SR Take Place at 8 O'clock Aitf Gardfii Part) for Seniors W
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hhh •WMIIIWII.WWII fe.v m •' JI Student Weekly Publication The Rice Institute HOUSTON, TEXAS, FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1933 NO. at1 l« ill ill?i a S ates 111 Talks To Be Senior Speaker R President Simmonds To Delivered On Play \ T Final Take Place At 8 O'clock m si June 4 and 5 Ball Jun e a Baccalaureate Sermon And Com. | Atnerkan arid Banquet Set Jum-'! To Be In Aca- Plans for the annual K. and Quill and Paul Kichter of The Owl; Thomas , han, -Martin • Gould.- Mildred O'Learj, At Rite Hotel And demic Court ; Banquet to be held at 8 o'clock this (Lindy) Gready and Al Moody of The (Hazel Pace, Pete Muhiseak-o, Evelyn V'aehi Chih | evening fit the Warwick hotel have Thresher: and Bob , iMalr and Jack | Fink, Leon Bresky, Alberta lUesen, The baccalaureate sermon of the ; been completed, according to Frank Keevtfs of1 The Campanile. Kenneth Phillips,: Katherine Ho'nier, j Hurley, president of the honorary The Thresher awards* will, be pre- j Paul Rogers, Leslie Thackcr, Pauline eighteenth annual commencement of SI NIOK F'l'Nt TIONN jjournalistic society for 1.933. sented by Thomas Gijeady to; Joe Ko- jLechwigci. Eyiji Mendel Blanche Tay- the iRSce Institute will be delivered in t. Senior Anierican. June '. The affair is given: every year in curek, Harriet, Malloy, Ed McCkma- i lor j and Rwllo Meyer. I a a. the Academic Court at nine o'clock in. to 2:,"tt> Itice. Itnof (..iriteti j honor of the staff.-, of the three stu- Frank lfurl^V' will make . the Owl, 1'. Senior liamiuet. June 3<l tn: in the morning of Sunday, June 4. by jdent publications on the campus. The 1 1 . .'• •< ,ii j awards to; Uuth Louphridge, Elliott Hnusloii Yaclit- <-l«it>. the Rev, Dr. Hiram Abiff Boaz, Bishop j Thresher; The Owl, and The Cam-, ( Flowers, Pete M.a'nisoaleo, Btjb , Han- :t, Final Brill, ,hmV 5, 10 jj4 m. of the Methodist Episcopal Church, jpanile. Thirty-nine awards will be non. Leota Meyer, John (Cook, and a nt,. Rice Hotel liallrenui. presented this year by the editors of Blanket Paul iliehttr.' and Hurley, will South. The commencement address to I the respective1 publications, 18 going to ;receive ;keyS||;;:j!;!'' Milks,.' LbiiRhridge', ;will, 1 VKiiM.' the graduating class will be delivered (The Thresher, 8 to The Owl, and 1'! receive a '..'oH -pin fui hoi" fourth ,yea:- j'tf J-tiM, l.> -.f t Monday morning, June 5, at nine fto The Campanile. Several students Tax Voted .j of. $jmUlK|.1 •, 11llpfiii#! i n, ivi!: o'clock—the same place and hour - by | who have done outstanding work, in ill Cafiipanili; ''awards 'j; .jireselifed'1 ', \iy t rid be|'vv(' Dr. Edwin Grant Conklin, Henry Fair- | more than one publication will receive ,Ilobert Blair, will;, go to;. .Gerald Kuh- ... :• - .ffll ! their award from one and inent.:ii,m BY Students aru Joe Alleo. Hallie Beth Tailey, field Osborn Professor of Biology in 1 Jtle-.:'.' . ills i from the others* I jWladelibe Freeman. Fi e<l Tayloi. Stella t.riS' Prihpeton University. ill :i,-!. f..:'. Mil Speakers for (he occasion , will be McNeir. |j Lois- Peters, j Naomi (iuion. 1 Gciselmaii Is Elected President • Jack : ..Reeves and Wbitm > Header; The public is cordially invited to Bishop Hiram A biff Boaz of the , Dr. R. A. Tsanoff, of the philosophy 1 Of Senior Class For j Rc V|jjpihrt| rtiWWe Icj'ii^ijsfi |j my, ,;. hear these distinguished speakers, Methodist Episcopal Church, South, I department, and J. T. McCantJs i:>f the ;;jals.,ii;j . S.. .Mo-'dy .f,r. i >. .iijo; ! ,|'|1 i',1 will deliver the baccalaureate sermon i Administration, Other honor guests f T'siien]| W;i,ll 1 c-eeiee ,« ' gold' pbf. 1 Mi-':l Jr., , : Si both of whom are well known ir. j 11",;•>.-ifli• t'!i /"to<:a\ .i"''::i' i j-tiii!: to I he 1933 graduating class in 'me •will be; Mrs. J T McCants, Mr, T j j jlf"'..i;.' if t'; .1 T., MeC'ants of the Board, of Pub- lor tile • .->(.-111. .-I- Aft.iei H an i I hi. 1 1 Houston, for Dr. Conklin lias spoken 1 IT ! ):} 'ci*.»; ;*.' tunnf- J»,i tl-. «• T.ior Academic court on Sunday. June 4, al (J. Baker and Carl Schuinaker 6f In the., '.'le'ctffins 'om- | Heatkiii";: will make the key piesc-!;t.i- i .u,.[!!!•: ,:K,;ifi| ;b)i!,i .. 'ifyif- • and lectured here on previous occa- 9 o'clock. • Parke Engraving company: Carroll litllSftt!!"*•:«! . til'- ;R. 1! • 't' Bijifel Ue V .Oil tile I nulsory $8; .blaiikci.t lax' .waS' votej-J- for. j fions to t:be editor and bu^inChK biaii- 1 sions, while Dr. Boaz has in recent Rlanchaiai. Henry Stamm, and Vernon I'. 'l ;ia*' iA'.m Oiiaipl, :i r; lie' ]|| ' the overwhelming^majority o( (137 | atier of ®aeh publication. Qtber of- HI Stanini of the Relit company, Mr. anil 'affi their. !•&ml.- ou'' years maintained his episcopal resi- pH for :his ve.,r eiectcd at the if mm SBHip ! H.; M. r.uste- ,:of' Roulando, ! tti!;;77. An addition of $.40 t i wi - irt 'is a'lii' c:'ve- lit! niors-' dence in this city. :'t"{Vlel',' last year; are: Stella " McNeir. ! studios; Mr. : and Mrs. V B Andrew j the cost of the Owl was. fayol-eil by .a Gardfii Part) :fic>if !.*®i'H, U'i^hi-s'; bi'i i-et- I It,-<f: ; yiee;f)rj;'sidebt; "EiiKl;, J'Oe Koi-urek. HE Bishop Boaz, a native of Kentucky, Engineers' 'ihev II K -::e'. f'tri' :h. la ..: eilupii i and Mrs. Katherine Andrew of . The | majority of 512, to 195. | retary-treasiirfr. tijvt i -iV. \ \ :> l was a student of the Sam Houston ! Houston Labor Journal.' " ; |,,"a", j If the $8.40 compulsory tax;*;oes into; } Following the: bariqui't, awards onii ; State Normal School at Huntsville, i Six students will receive gold R & :p:-echi'S. ail eloctitin of' t'kjvv .office!'£.. For Seniors "]'• '• f' -|:<' 41' r: \e. i 1,1.•! : Officers For (effect; the , apportionment \*ilt be as mm ,<nvteiflt ,tb" <.Uiwn-an.l-oi,il v oi< to i T-xns, [«rpdurted from Sonthv'»«tpm | Quill keys. They are: Frank Hurley v.-i!l take placee o l J i'.-.M'iw-,' Al'.lc'U A • S-t ,*'0: c.ot.•jtji.'r. i,; •> • t« f University at Georgetown, Texas, from SSii '--w te • >1 - .• . : ' ' . tlanetlain'-'"- an.-ntcd l w.v;,it i.i-' lln^Ihrc,c dollur<J.•!I:;i ? per which he also received a Master of : Campstni'e, $2,50; Thresher, 65 cents, m JIME 1933 Named head Thii nioney Itricl the cnin tlor- Arts degree, and later engaged in .ill; 4(3 cetits:' 'Engineering Show, 10 • r, , , , 'h" N.i'iiol .01-;. '•( ill t.'aila .-•••! -to a*. postgraduate studies at Columbia Uni- | cents; Woman's Council, 10 cents; and I Last Seminar 315 Affair V\ ill lit' Held Mondajj , -j.,-,], y r. ;[| for versity in the City of New York. He Al Ledvrcr • and Haylett O'Neil ! Incidentals. 50 cents. 1 v ( SJ c<s w In Academic* Court Front i ,. .-, (i i ;! . r •nts'. holds the honorary degrees ttf Doctor Chosen President and The results of this election will not ; 5 (<) 7 P. M. '!'!ic f:i.>efl.-. ..f tl.. and '> of Divinity from Kentucky Wesleyah Vice President be mandatory, but will || submitted SET T o d a y For Degree *_ v»ii.» v'-TOti; t . fI.-, th« College and Doctor of Laws from to the Board of Trustees to s|iow them .The lUiatiaf- (iitden I'.itiv <• I'.'iu,-.» 'Iiiv <§<m Centennary College. The year's program of the Rice In- 'he attitude of the student body, Of- t hi ; ficials believe that this vote will have ; llrivnatz. Tiirrentine, Schwartz of the Svtiior,, '; I mi g'ue:,t> .(if:, the ap- will I',- : il .ol .. • S.t'.i'i t'"t' stitute Engineering society was 1 ! 1 the" jyter serving several pastorates in At Institute a great, --.mount of weight with 'tir 1 e Will Speak At pi-oaclntig t on an' -I KM'tt a • • : wili I'm* nfij;i I f.e. .!• ,t' v: t" j\ • * : ': . •: (• the ministry of his church, Dr. Boaz brought to a close at the society's jp ' ' . ' jfjj : "... Meeting EtS." I'lSUi'.Il ffl tlMMflHRHHIliRfeMMtiMmllmitf WiU entered on a period of twenty years i!;ty aftt-nn.i.n. • J-.HH- fi. fcotn. I!v.- ,,r.-i !• fI • era• •'e;x!t a ft - i .'•net • Final Initiation banquet, held .last In the 'run-off election'. Grovei in educational administration, and he 144 Are Candidates For B. A. seven o'.'lcek. ,if.tite\ .'lot:,: T' • \-.-ho week in the auditorium of the Trinity »Gieselman was elected president 'of | W...C. McDonald! iw.ll be the cliair- was President of Polytechnic College —11 Degrees To Be 1 III ll» I't'iaMV-i; i> .« il'.e • v.i'I ;'<ii-t-it*:* * t?a jv.j'l * • t. Ihfi ; Episcopal church. next, year's senior class ;over Tallii^,'' i roan of. the laHt irieeting j at , Eng'itieer- in Fort Worth, 1902-11, Vice-President Conferred 1 i u;" ' • : tui W'ilSi uirif^pj nainely. "-"n pre-'a-: ..•> m •>*:•""• tl the? Wilson; /by* a. majority or 110 'to'. 08 SI of Southern Methodist University in In addition to the initiation cere- Tiitjl; Seminar to I be held this afternoon \H-;r.