«T' -; ■ '>■■"•...........■■*--■ 't I- . i' T-.• j « ■ > A"' WP: : ••', .’A >s ■■>,'■■ * • .-r, • • ■'•■■• . V ■'V ■ ■X •7^ "S PiB9l TWEMTT-FOXJI WIDNISDAY, 4, IMT .7. \ iOattrirfstfr lEttftting % ralb Average Daily Net Press Run T k » W esthir For the Ended / FateeneS a# V. S. Wenthar OanM X Tha _____ Girl Scout Angttst 81at, 1887 Council maat Tiiaaday night itTown at 7:85 tha Waddell School. Neighborhood Thoaa att< ' ig are aaked to uae 1 2 ,1 6 5 PBir, Boaisr tonight. Low In ndd 48a. TtUns M r. eonOnnsd LadiM Aid \9fy- ot iSlon the rear ani ce off Irving. St ■ ■■ ' iMtliimn Church ■ ■ • mrtt- Stages Party Mdniber of the ^n a 't eool. mgh BMr 70. iag lids «T«iiiiv T:30 kt Uie Mra. Agnea togan. aupreme ^ 7 , ' Bnnan of OIrMInMon ■7- ehuKh. Srand miitraaa of the LOU, will ehe»ur— ‘A City of Villoffo CJtarni make a Joint vlaitation on Sept 10 ^ On Weekend Tha Alpbui' Social]^ w ill: to the. Daughtera of Liberty Bight at T:S0 at tha Italian . Lodgea No. 125 and No. 17. A ca> Nearly 100 realdenta of the VOL. LXXVI, No/M S fTWRNTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN„ TI1UR8DAY, SEPTEMBER 5. 1957 (OlaaaiflM Adveyttslng an Pago i|) PRICE nVB CENTS can duh. Tha .buainaaa laaaion.' tetad dinner will be aerved at 6:80 Overland, Sarver and Packard E t ba foUomd by a aocial time, In the banquet hall of Orange Hall. raftaabmanta. .Hembera of both lodgea wishing to area celebrated- pari, of .their / ^tend are aaked to call Miss Labor Day weekend with a block Dodd to Make Force/to Help! Iha Bildwaak aerviea thia cva- Loulee Copping for reaervetlons pgrty arranged by the men of the Btng « t T.-SO.at tha Oovanant Oon- before Friday night. neighborhood. 4 Months - Olfi Tot gtagaUoiiat Cliurch will ba follow* The program eonaieted of a Second Bid fdr ad ^ choir itractiee. Tomorrow, at Membcra of the Daughters of bicvcle and carriage parade for I/' Without a Country 1:80, a cottaM prayer meeting will Ubecty, No./185t^ tP U . art asked children and various games in ba heM Itt-tfia paraonage. to meet in a bo^' at the Holmes Funeral Home at 7:«b tonight to which the children partlclpsted. Seat in Senate Paris, Itopt. 5 UP\—The plight, The adult’s program featured of ' 4-month-old . Anthony J. D. / OjiMB houaa- in obaarvance of pay respects to John Chambers, a dancing contests and gkmes. // member of the lodge. Fonner Congressman Thom­ LaWis, bom under three flags but their galdan Wadding annivaraary The children’s program Was •''■’'ft.. ^ a baby without a countiy, is now In wl|l be'held by Mr. and Mra. as A. Dodd of West Hartford tAlliea of the Army and Navy Judged by Mr. and Mrs. Annebalt the haiids of U.S. Air'Force Offi­ Oaorga Dewart 5* Strickland St., Oervinl, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph. announced today he will make cials in Washington. ....... 1/ Sunday fyom 3 to .8 p.m. at their CJub Auxiliary Will have their ftrat fall meeting tonight at the club* Davis and Andrew M. Healy/ Unitsd Nations. Sept. 15 a “second .try for the' United An Air Force official said today home. TYianda and lelativea are Prires were aWerded to the fol­ mambera; it Jo a diplomatic moot­ it might take months for the. Air waleema. houae. At 8.'SO Harold Bells will Secretary General Dag States Senate in 1958, show InteresUng slides of his lowing boys and girls. Bicycles: ing in which the delegatca -of Dodd, a Democrat, was. defeated Force to talk to vacatiofaing mem­ Prettleet. Ann Cleary; original, Hammarikjold said today he members stateo represent govern­ bers of. ConggesB about a way to Grand'Tail Cedar Fred Peck re- travela.. A business meeting isnd by Repubican Sen. Prescott Bush social hour with/refreshments will Marilyn Murphy; comical. Dianna favors a master plan for a ment polteieo and these ^llctes In the. 195s Senate contest, al­ declare the b'sby a U.8. citizen by qneata that mambera of Nutmeg McCann. Tricycles: Prettiest, are aubject to all. the influences blrth^ f ^ t No. lid. Tall Cadara' of follow. , 7- U.N, standby force that could though, he ran considerably; ahead Janet Dowd; original. Patricia At Real Savings! that would prevail ta intemation-; of the rest of hit party ticket. The baby's father, 26-year-old Lebanon, meet at the Watkihe- ^ be sent into action in times of al life ta any case.’! Manchester .Barracks No. 786. Stansfleld; comical, Gary Kline Dodd announced . his randitlacy Air Force Bgt. William ^ D. Lewis, Waat Punaral Homo at 7 o^lock and Janet McCeiui. Four wheel crisis. V . ' Ha declared that In any event is an AmOrioan citizen and his 23- Rebels tceilght to pay reapecta to Khth* World War I Veterans, will meet for the Democratic-Senate nonr.ina- tonight at o'clock at the AmciH* vehicles; Prettiest, Deborah Hunt; For______________ fall brides,__ gifts,____ _chool school or or youi your own Use. Elaborating at a hewa eonfar- voting victories “are likely to be yesr-Old ■ mother Is British. An­ arJamaa A;-KUpatHck. 8 ance on racommondationa in hix illusory unless they are steps in tlon in letters to all Democratic can Le^oh Home. According to original, Wayne Wlersbicki end A on* boy-power engine Buppu4a.the energy to earner/ihia tour PRINTED FLORAL "FRAGRANCE'V"FRAGRA town chairmen and members, of thony was Ifem in France. Walter Mahoney, commander, ar* Robert Skoog; comical, Mary Ann passenger racer across the flnish ^Une in one of the eonteets. annual report prepared . 'for the the ' direction of winning .lasting Under, U.S.- citixetiahlp laws, an Tha wadttngjar Robert Edward Beaulieu. was fumishad by 'Dick ZInimer’a Geneva! Asaembly opening Sept, consent to a peaceful and Just the Sta.te .Central Committee. rangaments will be made for a re- Hillbilly Band which playad both staged-at tha Saturday Block Party for residents of/the Server, RAYON NYLON tlENDLEND RLAIilANKETS The announcement, coming ai- American who hss'married an alien Doff, IS .HudaOii St, and Biuhara it,. Hbmmxrakjold said he did qot settlement of the questions at Is­ must have lived in the United Ann Wolf, M’ Locuat St., will take cepUori of SUte offieera to be held ■ -^ter refreahmenta were served, round and squart dancing music. Overland and Packard Sta.-area. envision creation of a VJ4. armed mostX year before the Democratic here aoon. children’s contaat winners were an- sue.” States 10 yesrs before birth of a B w t 14, at S t Jamea' Special priaas Wars awarded ONLY $7^95 force which would stand around -■Bammarskjold did not refer to State convention, mak.es Dodd t'hC nqqnced. Bop dancing. Earls Rob­ 72 X 80 rime. Reg. 9$M. flrat avowed candidate for the Church. Tha Narald vaatarday during tha evening to Mr. and Mrs. waiting for a caH. Ctaurchill or anyone but it is (CoaUaned on Page Five) • loaaenaly rwoetad that the Wad- erta and . gharon . McCann; e»g Helmar Johnson, the longest real- Meeting Tonight Senate'nomination. j. Directors to Ask So dainty, ao soft, so wa^n. In gift box. By Baavtrbrook MiUa. In'hla report tha Secretary Qan- known he has been upset by pro^ dhjv weidd ba Sept IE Board Postpones catching, Alan,- Rydlawlcs ahd dchta; Mr. and itrs. Charles Dew­ aral aald thT .U.N-; Emargency poaals from ’ leaders in Britain, <8thers: mentioned as likely to Havana, Cuba, Sept. 5 (/P) Joanna Monaghan; clotheapln berry, newest reiidenta; Mr. and i / Forca ta the Middle Eaat haa dem- seek the nomination are Mayor drop, Roy Wlersbicki; dart throw­ On Globe Project Vote District Plan France.~ Australia, Belgium and — - revolt/backed by some Boat Oo. No. 4 of the Town Fire Mrs.. Robert Stansfleld, youngest ' ______ • '' \ onotrated the value of having ouch other countries for drastic changes | Richard _LeeLee of NNew w Haven and Daparttnant wiU hold ita monthly ^locating Funds ing, Stephen Beaulieu; ring toaa- child; -Mr. and Mra Woodrow Mc­ a mUitary body ready. former Governor Chester Bowles. Judge Orders Naval units erupted in Cien- Ing, James Skelly; winners «>f the General Manager Richard Martin Regiatrara of both parUei^ir^l CHARMHOUSC RAYON NYLON RLEND / in the way the United Nations ' “■ BiaaUng tonight atS o’clock. Cann, most' children, 'tlhe grand ■When I aay on a standby baxl* works. Dodd, who sehred two terms In fuegOB today and the goverph Thb .-Board of Directbra laat grand drawing. Robert Sko6g and prise drawing waa won by Mr, and will meet tonight With members of ba aaked by the Board of Ditoc- MOTH-PROOF EXTRA WARM BLANKCTS / I.mean we should have a full oet Hajnmarskjpld said it.-has been the House of Representatives be­ ment n^hed troops and tanka night decided to portpone until Monique Healy. Ice cream was Mrs. Earle l^berta. tha’ Advlso^ Recreation and Park tors to submit a plan for redis- -of maater agreementx. legal texti fore seeking "the Senate seat held Integration for aewed while children watched _____ _ . I suggested that unless limitations into that central Cuban city. neat apring'any action eoncatniiig William Healy arranged the Commission ^ r the purpose of dia- tricUhg ta Manehester. 7 ' $7.95 . / . and troop arrahgem'enta which are gu tng present powers of the by Bush, said'in his letter he "ex­ ■nia government acted after the cert^n.^^ wpplled by Herman ' 72 X 80 alee. Reg.'SO.O.I. the allocation of fuAda from the block party and the following com­ cuaatag propoaals concerning the The ‘Directors asked that the completely flexible,” he declared- United Natiems are removed, other pected other candidates to 'come rfbela/seizcd the police headquar­ mittees servedr Children’s pro­ .Hammarakjold was asked' If he meqns should be sought for ob- forward' atid that he “welcomes Dallas Schools An Ytir Car high achcol bond acdouat for Jen- Globe Hollow swimming pool.
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