The Game of the Century 9 1933-10-16 1 , 2 6 7 White: Shusai 9p 8 Black: 5p Result: W+2

Diagram 1: 1-11

This match was sponsored by 5 Yomiuri Newspaper. In the preliminary game, Go Seigen defeated the strong opponents Kitani Minoru 6p and Hashimoto Utaro 5p, thus earned the right to play this memorable game with Honinbo Shusai who hadn't played any 10 game for almost ten years. This game started in Oct. 1933 and didn't finish until Feb. of next year, during 3 11 the process the game was adjourned for more than 10 times, and it c b a 4 created a furore in this Newspaper and at that time it was also regarded as the game of the century. In the recent Go world, we never saw a game which had produced such a great impact. 1: At that time, Go Seigen was just 20 years' old, in this match with Shusai Meijin, he started with the unprecedented opening of 3-3, star and , which shocked the Go world. This special play was once criticized by some people: this is not polite to Meijin. As for today, this kind of criticism is just worth laughing. However, Mr. Go always holds firmly to his play, because Mr. Go just wanted to break away from all Shusaku's openings of 1, 3 and 5 and establish his own style, which is the "New " he invented together with Kitani Minoru, so this game had another special meaning, it was a historical game between the new and old opening. In the game, Mr. Go had often made Meijin to cudgel his brain, and due to health cause, the game was adjourned for so many times (there was no sealing of moves, it meant that Shusai Meijin could adjourn the game at his will and continue to study the position leisurely at home with the whole Honinbo clique). In the end, although Mr. Go Seigen lost by two points, but it indeed let the Go world to acknowledge the "New Fuseki" and this meaningful match. 5: In this opening, Black takes two corners with B1 and B3, then occupies the tengen with B5. In other words, Black first takes the territory at 3-3, then obtains outside influence at the star point and plays at the tengen to take the center influence, aiming to achieve the balance of the game. But as for now, when you play one move at the tengen in the opening, you inevitably will lose territory; If you want to be more effective in fights by obtaining influence, it may not be a bad move, but it would be hard to manage later on, with regard to its result, it is difficult to recommend this opening. 6: W6 is the most powerful tactic when your opponent has a stone at 3-3. 9: B7 and B9 form a very common shape. 11: B11: Black develops from the star point, in the past playing at 'c' was common understanding. However as far as the "New Fuseki" is concerned, B11 is also a strong tactic. This is an influence-oriented play, certainly it is also related to the stone at the tengen, however if there is no tengen stone, next Black still can check at 'a' at the maximum limit to form a good shape. Therefore, White has no choice but to block at 'b', leaving White no opportunity to approach the corner in the upper left. Diagram 2: 12

12: W12: White certainly aims to prevent Black from checking at 'a'; b But what must be noticed is that, if White immediately protects the corner at 'b', then Black is left with an excellent point at 'c', this is more obvious big point than 'a'.


12 a

Diagram 3: 13

13: However, B13 seems not ideal. Suppose we change the sequence, as a for W12, White first plays at 'a', Black plays at 13, then White blocks at 12, it is OK as far as Go theories are concerned, but B13 itself still appears a little dissatisfactory.

13 Diagram 4: 14


Diagram 5: 15

15: The purpose of B15 is correlated to the tengen stone, building center influence. If White tenukis, next Black would invade at 'a'.


a Diagram 6: 16-21

16: W16: Thus, White plays at 16, guarding against Black's invasion, Although it is a solid move, but as for White, it seems a little grievous. White can consider to approach at 'a'. 19: Because White answers at 16, Black unexpectedly has built thickness with B17 and B19. In other 20 words, White decides to obtain thickness here with W16 and W18 then invade (with the following moves W22 and W24), however it 21 would be better for White to invade while Black is still thin. 20: W20 is now the biggest point on the board. 21: The play of B21 is a shape that was used in the earlier stage of the "New Fuseki", but as for today, it is over influence-oriented. Because 19 B21 is slow, Black falls behind in the opening, which can not be 18 denied. a 17 16

Diagram 7: 22

22: Finally White invades severely at 22, if next White grabs the vital point at 'a', White would be easy to fix his shape within Black's influence and destroy Black's only territory as well, then the following job for White should be easy. If White hesitates to play at 22, then Black will definitely make the diagonal's extension at 'b', if Black gets to protect the corner, it would be hard for White to invade.

b 22 a Diagram 8: 23-25

23: B23: If Black attaches with the diagonal extension at 'a', it wouldn't make any trouble for White for fix his shape.

23 25 a 24

Diagram 9: 26

26: W26 is a light and nimble play, not making W24 heavy. That is to say, if only White is left with the chance to bridge over at 'a', no matter what happens later, White will be always easy to play.

26 a Diagram 10: 27

27: B27: Even if Black seperates White at 'a', White can extend at 27 to enclose territory and also leave the option of crossing over, Black would not be favorable.

27 a

Diagram 11: 28-30

28: As for the result up to W28, White has invaded Black's only 29 territory. White probably will make a territory of about 10 points, White has achieved a big victory. Overall, White cleverly takes advantage of the slow move of B21. 29: B29 is the only key point at this juncture, chasing and attacking the 30 two white stones and also developing towards the upper left. 30: If White fails to play at 30, Black will definitely takes this key spot to attack the two white stones. If the two white stones come under attack, even though White can take other good points but it would be not enough to redeem his losses in this area.

28 Diagram 12: 31

31: B31: Black still puts pressure on a White here in order to utilize the influence in the tengen and open up the situation. Black originally wants to play at 'a' on the upper side, but now if White plays at around 'a', then this area would be very broad, White can settle down; On the other hand, Black would be not easy to settle his shape from the top to the center.


Diagram 13: 32-35

32: W32: White has reinforced a b himself. Before and after this move, both sides want to grab the last biggest point at 'a' or 'b', which is 33 32 worth noticing. 34 35 Diagram 14: 36

36: W34 and W36 are common e a shape. As for W34, if White instead extends at 35, though Black is thick locally, but the area at around 'a' c b would be taken by Black. Moreover, about W36, if White connects at 'b', then it would be obvious that Black d 36 will play the sequence of B 'c', W 'd' and B 'e', Black would still grab the good point at 'e'.

Diagram 15: 37-41

39 at

39: The sequence up to the connection of B39 is inevitable for 37 both sides after the attachment of W32. 38 41: B41 has the implication of the b a following tactic of the attachment of B45 and the cut of B47, this move is a light play at this time, at the same time it also has the implication of dealing with White's light capping move at 40 instead of strengthening 40 at 'a' or 'b'.

41 Diagram 16: 42-43

42: W42: White not only strengthens a himself, but also restrict the possibility of Black's playing in the direction at 'a'. 43


Diagram 17: 44-50

44: W40 is an asking move, waiting 44 for Black to play at 41, next White will connect at 42, then B43 and W44. If playing this way, White has nothing to regret about. W44 is now the absolutely biggest point on the board. 47: B45 and B47 is the counterattack tactic that we discussed earlier. As for B47, if Black simply extends at 'a', Black would help White settle down by playing at 'b', it would be insipid to play this way. 49: B49 can be regarded as the only move, W48 is also the strongest resistance, in other words, now it is a 48 the critical moment of deciding the outcome of the game. 50 45 46 b 47 49 Diagram 18: 51-72

58: Through 58, the sequence is one-way street. 59: After B59, Black invades the corner to make life, this is certainly Black's deserved compensation after White settles down with the sequence up to W58. 60: White has rescued his stones after W60, this is also the only play in this situation. 64: If W64 is omitted, Black would 58 definitely play at 64. 69: Through B69, the first battle 56 comes to a temporary end, the result 55 52 is even, both sides have nothing to complain. 57 53 51 70: After W70, it leads to the second critical battle in the middle game. 72 71 72: W70 and W72: White aims at the 70 61 60 54 squeezing play at 'a' and also serves as an asking move, these can be 63 62 considered as tesujis. a 64 59 66 67 68 65 69

Diagram 19: 73-79

73: B73: If Black plays the atari at 'a', then White will be left with a move at 'b', Black's big moyo, which was not easily obtained, would get reduced. 79: White has gained a lot of territory by capturing one black stone with W78 and White also has stabilized in this area. On the other hand, after Black strengthens at 79, Black has secured his territory in the center. The second battle of the middle game comes to an end.

79 b 73 a

77 74 75 78 76 Diagram 20: 80

80: W80 is a severe conception, because next White has the tactic of the tiger's move or the attachment at 'b' and the cut at 'c'.

b c



Diagram 21: 81-97

81: B81: Black has no other alternative. 85: B85 is the strongest resistance at this time. 86: W86 is tough and unyielding. The purpose of this move is to strengthen the outside by sacrificing the three stones W80, W84 and W86. Of course, these three stones 92 can no longer be rescued. 94: Black forces White to play W90 b 89 87 90 94 and W92 by sacrifice, and then settles himself with B91 and B93, 88 82 91 95 Black also can only play like this. 97 a 83 84 95: Then White gains advantage in sente with W94, Black can only 85 86 c connect with B95 in grief, this is a little painful for Black. 96 93 96: With W96, White again takes advantage in sente. 97: B97 should be a known tesuji. If Black instead blocks at 'a', after W 'b' and B 'c', White can play the 81 hane to bridge over at 97. Diagram 22: 98-103

99: Through B99, the third battle comes to an end. With regard to the whole game, it is very close. 102: If Black neglects W102, then White would continue playing here, it is still very big, because when 101 Black links back W102, Black has a 103 the implication of invading with the sequence after 108. b 103: B103 is sente. Even though White answers at 'b', later on Black 98 still can cut and capture at 'a'.




Diagram 23: 104-116

105: B105 is the only big point right a 105 now. By using B105, Black could invade at 'a'. This way Black will have a chance to attack White afterwards. 106: The bridge-over of W106 is also the big point on the board now. White has obtained a territory of more than 30 points, however it is a 104 gote move.

108 109


107 106 113

112 110 111 116 114 149 Diagram 24: 117-149 147 139 143 141 a 144 138 148 117: After Black obtains sente with 145 120 119 140 117 118 130 the sequence after B107, Black 146 142 121 125 126 128 eventually decisively invades with B117, this leads to the fourth battle. 123 122 124 129 This battle is not just a local combat, instead it will spread to the whole 127 board. 131 133 130: With the sequence from B125 through W130, both sides have 132 invaded into each other's territory and formed an exchange, this exchange is even, so the outcome of the game is still not clear. 131: The cut and atari of B131 is a 135 big move at this time. 136: W134 and W136 are pre-planned moves since W102. 138: The small knight's move of 134 136 137 W138 is the biggest point on the board. 143: W140 and W142 are proper moves. 144: The diagonal extension of W144 is very big. 147: Because Black has seen that this would become an extremely close game, so he wants to take a tiny advantage with the hane and connect of B145 and B147. However this is not the right play. Black should patiently connect at 'a'. If so, the game would be closer, the outcome of the game would be decided in the endgame play. Black lacks a thorough consideration of these two moves, so he brings about unexpected weak points. 151 Diagram 25: 150-156 150 152: W152 seems very common at a glance, in fact it is an excellent move. What kind of clever tactic it contains will be clear afterwards. 154 155: B153 and B155 should be played in this order. 155 a 153 156: W156 is the vital point for attacking Black, making a miai of the push at 'a' and marching into the 152 center, Black is guaranteed to get one of them. 156

Diagram 26: 157-162

157: B157 is the strongest resistance at this time, Next Black can crosscut at 'a' to reduce liberties and attack White. 160: After first exchanging W158 with B159, then White strikes at 160, which is indeed a God-granted clever 157 move. (Rumors said that his student Maeda Nobuaki discovered this a 162 move.) 161: The attachment of B161 looks unusual, but I'm confident this move is the best defense at this time (Go Seigen). 162: W162 is another painstaking move. 160 161


159 Diagram 27: 163-175

165: B163 and B165 are the strongest defense in the current time. If Black immediately cuts at 'a' with 165, after White connects at 'b', Black would collapse. 166: After W166, none of the 166 173 following moves can be neglected. 172 169 170 172: W172 is an inevitable move. 163 b 167 164 a 168 171 165 174


Diagram 28: 176-178

176: W174 and W176 are sequence moves. After W174, White has the chance of turning at 'a' to rescue the two white stones.


176 a

178 Diagram 29: 179

179: After W178, it leads to a miai of 'a' and 'b', White will definitely get one, but Black gets to play at 179.




Diagram 30: 180-199

181: B181 is a sequence play. After the sequence from W186 through W192, then the hane of B181 is no more effective, only with a hane at 199 this time Black can take advantage in sente. 195 196 185: B185 is an absolute move at 184 b this juncture. 192: Through W192, it can be said 198 193 that all the extreme difficult problems since the play of W160 197 185 a 194 have been solved, although Black is painful, but the defense is 192 nevertheless complete. As for the 188 182 result, the five black stones are captured. Now although it is still a 190 191 180 186 close game, however Black is not favorable, it is afraid that this is hard 189 183 181 to change. 187 194: W194: If White answers at 'a' instead, then Black could play at 'b' in sente, White is not gainful. 197: B197 is a sequence play. Diagram 31: 200

200: W200: For White to cut at 'a' to start a ko fight is unnecessary in this situation.



245 246 242 Diagram 32: 201-252

215: B215 is the biggest move on the 247 230 238 234 243 board. 248 231 237 224: After W224, White still needs one more move, which is worth 226 232 201 229 attention. 226: W226 is a tesuji. 202 234: W234: If it were time for Black 228 225 227 244 233 249 215 to play, Black also should play here. 252: This match was played in the 219 218 250 223 initial phase of the "New Fuseki", at the time I (Go Seigen) had been 235 216 217 changing my style. However I think, some maneuvers that White had 220 221 224 adopted to counter this new opening 240 236 239 252 222 style are not necessarily the best. Since the middle game, totally five 241 battles have been fought, the outcome of the game was not clear 213 until B139. From W140, B135 lacks 211 212 consideration, and then came the clever move of W160, thus White 214 209 251 had established his winning position. Overall, with regard to me, this match is also very memorable. 210 203 208


206 205 207