1962 Journal
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,Aauutal 4pmowd eeaAd ?euu 4 Ilsea ftedodtat elm" 1962 PRICE: $1.50 Per Copy—Free to Churches r TABLE OF CONTENTS (Arranged in Accordance With Par, 658, The Discipline, 1960) Page I. Officers of the Conference ........................................................... 3 II. Boards, Commissions, Committees and Rolls of Conference Members ........................................................ 4 Ill. Daily Proceedings--------------- --------------------------------------------------------- 33 IV. Disciplinary Questions------------------------------------------------------------------ 44 V. Appointments ................................................................................ 55 VI. Reports----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 65 VII. Memoirs----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------175 VIII. Roll of Deceased Ministerial Members ............. ............................191 IX. Historical----------- ---------°----------------------°°-°-------°-----°---------------- --194 X. Miscellaneous ...............................................................................196 XI. Pastoral Record--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -209 XI1. Index ............................................ w ................................................. 269 1962 CENTRAL TEXAS. CONFERENCE BEING THE NINETY-SEVENTH ANNUAL SESSION Conference Organized 1866 Conference Divided 1910 Unification Merger 1939 First Methodist Church, Fort Worth, Texas June 5-8, 1962 Permanent records of the Central Texas Conference are located in a safe inside the vault of First Methodist Church, Fort Worth. Current records are in pos- session of the conference secretary in a fire proof cabinet, BISHOP WILLIAM C. MARTIN Resident Bishop 1948-1962 1962 CENTRAL TEXAS CONFERENCE JOURNAL 3 I-OFFICERS OF THE CONFERENCE PRESIDENT—Bishop William C. Martin, 1910 Main St., Dallas 1, Texas SECRETARY-TREASURER—J. D. F. Williams, Box 11309, Fort Worth 10, Texas ASSISTANT SECRETARIES—B. Thomas Tribble, Charles Chadwick, Minutes; R. A. Brooks, Jr., Conference Business; John Dowd, Reports; Roy F. Johnson, Roll; H. F. Meier, Jr., Organization. STATISTICAN—Glenn C. Bowman, 2908 Layton Ave., Fort Worth 11, Texas PRESS REPRESENTATIVE—W. L. Hankla, 4128 Sanguinet, Fort Worth 7, Texas AGENT OF HOMES FOR RETIRED PREACHERS—Hubert Crain, 11 11 N. Clinton, Stephenville, Texas CONFERENCE SECRETARY ON EVANGELISM—Jack Payne, 4833 Selkirk, Fort Worth 9, Texas CONFERENCE LAY LEADER—Roy J. Grogan, Kindel Building, Weatherford, Texas. CONFERENCE MISSIONARY SECRETARY—V. Cyrus Borcus, 419 W. Walker, Breckenridge, Texas. PRESIDENT CONFERENCE W.S.C.S.—Mrs. R. S. High, Blooming Grove, Texas. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY BOARD OF EDUCATION—Richard R. Smith, III, 7%2 E. Henderson, Cleburne, Texas HOSPITAL COMMISSIONER-CHAPLAIN—James Ansley, Harris Hospital, Fort Worth 4, Texas. CONFERENCE COMMISSIONER—METHODIST MISSION HOME OF TEXAS— Ervin M. Gothings, Box 214, Weatherford, Texas. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY—TOWN AND COUNTRY WORK—Edward H. Otwell, Box 581, Cleburne, Texas. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR—WESLEYAN HOMES, INC.—M. Howard Knox, Box 486, Georgetown, Texas. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR—THE METHODIST HOME—Hubert Johnson, 1111 Her- ring Avenue, Waco, Texas. JURISDICTIONAL CONFERENCE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY—Virgil D. Morris, 301 Colcord Bldg., Oklahoma City 2, Oklahoma. CENTRAL TEXAS CONFERENCE JOURNAL 1962 II—BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, COMMITTEES, ROLL Boards DEACONESS BOARD All Active deaconesses in Conference Cabinet Members Pastors of churches employing deaconesses Conference W.S.C.S. representatives: Pres., Mrs. R. S. High, Blooming Grove; Secretary Youth Work, Mrs. Leighton Farrell, 5467 McConnell, Fort Worth; Secretary, Student Work, Mrs. Richard Douthit, Secretary-Treasurer, 2820 So. Hills Ave., Fort Worth; Sec. Missionary Personnel, Mrs. H. C. Riepe, 121 McGee Drive, Fort Worth. H. F. Meier, Jr., Vice-Chairman, (Commission on Christian Vocations) One representative (not a deaconess) from the local Board of Managers or Committee of each project within the Conference where deaconesses live or are employed. BOARD OF EDUCATION Clerical: Gaston Foote, Vice Chairman (1964); W. M. Greenwaldt (1964); Cecil M. Ellis (1964); Bruce Weaver, Chairman (1968); James Ansley (1968); Roy Johnson (1968); Harvey Raines (1968); Sidney Roberts, Secretary (1964); Jackson C. Oglesby (1964); Kenneth Reed (1964); Ervin. M. Gothings (1968); Floyd Boulware (1968); Robert H. Briles (1968); Mike Patison (1964); B. F. Jackson, Jr. (1968); Raybon W. Porter (1964). Lay: Mrs. B. B. Wedemeyer, 1304 North 15th, Waco (1964); Truman Har- low, Box 767, Brownwood (1964); Roy Coleman, 413 Magnolia, Fort Worth (1964); Lee Colwick, Stephenville (1964); J. F. Gardner, Waxahachie (1964); S. R. Greenwood, Temple National Bank, Temple (1964); Dr. Harold Burman, 1301 West 2nd, Arlington (1968); Bill Witherspoon, Treasurer, Box 257, Weather- ford (1968); Mrs. Ray Horany, Olney (1968); Dana Williams, Corsicana (1968); H. F. Grath, Copperas Cove (1968). Youth: Dwight Hamilton, 1212 W. Drew, Fort Worth, Marsha Myers, 1917 Nottingham, Fort Worth 12, Janet Ferguson, Groesbeck. Ex-Officio: Conference Lay Leader, Roy J. Grogan, Kindel Building, Weather- ford; Conference President W.S.C.S.., Mrs. R. S. High, Blooming Grove. BOARD OF EVANGELISM Clerical: Don Renshaw, (1964); Jack Payne, Conference Secretary of Evange- lism Treasurer & Secretary 0964); A. K. Marney (1964); Ben H. Feemster, Vice- Chairman (1968); Ernest DeWold (1968); John R. Meritt (1968); Marvin Bledsoe (1968); Wallace Dunson (1964); Leonard Radde (1968); Carroll H. Thompson, Chairman (1968); Paul Wiseman, Secretary-Treasurer (1968); A. B. McCown (1968); A. A. Peacock (1964); J. D. F. Williams (1964). Lay: M. J. Weaver, Olney, (1964); Hugh Rooks, Waco (1964); L. R. Sessions, Waxahachie (1964); Roy Pennington, Gatesville (1964); Steve Ewing, 2924 College, Fort Worth (1964); J. W. Moore, Box 496, Ballinger (1968); John Stover, Corsicana (1968); J. W. Kelley, Rt. 5, Temple (1968); Herbert A. Owens, Sr., 3636 Avenue G., Fort Worth (1968) Graham Pou, Cleburne (1968); E. M. Griffin, Hillsboro (1964); J. Doyle Stalcup, Box 133, Cleburne (1964); Will Poston, Mineral Wells (1968); J. L. LoGrone, 5525 Westcreek, Fort Worth (1968). 1962 CENTRAL TEXAS CONFERENCE JOURNAL Ex-Officio: District Superintendents; District Secretaries of Evangelism; Sec- retary of Spiritual Life Conference W. S. C. S., Mrs. J. D. F. Williams, Box 11309, Fort Worth 10; Vice-Chairmen of District Committees on Evangelism; Conference Youth Representative: Jackie Riddle, 222 Live Oak Lake, Weatherford, Judy Power, Rt. 1, Box 327, Breckenridge; Conference Secretary of Evangelism, Jack Payne, Jurisdictional Board Members; Maggart B. Howell, Morris Walker, 5311 Timberwilde Circle, Fort Worth. BOARD OF HOSPITALS AND HOMES Clerical: Richard Millsop, Chairman (1964); John Bashom (1964); Gaither Day (1964); William N. Shirey (1968); Homer Pumphrey (1968); C. D. Wooten, Trea.-Secretary, (1964); Ira M. Thompson (1964); N. H. Kupferle, Jr. (1968); Kenneth Bass (1968); C. A. Sutton (1968). Lay. Tim Williams, Vice-Chairman, 204 S. Robinson, (1964); Howard G. Patterson, 7215 Evergreen Rd., Fort Worth (1964); Clyde Haynes, 3434 Chateau, Waco (1964); W. E. Arnold, Temple (1964); Al Dellinger, Ballinger (1964); Morton Gouse Ware, 1251 Pennsylvania, Fort Worth (1964); S. H. Nonce, 900 Avenue H., Cisco (1968); Dr. T. R. Williams, Gatesville (1968); Dr. R. L. Camp- bell, Corsicana (1968); Robert Marshall, Hillsboro (1968). Ex-Officio: Hubert Johnson, Waco, Member General Board Hospitals and Homes. Ex-Officio (without vote): Hubert Crain, Superintendent of Homes of Retired Ministers; Hubert Johnson, Superintendent of The Methodist Home; W. P. Earngey, Jr., Administrator of Harris Hospital; James Ansley, Commissioner- Chaplain, Harris Hospital; M. Howard Knox, Executive Director, Wesleyan Homes BOARD OF LAY ACTIVITIES Conference Lay Leader: Roy J. Grogan (6) Chairman, Kindel Building, Weath- erford. The District Superintendents: The District Lay Leaders and Associates: Brownwood District: District Lay Leader: E. J. Hughes, 2508 Southside Drive, Brownwood (4); Associates: J. Ed Johnson, Kruger Hill, Brownwood (2); Ernest Caskey, Box 231, Ballinger (3); Lonnie Sikes, Bangs (2); Joe Dibrell, 501 Rio Grande, Coleman (2); Gattis Neely, Winters (2); W. A. Morgan, DeLeon (2); John Galloway, 2406 First Street, Brownwood (1). Cisco District: District Lay Leader: Paul Whitton, Cross Plains (4); Associates: Lee Clinton, Cisco (1); Arthur Deffebach, Ranger (5); H. A. Brookshire, Mineral Wells (3); H. A. Hefner, Graham (5); Ross Watson, Polo Pinto (2); Louis Pitcock, Jr., Graham (1). Cleburne District: District Lay Leader: A. G. Beane, Box 138, Joshua (2); Associates: Mac Hartness, Treasurer, Citizens National Bank, Weatherford (6); Cecil Massey, 431 West Columbia, Weatherford (4); Tom Voss, Box 488, Glen Rose (2); Burton Burks, Jr., Granbury (6); Wm. R. Anderson, Jr., 904 Surry Place Drive, Cleburne (3); J. W. Keith, 1004 Euclid, Cleburne (1); Robert A. Parker, Box 626, Alvarado (1); J. T. Cosler, 1244 W. Water Street, Weatherford (1). Corsicana District: District Lay Leader: Elbert Prince, 102 North 28th Street, Corsicana (4); Associates: Clarence Ferguson, Box 270, Groesbeck (8); Horace Hayes, 2201 Beaton, Corsicana (4); J. W. Elliott, Mexio (3); Gaston Gooch, 2905 College Circle North, Corsicana (4); Hugh Fullerton, Jr., Corsicana (1); Logan Christian,