United States Patent Office ,Atente,.P~'~~~~~~
-7%&4c--k--y 1 ,“. .- # United StatesPatent Office ,atente,.p~’~~~~~~. 2 3,379,585 In order to make a comparative study of the effect CAST EXPLOSIVES COMPRISING CYCLO- on crack resistance of various additives, a severe thermal TRIMETHYLENE TRINITRAMINE AND shock cycle has standardized for use on the cast explosives NITROTOLUENES and an index was formulated for evaluating the results. Ciiflord L. W@ier, @s Aiam6s, N. Mex., and Joseph L. 5 The following index was used: Stark, St. Paul, Mmri.;’,,a@gnors to the United States of Ame~ca as represented by the United States Atomic Erie@ Commbion No Drawfng. Filed Jan. 12, 1951, Ser. No. 205,834 3 chink. (Ci. 149—18) This invention relates to a process for making crack- 10 Where I is the index number, W is a function of the width resistant cast explosives; more particularly it relates to a of the crack, L the length of the crack in centimeters, At process for making trinitrotoluene+ontaining explosives the range of the temperature cycle and f(n) is a function wlrich are highly resistant to cracking under thermal of the number of cyclesl Three classes of cracks were de- —. shock. The invention also relates to the products formed fined as foilows: wide open cracks, medium cracks and by the above process. 15 very fine cracks with assigned width factors of 5, 3 and Trinitrotoiuene (TNT) has been known for many years 1.5 .respectiveiy. The cracks showing de~ite clqavage to possess properties that niake it well suited for use in were selected as the wide open cracks, those appearing making cast explosives.
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