Report Constrained Structure of Ancient Chinese Poetry Facilitates Speech Content Grouping Graphical Abstract Authors Xiangbin Teng, Min Ma, Jinbiao Yang, Stefan Blohm, Qing Cai, Xing Tian Correspondence
[email protected] In Brief Teng et al. combine recurrent neural network and neurophysiology to investigate how the structured format of poetry aids speech perception. The structured poetic format renders poems predictable across multiple timescales and facilitates speech segmentation. Phase precession indicating predictive processes in speech segmentation is observed. Highlights d Listeners parse ancient Chinese poetry according to the poetic structures d Two neural timescales reflect the grouping of distinct poetic features d Phase precession is observed in speech segmentation, indicating predictive processes d Co-occurrence of words does not necessarily facilitate speech segmentation Teng et al., 2020, Current Biology 30, 1–7 April 6, 2020 ª 2020 Elsevier Ltd. Please cite this article in press as: Teng et al., Constrained Structure of Ancient Chinese Poetry Facilitates Speech Content Grouping, Current Biology (2020), Current Biology Report Constrained Structure of Ancient Chinese Poetry Facilitates Speech Content Grouping Xiangbin Teng,1,8 Min Ma,2,8 Jinbiao Yang,3,4,5,6 Stefan Blohm,1 Qing Cai,4,7 and Xing Tian3,4,7,9,* 1Department of Neuroscience, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, Frankfurt 60322, Germany 2Google Inc., 111 8th Avenue, New