The Hilltop 5-13-2000

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The Hilltop 5-13-2000 Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 1990-2000 The iH lltop Digital Archive 5-13-2000 The iH lltop 5-13-2000 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 5-13-2000" (2000). The Hilltop: 1990-2000. 267. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 1990-2000 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. -· ' ' ' ' THE HILLTOP .. Serving the Howard University Co1n111unity Since 1924 VOLUME 84, N0.1 MAY 13, 2000 Today Howard, Tomorrow the World Howard Engineered DNA Test To Help Trace Roots By Nsenga Knight Americans. For years, Howard Uni­ will be able 10 do two versions of the Hilltop Staff Writer versity has used similar genetic data DNA test. The first looks at nnito­ 10 study diseases affecting African chondrial DNA, which is handed This summer, a team of Howard Americans. including sick.le-cell down, unchanged, from mother 10 University geneticists plan to offer a anemia, high-blood pressure and child. The other uses the male, or DNA test that could allow African diabetes. 'Y', chromosome, which it passed Americans to trace their roots direct• Kittles, 34, said the idea for the on from mother to son. ly 10 a region in Africa. test came to him some ten years ago. Researchers then can compare test Geneticist Rick [(j11Jes, who ini­ As a graduate student, Kinles subjects with the samples collected tiated the study, said the slave trade worked on the African Burial from West Africa. [(jttJes said the erased family histories and, before Ground Project, in which he traced research ream is continuing 10 collect the study of DNA, nobody imagined the origin of skeleml remains found DNA samples in order 10 expand that those stories could be rewrillen. in a lost burial ground in Manhattan. their database and identify more In preparation for the DNA 1es1, Working to compare ONA African populations. [{jttle's team gathered genetic sam­ sequences in the bones with African The test makes no auempt to tell ples from 3,800 Africans. These populations- 10 establish that the a fuU family story, researchers said, samples came from about 40 differ­ bones were that of enslaved but rather identify the beginnings of ent populations across Western Africans- he realized he could use one line of a family tree. To many Africa, where the trans-Atlantic the san1e method 10 trace the origins blacks, "knowing a li11le bit of the sla,,e trade originated. The team also of living African desoendantS. story is important," Kittles told The gathered samples from 200 African [(jnles said Howard University RESEARCH. A3 Kennard Speaks Today to Howard's First Class of New Millennium By Jennifer R. Dyson Hilltop Staff Writer Graduation Guide 1· The Honorable William E. Kennard, chairman of the '. Federal Communications Comnnission (FCC), will pro­ The College of Arl~ & Scienccs-Divlslon or Fine Arts vide the keynote address for today"s commencement cer­ Djploma awarding ceremony and reception in Crarnton emony. The day will mark one of tbe most important per­ ,\uditorium immediately folio" ing Commcrn:ement. sonal and professional achievements for more than an estimated 2,000 Howard gr:,duates. College or Phanna<-y, Nursing and Allied Health Sci­ The ceremony is scheduled 10 begin at 9 a.m. on the ences Division or Allied Health Sciences and Upper Quadrangle or the main yard. Division of Nursing Kennard is the nation's prime telecommunications reg­ Degrees "ill be issued immediately following Com­ ulator and a consumer master for the digital world. mencement Exercises at Anne., I. Nurs.e.~ and Allied Health Sciences Building. Weather permitting. will be held out­ Nominated as Chairman of the FCC by President Clin­ side on the 6th S1reo1 side or the building. ton in August of 1997. he was entrusted to one of the most influential positions in tbe communications field. College of Dentistry One of his main beliefs is that a powerful marketplace De.111 and >UPJ)l•fl ,r,ff receptio,, for e,roduatos. lhcir will produce better services for our nation's consumers. families, and slumni. College ot Dcntislr): student lounge. "His ability to cffecti\'ely craft policy lh,11 pml<"CIS <'On• 11nmc-Jfo1c:I}· li.>llo~ 1ng: i:ornmtm ..."ement ~n'k.;,1, •nc, 1U\agescompc.t\ll1,m J.nd \\ 1!J'C\UndeJ. \1' nes, anJ ct;l• ,hty mukes hun a mo<lcl 01 info, matron-age .)l.hJc.1l <>f Oi,in!1)' Jeadersh,p," HowarJ Uni\'ersity President H. Patrick Diploma N•ardmg Ceremony . .\11,ys Hnll, 2:00 p.m. Swygert said. School of Education Kennard's chairmanship comes during one of the Diploma A"aiuing Ceremon) and Reception. Burr most exciting times in the history of telecommunications. Gymnasium. I :00 p.m.- 3:00 p.rn. The transition into the new millennium is a time when the country is moving from a world of monopoly to a College or Engineering, Architecture and P!J<)to ll) Chnudru And•rson world of competition, transforming into an era of digi­ Computer Sci•nc,,s Today wlll ~ I.he Uni\'ttSity"s Commennccmcnt Cocn,o,J.tion . Titc ceremony i, scheduled 10 begin at 9 a.m. on the tal convergence. Collei;e-wid< diploma <Cremony: all grodu3les of Col­ Upper Qu>dr.>ngle or lhc main )Ord. Abo\~ n hopeful grud11J1e \lailds on die ma,n )ard bclore the big da). With Kennard at the helm. the FCC has initiated the lege of Engineering. Architecture and Computer Science, E-ratc program, a $2.25 billion project tliat has wired Computer Sciences. Fanuly. and Friends: one hour follow­ thousands of schools and libraries to the Internet Ken­ ing \,:ondusion of Uni,crslty~" 1dc Commencement Ccrc• rnony, Tent in Quadrangk. Rec.:ption following the nard is also an active advocate for the 54 million Amer­ ceremony ,n the L.K. Downing Building. icans with disabilities. He is intent on working with New Computer Lab Opens its Doors indust.ry, engineers, and consumer groups to make sure Lon School that the technologies of tomorrow and the opportunities UlW School degree presentation and hood111g ceremony. thnt they represent can be used to be11er the lives of all Wn.,hington Conwntion Center. 900 9th Street N. 2:30 p.m. After Months of Student Anticipation Americans. TI1e FCC"s first African American chairman, Kennard College ot Medicine By Kelli D. Esters Reception for groduate> and lhe;r families and friend<: Deputy Managing Editor has made drastic change,; 10 the FCC in hopes of ensur­ ing all Americans with benetitS from the communications Lobby of the Numa P.G. Adam< Building. College of Medi­ cine. immediately follO\\ing commcncemenr. For two years, whenever sopho­ revolution. -... A native of Los Angeles, Calif.• Chairman Kennard more accounting major Ilia Mercer -- ····- __ __ wanted to type a paper she would SPEAKER.A2 have to stand in long lines at the library or in the School of Business • waiting for an available computer to type berwork. She said she was elat­ Provost to Assume Post With ETS ed when sbe experienced the Infor­ mation Laboratory at the Technolo­ gy Center that houses 200 ' dard of scholarship and has effec­ team," said Law School Dean Alice workstations. By Jason T. Smith tively collaborated with University G. Bullock. "It's wonderful that the Universi­ Editor-in­ students, faculty and staff 10 uphold Bullock was on the search com­ ty has made a whole building that is Chief and heighten our status as a Research mittee that tapped Garibaldi as just a computer lab," said Mercer. I institution." Swygert said in a state.. Provost in 1996. 'There is no waiting in line or wast­ I'/ A f I er ment. During his four years at Howard, ing time when you have something four years Though he is leaving the Univer­ Garibaldi has served as the principal due.'' - serving as sity, Garibaldi said his dedication to investigator or co-principal inve~ti­ The Information Laboratory at the the Univer­ higher education will continue. gator on five major grants, totaling 11:chnology Center, known as the Photo by Chandn\ Anderson sity's chief ··My feeling is that the experience more than $7 million, from federal iLab. opened its doors for students on The new computer lab boasts of 200 computer tcm1inal, :ind cable ~,. ' academic I've had thus far in the field of edu­ agencies and other private founda­ Thursday, Apr. 27 at midnight. It officer, cation will aid me in my new posi­ tions. including two grants from the opened its doors to fifteen students each workstation is equipped with "It's cool:' said Patrick Johnson, Provost tion," Garibaldi said. He pointed to National Science Foundation. Since who were impatiently waiting by the voice, data and video capabilities. sophomore broadcast journalism Antoine numerous issues that he hopes to fur­ 1998. he has served as chair of tlie front door to be let in. Wall-mounted video screens show major. "'It's surprising as a Howard Garibaldi ther investigate in his new role like Chief Academic Officers of the Con­ The iLab not only provides stu• the Howard University Thlevision University facility." announced the education gap that exists between sortium of Universities in the Wa,,,h­ dents with some very needed tech­ Network and cable channels.
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