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«T' -; ■ '>■■"•...........■■*--■ 't I- . i' T-.• j « ■ > A"' WP: : ••', .’A >s ■■>,'■■ * • .-r, • • ■'•■■• . V ■'V ■ ■X •7^ "S PiB9l TWEMTT-FOXJI WIDNISDAY, 4, IMT .7. \ iOattrirfstfr lEttftting % ralb Average Daily Net Press Run T k » W esthir For the Ended / FateeneS a# V. S. Wenthar OanM X Tha _____ Girl Scout Angttst 81at, 1887 Council maat Tiiaaday night itTown at 7:85 tha Waddell School. Neighborhood Thoaa att< ' ig are aaked to uae 1 2 ,1 6 5 PBir, Boaisr tonight. Low In ndd 48a. TtUns M r. eonOnnsd LadiM Aid \9fy- ot iSlon the rear ani ce off Irving. St ■ ■■ ' iMtliimn Church ■ ■ • mrtt- Stages Party Mdniber of the ^n a 't eool. mgh BMr 70. iag lids «T«iiiiv T:30 kt Uie Mra. Agnea togan. aupreme ^ 7 , ' Bnnan of OIrMInMon ■7- ehuKh. Srand miitraaa of the LOU, will ehe»ur— ‘A City of Villoffo CJtarni make a Joint vlaitation on Sept 10 ^ On Weekend Tha Alpbui' Social]^ w ill: to the. Daughtera of Liberty Bight at T:S0 at tha Italian . Lodgea No. 125 and No. 17. A ca> Nearly 100 realdenta of the VOL. LXXVI, No/M S fTWRNTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN„ TI1UR8DAY, SEPTEMBER 5. 1957 (OlaaaiflM Adveyttslng an Pago i|) PRICE nVB CENTS can duh. Tha .buainaaa laaaion.' tetad dinner will be aerved at 6:80 Overland, Sarver and Packard E t ba foUomd by a aocial time, In the banquet hall of Orange Hall. raftaabmanta. .Hembera of both lodgea wishing to area celebrated- pari, of .their / ^tend are aaked to call Miss Labor Day weekend with a block Dodd to Make Force/to Help! Iha Bildwaak aerviea thia cva- Loulee Copping for reaervetlons pgrty arranged by the men of the Btng « t tha Oovanant Oon- before Friday night. neighborhood. 4 Months - Olfi Tot gtagaUoiiat Cliurch will ba follow* The program eonaieted of a Second Bid fdr ad ^ choir itractiee. Tomorrow, at Membcra of the Daughters of bicvcle and carriage parade for I/' Without a Country 1:80, a cottaM prayer meeting will Ubecty, No./185t^ tP U . art asked children and various games in ba heM Itt-tfia paraonage. to meet in a bo^' at the Holmes Funeral Home at 7:«b tonight to which the children partlclpsted. Seat in Senate Paris, Itopt. 5 UP\—The plight, The adult’s program featured of ' 4-month-old . Anthony J. D. / OjiMB houaa- in obaarvance of pay respects to John Chambers, a dancing contests and gkmes. // member of the lodge. Fonner Congressman Thom LaWis, bom under three flags but their galdan Wadding annivaraary The children’s program Was •''■’'ft.. ^ a baby without a countiy, is now In wl|l be'held by Mr. and Mra. as A. Dodd of West Hartford tAlliea of the Army and Navy Judged by Mr. and Mrs. Annebalt the haiids of U.S. Air'Force Offi Oaorga Dewart 5* Strickland St., Oervinl, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph. announced today he will make cials in Washington. ....... 1/ Sunday fyom 3 to .8 p.m. at their CJub Auxiliary Will have their ftrat fall meeting tonight at the club* Davis and Andrew M. Healy/ Unitsd Nations. Sept. 15 a “second .try for the' United An Air Force official said today home. TYianda and lelativea are Prires were aWerded to the fol mambera; it Jo a diplomatic moot it might take months for the. Air waleema. houae. At 8.'SO Harold Bells will Secretary General Dag States Senate in 1958, show InteresUng slides of his lowing boys and girls. Bicycles: ing in which the delegatca -of Dodd, a Democrat, was. defeated Force to talk to vacatiofaing mem Prettleet. Ann Cleary; original, Hammarikjold said today he members stateo represent govern bers of. ConggesB about a way to Grand'Tail Cedar Fred Peck re- travela.. A business meeting isnd by Repubican Sen. Prescott Bush social hour with/refreshments will Marilyn Murphy; comical. Dianna favors a master plan for a ment polteieo and these ^llctes In the. 195s Senate contest, al declare the b'sby a U.8. citizen by qneata that mambera of Nutmeg McCann. Tricycles: Prettiest, are aubject to all. the influences blrth^ f ^ t No. lid. Tall Cadara' of follow. , 7- U.N, standby force that could though, he ran considerably; ahead Janet Dowd; original. Patricia At Real Savings! that would prevail ta intemation-; of the rest of hit party ticket. The baby's father, 26-year-old Lebanon, meet at the Watkihe- ^ be sent into action in times of al life ta any case.’! Manchester .Barracks No. 786. Stansfleld; comical, Gary Kline Dodd announced . his randitlacy Air Force Bgt. William ^ D. Lewis, Waat Punaral Homo at 7 o^lock and Janet McCeiui. Four wheel crisis. V . ' Ha declared that In any event is an AmOrioan citizen and his 23- Rebels tceilght to pay reapecta to Khth* World War I Veterans, will meet for the Democratic-Senate nonr.ina- tonight at o'clock at the AmciH* vehicles; Prettiest, Deborah Hunt; For______________ fall brides,__ gifts,____ _chool school or or youi your own Use. Elaborating at a hewa eonfar- voting victories “are likely to be yesr-Old ■ mother Is British. An arJamaa A;-KUpatHck. 8 ance on racommondationa in hix illusory unless they are steps in tlon in letters to all Democratic can Le^oh Home. According to original, Wayne Wlersbicki end A on* boy-power engine Buppu4a.the energy to earner/ihia tour PRINTED FLORAL "FRAGRANCE'V"FRAGRA town chairmen and members, of thony was Ifem in France. Walter Mahoney, commander, ar* Robert Skoog; comical, Mary Ann passenger racer across the flnish ^Une in one of the eonteets. annual report prepared . 'for the the ' direction of winning .lasting Under, U.S.- citixetiahlp laws, an Tha wadttngjar Robert Edward Beaulieu. was fumishad by 'Dick ZInimer’a Geneva! Asaembly opening Sept, consent to a peaceful and Just the Sta.te .Central Committee. rangaments will be made for a re- Hillbilly Band which playad both staged-at tha Saturday Block Party for residents of/the Server, RAYON NYLON tlENDLEND RLAIilANKETS The announcement, coming ai- American who hss'married an alien Doff, IS .HudaOii St, and Biuhara it,. Hbmmxrakjold said he did qot settlement of the questions at Is must have lived in the United Ann Wolf, M’ Locuat St., will take cepUori of SUte offieera to be held ■ -^ter refreahmenta were served, round and squart dancing music. Overland and Packard Sta.-area. envision creation of a VJ4. armed mostX year before the Democratic here aoon. children’s contaat winners were an- sue.” States 10 yesrs before birth of a B w t 14, at S t Jamea' Special priaas Wars awarded ONLY $7^95 force which would stand around -■Bammarskjold did not refer to State convention, Dodd t'hC nqqnced. Bop dancing. Earls Rob 72 X 80 rime. Reg. 9$M. flrat avowed candidate for the Church. Tha Narald vaatarday during tha evening to Mr. and Mrs. waiting for a caH. Ctaurchill or anyone but it is (CoaUaned on Page Five) • loaaenaly rwoetad that the Wad- erta and . gharon . McCann; e»g Helmar Johnson, the longest real- Meeting Tonight Senate'nomination. j. Directors to Ask So dainty, ao soft, so wa^n. In gift box. By Baavtrbrook MiUa. In'hla report tha Secretary Qan- known he has been upset by pro^ dhjv weidd ba Sept IE Board Postpones catching, Alan,- Rydlawlcs ahd dchta; Mr. and itrs. Charles Dew aral aald thT .U.N-; Emargency poaals from ’ leaders in Britain, <8thers: mentioned as likely to Havana, Cuba, Sept. 5 (/P) Joanna Monaghan; clotheapln berry, newest reiidenta; Mr. and i / Forca ta the Middle Eaat haa dem- seek the nomination are Mayor drop, Roy Wlersbicki; dart throw On Globe Project Vote District Plan France.~ Australia, Belgium and — - revolt/backed by some Boat Oo. No. 4 of the Town Fire Mrs.. Robert Stansfleld, youngest ' ______ • '' \ onotrated the value of having ouch other countries for drastic changes | Richard _LeeLee of NNew w Haven and Daparttnant wiU hold ita monthly ^locating Funds ing, Stephen Beaulieu; ring toaa- child; -Mr. and Mra Woodrow Mc a mUitary body ready. former Governor Chester Bowles. Judge Orders Naval units erupted in Cien- Ing, James Skelly; winners «>f the General Manager Richard Martin Regiatrara of both parUei^ir^l CHARMHOUSC RAYON NYLON RLEND / in the way the United Nations ' “■ BiaaUng tonight atS o’clock. Cann, most' children, 'tlhe grand ■When I aay on a standby baxl* works. Dodd, who sehred two terms In fuegOB today and the goverph Thb .-Board of Directbra laat grand drawing. Robert Sko6g and prise drawing waa won by Mr, and will meet tonight With members of ba aaked by the Board of Ditoc- MOTH-PROOF EXTRA WARM BLANKCTS / I.mean we should have a full oet Hajnmarskjpld said it.-has been the House of Representatives be ment n^hed troops and tanka night decided to portpone until Monique Healy. Ice cream was Mrs. Earle l^berta. tha’ Advlso^ Recreation and Park tors to submit a plan for redis- -of maater agreementx. legal texti fore seeking "the Senate seat held Integration for aewed while children watched _____ _ . I suggested that unless limitations into that central Cuban city. neat apring'any action eoncatniiig William Healy arranged the Commission ^ r the purpose of dia- tricUhg ta Manehester. 7 ' $7.95 . / . and troop arrahgem'enta which are gu tng present powers of the by Bush, said'in his letter he "ex ■nia government acted after the cert^n.^^ wpplled by Herman ' 72 X 80 alee. Reg.'SO.O.I. the allocation of fuAda from the block party and the following com cuaatag propoaals concerning the The ‘Directors asked that the completely flexible,” he declared- United Natiems are removed, other pected other candidates to 'come rfbela/seizcd the police headquar mittees servedr Children’s pro .Hammarakjold was asked' If he meqns should be sought for ob- forward' atid that he “welcomes Dallas Schools An Ytir Car high achcol bond acdouat for Jen- Globe Hollow swimming pool.