Eastern Kentucky University Encompass Eastern Progress 1993-1994 Eastern Progress 4-7-1994 Eastern Progress - 07 Apr 1994 Eastern Kentucky University Follow this and additional works at: http://encompass.eku.edu/progress_1993-94 Recommended Citation Eastern Kentucky University, "Eastern Progress - 07 Apr 1994" (1994). Eastern Progress 1993-1994. Paper 27. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress_1993-94/27 This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Eastern Progress at Encompass. It has been accepted for inclusion in Eastern Progress 1993-1994 by an authorized administrator of Encompass. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. Vol. 72/No.THE 27 EASTERN PROGRESS 16 pages Student pubUcatton of Eastern K UnJversityJRichmond. Ky. 40475 © The Eastern Progress 1994 Legislature forces delay of Eastern the budget are Eastern'snew wellness ■ University to center and a proposed community wait until state center for Lake Reba, totaling $5 million. budget is final However, Rep. Harry Moberly, D Richmond, said he isn't giving up on those Madison County projects, By Joe Castle although he doesn't want to see cer- Managing editor tain higher education projects receive preferential treatment over others. FRANKFORT — The puree "I am very much opposed to just strings—as well as stale government doing one university's projects with- — were tied up in Frankfort Friday out doing projects for the other uni- following one of the most unusual versities," Moberly said, referring to days in Kentucky legislative history, the Commonwealth Library at the throwing state-funded agencies like University of Kentucky, which he Eastern into bud- feels could take precedence over other gciary limbo.