GAZETTE Major Investment

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GAZETTE Major Investment TE AJLI1LY7 Energy Tip of the Day ENERGY CONSERVATION IS THE, RESPONSIBILITY OF EVERYONE Every large appliance in our daily life is getting to be a GAZETTE major investment. One of the most widely used and rarely dis- Guantanamo Bay, Cuba cussed appliances is the refrig- erator. Knowing the annual oper- ating cost of a conventional unit compared to a frost-free refrigerator of the same size Volume 37 Number 158 Monday, August 16, 1982 could realize a considerable savings each year in energy bills--several dollars per Reagan addresses month at least. nation tonight on taxes ARE YOU DOING YOU PART? WASHINGTON (AP)--President Reagan Senate conferees completed work yes- cigarettes and increase taxes on continued his lobbying efforts for terday. But they say they're con- telephone service and airline tick- a nearly $100 billion tax increase fident of garnering enough support ets. It also hikes taxes on fam- measure yesterday. He invited 35 by the end of the week. ilies with large medical bills and publican members of Congress to White House Chief of Staff James withholds taxes on interest and mp David for hot dogs, hamburgers Baker said (on CBS) yesterday it's dividends. But the measure would and a presidential appeal. going to be an uphill battle. But give up to 10 weeks more unemploy- Digest Afterwards,' there was no sign Rea- he said without the bill, interest ment benefits for people out of work. gan had won any converts. Some mem- rates will "turn around and shoot BRACKETVILLE, Texas (UPI)--Funeral bers said they had already had an through the roof." And Senate For business, corporations would services are scheduled in Bracket- open mind about it. And most said Finance Committee chairman Bob lose one-third of the tax cut that ville today for an Ohio businessman they were pleased to have the op- Dole, the bill's chief architect. Congress passed last year. But a who committed suicid, blaiming portunity to visit the presidential predicted (on NBC) a close vote in cherished benefit--business-meal President Reagan's economic policies retreat in the Maryland mountains. the Senate. deductions, often called the for his fate. Police say a note President Reagan takes his case For consumers, the bill would "three-martini lunch"--would be pre- dated July 28th was found in the for the bill to the American public double the eight-cent a pack tax on served. pocket of 53-year-old Antonio Garza tonight. The president is to deli- Friday. He had pulled his car to ver a nationally-broadcast address the side of a road in San Antonio from the Oval Office at 8 p.m. (EDT). Israel withdraws major evacuation objections and shot his wife and himself in Administration officials say they the head. The apparent suicide note don't have enough votes yet to pass ISRAEL (AP)--Israel reportedly has envoy Philip Habib, who shuttles said President Reagan's economic the tax package, on which House- withdrawn its chief objections to a back to Beirut today. policies ruined his business, and U.S.-arranged Mideast peace plan. Israeli officials, who say a final forced him into banruptcy. And that raises hope that a dead- agreement on the evacuation might be U.S. slips on GNP lock in negotiations to evacuate reached this week, say they see no VAIL, Colo. (UPI)--Former President Palestinian guerrillas from West reason for Habib to return to Is- Gerald Ford wound up the three-day Global output list Beirut can be broken. rael. World Forum in Vail saying he be- Israel Radio and Israeli officials Lebanese foreign ministry sources lieves the nation's economy has hit say Israel no longer disputes fi- are even more optimistic, saying its lowest point, and could be on NEW YORK (AP)--A new report says gures from the PLO on the number of the guerrillas could begin leaving an upswing. Ford says that feeling the U.S, has slipped two notches guerrillas to be moved out of West West Beirut Saturday. was shared by many of those who at- to ninth place among industrial Beirut. But Israel still wants to tended the conference, which was nations in output per person. ascertain that those guerrillas do, closed to the news media. Among the The World Bank's 1982 annual re- in fact, leave the Lebanese capital. UN to be diplomatic guests: former Secretary of State port says Switzerland remains at The broadcasts in Israel also say Henry Kissinger, former French Presi- the top of the scale in per capita that nation now agrees to the part- dent Valery Giscard d'Estaing, and gross national product. icipation of a small UN observer 'Battlefield' this week former British Prime Minister James force already in Beirut. And, as Callaghan. Also, the latest Associated Press/ another concession, the radio says NEW YORK (UPI)--There could be more BC poll indicates a majority of Israel will permit a small French fireworks on the diplomatic front MEXICO CITY (UPI)--Reports from Mex- Americans favor a constitutional troop contingent to move into Beirut in New York than on the Lebanese says a crowded bus was speeding amendment requiring a balanced cio at the start of the guerrilla with- battlefield today. when it hit a train 45 miles north federal budget. But half of those drawal. Israel also opposed allow- , A heated three-way debate is ex- of Mexico City yesterday. Red Cross polled last week said the measure, ing in the French, who have called pected between veteran diplomats officials and news reports say at passed by the Senate and now be- for Palestinian participation in at a special UN assembly meeting least 23 people were killed and 32 fore the House, wouldn't work. the Middle East peace process. over a PLO demand for internation- others injured. Officials expect And, in other work-related sta- al condemnation of Israel's 10- the death toll to rise "because 11 tistics, the Census Bureau says still insists that the But Israel week-old invasion of Lebanon. of the injured are in serious con- married women are entering the captured Israeli pilot PLO release a The PLO, Cuba, and Egypt are dition." labor force in higher numbers and before the evacuation begins. scheduled to speak in the opening at younger ages. And the bureau Israel's latest position was ar- session (at 3 p.m. EDT)today, with FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (UPI)--A new- says as women's work experiences ranged at a three-hour cabinet meet- Israel responding. A guerrilla born boy found abandoned in a plas- grow, they'll continue to earn more ing yesterday. Prime Minister Begin spokesman says the head of the tic bag in a Fort Lauderdale air- money for their families. the results later to U.S. conveyed PLO's political section will pre- port parking lot this weekend may sent what's considered "a major be adopted by one of the paramedics Judge overturns policy statement" to the special who helped save him. Paramedic Dan 1956 n uclear-fallout decision UN meeting. Smith says he and hsi wife want to The planned three-day debate is adopt the infant, who is legally tests killed their animals. SALT LAKE CITY (UPI)--A federal expected to end with the adoption under jurisdiction of the State But now, the judge says the mili- judge in Salt Lake City has over- of a resolution condemning Israel Health and Rehabilitative Services. turned a 26-year-old decision, tary and Atomic Energy Commission and calling for sanctions. Such granting a new trial to ranchers defrauded his court during those a firm call is likely to gain near DETROIT (UPI)--If you have $40 who claim fallout from nuclear tests proceedings, and that there were total support because the UN As- and some faith--a Detroit-area killed 4,400 sheep in 1953. improper attempts to sway witnesses. sembly can not force madatory com- firm says it will send your mes- He set an Aug. 24th hearing to sche- pliance of sanctions. sage to the other world. After- U.S. District Judge A. Sherman dule a second trail. world Communications will take Christensen says he made his origi- the letter for a deceased friend nal ruling because he naively be- The case could prove a boon to Anti-abortion measures or relative and give it to a term- lieved lies told by the government. more than just sheep farmers. Former inally ill "messenger" who will Christensen's 1956 decision re- Interior Secretary Stewart Udall deliver it to the spirit world. ved the government of responsi- says the ruling will help his claim Face likely filibusters There's an extra charge for mes- ity in the sheep deaths. He that atomic testing is Nevada se- sages longer than 50 words. ruled owners failed to prove fall- verely damaged hundreds of Utah WASHINGTON (AP)--Since the Republi- out from two above-ground nuclear families. can Party's major election victo- ries in 1980, there have been in- tensified efforts to get the abor- 'King'-Elvis Presley Enlisted women should serve a tour on ship tion issue onto the Senate floor. Today, senators are to begin de- Died 5 years ago Tavy Log August 9, 1932 Mate and Hull Technician, but it's bate on two separate anti-abortion also very important for those in proposals. One is a constitutional It's been over 34 years since wo- the more traditional ratings such as amendment that would pave the way MEMPHIS (AP)--It was five years men became part of the regular Navy as Yeoman and Personnelman who are for government prohibition or re- ago today that the "King" of rock and almost four years since being going to learn about different as- gulation of abortion.
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