Week 4 | Freedom Dreams and Black Radical Imagination Have a question? Email us at
[email protected] and share about your experience using the hashtag #BLACKPOWER and tagging @svplosangeles on Twitter and Instagram. All materials and resources can be found on our Hub: svpla.org/blackpower-hub [Dr. Melina Abdullah] Wasn't turning on the chat when it was saying turn on my video, so I turned my video on like, [Alli Simon] Nice, awesome, well, I'll go ahead. We don't have any announcements here, but I'll go ahead and hand it over to you. It looks like folks are already starting to join us. [Dr. Melina Abdullah] Great, great. Well hello, everybody, Eid Mubarak, today is Eid, so those who've been fasting for Ramadan, we think this is the absolute best holiday ever, because you were forbidden from fasting today, we're required to eat and eat heartedly on Eid, so it's a very happy day, I can't wipe the smile o of my face, so Eid Mubarak for everyone who observes. I can't believe we're halfway through this class, and last class, if you remember, we talked about freedom dreaming, we engaged in some radical imagining and some visioning work, and we're gonna pick up on some of that work, but rst as we have done with every class, we're going to, oops! Did I hit the wrong thing? We're gonna ground ourselves, and so you all think about who wants to read our land labor and life acknowledgement, so we need three readers to read through these slides.