Creating a Media Culture in America Where Truth and Liberty Flourish

Left-Wing Media Hide Radical, Marxist Agenda of , Smear Trump as a Racist The liberal media are no longer the the organization Black Lives Matter liberal media. They are hard left radicals was founded by three revolutionaries Vol. 27 • Issue 8 • August 2020 promoting the revolutionary goals of who describe themselves as “trained groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Marxists.” One of the founders, Patrisse This is obvious from their sympathetic Cullors, was mentored by Eric Mann, a INSIDE “news coverage” of the riots, looting, member of the Weather Underground toppling of statues, attacks on police, who was charged with attempted murder and myriad violent acts occurring in our in 1969. PAGE 3 streets. On its website, The Great They are not BLM says it is part Charlie Daniels: neutral observers. of the “global Legendary Musician, The leftist media are Black family” Patriot, and MRC Friend stoking the chaos to that disrupts the Passes Away keep Americans in “Western-prescribed fear, and they are nuclear family,” PAGES 4-5 fanning the bedlam a “collective of BITS & PIECES: to attack everything liberators” moving It’s the End — Again, President Trump says Prof. Melina Abdullah (right), co-founder of beyond “narrow MSNBC’s COVID-19 or does in order to BLM Los Angeles, called President Trump “the nationalism.” Deception, cripple his chances embodiment of white supremacist terrorism Their mission is to ESPN: F You!, of reelection in … [and] the terrorist-in-chief.” CNN’s Brooke “eradicate white Trump, Hitler, Stalin, November. It is Baldwin then simply stated, “you’re allowed supremacy.” Teen Vogue: your freedom of opinion.” But, of course, Reagan Sucked, and scorched-earth Baldwin claimed that Trump’s tweets are BLM also seeks MiniBits journalism. “stoking the racial divide in the country.” to “dismantle The MRC, the only cisgender privilege PAGE 6 conservative organization that battles and uplift Black trans folk, especially the left-wing media 24/7, is documenting Black trans women.” BLM hails the Bozell’s Nationally and exposing this sedition. The research current social upheaval as a “moment Syndicated Column: The Real Story of and analysis are available at NewsBusters, that has brought the world to its knees. Black Lives Matter MRCTV, MRC Culture, TechWatch, CNS … This is the revolution.” News, and in interviews with MRC experts These facts about Black Lives Matter on TV and radio. are not broadcast by the network evening PAGE 7 Let’s look at some of the deceitful news. A prominent BLM supporter in New MRC In the News things the radical news media are doing. York, Hank Newsome, told Fox News, After the death of , “If this country doesn’t give us what we PAGE 8 the phrase “Black Lives Matter” was want, then we will burn down this system At the MRC, everywhere — TV, radio, the Internet, and replace it.” Your Opinion Matters! Twitter, Facebook, etc. There were Newsome’s threat of violence did not marches, demonstrations, and riots in garner much attention from the leftist many cities. But the media were not press. Yet this is what BLM is all about telling the full truth. and the left-wing media know it. But Black Lives Matter, for instance, they’re not telling you the full story. seems like a positive sentiment. However, Continued on page 2 Continued from page 1 Anna Werner painted CHAZ as having a “street-fair like On CBS This Morning, co-host and wealthy atmosphere with free food, art displays, and outdoor Democratic donor Gayle King harped that “we all need movie nights.” to take a class” from the radical BLM activist Kimberly MSNBC’s Vaughn Hillyard reported “it’s more like a Jones. The latter gained attention for a YouTube video pedestrian street festival.” Colleague Stephanie Ruhle that compared “the economic plight of black Americans added that the lawless occupiers were spreading a to a rigged game of Monopoly,” explained King. “message of peace and community.” King then played clips of the video but left out the But in late June when two teenagers were shot parts where Jones spews countless profanities and and killed at CHAZ, neither CBS News nor NBC characterizes looters and rioters as victims, even calling News reported the story. ABC’s World News Tonight on them to “burn this bitch [America] to the ground.” mentioned it briefly but censored the fact that the two NBC’s Today played a similar game on June 30 by pro- teens killed were black. So much for black lives matter. moting BLM Pittsburgh founder Tanisha Long as a “home- BLM is involved in tearing down statues across the town hero fighting for social justice.” Co-host Craig country. One of the group’s more prominent activists, Melvin beamed that Long’s group is now “6,000 strong,” , has called for tearing down “white” statues a sign, “Tanisha says, that the Burgh is ready to take of Jesus Christ because they “are a form of white on racial injustice and help inspire real revolutionary supremacy.” King’s directive was posted on Twitter and change.” Melvin, predictably, said nothing about BLM’s went viral, but neither the networks nor CNN reported Marxist founders and their communistic agenda. the story. On CNN Newsroom, July 1, reporter Brooke Baldwin Even the lefties at Popular Mechanics jumped in, hosted radical left-wing Prof. Melina Abdullah to discuss publishing an article on “How to Remove a Racist president Trump’s criticism of “Black Lives Matter” Statue.” I guess they don’t want Marxist revolutionaries being painted on the street in front of Trump Tower. to get hurt while destroying public (or private) property. Abdullah, a co-founder of BLM Los Angeles, proceeded There are many other examples of how the leftist to label Trump “the embodiment of white supremacist media are deceiving Americans about BLM, and they terrorism … [and] the terrorist-in-chief.” can be found at You can help us in this fight CNN’s Baldwin did not question or push back on against the left-wing media by making a donation to Abdullah’s incendiary claims, stating only that “you’re the MRC. Please use the reply card and postage-paid allowed your freedom of opinion.” Baldwin did say, envelope enclosed with this newsletter to send your however, that president Trump’s tweets are “stoking most generous gift today. We look forward to hearing the racial divide in the country.” from you. When members of the violent anarchist group Sincerely, Antifa and members of Black Lives Matter took over a section of downtown Seattle, renaming it the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ), the leftist media played L. Brent Bozell III down the violence and criminality. CBS This Morning’s Founder and President


Legendary Musician, Patriot, and MRC Friend Passes Away

Country musician Charlie Daniels once said F. Buckley Jr. Award for Media Excellence for that the only place he wanted to live in more than his passionate writing and advocacy. In his great Tennessee was Heaven. Charlie moved on to that acceptance speech, he decried declining patriotism much better place on July 6, after suffering a stroke in the United States and celebrated the beauty and at the age of 83. He was a great man who deeply treasures of our nation, heralding, “This is America, loved God and America, and we sure do miss him. the land God blesses with everything.... America the In addition to his legendary music career — free. America the mighty. America the beautiful.” multiple platinum and gold albums and induction into In one of his final messages to the public, Charlie the Grand Ole Opry and the contributed to the MRC video, Country Music Hall of Fame, “We Hold These Truths: Our among other honors — Charlie Answer to the Mob.” He, along was a staunch conservative who with other leading conservatives never shied from expressing such as Allen West, Mark Levin, his views. He was always Sen. Mike Lee, and Dan Bongino, proclaiming support for the comment in the video on the American way of life, hard greatness of the Declaration of work, self-reliance, and for the Independence, the Constitution, military troops who keep us safe. and America’s Founders. He gave his time and talent to On the day Charlie died, many charitable organizations, Brent Bozell tweeted, “Charlie including The Journey Home Daniels was devoted to God, Project that he founded in 2014 his country, and the men and with his manager, David Corlew, At the 2016 MRC Gala, President Brent Bozell women who kept her free. I was to help veterans of the U.S. presented Charlie Daniels with the William F. honored to call him a friend. Buckley Jr. Award for Media Excellence for his Armed Forces. passionate writing and advocacy. RIP, a true American legend.” The day before he died, Charlie Daniels is an Charlie sent out many tweets: “Remember 9-11! … American legend. As a stanza from his song, “The Benghazi Ain’t Going Away! … Pray for the blue! … Devil Went Down to Georgia,” tells us: 125,000 innocent unborn babies will be murdered by abortionists around the world today. … Happy 244th The Devil bowed his head because he birthday to the greatest nation the world has ever knew that he’d been beat. known and to all those blessed to live within her And he laid that golden fiddle on the shores. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!” ground at Johnny’s feet. Over the years, Charlie became a close friend of Johnny said, “Devil, just come on the MRC. The Charlie Daniels Band played at one of the early MRC galas; he supported our organization; back, if you ever wanna’ try again, and he wrote a regular column for our news division, I done told you once, you son of a CNS News. bitch, I’m the best that’s ever been.” At the 2016 Gala, MRC President Brent Bozell Amen. presented Charlie with the tenth annual William


It’s The End — Again Time magazine, ever-wed to ecological doomsday ideology, ran a cover for its July 20 “double issue” with the ominous headline, “One Last Chance, The Defining Year for the Planet.” The picture on the cover showed alleged ecological data points with rising global temperatures and CO2 emissions, along with rising sea levels. In a tweet to promote the issue, Time said, “New Cover: 2020 is our last best chance to save the planet.” The cover article is written by Justin Worland — who graduated from Harvard with a history degree in 2014 — and who in 2019 co-wrote Time’s “Person of the Year: Greta Thunberg.” In his latest diatribe, Worland warns, “we’re on the brink of climate catastrophe,” “there’s no more time to wait.” The entire “global economy” must be restructured, he contends. This is the same Time magazine that in 2018 warned that the world is facing a “food security crisis,” stressing that people must understand that “eating beef is significantly more demanding on the environment than eating pork or chicken.” This surely is the end.

MSNBC’s COVID-19 Deception ESPN: F You! MSNBC has devoted extensive coverage since May to their Revealing its radical, left-wing science “contributor,” Joseph Fair, chronicling his suffering mindset yet again, a top ESPN and recovery from the coronavirus, complete with video reporter said “f*** you” to reports from his hospital bed. However, as has been confirmed Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) in by media-watcher Steve Krakauer, it’s all a lie because Fair response to the latter’s July 10 has tested negative for COVID-19 at least five times; he also open letter to the NBA critical tested negative for COVID-19 antibodies. Fair has never of its close relations with tested positive. Communist China. When Krakauer ESPN’s Adrian ESPN reporter Adrian asked NBC for Wojnarowski Wojnarowski sent the two-word comment, the expletive email via iPhone to Hawley’s Senate network declined office. In response, Hawley posted a screenshot to comment “on of the email and tweeted, “Don’t criticize the record.” #China or express support for law enforcement It seems that Fair to @espn. It makes them real mad.” is the new “Brian Once Wojnarowski’s unprofessionalism hit the Williams” of MSNBC provided extensive coverage of its public realm, ESPN quickly scrambled for cover journalism, bona science contributor Joseph Fair and his struggles and said his email is “completely unacceptable fide fake news. with the coronavirus but there was one behavior and we not condone it.” Wojnarowski In addition to the problem: Fair never tested positive for COVID-19 also issued a statement, claiming he was “disre- negative tests, despite multiple tests. That’s fake news. spectful” and “made a regrettable mistake.” Fair claimed — with zero evidence — that he contracted the virus through his eyes, while on a plane trip. Senator Hawley, straight-shooter that he is, replied to ESPN, “Don’t make @wojespn Since March, Fair has contributed more than two hours of apologize. He’s just saying what he really thinks. “science” reports to MSNBC. But given his and MSNBC’s Call out the @NBA. You know, your job.” coronavirus deceit, it is reasonable to conclude that this “journalism” is not reliable. Bingo!

4 • MRC WATCHDOG • AUGUST 2020 Trump, Hitler, Stalin Proving that it will put anyone on who hates President Trump, MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell — a multi-millionaire “socialist” — hosted the loopy Dr. Lance Dodes, a retired Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, on his July 7 broadcast. Commenting on Mary Trump’s book about her famous uncle, O’Donnell smeared Trump as a “pathological liar” and then let Dr. Dodes pile on. “Trump is a true psychopath,” claimed Dodes, who apparently has never even met Trump. “He’s, in coddle language, he’s evil. That’s not name calling, that’s accurate. That’s to emphasize that he’s simply different from other human beings. So that’s what I really took away from the book. I think she’s right when she says that narcissism Teen Vogue: Reagan Sucked goes only so far. ... Narcissism is the least of his troubles. He’s like, you know, other psychopaths, As leftists tear down statues of George Washington, Teen he’s like a serial killer. He has killed a lot of Vogue is tearing down Ronald Reagan, telling its audience people. He’s like Hitler or Stalin.” of impressionable teens that, “Reagan sucked, actually.” In a July 9 article, Lucy Diavalo smears Reagan’s 1980 “City Mark Levin is right, it’s not MSNBC — it’s MSLSD. on a Hill” speech as “shining not with any moral virtue, but with the raging, white-hot, destructive fires of imperialism and capitalism.” (Diavalo apparently is unaware that both Vogue and Teen Vogue are capitalist enterprises.) Pulling more from the leftist lexicon, Diavalo mis-re- ports Reaganomics as “making rich people pay less in taxes, giving poor people less help, building the imperial forces he used in foreign policy, and making life easier for the capitalist class.” President Trump’s handling of the corona- virus is like Reagan “downplaying and ignoring” AIDS, she MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell hosted a retired Harvard claims, and today’s immigration problems are the result of psychiatry professor to declare that President Trump “Reagan’s anti-communist meddling in Latin America” and is “a true psychopath” and “like a serial killer,” just like “Reagan-era funding for political atrocities in the region.” “Hitler and Stalin.” The wacky professor’s claims were not challenged by O’Donnell. Atrocities? Teen Vogue should be renamed Teen Propaganda.

n Former disgraced CBS Evening News anchor Dan Rather complains that Trump is “using a foghorn to say that he’s MINIBITS dedicated his political strategy … to bet that racial fears will prevail” come November. n At CBS, “what we pride ourselves on is giving you the news and letting you make your own decisions,” co-host Gayle King laughably asserts, adding that when Trump says “fake news, I just sit there and go, oh, he is not talking about us.” n CNN’s John Harwood, apparently able to read minds (or hearts), claims “we already know where the president’s heart is and his heart is in continued racial division rather than unity.” n In a later segment, Harwood declares, “It’s not really in serious dispute anymore MSNBC’s Jonathan that President Trump is not up to this job.” n CNN’s so-called “presidential historian” Alter says Trump Douglas Brinkley lectures, “If Abraham Lincoln is ranked as our top president, you’re “wants to Make America Hate Again.” looking at Donald Trump on the very bottom of the heap,” and then adds that Trump is more like American Nazi Party founder “George Lincoln Rockwell in his behavior.” n According to left-wing MSNBC analyst Jonathan Alter, “Joe Biden has the perfect message for 2020 of reconciliation, rights, restoring the soul of America” while Trump “wants to Make America Hate Again.” n Actor/Director Rob Reiner screeches, “An angry sick, frightened racist is pushing US into a 2nd Civil War.” n Not to be outdone, the ever-subtle actor Ron Perlman tweets, “Trump has shown himself to be a violent, moronic psychopath with a twisted vision for America. At this point, the only people still following him believe George Floyd got what he deserved.”


The Real Story of Black Lives Matter Black Lives Matter. matter of interpretation” whether he was given it’s made possible by the money That rallying cry is now endorsed speaking “figuratively” or “literally.” you’ve provided. by millions of people, not just in the It’s a blatant threat. No one at BLM Black Lives Matter doesn’t hide its United States, but around the world. “By denounced him. radical positions. They are listed right on a 28-point margin, Civiqs finds that a Black Lives Matter rioters have its website. Who they are and what they majority of American voters support the attacked statues and attempted to destroy believe — it’s right there, in the open. movement,” according to The New York monuments across America that project Are their beliefs yours too? Times. racism. But they’re also attacking those Since you’re endorsing BLM, I dare My guess is that 99 percent of those who fought against slavery. you to urge your shareholders supporting this group have no idea what The mob is attempting to and customers to read what’s it stands for. All you shopkeepers putting damage the iconic Lincoln That is on that website. signs in your stores, you schoolteachers Memorial. It wants a statue “Two of three Black programming your students to lock honoring Ulysses S. Grant terrifyingly Lives Matter founders arms, you men and women of the cloth removed. There’s more. They’re identify as queer,” according preaching about morality, you civic out to destroy the monument similar to to ABC News. The BLM leaders urging community action and to the 54th Massachusetts what we are positions reflect that, political leaders demanding legislative regiment, the African claiming to “foster a queer‐ remedies — you give ignorant pawns a American unit portrayed in experiencing affirming network” and bad rap. the movie “Glory.” Their latest opposing “the tight grip of Black Lives Matter was founded target is the Emancipation now. heteronormative thinking.” by radical extremists who are perfectly Memorial, a D.C. statue The organization vows to pleased with the rioting, looting, depicting a freed slave in front “do the work required to vandalism, and violence that have plagued of President Abraham Lincoln. The statue dismantle cisgender privilege.” That’s all our cities for the past several weeks. was unveiled in 1876 to commemorate leftist code for an anti-family agenda. It’s what violent revolutionaries do. the Emancipation Proclamation and was But the organization gets more Do I exaggerate? funded by actual freed slaves. specific: “We disrupt the Western- Two of the three founders are Those black lives don’t matter to prescribed nuclear family structure self-described “trained Marxists.” Co- Black Lives Matter. requirement.” They want “extended founder told Cosmo They’re also trying to destroy a World families and ‘villages’” to raise your that Assata Shakur is one of the leaders War II memorial. Somehow our nation’s children. It takes a village, not parents. who inspired her. Shakur’s real name is victorious struggle to defeat Nazism is an The group’s website Joanne Chesimard and she is wanted exercise in racism. proudly proclaims “this is the by the FBI as a “domestic terrorist” for Listen up, all you Christian leaders revolution.” And that’s precisely what murdering a police officer, escaping kneeling in prayer. While you’re this is — a cultural revolution. These are prison, and hiding out in Cuba for sermonizing about the need to show Marxists following the Maoist playbook decades. support for their movement, BLM in China during the late ’60s and One of the board of directors for leaders are sermonizing about destroying early ’70s. The Maoist revolutionaries the leftist group Thousand Currents, yours. BLM activist Shaun King wants vandalized temples, tore down statues, which handles donations to Black Lives symbols of your religion eradicated. and destroyed artifacts. The opposition Matter, is a convicted terrorist. She was “Yes I think the statues of the white was marched to re-education camps. pardoned by President Bill Clinton. European they claim is Jesus should also The Tibet Journal detailed the They live their beliefs. come down,” he tweeted. “They are a form account of one lama who saw Marxism Sorry, you spoiled, white-privileged, of white supremacy. Always have been.” up close. The account described how nameless, faceless, cowardly fools. BLM BLM hasn’t denounced him. And Chinese Marxists “put themselves into a supports the destruction of America, and you’re enabling him. position of monopolizing truth and how you’ve endorsed it, and they’re laughing Amazon, Netflix, GoFundMe, Chick- it is sought.” at you. Greater New York Black Lives fil-A — all you corporations sending That is terrifyingly similar to what we Matter president Hawk Newsome warned millions and tripping over yourselves to are experiencing now. that “if this country doesn’t give us what be one with the crowd — do any of you It is not the alleged symbols of racism we want, then we will burn down this know how to read? You should be held that Black Lives Matter wants destroyed. system and replace it.” He claimed it “a legally accountable for their destruction It is America.


Media Research Center experts are frequently interviewed on stories of national importance, reaching millions of Americans daily. They provide analysis and commentary on radio, TV, the Internet, social media, and in print. Some of the MRC’s latest media appearances include the following: On FBN’s Evening Edit, July 8, MRC President Brent Bozell and host Liz MacDonald discussed how “every person in inner-city Television Print America” should watch the clip of CNN hosts CBN Boston Herald, Jun. 15 Chris Cuomo and “utterly contemptuous” National Review, Jul. 9 NewsWatch, Jun. 16, Jul. 7 Don Lemon laughing and mocking rising Washington Post, Jul. 7, 17 FBN Washington Times, Jun. 23, 25, crime and murders in major American cities. Evening Edit, Jun. 9, 22, 29, Jul. 8, 9 Jul. 1, 8, 9, 13, 15 FNC ~ PARTIAL LISTING Fox and Friends First, Jun. 24, 25 Fox Good Day Philadelphia, Jun. 17 Internet OANN A Closer Look, Jul. 14 Daily Ledger, Jun. 22, 29, Jul. 6, 9, 13 BizPac Review, Jun. 15, 30, Jul. 1, 17 NEWSMAX TV Bloomberg, Jul. 5, 16 NewsMax, Jun. 29 Jul. 6, 7 Breitbart News, Jun. 23, Jul. 6, 13 Saturday Report, Jun. 13 Catholic Connections, Jun. 3, 9 Spicer & Co., Jun. 22, 30, Jul. 2 CBN News, Jun. 17, 27, Jul. 7 Chattanooga Free Press, Jun. 21 ~ PARTIAL LISTING On CBN’s NewsWatch, MRC Vice President Conservative HQ, Jun. 15 Dan Gainor discussed how conservative Daily Caller, Jun. 20, 28, Jul. 12 views are being censored on social media Daily Signal, Jun. 21 platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter. Radio Daily Wire, Jun. 21, Jul. 1 (2), 14 SiriusXM POTUS, Jul. 8 Film News, Jun. 19 Alan Nathan Show, Jun. 11, 17, 23, 25, Jul. 2, Fox News, Jun. 13, 23, 24, 25, 30, 9, 14, 16 Jul. 1, 2, 7, 9, 11, 12, 15, 16 American Family Radio, Jun. 22, 29, Jul. 6, 14 Fox Wilmington, Jun. 13 Breitbart News Daily, SiriusXM, Jun. 22, 29, Jul. 6, 13 Legal Insurrection, Jun. 16 Charlie James Show, Jun. 30 Life News, Jun. 10, 11, 22, 29, 30, Chosen Generation, Jun. 10, 24, Jul. 1, 8, 15 Jul. 1, 7 Faune Riggin Show, Jul. 1, 17 LifeSite News, Jul. 1, 6, 14 Mark Levin Show, Jun. 11, 15, Jul. 7 Mediaite, Jun. 15 Michael Koolidge Show, Jul. 14 Media Matters, Jun. 12 Mike Gallagher Show, Jun. 15 Multichannel News, Jul. 8 Red Eye Radio, Jun. 12, 19, Jul. 7, 10 National Review, Jul. 9 Rush Limbaugh Show, Jun. 18, 20, Jul. 13, 20 Newsmax, Jun. 22, 29, Jul. 6, 9, 11, 13 On Newsmax TV’s Spicer &Co., July 1, MRC Sean Hannity Show, Jun. 23 One America News Network, Jun. 25, President Brent Bozell discussed numerous Sebastian Gorka Show, Jul. 9 Jul. 2, 9, 16 social media giants blocking and banning Simon Conway Show, Jun. 10 One News Now, Jun. 18, 22, 23, 24, 30, prominent conservatives and President Todd Herman Show, Jul. 8 Jul. 15 Trump. KFAB, Omaha, NB, Jul. 15 Patheos, Jun. 16 KFMB, San Diego, CA, Jun. 17, 24, Jul. 1, 8, 15 Patriot Post, Jun. 12 KLFC, Branson, MO, Jun. 24 PJ Media, Jun. 29 KNSS, Wichita, KS, Jun. 10, 11 Politico, Jun. 2, Jul. 14 KNTH, Houston, TX, Jul. 1, 6, 8, 13, 15, Jun. 10 KTRH, Houston, TX, Jul. 6 Real Clear Politics, Jun. 15 KVOR, Colorado Springs, CO, Jun. 18, 23, 25, The American Conservative, Jun. 23 30, Jul. 2, 7, 9, 14, 16 The American Spectator, Jun. 15 KWEL, Midland, TX, Jun. 22, 29, Jul. 6, 13 The Blaze, Jun. 29 KZIM, Cape Girardeau, MO, Jun. 11, 24, Jul. 9 WCBM AM, Jun. 10, 15, 16, 19 The New American, Jun. 15 WESR, Eastern Shore, VA, Jul. 14 The Truth About Guns, Jul. 11 WGMD, Lewes, DE, Jun. 22, 29, Jul. 6, 13 Townhall, Jun. 13, 18, 25, Jul. 3, 16 On OAN’s The Daily Ledger, July 13, MRCTV WHBL, Milwaukee, WI, Jul. 7 Washington Examiner, Jun. 12, 15, 22, Director Eric Scheiner discussed Joe Biden’s WPHT, Philadelphia, PA, Jun. 22 29, Jul. 9, 21 push for public schools to teach more about WRVA AM, Jun. 22 Washington Free Beacon, Jul. 16 Islam, and the arrest of two black women WTKF, Morehead City, NC, Jun. 25, Jul. 2, 9, 16 World Tribune, Jun. 24, Jul. 6 for painting over “Black Lives Matter” WTMA, Charleston, SC, Jun. 23 Yahoo! Finance, Jun. 16 WWTN, Nashville, TN, Jul. 6 Yahoo! News, Jul. 9, 10 graffiti while rioters who destroy statues 1140 AM Orlando, FL, Jun. 10, 24, Jul. 1, 8, 15 Yated, Jun. 108 are not arrested. ~ PARTIAL LISTING ~ PARTIAL LISTING AUGUST 2020 • MRC WATCHDOG • 7

At the MRC, Your Opinion Matters!

As patriots that believe in truth, justice, and the American way, we’re fed up with the deceitful, American- bashing media. Time to stick it to the press, literally. Recently, we invited the MRC’s Grassroots Army to join a Digital Focus Group to vote on a new slogan that will be used on bumper stickers … and BILLBOARDS!

AND THE WINNER IS: #1: Believe in America Not the Media (40.1%) #2: God Save America (36.1%) #3: Don’t Believe the Liberal Media! (15.9%) #4: The Media Love Anarchy (4.1%) #5: The Media Love Socialism (3.8%) So let it be written, so let it be done. We are now putting your choice into action.

BILLBOARDS: We’re sticking up “Believe in America Not the Media” billboards outside of the RNC convention to support the conservative cause and to irritate our “leftist comrades.”

BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE: We’re also dotting the landscape with mobile billboard trucks and giant building projections! When some lefty journalist is heading into the convention, they’ll spit out their coffee and curl up into a fetal position when they see one of these in-your-face signs!

BUMPER STICKERS: YOU can become a rolling billboard, too. Pick up your free “Believe in America Not the Media” bumper sticker at Stick it on your favorite mode of transportation then roll around town helping us spread the word.

Thanks to your donations and votes, you made all of this possible!

THE WATCHDOG (ISSN #1087-5077) is published monthly by the Media Research Center, a 501(c)(3) non-profit research and education organization. © 2020 Media Research Center, All Rights Reserved. L. Brent Bozell III, Founder and President • Michael W. Chapman, Editor Media Research Center • 1900 Campus Commons Drive • Suite 600 • Reston, Virginia 20191 • (571) 267-3500 • CREATING A MEDIA CULTURE IN AMERICA WHERE TRUTH AND LIBERTY FLOURISH