SR Take Place at 8 O'clock Aitf Gardfii Part) for Seniors W
hhh •WMIIIWII.WWII fe.v m •' JI Student Weekly Publication The Rice Institute HOUSTON, TEXAS, FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1933 NO. at1 l« ill ill?i a S ates 111 Talks To Be Senior Speaker R President Simmonds To Delivered On Play \ T Final Take Place At 8 O'clock m si June 4 and 5 Ball Jun e a Baccalaureate Sermon And Com. | Atnerkan arid Banquet Set Jum-'! To Be In Aca- Plans for the annual K. and Quill and Paul Kichter of The Owl; Thomas , han, -Martin • Gould.- Mildred O'Learj, At Rite Hotel And demic Court ; Banquet to be held at 8 o'clock this (Lindy) Gready and Al Moody of The (Hazel Pace, Pete Muhiseak-o, Evelyn V'aehi Chih | evening fit the Warwick hotel have Thresher: and Bob , iMalr and Jack | Fink, Leon Bresky, Alberta lUesen, The baccalaureate sermon of the ; been completed, according to Frank Keevtfs of1 The Campanile. Kenneth Phillips,: Katherine Ho'nier, j Hurley, president of the honorary The Thresher awards* will, be pre- j Paul Rogers, Leslie Thackcr, Pauline eighteenth annual commencement of SI NIOK F'l'Nt TIONN jjournalistic society for 1.933. sented by Thomas Gijeady to; Joe Ko- jLechwigci. Eyiji Mendel Blanche Tay- the iRSce Institute will be delivered in t. Senior Anierican. June '. The affair is given: every year in curek, Harriet, Malloy, Ed McCkma- i lor j and Rwllo Meyer. I a a. the Academic Court at nine o'clock in. to 2:,"tt> Itice. Itnof (..iriteti j honor of the staff.-, of the three stu- Frank lfurl^V' will make .
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