Reports on Yamas and Niyamas
REPORTS ON YAMAS AND NIYAMAS Every year, students undergoing the 6 month Sadhana and teachers training are given assignments on one of he five Yamas and five Niyamas. This year during November 2009, Laura Biagi has compiled and presented this excellent work on the twins of Brahmacharya and Saucha. Excellent work from an excellent student!!- Editor REPORTS ON YAMAS AND NIYAMAS YAMAS: BRAHAMACHARYA Laura Biagi Generally translated as “restrain of sexuality”, this Yama – while involving the awareness and control of sexual energy – is not limited to sexuality as we understand it in the West. In Yoga 1 to 10, Dr. Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani writes that Brahmacharya is “the continuous residence in the principle of creativity”. The first step to take in this analysis and understanding is the relationship between the principle of creativity and the principle of sexual energy. Yamas are tools to control our animal nature and to progress in our human evolution. Let’s look at the evolutionary steps we took from being animals to being humans in relation to our sexuality. Animals use their sexual energy to pro- create . The procreative instinct is very strong in animals. It is vital ( vital comes from the Latin vita , life). Animals spend quite some time and energy mating, coupling, procreating, making a new nest, taking care of the young and so on. Animals have quite different habits in the way they use their sexual energy, too. As humans, we are still carrying with us some of the instincts and emotions of animals: most of us have probably felt one time or another a sexual attraction or repulsion, a sexual arousal, attachment to a mate, fear or loosing the mate, desire to find a mate, jealousy, passion, and so on.
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