thing must go 133 BERRY PATCH FARMS - IH A V 0 J T 5 E 0 J NDO W :/ and Alan Sontag to the defense Now all declar­ children or pets. Lease. Call shipment damaged. G.E 4 Spruce St. Comer Birch Rain STRAWBERRIES. PICK " Bernice Bede Osol • X ^ W H O i e - 2 er needed was the 3-2 division 6462880. WOSlHBJTMlAy© AR&Wl'lW? FRIGIDAIRE Low prices date Thursday YOUR OWN - SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) North's leap to six hearts in diamonds that the other B D Pearl 4 Son. 649 Main Free containers Open 8-8 or C O L 0 6 ® . ' was a shot in the dark For all line of play required. Howev­ 118 MAIN STREET - 3 Room Select companions today who Street. 643-2171 TAG SALE - Wednesday and until picked out For update set good examples or inspire he knew seven might be a lay er. declarer had eliminated Heated Apartment. First Thursday. 10:00 a m. to 4:00 hours and conditions call 644- your imagination. Try lo avoid down or there might be no the necessity for a diamond Moor. No appliances. 3330 ofour STEREO COMPONENTS. p.m. 136 Green Manor Road 2478 Oakland Road. Rt. 30. types who are nonthinkers and play for six. but his partner finesse and had doubled his monthly. Security deposit Lalayetle receiver, makers Manchester Rain or Shine South Windsor birthday who rarely have fresh ideas. was an expert declarer and chance of making the slam $500. Tenant insurance INCUR SAOITTARtUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) Garrard turntable Excellent Mostly household items. North wanted to put his skill N'LWSPArKR K.NTKHPRlsh sound New 3500 First 3225 tm6t666666immmiim PICK YOUR OWN required. No pets. 6462426 9 to Have an alternative plan pre­ 5 weekdays. a July 2, I960 pared today where a major goal buvs It 228-3145 STRAWBERRIES. Paggioli Building Suppllaa 42 Ta)(3I au advantage voMiay V w of all opportuni- I3is concern^, • tw. You^can■ w 1 wachieve .. Farm 66 Birch Mountain FEMALE ROOMMATE tie»«this coming year to add to the desired results.Vjt you may GOOD ARM CHAIRS - all USED TIMBERS. 2 x Road. Bolton. WANTED. Manchester Call, y o jr storehouse of knowledge have to take another route. Side Glances — Gill Fox need reupholstery 1310 00 Arcd^ in which you can increase CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jen. 19) tongue and groove decking. days 649-0792. Evenings 646 each I 47 assorted blue and CalT 6434139 PICK YOUR ■ OWN youeexpertise will later reflect on Concepts or ideas you have "1 1 6 4 ...... 7674. white dishes .New punch set STRINGBEANS. peas and SHOWROOM yodFearning capabilities. today will be good ones, but they lor eight 136 001 Call 643-2210 other vegtables Also small «« can be improved upon. Listen WInthrop — p ^ Natsisiky Farm. 644- WA.NTED. Unhappy renters. carefully when wiser heads Working with many 1, 2, and 3 CANCER (June 21-July 22) express their views. Arllclaa lor Sale AND HOW MANV A R E 41 BEIGE BRICK - Ap­ bedrooms. Many accepting AvdM making snap decisions AQUARIUS (Jen. 20-Feb. It) It AOCOroiN^TPTVIlS proxim ately 8,000. Valued, children. If where you live is tod A Your initial assumptions you're buying something major BOOKyATPBiCEHT EPISOOF^LLIANS? PICK YOUR OWN mayibe erroneous. After taking a today, first establish in your mind 31760 Priced, 31260. Patio RASPBERRIES. Bunker Hill important, call us now. OFAIXAAA0?ICAN© Locators, fee, 2365646 harO second look you'll see its exact worth to you and the brick, 4 "X 8 "x 1 " Chocolate. Road, Coventry. 75 cents a thirds for what they really are. maximum amount you're pre­ AR E O B E S E AH.VII.NUM Sheets used as 2,000, 15 cents each. 643-9508 pint. Free containers. No Findout more of what lies ahead pared to pay. Don't exceed your 5 ROOMS - Fully carpeted. All priming plates 007 thick or 649-5635 children. Open Monday - for *ou in the year following your top line. 23x28'2 25 cents each or 5 Friday, 4 p m. - 8 p!m. appliances included Pets ok. birthday by sending for your PISCES (Feb. 20-Mercti 20) An for 31 Phone 643-2711 Must be Weekends and holidays 9 a m. Just 3275. Locators. Fee. 236 copg of Astro-Graph. Mail $1 for opinionated associate may try to 5646. picked up before II a.m, - 4 p.m 643-0325. eacR to Astro-Graph. Box 469, force views on you today where a o iu Raii|o City Station. N Y. 10019. ONLY your self-interests are COMMON BRICK - Some red Be ^ r e to specify birth date. Antiquaa FURNISHED ,1 AIR concerned Heed your own coun­ patio brick Split rib block and 46 LE^ (July 23-Aug. 22) This is sel. You know what's best. SEARS STEREO - Am-fm, 8 CONDITIONED bedroom. precast concrete lintels.HOist- Red Goose Farm Antiques. on ^of those days you may be ARIES (March 21-April 19) Your track with recorder turntable Heat paid All appliances. 0-Matic scaffolding. 643-9k>8 Goose Lane, Coventrv. 742- Only $195. Locators, fee, 2M- moce capable of managing intentions are sincere today, but and two speakers Excellent thiaes for others than for your- you may try to help othws in or 6465635 9137 Open 165, 5646 condition $200 Call after 6 self^ Make your services avail- areas where they'd rather you Q m ty—A . . .1. . . . u . > p m 647-1400 Saturday & Sunday. abM to those you love wouldn't but in. Hold your good Doga-BIrda-Pela 43 EAST HARTFORD ■ 2 VIRQO (Aug. 23-8epl. 22) In deeds in abeyance. THE PAGK RAT will open by- spacious bedrooms, wall to Levy’s Law — James Schumeister P(K)L 24' X 4'. 7 It deep p a^e rs h ip silualions today. TAURUS (April 20-May 10) DIAL 646-5971 and something chance or request during the Perilex filter. 8 x 12 deck wall, heat paid, kitchen yog( associate's judgment could Enjoy yo u rs^ today and partake good will happen to your pet. summer. Call 643-6880. be4ieener than yours Let him or HPLU3, WP iif- $5001)0 or best offer 568-7317 designed for efficiency. An of all good things, but be careful Dog and cat boarding - -dog exceptional value. Locators, heF*call the shots if you're in not to overindulge. Tomorrow THE- New grooming Canine Holiday A N T IQ U E S & fee. 2365646 dql^i you might be sorry. IANPW*P6. Inne. 2oO Sheldon Road. COLLECTIBLES - Will LIMA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) This GEMINI (May 21-Juna 20) Earty s h ^ ld eventually turn oul to be in the day you could overlook Manchester purchase outright or sell on GLASTONBURY- Heat paid a ^e ry rewarding day. even opportunity, but your awareness ANTIQUE BED - Handmade commission. Houselot or in this extra large air con­ though you're likely lo be a slow LABRADOR SAMOYED gets keener as the dock ticks Bedspreads Antique chair, single piece. Telephone 644- ditioned apartment. Available stdner Don t drag your feel too on. Profitable gains are likefy. PUPPIES - 8 weeks old Call and table Plus much- more' 8962 now Pets ok. Just 3395. lor4 inewspapcr enterprise assn ) Call 649-5459 80 Church 646-4510, ask lor Brad Farley. Locators, lee. 2365646. "Now that all my plants are grown, I feel useless!" Street Wanted to Buy 49 Includes freight and dealer prep. Sale 'Short RIbt — Frank Hill MANCHESTER - CLEAN price *6,159.00, less *200 factory rebate. S e iS H T a b o u t Bugs Bunny — Heimdahl & Stoffel FOR SALE - Gas Space AND COZY, 5 rooms. Well LOOK AT Tw* a m e i - r T w h a t s so 0 planned kitchen. Plenty of 'O n y h e e a o c ? Healer 65.000 BTU's In good PERSIAN KITTENS - three s I K . IN M V i N v f A K SEVEN YEARS storage too' Kids ok. Just *599 down plus tax and registration. condition Best Offer Call 647- female tortoiseshells, eight M u p $o r «« x e ; ______WISCONSIN - Used four $230. Locators fee, 2365646. 1701 after 6 00 p m weeks old. Grand champion cylinder V E 4 D engine. father Call after 5 p.m , William McKinney. Telephone ATTRACTIVELY PANELED i SCREENED LOAM • Gravel. weekdays: 6463893 643-5308. 7:00a m. to8:00a.m. • 2 Room Apartment. Heat, Our Boarding House Processed Gravel. Shod. or 5:00 to 6:00 p m Stone, and Fill For deliveries electricity, hot water, appliances. References. No 1 C A N 'T E6AP, 0U$TER! call George Griffing. 742-7886 Rooms for R ant ^ R I N S E R '.’ 52 pels. 3275. 6463167. 2263540. BELIEVE THEIR YOU'RE JHOWINO A IX 'IT A PAL for your pet $14085 LUCK! EVERY, HOUR IONORANOE Give an abandoned kitten a T M T